theoretical classes № 1


Compiler: Maklakov I.A.

    Subject lesson:The subject of hygiene and human ecology. The main provisions of hygiene

    Form of the organization of training sessions: lecture.

    Type of lecture: traditional.

    Lecture type: introductory.

    Duration: 90 min.

    Objective: The formation of ideas about the sciences of hygiene, ecology and human ecology, knowledge of the laws and methods of research of hygiene, the main provisions of hygiene.



    know the definition of concepts of ecology, human and hygiene ecology; subject and maintenance of ecology, human and hygiene ecology; objectives of ecology and hygiene, hygiene laws; methods of hygienic studies;

    know the relationship of ecology, human and hygiene ecology and their place in the system of medical and biological sciences; The main historical stages of the development of ecology and hygiene


    demonstrate skills and skills academic work, responsible attitude towards


    form an outline skills, self-control of their own activity; Develop attention, memory, cognitive interest;

    Training methods: verbal - presentation, conversation; visual - demonstration of illustrations; Explanatory illustrative, discussion.

    Equipment (equipment) Classes: Information ( methodical development Classes for the teacher), visual - illustration "Symbol of hygiene."

    Intergovernmental ties:History, ecology.

    Intracmotive connections: T 2. Modern condition ambient. Global ecological problems, P 1. The physiological method of research.

    Description of the occupation (Table 1).

    List of primary and additional literature literature:

1. Arkhangelsky, V.I. Human hygiene and ecology: textbook / V.I. Arkhangelsky, V.F. Kirillov. - M.: Gootar Media, 2013. - 176 p.

2. Krymskaya, I.G. Hygiene and the basis of human ecology: studies. Manual for studies Average. prof. Education / I.G. Krymskaya, E.D. Ruban. - Rostov N / D.: Phoenix, 2013. - 351 p.

Table 1

Description of the practice

p \\ P.

Stages of classes

approximate time

Stage content.

Methodical instructions

Organizing time

Purpose: Organize students on activities to achieve their goals, create a positive emotional attitude

3 min.

Check those present, the presence of form, readiness of students to occupation, equipping the workplace.

Target installation. Motivation of training activities

Purpose: Activate cognitive activity students show the significance of the topic for future profession specialist

10 min.

Message Topics, Goals and Tasks Classes.

Motivation formation (Appendix 1)

Actualization of supporting knowledge of students

Purpose: reveal the level of residual knowledge of ecology, form communication skills

10 min.

Forms of actualization

1.Frontal survey


What studies science ecology?

What is hygiene?

What is common in ecology and hygiene?

What is the health care knowledge for ecology and hygiene?

Statement of new material

Objective: The formation of cognitive interest in educational discipline, the formation of theoretical knowledge in accordance with the purpose and objectives of the classes.

55 min.

The statement of the main content of the lecture (Appendix 2) in accordance with the plan.

Lecture Plan:

2 laws of hygiene and ecology.

3 Short story The emergence of hygiene, ecology and human ecology.

4 Hygienic studies, hygienic rationing.

5Sanitaria. Prevention, types of prevention.

Comprehension and systematization of knowledge gained. Summing up the classes

Purpose: fixing educational material, assessment of students' work in the general

7 min.

The teacher carries out a selective survey, answers students.


- What place is hygiene in the system medical Sciences?;

Name the object of study of hygiene;

List the laws and methods of hygiene;

What is the role of Pettenko in the development of hygiene?

What does ecology study?

Name the founder of ecology.

List the basic laws of ecology.

Task at home

Purpose:organization of students to find additional information

5 minutes.

Issuance and explanation of the homework.


1.Contact lectures 1.

2. The textbook of Crimean I.G. Hygiene and human ecology (p.4 - 28).

3. Vols1.Fill out the "History of Hygiene Development" table.

Control on P1.

Attachment 1

Motivation classes

A medical worker should be able to evaluate human health and give qualified recommendations for its preservation and strengthening.

To date, training specialists with secondary special medical education is unthinkable without deep hygienic knowledge and the development of ecological worldview. At the same time, the practical activities of the medical sister, paramedic, the midwife proves that there is a close relationship between hygienic thinking, preventive and clinical medicine.

The task of this course is to identify the relationship between the ecological and hygienic factors and the health of the population.

Appendix 2.

The content of lectures on the topic:

The subject of hygiene and human ecology . The main provisions of hygiene .


1. The subject of hygiene and human ecology.

2. Laws of hygiene and ecology.

3. A brief history of the occurrence of hygiene, ecology and human ecology.

4. Methods of hygienic studies, hygienic rationing.

5. Prevention, types of prevention.

    The subject of hygiene and human ecology. Laws of hygiene and ecology. A brief history of the occurrence of hygiene, ecology and human ecology.

Hygiene science, which studies the impact of environmental factors and production activities to the human body, its health, performance and lifespan to substantiate and develop hygienic standards, sanitary rules and activities, the implementation of which ensures the promotion of public health and prevention of diseases.

Hygiene Tasks:

Study of natural and anthropogenic (harmful) environmental factors and social conditions affecting the health of the population;

Studying patterns of the influence of factors on the human body or population;

Development I. scientific justification hygienic standards, rules, recommendations, etc.;

Maximum use of environmental factors that have positively affecting the human body;

Elimination of adverse actors or restriction of their impact on the population to safe levels;

Implementation and application of human economic activities developed by hygienic standards, rules, recommendations, guidelines;

Prediction of the sanitary and epidemiological situation on the nearest and remote perspective.

The main direction of hygiene - Preventive.

The name of the term is associated with the name of the Greek mythical goddess of the health of the Giguese, the daughter of the ancient Greek god of healingAsclepia She is depicted symbolically on the stands, medical books, etc. In the form of a beautiful girl who holds in the hands of a bowl, filled with water and clutching the snake (symbol of wisdom).

With ancient Greekhygiene means– « health, bringing health. " The founder of hygiene is a German scientistM. Pettengofer which is 150 years ago (1865) substantiated the quantitative methods for measuring the factors of the external environment. Passed attention to personal hygiene.

The primitives of hygiene go to the prehistoric period, primitive people observed hygiene. Skills when arranging housing, cooking, burial dead, etc.

The greatest development reached in Ancient Rome (600-500 years ago BC), where they built water pipes and public baths, in Ancient Greece, Rome, Egypt, China and India - priority to healthy conditions and zozh, fiz-re.

When in Europe 6-14 centuries. All sciences came to decline, incl. medicine. In the investigation of the domination of religion (the purity of the soul, and not the body), the Epoch of the Middle Ages - the epidemics of plague, cholera, leprosy, typhoids, etc., which carried the population of whole cities. Paris - "City of Mud". However, at this time, the doctors expressed valuable thoughts, so the scientist and the doctor of the East of the 11th century. - Abu Ali Ibn Sina (Avicenna), in the work of world fame "Canon Medicine", summarized knowledge in the field of nutritional hygiene, dwellings, raising children, personal hygiene. It was he who dressed honey. workers in white bathrobes (symbol of cleanliness and chasing).

Intensively hygiene began to develop in 17-18 centuries, in the era of capitalism, mass diseases of workers (better prevention). how independent science from the 60-70th. 19th century in Western Europe and Russia.

The founders in Russia - M.V. Lomonosov, Pirogov, Botkin, talked about prevention. The formation of hygienic science belongs to Horovevin (1st Russian Hygiene textbook, health magazine) and Erisman Department of Hyena in Moscow, a sanitary station, its works on school hygiene, nutrition and labor hygiene).

