The author of the article is Anna Malkova.
This article does not replace preparing for the Unified State Exam with or with a tutor. But you will learn how to properly allocate time for profile Unified State Exam in mathematics to get maximum marks.

You, of course, have seen in the collections for preparing for the Unified State Exam (USE) recommendations to start with the simplest tasks and then move on to complex ones. Previously, such a recommendation was also in the demo version of the profile Unified State Examination in mathematics. Now it has been removed. Why?

If you came to the Unified State Exam without knowing anything at all, then yes, you need to choose the most simple tasks, where you can at least do something. But then it’s better to choose right away basic Unified State Exam in mathematics and not to suffer.

And if you want to hand over specialized mathematics by 100 points? Or at least 80-90?

Let's remember: if you are going for a high score, you need to solve the first 12 tasks of the profile Unified State Exam in mathematics in half an hour. Correct and without errors. And have time to transfer the answers to the Unified State Examination form. This can only be achieved through training.

We check the answers and transfer them to the Unified State Exam form immediately, so as not to return to them 100 times.

And after 12 problems with short answers are solved, we move on to complex problems of the profile Unified State Examination in mathematics. And these are problems from 13 to 19.

Strategy is important here. If you spent the entire 11th grade (or better yet, tenth grade) in Unified State Exam courses or with a tutor, you can easily solve three more problems:

No. 13 - equation,
No. 15 – inequality.
and No. 17 - economic.
This is algebra. It works for everyone. If there are 2 months before the Unified State Examination, you want to pass the specialized Unified State Examination in mathematics with a high score, but are unable to solve these problems - urgently take express preparation courses for the Unified State Examination! Because tutors are unlikely to have free time for you 2 months before the Unified State Exam.

It takes an hour to solve these three algebra problems. During this time, you need to have time to solve them, check them (for example, substitute the found roots into the equation), and draw up the solution in a clean copy.

Now you have about two and a half hours and 4 challenging problems. And if you have already solved all the previous ones correctly, you have scored about 70-75 points. Great! Now comes the fun part!

Let's look at 4 difficult problems of the profile Unified State Examination in mathematics.

This is Problem 14 – Stereometry.

Problem 16 – Geometry on a plane.

We talked in detail about each of these tasks when we wrote about the structure of the profile Unified State Examination in mathematics.

What to do during the exam?
You need to look at these 4 complex problems - Stereometry, Geometry, Parameters and Non-standard - with an experienced eye. If you have been studying in Unified State Exam courses all year or with a good tutor, then one of these tasks will definitely seem familiar and simple to you. You remember exactly how to solve it! Let's take it and do it. We decide, check, draw up a clean draft. Then the next one. We keep an eye on the time: two and a half hours for 4 complex tasks is quite enough. It is important not to get stuck! If you don’t have any ideas for a solution for 10 minutes, move on to the next one.

The most “expensive” of these tasks are numbers 18 and 19. They are valued at 4 primary scores each, and these 4 primary ones are converted into 8-9 test ones. So if you solved three out of four difficult problems on the specialized Unified State Examination in mathematics, you are a champion!

Good luck on the Unified State Examination in mathematics!

Tell your friends!

The Unified State Exam, which is known to most schoolchildren and their parents under the abbreviation Unified State Examination, is an important stage in the life of a young person, since it is its results that determine his capabilities in relation to further education.

Determining the time for the Unified State Exam

IN Russian Federation There are mandatory exams, for example, Russian language and mathematics, and exams that a student can take at his own discretion. The latter include, for example, geography, history, chemistry and other subjects. In total, currently in the form of a single state exam You can take more than 10 different school subjects.

At the same time, the duration of the time period allotted for completing tasks in each subject may vary. The specific duration of each type of exam is approved annually federal Service for supervision in the field of education and science (Rosobrnadzor). At the same time, when determining the time allocated for each subject, Rosobrnadzor is guided by the complexity and volume of information required for successful completion Unified State Examination in this subject, the nature of the exam tasks and other factors.

In addition, when establishing the length of time allotted for completing tasks, sanitary and hygienic standards are also taken into account, including mental workload standards for adolescents of the appropriate age. For example, in 2012, in accordance with current sanitary standards and regulations, the time for several exams was reduced by 5 minutes.

