Under positive influence This means working to preserve natural objects and increase biological and geographical diversity. These works have the following directions:

A reserve, the purpose of which is to protect rare animals and plants, preserve unique landscapes, and create conditions for the restoration of endangered representatives of the biosphere. Such work is carried out in natural areas or in artificially created objects. The latter include zoological and botanical gardens and parks;

Consumer (economic) - refers to the production and cultivation of new, unknown to nature, varieties of plants, breeds of animals, birds, and fish. Planting forests and shelterbelts. Stocking lakes, rivers, seas. The purpose of such work is to obtain food, working animals, and products useful to humans. At the same time, the biosphere is enriched due to increased biodiversity;

Decorative, when, to satisfy aesthetic needs, people breed and breed new species of indoor animals, plants, flowers, birds, or create new or improve existing landscapes, landscaping objects, and so on;

Recreational - to improve conditions for recreation and health in the same areas, people build stakes, plant parks, and so on.

Reserve direction

Reserved matter- a complex of organizational, legal, scientific, economic and educational activities aimed at preserving unique and typical landscapes or individual natural objects (species of flora and fauna, especially rare and endangered and listed in the Red Book; geological formations, reservoirs, etc.) for scientific, environmental and other purposes . This is done through the creation of global, national and local nature reserve funds.

The natural reserve fund consists of areas of land and water, natural complexes and objects that have special environmental, scientific, aesthetic, recreational and other values ​​and are allocated for the purpose of preserving the diversity of landscapes, the gene pool of flora and fauna, maintaining the overall ecological balance and ensuring background monitoring surrounding natural environment. The natural reserve fund of the world system of natural territories and objects, consisting of state and local protected areas, is under special protection.

The reserve regime is established depending on the tasks defined during the creation of protected areas and objects, and the nature of protected areas and objects, the nature of protected natural complexes. According to the existing classification, the following types of protected areas are provided: reserve, natural park, reserve, natural monument, Botanical Garden, dendrological park, zoological park, protected area, park - a monument of landscape art.

A protected core (or several cores) is determined in a protected area. Around the core is created buffer zone to save it from negative impact surrounding areas subjected to certain anthropogenic impact. Along the buffer zone lies a transition zone, which includes territories with traditional for the region economic activity, which is subject to certain restrictions.

According to UNESCO's decision, international biosphere reserves have the highest level of protection. There are about three hundred of them around the world. Four of them (Askania-Nova, Carpathian, Danube, Black Sea biosphere) are located in Ukraine.

In table Table 3.1 shows data on protected areas on the continents of the globe in 1990.

Table 3.1 Reserves by region

Protected areas are part of the so-called ecological network of the continent. In 1995, the recommendations of the Pan-European Strategy for the Conservation of Biological and Landscape Diversity were adopted on the formation of a Pan-European Ecological Network as a unified spatial system of territories of European countries with natural or partially modified landscape conditions. The formation of an ecological network involves changes in the structure of the country's land fund by classifying (on the basis of justification of environmental safety and economic feasibility) part of the lands for economic use to categories subject to special protection with the reproduction of their inherent diversity of natural landscapes.

Detailed information about protected areas and the eco-network of Ukraine is presented in the next section of the chapter. And here, using the example of the bustard, we will consider the importance of the protected area in the conservation of ornithological biodiversity.

Bustard (dudak) is the largest steppe bird weighing 10-15 kg. Until 1975, the bustard nested in 18 regions of Ukraine, and since 1985 - only in 7. Now in the steppe part of Left Bank Ukraine during the nesting period there are 440-620 individuals, and in the rest of the country - 70-100 individuals. As an endangered species, it is included in the European Red List and the Red Book of Ukraine. In 1999, the charitable “International Bustard Fund” was created in Brine. In 2001, the interregional program “Preservation of the steppe and reproduction of the Eastern European bustard population in Ukraine” was adopted. In the Kharkov region, on the shore of the Pechenezky reservoir (territory of the Pechenezky landscape reserve), there is a bustard nursery in which about 130 birds.

Interpret the concept "society" it is possible from different positions: from historical, philosophical, sociological and political. This is a multi-valued concept:

– firstly, it is a group of people for communication or activity;

– secondly, it is an association of people that has a fixed common territory, common cultural values ​​and social norms, etc.

That is, the main operating element of society is Human .

Under "nature" everything that exists, the whole world, the universe is understood.

Society and nature are one and interconnected. This manifests itself in the following:

– society arose as a result of the long evolution of nature;

– society cannot exist separately and independently of nature (man lives by nature, nature is part of him);

– the unity of nature and society lies in their materiality (the general connection of processes and objects);

- in society, as in nature, there are united general laws development.

