UDC 373.21

A. A. Antonov


The main educational programs used in the teaching and educational process of a preschool educational institution both in Russia and in foreign countries. The exceptional importance of children's physical education and the need to find ways to further improve it are emphasized.

This article analyzes the basic educational programs used in the educational process at preschool education institutions both in Russia and abroad. The author emphasizes the exceptional importance of physical education of children and its further improvement.

Keywords: preschool psychology, preschool educational institutions, preschool education.

Key words: child psychology, preschool education institutions, preschool education.

The main task of the Russian educational policy V last years was to ensure modern quality of education while maintaining its fundamentality and compliance with the current and future needs of the individual, society and the state. To solve this problem, the Government of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education developed the “Concept of Modernization Russian education for the period until 2010."

The priority in the educational policy of the first stage of modernization is the implementation of preschool education programs and the adoption of measures to improve the health of the younger generation.

Speaking about the current state of preschool education, it should be noted that, despite the difficulties that it experiences, it has managed to maintain the best Russian traditions. The pedagogical process covers all the main areas of child development (physical education, familiarization with the outside world, artistic and aesthetic, etc.), a system of measures is provided for the protection and promotion of children’s health, the principle of complexity is observed, partial programs are used that combine various aspects pedagogical process. New, non-traditional types of content for the work of a preschool educational institution also appear: choreography and rhythm, teaching a foreign language, new technologies fine arts, computer training, familiarization with national culture, greater emphasis is placed on creating conditions for independent experimentation and search activity of the children themselves. There is a transition to a different style of communication and play with the child - taking into account personality-oriented interaction.

In today's educational space, a wide range of domestic programs are offered that implement different approaches to organizing the pedagogical process in preschool educational institutions. Each of them puts forward one or another educational priority: cognitive development, aesthetic, environmental. It is important to take into account that the activation of some areas of a child’s development at the expense of others leads to impoverishment personal development and deterioration of the physical and mental condition of the preschooler. Despite this, among the trends in the educational process in preschool educational institutions modern stage significant increase in volume and intensity cognitive activity. Additional activities for the child are introduced, for example foreign languages, computer training, ecology, life safety, etc. However, there is no clear control and dosing study load, many preschool institutions do not have adequate pedagogical conditions and organizational and methodological approaches have not been developed that would compensate for the negative impact of increased intellectual stress. Innovations of this kind reduce the already insufficient level of physical activity, according to experts, and have a negative impact on the health of children. It is known that children’s need for physical activity is satisfied during their stay in a preschool educational institution by only 45-50%, even with physical education classes carried out three times a day, and now in many preschool educational institutions their number has decreased to two, and sometimes even once a week.

In modern programs for preschool educational institutions, physical education is not a priority section. However, numerous previous studies have noted a close relationship between the level of morbidity and the level of human physical activity at various stages of ontogenesis. It has been established that the greatest effectiveness of the preschool education process is achieved if the daily volume of organized motor

Vestnik Rossiiskogo state university them. I. Kant. 2010. Vol. 11. pp. 22 - 27.

The child's activity accounts for 30 to 40% of his waking time. The content of the programs is focused primarily on mental development children reduces the interest of teachers in the physical education of preschoolers.

Filippova S. O., having analyzed the content of domestic physical education programs for preschoolers, came to the conclusion that these programs are focused more on developing basic motor skills in children and to a lesser extent on promoting the targeted development of motor qualities, and do not directly affect the systems and body functions of children and their health. Many programs do not pay enough attention to the development physical qualities children preschool age, while a significant number of preschool children (28 - 40%) have a low and below average level of physical fitness, and as a result, indicators of the functions of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems indicate a decrease in the reserve capabilities of the children’s body.

The implementation of the concept of preserving child health is presented in domestic educational programs ah “Health”, “Fundamentals of the safety of preschool children”. "Rainbow", " Kindergarten- house of joy", " Friendly guys", "Heritage" and "Golden Key" are mainly aimed at the social development of the child. Aesthetic development is embodied in the programs “Development”, “Origins”, “Childhood”, ideas about the need to develop creativity are contained in “TRIZ”. Some programs are highly specialized, for example: “Young Ecologist”, “Preschooler and Economics”, “Little One”, “Planet of Childhood”, “Synthesis”, “Harmony”, “Baby”, “Children’s Giftedness”, “Start”, etc. . P.

Along with domestic ones, our country also uses foreign education systems: Montessori, “Pilot School”, “Step by Step”, the “Green Door” center for early socialization of children, etc. There is no doubt that they have accumulated positive experience, but its implementation has requires us to conduct a preliminary in-depth study and conduct a comparative assessment of the effectiveness of programs. As practice shows, the use of programs foreign authors in educational DOW process not always justified. The material in such programs is presented specifically: some have a fairly pronounced structure, others are more of a kind of philosophy, others - pedagogical technology. The “Step by Step” program (Georgetown University, Washington, USA) generally denies classes as special shape teaching preschool children, and recommends that all education be built through play and independent activity children. Classes physical culture are not included in this program. Organized motor activity of children is excluded from the daily routine in favor of independent activity. Therefore, the process of child development to a certain extent is spontaneous, disorderly and chaotic.

