Unified State Exam in Russian consists of two parts and 25 tasks.

First part represents 24 tasks. They can be test, to choose one or several answers, open type(enter the pass yourself).

The answer to the tasks of part 1 is given by the corresponding entry in the form of a digit (number) or a word (several words), a sequence of numbers (numbers), written without spaces, commas and other additional characters.

Part 1 assignments check the mastery of graduates teaching material both on basic and on high levels difficulty (tasks 7, 23-24).

Second part - consists of one task - 25. This task involves writing an essay based on the read and analyzed text.

The task of part 2 (task 25 - composition) can be performed by the examinee at any level of difficulty (basic, advanced, high).

Work is given 210 minutes - 3.5 hours.

Distribution of tasks in parts examination work

Parts of work Number of tasks Maximum primary score Job type
1 part 24 33 Short answer
Part 2 1 24 Detailed response
Total 25 57

Scoring by assignments

Below I will give the "cost" of each task performed.

For the correct execution of each task first part (except for tasks 1, 7, 15 and 24) the examinee receives 1 point. For an incorrect answer or lack of it, 0 points are given.

For completing tasks 1 and 15, you can get from 0 to 2 points.

The answer is considered correct if it contains all the numbers from the standard and there are no other numbers.

For completing task 7, you can get from 0 to 5 points.

For each one is true the specified figure corresponding to the number from the list, the examinee receives 1 point each (5 points: no mistakes; 4 points: one mistake was made; 3 points: two mistakes were made; 2 points: two numbers are correct; 1 point: only one number is correct; 0 points: completely wrong answer, i.e. wrong sequence of numbers or its absence.

For completing task 24, you can get from 0 to 4 points. The answer is considered correct if it contains all the numbers from the standard and there are no other numbers.

The maximum number of points that an examinee can get if he / she has completed the task correctly second part , is 24 points.

For the correct execution of all tasks of the examination work, you can get the maximum 57 primary points .

Answer: SCARE

Answer: ___ 123_____________

14 _

Assignment 25 of part 2 is an essay based on the text read. This task is performed on answer sheet number 2.

All USE forms are filled in with bright black ink. The use of a gel, or capillary, or fountain pen is allowed.

When completing assignments, you can use the draft. Draft entries do not count towards grading work.

The points received by you for completed tasks are summed up. Try to complete as many tasks as possible and score the most

number of points.

We wish you success!

Part 1

1 Indicate two sentences in which the MAIN information contained in the text is correctly conveyed. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) Real discoveries in historical linguistics concerning the past of language are possible when it is possible to combine a painstaking search for facts and bold thinking.

2) Quite often, judgments about the past of the language allow you to restore a whole world that has long been lost in the past.

3) Only a painstaking search for facts and the courage of thinking of scientists-linguists make it possible to make real discoveries in the field of the past language.

4) Only the courage of thinking allows linguists to gradually restore knowledge about the past of the language, make real discoveries in historical linguistics.

5) Judgments about the past of the language, which are conjectural in nature, can be confirmed if you painstakingly and purposefully collect historical facts.

2 Which of the following words (combinations of words) should be in place of the pass inthird (3) sentencetext? Write down this word (combination of words).


For example,




Answer : _________________________

3 Read the excerpt from the dictionary entry that describes the meanings of the word LANGUAGE. Determine the meaning in which this word is usedin the first (1) sentence mtext. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry. LANGUAGE, -a, pl. -i, -ov, m.

1) unit. A set of means of expression in verbal creativity, based on the nationwide sound, vocabulary and grammatical system.Ya. Pushkin. Ya writers. Ya. Fiction.

2) The historically developed system of sound vocabulary and grammatical means, which is an instrument of communication, exchange of thoughts and mutual understanding of people in society.Great Russian I. Slavic languages. Literary me.

3) unit. Speech, the ability to speak.Lose your tongue. The patient lies without tongue and without movement.

4) transfer. Prisoner, captured to obtain the necessary information (colloquial).Take, bring the language.

5) The system of signs (sounds, signals) conveying information.Ya animals. Ya gestures.

Answer : _________________________

4 In one of the words below, a mistake was made in the formulation of stress: the letter denoting a stressed vowel sound is WRONGLY highlighted. Write this word down.




having sealed

it is impossible

Answer : _________________________

5 One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word WRONG. Correct the lexical error by matching the selected word with a paronym. Write down the chosen word.

One of the speakers was Alexander Andreevich Kolli, Professor of ORGANIC Chemistry.

People asked the controllers how to FILL out the form correctly.

With his great-grandfather, Styopka developed a particularly CONFIDENTIAL relationship.

After hesitating, the commander said nothing about the REAL motives for his stubbornness.

Of course, it is important for Boris Sergeevich to know that an EXPERIENCE owner of the estate has appeared here.

Answer : _________________________

6 In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and spell the word correctly.

kilogram of MANDARINS

TRYOMSTAM residents

LOOKED through and through


Lie on your side

Answer : _________________________

7 Establish a correspondence between grammatical errors and the sentences in which they are allowed: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column


A. violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate

B. violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application

B. error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members

D. incorrect construction of a sentence with indirect speech

E. violation in the construction of a sentence with participial turnover


  1. Everyone who watched the new film of the famous director expressed very contradictory judgments.
  2. You can read about the life and work of the artist, about his ruined talent in the story of K. Paustovsky "Orest Kiprensky".
  3. Mountaineering not only hardens physically, but also fosters a sense of mutual assistance.
  4. Those who have never admired the majestic panorama of the capital from the top of the Ivan the Great Bell Tower have no idea about Moscow.
  5. The poem "Poet" by M. Yu. Lermontov allegorically depicts the crisis modern poetry explained by social apathy.
  6. Language is not only the best indicator of general culture, but also the best educator of a person.
  7. V.G.Belinsky wrote about 20 articles and reviews specially devoted to the work of N.V. Gogol.
  8. Russian surgeon and anatomist N.I. Pirogov bequeathed to us that you learn, read, reflect and extract the most useful from everything.
  9. A visitor (apparently a tourist) asked a passerby if there was a post office near the station.