Time for the Unified State Exam

All examination procedures usually begin at 10 am. However, the end time of the exam will depend on which subject the students are taking. Thus, the shortest period of time is allocated for completing examination tasks in such subjects as biology, geography, chemistry and foreign languages: to complete them, the student is given 3 hours, that is, 180 minutes.

A longer period of time is allocated for completing tasks in a series humanities- Russian language, history and social studies. Schoolchildren can reflect on their answers to questions on these subjects for 210 minutes, that is, 3.5 hours. Finally, mathematics, physics, computer science, and literature are considered the most difficult: students are given almost 4 hours, or more precisely 235 minutes, to complete tasks in these subjects.

At the same time, the time required for preparatory operations, for example, opening envelopes with assignments, instructing schoolchildren on filling out forms and other procedures, is not included in the total

The developers of exam tasks answered the most frequently asked questions from graduates

Text: Natalya Lebedeva/RG
Photo: Alexey Malgavko/RIA Novosti

One of two compulsory exams (the other is mathematics) that all students take. This year, graduates will take the Russian language exam on A.S. Pushkin’s birthday, June 6. If the result is too low, you can try to retake the exam on a reserve day - June 26, or in an additional period - 4 September. What you need to know about the exam to pass it maximum score the first time?

1. How many points can you get on the Unified State Exam in Russian?

For correct completion of all tasks of the examination paper, you can get a maximum of 58 primary points. For a well-written essay you can get 24 points.

To receive a high school diploma, you must score a minimum of 24 points. And if an eleventh-grader plans to enter a university, no matter what specialty, the exam must be passed with at least 36 points.

2. How much time is given to complete all tasks?

210 minutes, or 3.5 hours, are allotted to complete the examination work in the Russian language.

3. What knowledge will be tested at the Unified State Exam in the Russian language?

The tasks of the examination paper in the Russian language test knowledge of the norms of text construction, lexical, spelling, punctuation, grammatical norms of modern Russian literary language, the ability to create text based on what you read.

4. What tasks does the exam version consist of?

Each version of the exam Unified State Examination work in the Russian language consists of two parts and includes 26 tasks that differ in form and level of difficulty.

Part 1 contains 25 short answer tasks (tasks open type to record a self-formulated correct answer and a choice task and to record one correct answer from the proposed list of answers).

The tasks of the first part test the exam participants' understanding educational material both basic and high levels difficulties: the last type includes tasks that test mastery of grammatical norms (task 7), the ability to find means of connecting sentences in the text (task 24) and the linguistic means of expression used in the text (task 25).

Part 2 contains one task (task 26) - based on the text read. In completing this task, the examinee must demonstrate the ability to analyze the content and issues of the text read, comment on the problem of the source text, determine the position of the author of the text, express and argue his own opinion, present thoughts consistently and logically, and use a variety of words in speech. grammatical forms and lexical richness of the language, format statements in accordance with spelling, punctuation, grammatical and speech norms of the modern Russian literary language.

The essay can be written by the examinee at any level of complexity (basic, advanced, high).

5. This year a new task No. 20 appeared. What does it check?

Task #20 will test possession lexical norms Russian literary language. The assignment will be worth 1 point.

The task will be given in two versions:

  • as an exception, that is, it will be necessary to remove the extra word;
  • in the form of a replacement, that is, the word will need to be replaced.

Execution algorithm: first you need to find a semantic (semantic) contradiction in the sentence, isolate the error and complete the task, correcting this error.

6. What is the difficulty of completing task No. 7?

The task sounds like this: “Match the correspondence between grammatical errors and proposals in which they are admitted.”

There are three types, but only morphological and syntactic errors will need to be identified in the exam.

Morphological errors:

  • incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition;
  • incorrect use of a numeral.

Syntax errors:

  • disruption of the connection between subject and predicate;
  • violation of aspect-temporal correlation of verb forms;
  • error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members;
  • incorrect construction of sentences with participles;
  • violation in the construction of sentences with a participial phrase;
  • violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application;
  • incorrect construction of sentences with indirect speech;
  • error in constructing a complex sentence.

Before starting the task, the authors of the exam tasks advise you to carefully read all the sentences.