The object of studying hygiene It is a healthy person in close cooperation with the environment (in clinical disciplines - a sick person).

Hygiene laws.

External environmental factors can have a positive or negative effect on the body, which is due to certain laws:

    The law of violation of people's health may manifest itself in the form of a disease or reduced compensation mechanisms (immune status). The pathological effect depends on the intensity of the harmful factor - the hygienic standards were substantiated on the basis of this:

maximum permissible concentrations (MPC) - the concentration of a chemical substance that, with constant exposure, do not cause changes in the state of human health and its offspring;

the maximum permissible level (remote control) is the level of physical factor, (for example: the level of radiation, noise, electronic field) that do not influence the person, the health and its offspring.

The minimum fatal dose (MRLD) is the amount of matter or factor causing human death.

Law negative influence People's activities on the environment , which is manifested to a greater extent, the lower the technical level of production and the level of development of society (for example: the industrial boom in China is accompanied by intensive pollution of the environment, accompanied by a massive occurrence of ecocabulae; the high level of industry in Switzerland does not have a visible impact on the natural environment). In connection with physiological, household and production activities, people have a negative impact on the environment.

Negative laws, features natural environment On the health of the population. From this law, the teaching of Vernadsky on the chemical provinces (territory with a disadvantage or excess of any substances, which is accompanied by the development of endemic diseases). So the Trans-Baikal Territory is among the iodine defective territories, which contributes to the development of endemic goiter, Krasnokamensk is provided by drinking water. What leads to the development of fluorosis (endemic disease, accompanied by a change in the enamel of the teeth, i.e. brown is allocated).

The law of a positive impact on the human body of the natural environment . Natural factors: the sun, clean air, water, food, contribute to preservation and health promotion.

The law of the negative impact of polluted environment on human health , leading to a decrease in the compensatory capabilities of the body, physiological deviations, asymptomatic forms of the disease, the development of disease, pathology (bronchial asthma, anemia, malignant neoplasms.

Examples: the indicator of ecological disadvantages in the population places is reproductive health, an impact on the course of pregnancy and newborn (violation of immune, hematopoietic and other systems); The adverse effect of pollution on the physical development of children was noted, which is caused by greater sensitivity, increased permeability of the skin, mucous digestive and respiratory tract, immaturity of immunity; The growth of pollution with chemicals and radioactive affects oncological incidence.

Hygiene is closely related to sanitation.

Sanitation (from the lat. "Health") is a practical prevention of hygienic standards and rules.

Health events are held by the state. Sanitary and epidemiological service (SES), in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. FZ "On the protection of the health of citizens" (1993), FZ "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population" (1999) and others.

In Russia, the SES heads the state. Committee of San.-Epid. Supervision under the President of the Russian Federation. The Chairman is the main state. Sanitary doctor of the Russian Federation. (Earlier, Rospotrebnadzor).

Sanitary supervision is carried out in 2 main forms:

    preventive sanitary supervision It is conducted during the design and construction of various facilities, as well as the introduction of industrial production.

    current sanitary supervision - Survey of existing facilities, compliance with sanitary rules and norms (SanPiN). This includes a systematic study of morbidity, injury.

Dr. Sanitary service controls the implementation of recommendations, activities developed by hygiene and epidemology in practice.

In matters of studying the influence of the factors of the external environment on human health, hygiene interacts closely with environmental science, or rather ecology of a person.

Ecology - Comprehensive science, which studies the relationship between living organisms among themselves and with their habitat, the influence of nature per person.

Term"ecology" From Greek"Okos" (house) and"Logos" (the science). Literally "Science of the House" living in it organisms and all processes that make this house suitable for life. Environmental information (careful attitude, nature protection) is already contained in the writings of Hippocrat, Aristotle, etc. Robert Malthus spoke about the danger of planet's overpopulation (1789). The founder of Ernst Geckel in 1866 issued a book "Universal morphology of organisms", where he made the definition of ecology (science on the relationship of organisms with the environment). Vernadsky's great contribution was made, his book "Biosphere" (1926), where for the first time the planetary role of the set of all types of living organisms was shown.

Objects of study: populations, communities, ecosystems, biosphere.

Population This is a combination of individuals of one species living for a long time on a certain territory, freely crossing, giving a prolved offspring and relatively separated from other sets of individuals of the same species.

Community - This is a combination of interacting populations.

certain territory, living ecosystem component.

Ecosystem Joint functioning in this section of organisms and medium (forest, lake, swamp). Ecosystems are not isolated from each other. Many species of plants and animals can be found in several ecosystems, and some species, nn migratory birds, migrate between ecosystems, depending on the time of year. The ecosystem is arranged from 4 components:

Non-fat (abiotic) medium-water, gas, non-living inorganic and organic matter.

Products (manufacturers) Auto-flowing organisms producing organic matter from ordinary inorganic substances With the participation of solar energy with oxygen release - green plants.

Consumers (consumers) consume ready-made organic substances, but not adjusted decomposition of organic substances to simple mineral components. Allocate consversions of the first order (herbivodnaya) and the second, third, etc. orders (predators).

Ratescents (decides) organisms, mineralizing dead organic matter to simple inorganic compounds suitable for producers.

People together with their cultural plants are formed by the grouping of organisms interacting with each other and with the medium. This is also an ecosystem. All Earth's ecosystems, including human, are interrelated and formed in their totality, a single integerbiosphere.

These two sciences are studying the same phenomena, namely, the influence of environmental factors per person and so on. Assess the role of a variety of factors on the formation of public health.

The level of human health depends on the influence of environmental factors, which are divided into 3 main groups:

1) natural factors - includes atmospheric air, solar radiation, natural radiation background, vegetation, microflora, water and soil. These factors in the body have developed adaptation mechanisms.

2) social factors - the factors associated with the lifestyle, moral and social standards, the peculiarities of life coming.

3) anthropogenic factors - arise as a result of human activity (Antropos - Greek man). They are physical, chemical and biological factors resulting from industrial activities, agricultural transport, etc. There is no adaptation mechanism to these factors.

The interaction of a person with the environment considers a separate direction - the human ecology. The term appeared in 1972 at the 1st UN meeting on OCD. Medium.

The subject of study of the ecology is - Wednesday.

The main laws of ecology are formulated by the American ecologist B. Commoner (1974):

1 The law "Everything is associated with everything" (ecologist. Chains)

2 The law "Everything should go somewhere" (conservation of matter);

3 The Law "Nature knows better" (the natural version of the phenomena is the best);

4 The law "Nothing is given to the gift" or "for everything you need to pay" (which was taken or spoiled to return or fix it).

So, hygiene and ecology have common goals of study: the influence of OCC factors. Wednesdays on human health. Hygienists develop measures to prevent, environmental environmental legislation, form an ecologist. worldview.

II. . Methods of hygienic studies (MGU)

Hygienic methods are divided into 2 large groups:

    methods that assess the factors of the external environment.

    methods that assess the body's reaction to these factors.

All of them include:

    Sanitary inspection method - Description of the object in which its hygienic characteristic (sanitary state of epidemiology is given., Etc).

    Laboratory method:

but)physical research method , It allows you to evaluate the microclimate of the room (changes in temperature, humidity, noise, vibration).

b)sanitary chemical method which is used for - analysis of chemical composition, air, water, food, etc.

in)bacteriological methods which are used in the assessment of the bacterial semination of air, water, soil, food (intestinal wand, salmonella);

d)toxicological method Espectorate in experiments when identifying substances on animal organisms, to establish a PDC.

    Method of clinical observations It is conducted with professional inspections, dispensary observation, etc.

