The exams in history and chemistry, which completed the Unified State Exam 2017 on the main dates, were held as usual without failures or serious violations. About 135 thousand people applied to participate in the Unified State Examination in history. To conduct the Unified State Examination in this subject, more than 2.8 thousand examination points (PPE) were used.

During the main period, 83.5 thousand people submitted applications to participate in the Unified State Exam in Chemistry; the exam was held in more than 2.6 thousand PES. The progress of exams in the regions was monitored by public observers and employees of Rosobrnadzor.

“The main wave of the Unified State Examination ended today; it took place in normal operating mode, calmly and without serious disruptions. We still have reserve days ahead, we continue to monitor the progress of the exams and the level of organization that has been achieved, we must not reduce under any circumstances,” said the head of the department, Sergei Kravtsov, at a press conference at the Situation Information Center of Rosobrnadzor.

Deputy Head Federal Commission developers of control measuring instruments Unified State Exam materials in history Igor Artasov said that Unified State Exam structure according to history this year has undergone minimal changes. “The exam tests a significant range of knowledge and skills,” he noted. According to Igor Artasov, last year’s experience shows that the greatest difficulties are with Unified State Exam participants in history, work with historical maps and a task where you need to argue a point of view are called for, but with historical essay Unified State Examination participants do generally well.

Deputy Head of the Federal Commission for Developers of Test Measuring Materials for the Unified State Examination in Chemistry Dmitry Dobrotin recalled that test test materials for this subject no longer contain single-choice tasks. “This leads to the fact that students are required to have greater independence in formulating answers, a greater variety of skills that they must demonstrate when completing tasks,” he explained, adding that the practice-oriented orientation of the tasks has been strengthened in the Unified State Examination in Chemistry.

Installed minimum score on the Unified State Examination in History is 32 points, on the Unified State Examination in Chemistry - 36 points. Exam participants will learn their results no later than July 4, 2017.

Sergei Kravtsov also noted that during the Unified State Exam 2017, the technological component of the exams was improved. More than half of the PPE works using new CMM printing technologies and scanning the works of Unified State Exam participants in the PPE; a third of the participants’ works, thanks to the spread of scanning technology, are cross-checked in other regions. It was possible to significantly reduce the time required for checking work and processing results. The head of Rosobrnadzor said that the results of the Unified State Examination in the most popular compulsory subject, the Russian language, will be issued five days earlier than the deadline and graduates will be able to receive school leaving certificates before graduation.

The main period of the Unified State Exam 2017 continues with reserve days for passing all Unified State Exam subjects, which will take place from June 20 to July 1. Graduates of previous years, as well as current year graduates who received an unsatisfactory result in one of the compulsory subjects (Russian language and mathematics), or who missed the exam for a valid reason, will be able to take the exams during the reserve period.

For many years now in our country, in order to enter a higher educational institution, it is necessary to pass the Unified State Exam. These are tests for different subjects, which are taken by eleventh grade graduates throughout the country on one set day. In this material we will tell you when the results of the Unified State Exam 2017 will be known and where you need to watch them.

To be fair, it is worth noting that there is still no consensus on the extent to which such a test system shows the effectiveness of studies and reveals the talents of students.

Most experts and practitioners in the field of education say that test results are not at all an indicator of the knowledge of a particular student. But the system is such at the moment that grade 11 must know the schedule passing the Unified State Exam in 2017, because you can’t get into a university without the results of this test, and sometimes it’s difficult to get in with the results obtained.

There are several ways available to graduates and their parents to find out the results of the exam. Unified State Exam test on any subject. You can simply contact the testing location, where all the lists are posted at a certain time. Also, lists are usually posted in schools. But the most convenient and fastest way to find out the result of the Unified State Exam 2017 is if you just go to to the ede website. edu. ru (no spaces).

The country's Ministry of Education said on the eve of the exams that there were no significant changes in the tests this year. The minimum passing grades for various universities in the country remained at last year's level. To mark the passing of exams, you can search on our website.

