The symbolism of the color originates from the times of deep antiquity. From time immemorial, people endowed the colors with a special semantic meaning, which was reflected in various religious and mystical exercises, myths, folk fairy tales, legends.

In astrology, for example, seven main spectrum colors correspond to 7 planets: blue - the color of Venus, red - associated with Mars (Red Planet), green - Saturn, yellow - Mercury color, purple color is identified with the moon, and orange - with the sun. In esoteric practice, blue color is often used to concentrate, meditation, in the process of self-knowledge.

The value of blue in antiquity

The symbolism of blue began to manifest itself into ancient times. In Egypt, this color was of particular importance. Sacrifice and gifts of gods were depicted in shades of blue. The same color was used for the image of the wigs of the gods, Pharaohs, the king, in order to emphasize their higher, divine origin. During various ceremonies, blue wigs were put on.

In the ancient Maya blue was the color of sacrifices. Objects from wood and ceramics, wall frescoes, aromatic resins, all that was associated with ritual sacrifices was signed and covered with blue paints. As Mayan sacrificed even people, doomed, before death, painted blue paint.

In the Christian tradition, Sinyan symbolizes the eternity of the Divine Power and the greatest sacraments. At the same time, in many Slavic peoples, blue was the color of the sorrows and seals, was associated with the demonic world. In the ancient folk legends, blue and black demons are mentioned.

In many nations of the world, blue symbolizes the sky, eternity, constancy, loyalty. It is considered to be color stability, peacekeeping, deep reflection. In Heraldry, blue is used to designate chastity, honesty, good glory and loyalty.

Residents of the East believe that blue color scares evil spirits, protects against negative impact, evil eye and damage.

Duality of blue

The value of blue has both a positive and negative aspect:

  • positive importance Blueness: spirituality, wisdom, patience, truth, calm and pacification; This color inspires the great accomplishments, cleanses the soul, the intuition and thrust for higher knowledge is connected with blue;
  • negative manifestations of blue shades: weakness, emotional coldness and impassable, malleavism, complacency; Blue color can lead to a loss of a sense of reality, drug dependencies, depressive states.

Blue color in psychology


As a rule, at a certain point in time, a person prefers one, less often two or three colors that prevail in his surroundings, atmosphere, clothes, etc. Over time, color preferences may change. But in any case, your favorite color can make a lot about the features of your character and emotional state.

Psychologists for these purposes use various color tests. The most reliable of them is a lasurome color test, according to which blue color symbolizes calm and satisfaction.

The main characteristics of blue in terms of psychology:

  • self-confidence, determination purposefulness, diplomatic approach to solving conflicts;
  • inflexibility, the inner rod, the qualities of the most characteristic for businessmen, people with the analytical warehouse of the mind;
  • perfectionism, the tendency to all idealize, peculiar to philosophers, writers, creative individuals;
  • strength of the spirit, volitional leadership skills - manifest themselves among politicians, speakers;
  • organizational and responsibility - blue tones subconsciously help a person concentrate on important purposes, structuring the information obtained;
  • blue color in human psychology speaks of a tendency to intuitive decision-making, peace of mind and the ability to find reasonable compromises;
  • in the psychology of relationships, blue color means loyalty, stability, sense of duty, commitment to traditions. Character

Blue - tint of heaven, peace, relaxation. If you like blue, it may mean that a person is characterized by modesty, melancholy, it is very important for him to feel confident in herself, as well as the favor of the surrounding people. The choice of this color speaks about the desire of peace and stability. The greatest need for this color is manifested in periods when a person is sick or offended when overwork.

If a person does not accept blue color - it can be a manifestation of thirst for change and constant movement, rejection of the routine and monotony of life, reluctance to take responsibility and make serious decisions. Such people often dream of light money and glory.

Color and efficiency. Psychology of blue in action

Despite the fact that the color perception of each person is purely individually, scientists make active attempts to influence the psychological state of a person in commercial and domestic purposes, in advertising, clothing, interior.