    Method of physical observation .

    Sanitary statistical method (mortality, fertility, incidence, physical development level).

All studies are conducted on the basis of GOST, TU, SanPine (sanitary rules and norms) and others. NMD.

All methods are combined into a concept -hygienic diagnostics , Its purpose is to identify violations of human adaptation mechanisms and assessing the state of its adaptation systems.

III . Prevention

The purpose of hygiene is the development and implementation of primary medical prevention.Prevention - This is a set of events (political, economic, legal, medical, ecologist., Etc.) to preserve and promoting public health, his longevity. eliminating the causes of diseases, improving the working conditions, life and recreation of the population.

Allocate three levels of prevention:

    active offensive prevention (providing a favorable habitat, heading);

    donozological incl. assessing the risks of human health (real and potential);

    defensive or passive (prevention of disease progression, disability)

Allocate personal and public.

Several types of prevention are distinguished:

Primary assumes preventing diseases (either the complete elimination of a harmful factor, or a decrease in its impact to a safe level).

The secondary provides for early diagnosis of diseases in persons who have been influenced by harmful factors of the OCD. Medium.

Tertiary is aimed at preventing worsening health. A set of measures (treatment and rehabilitation) has been developed to prevent complications that may arise during the already developed disease.

Greek mythical goddess health hygieus

Hygienic knowledge based on life observations originated in ancient times. The first hygienic treatises that have come down to us ("On a healthy lifestyle", "about water, air and localities"), belong to Peru a great doctor of ancient Greece Hippocratic (460-377 BC. E.). The first urban water pipes, hospitals were built in ancient Rome.

Still not only known, but also represents a certain scientific interest "treatise on hygiene (eliminating any damage to the human body by correcting various errors in mode)", written by the Grand Arab-Muslim scientist who was born in Central Asia Avicenna Abu Ali Ibn Sina (980-1037). The treatise outlines important issues of hygiene, methods and means of treatment and prevention of diseases caused by impaired sleep, nutrition, etc. are proposed.

However, hygiene science developed not only on the basis of empirical observations, but, of course, taking into account new experimental data. Here it is necessary to recall the hygienic leaders written by the Frenchman M. Levi (1844) and the English scientist-physician E. Parks. The first hygienic department at the Medical Faculty of the University of Munich in 1865 was organized by Max Pettenkofer (1818-1901). He not only investigated environmental factors (water, air, soil, food), but also created the first school of hygienists.

From the ancient (Kiev, Novgorod) Rus to us also come empirical knowledge about hygiene. It is enough to recall the famous treatise on the life of the Russian family - "Domostroy", where the basics of proper storage of products are presented, attention is paid to the observance of purity and tidy.

A lot to protect the health of the population and prevent diseases in Russia, Peter I, made a number of decrees about the sanitary condition of cities, on the obligatory notice of cases of infectious diseases, etc.

Many Russian doctors indicated on the special importance of preventive measures in the prevention of high morbidity: N. I. Pirogov, S. P. Botkin, N. G. Zaharin, M. Ya. Mudrov.

N. I. Pirogov wrote: "I believe in hygiene. This is where the true progress of our science is. The future belongs to medicine safety. " In the acts of speech uttered in 1873, another famous Russian clinician, Professor G. N. Zaharin said: "The mature practical doctor, especially understands the power of hygiene and the relative weakness of treatment, therapy ... The most success of therapy is possible only Conditions of hygiene. Only hygiene can victoriously to argue with the ailments of masses. We consider Hygiene one of the most important, if not the most important subject of activity of a practical doctor. "

In Russia, hygiene as a course of vessel science (forensic medicine) begins to be taught in the Medical and Surgical Academy (SPB) directly from its discovery, i.e. from 1798. At first, the course is called "Medical Police", and from 1835 "Medical Police and hygiene. " An independent hygiene department at the Academy and the first in Russia opens in 1871 under the leadership of Privat-Doctor Alexei Petrovich Dobroslavina (1842-1889). A. P. Dobroslavin organized an experimental laboratory at the department, created the first Russian school of hygienists, they wrote the first Russian hygiene textbooks.

The Moscow School of Hymenistov was established by Fyodor Fedorovich Erisman (1842-1915). In 1881, F. F. Erisman was elected Privat-Association of the Department of Hygiene Medical Faculty of Moscow University. He worked a lot in the field of hygiene of children and adolescents (Universal Erisman's universal party), social hygiene, laid the foundation for the impact of environmental factors on the health of the younger generation, proved that physical development can act as an indicator of the sanitary welfare of the children's population.

IN soviet period For the development of domestic hygiene, such scientists did such as Professor Grigory Vitalevich Kresthanov, Fyodor Grigorievich Krotkov, Alexey Nikolaevich Sysin, Alexey Alekseevich Minh, Gennady Ivanovich Sidorenko and many others.

The philological origin of hygiene binds to greek mythology From the goddess of health (Hygieinos) - daughter of an arculap. Hygiene - goddess health - symbol of health.

Hygiene- Medical, preventive discipline. It studies the patterns of exposure to the environment of environmental factors in order to prevent diseases and improve the environment. Other disciplines are also studied factors. The hygiene feature is that it studies the effect of external environmental factors on human health.

The task of hygiene as science is to carry out hygienic measures to weaken the action of negative factors and strengthen the effect of positive factors. In particular, it is currently established that fluorine in the composition of drinking water has a certain impact on the development and formation of teeth.

For example, fluorine concentrations in water less than 0.7 mg / l and especially at the level of 0.5 mg / l lead to the development of caries. The water of the Volga, widely used for water consumption in the cities of the Volga region, contains fluorine at a level of 0.2 mg / l. This level of fluorine in drinking waters leads to the massive development of caries. 80%, and in individual items - 90% of the population of the Volga cities suffers from the caries. Along with such a well-known negative factor in the lack of fluorine in drinking waters, its excessive concentration (above 1.5 mg / l) leads to the development of fluorosis. Fluorosis is a disease, the development of which is associated with the effect of fluorine on the body as a protoplasmic poison. In particular, the high concentration of fluorine leads to changes in the formation and development of teeth. Along with the skeletal form, there is a so-called dental form of fluorosis. The optimal level of fluorine that ensures the prevention of caries and the toxic effect excluding it is in the range from 0.7 to 1.5 mg / l. Such a range of fluorine doses in drinking water Sets the regional characteristics and some other aspects. Thus, the distinctive feature of hygiene is the rationing of the factors that we looked at the example of fluorine.

Hygiene objects are environmental and health. What do they imagine?

The environment is a combination of elements of physical, chemical, biological, psychological, economic, cultural-ethnic nature, which constitute a single, continuously changing environmental system (ecosystem).

The definition of health is most adequately by modern conditions is given by experts of the World Health Organization. Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not just the absence of diseases or physical defects.

Over the past XX century. The fixed assets invested in health care were mainly to solve problems already arising, and not to prevent their appearance. The emphasis was made to a cure, or, in any case, to reduce poor health, on therapeutic assistance, and not to promote health and prevention of disease. Priorities should be reorienting. Larger attention should be paid to the prophylactic direction of the development of medicine.

It is well known that hygiene originated from the needs of clinical medicine. First of all, representatives of clinical medicine were expressed primarily for the development of hygiene, such prominent scientists, such as M. Ya. Mudrov, N. G. Zaharin, N. I. Pirogov, S. P. Botkin. Well-known is the statement of Zakharin: "The mature practical doctor, the more he understands the power of hygiene and the relative weakness of treatment - therapy." The progress of therapy themselves is possible only under the condition of hygiene. The task of hygiene is to make the development of a person most perfect, life is strong, and death is the most distant.