It should be noted that, despite the unique development paths pedagogical science and practices, preschool education systems around the world are striving to resolve common problems. We are talking about determining the content, forms, means and methods most suitable for harmonious psychophysical and social development children.

An analysis of the literature showed that foreign preschool education programs are mostly aimed at the integrated nature of the curriculum. UK preschool programs, recognizing the intrinsic value of childhood, view it as a part of life, and not as preparation for learning at the next stage of life; the child is perceived as an integral being, all aspects of whose development are interconnected. Therefore, training is not divided into subjects.

The requirements of the American National Association for the Education of Young Children also guide preschool institutions on the development and education of the “whole child”: practice must correspond to the level of development of children, i.e. training course should not be divided into separate disciplines.

Continuing the conversation about the problems of educational programs for preschool educational institutions, one cannot help but say that all of them are intended mainly for healthy children, the number of which, according to the Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents Science Center health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences is only about 10%. When planning the pedagogical process in preschool educational institutions, the state of mental health, adaptive resources and capabilities of children are practically not taken into account. The trend of deterioration in the health of preschool children necessitates physical education and health work directly in the preschool setting, where the child is present almost every day and where, therefore, it is possible to ensure the timeliness and regularity of influences.

IN modern system In public preschool education, qualitative changes have occurred associated with the emergence of diverse types and types of preschool educational institutions, distributed into different categories. In this regard, children raised in such preschool educational institutions are provided with

uneven educational conditions. The third (lowest) category includes a kindergarten that implements state educational standard(GOS); to the second - with exceeding the state standard in one or more areas of development (intellectual, physical, aesthetic, etc.); to the first (highest) - with exceeding the state standard in all areas (Child Development Center). Children attending preschool educational institutions of various categories are taught in different ways, including in the field of physical education. There is no doubt that the effectiveness of the implementation of the tasks and content of physical education largely depends on the quantity and quality of physical culture and sports equipment and inventory, on an adequate subject-spatial development environment that ensures versatile physical development. Today, a number of preschool educational institutions (mainly of the third category) have limited opportunities to improve the material and technical equipment of physical education, update physical education and gaming equipment and inventory, acquire methodological support, and expand staffing. Preschool educational institutions of the first category have greater capabilities. They are much better equipped with gyms and playgrounds, swimming pools, equipment and supplies. Classes are taught by physical education specialists.

It should be noted that preschool educational institutions that exceed the standard for physical education also do not always give positive results. According to the theory of amplification, substantiated by A.V. Zaporozhets, the individual functions of a child do not develop independently and autonomously, but in interconnection, as properties of an integral personality. Work based on certain lines of development (intellectual, physical) can cause serious distortions in the personality of a preschooler. The solution is the reasonable integration of the child’s motor and cognitive activities at all stages of his education.

Currently, in the preschool education system there is a problem of mental overload that children experience and deteriorating health. This is due to a large number of different program areas and additional extracurricular education, and a decrease in physical activity. IN preschool educational programs according to various academic disciplines Insufficient attention is paid to the use of health-saving technologies and the integration of motor and cognitive activities of children. Despite the various developments proposed today for preschool educational institutions, there are no ones that would be responsible for the high need of children for motor activity, organized in accordance with the characteristics of the child’s body.

Numerous studies conducted in our country and abroad indicate the irreplaceable contribution of targeted physical education to the process of psychomotor, mental and emotional development of preschool children. Preschool age is a crucial period of a person’s life in developing an attitude towards physical activity as an essential element of a healthy lifestyle. The above emphasizes the exceptional importance of children’s physical education and the need to find ways to further improve it, taking into account the main trends in the development of preschool education in Russia. Improving the system of physical education for preschool children is a complex, complex problem. successful solution which depends on its resource support: organizational, scientific and methodological, personnel, financial and material and technical.


1. Education and training program in kindergarten / resp. ed. M. A. Vasilyeva. M., 1985.

2. Komkov A. G., Kirillova E. G. Organizational and pedagogical technology for the formation of physical activity of schoolchildren // Physical culture: education, education, training. 2002. No. 1. P. 2 - 4.

3. Filippova S. O. On the issue of physical education and health programs in preschool educational institutions // Preschool education. 1999. No. 12. P. 36 - 38.

4. Solodkov A. S., Esina E. M. Physical and functional development of preschool children in St. Petersburg // Physical culture: education, education, training. 1999. No. 1-2. pp. 12 -15.