How long to wait for results

Processing the dough takes no more than six calendar days, if we are talking about mandatory exams for every 11th grade graduate: Russian language and mathematics. The results are processed in the RCIO. The verification is carried out by scanning and checking the information in the forms. Specialists from the subject commission are working to evaluate the detailed answer.

The exams have already begun, below in the photo you can see the schedule for passing the Unified State Exam 2017, and knowing deadlines checks, it is not difficult to calculate the schedule for obtaining results.

More about the verification system

During the exam, a special commission must be present in the room where the graduates are located. When the assignment time expires, the forms are collected together and sealed. Then they are sent to regional information processing centers, abbreviated as RCPO.

When the forms reach these special departments, employees scan them and the first part of the task is checked by machine. Special subject commissions work separately, which manually check the second part of the task, where a detailed answer is required. Two experts check the work and assign points regardless of each other. The results are entered into the inspection protocols, and then the average is calculated.

If the two assessments given by the experts coincide, then this result is considered final. If there is a discrepancy in scores, then the arithmetic mean is displayed and everything is rounded up, that is, in favor of the graduate. There are situations when two assessments are not enough to determine the average score, then a third independent assessment is carried out.

When the scheduled stages of verification are completed, the work is sent for additional centralized verification by the Federal Testing Center, where the results are verified and the result of the Unified State Exam in a specific subject is calculated.

There is less than a week left before the unified state exams of the main period - the first of them are scheduled for May 29. On this day, participants will take the exam. During the hotline, which was held in Rosobrnadzor at the end of last week, experts answered questions from parents regarding the state final certification for eleventh graders. Answers to the most pressing questions were given by the deputy head of Rosobrnadzor Anzor Muzaev, Head of Quality Assessment Department general education Rosobrnadzor Igor Kruglinsky, Director of FIPI Oksana Reshetnikova, as well as director of the Federal Testing Center Yulia Egorova.

I chose several subjects to take, but a week ago I found out that I need to take one more to be accepted. What do i do?

It all depends on the reason why it happened. About the circumstances that prevented you from specifying everything necessary items, you must inform the state examination regional commission, attaching documents as evidence. For example, a university changing the list of subjects required for admission is a violation, since educational establishments should have published this list on their official websites before October 1, 2016 ().

According to what foreign languages Can I take the Unified State Exam? Find out from the material "State Final Certification (SFA). Unified State Examinations (USE)" in Home legal encyclopedia Internet version of the GARANT system.
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However, it is likely that a participant will not be allowed to take an additional course simply because their college preferences have changed. In accordance with current legislation, after February 1, an application for participation in the Unified State Examination will be accepted only if the applicant has valid reasons - illness or other circumstances confirmed by documents (; hereinafter referred to as the Procedure).

It is necessary to inform the commission about such circumstances or violations and submit an application no later than two weeks before the exam. This year, as experts explained, if the commission makes a positive decision, you can still have time to hand over some items on reserve days.

I am a graduate of previous years, can I participate in the Unified State Exam this year if I did not submit my application before February 1?

This also requires objective reasons (for example, illness), then the state examination regional commission can make a positive decision, satisfying the participant’s request. By the way, according to general rule, graduates of previous years can take the exam either in early period, or in additional terms ().

Can I not come to the Unified State Examination, which I signed up to participate in, but it turned out to be unnecessary upon admission? What will be noted in the database in this case?

Absence from the exam, if an elective subject is taken, does not threaten the participant in any way. However, information about the results of the Unified State Exam will not be entered into the federal information system.

However, Anzor Muzaev recalled that organizing a state exam requires significant financial and labor costs (testing and measuring materials are prepared, a training place is organized, etc.). In this regard, he recommended that you still come to the selected exam or not initially include it in your application. Unified State Exam subjects, which the participant obviously does not intend to pass.

It appears that information about the results will not be entered into the system if the participant did not appear for the mandatory Unified State Examination. But passing the mandatory exams (Russian language and mathematics) is in the interests of the student, since they confirm his mastery of school curriculum and are essentially a final assessment.

What should I do if I cannot come to take the Unified State Exam due to illness?

