The results have been summed up in the region passing the Unified State Exam-2017
13.07.2017 - 10:16

IN Perm region announced preliminary results of the Unified State Examination

Prikamye set another record for 100-point marks - the number of people who scored in a particular subject maximum score. This year there were 143 of them, last year there were 91.

Prikamsk graduates especially distinguished themselves in their knowledge of the Russian language - 103 students received the maximum score in it. Literature was also among the leaders - 20 hundred points in this subject.

The average score in several subjects increased at once: in physics - by 7 points, in mathematics by 5 and in chemistry by 4 points.

Well, a total of 11,786 people took the Unified State Exam in the Kama region this year.

47 people failed them and will retake them in September (last year of the Unified State Exam 161 people failed).

All exam points in the Kama region this year were equipped with online video surveillance systems, metal detectors and cellular jamming devices.

Another innovation is expected next year. You will no longer have to receive exam materials in paper form and deliver them by courier to remote areas. All of them will be printed on site - after receiving the access key.

And after the exams, all student work will be scanned and sent to processing centers electronically via secure communication channels.


Work and education

Respect for children's rights to education
A direct line will be held in Perm on the observance of children's rights to education

Russia has announced a reduction in the “army” of civil servants
Back in March 2019, the Ministry of Finance said that it was necessary to cut every tenth federal official and 15 percent of regional ones. However, for last years their numbers only grew.

Programming lessons for younger students
Programming will be taught in the Perm region junior schoolchildren

The highest paid vacancy in Russia has been named
The highest salary in the country is offered to an applicant for the position of equipment repair mechanic in the fishing industry. They are willing to pay 430 thousand rubles a month for this work.

The government declared the abolition of the eight-hour working day impossible
The Russian government cannot change the length of the working day, because this is not its prerogative. This was stated by Deputy Prime Minister and Chief of Staff of the Russian Government Konstantin Chuychenko.

Moscow State University is included in the ranking of the best universities in the world according to THE
Moscow State University named after Lomonosov became the best among Russian universities in the world ranking of Times Higher Education (THE) and entered the top 200. MSU rose to 189th position, which is ten positions higher than last year.

Medvedev spoke about a short working week
According to him, labor legislation should become more flexible. “You can build a work schedule in such a way that a person will be busy, for example, four days a week or, conversely, work fewer hours every day,” he said.

Gray salary
40% of Perm residents are ready to work for a mediocre salary

Study: 20 million Russians may lose their jobs due to robots
Experts believe that robots can be entrusted with most of the work in the hotel and restaurant business. Also on the list are manufacturing (60%), agriculture and forestry (58%), retail trade (53%) and..

The number of workaholics in Russia has been calculated
Almost a third of Russians continue to work during vacation, according to a study by Rostrud, excerpts from which are cited by TASS.

Gref called for “killing” exams
Exams accustom schoolchildren to the assessment system and kill any desire to learn, so we should get rid of them, said German Gref, President and Chairman of the Board of Sberbank.

A hotline will be held in Perm to mark the beginning of the school year
On September 4 from 11:00 to 12:00 citizens can ask questions related to the start of school year to the head of the education department Lyudmila Serikova by phone 2-059-059.

Creation of WorldSkills centers
By 2021, 32 WorldSkills competency centers will be created in the Kama region

Most employers in Russia do not support the idea of ​​sleeping during working hours
Almost 60% of Russian employers and 44% of employees do not support the idea of ​​a nap break in work time, only among young people under 24 years of age, more than 50% were in favor of introducing such a break.

A new item will appear on the resume of Russians
On the “Work in Russia” portal, a new column will appear in the job search resume - participation in volunteer programs. “Volunteering experience is very important and is a strong characterizing feature of the applicant,” noted Deputy Head of the Department Denis Vasiliev.

