According to cognitive development

Summary of the lesson on patriotic education “Remember those days” in the senior group (for Victory Day)

Mulyar Nadezhda Vladimirovna d/s No. 31 “Crane”, Stary Oskol, Belgorod region

Software tasks:

  1. Educational: instilling respect for the defenders of the Motherland on the basis of vivid impressions, specific historical facts accessible to children and causing them powerful emotions, pride in one’s people, love for one’s homeland.
  2. Developmental: develop an understanding of the different branches of the military, consolidate knowledge about the national holiday of warriors, clarify who the defenders of the fatherland are; develop speech, thinking, support children's initiative.
  3. Educational: continue to get acquainted with proverbs about war, teach to understand and explain their meaning, cultivate feelings of pride in one’s people, the army, and the desire to defend one’s country.

Preliminary work: Conversation about the Motherland, memorizing poems, looking at albums, books, illustrations. Design of albums about museums of military glory.

Equipment: Photo of the “Brest Fortress”, the inscription “I am dying, but I do not give up”, the painting “Defense of Sevastopol”, Crossword, Photo “Eternal Flame”, “Letter Triangle”. Tape recorder, audio cassettes with the songs “Holy War”, “Soldiers on the Road!”, “The Last Letter”. White sheets of paper, colored pencils for writing letters.

The song “Holy War” sounds. A. Alexandrova lyrics V. Lebedeva-Kumach.

Progress of the lesson:

Once upon a time the smoke won't stop

Heaven, and the flood of fields is bright,

Where fellow countrymen fought to the death,

Having obscured the Fatherland with yourself.

At the turn, washed with blood,

We are in memory of those who went into battle,

With incense and love

We bow our heads.

(children bow their heads)

“Today at 4 o’clock in the morning, without a declaration of war, German troops fell on our Motherland,” people heard this announcement on June 22, 1941. The peaceful life of the people was stopped. The Great Patriotic War began. The war destroyed the lives of millions of people. Every person felt the breath of war: the long wail of sirens, volleys of anti-aircraft guns, bomb explosions. But people were not afraid, they stood up and went to meet the dark forces. Sacrificing their lives, they became defenders of the fatherland.

Guys, who can be called defenders of the fatherland? (soldiers, sailors, pilots)

Yes, everyone, those who defended their homeland from enemies.

There is a knock on the door. To the music of F. Schubert, “Military March,” soldiers march in formation (employee, parent, school student).

Soldier: Hello guys, I brought a report from headquarters for you.

Educator: It's good that you came, soldier. Who else but you can tell our future defenders about soldier’s mutual assistance, courage, bravery, and heroic deeds of a soldier.


Me guys at war

I went into battle and was on fire.

Morz in the trenches near Moscow

But, as you can see, he is alive.

I am alive, but the people remember those who died defending their city, their homeland.

Educator: Guys, how does he remember them? (composes songs, poems, erects monuments, stores material about the defenders of the fatherland in museums).

Soldier: I invite you guys to one of these museums.

This museum has organized a photo exhibition of military battles. Pay attention to this photo. It depicts the Brest Fortress. The heroic border guards were the first to meet the enemy. On June 22, 1941, at dawn, the first German shells and bombs exploded here. The roar and howl of planes covered everything. Bomb after bomb, shell after shell. But the outpost did not flinch. The border guards shielded the fortress with their chests. And here the fascists first learned what Soviet fortitude and Soviet courage were.

The Germans bombed the fortress for a long time.

They couldn't take her for a long time

How much effort did they put in?

About this fragment of earth.

Every day the defense weakened

Only the fighting spirit did not weaken.

But the German army prevailed

The City Hero fell under the onslaught.

Educator: You listened carefully to the story, now tell me who fought for Brest Fortress? (border guard soldiers) What can you say about border guards? What are they? (brave, courageous, courageous)

Soldier: That’s right, one of these soldiers wrote the inscription “I’m dying, but I’m not giving up!”

Educator: How do you understand these words?

Soldier: Now pay attention to this photo, who do you think is depicted here? That's right, these are soldiers. Soldiers of Sevastopol.

A severe and difficult test for Sevastopol residents and sailors Black Sea Fleet became the Great Patriotic War. Sevastopol was among the first cities to be raided by fascist aircraft. The sailors of the Black Sea Fleet and city residents stood up in an organized manner to defend Sevastopol. The soldiers and commanders of the Marine Corps showed courage, bravery and perseverance in battle.

Educator: How does this picture make you feel? Guys, do you think the sailors won this battle? (Yes). Why? (they are brave, courageous, courageous). Yes, guys, thanks to these very qualities, only strong, skillful, dexterous warriors were able to win this war.

Educator: Soldiers, and our guys are also strong, skillful, and dexterous.

Who is the stronger guy?

Well, let's take the rope.

The one who will pull

He will become the strongest.

Physical education minute:

A competition is being held "Tug of War".

Soldier: Well done! What proverbs do you know about the courage of a soldier?


He who is faithful to his homeland is exemplary in battle.

Stand boldly for what is right.

Know the Russian commandment - do not yawn in battle.

Soldier: And I know another proverb about ingenuity. Hard to learn, easy to fight.

Educator: How do you understand this proverb? (Children's answers).

