This theory (quantum) reminds me of a set of crazy ideas concocted from incoherent scraps of thoughts... .
Who knows who will have the last laugh.

Albert Einstein

Physics of the second half of the twentieth century was overwhelmed by a stream of mathematical fairy tales, which are not averse to posing as scientific achievements in the 21st century.

In fact, this process of replacing physics and science with mathematical fairy tales began earlier, and the outstanding successes of mathematics helped it in this. As a result of these successes, the illusion of the omnipotence of mathematics arose and that answers to all questions must be sought in mathematics. Many abstract theoretical structures were built, studying something of their own, and declaring themselves highest achievement Sciences. Perhaps they can be attributed to the achievements of mathematics, but not physics.

About 30 theories of gravity alone were built, but there is only one place - this is the place of the theory that describes the vector gravitational fields created by the elementary particles that make up the matter of the Universe. In nature, there is not an abstract gravitational field of some abstract matter - but there is a superposition of vector gravitational fields of elementary particles of matter, and the mathematics there is not scalar, but vector. Any theories of abstract gravitational fields that do not exist in nature, or do not have natural sources, are only mathematics, but not physics.

A significant stream of fabulous “theories” gave birth to a super-fashionable trend in physics of the 20th century called “Quantum Theory”. At the initial stage, this direction of development of physics had some successes, and the illusion arose that they had finally found what they were looking for, and physics seemed almost complete. But in 2010, all this fabulous “splendor” collapsed - nature did NOT create either quantum fields or carriers of fictitious interactions, and the field theory of elementary particles found an alternative solution to the riddle of the structure of elementary particles.

Surprisingly, we encounter electromagnetic fields and manifestations of electromagnetism at every step, but it’s somehow not interesting. It’s much more pleasant to make up a fairy tale about the Higgs boson, supposedly destroying the Universe, or about all-absorbing black holes and frighten with them ordinary people who have little understanding of physics. Even a whole science called “Astrophysics” arose, built on a mixture of incomplete knowledge of nature and misconceptions in physics. It is clear that trust mathematical models built on such a shaky foundation is a very risky business: the probability of error is very high (examples of errors: expansion of the Universe, accelerated expansion of the Universe, cosmic microwave background radiation, Big Bang, black holes, dark matter, dark energy, ...). The tales of astronomers who claim to have discovered Earth-like planets in other star systems and determined the composition of their atmosphere only entertain me, but many people believe them.

It’s interesting to watch a pair of theorists argue: they convincingly prove something to each other, but the physicists do not understand anything. They are offended by the physicists' remark, declaring that they do not understand. And why should physicists necessarily understand mathematical fairy tales? Maybe it would be better to leave these fairy tales to mathematics - let the mathematicians have fun, and let physicists be interested in nature. At one time, there was a huge fuss about the alleged discovery of the Higgs boson, and they even awarded Nobel Prize in physics, but the emerging theory of gravity of elementary particles established a natural source of mass for elementary particles, which was in no way connected with the fabulous Higgs boson.

In continuation of the famous theoretical dispute between Bohr and Einstein, according to the scientific data of PHYSICS of the 21st century, Einstein turned out to be right, and not only Bohr (as was believed in the 20th century). But in physics there are Quantum mechanics and quantum theory, there is no equal sign between them and only one of them works in nature (the one that corresponds to the wave electromagnetic nature of elementary particles). Similarly, there are problems with the source of gravity in General Relativity. - This is the decision of nature.

It took the hard and dedicated work of several generations of field theory physicists for this day to come. And in 2010, the field theory of elementary particles (built on the foundation of quantum mechanics and classical electrodynamics - the two titans of the microworld, which received a spectrum covering all known elementary particles and predicting new ones) established a natural mechanism for the statistical behavior of elementary particles and their wave properties - this is a wave variable the electromagnetic field present in each elementary particle (both in the ground and in the excited state), which determines its structure, creates its wave properties, as well as the main part of its gravitational and inertial mass (see the theory of gravity of elementary particles). - Physics has again turned its attention to WAVES (but from the standpoint of FIELD physics), and elementary particles are neither point objects nor some abstract balls with quantum numbers, as mathematical theories are trying to convince us - TALES. Due to the presence of a wave alternating electromagnetic field, elementary particles are continuously changing and their state is influenced by electromagnetic magnetic fields other elementary particles located at small distances (of the order of magnitude of the field radius of an elementary particle). And mathematical TALES can be left in the 20th century.

The next natural mechanism of statistical behavior of elementary particles is their flattening at the poles (except for photons), leading to the emergence of a spin dependence of the interaction of their electromagnetic fields. And since in nature the orientation of the spins of a pair of interacting particles can be arbitrary, this inevitably blurs the picture of the result of their interactions.

A little more physics-science. To the 20th century question: is a photon a particle or a wave, the field theory of elementary particles states that a photon is a single electromagnetic wave of an electromagnetic field, the structure of which physics will have to study and its equations to write. Like any electromagnetic field, a single electromagnetic wave (photon) has internal energy, and according to the theory of gravity of elementary particles, it also has gravitational and inertial mass, equal in magnitude, determined by:

Moving in space at the speed of light, a single electromagnetic wave (photon) has a momentum equal to: . As we see, a single electromagnetic wave (photon) has corpuscular properties, but breaking it into smaller parts (cutting out half a period to get a “virtual” photon with an electric charge) will NOT work - the wave is continuous (tricks with nature are permissible only in the virtual world of mathematics - invented by theorists and drawn by a computer). It will only be possible to convert it into other forms of electromagnetic energy in accordance with the laws of nature.

What seemed insoluble in the 20th century has been explained in 21st century physics.

Your idea is, of course, crazy. The question is, is she crazy enough to be true?

I won’t deal with all the mathematical fairy tales in physics - life is not enough, and it’s not worth spending your own life analyzing misconceptions and deceptions in physics. I will focus on the most important ones, from my point of view.

    1 Myths of the Standard Model
    2 Fundamental interactions of elementary particles
    3 Elementary particles and gauge bosons
    4 Elementary particles and “string theory”
    5 Fairy-tale characters of particle physics of the 20th century

1 Myths of the Standard Model

Main article: Standard Model

In 1964, Gellmann and Zweig independently proposed a hypothesis for the existence of quarks, from which, in their opinion, hadrons are composed. It was possible to correctly describe the spectrum of the then known elementary particles, but the invented quarks had to be endowed with a fractional electric charge that does not exist in nature. Leptons into this Quark model, which later grew into Standard model elementary particles did NOT fit in at all - therefore they were recognized as truly elementary particles, on a par with the invented quarks. To explain the connection of quarks in hadrons (baryons, mesons), the existence in nature of strong interaction and its carriers, gluons, was assumed. Gluons, as expected in Quantum Theory, were endowed with unit spin, the identity of particle and antiparticle, and zero rest mass, like a photon.

This is what the list of “elementary” particles looks like from the perspective of the Standard Model (picture taken from the world’s Wikipedia).

Let's look at the basic principles of the Standard Model.

Approved: all matter consists of 12 fundamental quantum fields of spin 1/2, the quanta of which are fundamental fermion particles, which can be combined into three generations of fermions: 6 leptons (electron, muon, tau lepton, electron neutrino, muon neutrino and tau neutrino) and 6 quarks (u, d, s, c, b, t) and their corresponding 12 antiparticles. – According to the spectrum of the ground and excited states of elementary particles, out of 6 leptons, only four exist in nature in the ground state, and the tau lepton and tau neutrino are the first excited state of the muon and muon neutrino, only their spins coincide. All neutrinos have a nonzero rest mass, contrary to the Standard Model. But quarks were not found in nature - they were not found anywhere, and neither was their fractional charge.

Approved: quarks participate in strong, weak and electromagnetic interactions; charged leptons (electron, muon, tau-lepton) - in weak and electromagnetic interactions; neutrinos - only in weak interaction. – First, let's look at the number of fundamental interactions in nature. By studying the interactions of matter, physics has experimentally established the presence of: interactions of electromagnetic fields of matter (consisting of elementary particles) and interactions of gravitational fields of matter. Consequently, the existence in nature of the following two types of fundamental interactions has been experimentally confirmed:

    Electromagnetic interactions (interactions of electric and magnetic fields of elementary particles, both constant and variable);

    Gravitational interactions (interactions of gravitational fields of elementary particles created by their electromagnetic fields, as established by the theory of gravity of elementary particles).