So, the predominance of a certain color, or their combinations, in the design of office or residential premises, creates a special emotional atmosphere. Not all businessmen know that the color gamut of the interior can have a noticeable impact not only for the performance of the company's employees, but also to affect the results of business negotiations.

  • in premises for negotiations, it is recommended to use light blue tones, because they contribute to the establishment of friendly relations, mutual understanding, better assimilation of information;
  • the abundance of blue rooms, on the contrary, reduces performance, can cause depressive states and reluctance to work for employees;
  • the contemplation of a saturated blue color slows the heartbeat, stabilizes blood pressure, soothes the nervous voltage, but in large quantities the blue causes a sense of depression;
  • natural stones of saturated blue tones (sapphire, topaz, lapis) - help to cope with stress and protect against unnecessary experiences, eliminate uncertainty;
  • stress removal technique: pour a glass of water and put it in front of a sheet of blue paper; Arrange more comfortably and for 10 minutes just look at the "blue" water; After that, the driver should slowly drink, thus "charged blue water" has a beneficial effect on our subconscious.

Blue color in clothes

If clothes in the shades of blue prevail in your wardrobe - you are smart enough and independent, often feel the need for spiritual warmth and attention. You are distinguished by patience, exposure, restraint in emotions.

Those who choose for their wardrobe blue and cornflowers - dreamers and romance, they believe in real love, and try to express themselves in everything and be seen surrounding. clothing blue color Rades freshness and coolness and perfect for hot summer.

If you prefer to wear jeans, know that denim clothing makes the impression of nobility and quality.

Also, the image makers advise as a business woman and businessmen to wear a dark blue suit more often. He is not only slimming a figure, but emphasizes your reliability as a business partner.

Shades of blue tone in psychology

Psychology studies not only the impact of the main colors on the psychological state of a person, but also their shades. Shades of basic colors also affect human perception and are often used in NLP techniques as an additional incentive. Basic shades of blue and their meaning:


Looking at him almost impossible to concentrate its attention on a specific object; Color of dreams and dreams, serenity, peace and peace; color of serenity, naivety and purity; Soothes, instills hope in a bright future.

Indigo (deep blue color)

It may lead to a depressed and apathetic state, causes sadness, longing, melancholy, deep immersion in its inner space.

Blue - green (turquoise, sea wave color)

Causes a sense of self-confidence, purposefulness and its own significance; This color is particularly influenced by the psyche, so it choose people who seek to manage their emotions, they want recognition and support from others; This color really helps to realize their goals, achieve the desired one.

Look at one of the existing classifications of color exposure.

What colors mean

- Yellow warm

Stimulates, having fun, burns, revitalizes

Sun, thanks

- Yellow cold

Nausea, disgust, nonsense

Jealousy, envy, treason

- Orange

I am glad, encouraging, activates

Sun, joy, wealth, power, luxury, celebration

- Red-orange

Excites, teases, incites

Love, pride, power, struggle, anger, passion, danger

- Purple

Reconciles, depends

Dignity, power, luxury, old age

- Purple

Deprives the will, brings sadness

Nobility, solemnity, modesty, humility

- Light blue, blue

Soothes, creates illusions, leads from real

Freedom, peace, paradise, peace

- blue

Makes passive, comforts, focuses

Lust, faith, loyalty, fertility

- An electrician

Holds back, soothes

Desire, cold

- Green

Soothes, balancing

Calm, world, youth, hope, security

- yellow-green

Refreshing, facilitates, Bodrit

Optimism, hope, birth

- White

Leaves indifferent

Clean, virginity, eternity

- The black


Death, Mourning, Reaction

- Grey

Deprives will, suggests

Pallor, poverty

- red-brown

Favorite, reliability, stability

Color psychology in clothing

In the world of fashion, the psychology of clothing and colors is used very often. Of course, the modern fashion has become very democratic, but there is general principles And the rules of the combination of colors that will help you look always appropriate.