Soldier: Now look at this photo, before you is a military crossword puzzle. Let us solve it together.


1. What sailors serve on.

3. What all soldiers protect.

5. Lies in the ground, if stepped on, it will explode.

6. What does the soldier have on his feet?

7. Not alone in the field. ..

8. What they throw and say: “Get down!”


2. Which animal sometimes also serves?

4. Where do all the guys go to serve when they grow up?

8. Hospital for wounded soldiers.

9. Special pocket for a pistol.

10. Equipment for air border protection.

11. Winter outerwear for a soldier.

12. Vehicle on tracks.

Soldier: All of you, resourceful, quick-witted and savvy, have worked hard, but it’s time to rest.

Educator: Guys, do you know how the soldiers rested after the battle? (They joked, sang songs, wrote letters to relatives, etc.)

Soldier: And I suggest you sing one of these songs “Soldiers on the Road!” (V. Solovyov-Sedoy - M. Dudin)

(Children are marching).

Soldier: We had a rest, but we still have the last photos, pay attention to what is shown here (Children's answers)

Correct "Eternal Flame"

Eternal flame- constantly burning fire, symbolizing the eternal memory of something or someone, and to whom this monument was erected.

Children: To soldiers who did not return from the war, unknown soldiers.

Soldier: And in our museum we have one of the soldier’s letters from the war. The soldiers wrote letters on a piece of paper and then folded it in a special way to make a triangle. Such triangles were sent to the military post office. They were without stamps, but only with the seal of the field mail.

The music "The Last Letter" plays (“You will receive a letter, as usual, without a stamp, a soldier’s”; S. Tulikov - M. Plyatskovsky)

Educator: On May 9, veterans meet at monuments and accept congratulations. Children, come on, and you and I will draw up letters of congratulations to veterans and pass them on through the soldier. Children pass congratulatory letters.

Thematic lesson for Victory Day for children of senior preschool age.

Program content: continue to introduce children to history home country, her heroic past, introduce children to the military-patriotic song of A. V. Alexandrov and V. I. Lebedev-Kumach “Holy War”. To foster patriotic feelings: compassion, empathy, respect for the people who defended our Motherland, pride in them.

Progress of the lesson.

There is a fire “burning” in the middle of the hall. A recording of the song “Victory Day” plays, children enter the hall and sit on chairs.

M.R. Today we have gathered to celebrate Victory Day together with the whole country. On this day many years ago, the Great Patriotic War ended with a victory over Nazi Germany.

Summer night, at dawn,

When the children were sleeping peacefully,

Hitler gave the troops the order

And he sent German soldiers

Against the Russians, against us!

Get up, people!

Hearing the cry of the Earth,

The soldiers of the Motherland have gone to the front.

Soldiers bravely went into battle

For every city and for you and me.

The song “Holy War” sounds, 1 st. and chorus.

M.R. The entire people, young and old, rose to defend the Motherland when our country was attacked in the summer of 1941 Nazi invaders. Fathers and older brothers went to the front, women and children came to work in factories where their husbands had worked before the war. They made bombs and shells, planes and tanks, sewed warm clothes, knitted mittens for soldiers. Artists, painters, writers, and musicians tried to raise the morale of the army in their works.

And one of the first songs written in the first days of the war was “Holy War” - a song by Alexandrov and Lebedev-Kumach. Do you know how it was created?

June 24, 1941, i.e. On the second day of the war, poems were published in the Izvestia newspaper, and Alexander Vasilyevich Alexandrov, the head of the Red Army song and dance ensemble, was offered to write music for these poems. He read them, liked them very much, took the newspaper with the printed poems and immediately went home to work on the song. And within a few hours the music was ready. Alexander Vasilyevich returned to the artists of his ensemble and performed a new song for them. She literally shocked everyone: “My throat was tight with excitement, there were tears in my eyes.” Guys, let's listen to the song “Holy War” by Alexandrov and Lebedev-Kumach again, listening carefully to the words of the song.

Children listen to a recording of the song "Holy War".

M.R. What is the character of the song? What is the song about? How did it make you feel?(children's answers).

The song was immediately learned by the ensemble's artists. And the next morning they went to the platforms of the Belorussky railway station to sing the song “Holy War” in front of the soldiers going to the front. There were a lot of people at the station, there was noise and hum, people were crying and saying goodbye. When the artists military uniform appeared in the crowd, almost no one paid attention to them - because in those days the uniform did not surprise anyone. So they lined up on a stage made of freshly planed boards, the musicians took their places, and the music began to thunder. All the people perked up, mesmerized by the mighty power of the song. The first sounds of the song captured the audience, and when the second verse sounded, there was silence in the hall, everyone stood without moving, as during the performance of the anthem. They had never heard anything like this before. The song conveyed everything that every person felt - anger towards the enemy, love for the Motherland and devotion to it. At the request of the fighters, the song was performed five times in a row.

Soon "Holy War" was sung throughout the country. It sounded every morning on the radio immediately after the striking of the Kremlin chimes. It was heard at the front, in the rear, in partisan detachments. The song went with the soldiers into battle, pouring into them new strength, courage and courage. All people of our country know this song - both old and young. This song is a hymn to the courage and perseverance of our people. Now you will remember her too. “Get up, huge country,

Stand up for mortal combat

With fascist dark power

With the damned horde!