Evidence of the existence of strong interactions in nature, weak interaction and a separate electromagnetic interaction - physics does NOT have it.

Approved: three types of interactions (strong, weak, electromagnetic) arise as a consequence of the fact that our world is symmetrical with respect to three types of gauge transformations, and the carriers of these interactions are:

    8 gluons for the hypothetical strong interaction (symmetry group SU(3));

    3 heavy gauge bosons (W ± -bosons, Z 0 -boson) for the hypothetical weak interaction (SU(2) symmetry group);

    1 photon for electromagnetic interaction (symmetry group U(1)).

It turns out that the strong interaction of quarks that do not exist in nature (nuclear interactions actually exist in nature, but this is a different concept) is carried out by the exchange of gluons that do not exist in nature (they have no place in the spectrum of elementary particles) in violation of the laws of nature.

They are trying to inject us with vector mesons as heavy gauge bosons (there is such a group of elementary particles, poorly studied by physics, of which more have already been discovered than required by the Standard Model). In addition, the virtual exchange of gauge bosons will occur in violation of the laws of nature.

Well, a photon is an elementary particle with zero rest mass, as they say wave theories– a single electromagnetic wave.

Approved: The weak interaction can mix fermions from different generations - this leads to instability of all particles except the lightest ones, as well as effects such as CP violation and neutrino oscillations.

Where did they get the idea that neutrino oscillations occur in nature? The fact that neutrino detectors catch 2 times fewer electron neutrinos than follows from solar models does not mean that they miraculously transform into a violation of the laws of nature. - Different elementary particles have different sets of quantum numbers, as a result of which they have different (in magnitude and size) electromagnetic fields, and therefore internal energy. The transformation of one neutrino into another will occur in violation of the law of conservation of energy and contrary to the laws of electromagnetism. This quantum theory considers neutrinos as a superposition of their three varieties, but why should we believe its FAIRY TALES. But the answer to the question: why half the expected flow of electron neutrinos coming from the Sun is registered, physics has already found: electron neutrinos passing through the planet lose their kinetic energy(warming up the depths of our planet) and become invisible to neutrino detectors.

Well, the reason for the instability of elementary particles is not the fabulous weak interaction, but the presence of decay channels. Stability exists where there are conditions for it - and it’s worth pumping it up atomic nucleus enough energy, and a stable proton can decay, and a positron and an electron neutrino will fly out of the nucleus, but this does not mean that they were there before. The electron is stable due to the existence of the law of conservation of electric charge, and the electron neutrino is stable due to the existence of the law of conservation of spin. They cannot decay, but the annihilation reaction is allowed.

50 years have passed. The fictional quarks were never found in nature and a new mathematical fairy tale was invented for us called “Confinement”. A thinking person can easily see in it an outright mockery of the fundamental law of nature - the law of conservation of energy. But it will do thinking person, and the storytellers received an excuse that suited them, why there are no free quarks in nature.

The introduced gluons were also NOT found in nature. The fact is that only vector mesons (and one more of the excited states of mesons) can have unit spin in nature, but each vector meson has an antiparticle. - Therefore, vector mesons are in no way suitable as candidates for “gluons”, and they cannot be attributed the role of carriers of the fictitious strong interaction. There remain the first nine excited states of mesons, but 2 of them contradict the Standard Model of elementary particles itself and the Standard Model does not recognize their existence in nature, and the rest have been well studied by physics, and it will not be possible to pass them off as fabulous gluons. There is one last option: passing off a bound state of a pair of leptons (muons or tau leptons) as a gluon - but even this can be calculated during decay.

So, there are no gluons in nature, just as there are no quarks and the fictitious strong interaction in nature. You think that supporters of the Standard Model of elementary particles do not understand this - they still do, but it’s sickening to admit the fallacy of what they have been doing for decades. That’s why we see more and more new mathematical pseudoscientific tales, one of which is “string theory.”

2 Fundamental interactions of elementary particles

Main article: Fundamental interactions

By studying nature, physics has experimentally established the presence of electromagnetic fields created by elementary particles and the interactions of these electromagnetic fields, as well as the presence of gravitational fields created by the electromagnetic fields of elementary particles and the interactions of these gravitational fields. All other types of interactions that actually exist in nature must be reduced to two types of fundamental interactions: electromagnetic interactions and gravitational interactions.

The statement that it is reliably known that there are four types of fundamental interactions is a deception: wishful thinking. There are NO quarks, gluons and their fabulous strong interaction in nature, but in nature there are nuclear forces, and these are different concepts. The presence of the fabulous weak interaction in nature has also not been proven. As for the fabulous electromagnetic interaction and electroweak interaction, this is the result of mathematical manipulations of the laws of nature.

3 Elementary particles and gauge bosons

Main article: Virtual particle

In particle physics, gauge bosons are bosons that act as carriers of the fundamental interactions of nature. More precisely, elementary particles whose interactions are described by gauge theory influence each other through the exchange of gauge bosons, usually as virtual particles. (quote from world Wikipedia)

But the reality is completely different. Vector mesons, which are slipped to us as gauge bosons of fictitious interactions, are ordinary elementary particles with integer spin, and their existence in a fabulous virtual state is prohibited by the laws of nature. Each vector meson necessarily has its own antiparticle, therefore elementary particles with unit spin and zero electric charge, which do not have antiparticles that could be passed off as gluons, cannot exist in nature. Knowing this information, science storytellers can rewrite their “theories” by removing from them the mandatory requirement of the absence of an antiparticle, but this still will not save mathematical fairy tales from inevitable bankruptcy.

Regarding the two fundamental interactions that actually exist in nature:

    electromagnetic interactions

    gravitational interaction

They don’t need fairy tale carriers.

4 Elementary particles and “string theory”

Main article: Physics Misconceptions: String Theory

In the early 1970s, a new direction appeared in quantum theory: “string theory,” which studies the dynamics of interaction not of point particles, but of one-dimensional extended objects (quantum strings). An attempt was made to combine the ideas of quantum mechanics and the theory of relativity on the basis of the primacy of quantum theory. It was expected that on its basis, a theory of quantum gravity would be built.

But nature decided otherwise:

    Electromagnetic fields of elementary particles do not arise as a result of vibrations of ultramicroscopic quantum strings, and their interactions are not a product of the interaction of these strings.

    The main difficulty of quantum “theory” lies in the absence in nature of carriers, interactions invented by it, and virtual particles ignoring the fundamental law of nature - the law of conservation of energy. As for renormalization, its necessity alone indicates the fallacy of such a “theory.”

5 Fairy-tale characters of particle physics of the 20th century

Along with many mathematical fairy tales, many fairy-tale characters appeared in physics of the 20th century. Some of the fairy-tale characters of physics were invented earlier and eventually found their way into 20th century physics. As long as these characters were considered as hypotheses, everything remained within the framework of science. After all, His Majesty the experiment, which is the criterion of truth in physics, can choose only one from many hypotheses, and maybe not even one. Well, when they started churning out “theories” en masse, presenting their beliefs as truth, the science called PHYSICS ended.

Let's consider some fairy-tale characters of particle physics of the 20th century in alphabetical order of the Russian language - the language of Lomonosov and Mendeleev.

    Accelerons are hypothetical subatomic particles that integrally link the newly discovered neutrino mass with the dark energy proposed to accelerate the expansion of the Universe.

    Theoretically, neutrinos are affected by new power, arising as a result of their interaction with the accelerons. Dark energy causes the Universe to try to split neutrinos. (quote from world Wikipedia). - But there is NO fabulous “dark” energy in nature and physics has NOT established the presence of “expansion” of the Universe.

    Aksino- a hypothetical neutral elementary particle with spin 1/2, predicted by some theories of particle physics. - Physicists do NOT have evidence of its existence.

    Higgs boson- an imaginary particle, a quantum of an imaginary Higgs field, necessarily arising in the Standard Model due to the imaginary Higgs mechanism of imaginary spontaneous violation of imaginary electroweak symmetry. And they are trying to slip all this IMAGINARY to us, without evidence, under the appearance of “accomplishments of science.” As a supposedly discovered Higgs boson, they slip us a vector meson - this is a SCAM in physics. The Higgs boson contradicts the theory of gravity of elementary particles.