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

Answer :

8 Identify the word missing the unstressed alternating vowel of the root. Write this word by inserting the missing letter.


t .. in theory

popl ... wok


l .. legendary

Answer : _________________________

9 Identify the row in which the same letter is missing in both words. Write these words by inserting the missing letter.

pr.. magnification, pr..morsky

to ... write, oh ... thundered (fights)

to ... give, not ... overthrow

under..year, in..youth

time..play, inter..institutional

Answer : _________________________

10 Write down the word in which the letter E is written at the place of the gap.

fool ... oh


endured ... in

thawed ... nka

extra pay ...

Answer : _________________________

11Write the word in which the letter I is written at the place of the gap.

headed ... my

shooting ... shh

rusted ... lo

sealed ...


Answer : _________________________

12 Define a sentence in which NOT spelled with the word MUCH ... Expand the parentheses and write this word out.

The (NOT) SUFFERED soul will never be able to comprehend happiness.

Sofya Pavlovna is (NOT) SO to blame for what happened to us, as it seems.

Choose a friend (DO NOT) HURRY, even less rush to change him.

The fungus is (NOT) HIGH, but strong.

It is already the end of September, and the fields are still (NOT) mowed, the grain begins to fall from the ears.

Answer : _________________________

13 Determine the sentence in which both highlighted words are spelled MUCH ... Expand the brackets and write out these two words.

In the district center, Ivan rarely appeared, (FOR) THAT he left for the city at every opportunity and (B) FOR several hours disappeared there, forgetting about the service.

(BY) WHAT I recognized her: by the look, by the outline of her hands - I don't know, but I recognized her, and (BY) THIS heart beat fast.

Timidly and hoping that WHO (THAT) would want to receive uninvited guests, we knocked on the door, but the owners accepted us (ON) BY THE VOYSKI.

And (SO), the youngest son SO (SO) loved books, like everyone else in our family.

The experiment was carried out successfully, FOR (WHAT) for the first time, (FOR) THIS everyone was very happy.

Answer : _________________________

14 Indicate all the numbers in the place of which is written NN.

A well-groomed (1) well-appointed apartment, furnished with (2) old (3) furniture, resembled a manor’s house, once and for all established (4) orders and customs, in which each thing has its own place, and time is a matter.

Answer : _________________________

15 Arrange the punctuation marks... Indicate the numbers of the offers in which you want to put ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) The forest was noisy, sometimes lulling and melodious, then impetuous and alarming.

2) In the XII century, painters painted pictures with paints or ink on silk or paper scrolls.

3) Suddenly the door on the block screeched and the floor trembled from someone's steps.

4) A real tourist does not feel confusion either on the water, on the ground or in the air.

5) Wild berries are best picked in the morning or evening, and every good berry grower should know this.

Answer : _________________________

16 Arrange all punctuation marks:

Climbing (1) on a wide father's bed (2) and (3) burying his chin (4) on his father's shoulder (5) Vanyatka (6) excited (7) by the events of the evening (8) could not sleep for a long time.

Answer : _________________________

17 Arrange the punctuation marks:indicate the numbers in the place of which in the sentence must be commas.

All my life I have loved and love mental work and physical work and (1) perhaps (2) even more than the second. And (3) especially (4) felt satisfied when he introduced some good guess into the latter, that is, he connected his head with his hands.

Answer : _________________________

18 Arrange the punctuation marks:indicate the numbers in the place of which in the sentence must be commas.

And everything calls you to itself (1) that is seen (2) and heard (3) that lives (4) and that blooms.

Answer : _________________________

19 Arrange the punctuation marks:indicate the numbers in the place of which in the sentence must be commas.

It turned out (1) that the manuscript had not yet been finally edited (2) and that (3) until the additional work was done (4) it was not possible to submit it to the printing house.

Answer : _________________________

(1) When I entered a new empty apartment, the only one who met me was an old snow-covered poplar outside the window, it remained from the village estate that was in this place, and now, looking into the second floor, as if he said to me: “Hello ”- and from its beautiful white branches light poured into the room, pure, immaculate, incorruptible. (2) Then spring came, and one morning, after a warm night rain, something green, smoky, indefinite peeped in the window.

(3) Every spring the same thing is repeated, and every time it is like a miracle, a miracle of renewal, and one cannot get used to it. (4) I stood and looked for a long time and could not get enough of it. (5) Now it was as if someone alive had settled outside the window, made a noise and suddenly fell silent, and in the wind, gently and meekly tapped on the window.

(6) He lived with all his leaves, thousands of thousands of leaves, exposing them to the sun, moon, wind, rain. (7) He enjoyed life with might and main, every minute, every second of his life. (8) And I, reflecting on my life, would like to learn from him this constant joy in freedom under heaven.

(9) Birds flew on its branches, they whistled, sang their short city songs, maybe the poplar told them about me, and they looked out the window and grinned.

