On the terrible news, a painful life situation, whether it is severe illness of a loved one or himself, betrayal, divorce, loss, conflict at work, in a family or with a friend, every person reacts in its own way. But for all this is an unpleasant surprise, maybe even a blow to the back. Such an event is a crisis for a person and his family, it completely changes life. It can be a stage of development, and may become a step to a regression or a stop, and may also destroy all the established way. In any case, after such news, life is divided into "to" and "after".

How to cope with this and stand under the "blows of fate", how to build your life to solve the problem with the smallest loss, where to take the strength to stand, move forward and continue to live on? What to do in such a shocking stage.

Principles of survival in the crisis period

1. Support. Look for and find support from loved ones in your family and friends. Feeling support, you will feel stronger and more protected. And you will already support children and elderly parents (and not only), because your confidence, calm and sanity are so important for them.

And if such a situation happened to the other, how to help and how to support? Council, common phrases it is impossible to help. You need to be near, even if there is a feeling that you don't do anything useful. Very often it is enough to say: "I know what hurts you, I'm here, I'm there." Healing begins when there is someone to wander about trouble or chase together.

3. Do not hide what happened from family members. Nothing crashes the relationship as an intra-day secret or mystery. And besides this, takes a lot of strength, so necessary in this difficult moment. Mystery creates a feeling of anxiety surrounding still feeling that something is wrong, they may have a sense of guilt, humiliation (they are not trusted), etc.

4. Do not hide the difficult situation from friends. Friendship is not only for joint leisure, not in vain they say that a friend is known in trouble. With a friend, there is an opportunity to speak, with him you can be weak and defenseless, it will not condemn and will understand everything. Friend will always help and support. Friendship is a colossal resource.

5. Stay in reality, relying on common sense and facts. Fear has a great eye, you can naphantize anything. Fear paralyzes and does not allow analyzing and acting correctly in the current situation. Panic is more dangerous than terrible diagnosis or terrible news. At the same time, it is not necessary to take carelessly to what happened (everything is somewhat resolved). Do not charge additional horror, but also does not follow the situation either.

6. Cry. If you feel that tears approach - cry. (Even if you know that men do not cry!) Tears remove the emotional tension, clean the soul, reduce the pain from the mental wound, help accept what happened. Non-chosen tears continue destructive work inside the psyche, undermine the health.

7. Stay in positive. The crisis situation raises from the bottom of the psyche, all experienced severe situations - insults, betrayal, conflicts, fears. "I'm not just so simple, and here is also it! For what?" The main thing is not to go to the negative, the procliny of all and everyone, not to enter the state of the victim, and lowering the hands to wait for the situation. This is an opportunity to take an active position, take the solution of all the problems of your life in your hands, and at the same time to deal with the past traumatic situations. And ask yourself the right question - not "Why do I all of this?", And "What is this situation?"

But this can be done no earlier than a strong grief, grief, will not go into less saturated feelings of sadness and sadness. Pain and shock from what happened do not pass quickly. We must give your time. Must be sure to go through the process of extinguishing.

8. Understand what happens to me. Non-easy living situation is very much undermining the resource, all forces go to something to calm down and find a way out. And when there is no strength, everything that used to be slightly irritated, a little bit, begins to cause rampant aggression, conflict or quarrel may arise from nothing. The fear of its own impotence, the impossibility of controlling itself and the situation. As a result, the hypertrophied value is attached to what is not worth the exhausted egg. After all, not in vain they say "the trouble is not one". The output one is to understand what is happening with you, and take this condition, - do not fight with him. Explain to others (you can not going into details - if you do not want), which is now a difficult period in your life. If necessary, politely apologize. As soon as you stop fighting with you and others, the forces will be more, it will be easier to keep calm.

9. Understand that any situation is the acquired experience. And the crisis situation is also getting rid of the illusions. The insight can be bitter, but this meeting with reality, a person begins to understand what is really happening. The awareness comes that it is not all in life can be corrected, you can only survive. It remains all this to take and live on.