    Virtual particles- In quantum field theory, a virtual particle is understood as some abstract object that has the quantum numbers of one of the really existing elementary particles, for which the connection between energy and momentum does not hold. - This fictional object contradicts: the law of conservation of energy, the law of conservation of momentum, classical electrodynamics, field theory of elementary particles. Virtual particles are a mathematical FAIRY TALE.

    Gaigino- hypothetical particles predicted by the theory of gauge invariance and the theory of supersymmetry, fabulous superpartners of gauge bosons that do not exist in nature.

    Geon- electromagnetic or gravitational wave, which is held in a limited area by the gravitational attraction of the energy of its own field. - Another fairy tale about black holes, in relation to the microcosm.

    Gluons- fictional carriers of fictional strong interaction.

    Graviton and gravitino- fictional carriers of gravitational interaction within the framework of unproven statements of quantum theory. Graviton and gravitino contradict the theory of gravity of elementary particles.

    Dilaton- In theoretical physics, the dilaton is usually related to a theoretical scalar field - just as a photon is related to an electromagnetic field. Also in string theory, a dilaton is a particle of a scalar field ϕ - a scalar field that logically follows from the Klein-Gordon equation and always appears along with gravity. - Existence in nature has NOT been proven.

    Perfume- fictitious fields and the corresponding particles introduced into gauge field theories in order to reduce contributions from non-physical timelike and longitudinal states of gauge bosons. In non-Abelian gauge theories with physical applications such as quantum chromodynamics, spirits are needed to resolve inconsistencies in the application of perturbation theory. (a small piece from Wikipedia) - You can invent anything, but physicists do NOT have evidence of its existence.

    Isotopic spin- isotopic spin (isospin) is understood as a quantum number that determines the number of charge states of hadrons. - The field theory of elementary particles systematizes elementary particles not by the proximity of their rest masses - but by quantum numbers. It looks like isotopic spin, but it's NOT.

    Gauge bosons- these are bosons, which, within the framework of quantum theory, are attributed the ability to be carriers of fundamental interactions (mainly invented by quantum theory). - But the fundamental interactions that really exist in nature do NOT need any fairy-tale carriers.

    Quantum strings- in string theory, infinitely thin one-dimensional objects 10 -35 m long, the vibrations of which produce the entire variety of elementary particles. - Another mathematical fairy tale. Elementary particles of matter have a different structure.

    Quarks- hypothetical elementary particles in quantum chromodynamics, considered as component hadrons. It is assumed that there are 6 different types of quarks, to distinguish which the concept of “flavor” is introduced. Physics has not yet established the presence of quarks in nature - we are always fed fairy tales with supposedly observed traces of quarks.

    Leptoquarks- this is a group of hypothetical particles that transfer information between quarks and leptons of a certain generation, due to the exchange of which quarks and leptons can interact and transform into each other. Leptoquarks are a color triplet of gauge bosons carrying both leptonic and baryon charges. (quote from Wikipedia) - There is no limit to the riot of imagination in creating the next pseudo “theory”.

    Magnetic monopole- a hypothetical elementary particle with a non-zero magnetic charge - a point source of a radial magnetic field. It is argued that a magnetic charge is a source of a static magnetic field in exactly the same way as electric charge is a source of static electric field. - It is NOT found in nature, and constant magnetic fields of elementary particles are created differently.

    Maximon(or plankeon) - a hypothetical particle whose mass is equal (perhaps, up to a dimensionless coefficient of the order of unity) to the Planck mass - presumably the maximum possible mass in the mass spectrum of elementary particles. - Physics does NOT have evidence of its existence in nature.

    Minimon- a hypothetical particle with the minimum possible mass (as opposed to the maximon), not equal to 0. - Such an elementary particle that actually exists in nature is the electron neutrino, and there is no need to make up fairy tales and pass them off as achievements of science.

    Neutralino is one of the hypothetical particles predicted by theories involving supersymmetry. - Those are just “theories” from the world of mathematical fairy tales, like supersymmetry.

    Parton- a point-like component of hadrons, manifested in experiments on deeply inelastic scattering of hadrons on leptons and other hadrons. - In physics, this is called antinodes of standing waves of an alternating electromagnetic field of a field of elementary particles. Their number coincides with the number of fairy quarks in the hadron.

    Planck particle is a hypothetical elementary particle defined as a black hole whose Compton wavelength coincides with the Schwarzschild radius. - The theory of gravity of elementary particles has shown the scientific inconsistency of mathematical fairy tales about “black holes,” especially in the microcosm.

    Preons- these are hypothetical fundamental particles from which the fundamental particles of the Standard Model (quarks with leptons) supposedly consist. - But there are NO quarks in nature, and leptons (which do not fit into the quark model, and for this reason are recognized as elementary along with quarks) do NOT require fairy-tale bricks.

    Saxion- another fabulous “super partner”. - The spectrum of elementary particles is determined by a set of quantum numbers determined simultaneously quantum mechanics and classical electrodynamics, in which there is no place for any “super partners”.

    Weak interaction- one of the hypothetical fundamental interactions postulated by quantum theory. It is assumed that the weak interaction is much weaker than the strong and electromagnetic interactions, but much stronger than the gravitational interaction. In the 80s of the 20th century, it was stated that the weak and electromagnetic interaction are various manifestations electroweak interaction. - Physics still does not have evidence of the existence of the Weak Interaction in nature. And the fact that vector mesons that actually exist in nature are being palmed off to us as carriers of the fictitious weak interaction is a SCAM in physics.

    Strong interaction- Fictional interaction of fictional quarks within the framework of unproven statements of the Standard Model. In nature, there is not strong interaction, but nuclear forces, and these are different concepts.

    Sterile neutrinos- another TALE. In nature, there are types of neutrinos in exact accordance with the spectrum of elementary particles.

    Weirdness- By strangeness S we mean the quantum number of elementary particles, introduced to describe their certain properties. Strangeness was introduced to explain the fact that some elementary particles are always born in pairs, and also to explain the anomalously long lifetime of some elementary particles. - The field theory of elementary particles does not find such a quantum number for elementary particles - they simply do not need it.

    Sphermions- a hypothetical spin-0 superpartner particle (or sparticle) of its associated fermion. Sfermions are bosons (scalar bosons) and have the same quantum numbers. They may be a product of the decay of the fabulous Higgs boson. - The spectrum of elementary particles is completely determined by a set of quantum numbers. These quantum numbers are possessed by the alternating electromagnetic fields of elementary particles, and independent sets of quantum numbers exist only in mathematical fairy tales.

    Techniquarks are the hypothetical fundamental particles that supposedly make up the Higgs boson. - But in nature there is not a Higgs boson, but an ordinary vector meson, which they are trying to blow into us as a Higgs boson.

    Friedmon- a hypothetical particle, the external mass and dimensions of which are small, and the internal dimensions and mass can exceed the external ones many times due to the effects of space curvature in general theory relativity. - Gravitational fields of the general theory of relativity are NOT created by elementary particles.

    Chameleon- a hypothetical elementary particle, a scalar boson with nonlinear self-action, which makes the effective mass of the particle dependent on the environment. Such a particle can have a small mass in intergalactic space and a large mass in experiments on Earth. Chameleon is a possible carrier dark energy and component dark matter, a possible reason for the acceleration of the expansion of the Universe. (quote from Wikipedia) - The rest mass of an elementary particle depends on external electromagnetic fields, and the rest is complete FAIRY TALES.

    Higgsino- the fabulous superpartner of the fabulous Higgs boson.

    Chargino- in particle physics, a hypothetical particle that refers to own condition charged superpartner, that is, an electrically charged fermion (with spin 1/2), recently predicted by supersymmetry. It is a linear combination of the charged wine and higgsino. (quote from Wikipedia) - You can invent anything that comes to mind, but there is ZERO evidence.

    Parity- property physical quantity maintain its sign (or change to the opposite) under some discrete transformations. Parity is most important for quantum physics, where it is one of the main characteristics of the wave function. Accordingly, the concept of parity is transferred to the particle (atom, nucleus) that is characterized by this wave function. Quote from Wikipedia) - But the quantum “theory” was a lie, and wave (quantum) mechanics is responsible only for part of what happens inside elementary particles, so some of its statements require additional confirmation outside the framework of quantum mechanics.

    Electromagnetic interaction- a fictitious interaction within the framework of mathematical manipulations of quantum “theory”, in an attempt to create quantum electrodynamics. - In fact, in nature there are interactions of electromagnetic fields of elementary particles, described by Classical electrodynamics - SCIENCE.