5. Erofeeva T. I. Study of approaches to the organization of variable education for preschool children (based on teaching mathematics) // Problems of preschool education: material. scientific conf. M., 1994. S. 34 - 37.

6. Golovina O. V., Aizmana R. I. The influence of standardized physical activity on the psychophysical development of a preschooler // Valeology. 1999. No. 1. P. 47-52.

7. Paramonova L. A., Protasova E. Yu. Preschool and elementary education abroad: history and modernity: textbook. allowance. M., 2001.

8. Filippova S. O. Regional component state standard education of preschool children in the field of physical culture // Modern educational directions in physical culture. Sat. scientific tr. international scientific-practical conf. St. Petersburg, 2000.

9. Kozlov I.M., Pravdov M.A., Nikiforov Yu.B. Physical culture and health of preschoolers // Physical culture, sport and health of the nation: material. international Congress St. Petersburg, 1996.

Andrey Aleksandrovich Antonov - Ph.D. ped. Sciences, Associate Professor, Shuisky State Pedagogical University, e-mail: [email protected]

Dr. Andrey Antonov, Associate Professor, Shuya State Pedagogical University, e-mail: [email protected]

The main task of Russian educational policy in recent years has been to ensure the modern quality of education while maintaining its fundamentality and compliance with the current and future needs of the individual, society and the state. To solve this problem, the Government of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education developed the “Concept for the modernization of Russian education.” The implementation of preschool education programs and the adoption of measures to improve the health of the younger generation are the priorities in the educational policy of the first stage of modernization. Speaking about the current state of preschool education, it should be noted that, despite the difficulties that it experiences, it has managed to preserve the best Russian traditions. The pedagogical process covers all the main areas of child development (physical education, familiarization with the outside world, artistic and aesthetic, etc.), a system of measures is provided to protect and strengthen the health of children, the principle of complexity is observed, partial programs are used that combine various aspects of the pedagogical process. There are also new, non-traditional types of content for the work of a preschool educational institution: choreography and rhythm, teaching a foreign language, new technologies of visual creativity, computer training, familiarization with the national culture, more emphasis is placed on creating conditions for independent experimentation and search activity of the children themselves. There is a transition to a different style of communication and play with the child - taking into account personality-oriented interaction. In today's educational space, a wide range of domestic programs are offered that implement different approaches to organizing the pedagogical process in preschool educational institutions. Each of them puts forward one or another priority of education: cognitive development, aesthetic, environmental. It is important to take into account that the activation of some areas of a child’s development at the expense of others leads to impoverishment of personal development and a deterioration in the physical and mental state of the preschooler. Despite this, among the trends in the educational process in preschool educational institutions at the present stage, there is a significant increase in the volume and intensity of cognitive activity. Additional classes for the child are introduced, for example foreign languages, computer training, ecology, life safety, etc. At the same time, there is no clear control and dosing of the educational load; many preschool institutions do not have adequate pedagogical conditions and organizational and methodological approaches have not been developed that would compensate for the negative impact of increased intellectual load. Innovations of this kind reduce the already insufficient level of physical activity, according to experts, and have a negative impact on the health of children. It is known that children’s need for physical activity is satisfied during their stay in a preschool educational institution by only 45-50%, even with physical education classes carried out three times a day, and now in many preschool educational institutions their number has decreased to two, and sometimes even once a week. In modern programs for preschool educational institutions, physical education is not a priority section. However, numerous previous studies have noted a close relationship between the level of morbidity and the level of human physical activity at various stages of ontogenesis. It has been established that the greatest effectiveness of the preschool education process is achieved if the daily volume of organized motor activity of the child is from 30 to 40% of waking time. The focus of the content of programs primarily on the mental development of children reduces the interest of teachers in the physical education of preschoolers. Filippova S.O., having analyzed the content of domestic physical education programs for preschoolers, came to the conclusion that these programs are focused more on developing basic motor skills in children and to a lesser extent on promoting the targeted development of motor qualities, and do not directly affect systems and functions of children's bodies and their health. Many programs do not pay due attention to the development of physical qualities of preschool children, while a significant number of preschool children (28-40%) have a low and below average level of physical fitness, and as a result, indicators of the functions of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems indicate a decrease in reserve capabilities of children's bodies. The implementation of the concept of preserving the health of a child is presented in the domestic educational programs “Health” and “Fundamentals of the safety of preschool children”. “Rainbow”, “Kindergarten - a house of joy”, “Friendly guys”, “Heritage” and “Golden Key” are mainly aimed at the social development of the child. Aesthetic development is embodied in the programs “Development”, “Origins”, “Childhood”, ideas about the need to develop creativity are contained in “TRIZ”. Some programs are highly specialized, for example: “Young Ecologist”, “Preschooler and Economics”, “Little One”, “Planet of Childhood”, “Synthesis”, “Harmony”, “Baby”, “Children’s Giftedness”, “Start”, etc. .P. Along with domestic ones, our country also uses foreign education systems: Montessori, “Pilot School”, “Step by Step”, the “Green Door” center for early socialization of children, etc. There is no doubt that they have accumulated positive experience, but its implementation has requires us to conduct a preliminary in-depth study and conduct a comparative assessment of the effectiveness of programs. As practice shows, the use of programs by foreign authors in the educational process of preschool educational institutions is not always justified. The material in such programs is presented specifically: some have a fairly pronounced structure, others are more of a kind of philosophy, and others are pedagogical technology. The “Step by Step” program (Georgetown University, Washington, USA) generally denies classes as a special form of education for preschool children, and recommends that all education be built through play and independent activity of children. Physical education classes are not included in this program. Organized motor activity of children is excluded from the daily routine in favor of independent activity. Therefore, the process of child development to a certain extent is spontaneous, disorderly and chaotic. It should be noted that, despite the unique ways of developing pedagogical science and practice, preschool education systems in different countries of the world strive to resolve common problems. We are talking about determining the content, forms, means and methods most suitable for the harmonious psychophysical and social development of children. An analysis of the literature showed that foreign preschool education programs are mostly aimed at the integrated nature of the curriculum. UK preschool programs, recognizing the intrinsic value of childhood, view it as a part of life, and not as preparation for learning at the next stage of life; the child is perceived as an integral being, all aspects of whose development are interconnected. Therefore, training is not divided into subjects. The requirements of the American National Association for the Education of Young Children also focus preschool institutions on the development and education of the “whole child”: practice must correspond to the level of development of children, i.e. The training course should not be divided into separate disciplines. Continuing the conversation about the problems of educational programs for preschool educational institutions, one cannot help but say that all of them are intended mainly for healthy children, the number of which, according to the Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents of the Scientific Center of Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, is only about 10%. When planning the pedagogical process in preschool educational institutions, the state of mental health, adaptive resources and capabilities of children are practically not taken into account. The trend of deterioration in the health of preschool children necessitates physical education and health work directly in the preschool setting, where the child is present almost every day and where, therefore, it is possible to ensure the timeliness and regularity of influences. In the modern system of public preschool education, qualitative changes have occurred associated with the emergence of diverse types and types of preschool educational institutions, distributed into different categories.