M.R. The war was very cruel, it brought a lot of grief and tears, devastation and hunger. But the people survived and won. The war ended on May 9, 1945. This day has become a Great holiday in our country.

Children of the older group read poetry:

When fireworks thundered from one end to another,

Soldiers, you gave to the planet

Great May, victorious May!

    Even then we were not in the world,

When in a military storm of fire,

Deciding the fate of future centuries,

You fought a holy battle.

3.Back then we weren’t in the world,

When you came home with Victory.

Soldiers of May, glory to them forever

From all the earth, from all the earth!

M.R. We have gathered here, around the fire, to honor the memory of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers. Our soldiers often sat near such fires during breaks between battles, someone recalled native home, someone wrote a letter. Many families have preserved soldiers' triangle letters, which were sent from the front by fathers and brothers.

A boy from a preparatory school group comes out to the fire with a letter in his hands and reads.

Hello, dear Maxim!

Hello, my beloved son!

I'm writing from the front line

Tomorrow morning - back into battle.

We will drive out the fascists,

Take care, son, mother,

Forget sadness and sadness -

I will return victorious!

I will finally hug you


Your father.

Adults sing the song “In the Dugout.”

M.R. The war has died down, peace has come to the earth. In our Motherland, after the war, there were many mass graves on which there were always fresh flowers. These flowers are a sign of our memory and deepest gratitude to those who defended our Motherland in battles and died for it. No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten.

The senior group performs the song “Eternal Flame.”

M.R. Now let's stand up and honor with a minute of silence all the heroes who died for peace and happiness on earth.

A minute of silence.

M.R. If veterans live in your family, in your home, those who participated in battles with the Nazis, do not forget to congratulate them on Victory Day.

Early in the morning on Victory Day

Go out and look everywhere

Here are the veterans walking, with orders on their chests.

Let's say thank you to the veterans

For life, for childhood and spring,

For silence, for a peaceful home,

For the world we live in!

Thank you guys for listening to me so carefully and for your active participation in the lesson. Goodbye!

A recording of the song “Victory Day” plays and the children leave.

Summary of GCD in the senior group on the topic “This Victory Day.”

Developed by the teacher of the compensatory group S.N. Netrebko. Krasnodar region, Art. Staroshcherbinovskaya.

Target : instilling patriotic feelings in children, respect for folk heroes, as well as the events of the Great Patriotic War.


Educational: - create in children a mood of empathy for past events during the Second World War, develop the emotional sphere,a sense of participation in national celebrations..

To expand the cognitive activity of children and enrich their understanding of socially significant events of the Second World War, the Victory Day, to encourage respect for the feat of Second World War veterans.

Develop an interest in the heroic past of your homeland.

Strengthen the skills of speech, musical and productive activities on patriotic material, actively participate in dialogue with the teacher.

Developmental: develop curiosity, broaden children’s horizons, the desire to learn more new, useful, interesting things about the history of their native country; speech activity, dialogic speech (through answers to questions, dialogue); fine motor skills of the hands, accuracy when performing tasks.

Educational: - to cultivate a sense of patriotism, love for one’s Motherland, respect for WWII veterans.

Ensuring the development of children in educational fields according to Federal State Educational Standards DO:

« Speech development", "Artistic and aesthetic development", " Cognitive development", "Social and communicative development", "Physical development".

Use of modern educational technologies: personality-oriented, gaming, health-saving, information and communication technologies.

Methods and techniques: conversation, looking at illustrations, listening to songs and poems.

Material used:

Illustrations about the Great Patriotic War, about monuments to fallen soldiers and veterans.

Audio recordings of songs about war;

ICT – technologies;

A sheet of dark blue paper or of blue color, colored pencils, paints, wax crayons;

St. George ribbons for each child.

Preliminary work:

Conversations with children about the Great Patriotic War.

Making crafts on military themes as gifts for veterans.

Reading fiction about the Great Patriotic War.

Organizing a joint exhibition of children's drawings with parents

Listening to songs with military-patriotic themes;

Learning proverbs, songs, poems about war and victory.

Viewing (photos) of monuments to the fallen heroes

Examination of illustrations about the Great Patriotic War.

Selection of books about the Great Patriotic War for the book corner.

GCD move:

Educator: - Every year on May 9, our people celebrate Victory Day. The Great Patriotic War lasted four whole years and ended with the complete victory of our people. Please listen to the song “Victory Day”.

Educator: - What holiday is the song about?

Children: - Victory Day.

Educator: - That's right, about the great Victory Day. What kind of holiday is this, who can explain to me?

Children: - May 9 is the Day of Victory of our people over the fascist invaders.

Educator: - On this day, both joy and sorrow are nearby. Grief and sadness come from the memories of those who died in the war, joy from the victory over the Nazis.

Educator: - Second World War- the largest war in human history. It began on June 22, 1941 at four in the morning, with an unexpected attack by Germany. And it lasted for four long years. Our entire huge country has risen to fight the enemy! Our people showed miracles of heroism and courage while defending against the Nazis native land. Men and women, elderly people, even children took part in this war. The path to victory was not easy. The battles took place on the ground, in the sky, and at sea. On May 9, 1945, the Nazis admitted their complete defeat. Since then, this day has become our great holiday - Victory Day.