    Electroweak interaction- In quantum theory, the electroweak interaction is general description two of the four supposed fundamental interactions: the electromagnetic interaction and the weak interaction postulated by quantum theory. - In nature there is neither weak interaction nor electromagnetic interaction, but there are electromagnetic fields and their interactions, described by Classical electrodynamics.

    Electroweak bosons- fictitious carriers of the fictitious electroweak interaction, in the quality of which they are trying to inject us with some vector mesons with a unit spin.

You see what a rich imagination those who engage in science have, but this is NOT the case in nature. In the twentieth century, great hopes were placed on Quantum Theory and the Standard Model; they were considered almost the highest achievement of science - but as it turned out, nature works differently, and from now on there is a place for these fairy-tale characters in the archive of the history of the development of physics, in the section called “Misconceptions” in physics,” along with a charming company of caloric and electric fluid.

And further. Look at what kind of elementary particle physics Internet search engines (Yandex, Yahoo, Bing, etc.) show in Russian and what kind of elementary particle physics Internet search engines (Google, Yahoo, Bing) show on English language- these are two completely different physics. The first is rapidly changing, revolutionary processes are underway; the second is stuck in the last millennium and does not accept change, but those who do not accept evolutionary changes will receive revolutionary changes. The time when physics came to us from the West is already in the past. Physics of the first half of the 21st century is created in Russian - the language of Lomonosov, Mendeleev, Pushkin, Leo Tolstoy, .... Well, in English today there are mathematical fairy tales and myths of physics, along with fairy tales and myths of “astrophysics” (passed off as achievements of science), but mathematical fairy tales and myths of astrophysics are a separate topic. Capitalism has received the “science” it deserves.

Why information is presented in English this way is a question for those who make decisions about what to show and what not. If Google offers to translate English-language articles on physics into Russian, then what prevents them from offering the same for those who speak English. I tried to translate my text into English using Google Translator - perhaps the text was not perfect, but the meaning was not affected, and the formulas did not need translation at all. But there is also something in common in the versions of elementary particle physics in both languages ​​- in the first place (or next to it) are the tales of the world Wikipedia, presented as scientific data, although Yandex is already beginning to see the light and sometimes puts SCIENCE in the first place.

Vladimir Gorunovich

If a person is thrown into open space without a spacesuit, it will explode. Meteorites fall to Earth hot. The color red irritates bulls. A coin thrown from a skyscraper can kill a person. These and other misconceptions are very popular and even have “scientific” explanations.


Human body in space explodes

Science fiction films often feature a scene when one of the characters finds himself in outer space without a spacesuit. In this case, the victim certainly bursts (always with a characteristic pop, although sound waves do not propagate in a vacuum, since there are no particles there that could transmit vibrations), and its insides beautifully scatter in different directions.

This outcome seems logical: in order to withstand the weight of many kilometers of air, the pressure inside our body is maintained equal to that which we experience outside. That is, the pressure is one atmosphere. In interstellar space, molecules of any kind are very rare, which means that nothing puts pressure on a person who finds himself without any protection and must be torn apart from the inside.

Actually this is not true. The human body is a very resistant structure, at least to this kind of damage. Even though people do not have a solid exoskeleton, like insects, for example, their skin, vessel walls and bones will prevent the organs from moving from their places. Although, left without equalizing external pressure, internal organs will swell somewhat and their “swelling” may break some capillaries. The lungs and organs of the digestive system will especially increase in size, since they are filled with gases that were greatly compressed by external pressure just a second ago.

The “freed” oxygen will quickly leave the lungs and circulatory system, and the body will begin to suffer from hypoxia. A person thrown into space will lose consciousness, but before passing out, he may have time to feel something boiling inside him: with a significant decrease in pressure, the liquids contained inside turn into a gaseous state. But the resulting gas will not be able to tear a person apart from the inside, if only because there are too many holes and cracks in the body through which it will leak out.

In total, a person who mistakenly goes into outer space without a spacesuit has about 90 seconds to return to the ship (although taking into account the rapid loss of consciousness, this time is reduced to 15 seconds). After a minute and a half, the unfortunate person’s blood will begin to boil; in addition, the brain damaged by hypoxia will never be able to fully restore its functionality.

Hair and nails grow for some time after death

The belief that hair and nails continue to grow for some time after death is very common. Proponents of this hypothesis explain this by the fact that some physiological processes in the body of the deceased continue after death.

In reality, the elongated fingernails of a dead man are a visual illusion. After death, the body begins to rapidly lose fluid, and the skin of the corpse dries out and shrinks. In particular, the pads of the fingers shrink, causing the nails to appear longer.

Those who believe in the life of nails after death can be consoled by the fact that there is some truth in their beliefs. Most cells are less sensitive to a lack of oxygen than brain cells, so there is still a hypothetical possibility that after cardiac arrest, nails continue to grow for several minutes.

Bats are blind

Bats navigate in the dark using echolocation, the same mechanism used in submarines. Animals emit sounds in the high frequency range (ultrasound) and “catch” their reflection from surrounding objects. If the sound returned quickly, it means that the obstacle is nearby, but if it traveled for a long time or did not return at all, the space nearby is free. By sending out a lot of these pulses and analyzing them carefully, mice can very accurately determine what is around them.

Many people believe that owners of such a perfect “navigator” do not need ordinary eyes and their vision is almost completely atrophied. This is wrong. First of all, not all the bats use echolocation. Secondly, even those animals that actively use this mechanism can navigate quite well with the help of vision. Moreover, in fruit-eating bats, the eyes are very well developed and occupy no less space on the face than the eyes of comparable nocturnal rodents. The visual organs of insectivorous bats are noticeably smaller, but they are also quite functional: with the help of their eyes, animals determine their height relative to the ground, estimate the size of large obstacles and look for a way, focusing on large objects. In addition, by assessing the level of illumination with the help of their eyes, mice determine that night has fallen and it is time for them to fly out to hunt.

Red color irritates bulls

Another typical misconception regarding the characteristics of vision in animals, which became popular thanks to the bloodthirsty Spanish bullfight. It is believed that the matador “winds up” the bull with the help of a red cape, which he waves in front of the animal’s nose. Keeping this characteristic of bulls in mind, many people avoid appearing near the herd in red clothes. They have no reason to worry: bulls, like most other mammals (with the exception of primates), have dichromatic vision, that is, they are simply unable to distinguish between red and green colors.

The ability to see colors is determined by special light-sensitive cells called cones, or more precisely by how many types of opsin proteins these same cones contain. For example, in the eyes of people and monkeys of the Old World there are three types of opsins, thanks to which we distinguish several thousand shades (according to some sources, up to one hundred thousand). Bird cones carry four types of opsins, so from the point of view of birds, all humans are colorblind. Bulls' color vision is very poorly developed, so the matador's cloak does not stand out to them as anything special. And sudden human movements and sword thrusts infuriate animals.

Chameleons change color to camouflage with their environment

Chameleons' ability to change color is often the only thing people know about these tropical lizards. And the majority is firmly convinced that funny reptiles turn green, blue or black in order to better camouflage themselves with their surrounding conditions. For a long time, this belief existed among scientists, but recently experts have come to the conclusion that mimicry of nearby branches and flowers is the last reason why chameleons change the color of their integument.

Lizards change the color of their integument thanks to special cells - chromatophores, which contain granules of various pigments. Chromatophores have a complex branched shape, and pigments can be located both in the processes and in the center of the cell. This or that color appears when pigments of the corresponding shade are located in the “branches”. In order to “drive” the pigments there, the chromatophore relaxes. If it is necessary to collect granules of the dye in the center of the cell, it, on the contrary, shrinks.

Observations of lizards in nature and laboratory experiments have shown that they need repainting in different colors, first of all, for thermoregulation and interaction with each other. Chameleons, like other reptiles, are poorly able to maintain a constant body temperature: it can vary within fairly wide limits depending on the external temperature (scientists call this property compound word poikilothermy).

This or that color appears due to the corresponding pigments, which, in particular, include melanin. This pigment is responsible for the darker color of the lizard's integument, and since dark surfaces absorb more sun rays than light colored, chameleons turn brown when they are cold.

In addition, with the help of skin color, reptiles communicate to their relatives about their mood. If the chameleon is ready for a romantic date, he chooses one shade, and his intention to immediately attack his neighbor is announced in another. Scientists have recently discovered that the more difficult social structure in a particular type of chameleon, the more often the animals change color and the less it correlates with the color of the surrounding surfaces.