Knowledge of hygiene is necessary in the practical activity of the doctors of various profiles: therapeutic, pediatric and dental.

It is well known that environmental factors affect the development of various pathologies. If you do not take into account these factors, the effectiveness of the treatment is reduced. For example, in the field of pathology of diseases of the oral cavity is known professional factor.

Working with those or other chemicals can strengthen the development of the pathological process in the oral cavity, caries, other diseases. The development of caries has a significant impact of such a factor as the nature of nutrition (alimentary). It is well known that caries develops more often from those who consume more refined carbohydrates. Currently, a significant number of diseases that have an environmental factor in the genesis are known. For a number of diseases, the housing conditions, water consumption of a mineral composition have the effect. Working conditions contribute to the development of certain diseases, can aggravate the course of cardiovascular pathology, have a negative impact on the development of the pathology of respiratory organs. It must be said that there are diseases that are due to the impact on the body of a professional factor. These diseases are also named: occupational diseases.

The doctor needs knowledge of the impact of a factor on the body: an alimentary factor, the nature of water, its composition, quality. When conducting one or another treatment using pharmacological preparations, the nature of nutrition should be taken into account, as it can weaken or enhance the effect of the drug (just as drinking water can increase the action or, on the contrary, weaken the efficiency of drug treatment).

The development of hygiene goes in two directions. On the one hand, the process of its so-called differentiation is noted. The differentiation process is associated with the highlight of the total hygiene of its independent industries as social hygiene, communal hygiene, nutrition hygiene, occupational health, hygiene of children and adolescents, radiation hygiene, military hygiene, hygiene and toxicology polymeric materials, Space hygiene, aviation hygiene. On the other hand, the development of hygiene goes along the path of integration. Hygiene is developing in close contact with the clinical directions of medicine, therapy, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology and other industries.

Currently, such a course has been separated from the hygiene as valeology- Science, which studies the patterns of forming a high level of health. Much attention has always been paid to the laws of the formation of the pathological process, but insufficient attention was paid to the problems associated with the conditions, factors and patterns that determine the conditions for the formation of a high level of health.

Hygiene Methodology

Hygiene methodology is its section, part of hygiene, dealing with the use of its methodological techniques to study the patterns of the interaction of the body and the environment. The hygiene methodology is associated with the development of hygienic standards, guidelines, sanitary standards and rules. In hygiene there are so-called specific classical hygienic methods. These include the health examination method, the sanitary description method and the sanitary observation method. In hygiene, various methods are widely used related to the assessment of the factors operating per person. Such methods are physical, chemicals that evaluate the physical and chemical state of the environment. The hygiene is widely used toxicological methods aimed at assessing the nature of the toxic effect on the body of certain chemicals. Physiological methods are widely applied, no wonder hygiene is called applied physiology.

To assess the impact of factors on certain systems of the body, biochemical, genetic, clinical and epidemiological methods of research are widely used. To summarize the results obtained are widely used. statistical methods With the involvement of modern technologies.

Methods for studying the effects of environmental factors in full-scale conditions. This direction is called the attendant experiment. What is associated with the study of the health status of certain groups of people living under influence various factors Environment. In full-scale conditions, it is possible to study the effects of working conditions on the health of working. The influence of factors educational process On the growing body of the child. Clinical and hygienic studies are carried out, allowing to develop the maximum permissible concentrations of harmful chemicals in the working area. Thus, clinical and hygienic studies and laboratory experiments complement each other and constitute a single approach to hygienic research and human health.

Environment and Health

The subject of hygiene is the environment and health. In the environment (ecosystem), the biosphere occur extremely complex processes. Some of these processes are associated with the action of factors aimed at ensuring consistency of environmental quality (water, soil, atmospheric air). These are factors stabilizing. Other factors (and they can be natural, natural or related to human activity, so-called anthropogenic factors) lead to a violation of natural equilibrium, harmony in nature. These are destabilizing factors.

In ecology there is a concept of anthropogenic exchange. Anthropogenic exchange has natural resources at introducing, on the outcome - production and household waste. Ecological anthropogenic exchange is extremely imperfect. It is open, unlocked and deprived of that cycling of life, which is inherent in the biosphere as a whole. For the characteristics of anthropogenic exchange, there is an indicator - its efficiency, showing the amount of natural resources used for the benefit of a person. The magnitude of the efficiency today is 2%, that is, 98% is unused natural resource, and moreover, this part of the resources that acts as waste - environmental pollutants. Among these pollutants, there are substances that have pronounced a destabilizing effect, the so-called destabilizing factors. These include halogen-containing components, rare and heavy metals, Substances with ionizing effect, and other factors. In general, these factors according to the nature of the action can be attributed to the physical or chemical. Serious danger represent chemical compounds. The effect of individual chemicals can lead to the development of destabilization, destructive processes that lead to an increasing effect. This process comes out due to human control. It exceeds the effect of natural stabilizing factors, as a result of which the development of spontaneously uncontrollable, increasing destabilizing phenomena is noted. Substances and factors possessing such an action received the name of superecotoxicants. Chemicals related to this class are rare and heavy metals, ionizing radiation, halogen-containing components. All of them have a special nature of the impact on the human body, expressing in damage to the cell membranes, in the development of disorders in the enzyme systems of the body, homoeostasis disorders, leading to destructive phenomena in the human body. Ecotoxicants are characterized by high resistance in the environment, stability. They are able to accumulate in environmental objects. The stability and ability of chemicals to accumulate in the environment ensure their migration, which is extremely dangerous for the person and their habitat.

There is a close interaction between the human body and the environment. The problem of the unity of the body and the environment is an essential problem. It must be said that a certain form of equilibrium is developing between the environment and the organism. This equilibrium of the environment and the body is formed as a result of the most important mechanisms of physiological response of the body on the impact of certain factors and is carried out through the work of the central nervous system. This form of equilibrium is the so-called dynamic stereotype, i.e., if the factor acts constantly, wears a repeating nature, the body produces stereotypical reactions. The emergence of new factors leads to the destruction of this equilibrium. The so-called excessive factors are of particularly serious danger in this regard. They lead to a violation of a dynamic stereotype. Changes in dynamic stereotype are associated with a significant impairment of the functions of the body: neuropsychic, stressful stateextreme factor.

The task of hygiene is the search for paths and methods for the formation of a new stereotype. This can be achieved by appropriate changes in the external environment, as well as by improving the mechanisms of adaptation of the body. In the chart developed by Academician Ramna, Professor Yu. L. Lisicin, according to the experts of the World Health Organization, the factors determining the level of somatic human health are presented. The determining factor in the somatic (general) health, according to the World Health Organization Experts, is the style, or, as we say, lifestyle. It determines the somatic state of human health by 53%. 17% of human sound health is determined by the environment, 20% falls on hereditary factors, and only 10% of somatic health are determined by the level and accessibility medical care population. Thus, a 70% human health level depends on those moments that are directly related to hygiene. This is a healthy lifestyle of a person, environmental quality.

The environment has an impact on the main health indicators of the population (life expectancy, fertility indicators, the level of physical development, morbidity and mortality). Moreover, there are a number of diseases that are pronounced depending on environmental conditions. These are environmentally conditioned diseases. In particular, the disease belongs to the "chronic fatigue syndrome". The basis of this disease is the membrane-making effect and action on enzyme systems of chemical pollutants and ionizing radiation. The adverse effect of chemicals leads to a sharp decrease in immunobiological indicators. Mass surveys of major cities show a sharp change in immune homeostasis in the inhabitants. The change in immunity indicators by 50% is marked in Moscow residents. There is a situation indicating the so-called secondary nonspecific immunodeficiency associated with the impact on the body of a number of adverse factors, including chemicals.