Educator: - There is no family in Russia that has been spared the war. On this day, every family remembers those who died in the war. On May 9, veterans of the Great Patriotic War are congratulated.

Educator: - Guys, how many of you have great-grandfathers who fought in the Great Patriotic War?

(Children talk about their great-grandfathers and their exploits.)

Educator: - Our soldiers gave their lives so that there would be no more war, so that children could live and study in peace.

Educator: - Nastenka will read a poem to us now

S. Mikhalkova"No War":

One day the children went to bed -

The windows are all darkened.

And we woke up at dawn -

There is light in the windows - and there is no war!

You don't have to say goodbye anymore

And don’t accompany him to the front -

They will return from the front,

We will wait for heroes.

The trenches will be overgrown with grass

At the sites of past battles.

Getting better every year

Hundreds of cities will stand still.

And in good moments

You will remember and I will remember,

Like from fierce enemy hordes

We cleared the edges.

Let's remember everything: how we were friends,

How we put out fires

Like our porch

They drank fresh milk

Gray with dust,

A tired fighter.

Let's not forget those heroes

What lies in the damp ground,

Giving my life on the battlefield

For the people, for you and me...

Glory to our generals,

Glory to our admirals

And to the ordinary soldiers -

On foot, swimming, horseback,

Tired, seasoned!

Glory to the fallen and the living -

Thank you to them from the bottom of my heart!

Educator: - During the war there were also short moments of rest. Between battles, at rest, the soldiers sang songs. The song “Katyusha” has become famous throughout the world.

(Children listen to the song “Katyusha” in the recording.)

Educator: - In moments of rest, the soldiers wrote letters to their family and friends. Many families still keep letters from the front.

Educator: - Let’s listen to E. Trutneva’s poem “Front Triangle”.

My dear family!

Night. The candle flame is flickering.

This is not the first time I remember

How do you sleep on a warm stove.

In our little old hut

That is lost in the deep forests.

I remember a field, a river,

I remember you again and again.

My dear brothers and sisters!

Tomorrow I'm going into battle again

For your Fatherland, for Russia,

That I'm in dire trouble

I will gather my courage, strength,

I will begin to smash our enemies,

So that nothing threatens you,

So that you can study and live!

Physical exercise "Let's take a rest."

I am a brave captain, Hands on my belt

He conquered many countries. Children march in place

I look ahead through binoculars, they fold their hands “binoculars”

And my ship is sailing.

The waves splash only slightly, Hands to the sides, swaying them

The pitching is quiet for now. Legs spread and swaying

Suddenly the waves became strong, increasing the amplitude of movement

And the sailors all fell. Drop to the floor

But I’m not afraid of pitching - Stand up straight, head raised

I hold on to the rope tightly. Hands forward, fists clenched

Steering the ship "Turn the helm"

And through binoculars I see a house! Waving their arms above their heads

Educator: - But not only men showed heroism during the war. Many women and girls also went to the front. They provided assistance to wounded soldiers, flew combat aircraft, and were radio operators (show illustration).

Educator: - And now Arina will read us a poem by E. Trutneva “Frontline Sister.”

Guns roar, bullets whistle.

A soldier was wounded by shrapnel.

My sister whispers, “Let me support you,

I will bandage your wound!”

I forgot everything, danger and fear,

She carried him out of the fight in her arms.

There was so much love and warmth in her!

My sister saved many from death!

Educator: - Let's play with you the game “What should a warrior be like?” (Children stand in a circle and, passing the star, name the qualities of a warrior-defender: brave, smart, kind, brave, courageous, etc.)

Educator: - People worked with the motto “Everything for the front - everything for Victory.” Not only at the front, but also in the rear, people forged Victory - they supplied tanks, ammunition, shells, and combat vehicles to the front.

Educator: - Victory was not easy for our people.

Eternal memory to the heroes who defended our Motherland. It is customary to honor the memory of all those who died with a minute of silence. Let us also honor the memory of the soldiers who died for the Motherland. (Children stand up and honor the memory with a minute of silence.)

Educator: - Children listen to the riddle:

Suddenly out of the dark darkness

Bushes grew in the sky.

And they are blue,

Crimson, gold

Flowers are blooming

Unprecedented beauty.

And all the streets below them

They also became blue, crimson, gold, multi-colored.

What is it?

Children: - Firework.

Educator: - Varvara will read a poem"Salute to Victory":

Salute and glory to the anniversary

Forever memorable day!

Salute to Victory in Berlin

The power of fire has been trampled by fire!

Salute to her big and small

To the creators who walked the same path,

To her soldiers and generals,

To the heroes fallen and alive,


Educator: - Every year, on May 9, sparks from the fireworks fly into the sky in honor of the victorious soldiers. And today we will draw fireworks in honor of the Victory Day. May there always be peace on our land.

I lay out the basis for the collective composition - a sheet of dark blue or dark blue paper. (Children draw with pencils and fireworks paints.)

Educator: - I invite you to listen to the poem that Vladik S. Pivovarov will read to us “Veteran's Tale».

Guys, I'm at war

I went into battle and was on fire.

Morz in the trenches near Moscow,

But, as you can see, he is alive.