1.4 Current trends in the development of preschool education

The ongoing transformations in the preschool education system are due to the objective need for changes that are adequate to social development and the evolution of the educational system, which is reflected in the awareness of the pedagogical community of the need for serious changes in the functioning of the institution.

Search and development of innovations that contribute to qualitative changes in activities of preschool educational institutions– the main mechanism for optimizing the development of the preschool education system (Table 1.2.).

Table 1.2.

Current trends in the development of preschool education.

Trends Process
Control Pedagogical activity Support and support
Humanization Reflective. Co-management. Self management. Personality-oriented, personality-activity approaches. Expanding the range of services to meet the needs and interests of the individual.
Democratization Expanding the composition of the collective subject of management. Expansion of horizontal connections.

New relationships and positions:


The ability to flexibly change the position of the object and subject by each participant.

Expanding the powers and composition of subjects of the educational process
Diversification Expansion of types and levels of control. Individualization and differentiation. Variability in implementation educational services.

Expansion of support structures:

Medical and valeological;

Social and pedagogical;


Correctional pedagogical.

Transformation preschool education Preschool education reflects the global development trend. V.T. Kudryavtsev notes that in Russia preschool education is subordinate to educational management structures: this actually indicates that a preschool child needs upbringing, training and development. Thus, preschool education becomes the initial, integral and full-fledged stage of the educational system as a whole, as defined by the Law “On Education”.

Today, we can confidently state the fact of the formal or substantive transition of the majority of preschool educational institutions to the search mode, which is a transitional stage on the path to qualitative changes and the transfer of preschool educational institutions to the development mode.

Another aspect is related to the qualitative characteristics of this transition: the extent to which innovations correspond to the urgent needs and opportunities in preschool educational institutions. Therefore, the question of defining current problems in the development of preschool institutions becomes most important.

According to V.T. Kudryavtsev, the situation that currently exists in preschool education can be called moderately critical due to the lack of intelligible strategies and doctrine for the development of preschool education as a distinct, strictly defined system of social, organizational, economic, financial, psychological, pedagogical and other priorities. These priorities should determine a realistic program of action for the historically foreseeable period. Many years of confusion associated with the development of the state standard for preschool education indicate the significance of this problem.

As a result, preschool educational institutions are forced to focus on “exemplary requirements”, consistent with the traditional administrative spirit. According to the scientist, the actions taken by preschool education workers to increase budget funding, open a number of experimental sites with additional funding for their activities (every year this becomes more and more difficult), holding meetings to exchange experience, etc., are ineffective, until it is resolved the main problem.