Assessment of the level of health of the population living in various environmental conditions currently forces to talk about the existence of environmentally conditioned foci of diseases. These diseases are associated with pollution of the urban medium with rare and heavy metals, to the action of which the children's organism is primarily sensitive. Therefore, the study of the impact of the factors of the urban environment on the body of the population, especially children, is an urgent task of hygienic science.

Hygiene is preventive medicine. What do you understand under the prevention? There are concepts of primary and secondary prophylaxis. Let's start with the concept of so-called secondary prophylaxis. Under the secondary prevention means a set of measures aimed at the localization and weakening of the pathological process by active dispensarization, anti-relapse therapy, sanatorium-resort treatment and therapeutic nutrition, i.e., secondary prevention is that activity that is carried out by practitioners. Hygiene also performs primary prophylaxis. The primary prevention basis is the elimination of the causes and factors leading to pathological processes, and in general, diseases by rehabilitation of natural, industrial, household media; formation healthy image Life aimed at improving the resistance of the body and health promotion. Under prevention, it is necessary to understand not only the prevention of diseases and improving activities that are able to protect the health of the population, and the whole set of state, public and medical measures aimed at creating the most favorable living conditions for a person fully meets its physiological needs.

Hygiene is a prophylactic discipline, and the basis of preventive measures is hygienic rationing.

Hygienic rationing

What should be understood under the hygienic standing? The hygienic standard is a strict range of environmental factors, optimal and harmless to preserve the normal life and human health, human population and future generations. Sanitary rules, norms, hygienic standards are regulatory acts that establish the safety criteria and harmlessness for the person of the factors of its livelihoods. Sanitary rules are required to comply with all government agencies and community associations, enterprises and other business entities, organizations, institutions, regardless of their subordination and forms of ownership, officials and citizens.

Hygienic standards for chemicals are installed in the form of extremely permissible concentrations (MPC). For physical factors, they are installed in the form of permissible levels of influence (remote control).

For chemicals, MPC are installed in atmospheric air settlements in the form of maximum one-time and average daily maximum permissible concentrations. MFCs are established for harmful chemicals in water of water bodies, drinking water. Installed MPC for the content of harmful chemicals in the soil. In food products, harmful chemicals are normalized in the form of permissible residual amounts (doc). For chemicals, maximum permissible amounts in water are installed in milligrams per dm 3, or 1 l, for air - in milligrams per 1 m 3 air, food - in milligrams per 1 kg of product mass. MPC characterize the safe levels of exposure to harmful chemicals in certain environmental objects.

Establishment of physical factors are also established. In particular, there is an idea of \u200b\u200bthe optimal and permissible parameters of the microclimate, i.e., temperature, humidity, air velocity, etc., the optimal permissible quantities are set nutrientsTheir rationing occurs taking into account physiological needs. There are so-called physiological norms of the need for proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins. When establishing the MPC of harmful chemicals in the environment, certain principles of hygienic rationing are observed, which include:

1) the principle of staging;

2) Principle of threshold.

Stage in the rationing is that the rationing work is carried out in a strictly defined sequence associated with the implementation of the relevant stage of studies. For chemicals, the first stage of these studies is an analytical stage. Analytical stage includes an assessment of physicochemical properties: data on the structure of a chemical substance, its parameters - melting point, boiling point, water solubility, other solvents. For analytical studies, it is necessary to have specific definition methods. The second mandatory phase of hygienic studies in the establishment of the MPC is toxicometry, i.e. the definition of the main parameters of toxicity. Toxicometry includes research to determine the parameters of acute toxicity (acute toxicometry or, simpler, sharp experiments). This is followed by a subacute experiment and chronic sanitary-toxicological experiment.

The main and main task of acute experience is the definition of medium-term concentrations and doses of LD 50 or CL 50. The formulation of acute experiments makes it possible to estimate the degree of hazard of chemicals, the nature of the action, the vulnerability of certain systems and the functions of the body. Acute experiments allow the most reasonable to approach the formulation of subacute and chronic sanitary and toxicological experiments. The regulatory of rationing makes it also in some cases to reduce the volume of conducted studies using the so-called rationing principle by analogy, i.e., the study of indicators of the estimated toxic substance in physicochemical properties allows us to find out the presence of so-called analogs and normalization using the principle of the similarity. This approach is also called rationing by analogy. For substances with similar properties, i.e., the rationing of which is carried out by analogy, it is mandatory to establish parameters of acute toxicity. The presence of acute toxicity parameters also reduces the amount of research and saves a significant amount of material resources, as well as the time spent on the experiment.

An important stage of toxicometric studies is to conduct a subacute sanitary-toxicological experiment. The subacute experiment allows you to identify the presence of cumulative properties from the position of a high-quality and quantitative assessment of this step of action. In the subacute experience, the most vulnerable systems of the body are also detected, which makes it possible to objectively approach the formulation of the main stage of toxicometry associated with the determination of the parameters of toxic in the conditions of a chronic experiment. In a subacute experiment, a large set of toxicological tests that assess the impact of a chemical on a cardiovascular system, a nervous system, a gastrointestinal tract, excretory system and other functions and systems of the body are tested.

The most important principle of hygienic rationing is to study the threshold nature of the validity of the normized factor. By the threshold level of exposure in the chronic experiment, the smallest concentration of causing shifts in the body of the laboratory animal is determined. According to the results of a chronic sanitary-toxicological experiment for substances, first of all possessing a pronounced toxic effect, MPC is installed.

When the rational of harmful chemicals in aquatic environment Mandatory stages of research are the study of the influence of matter on the organoleptic properties of water and sanitary regime of water bodies, i.e., additional stages of the study are introduced to establish the MPC of chemicals in the reservoirs. At all these stages of studying the impact of harmful chemicals, threshold levels of exposure, threshold doses and concentrations are necessarily established. According to threshold concentrations, a limiting sign of harm is determined, i.e., the lowest concentration is established, in which the effect of harmful chemical either on the organoleptic properties of water, or to the sanitary regime of the reservoir, or in the assessment of toxic properties. In the establishment of MPCs of harmful chemicals in water of water bodies, a limiting feature is detected or organoleptic, or by sanitary regime, or toxicological. According to the limiting feature of harm, taking into account the lowest threshold concentration, the MPC is installed. Thus, the defining principles of rationing are the principles of threshold and stages.

The established principles of rationing of chemicals and levels of impact of physical factors are based on the current sanitary legislation.

MPC allows, on the one hand, to control the content of harmful chemicals in the environment, on the other - create a so-called system for the control of harmful chemicals, i.e., to monitor their environmental monitoring. The MPC is also used in the design of industrial enterprises, the PDC is laid in projects for the construction of industrial and other enterprises.

Sanitary service structure

Sanitary and epidemiological service in Russian Federation Determined by the Law of the Russian Federation "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population".

What is happening in 2004-2005 The country changes affected the structure of the sanitary service. Ministry of Health I. social Development The Russian Federation of State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision (CGSAEN) were transformed into the territorial administration of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare (TU) and federal state health care institutions "Centers of Hygiene and Epidemiology" (FSU).

Basic tasksTerritorial Department of Rospotrebnadzor (TU) are:

1) Gosnadzor and control of the fulfillment of the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of ensuring the SanEpidbalamaging of the population in the field of consumer rights protection;

2) preventing the harmful effects on the human habitat factors;

3) Prevention of infectious and mass noncommunicable diseases (poisoning) of the population.