Guys, I had no right

I'll freeze in the snow

Drowning at the crossings

Give your home to the enemy.

I should have come to my mother,

Grow bread, mow grass.

On Victory Day with you

See the blue sky.

Remember everyone who is in a bitter hour

He himself died, but saved the earth...

I'm giving a speech today

Here's what it's about, guys:

We must protect our homeland

Holy as a soldier!

Educator: - Bogdan will read a poem by A. Shamarin"No one is forgotten."

“No one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten” -

Burning inscription on a block of granite.

The wind plays with faded leaves

And the wreaths are covered with cold snow.

But, like fire, at the foot there is a carnation.

No one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten.

Educator: - Guys, what event were we talking about today? What new have you learned? (Children's answers).

Educator: - Every year on May 9 our country celebrates Victory Day. On the streets you will meet older people with orders and medals. Smile at them, congratulate them on their holiday, wish them good health.You are all great guys, you all did a great job!

Exhibition of children's works.

Budget preschool educational institution city ​​of Omsk

"Combined kindergarten No. 87"

Abstract of GED according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Social and communicative activities in the senior group kindergarten

Prepared by: teacher

Puzyreva D.N.


Types of children's activities:Cognitive, communicative, musical, motor, productive, reading fiction, gaming.

Target: Expand children's understanding of the army. Introduce the heroes of V.O. IN.


  1. Strengthen your ability to answer full sentence to the question posed about the content of the story.
  2. To develop curiosity, broaden children’s horizons, the desire to learn more new, useful, interesting things about history native land.
  3. Activate children's vocabulary with proverbs and sayings, enrich it by clarifying the concepts: Russia, Fatherland; protect, defend, be proud, fight; a just, popular, heroic war; infantry, tank crews, pilots; fascism, blockade, trenches, trenches; generals, marshals, military leaders.
  4. To cultivate a sense of patriotism, love for one’s Motherland, respect for veterans of V.O. V., the desire to take care of them.

Methods and forms of work: Conversation, listening to music, artistic expression (poems, proverbs),

Preliminary work:Examination and discussion of illustrations about V.O. IN.

Reading stories and poems about the war. Learning poems about V.O. V., about Victory Day.

Learning and discussing proverbs on the topic “Motherland”. Listening to songs from the war years. Watching films and stories about V.O. V., about heroes and their exploits.

Preparation of memorable gifts for guests (applique). Conversations on the topics “A friendly attitude towards comrades”, “Conversation about politeness”, “About good deeds”. Role-playing games(“Scouts”, “Nurse”, etc.).

Materials and equipment:illustrations, paintings about WWII, a tape recorder for listening to songs of the war years, a selection of books on military topics, albums made by children together with their parents, St. George ribbons, gifts for guests (appliqués made by children), sets of puzzles with images of monuments, dot image of the inscription "May 9".

Progress of direct educational activities.

The music is playing - the children's song “Sunny Circle”. The teacher and the children discuss what the song is about, why the boy wrote these words: “may there always be sun, may there always be sky, may there always be mother, may there always be me.”

Educator: Because in the history of people there were times when children suffered the most, lost their mothers, did not see a peaceful sky above their heads... What kind of times are these?

Children: This is when there was a war.

Children, together with the teacher, examine and discuss paintings and illustrations about V.O.V. The teacher comments that there were such pages in the history of our Motherland. We see them in these illustrations. Asks the children who found out what they are talking about.

Educator: Today we are looking at these illustrations for a reason. On one solemn day, our country celebrates a very important and memorable holiday. I have a little tip for you. (The teacher hands out sheets of paper with the dotted inscription “May 9” to the children and asks them to circle the inscription). Who knows what kind of holiday this is?

Children: Victory Day.

Educator: Right! This is Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War, which lasted four years and ended with the victory of our people. Let's remember once again what kind of victory it was, over whom?

Children: Over the fascists, over the enemies.

Educator: Yes, it was a very terrible war. The Nazis really wanted to take over our country, to enslave our people, but they didn’t succeed. For four whole years, day after day, month after month, year after year, our people fought the fascist army. And finally, he won. Because the one who fights for justice, defends his homeland, his people, always wins.


Bella: “The May holiday is Victory Day”

The whole country celebrates.

Our grandfathers put on military orders.

The road calls them in the morning

To the ceremonial parade.

And thoughtfully from the threshold

The grandmothers look after them.

Gleb: “What is Victory Day?”

This is the morning parade:

Tanks and missiles are coming,

A line of soldiers is marching.

What is Victory Day?

This is a festive fireworks display:

Fireworks fly into the sky

Scattering here and there.

Educator: Well done! And now I will tell you how the war began.

The song "Holy War" is played. We listen to the first verse, and then the teacher talks along with a barely audible continuation of the song.

Educator: Early in the morning of June 21, 1941, when the cities and villages of our Motherland fell into deep sleep, German planes with bombs took off from the airfields. Thunder throughout western border gun shots rolled in. The air was filled with the roar of engines, tanks, and trucks. Nazi Germany attacked our country without declaring war. Fascist planes bombed cities and ports, airfields and railway stations, bombs rained down on pioneer camps, kindergartens, hospitals and residential buildings.