How do nature and society influence each other?

The influence of nature on society:

Nature provides livelihoods: materials and energy, fresh water for life, air for breathing and burning.

Nature influences the distribution of the productive forces of society and the specialization of the economy.

Nature accelerates or slows down the development of productive forces.

Nature can destroy the results of human activity: drought, flood, volcanic eruption, earthquake can slow down the development of society.

Nature influences the formation and development of social consciousness.

The influence of society on nature:

Society studies and masters nature “in depth”; it is capable of moving natural geological and ecological processes in the opposite direction: extraction of minerals, salinization of land (reclamation), creation of deserts (agriculture), simplification genetic code(selection).

Society is increasing the intensity of its use natural resources by increasing the volume of use of natural resources, involving in production activities natural processes that were not previously used (tidal energy, geothermal sources, natural properties permafrost).

Society influences the structure of the natural environment: the landscape changes, changes occur in the thermal and energy balance of the environment, the composition of substances that participate in geological and biological cycles changes.

It should be noted that human actions in relation to nature are increasingly uncompensated. For example, The natural process of coal, oil, gas and other minerals lasts millions of years. However, a huge part of them has been extracted from the bowels of the earth in just the last hundred and fifty to two hundred years. Currently, these resources are depleted, but at the same time their demand for them is increasing significantly. There is a danger that they will be completely exhausted in the next few decades.

The ever-accelerating deforestation, including in Russia, Canada, Brazil and other countries, is also uncompensated. The forests of these countries are rightly called the “lungs of the planet”, since they supply it with oxygen in huge quantities. In addition, these and all other forests have great importance for normal soil functioning.

But still, society directs its efforts to recreate nature.


From the moment man learned to use tools and became a reasonable man, his influence on the nature of the Earth began. Further development only led to an increase in the scale of influence. Let's talk about how humans influence nature. What are the pros and cons of this impact?

Bad influence

Human influence on the Earth's biosphere is ambiguous. Only one thing can be said with certainty: without a person the world definitely wouldn't be what he is. Both land and ocean. First, let's learn about the negative aspects of human influence on the nature of the Earth:

  • Deforestation. Trees are the “lungs” of the Earth, softening negative effect human influence on the Earth's climate through transformation carbon dioxide into oxygen. But apparently the person doesn’t need help. In areas where impenetrable forests grew just 20 years ago, highways have been laid and fields have been sown.
  • Depletion, soil pollution. To increase productivity, fertilizers, pesticides and other chemicals are used to pollute the land. And rising yields mean increased consumption nutrients and minerals by plants in a specific area. Restoring their content is an extremely slow process. The soil is depleted.
  • Population decline. To feed the world's growing population, new fields are required. New territories have to be allocated for them. For example, cutting down forests. Many animals, deprived of their natural habitat, die. Such changes are the result of the so-called indirect human influence.
  • Destruction of tens of thousands of animal and plant species. Unfortunately, they were unable to adapt to life on Earth, modified by man. Some were simply exterminated. This is another method of influence.
  • Water and air pollution. More on this below.

Positive influence

Protected areas, parks, sanctuaries are being created - places where the impact on nature is limited. Moreover, people there even support vegetable and animal world. Thus, some species of animals now live exclusively in nature reserves. Without them, they would have disappeared from the face of the Earth long ago. The second point: artificial canals and irrigation systems make lands fertile, which without human intervention would look bare, like a desert. Perhaps that's all.

Human impact on the nature of mountains and oceans

Industrial waste and even ordinary garbage find their final refuge in the waters of the world's oceans. So, in Pacific Ocean There is a so-called dead zone - a huge area completely covered with floating debris. An illustrative example of how humans influence the environment. Light debris does not sink into the ocean, but remains on the surface. Access of air and light to the inhabitants of the ocean is difficult. Entire species are forced to find a new place. Not everyone can do this.

The worst thing is that the same plastic, for example, takes thousands of years to decompose in the ocean. The floating landfill appeared no more than half a century ago, but since then its area and impact on the ecosystem have increased tenfold. Every year, ocean currents bring in millions of tons of new trash. This is real ecological catastrophy for the ocean.

Not only the oceans are polluted, but also fresh water. To any large river On which large cities stand, thousands of cubic meters of sewage and industrial waste enter every day. Groundwater bring pesticides and chemical fertilizers. Finally, the garbage is dumped into the water. The worst thing is that the stocks fresh water on Earth are strictly limited - it is less than 1% of the total volume of the world's oceans.

Separately, it is worth noting oil spills. It is known that one drop of oil makes about 25 liters of water undrinkable. But this is not the worst. Oil spilled in the sea or ocean forms a very thin film that covers a huge area. That same drop of oil will cover 20 square meters water.