FunctionsTerritorial control:

1) Gosnadzor and control over the execution of the requirements of the Russian Federation in ensuring the SanEpidbolochy of the population in the field of consumer rights;

2) SanEpidnadzor in the development, construction, reconstruction, elimination of urban planning, industrial construction; for production, sales, for the exploitation of water supply systems, medical and preventive institutions;

3) organization and conduct of socio-hygienic monitoring;

4) issuance of a Sansepidemiological conclusion on programs, techniques, regimes of education, training;

5) holding anti-epidemic activities, certification of the decreed contingent and the implementation of their control;

6) control of laboratory research and testing;

7) Conducting sanitary-quarantine control.

The main task of federal state health care facilities is to conduct sanitary and epidemiological examinations, investigations, surveys, research, tests, toxicological, hygienic and other expertise.

The chief state sanitary doctor - the head of the territorial institution and the head of the Federal State Healthcare Institution is appointed and freed by the Minister of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation for the provision of the Head of the Federal Service (Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation).

Financing expenditures on the maintenance of territorial healthcare agencies is carried out at the expense of the federal budget.

Sanitary supervision in Russia is carried out in the form of two forms. In the form of warning sanitary supervision and current sanitary supervision.

Warning sanitary supervision provides for the development of activities related to the introduction of wellness, preventive measures at the development of industrial and civil facilities projects, the construction of utility facilities, in the development of new technologies, the introduction of new food and industrial goods, children's toys. It should be emphasized by an effective, and not a contemplative role of sanitation in all of the above events. In other words, prevention, warning sanitary supervision should always go ahead of man, and not follow him. This is the most important role of preventive sanitary supervision. Warning sanitary supervision on the example of the construction of certain objects ends at the stage of its acceptance. It begins with the coordination of the project, control over construction and acceptance. The most important point in the implementation of preventive sanitary surveillance of objects under construction is the control over the course of hidden work. After accepting the object begins the current sanitary supervision.

Current sanitary supervision covers almost all areas of activity of certain institutions, objects on the territory of one or another settlement, district, region and whole of Russia. SanEpidezor authorities carry out control of industrial enterprises, utilities, DDU, schools, medical and preventive and other institutions. Sanitary and epidemiological service is endowed with great supervision rights for the activities of certain institutions and organizations. The sanitary service monitors the implementation of sanitary rules by those or other institutions, enterprises and objects. Sanitary rules are required to fulfill all state and public organizations and other economic organizations regardless of their subordination and form of ownership, as well as officials and citizens. Sanitary service controls aimed at preventing sanitary offenses. Posted by the rights of citizens and the interests of society or inaction associated with the non-compliance or careless action or inaction associated with non-compliance with the Sanitary legislation of the Russian Federation, including various sanitary rules and regulations. Hygienic standards developed by sanitary standards and rules ensure effective implementation The current sanitary and epidemiological surveillance, effective implementation of environmental recovery activities and improved public health.

Essence of hygiene science, its differences from other sciences

Definition 1.

Hygiene is a science that studies the influence of natural and anthropogenic environmental environment on human and society health. The purpose of science is to reduce their negative impact on the body, with the help of preventive measures.

Hygiene, although largely resembles medicine, has a number of important distinctive features. Whereas in the center of studying medicine there is a sick person, hygiene puts into the center of studying a healthy person. In medicine, assistance is individually, hygiene is developing prevention activities in various teams (at work, at school, in production).

During life, each person is exposed to many environmental factors. They can be both positive and necessary person and negative, negatively affecting the health and condition of a person. All of them can be distributed in four groups:

  • Chemical factors. These are chemical compounds that are part of air, water and soil. They enter the body through plants, and their disadvantage or excess can provoke a disease.
  • Physical factors. This includes temperature, humidity, air speed, atmosphere pressure, solar radiation, noise, vibration and so on.
  • Biological factors. These are living organisms, such as bacteria, mushrooms or the simplest, which are the cause of many diseases.
  • Psychogenic factors. In this category, entering the word, speech, letter. These phenomena cause emotions in humans, and this in turn strongly affects the body.

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All of the above factors are closely related to the nature of human working activities and with the peculiarities of its natural and technogenic medium.

Hygiene problems

The objectives of the hygiene include the rationale for the hygienic standards of environmental factors. The hygienic standard is the minimum or limit value of the quantitative indicator, which characterizes the biological environmental factor, which is permissible for the normal life of the body.

This includes the establishment of extremely permissible concentrations of harmful impurities (MPC) in water, in the atmosphere, in the soil, and so on.

The science of hygiene also includes a number of independent directions:

  • Communal hygiene;
  • Hygiene nutrition, labor, children, teenagers, etc.
  • Herochian (science examining the action of environmental factors on the process of aging organism).
  • Personal hygiene and so on.

Methods of science

Depending on which tasks are facing the researchers, a wide variety of methods of this science are used, among which the following can be distinguished:

  • The sanitary inspection method is used to study the environment. It consists in a survey and description of environmental facilities, such as an industrial enterprise, a dining room, a water source.
  • The laboratory research method is used in assessing the characteristics of environmental factors to obtain objective data.
  • The monitoring method is used for continuous tracking for certain environmental parameters and for their automatic registration.
  • The clinical method is used during medical examinations, it can be found as an organism that responds to a change in environmental factors. For example, worsening vision in conditions of poor illumination or diseases of lungs developing in dusting rooms.
  • Laboratory Experiment Method. In this case, under the conditions of the laboratory, various environmental conditions are reproduced and followed how the body responds to changes - negatively or positively. All data is carefully processed, and animals or volunteers are actuated.
  • Method of statistics. Encompasses the health indicators of the entire population and allows us to find out the positive or negative impact of the environment on the body.

Note 1.

Do not confuse the concepts of hygiene and sanitation, these two science are different from each other. Hygiene is the science of the influence of life and labor on human health. Hygiene provides for the development of rules and standards aimed at preventing various diseases. Sanitation is a practical implementation of hygienic standards and rules.

Sanitary enlightenment is currently a very important sphere in public education. Distribution of knowledge about the causes of most diseases and measures of their warning, help not only increase the environmental and hygiene education of citizens of the country, but also to prevent the majority of epidemics and epizooty.

In this case, the role of medical workers is significant. It is representatives of the field of medicine that are the main source of reliable knowledge of diseases and means of protection against them. Educational thematic conversations with population and informational sanbullets are elements of work to prevent mass disease among the population.

Hygiene and ecology

Recently, hygiene is closely related to human ecology, science have both a lot of common and many differences. However, hygienic science is not possible without knowledge that ecology gives.

It is worth noting that ecology and hygiene have still fundamental differences. The fact is that hygiene, through sanitation, is aimed at the weakening of the influence of negative factors per person and its habitat. While science ecology, through branch, science on nature protection, seeks to protect the natural environment from negative influences, including anthropogenic effects.

Both sciences should act together, it is dictated by the fact that it is impossible to solve environmental problems only with the help of legal instruments of the environmental order and at the same time not to take into account the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population. And on the contrary, it is impossible to ensure the well-being of the population in the conditions of a dangerous environmental situation.