All people rose to defend their Motherland. Not only the soldiers of our army went to the front, but even children often ran away from home to fight with the Nazis.

During the war, many heroic deeds were accomplished, many warriors and ordinary people became heroes. What do you think a “feat” is?

Children: This is a brave, courageous, good deed.

Educator: What do you call a person who has accomplished a feat?

Children: Such a person is called a hero.

Educator: You and I have read many stories about the war. Let's remember what heroic deeds committed by adults and children?

(Children share their impressions of the works they read and discuss the exploits of the heroes.)

Educator: So during the W.O.V. There were also many people who committed heroic deeds. What heroes of this war do you know?

Children's answers.

Educator: Both ordinary soldiers and their commanders fought in the war. Who commands the soldiers?

Children: Generals, commanders, officers.

Educator: Why are commanders needed?

Children: In order to lead an army of soldiers, to command them.

Educator: The army is always led by commanders-in-chief; they lead all battles.

During the W.O.W. one of the most talented commanders in chief was Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov. (shows his portrait) Where he commanded the front, the army always defeated the fascists. G.K. Zhukov earned many military awards and medals and was awarded honorary titles. In Moscow, a street is named after this hero: Marshal Zhukov Avenue. And there is a monument to him on Red Square.

Guys, what should a hero be like?

Children : Strong, brave, hardy, courageous, etc.

Educator: Right! And to become strong, you need to be friends with physical education.

Physical education lesson “Airplane”

Now the engine has turned on,

The propeller spun


We rose to the clouds,

And the landing gear retracted.

Here is the forest - we are here,

Let's prepare the parachute.

Push, jump,

Educator: Guys, so that people don’t forget about their heroes, monuments to them are being erected all over the country. They are also in our city. Let's see what kind of monuments these are?

(The teacher invites the children to split into several groups. Each group of children is given a set of puzzles with an image of a war monument. At the teacher’s command, the children begin to assemble the picture.)

After all the images have been collected, the teacher, together with the children, name the monuments: Tank T34 - Glory to the Heroes, Sculpture of the Siberian Woman with her Son, Sculpture of the Victorious Soldier, Memorial to Glory to the Heroes.

Educator: Guys, these are not the only monuments that exist in our city and in other cities.

(The teacher displays an illustration depicting the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.)

Educator : What kind of monument do you think this is? What is it called?

Children: Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

Educator: What does Unknown mean?


Educator: This is a monument to those who died on the battlefields. After heavy battles, soldiers were buried in one mass grave, and it was not always possible to find out their last names. Such monuments were erected throughout the country to all those soldiers whose names remained unknown. And the most important monument to the unknown soldier is located in Moscow, on Red Square. The Eternal Flame always burns there. What does it symbolize?


Educator: The eternal flame symbolizes the eternal memory of the exploits of our brave soldiers.

Danil “No one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten”

Burning inscription on a block of granite.

The wind plays with faded leaves

And the wreaths are covered with cold snow.

But, like fire, at the foot there is a carnation.

No one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten.


Above the grave, in a quiet park

The tulips bloomed brightly.

The fire is always burning here,

A Soviet soldier is sleeping here.

We bowed low

At the foot of the obelisk,

Our wreath blossomed on it

Hot, fiery fire.

Educator: Well done boys! Look closely at the image of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. On a granite slab eternal flame there is an inscription: “Your name is unknown, your feat is immortal.” People have developed expressions about the Motherland and its defenders. For example: “For your Motherland, do not spare your strength or life,” “The enemy wanted to feast, but had to fight,” “Stand bravely for a just cause.”

Educator: What proverbs do you know?

Children : “Motherland - know how to defend it”, “Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword”, “Defend your beloved homeland like your dear mother.”

Educator : Well done! It is always interesting to talk with people who saw the war with their own eyes, lived and fought in those difficult times for everyone. Today Philip Nikolaevich came to visit us. When the war began, he was a young guy. We will ask him to tell how he saw the war through the eyes of a child, and how he remembered it, how victory came, how people greeted it.

(Guest's story.)

Educator: Thank you, Philip Nikolaevich, for paying attention to us and coming to visit us. This is how difficult it was during the war for all our people: both those who fought at the front, and those who remained in the rear and did everything that was needed for victory (raised bread, made shells, tanks, airplanes, saved and treated our wounded soldiers).

Educator: Guys, those who defended our Motherland from the enemy many years ago are still alive today. But they are already very old, many of them are sick. It's difficult for them to even walk. What are these people called?

Children: They are called veterans.

Educator: On Victory Day, they put on all their military awards and gather together to remember the war years. A very good tradition appeared a few years ago. On Victory Day, people pin them on their clothes St. George's ribbon as a sign of memory of the military merits of our people.

Educator: Guys, what are the colors on the St. George's ribbon?

Children: Orange and black.

(The teacher distributes St. George ribbons to the children.)

Educator: Dear guests! Our children were preparing for the upcoming Victory Day holiday. They have prepared a small gift for you too.

(After this, all the children give cards to the guests to the music of “Victory Day.”)

Educator: Guys! In a few days it will be great holiday- Victory Day! Someone will spend it with their family, remembering their relatives and friends who had the opportunity to meet the War. Many of you will go to the parade with your parents. If you see a person with orders on May 9, then go up and congratulate him on the holiday, tell him “Thank you!” for the fact that he defended our country, our homeland from enemies. Veterans will be pleased that we all remember that difficult, wonderful victory.