Scale Elizabeth Kübler-Ross

Elizabeth Kübler-Ross, American psychologist of Swiss origin, offered a scale - a stage of a heavy, traumatic life situation. This scale helps to determine what is happening with you at the moment, and what will be the next step. If you are not "stuck" and allow yourself to go through and complete this experience.

1. Shock, blow, shock. Sharp loss of forces.

2. Denial, rejection. - "No, it can not be!"

3. Anger and anger. Irritation and rage. Urgent search to blame.

4. Fear and depression. The emergence of depression is associated with risening feelings of shame and guilt. There is almost no energy, the resource falls to a minimum.

5. sadness, sadness. Turnstanding feelings, healing psyche. First swallow adoption.

6. Adoption. A severe event and the changed situation are accepted as a given. The world has changed, and this does not cause protest and confrontation. Energy begins to increase, forces arrive.

7. Farewell. There is a release of what time has come to say goodbye. With the illusion of another life, with dreams, plans, hopes that were "before" and have been riveted in the fly.

8. Search for meaning and return. In everything that happened, the meaning begins to emerge. The experience gained integrates and woven into the common canvas of life. From that moment, it becomes what can be relying on. It becomes your property and part of your identity. You have become an adult.

9. Clarity and peace in the shower. It was understood that the world had changed around and became different, but did not collapse. Something left forever, with something I had to say goodbye - with some plans, illusions, dreams, with our ideas about how it should be. The vital crises are the stages of development and adults, the necessary change in order to live on. All that does not kill, makes us stronger.

Quite often in life, we are faced with a difficult situation when it is difficult to find its correct decision or loyalty of one of the solutions is not obvious. Tips for loved ones and all kinds of acquaintances, recommendations How best to act specifically in your situation can only complicate the case, because sometimes they are contradictory or do not coincide with your desires. There are no universal recipes, but the following several abstracts, rules that always work will best solve the controversial situation.

  1. In order not to regret the decision or not doubt his correctness after some time, you need to abstract from the current situation. And for this you need to remember your It is quite possible, not all your decisions will be agreed with your values, and serve for the benefit of vital goals, but at least they should not contradict them.
  2. Whatever complex, insoluble or even tragic circumstances, it is necessary to ask the question: "And what useful can I give this situation?" In any atmosphere, with any tracking of events there is something vital for you now, otherwise they would not arise. All situations in life we, one way or another, create themselves, provoking their previously accepted solutions and views on life, themselves and others. In order not to wander in eternal uncertainty, the universe periodically gives us feedback to further adjust our thoughts, views and actions. What is now can be viewed as a smaller evil from possible or as a challenge, a new stage for personal growth.
  3. To find the strength and wisdom to solve this situation in the best way, remember what qualities and properties are most attracted in other people. It is these characteristics of the character that you are more than necessary for you - they need to be found in themselves, allow them to express themselves, develop them and educate them. To take control of the situation and do not need to control others, it is enough to control themselves.
  4. It would be a mistake constantly strive and problems. First, concentrating on troubles, we tendattract them into your lifeAnd secondly, it distracts attention from the main goal. Therefore, the most reasonable one to present the best scenario of your life and move in the selected direction, not the fear of difficulties. They are inevitable, but overcoming.
  5. You largely like what you do, how, where, in which environment you live. This is a prerequisite for happiness and the rule of happy people. With a support that you pleases in your life, with an adequate positive assessment yourself, you can successfully change what you does not suit you.
  6. Forget about your shortcomings, focus on your advantages, develop them and improve them. Remember that people without flaws do not happen, the true value of a person in its manifest abilities and developed deposits. Especially in difficult situations, remember your previous achievements and previously received decisions, they will motivate similarly to behave now.
  7. To learn to take yourself and your not the best, as you consider quality, startrefer to oneself with humor. After all, humor removes tension, gives a breather and helps painlessly and objectively look at difficulty. And, by the way, completely negative traits, as you know, does not happen that you consider bad and unworthy, too, you can also find the best use. When you think, then be sure to remember cases of life in which you came in handy what you tend to criticize in yourself.
  8. Do not change the goals, but adjust your behavior in a timely manner, what helped before, perhaps no longer has the same strength. Change the funds, soda, but not the very main goal - to live happily! Try to be as much as possible here and now, to be flexible and attentive in order to interpret what is happening correctly. And do not give too much knowledge of the criticism of others, whatever you do, everyone interprets based on their experience, values \u200b\u200band is inclined to see in others already what is in him itself. And does not see that he is not inherent.
  9. In whatever non-standard or ambiguous situation you do not get, imagine at least three more or less suitable ways to exit difficulties. Sometimes we docile on one or two permissible ways to solve the problem, without noticing the rest. The more options, even if incredible, you can come up with and call, the more confident you will feel and easier to find the right solution among all possible.
  10. No matter how hard it is, it's sad, remember that nothing happens for eternal: the day replaces night, sunny weather - rainy. Learn to treat difficulties as temporary, especially since it is. It is black stripes to fully appreciate the best moments of our lives. A positive attitude, hope for the best and faith in yourself is often decisive in overcoming difficulties.

