At the very beginning of spring, on March 8, 2020, the inhabitants of planet Earth celebrate a wonderful holiday - International Women's Day.

In Russia, March 8 is a non-working holiday. In 2020, it falls on Sunday, which Russians already have a "traditional" day off. Well, what about Monday? We tell you what kind of day off or working day it is.

According to the law, if a non-working day in the Russian Federation falls on an official day off, then the day off is postponed to the next working day.

Accordingly, Sunday 8 March 2020 becomes a public holiday, and the day off is postponed to Monday 9 March 2020.

That is, March 9, 2020 in Russia is a day off or a working day:
* March 9, 2020 is a day off.

Also on this day, another full moon occurs, which coincides with one of the Supermoons of 2020. If we are lucky with the weather (there will be a clear sky), after sunset we will be able to observe a huge, beautiful moon.

In the future, a revision of pensions for work experience awaits working pensioners ( from August 1, 2020), and military pensioners from October 1, 2020.

Incredible facts

For the vast majority of people, apocalyptic scenarios of asteroid fall on our planet are the result of the imagination of science fiction writers. However, common sense says that such an event, sooner or later, will happen.

And very soon, 12 october 2017, in a rather dangerous proximity to our planet, the asteroid 2012 TC4 will pass. Despite the fact that the chances of a collision with the Earth are extremely small ( about 0.00055%), such a turn of events cannot be completely ruled out.

Asteroid 2017

What is known about the asteroid 2012 TC4

July 27 and 31, and then 5th of August this year, experts from the European Space Research Agency observed an asteroid approaching Earth 2012 TS4... The observation was carried out using a set of 8.2-meter telescopesEuropean southern observatory.

We are talking about the first observations of this small asteroid since the moment of its first detection - that is,since October 4, 2012... At the time of the last observation, the asteroid 2012 TC4 was still very far from our planet, at a distance of about 56 million kilometers.

FROM In 2012, this TC4 could not be observed from Earth. The fact is that the apparent stellar magnitude (that is, a measure of the brightness of a celestial body) of this asteroid was 26,4 , which is very, very small (for example, for the brightest celestial bodies, including the Sun, negative values of this measure).

An object with a similar magnitude in 60 billion times dimmer than the planet Saturn when viewed from Earth. An asteroid is approaching at a speed 14 kilometers per second, becoming brighter. With the closest approach to Earth, the apparent magnitude of asteroid 2012 TC4 will be only 13.

Recent observations of the asteroid made it possible to clarify information on its size ( from 12 to 27 meters in diameter) and location, and also enabled scientists fromCenter research near-earth objects (CNEOS) NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) calculate its future orbit and the distance at which it will fly past our planet at the moment of closest approach to it.

The obtained results of calculations indicate that the closest approachasteroid 2012 TC4 with Earth will happen October 12 this year: the space object will fly at a distance equal to 43,500 kilometers from our planet (this is about one-eighth of the distance of the Moon from the Earth). There are also less optimistic forecasts, which, however, are not intended to cause panic: according to them, a space object will not approach the Earth closer than a distance of 6800 kilometers.

Where will the asteroid fall on October 12?

What is interesting about this event

NASA scientists are eagerly awaiting the approaching flyby of the asteroid, planning to use this event as an opportunity test NASA observatory networkwho are working on a planetary defense program. As part of the program for tracking objects potentially dangerous to our planet, further observations of the asteroid are planned both from NASA, but also from other astronomers.

Michael Kelly (Michael Kelley) , the head of the asteroid observation program TC4 at NASA headquarters, stressed that today the efforts of scientists are aimed at studying this asteroid in order to test the work of the worldwide asteroid tracking network. According to him, this will allow assessing the possibility of determining a potential real threat from such space objects, as well as assessing the ability to respond.

An asteroid is approaching the Earth

Is it possible to prevent the threat of collision in the future?

In order to prevent the threat of an asteroid collision with our planet, it is necessary to detect the corresponding space object in several years before the expected fall.

Objects with a diameter up to several hundred meters are unlikely to cause a global catastrophe, although they can cause significant damage when they hit infrastructure.

Another thing is asteroids with a diameter several kilometers: the fall of such an object to Earth with a high probability can lead to a global catastrophe with the subsequent mass extinction of all living things.

At the moment, the activities of many planetary defense programs are reduced to the observation and identification of potentially dangerous space objects. Moreover, they began to catalog these objects back in 1947when was founded Minor Planet Centerat the University of Cincinnati, USA.

To date, we can talk about a dozen programs that track near-Earth objects in the framework of a global project called "Observing space security"however, in reality, these programs are loosely coupled.

It turns out that humanity today is absolutely defenseless against the threat of a large space object falling, which can threaten the death of all living things? Alas, this is so. However, a start has been made, future programs are being developed, telescopes are being built, high-precision tracking systems.