Project "Perm Open University"
A series of lectures by the Perm Open University starts at the Shpagin Plant this weekend

Training for pre-retirees
In the Kama region, the number of applications for training of pre-retirees exceeded 4 thousand in a week

Day of Knowledge
Ceremonial lines, dedicated to the Day knowledge, will be held in Perm on September 2

In Russia they proposed to create “September 1st capital”
According to the lawmaker, even the minimum set of goods for a schoolchild (stationery, clothing, shoes) is quite expensive, and parents are forced to increase expenses for these needs to the detriment of other family expenses. Last year, these expenses amounted to 11.4 thousand rubles, he specified.

Annual “Overcoming” Award
Applications for the annual “Overcoming” award are being accepted in Perm

According to the Minister of Education, this year's exam was successful. The average score in Russian and English remains stable in the region: Russian - 71 points, English - 72. And the results in mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, history, geography, computer science this year are noticeably higher than last year.

As Raisa Kassina noted, in 2017 the number of children choosing social studies decreased, but physics, biology, history and English became more popular.

In total, almost 12 thousand people took the exam this year, of which 882 were graduates of previous years. 56 students with disabilities health.

100 exam reception points were opened throughout the region. Five of them were organized at home - for children with disabilities. In the GUFSIN system (Main Directorate federal service execution of punishments) 21 people passed the exam.

Organization is excellent

During the preparation of the main stage of the Unified State Exam Acting Governor of the Perm Territory Maxim Reshetnikov noted that last year, in terms of the level of exam organization, the region for the first time moved from average to “good” and even excellent students.

Positions need to be secured. Violations and leaks of answers to the network must not be allowed. Absolutely all sites must have online broadcasts and ensure control of cellular communications,” Maxim Reshetnikov formulated the task.

The organizers of the Unified State Exam managed it completely. Suppression of cellular communications and video surveillance was organized at all examination reception points, based on the Perm pedagogical university An online examination monitoring center has been created.

No “tricks” worked. Several people were suspended from the exam for violations: two brought a phone into the classroom, four brought crib sheets, and one took out exam materials. Violators are deprived of the right to retake this year. But 47 graduates who received a “failure” in one of the required subjects will be able to retake the Unified State Exam in September.

In the Dobryansky district this year with honors high school 13 graduates graduated. They were awarded medals for their academic achievements. We have two 100-point students: Tatyana Tselishcheva from Dobryansk school No. 5 and Ekaterina Kazakova from Polaznensky school No. 1. Both girls have maximum results in the Russian language.

Olga Lebedeva

watch the video

Today, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Perm Territory announced the final results of this year’s Unified State Examination.

In total, almost 12 thousand people took them. Every eighth student scored 225 points or higher. Compared to last year, the results are not bad. The average score in the Russian language remained at the same level, but in mathematics, physics, biology, and computer science there was a noticeable increase. As before, the most popular among elective subjects is “social studies” - almost half of all graduates took this subject.

The number of 100-point students this year has also increased significantly - only 143 students perfectly completed all test tasks, and the undisputed leader among the subjects here is “Russian language”. However, only 10 people failed this exam.

About those who failed: two students were disqualified for using mobile phones, four more for cheat sheets, one for trying to take answer sheets out of class. They will only be able to retake the exam next year.

Latest news from the Perm region on the topic:
The results of the Unified State Exam 2017 in the Perm Territory have been summed up

The results of the Unified State Exam 2017 in the Perm Territory have been summed up- Perm

watch video Today, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Perm Territory announced the final results of this year’s Unified State Examination.
11:41 13.07.2017 T7-Inform

In the Perm region, the results of the United state exam. The Minister of Education and Science of the Perm Territory, Raisa Kassina, spoke about the features of the current campaign and its results.
03.08.2017 Newspaper Zori PLUS In 2017, 484 people took the Unified State Exam in the Chaikovsky district, including 439 graduates of district schools, 8 students of secondary vocational education, 29 graduates of previous years, 8 disabled children.
25.07.2017 Administration of Tchaikovsky district By preliminary results The Unified State Exam in the Perm Territory, the results of graduates of the Dobryansky district are higher than the average regional Unified State Exam scores in biology, history, social studies and literature.
21.07.2017 Administration of Dobryansky district

The page contains Unified State Exam results in all subjects for past years - from 2010 to the present. The tables show the average score for each subject, the number of 100-point students, the percentage of those who did not pass the exam (who did not pass the threshold established for the subject), and the total number of those who passed the exam.