This film, although thin, is destructive to all living things. It does not allow oxygen to pass through, therefore, if living organisms cannot move to another territory, they are doomed to slow death. Think about how many oil tankers and other ships carrying oil suffer accidents in the Earth's oceans every year? Thousands! Millions of tons of oil get into the water.

Well, how does a person influence the nature of the mountains? The negative impact lies primarily in deforestation on their slopes. The slopes become bare, vegetation disappears. Erosion and loosening of the soil occurs. And this, in turn, leads to collapses. Man also extracts minerals that have been formed in the earth for millions of years - coal, oil, etc. If the rate of production is maintained, the reserve of resources will last for a maximum of 100 years.

The influence of human activity on processes in the Arctic

Industrial production throughout the Earth, like cars, emit enormous amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. This leads to a decrease in the thickness of the ozone layer, which protects the Earth's surface from deadly ultraviolet radiation Sun. Over the past 30 years, the concentration of ozone over some parts of the planet has decreased tenfold. A little more - and holes will appear in it, which a person cannot patch.

Carbon dioxide does not escape anywhere from the lower layers of the Earth's atmosphere. He is main reason global warming. The essence of the influence of carbon dioxide is to increase the average temperature on Earth. So, over the past 50 years it has increased by 0.6 degrees. This may seem like a small value. But this opinion is wrong.

Global warming leads to such a pattern as an increase in the temperature of the world's oceans. Polar glaciers in the Arctic are melting. The ecosystems of the Earth's poles are being disrupted. But glaciers are sources of huge amounts of clean fresh water. The level of the world's oceans is rising. All this is due to carbon dioxide. The need to reduce its emissions is a problem of global importance. If we don't find a solution, the Earth may become uninhabitable in a few hundred years.

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Human pollution of our environment has a long history. Yes, still residents Ancient Rome complained strongly about the pollution of the waters of the Tiber River, and the residents of Athens and Ancient Greece were concerned about the pollution of the port of Piraeus.

Pollution environment is an undesirable change in its properties as a result of anthropogenic input of various substances and compounds. Anthropogenic is a factor whose agent is a person (directly or as a result of his activities).

The main source of poisoning and pollution is the return to Mother Nature of a huge mass of waste that was generated in the process of production and life of human society. Thus, already in 1970 the amount of waste was 40 billion tons, and in beginning of XXI V. reached more than 300 billion tons. Pollution and poisoning of the environment has a harmful effect on the lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, flora and fauna, materials, structures, and buildings, and finally, on oneself—man. It suppresses nature’s ability to self-restore its capabilities and properties.

The lithosphere (soil cover) is polluted as a result of agricultural, construction and industrial activities. In this case, the main pollutants are metals and their compounds, fertilizers, radioactive substances, pesticides, the concentration of which leads to changes in chemicals. soil composition. Each time, the problem of accumulation of ordinary household waste becomes more complicated. In addition, the soil cover is destroyed as a result of open-pit mining, and they are necessary for you and me, the depth of which, by the way, sometimes reaches more than 750 m. The so-called badlands (“bad, hermit lands”) have almost completely or almost completely lost their productivity and already cover 1% of the land surface.

Abstract: Human influence on nature

The hydrosphere is polluted primarily as a result of the discharge of agricultural, industrial and domestic wastewater into rivers, lakes and seas. The total global volume of wastewater is approaching 4.5 thousand km3 per year. However, to dilute these waters, approximately 10 times the volume of normal, clean water, then in fact they pollute and poison a much larger volume of natural, channel waters.

Human influence on the hydrosphere

Currently, heavily polluted rivers include the Rhine, Danube, Seine, Thames, Ohio, Tiber, Mississippi, Dniester, Volga, Dnieper, Don, Nile, Ganges, etc. The pollution of the World Ocean is increasing, to which a huge amount of waste ends up every year. The internal and some marginal seas are dirty, for example the Baltic, North, Irish, Mediterranean, Japan, Azov, Black, Mexican, Yellow, Caribbean, as well as the Bay of Biscay, Persian and Guinea. However, pollution has affected not only inland seas, but also the central parts of the oceans. The threat to deep-sea depressions is growing: cases of toxic radioactive materials and substances being buried in them.

Oil pollution is especially dangerous for the ocean. Thus, during the extraction, transportation and refining of oil, from 3 to 10 million tons of petroleum products and oil enter the World Ocean annually. Space images prove that already about 1/3 of its entire surface is covered with an oily film, which reduces evaporation, inhibits and reduces the development of plankton, and greatly limits the interaction of the ocean with the atmosphere, which should not stop at all. The Atlantic Ocean is most polluted with oil.