Educator: And now our lesson ends. Let's thank our guests for coming to visit us and say goodbye to them.

Children: Thank you very much, dear veterans! We wish you health and all the best! Goodbye!

(we see off the guests)


Educator: Guys, what did we do today?

Children: We talked about the Great Patriotic War, about heroes, exploits, about monuments in honor of the war in our city.

Educator: Tell me what you liked and remembered about today’s lesson?

Children: I liked that war veterans came to visit us. I liked giving gifts made by our own hands. I also liked putting together puzzles with monuments.

Educator: Tell me, what can you praise yourself for today?

Children: For kind words to veterans, for gifts for them, for reading poems for veterans......

Educator: Thank you very much guys, well done!


Abstract extracurricular activities on this topic:

"Victory Day"

Performed by a student "ShPK" group 3 "D"

Specialties 050148

"Pedagogy additional education»

Shumova Kristina Viktorovna

Snezhkova T.V. _____________________


Topic of extracurricular activities: "Victory Day."

Target : To form in children a sense of patriotism, love for the Motherland, for the warriors - heroes who defended their country.



    develop interest in studying the history of your country, patriotic feelings;

    develop musical abilities.


    give an idea about the heroes of the war, about how the people honor their memory: poems, songs are composed in honor of the heroes, monuments are erected;

    clarify and expand children’s ideas about the Great Patriotic War

war, defenders of the country during the war, about Victory Day, based on

familiarization with a video clip from the Great Patriotic War;

    form an opinion about the inadmissibility of a repetition of the war.


    cultivate an emotionally positive attitude towards heroic warriors;

    to cultivate respect for the memory of fallen heroes, a caring attitude towards veterans and participants of the Great Patriotic War;

    cultivate a sense of patriotism.


1. active use speech means and means of information and communication technologies (hereinafter - ICT) for solving communication and cognitive problems;

2. willingness to listen to the interlocutor and conduct a dialogue; readiness

recognize the possibility of different points of view and

the right of everyone to have their own; express your opinion and give reasons for your

point of view and assessment of events;

3. the formation of initial ideas about the role of music in human life, its role in the spiritual and moral development of a person;

4. the formation of the foundations of musical culture, including

based on the material of the musical culture of the native land, the development

artistic taste and interest in musical art and

musical activity;

5. the ability to perceive music and express one’s attitude towards piece of music;


    formation of a holistic, socially oriented view

on the world in its organic unity and diversity of nature,

peoples, cultures and religions;

    acceptance and development social role student, development

motives educational activities and formation of personal

the meaning of the teaching;

3. formation of aesthetic needs, values ​​and feelings

4. development of ethical feelings, goodwill and

emotional and moral responsiveness, understanding and empathy for the feelings of other people;

Teaching methods:




Lesson equipment: TSO


Progress of the lesson:

What holiday is it? (Victory Day)

The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 was the most important heroic period in the history of our Fatherland. The Nazis intended to destroy the Russians as a single people, to destroy the centuries-old traditions of Russian culture.

So, at dawn on June 22, 1941, Nazi Germany treacherously attacked Soviet Union. Enemy aircraft attacked airfields, railway junctions, naval bases and many cities. Soviet troops showed exceptional courage and bravery, but the forces were unequal, since Germany was very well prepared for war.

Who was the commander in chief? fascist army? (Adolf Gitler)

Who was the commander in chief? Soviet troops? (I.V. Stalin)

IN short time German troops captured large areas of the USSR. However, our people did not give up, and worked and fought under the motto: “Everything for the front!” Everything for victory!" The war was fought and won by infantrymen and artillerymen, tank crews and pilots, sailors and signalmen - warriors of many specialties. Agricultural workers provided the army with food, and industry with raw materials. Scientists and designers created samples of weapons and military equipment that were superior to the enemy’s equipment.

And only thanks to the resilience and courage of our people, our country won.

In 1945, the final Berlin operation of the Great Patriotic War was carried out. On May 8, the Nazi High Command signed an act of unconditional surrender Germany, and May 9 was declared a national Victory Day.

Our people paid for this victory expensive price. The death toll in the war was more than 20 million people.

On May 9th we celebrate a great and joyful holiday - Victory Day. 69 years ago, on June 22, 1941, the Nazis attacked our Motherland. And not only the army, but the entire people, the whole country stood up to defend our Motherland.


This day is special, desired.

The sun is shining brightly above.

Victory Day is a long-awaited holiday

Celebrated in our country.

But it is especially dear to veterans,

Tears of joy and pain in their eyes.

There is no way to heal mental wounds,

And the flowers in their hands tremble.

Presentation:(Victory Day!)

Today will be a day of memories

And my heart is tight from lofty words.

Today will be a day of reminders

About the feat and valor of the fathers.

In the summer of 1941, at 4 o'clock in the morning, when all the people were sleeping, a heavy roar hit the ground. The walls shook and plaster fell from the ceiling. On the street, shells were exploding everywhere.

War! - someone shouted.