Such a graduate must provide a supporting medical certificate to the organization to which he sent the application, that is, in most cases, to his school. This must be done in advance, preferably, according to the press service of Rosobrnadzor, at least a week before reserve day change. When the illness is confirmed by a certificate, you can retake the exam on a reserve day. If suddenly a participant was unable to come to the exam on such a day, and this also happened for a good reason, then he has the right to take the Unified State Exam on another reserve day provided for all subjects (this year it is scheduled for July 1).

Will there be any changes in Unified State Exam forms for 2017?

The rules for filling out forms for the current year are fixed. So, in particular, in the registration form there is now no field in which the participant must indicate his gender. As Yulia Egorova explained, such information is sent from regional information systems at the stage of processing the results. Some changes affected form No. 1 - the number of fields for changing answers was reduced in it, and a field appeared at the bottom in which organizer of the Unified State Exam must indicate the number of corrections made by the participant during the examination and sign.

Can the organizers answer my questions about filling out forms during the exam?

Before the exam, the organizers will provide instructions on how to fill out the forms. Also, each graduate will be able to ask questions about the registration procedure if anything is unclear to him or if he has any problems filling it out.

What to do if the form for a detailed answer has run out, and the organizer does not have an additional form?

Answering a question from the GARANT.RU portal, Anzor Muzaev expressed confidence that such a situation should not arise this year. He said that the number of additional forms for humanitarian subjects has been increased compared to the previous year. Moreover, today organizers have the opportunity to print forms directly at the exam point. This decision was made due to the fact that last year at the Unified State Exam in Literature, some participants did not have enough additional forms.

Who should have the pass that was given to me before the exams?

Yulia Egorova clarified that all participants before the Unified State Examination are not given a pass, but a notification that contains reference Information about which exam and where exactly you need to come. But you do not need to take it with you and present it to the organizers as a pass. Access to the examination point is carried out using a passport or other identification document. Passport data is checked against a list formed from the regional information system and confirms that the participant has registered for the exam.

I received a notification at the exam site and found that there was a mistake in my last name. I'm afraid that they might not allow me to take the exam. What can be done?

To correct the inaccuracy, you need to contact the organization that issued the exam notification (usually a school). Igor Kruglinsky assured that there is nothing terrible in a situation where an error in the data was noticed already at the exam point on the day of the Unified State Exam. The participant must inform the organizer about this in the audience where he will take the state exam. The latter will fill out a special form, which will then be submitted to the regional information processing center, where the necessary changes will be made. In this case, the graduate must indicate his correct data on the registration form.

Igor Kruglinsky reminded that under no circumstances should you bring mobile phones with you to exams. The very fact of having a telephone can lead to the participant’s removal from the exam, and he will have the right to retake the Unified State Exam only after a year. “At the mathematics exam, no matter how many schoolchildren would probably like it, the use of calculators is prohibited; the exam tests not only knowledge of theorems, formulas and fundamentals, but also the ability to count in the head,” the expert added. At the same time, a non-programmable calculator can be used in exams in physics, geography and chemistry. In addition, in mathematics and physics you can use a ruler, and in geography - a ruler and a protractor (). WITH full list Prohibited items can be found in.

After being removed from the exam, can I be allowed to retake it?

Anzor Muzaev explained that if a graduate was expelled for using a cheat sheet or a telephone, then he will definitely not be able to retake this subject this year. The results will be canceled.

On the other hand, if the deletion occurred for a not very serious violation that could not affect the distortion of the exam results, then the graduate may be allowed to retake the Unified State Exam in the current year. For example, as the press service of Rosobrnadzor told the GARANT.RU portal, last year a graduate forgot to return his mobile phone and, without using it, gave it to the organizers. The student was removed from the exam, but he challenged the decision and was eventually allowed to retake it the same year.

At the same time, to prevent such situations from arising, it is better for participants to lay out their mobile phones in advance and strictly follow the instructions of the organizer.

The decision on admission to retake in each case is made by state examination regional commissions. However, at the federal level they may insist that the violator not be re-examined.