The analysis of existing concepts, projects and programs in the field of preschool education allows us to identify a number of basic trends in the development of the system.

Humanization establishes the priority of personal development of subjects (parents, teachers, children), the centering of the educational process on the values ​​of human development, orientation towards the comprehensive and harmonious formation of personality, and the transfer of the subject to the position of self-managed development. The humanization of education, according to V.A. Slastenin, is a process aimed at developing the individual as a subject creative activity, which “constitutes the most important characteristic of the lifestyle of teachers and students, presupposing the establishment of truly human (humane) relationships between them in the pedagogical process” and is a key component of pedagogical thinking, focused on the idea of ​​personal development.

The leading direction in the humanization of education is considered to be the self-determination of the individual in culture, its familiarization with national and cultural traditions, enriched with modern ideas. Humanization is manifested in increased attention to the personality of each child as the highest value of society, in the formation of a citizen with high intellectual, moral and physical qualities (Table 1.2.).

Democratization is associated with the expansion of the rights and powers of participants in the educational process, the focus on meeting the individual needs and requests of subjects. This involves creating the prerequisites for the development of activity, initiative and creativity of students and teachers, their interested interaction, as well as broad public participation in the management of preschool education.

Diversification presupposes the necessary and sufficient variety of types and types of institutions, services and approaches to their implementation in order to satisfy the needs of participants in the educational process in preschool educational institutions.

Projection of these grounds on educational educational process in the preschool educational institution represents all its subsystems in a new way. In this regard, a number of basic principles are identified that ensure the implementation of these areas in the process of development of the preschool educational institution and its participants:

Humanity (unity of cultural and natural conformity);

The integrity of the pedagogical process and the complexity of goals;

Activism and equal partnership in pedagogical interaction all subjects of the pedagogical process.

Modernization of preschool educational institutions management involves a variety of types and technologies of control, ensuring an integrated and comprehensive impact of the control system on controlled system Preschool educational institutions within the framework of motivational and program-targeted approaches to co-management, reflexive management and self-government.

Indicators of a qualitative transformation of preschool educational institutions management are, first of all, new principles:

Democratization and humanization;

Systematicity and integrity of management;


Interrelations and divisions of strategic, tactical and operational levels of management and the corresponding types of management (traditional, reflexive, self-government);

Unity of command and collegiality;

Objectivity and completeness of information in making management decisions.

At the present stage, there are a number of problems in the development of the innovation process in preschool educational institutions, in particular:

Combining innovative programs with existing ones;

Coexistence of representatives of various pedagogical concepts;

Split of the teaching community;

New types mismatch educational institutions parental requirements;

The need for new scientific and methodological support;

The need for new teaching staff;

Adaptation of innovations to specific conditions;

The problem of change, optimization, replacement of innovations;

The problem of reproducing innovativeness and creating conditions conducive to this.

V.T. Kudryavtsev identifies four leading areas of innovation in preschool educational institutions.

1. Consideration of preschool education as not a preparatory stage for school, but a relatively independent, valuable, developing and developmental system aimed at amplifying (enriching) child development through the opportunities that are inherent in preschool activities (the creative nature of play, active perception of fairy tales, various productive activities, etc.). By cultivating creativity in and outside of classes, we thereby contribute not only to the general psychological maturation of the child, but also to the creation of the foundation for a full-fledged school readiness based on development creative possibilities, intellectual strength of pupils. It’s enough just to be attentive to the main psychological characteristics preschool age - productive or creative imagination, which should develop in all the variety of children's activities. The development of imagination is associated with the acquisition of humanity in the broadest sense of the word by introducing the child to culture. Therefore, educational programs aimed at developing the imagination of preschoolers are needed.

2. Approval of humane subject-subject relations in the process of equal-partner interaction and cooperation of children and adults through dialogue in the pedagogical process.

3. Development of communication between practitioners and theorists in the field of innovation.

4. Extensive search and experimental activities organized from the perspective of a research approach.


2.1 Prerequisites for formation innovation activity in the preschool education system

The prerequisites and sources for the formation of innovation in preschool education are determined by the course of social development and educational policy in general: innovative processes in the economy, production and other spheres of life (XIX-XX centuries), democratization of public life, humanization of relations between participants in the educational process, creativity of subjects of interaction in education, research, innovative, experimental activities of educational institutions.

The term “innovation” appeared in the studies of cultural scientists in the 19th century and initially meant the introduction of certain elements of one culture into another and the study of their relationships.

At the beginning of the 20th century, innovation was formed as a science of innovation, studying the patterns of technical innovations in material production.

It develops as a reflection of the needs for activities to develop and introduce new services and ideas into the main areas of human activity.

V.A. Slastenin, L.S. Podymova In science, there are three types of innovation research:

Studying facts that promote/hinder innovation;

Innovation process research;

Innovation process management;

Analysis of innovative situations/assessment of the degree of risk, efficiency.