There are advice who teach a person to defend himself if he fell into a difficult situation. But very often such advice is not only able to help, but they can destroy. Just about such advice - myths and will be told in this article.

If the shark attacked you, you need to hit her nose

This Council is complete nonsense. Just imagine such a picture. Will you be able to breathe hard in the water to hit hard? It is unlikely to succeed.
If, shark still attacks you, it is best to take into your hands any hard object and keep it so that it forms a certain shield between her and you. Suitable boat. In the event that there are no solid items, proceed yourself. Suggest the shark eyes or damage the gills.

If you suddenly got into the bumping current, it is worth sailing parallel to the shore

The very fact of getting into the similar course, when you can not do anything and you still have a stronger from the shore - terrible. But if the course takes you away from the coast, you really try to swim in parallel to the shore.
But you need to know that the flow is usually not moving in one direction, but in different. Therefore, so that you are not taken too far, it is necessary to float perpendicular to the flow.
Try to save your strength and you will feel that it is much easier to swim in such a method than if you fought with the flow. If you feel that it does not work out, then try to stay afloat, while someone does not help you.

Canopy - the best shelter

In general, if you ended up in the forest - it does not matter to get lost or are going to simply stay in this place for a while, it is necessary to build a canopy or make it from girlfriend. Since this is forced by the appropriate situation. Also, the shelter is necessary in order to hide from the swollen element. If the weather is too hot, then the shelter needs to be done in a place where there is a shadow. There you can stay.
But the canopy is suitable only for this. But if a strong wind begins and it will become cold, then it will not be the right from such a shelter. In the cold earth you will not be able to sleep, because you can't get warm. In this case, it is necessary to build a chalash, in which you must attend the warm litter to do not freeze at night.
Therefore, the Council that first is necessary to take care of a canopy, not always works.
We disassembled three myths, hope for which it makes no sense. Therefore, be careful and get ready for any event in advance, be it rest or ordinary swim in the reservoir. It is necessary to assume that being among the wildlife you can always face difficulties.

You can everything! PRINT PO Natalia Borisovna

How to behave in a difficult situation?


What to do when you find yourself in a difficult situation with an incomprehensible outcome? When alarming, because the situation may change at any time. Dangers around at least debugs. How worthy to go through this test and benefit not only yourself, but also people?


In such situations, it is necessary to understand that everything is in the hands of God. You have done everything you could, now you just need to go and pray that your path is clean and leveled. It is best to talk to God in his language - this is a language of prayers, mantras and meditations. Nothing is not yet invented, in any case, at this stage of your development. Any mantra and prayer protects the reading person that is a transparent dome. Call to God never remains unnoticed. Here are two mantras that are most suitable for this solemn moment in your life - to make a crust.

The first mantra expresses the worship of the absolute, the uniform Divine source of all alive.

Ohm Mahadevaya Nakh.

The second mantra, which is not better suitable for these places, Mantra dedicated to Shiva, to whose throne you have happiness to be admitted.

Om Shivaya Machasa

Contact this great spiritual support - according to mankind over mantras and prayers, and you will pass all the difficulties and tests worthy.