7. What is different about the essay in the Unified State Examination in the Russian language (task No. 26)?

To successfully write an essay based on the text you read, the developers advise adhering to the following plan:

  • formulate one of the problems posed by the author of the text;
  • write a commentary on this problem, including two illustrative examples from the text read, which are important for understanding and arguing the problem;
  • indicate the author's position;
  • express your personal attitude to what you read, supporting your opinion with two literary arguments.

But it is not necessary to strictly follow this plan. IN good essay Thoughtful composition is important. You can limit yourself to three basic parts: introduction, main part and conclusion. You can also include other parts with their own micro-themes in each.

Tips from the developers:

  • You need to think through the composition only after the problem raised by the author in the text has been identified. It is important not to confuse the topic and problem of the text.
  • It is advisable to use works from .
  • You can use modern and foreign literature as arguments.
  • You can rely on non-classical genres of literature (detective or thriller), but the chosen argument must be presented precisely as an argument.
  • A reference to a feature film is not a literary argument, even if it is a film adaptation.
  • Popular science articles and books can be used as a literary argument.

8. How does the difficulty level of a task affect the final score?

Among the tasks basic level difficulties there are tasks with a low percentage of completion - you should pay attention to them Special attention. These are tasks that test the spelling of -Н- and -НН- in various parts speeches (task 14), punctuation marks in complex sentence with different types of communication (task 19), knowledge of functional and semantic types of speech (task 22).

9. What must be taken into account to get the maximum score?

IN general view all necessary advice and explanations are given in the instructions for performing the work before the CMM option. Therefore, you should carefully read the instructions for the option and the specific task. Following these tips will allow you to organize your exam work more efficiently. In addition to general instructions, each part of the work provides recommendations on how to write down the answer to tasks of one type or another. Before completing tasks, you should carefully read the instructions for each type of task.

10. How to fill out the exam form correctly?

Practice has shown that it is better to enter the answers first into the KIM, and then carefully transfer them to answer form No. 1 to the right of the number of the corresponding task, starting from the first cell, without spaces, commas and other additional characters. Answers to assignments are written without unnecessary additions (a term, concept, keyword or a combination of words from the text, etc.).

It is better to first write down the answer to task 26 on a draft, and then rewrite it on form No. 2. The essay should be written clearly, in legible handwriting. Entries in drafts are not taken into account when processing and checking work.

Video consultation on the Unified State Exam in Russian from the exam developers:

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In addition to the main disciplines, schoolchildren can take additional ones, which they choose independently, and the results of which will be necessary for them for further income. Social studies is one of these subjects.

In 2018, the social studies exam will not change structurally, the block with test part will still be excluded.

The number of retake attempts has been increased to 3. This option is suitable for those students who have not achieved the passing number of points or are not satisfied with the exam results. This change is due to the need to create a more acceptable psychological atmosphere.

An important change in the project will be that now schoolchildren will speak more during the exam rather than write. A similar innovation will affect the humanities, in particular social studies. Time to take social studies test will be 235 minutes.

Very important changes are also expected of students regarding violations during the Unified State Examination. If the examinee is found to have things that are not allowed in the exam, then he gets the opportunity to retake it only the next year.

As for violations by teachers, a fine of from 20 to 40 thousand rubles.

In general, social studies is a fairly popular subject among graduates, since it is what is required in a number of prestigious universities.

Structure of Unified State Exam 2019 tasks in social studies

Structure of the Unified State Exam in Social Studies 2019 will be presented in two types of thematic tasks. The types differ in complexity and type of answers. general characteristics The structure of the task is given below:

  1. The first category includes questions that require one-word answers.
  2. The second includes questions that require a detailed answer.
  3. The last task is an essay on one of the proposed topics.

Essay in the Unified State Exam in Social Studies 2019

The most difficult task in the Unified State Exam in social studies is considered to be an essay. For correct completion of this task, the student can receive from three to five points. The most important thing when completing this task is to correctly structure the content of the text, and also try to avoid typical mistakes.

When writing this task, it is important to reveal the meaning of the selected statement. If the meaning is not revealed or is revealed incorrectly, then the answer is already assessed at zero points.

It is very important to provide the right arguments to support your arguments. If the student supported his arguments with actual examples, then he will definitely receive good score, for completing the task.

In order to cope with such a task, you need to remember essay plan:

  1. The selected quote is provided.
  2. The problem voiced by the author is determined and its relevance is justified.
  3. The meaning of the quote is revealed.
  4. Voice your own point of view.
  5. Arguments of a theoretical nature are presented.
  6. Theoretical arguments are supported by practical examples.
  7. A conclusion is drawn up.