Innovation developed as an interdisciplinary field (at the intersection of philosophy, psychology, sociology, economics, and cultural studies).

Pedagogical innovation has been developing since the late 50s. XX in the West, since the 80s. - in Russia. It should be noted that the degree of innovativeness of education is determined by the level of development of society and dictated by the level of “underdevelopment” of education. In other words, innovation occurs where and when there is a need for change and the ability to implement it. The spatio-temporal continuum of the innovation process covers the accumulated potential in the development of education and some obstacles (or threats) to its stable functioning. Consequently, innovation resolves a certain contradiction in education between functioning as a stable and evolutionary process and development as a dynamic and revolutionary process. There is also an intermediate state when stabilization results begin to differentiate or when accumulated changes are stabilized (unified). An indicator of the emerging situation are trends in education that determine the probabilistic line of development or functioning.

Therefore, the problem of building a system to increase its resilience is so relevant in Perm region, namely in the city of Kungur. Purpose of the study: To explore and analyze the state of alternative forms of education in preschool education in the city of Kungur. Characteristics of the research base. The study was conducted in the city of Kungur with a population of about 70 thousand people. Preschool educational institution in the city - ...

..." and "Guidelines...", the active use of which began after the end of the war, was evidence of the significant development of the theory and practice of preschool education in the USSR 5. Development of preschool education in post-war years and during the period of developed socialism. In the first post-war years, preschool institutions destroyed by the Nazis were completely restored and now consistently...

The ongoing transformations in the preschool education system are due to the objective need for changes that are adequate to social development and the development of the educational system, which is reflected in the awareness of the pedagogical community of the need for significant changes in the previous course of functioning of the institution. The main mechanism for optimizing the development of the preschool education system is the search and development of innovations that contribute to qualitative changes in the activities of preschool educational institutions (PSE), which is expressed in the transition of institutions to development mode.

Today, we can confidently state the fact of the formal or substantive transition of most preschool educational institutions into search mode. This regime is transitional on the path to qualitative changes and the transfer of preschool educational institutions to development mode. Another aspect is related to the qualitative characteristics of this transition: the extent to which the innovations implemented in the preschool educational institution correspond to the urgent needs and opportunities for its development, satisfy the interests and needs of children, parents, teachers, and contribute to the achievement of sustainable high development indicators. Therefore, the issue of identifying current problems in the development of preschool educational institutions becomes the most important.

The analysis of existing concepts, projects and programs in the field of preschool education allows us to identify a number of basic trends in the development of the system:

  • · humanization - determines the primacy of the personal development of subjects (parents, teachers, children), the centering of the educational process on the values ​​of human development, orientation towards the comprehensive and harmonious development of personality, the transfer of the subject to the position of self-governing development in the process of revealing essential forces. Humanization of education is a process aimed at developing the individual as a subject of creative activity, which “constitutes the most important characteristic of the lifestyle of teachers and students, presupposing the establishment of truly human (humane) relationships between them in the pedagogical process” and is a key component of new pedagogical thinking, focused around the idea of ​​personality development
  • · democratization is associated with the expansion of the rights and powers of participants in the educational process, the focus on meeting the individual needs and requests of subjects. This involves creating the prerequisites for the development of activity, initiative and creativity of students and teachers, their interested interaction, as well as broad public participation in the management of preschool education;
  • · diversification is defined as the necessary and sufficient variety of types and types of institutions, educational services and approaches to their implementation in order to satisfy the diverse and diverse needs of participants in the educational process in preschool educational institutions.

The projection of the identified grounds onto the educational process in a preschool educational institution presents all its subsystems in a new way.

In this regard, a number of basic principles emerge that ensure the implementation of these directions in the process of development of the preschool educational institution and its participants:

  • · the principle of human conformity (unity of cultural and natural conformity).
  • · the principle of integrity of the pedagogical process and complexity of goals;
  • · the principle of activity and equal partnership in the pedagogical interaction of all subjects of the pedagogical process.

Modernization of management of a preschool educational institution is associated with a variety of types and technologies of management, ensuring an integrated and comprehensive impact of the management system on the managed preschool education system within the framework of motivational and program-targeted approaches, motivational program-targeted management, co-management, reflexive management and self-government. Indicators of a qualitative transformation of preschool educational institutions management are, first of all, new principles:

  • · democratization and humanization;
  • · systematization and integrity of management;
  • · centralization/decentralization;
  • · the relationship and division of strategic, tactical and operational levels of management and the corresponding types of management (traditional, reflexive, self-government);
  • · unity of command and collegiality;
  • · objectivity and completeness of information in making management decisions.