The material was prepared based on official releases of Rosobrnadzor.

Unified State Exam 2019 results

Item Average score High-score (81-100) 100 points Didn't pass the Unified State Exam 2019, % Number of people who took the exam
Russian language 69,5 23,5 2 590 0.6% (threshold 24 points) 664 000
Mathematics profile 56,5 7,1 6.7% (threshold 27 points) 362 600
Mathematics base 4,1 - - (threshold 3 points) 312 000
Social science 54,9 7,8 (threshold 42 points) 315 200
Physics 54,4 8,6 (threshold 36 points) 139 500
Story 55,3 9,4 6.9 (threshold 32 points) 103 300
Biology 52,2 5,6 (threshold 36 points) 123 800
Chemistry 56,7 11,5 14.4 (threshold 36 points) 89 000
English language 73,8 42,7 (threshold 22 points) 74 300
Computer Science and ICT 62,4 21,7 (threshold 40 points) 74 900
Literature 63,4 15,9 4% (threshold 32 points) 44 200
Geography 57,2 7,4 6% (threshold 37 points) 16 600
German 72,4 42,1 (threshold 22 points) 1 250
French 73,1 39,3 (threshold 22 points) 800
Spanish 72,2 45,5 (threshold 22 points) 132
Chinese 62,5 29,2 1 (threshold 22 points) 75
Total: 302 000 6 729 6,4% 750 000

Almost 750 thousand people are registered to participate in the main period of the Unified State Exam 2019, of which 662 thousand are graduates of the current year. During the main period of the Unified State Exam 5,713 examination points (PPE) were involved, with about 51 thousand classrooms. All PES have used the technology of printing examination materials in classrooms; in 8 regions, for the first time this year, the technology of transmitting examination materials to PES via the Internet has been used.

  • Since 2019, graduates have the right to choose only one Unified State Exam level in mathematics (basic or specialized), but when retaking this level can be changed.
  • Since 2019, graduates of previous years are not entitled to participate in the Unified State Examination in basic level mathematics.
  • The popularity of natural science subjects has increased. Thus, in 2019, the increase in the number of USE participants in biology was 25 thousand compared to last year, in chemistry - about 16 thousand, in physics - about 13 thousand participants. Also, in comparison with 2018, the level of interest in computer science and ICT has increased noticeably (an increase in the number of participants by 27 thousand people), English language(an increase of 18 thousand people) and history (an increase of 15 thousand).
  • In 2019, I passed the Unified State Examination for the first time Chinese language, 289 people applied to participate. Only 75 people passed the exam within the main deadline. Muscovite Anastasia Andryunina is the only one who passed the Unified State Exam in Chinese with 100 points, and is going to enter the RUDN University.
  • A resident of Seversk named Putin scored 300 points on the Unified State Exam. Graduate Alexander Putin passed the Russian language, mathematics and physics with the maximum score.
  • Two participants in the Unified State Exam 2019 were able to score 400 points based on the results of four exams. 30 participants became 300 points. 445 people recruited 200 points on two Unified State Examinations.
  • 812 people were removed from the exam for various violations, including for having mobile phones (355 removed) and cheat sheets (323 removed)
  • Unified State Examination foreign language it is planned to be introduced as a compulsory subject in 2022. This will be preceded by the necessary preparatory work, testing, discussion of how best to differentiate the exam by level of difficulty.
  • Starting from 2020, it may become possible to take the Unified State Exam in computer science.