(10) What a long wonderful summer it was in that first year of life in a new room, with a living poplar at the very window, what endless sunsets, and bright nights, and light dreams were! (11) Only sometimes I suddenly dreamed that for some reason I had lost a new room and again lived in an old, dark and dreary one, with a bare light bulb on a long cord. (12) But I woke up, and the poplar looked into a room with clean, fresh walls, and the pre-dawn green noise merged with the feeling of a happy awakening. (13) Then autumn came, the leaves turned yellow, and the room became quiet, sad.

(14) Autumn showers and storms began, at night the poplar creaked, groaned, beat its branches against the wall, as if asking for protection from the weather. (15) Gradually leaves flew from its upper branches, and then from the lower ones. (16) Leaves streamed in streams, covering the balcony, and some stuck to the glass and looked in horror into the room, expecting something.

(17) And now not a single leaf remained on the poplar, it stood naked, black, as if burnt, and against the background of the blue sky every black twig, every vein was visible, it was solemnly quiet and sad in nature, the unheating sun shone on summer. (18) And, as always, I remembered my childhood and thought: who are you? (19) What is the meaning of life? (20) Then again there was spring, and everything was all over again, and life seemed endless.

(21) But one morning I heard a sound under the window, as if my poplar were screeching. (22) I rushed to the window. (23) Below, there were scrapers and road rollers that pounded a new street, and a worker with an electric saw was cutting down a poplar in the middle of the road.

(24) And from above, I saw a tremor go through his entire green body, he staggered, thought for a moment and collapsed onto a new street, blocking it in full width with rustling green collapsing foliage.

(25) And the red-brick, boring, bare wall of the house on the other side of the street opened to me, and since then I see only it and a piece of the sky.

(26) I often remember my poplar. (27) And it still seems that he did not disappear from the ground, but grows somewhere in the forest, in a clearing, rustling with all the leaves.

(According to B. Yampolsky *)

* Boris Samoilovich Yampolsky (1912-1972), Russian writer.

20 Which of the statementsdo not correspondcontent of the text? Enter the answer numbers.

1) Entering a new empty apartment, the narrator saw an old poplar in the window.

2) Looking at the poplar, the hero recalled his childhood and looked for answers to the questions: who are you? What is the sense of life?

3) Poplar still grows near the storyteller's house.

4) Every spring, leaves were blooming on the poplar. And the narrator calls this process the miracle of renewal.

5) The hero does not regret at all that the old poplar was cut down, because it could fall and damage the house or injure a person.

21 Which of the following statements is erroneous? Enter the answer numbers.

1) Sentences 1-2 contain a narrative element.

2) The 17th sentence provides a description.

3) Sentences 21-22 contain a narrative.

4) Proposition 12 presents the reasoning.

5) Proposition 2 contains reasoning.

Answer: ___________________________

22 Write out from sentence 15 antonyms.

Answer: ___________________________

23 Among sentences 14-17, find one that is related to the previous one usingpossessive pronoun and word forms... Write the number of this sentence.

Answer: ___________________________

Read the excerpt from the review text-based, which you analyzed by completing tasks 20-23.

This fragment examines the linguistic features of the text. Some of the terms used in the review are missing. Insert the numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list in the places of the gaps (A, B, C, D). Write down the corresponding number in the table under each letter.

Write down the sequence of numbers in the ANSWER FORM No. 1 to the right of the task number 24, starting from the first cell, without spaces, commas and other additional characters.

Write each number in accordance with the samples given in the form.

24 “Remembering the poplar that once grew under the window, B. Yampolsky uses such trails as(A) ___________ ("lived by a thousand thousand leaves" in sentence 6),(B) ______________ (“the poplar told them about me” in sentence 9). Such a reception as(V) _________________ (in sentence 27), conveys the feelings of the author. And a path like(G) _____________________(for example, " wonderful branches "in sentence 1), enhances the imagery of the text."

List of terms

1) rows homogeneous members

2) impersonation

3) comparative turnover

4) hyperbole

5) parceling

6) opposition

7) dialecticism

8) rhetorical question

Formulate one of the problems supplied by the author of the text.

Please comment on the formulated problem. Include in your comment two illustrative examples from the text you read that you think are important to understanding the problem in the original text (avoid overquoting).

Formulate the position of the author (narrator). Write whether you agree or disagree with the point of view of the author of the text you read. Explain why. Argue your opinion, relying primarily on the reading experience, as well as on knowledge and life observations (the first two arguments are taken into account).

The length of the essay is at least 150 words.

A work written without reference to the text read (not according to this text) is not evaluated. If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten source text without any comments, then such work is evaluated 0 points.



4 2 3 8 7




You will shoot

Not high







Text information

Main problems

The problem of loneliness. (What helps a person cope with feelings of loneliness?)

Nature helps a person to get rid of the feeling of loneliness, to feel the joy of life.

2. The problem of man's relationship to nature. (How is the poplar outside the window perceived by the hero of the story? Why did the poplar outside the window become “his poplar” for the hero?)

2. In a city where a person can feel more acutely his isolation from nature, trees near the house are often perceived as part of the living world of nature, understanding and sympathetic to a person, instilling in him the joy of life.

3. The problem of the relationship between man and nature c. (How is the life of an urban person connected with the life of nature?)

3. A person living in a city is especially keenly aware of his connection with nature, the beauty of which helps to perceive the world around him more vividly.