The atmosphere is polluted by industrial enterprises and vehicles, which together annually throw billions of tons of gaseous and solid particles into the wind. The main atmospheric pollutants are carbon dioxide (CO2) and sulfur dioxide (SO2), which are formed first when burning mineral fuels, as well as oxides of sulfur, nitrogen, phosphorus, lead, mercury, aluminum and other metals.

Human influence on the atmosphere

Sulfur dioxide is the main source of so-called acid rain, which often fall in Europe and North America. Acid precipitation reduces crop yields, destroys forests and other vegetation, threatens life in river bodies, destroys houses, and negatively affects human health.

Ways to solve environmental problems

Nowadays, humanity, in an effort to reduce anthropogenic pressure on nature, is developing various ways to preserve the environment and implementing environmental protection measures. So, in Lately they are working on the creation of various treatment facilities, trying to use low-sulfur fuel, reclaim land, began to process garbage, build chimneys more than 200-300 m high, etc. However, even the most modern facilities do not provide complete cleaning. Among the main directions of environmental protection activities are the development and application of fundamentally new technology production, transition to low-waste and waste-free production processes. The most important task of today is to find a rational location for so-called dirty industries that negatively affect the environment. Such industries primarily include the chemical and petrochemical, metallurgical, pulp and paper industries, thermal energy, and production of building materials. When locating such enterprises, geoecological expertise is especially necessary.

Today, the sad truth is no longer a secret to anyone - our planet is in danger, and plants and animals have to survive in conditions of anthropogenic pollution. Even photographs that appear in the press from time to time are not able to convey the seriousness and scale of the pollution problem. This review contains little-known and shocking facts that make it possible to understand the seriousness of the problem.

1. 3 million plastic bottles

Every year, more than 6 billion kilograms of garbage are dumped into the world's oceans. Most of this trash is plastic, which is toxic to marine life. In America alone, 3 million plastic bottles are thrown away every hour. But each such bottle decomposes within 500 years.

2. “Garbage Continent”

Pacific Ocean
Few people know this, but in the Pacific Ocean there is an entire “continent” of plastic waste known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. According to some estimates, the size of this plastic “garbage continent” could be twice the size of the United States.

3. 500 million cars

There are more than 500 million cars in the world today, and by 2030 this number is expected to rise to more than a billion. This means that pollution caused by cars could potentially double in 14 years.

4. 30% of the world's waste

Americans make up only 5% of the world's population. At the same time, they produce 30% of the world's waste and use about a quarter of the world's natural resources.

5. Oil spills

World Ocean
Everyone knows that massive, deadly oil spills occur after accidents with tankers or drilling rigs. At the same time, it is practically unknown that for every million tons of oil shipped there is always one ton of spilled oil (and this without any accidents).

6. Clean Antarctica

The only relatively clean place on Earth is Antarctica. This continent is protected by the Antarctic Treaty, which prohibits military activities, mining, nuclear explosions and disposal of nuclear waste.

7. Beijing air

The Celestial Empire is one of the countries with the most high level air pollution in the world. Simply breathing the air in Beijing increases your risk of lung cancer by exactly the same amount as smoking 21 cigarettes a day. In addition, nearly 700 million Chinese (about half the country's population) are forced to drink contaminated water.

8. Ganges River

Water pollution is even worse in India, where nearly 80% of all urban waste is dumped into the Ganges River, the most sacred river of Hindus. Poor Indians also bury their dead family members in this river.

9. Lake Karachay

Lake Karachay - a dump of radioactive waste of the former Soviet Union, which is located in the Chelyabinsk region, is the most polluted place on Earth. If a person spends just an hour in this lake, he is guaranteed to die.

10. Electronic waste

As computers, televisions, mobile phones and other electronic devices become more and more accessible around the world, e-waste is a growing problem in last years. For example, in 2012 alone, people threw away almost 50 million tons of electronic waste.

11. A third of British fish change sex

Around a third of fish in British rivers change sex due to water pollution. Scientists believe that the main reason for this is hormones from waste products in wastewater, including birth control pills.

12. 80 thousand synthetic chemicals

IN modern days V human body up to 500 were discovered chemical substances, which it did not have until 1920. Today, there are a total of almost 80 thousand synthetic chemicals on the market.

13. San Francisco gets air from China

Environmental problem: light pollution.

Light pollution generally does not have a significant effect on humans, but it causes serious problems for many animals. Birds often confuse day and night, and scientists have found that light pollution can even change the migration patterns of some animal species.

Today people are looking for various ways to make their lives safer and production more environmentally friendly. So, .