If you throw a coin from a skyscraper, it can kill a person

Everyone knows that walking around a construction site without a helmet is dangerous - something even not very heavy can fall from above and hit your head. As long as a small bolt or nut flies from, say, the 15th floor, it will accelerate to such a speed that it will begin to pose a real danger. There is an opinion that the same applies to completely light objects- for example, coins, if you drop them from a sufficient height, say, from the Ostankino Tower.

In reality, you can throw coins from skyscrapers without fearing for the lives of other people. Due to air resistance, a coin can only accelerate to a certain threshold value (for example, skydivers, who, of course, have more coins, with a stable flat free fall accelerate at most to 40 meters per second, and when unstable, that is, tumbling, up to 50 meters per second). And this does not even take into account gusts of wind, which are very significant for a small coin. The second thing to remember is that due to its shape, when assessing the danger from a coin, you only need to consider its kinetic energy. It is calculated using the well-known formula E=m*v2/2, where m is the mass of the object, and v is its speed.

When the street is calm, a coin dropped from the observation deck of the Ostankino TV tower, at best, will pick up a speed of 70 kilometers per hour (about 19 meters per second). For a 50-kopeck coin, this corresponds to an energy of 26.6 Joules. For comparison, a 9 mm pistol bullet at exit has an energy of about 350 Joules.

Lightning never strikes in the same place twice

This belief has probably cost the life of more than one person. Not only do lightning strike the same place multiple times, but some objects are downright favorite lightning targets. This especially applies to tall metal objects that “attract” lightning discharges - in fact, the action of lightning rods, which logically should be called lightning rods, is based on this fact. The spire of the same Ostankino tower is struck by 40 to 50 lightning strikes every year.

Even in the absence of “traps” for lightning, their one-time hit, say, on a tree does not turn it into a guarantor of safety. If there is a thunderstorm over a specific area, then all places in that area can be “attacked” with equal probability. A lightning strike in one place or another does not affect the probability in any way, although such a conclusion seems intuitively incorrect: this misconception even has a special name “gambler’s error.”

IN different hemispheres a funnel of water (for example, in a sink) twists in different directions

Theoretically, it is possible to conduct an experiment proving that the Coriolis force really affects the movement of any liquids on Earth. To do this, you need to fill a fairly capacious round container with water, exactly in the middle of which there is a tiny hole plugged with a stopper, and always from the bottom (so that manipulation of the stopper does not lead to disturbance of the liquid). After a week, when even the smallest fluctuations in the water have subsided, you need to carefully remove the plug and wait a few hours until the weak Coriolis force manifests itself. Such an experiment was carried out, and its results coincided with those expected: the water in the container swirled in the same direction as the cyclones in a particular hemisphere.
“Be sure to look in which direction the water swirls when you wash your face,” - anyone who has gone on vacation to Australia, New Zealand or South Africa. The belief that in different hemispheres any flows of liquids circulate in opposite directions has been ingrained in the heads of a huge number of people since school - alas, the example of the sink is often mentioned by teachers who talk about the rotation of the Earth and the Coriolis force.

The force of inertia, named after the French scientist Gustave Gaspard Coriolis who described it, is indeed associated with the rotation of our planet and affects the movement of large masses of air and water: flows in storms and cyclones in the southern hemisphere spin clockwise, and in the northern hemisphere, counterclockwise. However, compared to the rotational processes that we observe in ordinary life (that same water funnel in a sink), the Earth rotates around its axis very slowly, and in order of magnitude the Coriolis force is much less than any of the forces that control the processes of rotation of objects around us. Therefore, under normal conditions, it is impossible to notice the influence of the Coriolis force on the behavior of water in the sink, and the direction in which the liquid is sucked into the drain depends, first of all, on how the sink was filled and on its shape.


Meteorites falling to Earth are heated to very high temperatures.

In many cartoons and science fiction films, meteorites that have fallen to Earth are red-hot and even smoke. The writers of such films and the majority of their viewers believe that heavenly body heats up due to friction with the air. This process actually takes place: already at an altitude of about 100 kilometers above the Earth, the meteorite, which had previously traveled in the vacuum of space, collides with a huge number of gas molecules. Collisions with them heat the outer layer of the stone to enormous temperatures, turning the solid rock into a gas, which is immediately carried away into the atmosphere.

The majority (about 90 percent) of meteorites that fall to Earth are stone, and stone has very poor thermal conductivity. As a result, if the meteorite is large enough, then the heat from the outer layers does not have time to be transferred to the inner part of the stone in the few seconds (on average, 19 seconds) that the body spends in the atmosphere. If it was also cold enough initially, then the center of the meteorite may generally be frozen.

At an altitude of 10-15 kilometers, such a meteorite usually slows down and begins to fall without significant friction with the atmosphere, then it has a lot of time for the cold center to cool the surface layer. As a result, just fallen meteorite will not be red-hot at all, but warm or, at best, hot. That is, he cannot start any fire, for example.

These considerations, however, apply only to bodies of average mass - large meteorites crash into the surface at tremendous speed and explode, so whether they are cold or hot does not matter.

The change of seasons is associated with the Earth's approach to the Sun

This is perhaps one of the most persistent misconceptions. At first glance, it seems logical: the closer the Earth is to the Sun, the more heat and light enters the planet. Why winter and summer exist in different hemispheres at the same time, although both of them are on the same planet, supporters of this point of view can no longer explain.

The true reason for the change of seasons is less obvious: the Earth has several seasons due to the fact that its axis of rotation around the axis is not parallel to the axis of the Earth's orbit around the Sun. The angle of inclination between them is constant and amounts to 23.5 degrees. You can imagine that the earth's axis is a needle piercing the planet so that its tip comes out of the North Pole and looks conditionally "up", and the blunt end sticks out from the South Pole and points "down".

When the tip of the needle points to a star, it is summer in the Northern Hemisphere. The sun rises high above the horizon, and its rays fall in the area north of the equator at smaller angles: that is, they do not slide along the surface, but seem to “rest” against it. Maximum amount Solar energy reaches the Earth when the rays fall vertically, and that is why summer is warmer than winter. At equatorial latitudes the rays fall perpendicularly all year round, so the seasons are not distinguished there. Summer in the southern hemisphere occurs when the tip of the needle is pointed away from the Sun.

The first myth is Newton's first law.

Not a single body in the Universe moves according to Newton’s law, but in principle cannot move.

A body will be able to move in a straight path and uniformly only when all other bodies are removed from the Universe. But there is nowhere to remove them in order to observe the action of Newton’s law. All bodies in the Universe move only along curved trajectories and move only with acceleration.

What's the matter?

The fact is that inertia itself is a myth generated by Newton. There is simply no inertia. Bodies that are not acted upon by forces can only be at rest. If the body is moving, then this clearly indicates that the body is under the influence of a force acting on the body in the direction of its movement. This is so because force, contrary to the ideas of the modern scientific community, disappears not at the moment when the force ceases to impart acceleration to the body, but at the moment when the body stops its movement. A moving body is always acted upon by a force equal to the force required to stop the movement of the given body. In order to stop the movement of a given body, it is necessary to apply a force equal to the force that imparted a given amount of motion to the given body. Here we must realize that the force, when the action on the body ceases, does not disappear, but is present in the moving body, as a potential force until the movement of this body ceases. We must realize that the moving body itself has power. We must realize that force and movement are reversible.

The second myth is Newton's second law.

Yes, calculating the force using the formula F = gm gives values ​​corresponding to the observed force values. But this formula gives rise to the myth that forces do not act on bodies that do not have acceleration, that is, it turns out that bodies are moved by the holy spirit. Bodies can move only under the influence of force. What's wrong here? The mistake here is that Newton did not realize the essence of the process of motion. What is the total force acting on the mass? The full force, naturally, will be indicated by the result of multiplying the force acting per unit mass by the mass of the body F = fm; for some reason Newton did not understand this. He took the value “g”, which, naturally, is modulo the force “f”, which imparts a given acceleration to a unit of mass. The force and acceleration imparted to the body are equal because a unit of force imparts a unit of acceleration to a unit of mass, which is clearly indicated by experiments. With the formula F = fm, it would not even occur to anyone to say that in the absence of acceleration the body moves not by force, but by the holy spirit.

The third myth is Newton's third law.