E.L. Igai

Hygiene and human ecology

(lecture course)

Tutorial For teachers and students

educational institutions of medium professional

education learning in medical colleges and colleges

Minusinsk, 2012


Section 1. Subject of human hygiene and ecology

Introduction Subject and maintenance of hygiene, ecology and human ecology

Basics of general ecology

Environmental factors and public health

Section 2 Environmental Hygiene

Atmospheric air and its physical properties

Chemical composition of the air environment and its hygienic value

Ecological value of water

Hygienic value of water

Ecological value of soil

Hygienic value of soil

Section 3. Environmental and hygienic nutrition problems

Power and human health. The value of the basic nutrients in ensuring the livelihoods of the body. The role of vitamins and minerals. Basics of rational nutrition. Diet

Sanitary and hygiene requirements for the physicians of medical and preventive institutions. Hygienic requirements for food quality. Food poisoning

Diseases associated with the nature of nutrition. Therapeutic and medical and preventive nutrition

Section 4. Influence of production factors on the state of health and human activity. Classification of basic forms of labor activity

Basic concepts about production intimacy and occupational diseases. Hygienic requirements for optimizing the working conditions of women and adolescents. Production injuries and measures to combat it.

Hygiene of the labor of medical personnel in medical and preventive institutions


Features of the formation of the urban environment. Major activities for the recovery of the environment. Hygienic requirements for residential premises.

Hygienic requirements for medical and preventive institutions

Section 6. Healthy lifestyle and personal hygiene

Components of a healthy lifestyle (s) and ways of their formation. Methods, shapes and means of hygienic education

Basics of personal hygiene of a healthy person.

Section 7. Hygiene of children and adolescents.

Anatomy-physiological features of children's and adolescent age. Health and physical development of children and adolescents. School maturity.

Hygienic requirements for planning, equipment and maintenance of children's institutions.



Average medical professionals who own knowledge in the field of ecology can provide effective assistance in the treatment process, bringing to the population Environmental ideas about the mechanism of origin of painful states. Knowledge of hygiene will help to navigate the choice of rational recommendations for health care and developing the population of sanitary skills, skillfully use hygiene rules in the implementation of measures to reduce the negative impacts of harmful factors and strengthening the positive impact of others to preserve and promote health.

In the proposed study manual, the main issues of human ecology and hygienic knowledge in the form of lectures drawn up in a form available for presentation and understanding are sequentially outlined.

The methodological basis for the preparation of the manual served as a sample program educational discipline "Hygiene and human ecology", developed in accordance with government requirements for the minimum content and level of training of graduates of the basic (increased) level of the average vocational education For a specialty 060101 "Therapeutic case", and 060109 "Nursing business. The manual is drawn up in accordance with government educational standards of secondary vocational education for these specialties. In accordance with the state educational standard, designed for 40 hours of theoretical audit classes, 20 lecture on hygiene and human ecology are included in the manual.

Topics of lectures combined in 7 sections.

In the 1st section sets out the basics of general ecology and in particular human ecology as its habitat, respiratory, nutrition, water consumption, etc. Illustrate environmental factors and their impact on human health. Unlike hygiene ecology, the effect of these health factors is studied and develops recommendations for the improvement of the living conditions and prevention of diseases. The practical implementation of hygienic standards and rules are engaged in sanitation, which determines the level of human sanitary culture.

The second section is devoted to the environmental characteristic of air and its hygienic value. Attention is paid to the problems of increasing air pollution. Illustrated the environmental value of water for a person, in particular individual water sources and their hygienic characteristic. The importance of the soil is revealed for human health from environmental and hygienic positions acting through the food chain.

Special attention is paid to the problems of food in the 3 chapter. The features of modern food under hypodynamine, the structure of rational nutrition, the mechanisms of occurrence and features of food poisoning are analyzed.

Given the high intensification of labor in modern medical institutions, moderate medical workers should be well aware of the provisions of labor protection, the influence of industrial factors on human health and human activity, hygienic requirements for rational labor and rest. These questions are devoted to the 4th chapter.

Environmental and hygienic features of residence in modern cities and dwellings, their role in the occurrence of pathology, especially in children, is analyzed in the 5th chapter. Immediately there are hygienic problems of therapeutic and preventive institutions.

The urgent problem of the state and health care is the formation of a healthy lifestyle is devoted to the 6th chapter. The components of a healthy lifestyle, methods, forms and means of their hygienic education are studied.

In 7, the section discusses the anato-physiological features of children's and adolescent age, methods for optimizing the day of children's day of different ages. Enough attention is paid hygienic requirements to the planning, equipment and maintenance of children's preschool and educational institutions.

Each topic contains a list of control test questions to refine the level of perception by students of the material.

The list of references includes right-installation documents and basic literary sources actual problems hygiene in the presentation, accessible to the perception by students of the average professional level of preparation.

The training manual is designed for teachers of the discipline "Hygiene and the Ecology of Human" and students of secondary medical institutions in the specialties 060101 Medical Case, and 060109 Nursing. It is assumed that the teacher will independently determine the volume of educational material set out during the theoretical classes, taking as a basis the lecture material of this collection. At the same time, the material not included in the content of the classes can be offered to students as a basis for extracurricular independent work for which it is rational to use additional literature From the attached list.

Section 1.The subject of hygiene and human ecology

Topic number 1: Introduction. Subject and maintenance of hygiene, ecology and

Human ecology.

Terminology and discipline structure

    The role of ecology and hygiene in the system of sciences studying the natural environment.

    Tasks of ecology and hygiene.

    Methods of hygienic studies.

    Hygienic rationing.

Be able to:

Use the knowledge gained in educational work

    Definition of concepts Ecology, human and hygiene ecology. The subject and maintenance of ecology, human and hygiene ecology.

    The relationship of ecology, human ecology and hygiene and their place in the system of medical and biological sciences. Tasks of ecology and hygiene. Sanitation.

    The main historical stages of the development of ecology and hygiene.

    Basic hygiene laws.

    Methods of hygienic studies and hygienic rationing.

    The role of a medium-sized medical worker in educational work with the population.

      Definition of concepts Ecology, human and hygiene ecology. The subject and maintenance of ecology, human and hygiene ecology.

Ecology (Greek - the doctrine of the house) is the science of the relations of the plant world and animal organisms and the communities formed by them and with the environment. The term "ecology" is proposed by the German scientist E. Geckel in 1866 as a whole, the problems of large ecology covers all the issues of vital activity of all living organisms. Therefore, in relation to subjects of study, the ecology is divided into the ecology of any living beings, plants, animals, etc.

We are interested in ecology of manwhich studies the effect of environmental factors per person and in turn the influence of man and groups of people on the environment. It is closely connected with her medical ecology, studying human disease caused by a polluted medium, and ways to warn them. The health of the population on any territory is the best indicator of the state of its habitat.

The concept of "hygiene" is torn in deep antiquity. Hygia - the daughter of the god of Medicine Asclepia, depicted beauty with a bowl in his hand, accusing the snake - the goddess of health, which treated the sun, water and air, compliance with body cleanliness. Another sister - Panacea - he treated with medicines.

Hygiene (Greek - Healthy) is an area of \u200b\u200bmedicine that studies the influence of living and labor conditions on human health His performance, lifespan and developing measures for the prevention of diseases, rehabilitation of human living and labor conditions, preserving its health and extension of life.

    The relationship of ecology, human ecology and hygiene and their place in the system of medical and biological sciences. Tasks of ecology and hygiene. Sanitation.

The ecology of a person is part of the ecology - that is, the whole life on earth. If Science Ecology is studying ways of life and survival of all living beings on Earth, then the ecology of a person - studies how to survive a person, especially in the era of overpopulation and the increasing pollution of the Earth. The problem of human ecology is to search for methods of moral and spiritual education of a person so that he realize his place in nature and did not spoil it. Medical ecology is an integral part of a person's ecology that studies human environmental diseases.