It is believed that the thing is brighter and the person is shifted, the more low social position This testifies. All the most noble and aristocratic clothing are considered all shades of gray, which are often used in business suits, as well as rich blue. As a rule, these colors choose successful and wealthy people.

Black and white colors in clothes

Black and white colors are considered neutral because they are classic and very common. For Russian culture, the presence of black alone can carry and negative painting, since black has long been considered to be a mourning color. True, today this rule can be broken. Especially if you add a bright accessory to the black along with you.

At the same time, white color in its symbolism is the color of purity, innocence, which is why the bride's wedding dress is traditionally white. Do not wear this color if you do not want to seem unnecessarily young and naive.

Yellow in clothes

Yellow in clothing is considered too bright, and therefore somewhat annoying. It is suitable for those who want to attract attention. Only now at a meeting with business partners in a yellow suit, it is better not to go: you may not understand.

Red in clothes

As for red, in everyday life It is chosen only bold and relaxed nature. Red in clothes are very bright, exciting, and therefore it can be very profitable to be used to leave a strong impression about himself. For example, if you need to surprise, hit someone with your beauty, you can safely come to a party in a bright red dress. This color is excellent for accessories (handbags, scarves, scarves, gloves and more). Especially interesting can be the variants of the combination of red and black colors: with their help you can safely transfer the festive mood.

Blue color in clothes and other dark shades

Blue colour In clothes are quite familiar, so it is perceived neutral. Green is considered not only pleasant, but also useful for the eyes. It acts soothing.

Negative emotions can cause use in large quantities Brown in clothing, especially its dark shades. Brown is not always successfully combined with other flowers, so be careful with him.

The use of contrasting colors, as well as the focusing of one color using the other, less bright is considered original techniques.

Character in color: bright tones

Interesting, but unusual in the color daily color (bright pink, orange, turquoise) are used in some cases, with the corresponding setting as a manifestation of originality and its own style, the essence of which can be expressed by these colors.

From a long time, the property of the color palette of the surrounding world is known to influence the emotional, mental and physical condition of people. All colors, simple and complex, are able to change the condition of the body in their own way, positively or adversely affect any areas of human activity. Each color can tell a lot about the character, psychological condition, preferences and needs of a person choosing one or another tint at the moment of life. For example, violet color in psychology symbolizes wit, observation and high sensitivity of the person. Black often testifies to depression, depression or threat. Any of existing colors and shades preferred by a person is a specific signal carrying certain personality information.

Science and color

The amount of information on the effects of color on people over the years has become more and more, and a whole appeared scientific direction - Psychology of color. Studies of this science were helpful in the field of medicine, television, clothing, interior, advertising industry.

In recent decades, chromotherapy has become widespread. This is a method of treatment (a branch of physiotherapy) of many mental and physical diseases by influencing the body of light and color. This method of therapy is based on the fact that the painted light stream is an electromagnetic wave, which can penetrate into body tissues and transmit a certain energy. Scientists have proven that each color necessarily affects a person in any of its condition, regardless of its relationship to this shade. The effects of colors on people can be programmed. It is used to cause various physiological changes in the body in order to treat various health problems. Properties and importance of colors in psychology and physiotherapy are already sufficiently studied. Their use together and separately gives nice results in treatment.

Signals of colors and shades

Each shade out of the existing diverse palette is able to provide its definite impact on the mental and physical condition of the person.

Blue color in psychology is considered one of the most "strong". It possesses two opposite properties. On the one hand, it is a color of peace, peace and intelligence. He is able to remove stress, calm help to relax. Surrounded by blue tone is a favorable environment for intellectual activity and mental process. On the other hand, dark shades of blue can reduce vital activity and performance, cause sorrow and even depression.

In physiotherapy, the energy of this color wave is used to improve the work of the thyroid gland, organs of vision, hearing, ENT organs, as an painful, wound-healing and hemostatic agent.

Red shades have an effect opposite to blue color. They symbolize activity, excitement, courage, as well as danger and aggression. Red in psychology is considered an activator of vital activity, energetic and vitality. However, during its long-term contemplation, anxiety may occur, anxiety, an increase in blood pressure and cardiac frequencies.