Action is equal to reaction only for those forces that act on a body in a state of relative rest. A moving body is always acted upon by a greater force in the direction of its movement than the force opposing it. If the opposing force were equal to the acting force, then the body would simply not move. A body can move only for one reason - due to the action of a greater force on the body in the direction of movement of the given body.

The fourth myth is the gravity of the masses towards each other.

Not a single researcher physical processes For centuries, he could not even put forward proposals about the mechanism of the pulling force of masses towards each other. It must be assumed that they could not even guess because the process of masses gravitating towards each other simply does not exist in nature. Only for the fabulous, non-existent in real world process, it is impossible to even make assumptions about the mechanism of its action. For existing processes, one can always assume several options for operating mechanisms. The absence of a force pulling the masses from within is also indicated by the fact that there is no experiment confirming the process of masses gravitating towards each other. For some reason, those who insist on the presence of gravitational masses do not even think that the force that forces bodies to approach each other can act on bodies from the outside. They perceive the very fact of bodies approaching each other as proof of the existence of forces pulling masses towards each other.

Yes, it is a fact that the force that brings bodies together exists.

What kind of power is this?

Since the results of calculations using Newton’s formula give force values ​​corresponding to the observed values, it must be assumed that Newton’s error lies in the interpretation of the forces forcing the bodies to approach each other. There are only two options. Either the force that brings bodies together comes from within the bodies, or the force that brings bodies together acts on them from the outside. Since the assumption of a force in a fabulous way emanating from within a mass of bodies did not allow us to understand the mechanism of its action, we must assume that this force presses on the bodies from the outside.

If we assume that some corpuscles are invisible for the reason that they are so small that they are not able to reflect light, they move in space chaotically in all directions, and stars, planets, atoms are an obstacle to their movement. Then these corpuscles, with their impacts on stars, planets, atoms from all sides, will exert the force that keeps the stars, planets, and atoms from decay. Then each star, planet, and atom will have its own centripetal flow of corpuscles. Then from the side of the Star a smaller number of impacts from corpuscles will be applied to the planet than from the side open space. This is so because the star with its body will block the path of corpuscles moving towards the planet from the region located behind the star. From the side of free space there is no such barrier, and therefore from the side of free space there will be a great force exerted on the planets, pressing on the planet in the direction of the star. Then the equality of the force of the centripetal flow of the star pressing on the planet and the centrifugal force of the planet, which every rotating body possesses, will keep the planet at a certain distance from the star in orbital motion around it. Then the bodies located near the star, planet, from the side of the star, planet will experience less force than from the side of free space. This greater force from free space will force the body to fall onto the stars and planets. For the same reason, in the experiment to determine the “gravitational constant,” the force exerted by the test body on the other test body was less than the force exerted by free space on the test bodies. This greater force from free space brings the test bodies closer to each other in an experiment to determine the “gravitational constant”. Then it becomes clear that Newton's formula, which is known as "law universal gravity"calculates precisely the force pressing on bodies from the outside, and not the fabulous force emanating from the masses. Newton, simply and simply, adjusted the results of calculations using his formula to the observable magnitude of the force acting from the outside, and with his false idea that this force comes from the mass of bodies, Newton closed the very possibility of realizing the action of a force acting from the outside.

But only with these supposed corpuscles it is not possible to explain all the observed processes. If we assume that space is also filled with corpuscles of greater mass, between which these corpuscles of smaller mass rush about, then it becomes possible to explain all observed processes in the Universe.

And so, space is filled with a medium of two corpuscles of different sizes. A large corpuscle has a mass 200 times greater than a smaller corpuscle. Due to the multiple superiority in mass, a large corpuscle only shudders when it collides with a smaller corpuscle, and the smaller corpuscle, by the force of restoring the shape of the corpuscles, is thrown away from the larger corpuscle at a speed of 3e + 10 km/sec. and moves in a different direction. Sometimes it moves many billions of kilometers before colliding with some other larger corpuscle. Larger and smaller corpuscles are extremely rigid and indivisible. Upon impact, the corpuscles are somewhat deformed, but immediately restore their shape. By the force of the impacts of the smaller corpuscles rushing between the larger corpuscles, the larger corpuscles are always and everywhere kept at a distance from each other. Such a lattice-like, elastic structure, in the nodes of which there are large corpuscles, and smaller corpuscles rush between them, occupying all the space between stars, planets and atoms, has long been called the ether.

Each larger component of the ether, and on the same grounds as any body that is an obstacle to the movement of smaller components of the ether, receives fewer blows from stars, planets, and atoms than from free space. With this greater force, each larger component of the ether and the entire ether as a whole moves in the nearest star, planet, atom and are packed into them. In other words, each star, planet, atom has its own centripetal flow of ether, which, on approaching the central region of the star, planet, atom, is folded into a super-dense single flow and is introduced into the body by which the centripetal flow is caused. As the flow of super-dense ether penetrates into the central region of the body, the number of impacts of the smaller components of the ether on the larger components of the ether is leveled out, and in the center it becomes equal on all sides because it is equally shielded from the impacts of the smaller components of the ether by the components of the star, planet, and atom. A super-dense flow of ether, possessing a certain amount of movement, with equal pressure on all sides, naturally, the forward movement to the center changes to rotational movement through and around the center. Thus, superdense rotating vortices of the ether are formed, which are the cores of stars and planets, growing in mass in the process of absorbing the spatial ether. The core of an atom, unlike the core of a star or planet, does not grow in time for the reason that as much as an atom absorbs ether components, it emits the same amount of them. These absorptions and emissions by atoms are observed as their internal vibrations. In these processes, at super-dense centrifugal cores, the entrance of a super-dense flow of ether into the core and the exit of the flow from the core are formed. The entrance of the super-dense ether flow is the north magnetic pole of the core, and the exit is the south magnetic pole of the centrifugal core. The nuclei of stars, planets, and atoms themselves are magnetic dipoles. Atoms absorb components of the rarefied spatial ether, and emit a dense stream of large ether components into the magnetic fields of stars and planets. In other words, atoms, in fact, are the agents of stars and planets for collecting spatial ether from space. The centrifugal superdense cores of stars and planets do not have parameters large enough to attract a sufficiently powerful centripetal flow of ether, which could, with its direct pressure, keep them from disintegrating. Due to insufficient pressure on the nuclei, micro-streams of super-dense ether are emitted from the surface layers of the centrifugal nuclei. These streams, like any dense formations, instantly form their own centripetal flow of ether, by the force of which the micro-streams collapse into centrifugal micro-nuclei, which are atoms. Atoms, by the force of the impacts of the smaller components of the ether rushing between them, are kept from each other in the structure of substances at a distance of (1.2 - 1.8) e-8 cm, - at a distance at which the force of the smaller components of the ether rushing between the atoms is equal to the force of the impacts on the atoms smaller components of the ether coming from space and pressing on the atoms from the outside. There is a constant exchange of magnetic fluxes between neighboring atoms. Streams of ether emanating from the northern magnetic pole one atom are absorbed south pole neighboring atom. Through the exchange of magnetic fluxes, different atoms create different structures of metal lattices, molecules, and crystals. The movements of ether flows in atoms are perceived by people as electric current.