If I complete the exam before it ends, can I turn in the work and leave?

Yes, and this action does not entail any punishment or rewards for the graduate. Anzor Muzaev said that this happens often, and for one of two reasons: either the exam participant is well prepared, and therefore quickly completed the tasks, or, on the contrary, the graduate realized that due to his poor preparation he could not complete some of the tasks.

Does it make sense to take both basic and specialized mathematics “just in case” if you are not completely sure whether the latter will be needed?

Answering this question from the GARANT.RU portal, the deputy head of Rosobrnadzor noted that participants often choose to take both levels of mathematics, and in this way they are probably trying to play it safe, since they do not fully trust this system. He suggested that some schoolchildren will need time to realize that there is no need for them to secure themselves in this way.

He also admitted that the existing division of the mathematics exam into basic and profile levels may change if appropriate proposals are received from the expert community. Along with this, it was noted that specialized mathematics is difficult exam, and is needed precisely in order to enter a specialized university. Accordingly, the level of preparation for this Unified State Examination significantly different from that required for basic mathematics.

This year I'm taking two Unified State Exam level mathematics. If I pass the Basic, will they allow me to retake the Advanced?

Experts explained that if you have a positive result in one of the levels of mathematics, a retake is not required, regardless of which version of the exam was passed. In other words, you can pass specialized mathematics, but fail basic mathematics, and vice versa - in each case, only a positive result will be taken into account.

But if none of the exams are passed, the participant will be re-admitted to take additional dates in the current academic year, since mathematics is a compulsory subject ().

When will the Unified State Exam result be known in 2017? basic mathematics?

The examination paper processing schedule is available on the official information portal Unified State Exam ( For each subject, an official day for announcing the results has been determined. Thus, the exam in basic mathematics will take place on May 31, and the results should arrive in the regions no later than June 14.

For how long are USE results valid?

Unified State Examination results are valid for four years after passing the exam (Part 2, Article 70 Federal Law dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "").

Can I retake the Unified State Exam to improve my result?

Compulsory exams (Russian language and mathematics) can be retaken this year if one of them was passed with a positive result and the other with a negative result (the minimum threshold has not been overcome). Re-examination is also permissible if a graduate, for example, left the Unified State Exam for health reasons. Anzor Muzaev indicated that in the latter case, the result may be declared invalid, and if the corresponding decision of the state examination commission is made, the participant has the right to retake it.

Let us clarify that, at the same time, the current legislation on education does not provide for the possibility of retaking the exam just because the result did not satisfy the participant.

Who checks the work of Unified State Examination participants and how?

The first part of the CMM is checked in an automated way at the federal testing center, where the correct answer keys are transferred. And the second part consists of tasks with detailed answers - they are checked by regional subject commissions. Oksana Reshetnikova said that specialists from such commissions undergo special training, and they can truly be called the best in the region. The verification of one work, according to her, is carried out by two experts simultaneously. And if they disagree on the assessment, a third expert is brought in. Currently, fewer and fewer comments are being made about the work of subject commissions. In this regard, according to the director of FIPI, they can be fully trusted.

How do I appeal if I don't agree with the scores I received?

What is the validity period of certificates received in 2019-2020 and later?

With the introduction of the new Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ, the rules that establish how long the results of the Unified State Exam are valid have also changed. So, in Art. 70 of this legal act defines the standards that universities must use when organizing the admission of applicants wishing to study in bachelor’s or specialist’s programs.

After reading these standards, it becomes clear how many years the Unified State Exam results are valid: 4 years, starting from the day following the Unified State Exam. In practice, applicants should calculate how long the 2019 Unified State Exam results are valid, as follows: their results will be valid until 2023. It turns out that a school graduate can delay his entry into a university for several years, and he will not have to go through the final certification again.

Separately, it is worth considering how long the Unified State Exam 2019 is valid for conscripts. Currently, the duration of military service is 1 year. And since the Unified State Exam results are valid for 4 years, after the serviceman returns from service, he can safely use them.