Bright red colors attract attention - it is widely used in the advertising industry. In medicine, they are used in the treatment of anemia, menstrual pain, ORVI.

Green color in psychology means equilibrium, harmony, softness and calmness. It contributes to relaxation, mental and physical rest. In medicine, green shades have favorably affect the organs of vision, the cardiovascular system, contribute to the regeneration of organism cells.

Yellow Tone shades are stimulants nervous system, emotional sphere, brain activity. Yellow color in psychology is associated with exemption from irritated state and tension. It helps maintain a good mood, awakens inspiration and increases performance. In physiotherapy, this color is used for a positive impact on the liver, gastrointestinal tract, increasing appetite.

Purple color is obtained from mixing blue and red, so it carries quite controversial information. On the one hand, it is able to cause passivity, drowsiness, lethargy, reduced performance, slow down the processes of the body's life. On the other hand, he can help relax and distract from problems, cope with insomnia and mental stress, increase human self-esteem. In medicine, it is used in the treatment of arthritis, tumors, disorders of the nervous system.

Sunny bright orange color perfectly affects the mood, eliminates sad, depressive thoughts, helps to overcome difficulties in communicating. It can activate vital energy, cause a tide of strength, find solving problems. Orange shades help to cope with intelligent loads, it is better to absorb the information.

White color has always been considered a symbol of integrity, purity and clarity. In psychology, he means secrecy, inability to emotional affection. In medicine, white tone is used to remove pain and spasms, for a favorable effect on the brain.

Brown is seriousness, sometimes depressiveness. He is able to create a soft, calm mood.

Blue shade is obtained by mixing blue and white colors. He symbolizes passivity, calm. Its physiological effects are to slow down the processes of vital activity, reducing the internal stress. In physiotherapy, it is used to combat insomnia, favorable exposure to the nervous system.

Pink color symbolizes femininity, love, calm. It is considered simultaneously a sign of the dullness of anger, aggression and all soft, kind, related to childhood.

Black color symbolizes safety, refinement, protection. At the same time, it may be a sign of depression, apathy, closedness and depressive condition. Black tone helps the process of awakening consciousness and knowledge of themselves.

Application of color influence

Color value in psychology is widely used in various spheres of life.

Inventing ways of impact on people, television workers, promotional services, actively apply bright colors and shades. To attract attention and customize buyers for decisive actions apply red. Green, as a symbol of environmental friendliness, is used in food advertising, medicines. Orange color is suitable for advertising services in the health and development of children.

Blue shades are chosen for advertising travel agencies, air conditioners, fans and all that is associated with air and movement in space. To achieve the right impact on buyers, the psychology of colors is successfully used in different types advertising.

Interior and color

The psychological impact of the color waves on people was reflected in the features of the interior of various rooms. Great importance It has the color of walls, floors, ceilings, large furniture in a particular part of a house or apartment. So, for the kitchen you need to choose the situation in the colors that contribute to digestion and improving appetite. This includes green, orange, even red, but better in combination with black and white. For the bedroom, more suitable are weakly saturated blue, red, green shades, dark purple in combination with pink.

In the living room, the best choice will be combined with orange, yellow, green shades, creating a quiet friendly atmosphere in this room. For the bathroom, almost all tones are suitable, depending on taste preferences owners.

To achieve equilibrium in the interior, it is good to combine warm and cold colors, both in the same room and all the dwelling. Having separated rooms in different styles and color solutions, you can achieve complete harmony, in which it will be nice to all family members.

Clothing and color

Color psychology in clothing is also widespread. On the prevalence of a certain color scheme, you can judge many features of the character of a person.

Red color choose hot-tempered, sociable, people who are loving to be in the spotlight. The owners of the "black wardrobe" are most often closed, poorly relevant and insecure. Lovers of white clothing are considered creative. In general, white color is universal. It is combined with all other shades, it is not capable of psychologically push away and gives a person a feeling of physical and spiritual purity.