If an ecology for a person is place of residence S. Every second communication with the surrounding factors of -imiclimate, air, water, food, etc., with which the body keeps constant contact and the struggle for survival, then hygiene is a tool that learn The influence of human living conditions in an environmental situation, as they affect his health, performance, life expectancy, and on the basis of this study designs Recommendations to reduce the risk of harmful environmental impact on health.

Sanitation- This is a practical implementation of hygienic standards and rules. If hygiene is a science with recommendations for preserving and improving health, then sanitation is the practical activity of a person with which the implementation of hygienic rules is achieved. But in life, "I know and perform / but I do not fulfill" or "I don't know and do not fulfill" - this is the level of human sanitary culture.

Using hygienic knowledge, sanitation helps a person to survive, extend the life and multiply.

In the relationship of these disciplines, you can navigate with the help of the following motto: "Ecology - I live!", "Hygiene - I know how to do!" And "Sanitation - And I do this!".

Another example of the relationship between these disciplines: a mosquito bite is ecology; I know that he can cause malaria, it is necessary to make vaccination - it is hygiene; I fly / I do not fly it, I do / I do not make vaccinations from malaria - this is a sanitation.

Therefore, all subsequent lectures will be built from three directions or sections: the environmental section - the study of environmental factors and their properties; In the section Hygiene, studying the impact of these factors on human health and the section of the sanitation - familiarization with recommendations for methods and methods for limiting these harmful effects and development of useful skills.

Preparation of modern paramedic, midwifery or nurses in modern conditions is unthinkable without hygienic knowledge, which are closely related to ecological worldview, prevention and clinical medicine. Hygienic knowledge relate to nutrition, labor, hospitals, healthy lifestyle, etc. Delving them, you will realize that there are hygienic recommendations in the first place to form a healthy lifestyle, and then drugs.

Therefore, a medical worker in the field of hygiene and human ecology must know:

    the main environmental environmental factors acting on a person in the places of his stay and labor;

    patterns of influence of these factors on human health;

    methods of sanitary and hygienic assessment of environmental factors, surrounded by which people live and work to foresee the appearance of the disease and give recommendations to how to avoid or reduce the health risks of the effects of factors;

    the method of sanitary and educational work and be able to conduct it among people, taking into account environmental factors and their respective sanitary and hygienic recommendations.

In the process of studying hygiene, you will learn that there are no elementary parts of the population environmental knowledgeAs determines the development of a particular person to develop a certain disease. Relying on the knowledge of anatomy, physiology, biology and other items that you study in the school, you will receive knowledge (and preferably, and beliefs!) Necessary for your preventive activities that will help to fight diseases, make recommendations for the formation of a healthy image and themselves Stay healthy and serve as a role model.

      The main historical stages of the development of ecology and hygiene

The origins of hygiene - in deep antiquity. In ancient Greece in the temples, much attention was paid to climate, washing, guy, post. The heyday of hygiene - in the ancient Rome - the baths of 12 hectares, the whole day was carried out in gymnastic exercises, conversations. In the Middle Ages - hygiene decline. Hygiene is reborn in the X1x century.

Intensively hygiene began to develop from the middle of the X1x century with the growth of capitalism, which caused the accumulation of people in cities, an increase in the harmful production and the frequent large epidemics of cholera, plague, types. Started systematic scientific research In the field of hygiene.

Max Pettencofer (1818-1901), German physician, founder of hygienic science: introduced an experiment in hygiene, turning it into accurate science. Offering recovery environment, it has planned the prevention of many diseases. First drew attention to personal hygiene as an important factor in many diseases: "As far as a person owns personal hygiene - this is his way in life and such is his speed to death"

In Russia, the hygiene as the skill system originated earlier than in the West. Peter 1 introduced the army health care system because in all world armies a large number of The soldier is not a skirt in battles, but in diseases (cholera, dysentery, typhus).

In the development of hygiene, the founders of Russian health care were played a major role - therapist M.Ya. Wisers and obster S.G. Zybelin

It is necessary to know about the activities of the three domestic scientists who played a fundamental role in the development of domestic hygiene.

A.P. Dobroslavin.(1842-1889) - created the first Department of Hygiene (1871) at the St. Petersburg VMA; published the first Russian textbook on hygiene, began to publish the Journal of Health, opened the first experimental hygienic laboratory, organized the Russian society for the protection of national health and female medical education in Russia; Developed the basics of municipal hygiene.

F.F. Erisman (1842-1915) - founded the Department of Hygiene at Moscow University (1882 g), Hygienic Institute with a City Sanitary Station for Food, Water and Soil Research; Developed problems of school hygiene and nutritional hygiene; Missed the three-volume guide on hygiene.

G.V. Slap (1863-1929) - Erisman's student, put hygiene on mandatory laboratory research and experiment, published guidelines on the basics of hygiene and general hygiene.

In 1922, for the first time in the world, the State Law "On Sanitary Bodies of the Republic" was published in the USSR, which at the state level obliged to comply with the issues of hygiene and introduced the State Sanitary Supervision. The activity of the SanEpidservice in the USSR was one of the most effective in the world.

The adoption of the new Constitution of the Russian Federation (1993) demanded a revision and a number of provisions in the provisions of the SanEpidbalance of the population at present the basis of sanitary legislation as one of the main conditions for the implementation of the constitutional rights of citizens to health and a favorable environment is the Federal Law "On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population "(1999). Currently, sanitary legislation includes 11 federal laws, 165 regional laws and over 3 thousand sanitary rules and other regulatory legal acts.

In 2004, the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Welfare (Rospotrebnadzor) was formed, which is an authorized federal executive body to implement the function of control and supervision in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population of the Russian Federation, the protection of consumer rights in consumer market. State sanitary supervision is carried out in two forms: a) warning Sanitary supervision - control over projects, construction, production of future products and b) current Sanitary supervision - everyday, planned and targeted for existing objects. Rospotrebnadzor is a unified centralized state system, the main function of which is the implementation of state policy to ensure environmental safety and reduce risks for public health. This includes such activities such as sanitary rationing, sanitary supervision, sanitary and hygienic monitoring, state registration and certification, research and testing of substances and products representing the potential danger to humans, etc. At the same time, the implementation of practical measures to prevent epidemics and their consequences, And also on environmental protection is entrusted to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and is their commitment.

Currently, Rospotrebnadzor unites 2218 centers of state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance (CGSAEN), which are combined in 90 territorial departments - in terms of regions and 1 on railway transport. In addition, the activities of the SanEpidservice provide 21 Research Institute (Scientific Centers). The main purpose of these bodies is to ensure sanitary and epidemic well-being, prevention and elimination of hazardous and harmful influences of a human habitat on his health. This is provided by everyday control over the human habitat and its health and management of the sanitary and epidemic situation in the field. The leading focus of the activities of the state -plain service has recently become sanitary and hygienic monitoring on environmental control and risk assessment of the impact of various factors on the human body.

      Basic laws of hygiene

Six hygiene laws on the effect on the environment for memorization can be combined into three "negative", two - "positive" and one - "technological".

"Negative" laws:

    The law of negative impact on the environment of people's activities: industrial and household. The lower the scientific and technical progress in the country, the stronger the pollution of the environment and its impact on the health of people living here.

    The law of negative impact on the environment of natural extreme phenomena - volcanoes, earthquakes, outbreaks in the sun, etc.

    The law of the negative effects of environmental pollution on public health: whatever these pollution, they reduce immunity, cause frequent diseases, accelerate old age and death.

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