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Actively transforming any difficult situation, a person varies significantly, but these changes are usually unintended and unconscious. However, sometimes people turn out to be in such situations when only a conscious change in their characteristics can lead to well-being. Overcoming is actions focused on achieving success, to change the practical difficult situation. They are associated with effort and considerable energy; Says a high level of self-regulation, search for information, intense meditation, involvement in the orbit of other people.

What techniques behavior are most often used in difficult situations? They can be combined by strategies to transform difficult life situations: protection, consolation (overcoming and adaptation) and experience.

Protection techniques are most often included in a special group of non-adaptive reactions to difficulties: non-commodity humility, depression, depression, as well as avoiding difficult situations, suppressing thoughts on the source of difficulties.

Overcoming is actions focused on achieving success, to change the practical difficult situation. They are associated with effort and considerable energy; Says a high level of self-regulation, search for information, intense meditation, involvement in the orbit of other people.

Actively transforming any difficult situation, a person varies significantly, but these changes are usually unintended and unconscious. However, sometimes people turn out to be in such situations when only a conscious change in their characteristics can lead to well-being. In this case, the change in its own characteristics and relationships to the situation becomes the main strategy or is part of the part in other strategies.

1. Receptions of fixtures

  • Adaptation to institutional aspects of the situation (social standards, public installations, rules of business relations, etc.). Mastering this technique, a person easily enters the world of law, morality, culture, labor, family relationships. In ordinary social conditions, this technique is a prerequisite for success. For example, it helps when adapting to new working conditions or in the case when the newlyweds are forced to live with their parents, etc. However, the technique has its own limitations: it often does not work in a situation of social shocks when the lifestyle changes dramatically (old rules No longer valid, and new ones have not yet been).
  • The adaptation to the originality and needs of other people can be of great importance in the situation of social shocks. Studies have shown that this technique is most often used in crisis periods of society. It is no coincidence that this technique uses those who survived the World War II and post-war times. It is close to it another technique of adaptation - care for establishing and maintaining social contacts.
  • Take on the role and behave in accordance with it. This technique is used in such situations when their own personal properties become a source of difficulties and painful experiences (for example, shyness or uncertainty in themselves, not allowing successfully adapting to new working conditions, seek help, etc.). At the heart of this reception lies conscious use of the identification mechanism. The person finds a model for imitation (this may be a familiar with this missing quality, a film character or book, personifying confidence) and in a difficult situation assumes the role of this character: it starts to move differently, to speak differently and even feel different . Since he does not fully identify himself with the chosen role, but only "plays it", then all his missions and awkwardness belongs not to itself, but to the chosen character. It helps not feel embarrassed, not to reduce self-esteem and be more free from the opinions of others. Studies have shown that with a successful choice of role, its execution helps to cope with the difficult situation of communication, it causes notable changes not only in behavior, but also in personal installations and values \u200b\u200b(F. Zimbardo, Ya. Moreno, etc.). At the same time, flexibility is acquired, and the role is not mastered by a person, but a person - a role, using a role as a tool, as a means for restructuring its behavior in various situations.
  • A common form of adaptive behavior often acts as identification with more successful people or identification (identification) with powerful organizations and associations. People who suffered failures and disappointment are resorted to such a reception, the reason for which they can see in the absence of the quality of "luckyness". Identifying with successful people, they seem to complement themselves by special abilities, and becoming the functions of a reputable organization, not only get the right to feel their belonging to her and talk about "our successes", but in fact begin to feel strong and act more confidently successfully.
  • Determining the boundaries of its capabilities - this technique is usually used with a sharp change in life circumstances. It is most brightly manifested in those who have become disabled. Such people are forced to drastically change the lifestyle. At first they "determine the boundaries of their capabilities": as a person entering the river in an unfamiliar place, or a man going on the swamp; Protect the measure of preserved abilities and try to compensate for lost. Note that almost all people who climbed in new or more complicated circumstances are resorted to the same tactics.
  • Anticypping (from lat. Anticipate - anticipation, prediction of events, pre-composed presentation) Consolidation and anticipating sadness - this is a technique that people who have experience in failures or waiting for the inevitable occurrence of a difficult situation (for example, the death of a patient relative, their own serious operation, etc. .). This technique has adaptive importance: it allows people to psychologically prepare for possible difficult tests and in advance to outline ways to prevent unhappy turns of fate. Like any other way of consolation with difficulties, the anticycling consolation can be both productive and unproductive - depending on the characteristics of the life situation.