If you strictly adhere to such a plan, then all the requirements for writing an essay will be met and the grade for the essay will be high.

Categories of those taking the Unified State Exam in social studies

Some citizens cannot take the Unified State Exam. This is stipulated by Rosobrnadzor. The following persons are allowed to take the test:

  1. Those who took the Unified State Exam in previous years, however, did not receive the required result.
  2. Students who want to improve their results.
  3. Schoolchildren who failed the test or earned a negative grade in a number of disciplines.

How to become a participant in the Unified State Exam 2019?

To get to the Unified State Exam, you will need to make an application at the place where the test is organized. The application contains a list of disciplines in which the exam will be held. Such documents can be submitted to the school reception office, to the municipal authority of the education where the Unified State Examination will take place, to admissions committees Universities.

The deadline for submitting an application for children who want to pass the Unified State Exam early is: until February 1, and for those students who want to take the exam later – until December 1.

Early completion of the Unified State Examination in social studies in 2019

In social studies, it is necessary for those students who cannot pass the test in a timely manner. There are various reasons, ranging from conscription into the army, the Olympics and even ordinary relocation.

In such a situation, the exam is taken ahead of schedule and the undoubted advantage is that the student will not miss deadlines, will be able to pass the Unified State Exam and then submit documents to the university. Disadvantages early Unified State Examination are also available. It is very difficult to prepare for the exam without interrupting your studies. Naturally, hasty preparation will not bring good results.

Additional information about the Unified State Exam 2019

You are allowed to bring a gel or capillary black pen and a passport to the Unified State Exam in Social Studies. The order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation outlines a list of subjects and aids that are allowed to be used on the Unified State Exam. In social studies, it is not allowed to use reference books, manuals, and collections.

According to this order, you cannot bring cell phones, tablets, or other electronic computing devices to social studies. It is prohibited to use methodological and reference books, not allowed in the exam.

If a student brings something similar to the Unified State Exam or commits actions that can be qualified as an attempt to cheat, he will be removed from the exam and a note about this will be made on the Unified State Exam answer form. A student will only be allowed to retake in a year.

The passing grade in social studies in 2017 was 42 points, there are no plans to change it in 2018. A point conversion scale is used for calculation.

If the exam rules are violated by the organizers, for example, less time is provided, then the examinee has the right to file an appeal. A complaint for this reason must be filed on the same day, after leaving the classroom.

Also, a similar right arises when the examinee does not agree with the total amount of points he earned. In such cases, the protest is filed within two working days from the moment you become acquainted with USE results. You can also challenge the results if a technical failure occurred during the Unified State Examination examination.

If there were no violations on the part of the applicant, the organizers give the student the opportunity to retake the exam. If there were any violations, the student will be denied the complaint.

After the results are calculated and verified, the graduate receives a certificate of the established form, which indicates the results in all subjects, with the exception of those for which a sufficient number of points were not scored.

This certificate is required when submitting documents to universities and is valid for 4 years.

How to prepare for the 2019 Unified State Exam in social studies

To pass the Unified State Exam well, of course, you need to prepare. The preparation specification may vary. You can take a trial online tests by subject. It will also help a lot in preparation. demo version of the FIPI Unified State Exam in social studies 2019. And some will use regular textbooks.

Such benefits include the following:

If a student uses online tests to prepare for the Unified State Exam in social studies, then he can easily pass them using a computer and the Internet. The advantage of such preparation is that there is no need to attend any additional classes or lectures, just go to the official website and take the exam online. This type of preparation also has disadvantages: the student will not know the theory, but only single answers, which is unlikely to allow him to write an essay.

You can also use a service such as demo version of the Unified State Exam in social studies 2019. These are materials from previous exams posted on the FIPI website.

Very in a good way preparation is considered to be the use of demonstration materials. KIM Codifier Based on such materials, the same one was used that was used to compile the main tasks for the Unified State Exam. Using materials like this will help students become familiar with the procedure passing the Unified State Exam, basic rules, and also create a list of topics that need additional preparation.