Blue tone prevails in the clothes of people who need a sense of confidence and those who need peace. Usually it likes modest, conservative personalities that are good friends. The predominance of green shades in the wardrobe talks about the gullibility of his owner and openness to communication. Such people easily adapt to new conditions are optimistic and confident. Those who have many pink things often turn out to be infantile, frivolous personalities. Such people are offended, love popularity, tend to live illusions, but always good-natured and cheerful.

Of course, most people in the wardrobe have things in different colors and shades. And they choose the outfit in accordance with their condition and mood at a particular point. On this choice, you can also judge the mental state. If today a person is dressed in all black, this does not mean that he is insecure and closed. Just today it inner world Requires exactly such a "shell".

Was Last Modified: April 20th, 2019 by Elena Weather

What solves color? Why are we again and again choose certain shades? Where does this persistent desire come from to buy blue blouses or knit dark green fellow crisps? Why the day before yesterday was a favorite color, and today he is "Fu, how could I buy it?!" About this and many other things - in the column of the psychologist and art therapist Evgenia Peltek.

The idea of \u200b\u200ban important role of color is laid in us literally from the diaper. Pink ribbon - girl, blue - boy. Just do not confuse! Lilac socks - only for girls, and green - you can and the boy. Why do you take blue, you have a girl?!
Babies, of course, are not important all these color details (especially since in the first weeks of life they distinguish only white and black). However, we, parents, for some reason it is important. Colors carry information that is laid in our "cultural code". That emotional charge, which we "read" from the color, has developed a long century, the entire history of its use in our culture.

Therefore, in order to understand your addiction to one or another shade, it would be nice to understand its cultural context, if not in the ages, then at least at the present time.

Sometimes a stable meaning of the shade can already be read in its name: "Protective" (disguise under the terrain and defense), "Marshmallow-pink" (infantility, sweetness, defenselessness), "Color of the first grass" (growth, breakthrough, filling area) and so Further. In other cases, personal associations have importance. For example, if the girl in childhood the bedroom was saved with a lilac wallpaper with yellow flowers, then this combination of shades will be firmly associated with her with a sense of security, calm, as well as the feeling of "home" and a children's position. In another person, exactly this combination can cause anxiety.

"However, in addition to individual perception, there are completely universal sustainable color associations, due to the community of education and the cultural context in which we have grown. If individual associations can be clarified during art exercises, then universal is a common" alphabet "of colors available for Reading to everyone.

Black: "Black Hole"

What are your associations with this color? The color of the earth, the color of the night, "black hole". And this is the color of mourning (i.e. open sorrow), borders (exactly this color indicates the contours of the picture). It is also associated with the unknown and fear, anxiety. This is the most contrasting tint. It is convenient to use it to draw contours. This makes it literally a boundary symbol for modern man. Therefore, the one who wants to "hold the border", to burn out from the world and be "a man in a case", often chooses exactly the black color of his "case".
Black color absorbs light and heat, does not reflect, but absorbs light (and color) waves.

"In the language of art therapy, the choice of this color can talk about the decline of the forces, the absence of emotions, vital energy. The man in the" mode of black "is most likely configured not to give, but getting heat and energy from the outside, accumulating heat.

At the same time, the stable image of the "small black dress" is associated with sexuality and representation of impeccable style. The attractiveness of this outfit can be explained from the point of view of color perception. Black color is associated with borders, closeness, mystery, and sometimes danger (darkness, night, unknown), which provokes imagination. At the same time, this black "case", as clearly from the name - "small", and therefore leaves enough open areas of the body (hands, legs). This contrast between open and closed, between the mystery and frankness is very attractive.

Green: "Green Light"

The idea of \u200b\u200bpermission is often associated with this color. Since childhood, we know the county: "Red - stand! Yellow - Wait! And green - go! " The majority of us are recorded on the "orphanage" from us: "Green, then you can". Every day, this conviction is supported by all traffic lights of your city (not to mention the neighboring). Safety signs (transitions, medical signs, evacuation exit signs), direction signs - exactly of this color.