4. The problem of nature protection. (Why does the death of a tree cause deep feelings in the human soul?)

4. It is very important to preserve the natural urban landscape, because a feeling of deep interconnection with the surrounding nature always lives in a person's soul, the beauty of which gives rise to a thirst for life, a sense of beauty, a desire to preserve beauty.

In 2017, all the main characteristics of the examination work as a whole will be preserved.

It is planned to expand the language material to complete tasks 17, 22, 23.

Task 17 tests the ability of the examinees to isolate constructions that are grammatically unrelated to the sentence. Punctuation for introductory constructions is traditionally difficult for examinees due to the need to distinguish between syntactically fundamentally different phenomena, while often semantically similar (for example, "however" is an introductory word and a union). The heterogeneity and multiplicity of the group of introductory and plug-in constructions, the variety of their typified meanings and shades prevent students from successfully assimilating this punctuation topic. Without assimilating the composition large group of these words and the peculiarities of their semantics, without learning to distinguish introductory words and phrases from the members of the sentence, the students turn to the intonational features of such units: the test takers consider the intonation selection of potential introductory words, which is wrong, and not always the intonation structure may indicate the presence of an introductory structure in the sentence. The conclusion about the status of a unit as an introductory one is correct only if it meets all the requirements for such linguistic phenomena. It is the "incompleteness" of grammatical-punctuation analysis that leads to errors in the qualification of introductory units and the setting of punctuation marks with them.

In 2017, it is planned to expand the language material of this assignment by joining this topic to isolate references. It should be noted that both prose and poetic text can be used as the language material involved in the assignment. A participant in the 2017 exam may come across a variety of language material in Task 17. In this case, the wording of the task will remain the same.

Expansion of the language material in task 22, focused on testing the ability to conduct lexical analysis of a word in context and allowing to evaluate such important student skills as the ability to adequately understand written speech other people, the ability to correlate a linguistic phenomenon with the meaning it receives in the text will consist in the fact that the specified phenomenon in the original text may not be represented in the singular. So, a request to write out a phraseological unit from the text does not mean that there is only one phraseological unit in the indicated fragment, there may be several of them. The task is to write out only one. This change is dictated by the negative impact of the situation when the exam participant is aimed at finding only one answer.

As already noted, the exam results showed that the section related to the analysis of the structure of the text, the clarification of the ways and means of communication of sentences remains insufficiently mastered, which manifests itself in part 2 of the work as a violation of the logic of the development of thought. Task 23 in 2017 has both one and multiple answers. It is planned to change the wording of this task.

(20) For whole days he lay in the glades and looked with curiosity at the flowers and herbs. (21) Berg picked rose hips and fragrant juniper, carefully examined autumn leaves... (22) At sunsets, flocks of cranes flew over the lake to the south with a chirp. (23) Berg for the first time felt a stupid offense: the cranes seemed to him to be traitors. (24) They abandoned this desolate, forest and solemn land without regret, full of nameless lakes and impassable thickets.

(25) It started raining in September. (26) Yartsev was about to leave. (27) Berg got angry. (28) How could you leave in the midst of this extraordinary autumn? (29) Berg felt the departure of Yartsev now in the same way as once the departure of cranes - it was treason. (30) What? (31) Berg could hardly answer this question. (32) Treason to forests, lakes, autumn, finally, a warm sky drizzling with frequent rain.

“(33) I stay,” Berg said sharply. - (34) I want to write this autumn.

(35) Yartsev left. (36) The next day Berg woke up from the sun. (37) Light shadows of branches trembled on the clean floor, and a quiet blue spread beyond the door. (38) The word "radiance" Berg met only in the books of poets, considered it pretentious and devoid of clear meaning. (39) But now he understood how exactly this word conveys that special light that comes from the September sky and sun.

Option 1 (keys) .docx


Option 1


Main problems:

1. The problem of the significance of the human spirit in the war of the era of technical progress. (Which is stronger: a fighting machine or a warrior spirit? Could the heroism of a warrior, the strength of the human spirit be the decisive factor in victory?)

2. The problem of the role of our country in the Great Patriotic War. (What role did our country play in World War II?)

3. The problem of the negative consequences of technical progress. (Can technological progress lead to negative consequences? Do new inventions in the field of technology always benefit humanity?)

4. The problem of comprehending the lessons of war. (What is the lesson of the war?)

1. Inner strength a person, his courage, the desire to defend his homeland is stronger than any weapon. The victory of our country in the Great Patriotic War was brought not so much by excellent weapons and equipment as by the courage of the soldiers.

2. Our country was able to stop the enemy, before the technical power of which the whole of Europe was numb. She proved the triumph of the human spirit, gave a great lesson in world history.

3. Unfortunately, technological progress, which initially aims to improve people's lives, has a negative side: inventions can be used as a means of destroying people.

p / p



having undertaken









afterwards insolently





Selected document for viewing 1 option.docx






Option 1

Part 1

(1) The indigenous population of Madagascar calls cat lemurs, harmless animals with long fluffy tails, tenacious paws and huge, wide-open eyes, the word "poppies", the modern name - "lemur" - was given by Europeans. (2) B Ancient rome lemurs were called the souls of the dead, who did not find rest in the kingdom of the dead and return at night to the world of the living, bringing misfortune and death. (3) With the fall of Rome, mystical lemurs fell into oblivion,<...>when in the 16th century the first Europeans came to Madagascar and met small animals with huge eyes glowing in the dark, they remembered Roman superstitions about the ghosts of the dead and gave poppies their own

a proper name that stuck.