An example of the productive use of an anticycing consumption is widely used in a number of foreign clinics, the experience of preparing children for the upcoming operation. Nurses under the guidance of a psychologist are organized by special role-playing games, where the entire situation of operation is simulated (from preoperative preparation to the return of small patients in the ward, final recovery and discovery home). Such prior psychological preparation reduces the preoperative alarm of children and significantly speed up their recovery (Ross D., Nisbett R., 1999).

A vivid example of an unequivocally unproductive anticycling consolation is the "symptom of Saint Lazar", which psychologists have discovered when working with some families of HIV-infected. It is that family members begin to treat the diseased so, as if he was already dead and melted (up to the fact that they avoid communicating with the patient, openly prepare for the funeral, collecting money for the commemoration of still living, refuse to pay for teeth treatment, etc. P.)

2. Auxiliary methods of self-storage situations of difficulties and misfortunes

These techniques include the techniques of combating emotional disorders caused by non-resumes, from the point of view of the subject, negative events.

These are the care or escape from a difficult situation that can be carried out not only in practical, but also in a purely psychological form - by internal alienation from the situation or suppressing thoughts about it (refusal of increasing services, from tempting proposals, avoiding all dubious situations is often becoming People who survived a lot of disappointments and failures, personal feature). Such people themselves determine their way of behavior as the "last line of protection."

The dedicated methods of self-preservation include denial - refusal to accept what a stunning, traumatic event occurred. M. Horowitz considers negation as a psychological barrier on the path of the destructive penetration of the traumatic event into the inner world of man, in its value-semantic conceptual system. The denial allows a person to recycle tragic situations with small doses, gradually assimilated semantic personality. After the assimilation of the catastrophic event, the consciousness of a person is changing, his relationship to the world, a new assessment of life and its own capabilities appear, the space of a personal future in his consciousness increases.

Transformation and adaptation techniques can be both typical of humans and situational-specific; As the main and auxiliary. The following techniques are called situational and specific: "to use a chance", "resist", "identify with the goals and fate of other people," "hope", "to correct your expectations", "rely on other people "," Consolidate "," show aggression in the form of action or criticism "," suffer satisfaction of their needs "and others.

3. Techniques used in case of failure

Speaking of situational and specific techniques, consider those of them that a person applies in cases where, despite all his efforts, he cannot change the life situation for the better: the problem remains unresolved and the person is forced to admit that he failed. After all, if a person set a difficult task, designed her decision as part of the future life, was filled with confidence in her decision and for consistent with her mobilized huge forces, the defeat is experiencing as a collapse of the person. If a person has not experienced major failures before that, he did not get into a distressed position, he is extremely vulnerable. His consciousness resists reality.

In such a situation, a person seeks at any cost to maintain or restore a positive attitude towards himself, a sense of personal well-being. The most commonly applied techniques, depreciating failures, which are based on the effect of psychological protection mechanisms. They do not require a person painful restructuring attitudes towards themselves and allow us to reduce the severity of emotional experiences. Among these techniques, we note the following.

  • Depreciation of the object. A person reduces the importance for himself what she was striving for, but could not reach (admission to the university, the entry of marry, the completion of the dissertation, etc.). Thus, he devalues \u200b\u200bhis failure ("This is not the most important thing in life," "I need it?") And I try to enter the sad situation in the history of your life as a minor biographical episode.
  • Correction of their expectations and hopes. Since failure is an event painful for a person, forcing the value of which all forces were mobilized, a person can resort to the correction of expectations and hopes. Often it acquires the form of minimizing needs. Undoubtedly, such a reception saves from failures, but he depletes the future of the person and does not raise her self-esteem.
  • Acceptance of the situation - accepting it as it is. In practical psychology, this technique is sometimes called "patience" or consume the phrase "release the situation" (the meaning of this expression is to stop unsuccessful overcoming actions to change the situation). This is not a passive response to difficult circumstances, but a conscious decision that a person takes after analyzing his life situation and comparing his position with the situation of people in an even more distinguished position. This technique is quite appropriate for a situation of severe illness or disability limiting human capabilities.
  • Positive interpretation of your situation. This technique is similar to the previous one. It is that a person uses various comparison options: compares himself with those who are in an even more unenviable position ("coming down a down"), or recalls its successes in other areas and situations about this form: "Yes, I did not achieve this, but ... "(" Comparison "). Many in memory have such protective phrases of one of the not too successful heroines of the popular film E. Ryazanov "Service Roman": "I live in the city, but next to the train", "My husband had an ulcer of the stomach, but the Vishnevsky himself did the operation " etc.