And already now we can talk about the successful results of this work, which made it possible to predict the time and place of the fall of the space object until its moment of entry into the Earth's atmosphere.

October 6, 2006 telescope Catalina Sky Survey, located in Arizona, USA, an asteroid approaching Earth was recorded 2008 TS3. Thanks to the data obtained, appropriate calculations were carried out, which made it possible to accurately determine the time and place of the asteroid's fall: a space object with a diameter of 4 meters fell through 19 hours after being discovered in northern Sudan, in the Nubian Desert. If the asteroid had chosen a large city as the site of its fall, 19 hours could have been enough to evacuate residential areas in the intended place of fall.

Another question - what is humanity capable of opposing the threat from the sky, provided early recognition? Now, in fact, nothing. However, intensive work is underway to develop potential options for repelling the threat, among which one can mention the detonation of a nuclear explosive device (the topic is disclosed in the blockbuster "Armageddon"), the so-called kinetic ram (a huge artificial object crashing into a small asteroid), an asteroid gravity tug, focused solar energy, an electromagnetic catapult, and a number of other options.

Fallen asteroids

Why couldn't they find the Chelyabinsk meteorite before it entered the atmosphere?

September 1 this year, NASA specialists observed the approach of the largest space object in the entire history of observations - asteroid (3122) Florence... The fall of this object on the surface of our planet would hardly have left any chance for its inhabitants.

However, Florence passed a distance of about 7 million kilometers from the earth. It is reported that today asteroids with a diameter of up to 10 meters... Why, then, the approach of the famous Chelyabinsk meteorite, the diameter of which was, according to various estimates, from 17 to 20 meters?

A large asteroid called 2012 TC4 is rapidly approaching Earth. Where will the meteorite fall if it does not fly by? While the attention of astronomers around the world is riveted on this celestial body, in the world, one after another, guesses about the end of the world are being built. Will TC4 put an end to all life on Earth?

Asteroid 2012 TS4 - what is it? Where will it fall in October 2017 and will it fall at all?

Asteroid 2012 TC4 was most accurately studied in 2012, when it once again passed the Earth. In 2015, shocking data were obtained during the calculations: the asteroid will pass in 2017 in frightening proximity to our planet. This was reported by the Astwowatch portal, and now, with the approach of the asteroid to the Earth's orbit, they started talking about it more often.

At the moment, its dimensions are known - approximately. As the source notes, the meteorite has an elongated shape up to 40 meters in diameter. For comparison: the famous "Chelyabinsk meteorite" was 17 meters high.

The problem is that it is impossible to say for sure whether the asteroid will collide with the Earth. At the moment, astronomers have not been able to assess and study the threat thoroughly. Now it is not known what the heavenly body threatening us consists of. Meanwhile, if it is a rocky meteorite with a core of ice, then it will burn up in the atmosphere and remain practically unnoticed. It's another matter if the space guest is a combination of space rocks and metal. In this case, the area of \u200b\u200bthe fall will not be recognized - the shock wave and debris will cause huge damage within a radius of tens of kilometers and a huge crater will remain at the epicenter. Then the experts will be able to study it with passion, if they are alive, of course.

According to an expert interviewed by AiF, the 2012 TC4 asteroid can fly 115 thousand kilometers from Earth.

Such a meteorite could only be seen through a powerful infrared telescope.

The flight trajectory of the 2012 TC4 asteroid will go "tangentially" from the Earth. Considering the trajectory, size and distance of the flight path from the Earth, we can say that there is nothing to worry about. The only danger is that the "cosmic friend" is little studied and all forecasts are made with an error.

Where 2012 TC4 will fall if it reaches Earth- it is too early to judge this. More accurate data will appear after astronomers study the composition of the asteroid.

At the moment, the date of the closest approach of the asteroid 2012 TC4 with the Earth is October 12, 2017 at 5:41 UTC.

Recall that the last large-scale incident of a meteorite collision with the Earth occurred on February 15, 2013 in Chelyabinsk. The famous "Chelyabinsk meteorite" thundered not only in Chelyabinsk, making it even more severe, but all over the world.

Published on 10/9/17 10:08 AM

Asteroid TC4 flies to Earth, the latest data: the collision on October 12, 2017, astronomer Judith Roos from the United States called inevitable. NASA scientists deny this.

Asteroid on October 12, 2017 flies to Earth: in case of TC4 sinking, catastrophe will be inevitable - experts

Astronomer Judith Rees from the University of Texas claims that the size of an asteroid that will approach Earth on October 12, 2017 is 40 thousand kilometers, and its collision with our planet is almost inevitable.

As Politexpert writes with reference to the researcher, if the asteroid falls to the Earth on October 12, 2017, irreversible catastrophic changes await our planet. It is clarified that we are talking about a giant asteroid 2012 TC4, called Florence, which is twice the size idhumkz famous Chelyabinsk meteorite.