1) The indigenous population of Madagascar called the souls of the dead lemurs, returning at night to the world of the living and bringing misfortune and death.

2) Europeans, having met animals with glowing eyes in the dark in Madagascar, called them lemurs, and this name stuck.

3) Europeans, who came to Madagascar in the 16th century, first met there harmless animals with long fluffy tails, tenacious paws and huge eyes - lemurs, or "poppies", as the aborigines called them.

4) The indigenous population of Madagascar calls cat lemurs - animals with huge eyes glowing in the dark - the word "poppies".

5) Having got to Madagascar in the 16th century, the Europeans met there lemurs, harmless animals with long fluffy tails, tenacious paws and huge eyes, which locals called "poppies".

Answer: .



That's why


For example

3. Read the glossary entry for the meaning of the word OWN. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the third (3) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

OWN , th, th.

1. Belonging to someone else. by ownership.S. house.

2. Your own, personal.See with my own eyes. Into your own hands. Self-esteem (feeling of respect for oneself).At your own request.

3. Being in direct control, command, subordination of someone-something.S. Correspondent.

4. Literal, real.In the proper sense of the word.

5. Inherent only to someone else, without extraneous additions (special).C. body weight.

6. Actually, introductory. More precisely, in essence.Actually, I do not argue.

7. the particle itself. Expresses limitation: without something, other, outsider.The Volga system is made up of the Volga itself and its tributaries.

Answer: ___________________________.




no flint


Answer: ___________________________.

Otters are extraordinarily intelligent and REASONING creatures.

At the mouth of the river were the DIRECT outline of the ship.

A very REPRESENTATIVE jury selected artists for participation in the competition.

Knowing my father's hot, EXPLOSIVE nature, we didn't want to bother him.

He disregarded the rules of etiquette and was completely ignorant.

Answer: ___________________________.

SIXTY textbooks

RIDE forward

ripe apricots

HARDER than wood


Answer: ___________________________.

A) violation in the construction of a sentence with participial turnover

B) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition

D) violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate

E) an error in the construction of a sentence with homogeneous members

1) I wanted to know how to breed and care for primroses at home.

2) According to the plan, as a final work, we wrote a review of a recently read book.

3) In March, those who have reached the age of 18 participated in the elections of the President of the Russian Federation.

4) Orchids, having appeared on Earth along with other flowering plants, began to actively develop 40 million years ago.

5) Some orchids have developed false baits based on food instincts.

6) Each programmer is assigned to a specific computer that monitors its state.

7) Thanks to language, we can get acquainted with those ideas that were expressed long before our birth.

8) There are many interesting biographies in the "Lives of Remarkable People" encyclopedia.

9) At the beginning of work on a work, the author can calculate the course of events in different ways, determine the fate of the heroes.


Identify the word missing the unstressed vowel of the root, checked by stress. Write this word by inserting the missing letter.





pl .. nice

Answer: ___________________________.

and .. spend, and .. quiet;

pr.. to exalt, pr..muffle;

d .. white, not .. gripping;

pre..history, inter..institutional;

not .. discretion, pr .. Slavic.

Answer: ___________________________.

nitpick ... out

treat ...

nut ... to

hall ... last

intend to ... intend

Answer: ___________________________.

Write down the word in which the letter U is written at the place of the pass.


crying ...


anxious ... anxious


Answer: ___________________________.

There was still (un) mowed grass in the meadows.

(Not) hearing the sounds of bullets squealing from all sides, Pierre drove up to the field.

In Russia (not) there was that middle class that in Europe "united" the aristocracy and the common people.

The Saxon army skillfully hid in the (in) passable forests and swamps.

The core hummed and flew over them, (not) doing any harm.

Answer: ___________________________.

(B) AS A CONSEQUENCE, the doorway was bricked up, and the windows (ON) were BLINDLY boarded up.

LIKE his father, Yevgeny was a professional violinist, WHEN (THAT) many believed that in the art of playing he was superior to his father.

Our water supplies were (AT) EXODUS, but the guide ON (CUT) refused to deviate from the route and reach the river.

(BY) AS WELL as the guests arrived, there was less space in the living room, (BY) THIS I went out onto the terrace.

Answer: ___________________________.

The main action of the picture unfolds in the background: in a bright crying room (1) a lady with a child in her arms looks with entreaty at the invited (2) doctor in gilt (3) pince-nez.

Answer: ___________________________.

1) The fellow traveler did not hear what was said or ignored my hint.

2) And the years passed quickly and silently and took these memories with them.

3) The themes of war and peace of forgiveness and hatred are relevant at all times.

4) Our train stopped at both large and small stations.

5) On the same lilac bush, I saw yellow leaves and buds that began to swell.

Answer: ___________________________.

The swimmer was brave (1) who decided on such a night (2) to set off across the strait (3) at a distance of twenty miles, and there must be an important reason (4) that prompted him to do this!

Answer: ___________________________.

specify the number (s), in the place of which (s) in the sentence should be a comma (s).

I was (1) understandably (2) happy too,

When I fell in love and loved

Or the noisy youth

He found his own recognition.

You (3) happiness (4) still appeared to me,

When not immediately, for a reason

Before the boy opened

Forests and arable lands (5) beauty.

I was also quite happy

Not every day, but every year

When at the feast of the drinking,

Like a bell in a bell tower

The people hummed solemnly.

( Yaroslav Smelyakov )

Answer: ___________________________.

Arrange all punctuation marks: specify the number (s), in the place of which (s) in the sentence should be a comma (s).