Interesting: the answer to the question: “How long does the Unified State Exam last?” - in one case may have a different answer. In accordance with clause 4.5 of Art. 15 of Law No. 273-FZ, conscripts, within a year after discharge, have the right to use the Unified State Examination results obtained 12 months before conscription. Additional terms granting such authority is admission to study on a budgetary basis at an accredited institution of higher or secondary specialized education.

How many years was the Unified State Exam valid for, taken up to 2011 inclusive?

Download the certificate form

Due to changes in the rules for admission to universities, which occurred simultaneously with the adoption of the new law No. 273-FZ, graduates who graduated from school before its adoption, especially in 2012, began to wonder topical issue How long are the USE results of 2012 and earlier valid? It is due to the fact that, according to the new law, the results of the Unified State Examination can be used for 4 years.

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From 2009 until the new rules came into force, graduates were issued a certificate that recorded the results of their final certification upon graduation. So, this certificate was valid during the year when the exams were taken, and the next year until December 31 inclusive. Thus, previously a graduate could enter a university only 2 years in a row after passing the Unified State Exam (as was established in the old Federal Law “On Education” dated July 10, 1992 No. 3266-1), but now 4.

The most problematic thing was to determine how long the USE of 2012 was valid as the year in which the new rules were adopted. Since the law came into force in September 2013, after the final certification was completed, the new rules, in fact, should only apply to 2013 graduates. But in the letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated November 20, 2013 No. DL-344/17, the following answer was given to the question of how long the Unified State Exam-2012 is valid: until 2016. The agency explains this by the fact that at the time the new law was adopted, certificates issued in 2012 and 2013 were in use.

To understand how long the 2019 Unified State Exam is valid, you need to refer to Law No. 273-FZ. It is here that the validity period of final certification results in schools is extended from 1.5 to 4 years. Now graduates of 2019 can take advantage of the Unified State Exam until 2023 inclusive.

Most importantly, the answer to the question of how long the Unified State Exam 2019 is valid will most likely not change. Even if it appears new law, it is unlikely to have retroactive effect.

For several years now, the uniform test of knowledge of 11th grade graduates in basic subjects throughout the country has been the Unified State exam(USE). Moreover, the Russian language and mathematics are compulsory subjects tests that every graduate must pass, regardless of whether he intends to continue his studies, otherwise they simply will not issue a certificate.

Additional subjects are taken at will if the graduate plans to enroll further. , they pay 10% of the harvest collected per day, but strawberries can be sold during the season.

In this material you can find a schedule in the photo when the results of the Unified State Exam 2017 will be known. The timing of publication of results depends on when exactly the unified exam. There are specific, officially approved deadlines for checking examination papers and announcing results. From passing the Unified State Examination you need to aim for a period of 8 to 12 days, depending on how many students took a particular exam. First, the work is checked in specially organized regional centers, and then there is a recheck in a centralized center.

Interesting! The centralized inspection is completed within five working days from the moment the inspected works arrive there from the regional centers. Plus, you need to add one working day for approval of the results by the State Examination Commission of a particular region. Plus, from one to three days are added to the publication of the results.

Official website of the Unified State Exam 2017, where everyone can freely view the test results just by their passport number is called http:/ /www. ege. the name of the site into the browser line without spaces). Future students should know tricks on how to live frugally, for example.

How many days to wait for results

You can find out the results of the Unified State Exam 2017 on the specified website, at the place where the exam was taken, or simply within the walls of your school only if they have already been made public. You need to prepare for quite a long wait and languor, but I would like to hope that in the end the number of points scored will definitely please every graduate and his parents.

The Russian Federation is a large country, the deadlines specified in this article are relevant for all regions, but there are such remote areas that are physically difficult to reach that exam results may arrive there several days later. Where to go to relax after a hot and intense introductory campaign?

For compulsory tests in Russian language and mathematics, the officially established deadlines for processing work should not exceed 12 days, for selective subjects - 9 days. Since all graduates, without exception, take compulsory subjects, the testing period has been slightly extended. Please note that the practice of past years shows that the results may be published a day or two earlier, but not later.