The exact distance at which 2012 TC4 will pass near the Earth is unknown, but experts from NASA and the European Space Agency say that the chances of an asteroid colliding with the planet on October 12 are practically zero.

According to Russian scientists, the minimum distance that Florence will approach our planet will be 44.9 thousand kilometers, which is about 10 times less than the distance of the Moon from the Earth.

"The asteroid, which is about 40 meters in diameter, will fly past the Earth on October 12, 7:42 am Ural time. Compared to other TS4, it is quite small, but it is the only one that will fly so close to the Earth," the Department of Astronomy, Geodesy and Monitoring said. environment of the Ural Federal University.

At the same time, Russian astronomers denied rumors spread on the Internet that a giant asteroid would fall to Earth on October 12. According to experts, at the moment all potentially dangerous celestial bodies are known, and they are located at a fairly large distance from the Earth. Scientists urged Russians to "filter" all predictions about the end of the world and to be skeptical about them, since in most cases such rumors are spread by those seeking popularity.

In turn, the leading engineer of Tomsk State University said that a collision of large asteroids with the planet would be known long before the incident.

As he wrote, the diameter of the Chelyabinsk meteorite was 19 meters. Its size was almost half the size of Florence, moreover, it burned out badly in the atmosphere, but as a result of its fall almost 1.5 thousand people were injured to one degree or another, about 7 thousand buildings were damaged in the city.

Researchers warn that a huge space object could fall to earth this year. Writes about this The Mirror.

According to the publication, a group of researchers discovered an object 40 meters in diameter in space, which is moving at high speed towards the Earth. According to their calculations, the collision of the "comic alien" with our planet will occur on October 12, 2017.

The fall of an object to the surface of the Earth will lead to disastrous consequences. The publication reports that as a result of the collision, the ozone layer of our planet could be completely destroyed. This, in turn, will lead to climate change and the death of all life on the Earth's surface.

Source: RIA FAN

The expert commented on the dangerous approach of the asteroid 2012 TC4 with the Earth. The diameter of the object is 20-25 meters. The celestial body will pass at a distance of 40 thousand km from the center of the Earth. According to Skripnichenko, this object is almost 10 times larger than the Chelyabinsk meteorite.

“This phenomenon can be compared with the movement of the asteroid Duende. It was a 50-meter facility. It was approaching on the same dates in 2013 when the Chelyabinsk meteorite fell. The phenomenon is interesting from the point of view of celestial mechanics, since such close encounters are an extraordinary thing, the earth's gravitational field can affect its orbit, ”he said.

The expert also noted that in the event of an asteroid falling to Earth, the catastrophe could be much more serious. It is noted that a celestial body passes at a sufficient distance and the chance of approaching can be estimated as one in several million.

“From the point of view of terminology, this object cannot be called potential dangerous, since it is small. On the other hand, it is curious to track it, since it passes close enough, ”Skripnichenko noted.

It is noted that after the Chelyabinsk event at the level of the International Astronomical Union, there is talk about the need to lower the bar for potentially dangerous objects. So, according to the expert, dangerous objects can be from 20 to 30 meters. There is no consensus on this issue yet.

An asteroid flies to Earth today 2017: collision on October 12, 2017, the end of the world. What is known for today, will fall or not, how to see where it will take place, the latest news.

The result of systematic observations of astronomers was the message that a space object with a significant diameter and huge mass is approaching our planet. This is an asteroid TS4. Astronomers' calculations show that on October 12, 2017, the distance between the cosmic body and the Earth will be minimal.

Astronomers spotted TC4 in 2012. Then he first appeared in the field of view of powerful telescopes. After calculating the orbit of this space object, scientists predicted that it will return to Earth in 2017. Time has shown that the astronomers' calculations were correct.

Where will asteroid 2017 fall

Large space bodies often approach our planet. Many fly by and do no harm to the Earth. But history also knows about the fall of large meteorites. With the fall of the meteorite, which occurred many millions of years ago, scientists associate climate change on the planet, the death of dinosaurs. The explosion of the Tunguska meteorite destroyed a large area of \u200b\u200bthe forest. In Chelyabinsk, a meteorite, having fallen on the city, caused serious damage to its infrastructure.

End of the world October 12, 2017: photo

Where will the meteorite fall 12 October 2017

An asteroid with a diameter of 40 meters is approaching the Earth, which is twice the size of the Chelyabinsk meteorite.

Experts noticed the space body back in 2012 and gave it the name 2012 TC4, writes Zvezda. The exact distance at which the asteroid will fly from Earth is still unknown.

It is noted that in the event of a collision of a celestial body with a planet, humanity will face a catastrophe. However, scientists assure that the probability of "meeting" is extremely small.

Previously, the portal wrote that scientists from the American space agency NASA discovered a double asteroid with signs of a comet. It is located in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.