Unified State Exam 2018 results

Item Average score High-score (81-100) 100 points Didn't pass the Unified State Exam 2018, % Number of people who took the exam
Russian language 70,93 26,7% 3722 (0,6%) 0.4% (threshold 24 points) 645 500
Mathematics profile 49,8 145 (0,03%) 7% (threshold 27 points) 421 000 (61%)
Mathematics base 4,29 - - 3.1% (threshold 3) 567 000
Social science 55,7 16.43% (threshold 42 points) 368 000 (53%)
Physics 53,2 (threshold 36 points) 171 500 (25%)
Story 55,1 7,4 206 (0,002%) 9.6% (threshold 32 points) 112 000 (20%)
Biology 51,7 45 (0,03%) 17.01% (threshold 36 points) 140 000 (21%)
Chemistry 55,1 634 (0,75%) 15.88% (threshold 36 points) 84 500 (14%)
English language 69,2 15 (0,02%) (threshold 22 points) 83 500
Computer Science and ICT 58,4 13% 254 (0,4%) 11.51% (threshold 40 points) 67 000
Literature 62,7 599 (1%) (threshold 32 points) 42 500
Geography 56,6 64 (0,4%) 7.3% (threshold 37 points) 16 000
German 68,9 3 (0,2%) (threshold 22 points) 1 758
French 77,3 2 (0,2%) (threshold 22 points) 948
Spanish 79,1 (threshold 22 points) 153
Total: 6 136 4,8% 731 000

731,000 people took exams in 2018 (in the main period - 670,000), including 645,000 graduates of the current year.

  • Graduates who did not achieve the minimum threshold points on the mandatory Unified State Examination ( basic mathematics and Russian), can retake the exam in the same year on a reserve day. If it doesn’t work out again, then in September.
  • If detected in participants Unified State Exam means mobile communications or cheat sheets, they are removed from the exam without the right to retake the current year.
  • Elective subjects can only be retaken the next year. In 2018, 478 people were removed from the exam for phones, and 463 for cheat sheets. “This year there were several guys who used earphones, and the camera was not on the phone, but on their clothes. All these graduates were removed from the exams without the right to retake "- said the head of the quality assessment department general education Rosobrnadzor Igor Kruglinsky.
  • When applying to a university, you can use any result that has not expired.
  • Unified State Exam results the mark on the certificate is not affected.
  • A notable event of the Unified State Exam 2018 was the fact of which Rosobrnadzor did not recognize.
  • The number of 100-pointers increased by 1000 compared to last year.
  • One participant from Moscow passed four subjects with 100 points.
  • 1.9% (12,252 people) did not receive a certificate based on the results of the Unified State Exam.

Unified State Exam 2017 results

Item Average score Number of 100-point marks Didn't pass the Unified State Exam 2017, % Number of people who gave
Russian language 69,1 25,04% 3 099 0.5% (threshold 24 points) 617 000
Mathematics profile 47,1 4,51% 224 14.34% (threshold 27 points) 391 981
Mathematics base 4,24 - - 3.4% (threshold 3 points) 453 000
Social science 55,4 4,46% 142 13.8% (threshold 42 points) 318 000
Physics 53,2 4,94% 278 3.78% (threshold 36 points) 155 281 (24%)
Story 52,7 8.7% (threshold 32 points) 110 000
Biology 52,6 6,54% 75 18% (threshold 36 points) 111 748
Chemistry 55,2 15% (threshold 36 points) 74 000
English language 70,2 59 (threshold 22 points) 64 422
Computer Science and ICT 59,2 9.3% (threshold 40 points) 53 000
Literature 59,6 343 2.9% (threshold 32 points) 41 267
Geography 55,1 8,6% 9.3% (threshold 37 points) 14 000
German 63,8 24,56% 0 3.36% (threshold 22 points) 1 769
French 75,9 50,81% 0 0.43% (threshold 22 points) 1 123
Spanish 68,4 38,04% 0 6.75% (threshold 22 points) 231
Total: 5 026 703 000

About 703 thousand people took part in the exams, of which about 617 thousand people were graduates of the current year.