In deep silence my brother and I sat on the fence under the shade of a thick silvery poplar and held in our hands fishing rods (1) rusty hooks (2) of which (3) were lowered (4) into a huge bucket of rotten water.

Arrange all punctuation marks: specify the number (s), in the place of which (s) in the sentence should be a comma (s).

Some new ideas came to my mind (1) and (2) if you come (3) I will gladly tell you about (4) what worries me now.

(1) When Leonardo da Vinci sat over the drawings of the flying machine, he was not thinking about high-explosive bombs, but about the happiness of mankind. (2) As a teenager, I saw the first loops of the French pilot Pegu. (3) The elders said: "Be proud - a man flies like a bird!" (4) Many years later I saw the Junkers over Madrid, over Paris, over Moscow ...

(5) A machine can be good and evil. (6) Hitler turned the car into a weapon of destruction. (7) People looked at the sky with pride. (8) Hitler decided: they would look at the sky with horror. (9) People happily thought: we will go in a car out of town. (10) Hitler decided: having heard the sound of a motor, people would run without looking back.

(11) But one day it was time to check. (12) At first, the Germans were triumphant. (13) Their tanks traveled all over Europe. (14) Caterpillars crushed France and left furrows in the fields of ancient Hellas. (15) The Junkers crippled seemingly impregnable London. (16) And the Germans sent their cars to Russia - to the mountains of the Caucasus, to the rivers of Siberia. (17) There was a hitch here: machines did not break the will of a person. (18) There is a lot of grief in war, a lot of destruction, war is not a road of progress, war is a terrible test. (19) But there is something high in war: it gives people wisdom. (20) This war brought a great lesson to humanity: man's revenge.

(21) The Hitlerites tried to replace the heart of the soldier with a motor, the soldier's endurance - with armor. (22) However Patriotic War proved the triumph of the human spirit.

(23) ... The battery of Senior Lieutenant Bykov repulsed a tank attack. (24) Skirting a birch grove, fifty tanks were advancing on our battle formations. (25) "Don't miss it!" - was Bykov's team. (26) Already wounded, this man remained at his post. (27) And then the remnants of twenty-six German tanks were blackened on the battlefield. (28) According to the plan of the Germans, these tanks were supposed to reach India. (29) But they died. (30) Near a birch grove ...

(31) Or here are some more facts. (32) Ten Red Navy men destroyed twenty-three tanks with anti-tank rifles. (33) Seaman Timokhin burned six tanks.

(34) And Sevastopol? (35) The epic defense of this city was a triumph of human courage, when a small, weak garrison, without airfields, almost without tanks, repelled the attacks of powerful enemy divisions and equipment for two hundred and fifty days.

(36) Yes, German tanks for a long time seemed like a boa constrictor, in front of which Europe was numb, trembling like an aspen leaf. (37) But people blocked their way. (38) Of course, we had excellent anti-tank guns. (39) Of course, our soldiers rightly call Simonov's armor-piercing rifle "the golden gun". (40) But how to forget about an ordinary grenade in the hand of a fearless soldier, which the enemy feared no less than a large projectile? (41) How to forget about the mighty, courageous heart of a warrior?

(According to I.G. Ehrenburg *)

Ilya Grigorievich Ehrenburg (1891-1967) - Russian prose writer, poet, translator from French and Spanish languages, publicist, photographer and public figure.

1) Fascist tanks fired at London.

2) The soldiers called Simonov's armor-piercing rifle "golden".

3) Colonel Bykov's battery destroyed more than twenty tanks.

4) The defense of Sevastopol lasted more than a year.

5) The storyteller got his first vivid impressions of airplanes as a teenager.

Answer: ___________________________.

1) Sentences 13-15 reveal the content of sentence 12.

2) Sentences 16–17 contain a description.

3) Propositions 18–20 present the reasoning.

4) Sentences 31–33 are narrative.

5) Sentences 38 and 39 are contrasted in content.

Answer: ___________________________.

One of the following sentences contains antonyms. Write down the number of this sentence.

Answer: ___________________________.

Among sentences 23-30, find the one (s) that are related to the previous one using the demonstrative pronoun and word forms. Write the number (s) of this offer (s).

Answer: ___________________________.

Read the snippet of the text-based review

which you analyzed by completing tasks 20–23.

This fragment examines the linguistic features of the text.

Some of the terms used in the review are missing. Insert the numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list in the places of the gaps (A, B, C, D). Write down the corresponding number in the table under each letter.

Write down the sequence of numbers in the ANSWER FORM № 1 to the right of the task number 24, starting from the first cell, without spaces, commas and other additional symbols.

Write each number in accordance with the samples given in the form.

"The main reception artistic expression which I. Ehrenburg uses throughout the entire text is ________ (A) (for example, sentences 7–8, 9–10). It is thanks to this technique that the author's idea becomes obvious. And such a syntactic means of expressiveness as ________ (B) (sentences 4, 14,16) helps to enhance the effect.

In turn, such lexical means as ________ (B) ("triumphed," "broke," "courage") and ________ (D) ("fearless fighter", "mighty, courageous heart of a warrior") saturate the text with moderate patriotic pathos, thereby helping to express the feelings of the author. "

List of terms:

1) syntactic parallelism

2) contextual synonyms

3) impersonation

4) book vocabulary

5) epithets

6) phraseological units

7) rows of homogeneous members

8) antithesis

9) hyperbole

Write down the numbers in the answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:


Part 2

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

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Option 2


Main problems:

1. The problem of the dramatic fate of an extraordinary personality. (What was the drama of the fate of the clever sincere person in an era of stagnation?)