Atoms are formed by the force of centripetal flow around the cores of stars into shells. Between the cores of stars and the atoms of the shells, a zone of rushing smaller components of the ether is formed, which create additional pressure on the cores to keep them from decay. The centrifugal cores of stars, in the process of absorbing the spatial ether, grow in mass, which is why they periodically come to a discrepancy between the mass of the cores and the mass of their shells. At the moments when a certain mass discrepancy is reached, a super-dense magnetic flow of ether breaks out from the core of the star, which instantly forms its own centripetal flow, by the force of which the escaped super-dense flow of ether collapses into an independent magnetic dipole. The dipole, in the process of decaying into atoms, acquires the necessary set of shells that stop the decay of the nucleus into atoms. Such a formation, by the force of an eruption from the star’s core, moves away from the star, resisting its centripetal flow. The force of the eruption, as the pressure force of the centripetal flow of the star is overcome, decreases. As soon as the force of the eruption becomes equal to the force of pressure of the centripetal flow on a given formation, then the movement of this formation from the star stops, and this education begins to revolve around the star, acquiring the status of a planet. After a series of such discrepancies between the masses of the star’s core and its shells, the star forms a slender planetary system. The planet with the smallest mass is in the largest orbit. A star growing in mass erupts and major planets. A star of greater mass also has a more powerful centripetal flow. As a result of these circumstances, each subsequent planet erupts with a larger mass and enters a smaller orbit than the previous planet. In the process of further growth of the mass of the star, its centripetal flow reaches such power, the pressure of which on the star’s core prevents the eruption of planets from the star’s core, and the continuing increase in the power of the centripetal flow of the star returns the planets to the mother’s womb. After absorbing the planets, the star is observed as a red giant, and then the growing power of the centripetal flow of the star destroys the atoms of its shells, including the vortexes of the ether of atoms into its vortex of the centrifugal core. The bare superdense core of a star, devoid of shells, is observed as a dwarf star. Stars that have undergone evolution are collected by the centripetal flow of the galaxy to its center, where they merge into a single supermassive magnetic dipole - a quasag. The quasag not only grows in mass in the process of absorbing stars, but also accumulates the amount of movement of the absorbed masses, which is expressed in an increase in the quasag’s rotation speed around its own axis. The higher the quasag's rotation speed, the greater the centrifugal force acting on it. In these processes, there comes a moment when the centrifugal force begins to exceed the force of the centripetal flow of ether and the quasag, under the influence of the centrifugal force, changes its spherical shape to the shape of a torus. Then the torus collapses into several magnetic dipoles rotating around a single center. Such a formation is observed in space as a quasar, the epicenter of another supergalaxy. Rotating magnetic dipoles around a single center shield the hemispheres of magnetic dipoles facing the center of rotation from the pressure of the smaller components of the ether. Due to insufficient pressure, superdense magnetic fluxes flow from the screened hemispheres of magnetic dipoles into the center of rotation of the system, where superdense ether flows are torn apart by the energy of decay into components of the spatial ether. With the energy of decay, super-dense fragments of ether are sprayed into space. Its own centripetal flow folds each fragment of superdense matter ejected from the epicenter into an independent magnetic dipole. Dipoles, overgrown with shells of atoms, are carried out from the epicenter into space as stars - a new cycle of gathering the spatial ether into the superdense cores of stars begins. ************

From the processes considered, it follows that it is not the masses of bodies that determine the powers of the centripetal flows of stars, planets, and atoms, but the total areas of the large components of the ether that make them up. The larger the space that is screened by the large components of the ether that are part of the bodies with their total areas, the more spatial ether flows from the larger space to these bodies.

But modern science community operates with the masses of bodies, and not with the total areas of corpuscles. Why does Newton's formula give the correct values ​​of forces in calculations, despite the fact that the formula includes masses and not areas of large components?

This is so because people defined the unit of mass through the force of the centripetal flow of smaller components of the ether, and the smaller components of the ether exert pressure not on the mass, but on the total area of ​​the larger components of the ether, these mass components. The centripetal flow of smaller components of the ether, passing through a unit surface area of ​​the Earth’s sphere, is capable of exerting a force of 982 dynes on a unit of the total surface of the larger components of the ether with its impacts. Through the pressure of this force, people released such an amount of matter, the total cross-sectional area of ​​the large components of the ether of which has a unit area. This is the amount of substance that people took as a unit of mass. So it turns out that a unit of mass contains a unit of the total area of ​​the large components of the ether. Since the mass of an object and the cross-sectional area of ​​large corpuscles that make up the objects are expressed by the same number, it becomes clear why Newton’s formula F = G m1m2/r2 gives correct quantitative results in calculations, despite the fact that there is no gravitation of masses towards each other not in the Universe. According to Newton, it turned out that the greater the mass of bodies, the greater the miraculous force emanating from it, which, as he believed, pulls other mass towards itself with greater force. But in Newton's formula, in fact, it is not the masses of bodies that appear, but the total cross-sectional areas of the large components of the ether - the body's components. This body, with the total cross-sectional area of ​​its large components, shielding space, does not allow smaller components of the ether to pass to the neighboring body, as a result of which the neighboring body receives more blows from the smaller components of the ether from the side of free space than from the side of this body. The more large components there are in a body, the more, naturally, it screens space and the greater the centripetal flow of ether moves towards a given body.

The denominator of Newton's formula contains the square of the distance between the bodies, and it stands naturally because, for example, the centripetal flow of the Earth moving towards the planet increases in density, naturally, just as the areas of the spheres through which the flow passes change. That is, through an area of ​​the sphere that is half as large, naturally, the density of the centripetal flow is twice as large, and, consequently, the pressure force near this sphere doubles. The spheres change in the same way as the square of the distance from the body creating the centripetal flow to the given sphere changes, which is why the force of the centripetal flow changes in the same way as the square of the distance to the given sphere. Due to these circumstances, the square of the distance is rightfully in the denominator of Newton's formula. But the coefficient of proportionality in Newton’s formula is a disguised value of the force of the centripetal flow of mass of one gram.

We must realize that it is not the masses of bodies that create forces, but the smaller components of the ether, moving always and everywhere in all directions with their blows on bodies, create effective force on bodies, and bodies only by shielding each other from impacts of smaller components of the ether reduce this force of influence on neighboring bodies. And if this is so, then the magnitude of the force acting on the body will be indicated by the result of multiplication, the magnitude of the pressure force of the ether per unit of the total area of ​​the large components contained in the body, by the value of the total cross-sectional area of ​​the large components of the ether contained in the given body

This formula is the foundation of the mathematical apparatus for calculating the interactions of the ether with the bodies of the Universe.

For example, in an experiment to determine the “gravitational constant,” the value was determined to be 6.673e-8. This value is also calculated from theoretical data. From the point of view of the logic of the processes of pressure of the centripetal flow on objects, this value of 6.673e-8 dynes/cm.2 is the force of impacts of the smaller components of the ether on 1 cm.2 of the cross-sectional area of ​​the larger components of the ether, which are contained in the test body. The smaller components of the ether that create this force are only part of the centripetal flow that is created by the one gram mass. This part of the components passes to a mass of 1 g from a distance of one centimeter through 1 cm.2 spheres. A sphere with a radius of 1 cm has an area of ​​12.56 cm2, therefore, the full force of the centripetal flow created by a mass of 1 g will be indicated by the result of multiplying this force by the area of ​​a sphere with a radius of 1 cm2. That is, the total force of the centripetal flow moving towards a mass of one gram is calculated according to the very formula that was manifested by the logic of the process of pressure of the ether on the body:

F = f * S = 6.673e-8 dyn/cm 2 * 4pr2 = 8.385e-7dyn

Now, using the same formula, we calculate the force of the Earth’s centripetal flow. We know that the force of the Earth's centripetal flow per unit area of ​​the planet exerts a pressure at the surface of the planet with a force of 982 dynes. Then by the amount full strength centripetal flow of ether moving into the Earth will indicate the result of multiplying this force by the area of ​​the planet’s sphere:

F = f * S = 982 din * 4p (6.378e+8)2 cm2 = 5e+21 din

Using the same formula, it is possible to find out the magnitude of the centripetal force of the ether flow passing through a unit area of ​​a sphere at any distance from the body to which the given ether flow belongs. For example, I will calculate the force of the centripetal flow of the Earth’s ether passing through a unit area of ​​a sphere with a radius equal to the distance from the Earth to the Moon:

f=F/S=5е+21 din / 4р (3.84е+10 cm.)2 = 0.271 din/cm.2

The force exerted on a body by a centripetal flow will be indicated by the result of multiplying the magnitude of the force passing through a unit area of ​​the sphere located near this body by the total area of ​​the large ether components that make up this body. So, for example, using the same formula we calculate the force of the Earth’s centripetal flow exerted on the Moon:

F = f * S = 0.271 dyne/cm.2 * 7.35e+25 cm.2 = 1.99e+25 dyne

Using this formula, you can carry out not only similar calculations with any body solar system. This formula allows you to calculate the parameters of the core and shells of the Sun, and the parameters of the shells and cores of planets.

Newton’s formula, after proper editing, takes the form of this formula, dictated by the simple and clear logic of the interaction of the ether with bodies:

If instead of masses, as it should be, we substitute the cross-sectional areas of large corpuscles that make up objects into Newton’s formula, then the formula will take the form:

F = G* S1*S2 /r2.