At the present stage, there are a number of problems in the development of the innovation process in preschool educational institutions, in particular, such as:

  • Ш combination of innovative programs with existing ones in preschool educational institutions;
  • The split of the pedagogical community and the coexistence of representatives of various pedagogical concepts;
  • Ш inconsistency of new types of preschool educational institutions with the expectations and requirements of parents;
  • Ш the need for new scientific and methodological support for the ongoing educational activities;
  • Ш the need for new teaching staff;
  • Ш adaptation of innovations to new conditions;
  • Ш the problem of change, optimization, replacement of innovations, the ability to get rid of outdated and pedagogically inappropriate things in a timely manner;
  • The problem is the reproduction of innovativeness and the formation of conditions conducive to this.

Based on an analysis of existing concepts for the development of preschool education, the leading directions of innovation in preschool educational institutions include the establishment of humane subject-subject relations, the development of creative capabilities and intellectual strength of children; individual creative development child's personality; development of communication between practitioners and researchers in the field of innovation.

Changing Basic Settings modern education allows us to consider the development of a child as a process of his self-development, where education is a form mental development preschooler, and development standards are transformed into an understanding of development as a norm (V.T. Kudryavtsev, 2007).

Accordingly, the main trends in the development of preschool education are associated with the goal of creating a full-fledged space for the development of the child and organizing comprehensive support for the individual development of preschool children. A rich and safe life experience, eventfulness, connection between an adult and a child in the educational process, the priority of developmental and educational tasks in preschool educational institutions contribute to the favorable socialization of children and lay the basic competencies of a preschooler in mastering the world and appropriating culture.

This federal state educational standard for preschool education (hereinafter referred to as the Standard) is a set of mandatory requirements for preschool education.

The standard is based on the Constitution Russian Federation and legislation of the Russian Federation and taking into account the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

1.5. The standard aims to achieve the following goals:

1) increasing the social status of preschool education;

2) ensuring by the state equal opportunities for every child to receive quality preschool education;

3) ensuring state guarantees of the level and quality of preschool education based on the unity of mandatory requirements for the conditions for the implementation of educational programs of preschool education, their structure and the results of their development;

4) maintaining unity educational space Russian Federation regarding the level of preschool education

1.6. The standard is aimed at solving the following problems:

1) protecting and strengthening the physical and mental health of children, including their emotional well-being;

2) ensuring equal opportunities for the full development of every child during preschool childhood, regardless of place of residence, gender, nation, language, social status, psychophysiological and other characteristics (including disabilities);

3) ensuring the continuity of the goals, objectives and content of education implemented within the framework of educational programs at various levels (hereinafter referred to as the continuity of the main educational programs of preschool and primary general education);

4) creating favorable conditions for the development of children in accordance with their age and individual characteristics and inclinations, developing abilities and creative potential each child as a subject of relationships with himself, other children, adults and the world;

5) combining training and education into a holistic educational process based on spiritual, moral and sociocultural values ​​and rules and norms of behavior accepted in society in the interests of the individual, family, and society;

6) formation of a general culture of children’s personality, including values healthy image life, the development of their social, moral, aesthetic, intellectual, physical qualities, initiative, independence and responsibility of the child, the formation of prerequisites educational activities;

7) ensuring variability and diversity of the content of the Programs and organizational forms preschool education, the possibility of developing programs of various directions, taking into account the educational needs, abilities and health status of children;

8) the formation of a sociocultural environment that corresponds to the age, individual, psychological and physiological characteristics of children;

9) providing psychological and pedagogical support to the family and increasing the competence of parents (legal representatives) in matters of development and education, protection and promotion of children’s health.

1.7. The standard is the basis for:

1) development of the Program;

2) development of variable exemplary educational programs for preschool education (hereinafter referred to as exemplary programs);

3) development of standards for financial support for the implementation of the Program and standard costs for the provision of state (municipal) services in the field of preschool education;

4) objective assessment of the compliance of the Organization’s educational activities with the requirements of the Standard;

6) providing assistance to parents (legal representatives) in raising children, protecting and strengthening their physical and mental health, developing individual abilities and the necessary correction of their developmental disorders.

1.8. The standard includes requirements for:

the structure of the Program and its scope;

conditions for the implementation of the Program;

results of mastering the Program



The program determines the content and organization of educational activities at the level of preschool education.

The program ensures the development of the personality of preschool children in various types communication and activity, taking into account their age, individual psychological and physiological characteristics and should be aimed at solving problems. Groups can implement different programs. The program is developed and approved by the Organization independently in accordance with this Standard and taking into account the Model Programs. determines the length of stay of children in the Organization, the mode of operation of the Organization in accordance with the volume of educational tasks being solved, and the maximum occupancy of the Groups. The organization can develop and implement various Programs in Groups with different lengths of stay of children during the day, including Groups of short-term stay of children, Groups of full-time and extended day, 24-hour groups, Groups of children of different ages from two months to eight years, including groups of different ages.

The program can be implemented during the entire stay<1>children in the Organization, but no more than 14 hours, taking into account the daily routine and age categories of children.