2. The problem of conservation best qualities souls. (What helps a person maintain the integrity of their soul in dramatic circumstances?)

3. The problem of homesickness. (How does a person feel when they are far from their homeland? What helps a person to experience homesickness?)

4. The problem of memory of the teacher. (What memory does the teacher leave in the student's soul?)

1. Personality, distinguished by intelligence and independence of judgment, in the era of stagnation was doomed to misunderstanding in the professional sphere.

2. In the most difficult circumstances helps a person to withstand loyalty to his vocation, love for people and for his work; man also draws strength from the great classics.

3. In a foreign country, a person begins to experience a feeling of loneliness, an aching longing for the homeland, which helps to experience communication with loved ones who have remained in home country, native language and literature.

4. A teacher who has given all the strength of his soul to his students evokes a feeling of gratitude, deepest respect and sincere love.

p / p





get well




get upset



first to





in fact


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Option 2

Part 1

Answers to tasks 1–24 are a digit (number) or a word (several words), a sequence of numbers (numbers). Write down the answer in the answer field in the text of the work, and then transfer it to ANSWER FORM № 1 to the right of the task number, starting from the first cell, without spaces, commas and other additional symbols. Write each letter or number in a separate box in accordance with the samples given in the form.

Read the text and complete assignments 1-3.

(1) Hardening is training and improvement of thermoregulatory mechanisms, strengthening the body's ability to quickly adapt to temperature fluctuations and other changing climatic factors. (2) Hardening ensures the body's resistance to colds, strengthens health and increases efficiency. (3)<...>procedures should be gradual, systematic and continuous (daily), individual for everyone, active and conscious.

1 Indicate two sentences in which it is correctly conveyedHOME information contained in the text. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) Hardening procedures that help a person to keep their skin clean should be gradual, systematic and continuous, individual for everyone.

2) Hardening is a systematic active training of the body's thermoregulatory mechanisms, enhancing its ability to quickly adapt to changing climatic factors in order to increase efficiency and resistance to colds.

3) Trainings are carried out in order to balance the processes of formation and release of heat in the human body.

4) Hardening procedures should be gradual, continuous (daily), individual for everyone.

5) To increase efficiency and resistance to colds, the human body needs hardening, that is, systematic active training of the body's thermoregulatory mechanisms and strengthening its ability to quickly adapt to changing climatic factors.

Answer: .

What word (combination of words) should be in place of the gap in the third (3) sentence?

In other words,


That's why



Answer: ___________________________.

3. Read the fragment of the dictionary entry that describes the meanings of the word CONSCIOUS. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the third (3) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

CONSCIOUS , th, th; -len, -lna.

1. Possessing consciousness (in 2 meanings).Man is a conscious being.

2. Correctly evaluating, fully understanding the environment.Conscious attitude to something.

3. Intentional, perfect on reflection, deliberate.C. deception. Do something. consciously

Answer: ___________________________.

In one of the words below, a mistake was made in the formulation of stress: the letter denoting a stressed vowel sound is WRONGLY highlighted. Write this word down.

lack of time

squinting (at him)

with X



Answer: ___________________________.

One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word WRONG. Correct the lexical error by matching the selected word with a paronym. Write down the chosen word.

ECONOMIC distribution of money in the family helps to make large purchases.

ELIMINATION competition is scheduled for March.

Masha with such a clear and grateful look went to meet the guest that his heart beat with joy.

The products of this well-known company enjoy a constant CUSTOMER

in demand.

We were amazed at the plight of our new neighbors.

Answer: ___________________________.

In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and spell the word correctly.

several SCISSORS

skilful chefs


in one and a half hours

FIVE young ladies

Answer: ___________________________.

Establish a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical errors made in them: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

A) violation of the construction of a sentence with participial turnover

B) violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate

C) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application

D) an error in the construction of a sentence with homogeneous members

E) violation in the formation complex sentence

1) The partisans had not only rifles, but also machine guns and grenades.

2) The lecture was listened to not only attentively, but also recorded.

3) Growing up, children participate in the performance of parenting functions: this is household work, and taking care of the younger ones, and any help to parents.

4) A flamingo walked around the park, which has now become part of the reserve.

5) Sockeye salmon persistently overcome all obstacles, swimming many hundreds of kilometers until they reach the place.

6) We asked if we could do one project work together.

7) Children of employees with any illnesses receive preferential vouchers to the sanatorium.

8) The memories of Ilya Rutetsky are dedicated to his youth, which he spent working at a large machine-building plant - ZIL.

9) In 1992 the State national park"Belovezhskaya Pushcha" is included in the List of World Heritage of Humanity.

Write down the numbers in the answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:






Identify the word missing the unstressed unchecked vowel of the root. Write this word by inserting the missing letter.




get ready


Answer: ___________________________.

Identify a row in which the same letter is missing in both words. Write these words by inserting the missing letter.

no ... good, no ... reliable

o..screw, to..joke

pr..interesting, pr..sech

over .. tear, ave .. grandmother

ra..vesti, un..precedented

Answer: ___________________________.

Write down the word in which the letter I is written at the place of the pass.

upset ... be upset

take possession ...

dance ... dance

lily of the valley .. out

siren ... out

Answer: ___________________________.

Write down the word in which the letter E is written at the place of the pass.

hung .. my

mark ... in

kind .. my

sign ... sign

gon ... you

Answer: ___________________________.