Second steady association with green - grass, leaves, vegetation, "greens". Green is stably associated with the growth, occurrence and development of life, as well as with the development of the territory, assigning themselves the right to her.

"As the grass covers the ground, and the leaves are trees and a man in the" green period "can strive for the development of the new territory ( new profession, achieving a different position in the family or a higher step in the career).

Not such unambiguous associations cause mixed shades of green. For example, the color of "khaki" (it is often called "protective") it turns out if we need to eat gray or light brown to green. Already from the name - "Protective", "Khaki" - it is clear that a person who prefers such shades is experiencing a defense, protection or disguise. He does not want to attract attention to his person, "merging into the landscape." More bright shades of the same color often cause negative associations: for example, "Green longing", "Bolotnaya Tina" or simply "swamp".

It happens that a person chooses a subjectively unpleasant shade for his clothes.
For example, in the course of one of the art therapeutic sessions, the client A., when I asked to show unpleasant colors, confidently chose the color of the khaki. She explained that he was connected to her with a "swamp" and "stagnation." At the same time, on A. On this day, pants were saturated "bottle" color, exactly exactly the coinciding with this tint. I offered her to portray the image on paper and comment on the drawing. It turned out that the "swamp" in its representation is a nutrient medium from which flowers germinate.
Currently, A. Masters a new profession an interesting profession. For the symbol of "swamps", she easily found out the current work that feeds the girl, but does not cause much interest. A. understood: at the moment, the "Swamp" color symbolizes for it support and stability, the possibility professional development In the new sphere. That is why visually not quite pleasant A. Color received admission to her wardrobe.

Blue: "Blue Sea"

Blue is considered the most "calm", steady, returning equilibrium. This color of the sea and the sky is probably therefore considered to be the color of stability, peacekeeping, deep reflection.

"A long need for this color can experience in situations when it is important for him to calm down, to deduct from bright emotions and experiences.

Also blue color is often associated with intelligence. It is not by chance that the pseudo-native term "Children of Indigo", denoting unusually developed, unusual children with elevated intellectual (and some other) abilities, is related to this tint. Road information signs ("Pedestrian Transition", "Descent", "Stop", "Parking"), as a rule, is blue.
At the same time, the blue is a cold shade associated with removal, cold, and emotional.

Also blue is the color of water, and therefore it is a symbol of not only the seas, rivers, oceans, rain, but also tears, which means it is the color of sadness and sorrow.
During one of the art therapeutic sessions, the young woman R. aggressively drawn filled with blue transparent vessels - decanters, glasses, jugs, explaining that this is water. When I asked her to draw this water, she completely crushed the sheet blue, and painted a small figurine in the center - herself. Looking at her drawing, R. Poklakla. She found out her longing in blue "fog", which completely "overwhelmed" her. At this time, R. experienced parting with his beloved person, but externally remained absolutely calm and balanced. The blue color she preferred in clothing has become a way to maintain balance in emotionally hard situationAt the same time, being an expression of sadness and longing for a loved one.

Red: "Fire Flower"

Red - one of the most notable colors of the spectrum. This is a color of heat, fire, love, life, energy. In Orthodoxy, red is considered a symbol of resurrection - the victory of life over death. But at the same time, the Orthodox culture, which is part of the cultural context around us, recognizes the duality of this color, also considering it by the color of blood and torment, the color of the victim of Christ. The color of fire and blood causes association with a powerful element, this color of directional energy, at the same time - a symbol of love, sex and aggression.
A bright red dress is an unequivocal sexual call (or call) addressed to the partner (real or potential).
In addition, this color symbolizes confidence and intention to act. If a person has a need to demonstrate their power, strength, he will prefer this color.
In addition, this is a warning color. In nature, animals and insects having a bright red color, as if they say - "do not come, dangerous!". In our, "human" warning of danger or prohibiting road signs Also, mostly used red (it is most noticeable and visible from the distant distance).