The content of the Program should ensure the development of the personality, motivation and abilities of children in various types of activities and cover the following structural units representing certain areas of development and education of children (hereinafter referred to as educational areas):

social and communicative development;

cognitive development;

speech development;

artistic and aesthetic development;

physical development

The content of the Program should reflect the following aspects educational environment for a preschool child:

1) subject-spatial developmental educational environment;

2) the nature of interaction with adults;

3) the nature of interaction with other children;

4) the child’s system of relationships to the world, to other people, to himself.

The program includes three main sections: target, content and organizational, each of which reflects the mandatory part and the part formed by the participants in educational relations.

The content section of the Program should present:

a) features of educational activities of different types and cultural practices;

b) ways and directions of supporting children's initiative;

c) features of interaction between the teaching staff and the families of students;

d) other characteristics of the content of the Program, the most significant from the point of view of the authors of the Program.

Content correctional work and/or inclusive education is included in the Program if it is planned for children with disabilities to master it disabilities health.

This section should contain special conditions for children with disabilities to receive education, including mechanisms for adapting the Program for these children, the use of special educational programs and methods, special methodological manuals and didactic materials, conducting group and individual correctional classes and implementation of qualified correction of developmental disorders.

Corrective work and/or inclusive education should be aimed at:

1) ensuring the correction of developmental disorders of various categories of children with disabilities, providing them with qualified assistance in mastering the Program;

2) development of the Program by children with disabilities, their diversified development, taking into account age and individual characteristics and special educational needs, social adaptation.

Corrective work and/or inclusive education of children with disabilities mastering the Program in Groups of combined and compensatory orientation (including for children with complex disabilities) must take into account developmental characteristics and specific educational needs each category of children.

The organizational section must contain a description of the material and technical support of the Program, provision teaching materials and means of training and education, include routine and/or daily routine, as well as features of traditional events, holidays, events; features of the organization of a developing subject-spatial environment.

An additional section of the Program is the text of its brief presentation. Brief presentation Programs should be aimed at parents (legal representatives) of children and be available for review.



The conditions for the implementation of the Program must ensure the full development of the personality of children in all basic educational fields, namely: in the areas of socio-communicative, cognitive, speech, artistic, aesthetic and physical development of the personality of children against the background of their emotional well-being and positive attitude towards the world, towards themselves and towards other people.

These requirements are aimed at creating a social development situation for participants in educational relations, including the creation of an educational environment that:

1) guarantees the protection and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children;

2) ensures the emotional well-being of children;

3) promotes the professional development of teaching staff;

4) creates conditions for developing variable preschool education;

5) ensures openness of preschool education;

6) creates conditions for the participation of parents (legal representatives) in educational activities.

The occupancy of the Group is determined taking into account the age of the children, their health status, and the specifics of the Program.

In order to effectively implement the Program, conditions must be created for:

1) professional development teaching and management workers, including their additional vocational education;

2) advisory support for teaching staff and parents (legal representatives) on issues of education and child health, including inclusive education (if it is organized);

3) organizational and methodological support for the process of implementation of the Program, including in interaction with peers and adults.

For correctional work with children with disabilities who are mastering the Program together with other children in Groups of combined orientation, conditions must be created in accordance with the list and implementation plan for individually oriented corrective measures ensuring the satisfaction of the special educational needs of children with disabilities.

When creating conditions for working with disabled children mastering the Program, it should be taken into account individual program rehabilitation of a disabled child.

A developing subject-spatial environment must be content-rich, transformable, multifunctional, variable, accessible and safe.

Requirements for personnel conditions for the implementation of the Program: When working in Groups for children with disabilities, the Organization may additionally provide for positions of teaching staff who have the appropriate qualifications to work with these disabilities of children, including assistants (helpers) providing children necessary help. It is recommended to provide positions of appropriate teaching staff for each Group for children with disabilities.

When organizing inclusive education:

when children with disabilities are included in the Group, additional persons may be involved in the implementation of the Program teaching staff who have the appropriate qualifications to work with these health limitations in children. It is recommended to involve appropriate teaching staff for each Group in which inclusive education is organized;

when other categories of children with special educational needs are included in the Group, including those in difficult situations life situation <1>, additional teaching staff with appropriate qualifications may be involved.

Requirements for the material and technical conditions for the implementation of the Program include:

1) requirements determined in accordance with sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations;

2) requirements determined in accordance with fire safety rules;

3) requirements for means of training and education in accordance with the age and individual developmental characteristics of children;

4) equipping the premises with a developing subject-spatial environment;

5) requirements for the material and technical support of the program (educational and methodological kit, equipment, equipment (items).

The Program's targets serve as the basis for the continuity of preschool and primary general education. Subject to compliance with the requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the Program, these targets assume the formation of prerequisites for educational activities in preschool children at the stage of completing their preschool education.