There are opinions that adaptation to circumstances indicates the inability to master their lives, about the passive strategy. However, in real life, everything is not so unambiguous: sometimes the temporary device acts as a wise, taking into account the objective features of the situation and the life prospects of the experience of the experience difficult for humans.

The simplest example of this is the situation of entering a new team: a person is intelligent refused to certain forms of behavior and self-affirmation in order to get a job in a prestigious company and be adopted in the new team.

A more complex option is an adaptive submissive behavior in the name of freedom in the future. "In difficult times, people proceed to the exercise of long-term programs for the struggle for individual freedom, they are aware that in order to acquire freedom, it is necessary to be prepared to a lot: to obey the will of the leader or autocratic authority, to fulfill its decisions and decisions. It does not have any resistance. The submissive behavior is a kind of maneuver, allowing to achieve in the future of emancipation purposes. "

Leave for every person the right to independently choose from its repertoire those strategies and techniques that will help him cope with life difficulties. Not everything in his life, he can change. At best, a person can, soberly meaning the situation, direct his efforts to correct what is amenable to change, and find ways to coexist with the fact that it is impossible to change.

If you faced the behavior of a person who, at first glance, it seems inadequate, do not hurry with conclusions. Carefully consider and analyze the features of his life situation. This will help you the following questions.

  • What are the objective features of the situation in which a person shows inadequate behavior? Perhaps his inadequate behavior - "Normal response to an abnormal situation"?
  • How does a person self interprets the life situation in which it turned out to be?
  • What is the wider context "inscribed" this situation? Who else participated in it? What are the relationship between participants? What events occurred in a person's life shortly before this situation? How important is this situation for humans? and etc.
  • Word preliminary hypotheses about the human life situation. If you are faced with the fact that a person does not respond to powerful influences of life, think about: perhaps that information about him and its situation you have, erroneous or incomplete. Or you are inadequately assessing its situation and there is a discrepancy between your vision of the situation and how does a person sees it.
  • In such difficult cases, be sure to try to understand the features of the image of the human world. Especially difficult to provide psychological assistance two extreme options - the infantile image of the world (it is sometimes called the "personal concept of a prosperous world") and an ultra-resistant, rigid image of the world. In both cases, people seek at any cost to preserve positive ideas about themselves and are often similar to ostrich, which in the situation of danger hides their heads in the sand. They ignore adverse information, try to discredit the source of information that reduces self-esteem, while resorting to various forms of self-deception.
  • Be sure to create a sense of owning a situation in a person - especially those of those people who need help. Suggest your help so that their sense of their own efficiency and self-esteem is not reduced, but on the contrary, gave them to the belief that they will be able to cope with life adversities, and the courage to take responsibility for their own destiny.
  • Be especially careful in cases where people cannot (even if you realize the need to do this) change the old habits. It is useless to accuse people in cosupiness, stupidity or low-lying motivations. Instead, it is worth a deeper to analyze the dynamics of the external and internal forces that hold a person from changes.

To intently understand the peculiarities of human behavior in the situation and the possibility of transforming the situation, we must consider:

  • those "secret functions" and "psychological benefits" (real or imaginary), which performs the usual way to human behavior;
  • those invisible forces that prevent changes (this may be, for example, group standards in its working or family environment; fear of failure, etc. formed in past periods);
  • think about the factors that can be used to create the conditions for productive changes.

OCYXOVA, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology of Development of the MOCKOVSKY PEADAGOGICAL STATE UNIVERSITY (MPGU), a practitioner psychologist.