"A person, persistently choosing this energetic color for his outfits or accessories, most likely, is determined to change a lot in his life. Sometimes" People in Red "can go to their goal with alkalin, but always honestly warn about it their fellow travers or random passersby Color your outfit.

Yellow: "Warm sun"

With yellow everything seems to be simply - this color of heat, sun, joy, chickens and summer. It causes a feeling of carelessness and optimism, this is a kind of quintessence of life. But on another pole of this color - not the most pleasant associations: lies, treason and madness. "Yellow House", "Yellow Newspaper", "alarming" yellow flowers at Margarita Bulgakov, painful-yellow skin and so on.
Why is that? Yellow - one of the brightest. It is associated with life and change, and therefore deeply dualien in nature. Big changes imply "smudging" of values, rejection of old habits, output from the shell. People who prefer yellow, as if they report that they are ready for sharp change. And this willingness sometimes causes not only support, but also condemnation of others, but also internal conflict.

"Interesting detail: Yellow color is so inhouse that in design it is rarely used by solo. Sometimes in tandem with yellow goes black, like the most contrasting and limiting.

This combination of colors (yellow + black) in nature is one of the brightest warning colors (bees, wasps, bumblebees, snakes), and in the "human" world used for signs that inform about increased danger and threat to life ("biological danger" , "Radiation Threat", etc.). An occasion to think for those who choose these colors for their clothes.

Blue: "Sky color"

Blue is one of the most "lungs" and clean shades. It is a mixture of two colors: white and blue, but in its pure form is present in the spectrum. This is the color of the sky, pure spring water, light breeze. It is associatively associated with something light, air, almost weightless.
In Orthodox culture, blue is important. He symbolizes the infinity of the sky and in the iconography is considered to be the color of Our Lady, which combined the earthly and heavenly.
In Russian, many expressions associated with this tint: "Blue Dream", "Plate with a Blue Kar". Blue - Metaphor of Hope, faith in good, it is the color of the fairy tale and the fulfillment of desires. He calms, causes a sense of security. "Blue thieves" is a charming type, which is difficult to get angry, the "blue helicopter" will surely bring a wizard.

"This color soothes, reduces the level of aggression, so it often choose people who experience a drastic irritation, which it is important to" reduce degrees ", relax.

On the other pole of the blue stands its association with the "ideal". To match the dream, sometimes you have to work well. Therefore, sometimes blue is the color of perfectionists and even snobs. Remember Malvina, "Girl with blue hair", " blue blood", Symbolizing" high "aristocratic origin.

White: "White Noise"

A symbol of purity (both literal and metaphorical), freedom, beginning, background, which is only to be filled with new content, updates. White color is universal, it consists of all colors of the spectrum, which means that it is suitable for everything. In Orthodoxy, he is a symbol of Divine Light. This is the color of holiness and simplicity. On the icons of the saints and righteous, they are usually depicted in white.
The importance of this color is difficult to overestimate. Each key stage of human life is associated with white. White diapers, white wedding dress and vest vehicle, white savan. Birth, wedding, death - all transitions are associated with white. It is not by chance that white in many cultures is a symbol of mourning.

"Thus," white clothes "chooses a person who experiences the need for" reset ", a new point of reference. In addition, it is the color of emptiness, the background," white noise", Emphasized neutrality.

Strict office dress code prescribing "white top-black bottom", it comes from this property of white. White (as the most neutral) and black (as a symbol of boundaries) in combination give a faceless disguise, devoid of emotional fullness. Sometimes it is exactly what is needed for a comfortable existence.

Not all the colors of the palette entered the material. "Not lucky" to get into this review orange (color of change and impulsivity), brown (color of "mundane" and finding a support), and also - purple, gray, purple, pink and many-many other colors. Good news: All these shades can be obtained by mixing the colors described in the material. And all "complex" mixed colors have the properties of each of the components of the shade.

To be continued. In the following material, read about color combinations and prints in clothing.