  • Those who did not achieve the minimum score in one compulsory subject were allowed retake the exam on a reserve day. 12 thousand people went to retake basic level mathematics during the reserve period. Mathematics profile level on the reserve day, 2 thousand graduates retook the test.
  • There are quite a lot in the regions 100 points in Russian language. For example, in Vologda region there are 27 such people, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory - 61, in the Chelyabinsk Region - 76, in the Novosibirsk Region - 89.
  • 21 people managed to recruit 300 points for the Unified State Exam in 2017. This means that they received 100 points on three Unified State Examinations.
  • The number of attempts to cheat or smuggle a phone into an exam in 2017 decreased by an average of 25 percent. In one region, a school principal was fired for trying to help students take an exam. In another, a teacher was fired for coming to the Unified State Examination with a mobile phone.
  • The total number of violations this year has decreased by more than one and a half times compared to the previous one.
  • In 2017, as in 2016, the most popular elective subjects were social studies (chosen by 54% of Unified State Exam participants), physics (26%), history (21%), biology (20%), and chemistry (13%).
  • 2.6% (15,878 people) did not receive a certificate based on the results of the Unified State Exam.

Unified State Exam 2016 results

Item Average score Number of high-scorers (81-100) Number of 100-point marks Didn't pass the Unified State Exam 2016, % Number of people who gave
Russian language 68 25,58% 3433 1% 658 000
Mathematics profile 46,2 2,69% 296 15,33% 439 229
Mathematics base 4,15 - - 4.6% (threshold 3 points) 453 000
Social science 53,1 3,11% 59 17.6% (threshold 42 points) 382 000
Physics 50,0 6.11% (threshold 36 points) 180 000
Story 16% (threshold 32 points)
Biology 52 7,16% 61 18.6% (threshold 36 points) 126 006
Chemistry 84 000
English language 69,78 27 64 050
Computer science 56,6 12.4% (threshold 40 points)
Literature 57,91 256 4.3% (threshold 32 points) 43 585
Geography 13% (threshold 37 points)
German 66,76 32,77% 1 3,29% 1 980
French 73,62 42,31% 6 1,25% 1 273
Spanish 74,59 49,65% 2 2,8% 204

300 points on three Unified State Examinations in 2016, only three students were recruited in all of Russia. Mikhail Chekanov from Olenegorsk, Murmansk region, passed physics with the highest score, specialized mathematics and computer science. A graduate from Kemerovo, Elizaveta Shabanova, received 100 points on the Unified State Exam in Russian language, history, and social studies. In Kirov, a graduate of the famous physics and mathematics lyceum, Alexander Artemyev, passed physics, computer science and mathematics with 100 points and entered the Physics and Technology Institute.

  • Quantity deletions There were about a thousand graduates from the Unified State Examination in 2016, while schoolchildren began to use paper cheat sheets more often.
  • 1.9% (12,308 people) did not receive a certificate based on the results of the Unified State Exam.

Unified State Exam 2015 results

Item Average score Number of high-scorers (81-100) Number of 100-point marks Didn't pass the Unified State Exam 2015, % Number of people who gave
Russian language 65,8 19,8% 3036 1,5%
Mathematics profile 45,6 521 151
Mathematics base 3,95 - - 7,4%
Social science 58,6 371 200
Physics 51,4 159 500
Story 47,1 145 000
Biology 53,6 122 936
Chemistry 57,1
English language 64,9 61 946
Computer Science and ICT 54
Literature 57,1 5.3% (threshold 32 points) 37 512
Geography 53

In total, 725 thousand people took part in the Unified State Examination, of which 650 thousand people were graduates of the current year. The total number of students in all subjects in 2015 is 3,922 people.

In 2015, the mathematics exam was held for the first time at two levels - specialized and basic. The exam participant had the right to independently choose either of the levels, or both levels, depending on his educational needs, as well as the prospects for continuing his education.

  • 4.8% (31,343 people) did not receive a certificate based on the results of the Unified State Exam.

Unified State Exam 2014 results

Item Average score Number of 100-point marks Didn't pass the Unified State Exam 2014, % Number of people who gave
Russian language 62,5 2385 4%
Mathematics 46,4
Social science 53,1
Physics 45,7 16,7%
Story 46,4 20,4%
Biology 54,8
Chemistry 55,7 13,4%
English language 61,3
Computer Science and ICT 57,2 11,5%
Literature 54,1
Geography 53,1 15,5%

In total, 733,368 people took part in the Unified State Examination, of which 684,574 people were graduates of the current year. The total number of students in all subjects in 2014 was 3,705 people.