This is war, comrades, war!... (B. Vasiliev “Not on the lists”)

(Pay attention to the screen)


Talk while showing. (2 slide) It was a difficult, cruel time. (3-4 slide) The enemies attacked unexpectedly and began bombing peaceful cities. (5 slide) Buildings collapsed, civilians died. (6, 7, 8 slides) Soldiers went to the front to defend our country, our people.


Sad willows leaned towards the pond,

The moon floats over the river

There, at the border, I stood on duty

At night the fighter is young.

Black shadows grew in the fog,

The cloud in the sky is dark,

The first shell exploded in the distance -

Thus began the war.

Everyone fought fierce battles: infantrymen, artillerymen, tank crews, pilots. And those who remained in the rear worked in factories. They made shells, tanks, and rocket launchers. Women and even schoolchildren worked on the machines. People worked as long as they could stand on their feet. And when they didn’t have the strength to get home, they stayed right here at the factory until the morning, so that they could continue working again in the morning. Children helped adults. They put out fires, stood in lines for bread, which was given on special cards, and looked after the sick.

Children: The snow was swirling, and everything around was being bombed.

There was a brutal war then.

The defenders of the fascists won,

So that the brotherly land becomes peaceful.

During the war, soldiers defended the city,

So that we could live in our native Fatherland.

They gave their lives for you and me,

So that there is no more war in the world.

Teacher: Our army and all the people won the Great Patriotic War.

Video clip “About that spring...”

The path to victory was very long and difficult. And now our people are celebrating the anniversary of the victory over Nazi Germany.

Reb: Victory! Victory!

The news is spreading across the country.

The end of trials and tribulations

The end of this terrible war!

Quiet guys, have a minute of silence

Let's honor the memory of the heroes,

In the morning they greeted the sun,

Almost our peers.

There are none among us

Who went to the front and never returned.

Let's remember in centuries, in years

About those who will never come again.

Let's remember!


What do you guys think, what should a defender of our Motherland be like? (Children's response) Of course, defenders must be brave, dexterous, strong, disciplined and smart. Now we'll see how smart you are.

""Guess military profession""

So, there are many combat specialties in the army. Let's remember some of them.

And now I invite you to guess from the short poems I read what military specialties these are.

Hello!.. ""Jupiter?"" - ""Diamond!""

I can hardly hear you at all!…

We occupied the village with a fight.

And how are you? Hello... Hello... (telephone operator or radio operator)

Why are you growling like a bear?

It's just a matter of patience!

And your wound is so light,

Which will heal for sure! (nurse)

The infantry is here, and the tanks are here.

The flight to the target is seven minutes.

The battle order is clear!

The enemy will not leave us! (pilot)

My faithful friend - my mortar -

He never tires of beating fascists.

The enemy trembles in the light of mines

He will not defend his Berlin! (mortarman)

The buckle on the belt sparkles

And it shines from afar.

Striped shirt

It's called a vest.

Gloomy in the sea-ocean,

The waves are dancing here and there,

Ships sail in the fog

Our land is guarded. (sailor)

These are just a few specialties, but there are a lot of them in the army. Entire regiments, divisions, and ships were awarded military orders and received honorary titles for their heroism during the Second World War.

Glorious holiday - Victory Day,

And spring is blooming all around.

We live under a peaceful sky

The baby sleeps peacefully.

Guys just need to know

What, when there was a war,

Soldiers of our homeland

Protected from the enemy.

How they were blown up by mines,

We must know and remember.

How they fought the fascists

So that there is no war.

How they loved their country

And they boldly went on the attack,

So that we can be happy

And flowers grew all around,

On a joyful, spring and wonderful day

Our songs are about the Motherland, about the world.

Let there never be war again!

And let the flowers bloom for the joy of people!

The war ended in victory on May 9, 1945. And in honor of this holiday, in honor of the heroes, defenders of our Motherland on this day, a festive parade is held in all cities of Russia, and fireworks always thunder in the evening. And people never forget those who gave their lives for us, for our peaceful sky. Look at the screen and you will see the holiday parade taking place.

Video clip of the “HOLIDAY PARADE”

Child: Let's remember the feat of our people,

Soldiers killed in a fiery battle.

With Victory they brought freedom,

Saving the world in a brutal war.

Teacher: This holiday is included in every home

And joy comes to people with him.

We congratulate you on your great day

Happy day of our glory - Happy Victory Day!

Learning the song:

Lyrics Children's Choir – Serve Russia

And the banners rustle proudly.
Battalion commander and private, with the same fate
We are connected to you, my friend.

In the fearlessness of attacks we saved the Russian flag,
And our dear home, and our songs.
And if trouble comes, we will then
Let's shield our homeland, my friend.

You and I are destined to serve Russia,
To serve Russia, an amazing country,
Where the new sun rises in the blue sky.
Russian troops march shoulder to shoulder
And even if the military road is not easy,
We will serve Russia with faith and truth.

The shelves line up like a wall and hold up beautifully
And all of Russia is with us.
And he, and you, and I are an army family,
And this is why we are strong, my friend.

You and I are destined to serve Russia,
To serve Russia, an amazing country,
Where the new sun rises in the blue sky.
Russian troops march shoulder to shoulder
And even if the military road is not easy,
We will serve Russia with faith and truth.

Summing up: the teacher’s questions on this material.