If you multiply both the numerator and denominator of the formula by 4pr2, then the formula takes the form:

F=4pr2GS1*S2/4pr2r2 = 4pGS1*S2/4pr2

The value G, from the point of view of ideas about the pressure of the ether on bodies, is the force that imparts an acceleration of 6.673e-8 dynes/sec 2 to a mass of 1g in the field of a centripetal flow to another mass of 1g, located at a distance of 1 cm from the first mass. Multiplying this value to the area of ​​a sphere with a radius of 1 cm. G4pS1 results in the total force of the centripetal flow possessed by a unit of mass. Multiplying the force of the centripetal flow of a unit of mass by the cross-sectional area of ​​the large components of the ether contained in this mass will naturally give the value of the total force of the centripetal flow of the ether of a given object - F1. Replacing G4pS1 with F1 brings the formula to the form:

Dividing the magnitude of the force of the centripetal flow F1 by the area of ​​the sphere (4pr2), the radius of which is equal to the distance between objects, will result in force f, the force of which is possessed by the centripetal flow of ether passing through a unit area of ​​this sphere. As a result of proper transformation, Newton's formula takes on its true form:

That is, Newton's formula is a cleverly camouflaged writing of a formula, manifested by the simple and clear logic of the process of pressure of the ether on bodies.

If Newton had treated his Cartesian opponents with more attention and respect, he would not have been satisfied with the power flowing in a fabulous way from the masses of bodies. But at that time the religious community was actively crowded out by the secular community. The Church was losing authority and was being removed from power everywhere, and therefore, in order to restore its authority, the Church was in dire need of scientific theories, based on faith, needed theories that were unable to explain what was happening without divine participation. It was Newton’s theory of gravity that turned out to be the straw that the religious community grabbed hold of and with all its might helped the divine force of gravity to triumph, in fact, over the atheistic ideas of the Cartesians that bodies move by ether, filling the space between stars, planets, and atoms. Unfortunately, the current world community, which is mostly religious, does not need atheism. It would be more accurate to say that atheism is not needed by politicians who are hungry for power, and therefore, in the struggle for votes, government officials pretend to be believers and in every possible way support religiosity in the community - it is easier for believers to govern, it is easier to instill faith in political and social fables.

The spatial ether knows no rest. The moving ether, by its pressure on the bodies in it, not only moves the bodies, but is also the mover of all processes occurring with the bodies. The force of impacts of the smaller components of the ether on the larger components of the ether is the only force acting in the Universe. This force is the driver of mechanical, electrical, light, thermal, magnetic, and nuclear processes. This force exerts enormous pressure of 1.6e+14 dyne*cm.2 on the cores of stars, planets, and atoms, keeping them from decay. This force drives all the processes of the Universe without exception. There is no need to combine these forces - they are represented by one single force acting in the Universe - the force of impacts of smaller components of the ether on larger components of the ether.

The existence of the Universe takes place in alternating processes of compression of the spatial ether into superdense ether vortices and the disintegration of superdense ether vortices into components of the spatial ether. In these processes of alternation, the endless existence of the Universe takes place in time and space.

Contemplation of the action of the ether gives an understanding of all processes occurring in the Universe, eliminating dualisms and paradoxes from physics.

Take, for example, wave-particle dualism, which is based on the false idea of ​​the existence of electromagnetic waves. Light has a purely corpuscular nature. Excited atoms of the source emit components of the ether synchronously and in impulses and with equal strength, and therefore smaller components of the ether move from the source of radiation in spheres. Sphere corpuscles, passing through the indicator, produce bursts. People mistake these bursts for waves, and the distance between the spheres is considered the wavelength. In reality there are no waves, nothing in the moving structure of light flows is agitated. The emitted smaller components of the ether, which people mistake for photons, pass between the larger components in the structure of the ether, but do not move in space more than 13 billion light years because, with the average density of the ether at such a distance, the smaller component of the ether certainly encounters some kind of ether on its way. some larger component of ether. It is for this reason that people believe that the Universe extends only 13 billion light years. Precisely because the movement of photons in space is limited and the photometric paradox is excluded. Already today, Hubble has shown that where stars were not visible, there are plenty of galaxies, which was discovered during long exposures. And these galaxies are no different from neighboring galaxies, which in itself indicates that the Universe has no center and periphery, does not have a single structure, and indicates that the Universe is infinite in space.

As for the gravitational paradox, it cannot exist for the reason that mass growth can only occur up to certain values. This is so because in the process of absorption of masses, not only an increase in mass occurs, but along with the growth of masses, the speed of rotation of these masses increases because not only the mass, but its momentum is accumulated. The greater the amount of motion in a body, the faster it rotates around its own axis, the greater the centrifugal force tends to destroy the body. In these processes, there certainly comes a moment when the centrifugal force tears apart the super massive body.

Theoretical physics will come out of the dead end as soon as enough people see the ether and realize its role in the life of the Universe, then all paradoxes and all dualisms will be eliminated by themselves and the general picture of the World will open before people.

Poor Rapunzel. Not only was she locked in a high tower, but she also literally risked her neck when the prince climbed up to her through her hair.

Sue Stocklmeier, Director of the National Center for Public Science Education (CPAS) at the Australian national university in Canberra, has been concerned about the fate of fairy-tale characters for many years.

Finally, she decided to take action, and together with her collaborator Mike Gore, a retired professor, they turned the questions that plagued them about physics into fairy tales into a permanent science show.

The mystery of Rapunzel is one of the main questions of the show.

“We decided to figure out how Rapunzel managed to avoid losing her head, given the weight she [was holding],” Stoklmeier said.

“You may have noticed that some illustrators depict her hair wrapped around something, usually around the foot of the bed.

A small object, such as a princess languishing in a tower, can support a lot of weight if the connecting device [her hair] is wrapped around something.”

In this case, the main weight of the prince would technically be on the foot of the bed, and not on Rapunzel's head.

“If Rapunzel manages to wrap her hair, she and the prince will live happily ever after,” Stoklmayer assured. “And in her fairy tale this could happen.”

About the Golden Egg

Continuing their research, scientists plunged into the works of their favorite authors - Hans Christian Andersen and the Brothers Grimm.

For example, the fairy tale “Jack and the Beans” clearly demonstrates the laws of structural physics.

In his show, Gore illustrates the power of a giant bean sprout using toilet paper.

“The brown cardboard tube itself in the center of the roll is quite fragile,” he explains.

“But if you put several tubes in a row and put a wooden plank on them, they can support the weight of a person.”

“It takes about six tubes to support my 85 kilograms,” Mike Gore told the audience before climbing on this board to prove his point.

Consequently, the plant's giant stem, consisting of several intertwined hollow stems, is able to support a dexterous climber.

The same theory of hollow cylinders is applied in bridge construction, where building structures support large loads with minimal stress on each individual part.

However, to scientifically justify the goose laying golden eggs, you will have to turn to Newtonian physics.

“What would happen if the goose really had to lay the golden eggs?” - Stoklmayer thought.

“Regular eggs laid by birds are quite soft, so geese can push them out without much difficulty. Obviously, the golden egg is much harder.”

According to Newton's third law, every action is accompanied by an equal and opposite reaction.

“Suppose a golden egg weighs three kilograms, then according to the laws of physics, a goose laying an egg should move in the opposite direction of the egg, but with equal force.”

As a result, the industrious goose will fly away from its egg with the same force it took to lay the egg.

“We use a steel ball bearing and a mechanical chicken, and that’s exactly what happens,” Stoklmeier said. “The public really likes it.”

Magic show

The scientists toured their hour-long fairytale program to numerous science festivals on the east coast of Australia and even on the Orkney Islands (north coast of Scotland).

They hope that the stories will attract public attention to the experiments and help them better understand the laws of science.

“What really worries us is that science takes up very little space in Everyday life people,” Stoklmeier explained.

“We wanted to make science interesting and easily accessible, and we think fairy tales have helped us do that well.”

Scientists emphasize that they do not seek to remove romance from children's fairy tales, they only want to make science closer and more accessible to both teenagers and adults.

“Our show has a lot of scientific information, but it would be boring to just read it out,” says Stoklmeier, “so we need visibility.”

Scientists also note that although fairy tales are usually told to children, their presentation is intended for older audiences.

“It would be possible to make it for small children, but you would have to be very careful with the magic of the fairy tale. And with adults we feel freer,” says Stoklmeier.

Their shows are becoming extremely popular, and they are already thinking about their next goal - children's poems.

Translation: "Man Without Borders."
The original article is on the National Geographic website

for the magazine "Man Without Borders"