  • The number of those who failed compulsory subjects (Russian language and mathematics) in 2014 decreased by 24% compared to 2013.
  • The number of 100-point students has decreased three times.
  • Was demoted this year minimum score By compulsory subjects. If this had not happened, 28,000 students would not have received their diplomas.

Unified State Exam 2013 results

Item Average score Number of 100-point marks Didn't pass the Unified State Exam 2013, % Number of people who gave
Russian language 63,9 2531 1,9 834020
Mathematics 48,7 538 6,2 803741
Social science 59,5 84 481990
Physics 53,5 474 11,0 208875
Story 54,8 500 11,0 164219
Biology 58,6 466 7,1 162248
Chemistry 67,8 3220 7,3 93802
English language 72,4 581 3,3 74668
Computer science 63,1 563 8,6 58851
Literature 457 5,6 44420
Geography 57,2 193 12,1 20736
German 58,6 4 3,2 2768
French 69,5 5 0,5 1561
Spanish 68,9 0 1,7 233

Unified State Exam 2012 results

Item Average score Number of 100-point marks Didn't pass the Unified State Exam 2012, % Number of people who gave
Russian language 61,5 1923 2.2% (threshold 36 points) 827529
Mathematics 45,2 54 5.5% (threshold 24 points) 803913
Social science 55,5 84

5.8% (threshold 39 points)

Physics 47,3 44 13.5% (threshold 36 points) 205988
Story 52,1 219 12.4% (threshold 32 points) 153502
Biology 54,3 46 8.1% (threshold 36 points) 159448
Chemistry 57,8 370 10.8% (threshold 36 points) 89529
English language 61,2 28 3.3% (threshold 20 points) 71825
Computer science 60,7 364 11.6: (threshold 40 points) 59646
Literature 337 4.9% (threshold 32 points) 42102
Geography 56,1 66 8.4% (threshold 37 points) 23523
German 58,0 1 3,2 2970
French 67,1 0 0,7 1621
Spanish 70,4 1 0,8 265

Unified State Exam 2011 results

Item Average score Number of 100-point marks Didn't pass the Unified State Exam 2011, % Number of people who gave
Russian language 60,02 1437 4,1 760618
Mathematics 47,49 205 4,9 738746
Social science 57,11 23 3,9 280254
Physics 51,54 206 7,4 173574
Story 51,2 208 9,4 129354
Biology 54,29 53 7,8 144045
Chemistry 57,75 331 8,6 77806
English language 61,19 11 3,1 60651
Computer science 59,74 31 9,8 51180
Literature 57,15 355 5 39317
Geography 54,4 25 8 10946
German 48,99 2 6,6 2746
French 62,97 0 1,2 1317
Spanish 70,09 0 1,4 143

The number of students who took the Unified State Exam compared to 2010, the number of graduates who took the Unified State Exam in 2011 decreased from 850 thousand to 720 thousand (by 15%).

Unified State Exam 2010 results

The table contains the results of passing the Unified State Exam in 2010 throughout Russia.

Item Number of participants Didn't pass the Unified State Exam 2010, % Number of 100 points Number of applicants who did not proceed to Part C, %
Russian language 901929 3,7 1415 5,4
Mathematics 854708 6,1 160 38,81
Social science 444219 3,9 34 3,01
Physics 213186 5 114 32,32
Story 180900 9 222 12,08
Biology 171257 6,1 133 8,51
Chemistry 83544 6,2 275 11,27
English language 73853 5 2 5,51
Computer science 62652 7,2 90 22,33
Literature 54313 5 422 1,69
Geography 22256 6,3 17 14,06
German 4177 12 0 10,06
French 1883 1 0 4,99

The total number of graduates in 2010 was 836,565. This figure is slightly lower than the total number of those who took the Unified State Exam, due to retakes of graduates from previous years.