It is very important for both children and their parents to remember that there is no need to be afraid of taking the Unified State Exam. To avoid unnecessary psychological stress and trauma, the teenager himself needs to correctly set goals and follow healthy image nutrition and sleep, and parents try to create that comfortable microclimate that is so necessary for a teenager in stressful situation, which, in essence, is the Unified State Exam.

Statistics for passing the Unified State Exam in social studies in past years

Proportion of participants who did not receive minimum score, in 2018 decreased by 3.8% compared to the previous year and amounted to 13.8%. The number of students who received the maximum score is up to 142, in 2016 there were only 59.

Exam Schedule

The early stage of passing the Unified State Exam in social studies in 2019 is being specified.

The main stage of passing the Unified State Exam in social studies in 2019 is being specified.

Russian language is one of the compulsory subjects Unified State Exam. Without a positive exam result, the graduate simply will not receive a certificate of secondary education. What is today's Unified State Exam option In Russian? What should you consider when preparing?

All Unified State Exam assignments Russian language presupposes good knowledge school curriculum, do not go beyond its scope. Nevertheless, the tasks are structured in such a way that they test a wide variety of students’ knowledge and their ability to work with text.

Testing and measuring materials (CMM) in Russian consist of two parts. The first part includes 24 tasks with a short answer or with a choice of the correct answer options. The second part involves writing an essay based on the text you read.

The second part of the exam paper asks you to write an essay based on the text you read. Let us immediately pay attention to the type of speech. Essay-reasoning. That is, your work should have a clear structure: thesis, arguments, conclusion. An essay on the Russian language is written according to a clear plan:

First, we indicate the problem of the text we read. There may be more than one problem in the text. You need to choose one.

Secondly, you need to comment on the formulated problem. Essentially, this is the answer to the question why the author started talking about this. The commentary is taken from the text. What the author saw in the life around him, what he heard, remembered, read, what he spoke about the specified problem.

Fourth, express your point of view. This will be your thesis. You can agree with the author, or you can disagree.

Fifth, choose two arguments to defend your point of view. Moreover, you will receive the highest possible score for this criterion only if one of the arguments is from fiction, scientific literature or journalism.

The second one could be from real life. You can, of course, give two arguments from life, but you will lose one point. Sixth, you need to draw a conclusion by summing up your thoughts. This is exactly the way we see that examination paper assessed during the performance review.

Duration of the Unified State Examination 2018 in Russian

The duration of the Unified State Exam in 2018 will remain unchanged in all subjects except biology. The time for passing the biology exam has been increased by half an hour.

Russian language
3 hours 30 minutes
(210 minutes)
Mathematics(profile level)
Social science
Computer Science and ICT
3 hours 55 minutes
(235 minutes)
Mathematics(a basic level of)
Foreign language(written part)
3 hours
(180 minutes)
Foreign language(oral part) 15 minutes

Graduates will take the Unified State Exam in Russian on June 6

Like last year, graduates are given 3.5 hours to work. There will be 26 tasks in the test. One additional task was added this year - in it you will have to find lexical errors in the text. You will need to edit one sentence, eliminating from it an extra word that is not suitable or interferes with the meaning of the speech.

The maximum number of points remains the same - 58. In order to consider the exam passed, you need to score at least 24 points. For admission to a university - a minimum of 36 points. For admission to the budget - as much as possible, because your rating during the competition will depend on this.

The first tasks are test ones. Here you need to be able to use the rules of the Russian language. Moreover, you really need to know the rules, since intuition may not help you in solving tasks.

The test will also include a creative task - an essay on a given topic. It is worth preparing for this part quite seriously, because the examiners take into account both the style and the fulfillment of all the requirements of grammar, vocabulary, punctuation, and the like.

How to find out the preliminary results of the Unified State Exam

From May 28 to July 2, 2018, the main stage of the state final certification (SFA) in school subjects. A lot depends on the exam results, so the period ahead is exciting. We wish everyone good luck and the highest possible scores!

The Unified State Examination is conducted according to a unified schedule. All students will take an exam in a specific subject on the same day. For example, during the main stage, everyone takes the Russian language on June 6.

They don't check the work right away. This takes several days, but the deadlines are regulated. The schedule for processing and publication of results is posted on the official Unified State Exam portal. For example, the results of the exam in basic level mathematics will be known before June 15, and in the Russian language - until June 25.

You can find out the results for each subject on the State Services portal or at the educational institution.