Define a sentence in which NOT with a word is written LITTLE. Expand the parentheses and write this word out.

All (not) happy faces.

An old man who has not been sleeping for a long time.

Rain (not) stopping during the day.

(Not) she loved me at first sight.

The novel is (not) read.

Answer: ___________________________.

Define a sentence in which both highlighted words are spelled LITTLE. Expand the brackets and write out these two words.

Whatever the guest said, Katerina watched the SAME strictly as before.

Only with the confession of Ilya Ilyich to Olga (AT) IN THE BEGINNING of the second part of "Oblomov" there is a plot, and (FOR) THAT and the action of the novel, which was absent in the first chapters.

(C) THE BEGINNING Marina was uncertain in the village and even, seeing Lena in the distance, went into the tall thick rye overgrown with cornflowers, WHAT (WOULD) not catch the eye of her neighbor.

Oblomov draws Stolz his ideal of family life with reference to spiritual requests unknown to his ancestors, but (B) WHOLE withstand the patriarchal-idyllic spirit: walks (B) TWO after a hearty breakfast, leisurely conversations with friends.

WHERE (THAT) a prolonged howl was heard in the forest, however (NONE) of the hunters did not even flinch.

Answer: ___________________________.

Indicate all the numbers in the place of which НН is written.

We saw only the foaming (1) crests of the furious (2) waves and heard the cries of the (3) birds in alarm, madly (4) about sweeping over the sea.

Answer: ___________________________.

Arrange punctuation marks. Specify the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

1) Before lunch, mothers and grandmothers leaned out of the windows and called the children home.

2) The next day, grandmother woke up before dawn.

3) On the table you could always see sheets of paper or an open notebook or folder with a manuscript.

4) The driver either did not hear my words or did not pay attention to them.

5) In moments of melancholy, the formidable general became more helpless than a child and many rushed to take out their grievances on him.

Answer: ___________________________.

Arrange all punctuation marks: specify the number (s), in the place of which (s) in the sentence should be a comma (s).

I saw around one boundless azure sea (1) all covered with small ripples of golden scales, and above my head the same boundless, the same azure sky - and over it (2) triumphant (3) and, as if laughing (4), the gentle sun rolled.

Answer: ___________________________.

Arrange any missing punctuation marks: specify the number (s), in the place of which (s) in the sentence should be a comma (s).

My friends (1) what's the use of that?

Perhaps (2) by the will of heaven,

I will cease to be a poet

A new demon will move into me

And, Phoebe, disdaining threats,

I will humble myself to humble prose;

Then the romance in the old way

Will take my merry sunset.

Do not torment secret villainy

I will portray menacingly in it,

But (3) I'll just (4) tell you

Legends of the Russian family,

Love's captivating dreams

Yes, the customs of our old times.

Answer: ___________________________.

Arrange all punctuation marks: specify the number (s), in the place of which (s) in the sentence should be a comma (s).

In "Fatalist" (1) Pechorin tells about the incident (2) the witness (3) of which (4) he was.

Arrange all punctuation marks: specify the number (s), in the place of which (s) in the sentence should be a comma (s).

It smells stronger with fog (1) and (2) when we step into the meadow (3) the smell of mown, still damp grass (4) is covered, although signs of its first wilting are already visible.

Answer: ___________________________ .

Read the text and complete assignments 20–25.

(1) The story of Marina Golubitskaya “That's all love” was published in the March and April issues of the Ural magazine for 2004. (2) It is dedicated to the Perm literature teacher, famous in the 70-80s, Elena Nikolaevna (the surname in the story has been changed, but the name and patronymic - not).

(3) And I knew Elena Nikolaevna well. (4) Under Soviet rule, she was survived from the elite school: they did not love then, so that the person stood out with intelligence and sincerity - oh, how they did not love! (5) And she went to work in a school for working youth, where I just served as a librarian.

(6) In fact, it only seemed to me that I knew Elena Nikolaevna well! (7) I knew, but I did not know! (8) The story contains letters from Elena Nikolaevna, many of her wonderful letters. (9) Deep, vivid letters, in which her love for her students, her memory of each of them so struck me!

(10) I cried for a long time when I finished reading the story, and these were enlightened, grateful tears. (11) I felt happy both because Marina Golubitskaya wrote this wonderful story about a wonderful man, and because this man - Elena Nikolaevna - lived in Perm, my city! (12) And most of all I was pleased with the thought thatin fact "time - fair man". (13) How the teacher loved her students! (14) And they reciprocated her! (15) When Elena Nikolaevna ended up abroad, where she suffered from nostalgia, loneliness and illness, the students wrote, came, helped, wrote again, came again ...

(16) I remember how once, at a school for working youth, we had a long conversation with Elena Nikolaevna about "The Cherry Orchard". (17) She said: "Lopakhin has the ability to live, but there is no culture, and Ranevskaya has a culture, but there is absolutely no ability to live."

- (18) Will there be a time in Russia when all this will fit into one person? I asked.

(19) I remember how ironically she looked back at me ...

(20) But how she longed for this Russia! (21) I reread my favorite authors, wrote wonderful letters to students who remained in their homeland. (22) There is a famous saying: "Patience is beautiful." (23) Her patience was beautiful.

(24) And yet, when she got sick and ended up in a nursing home ... she suddenly refused to take her medicine and died a month later. (25) Like Gogol. (26) But that's what I think. (27) We will never know why what happened at the end happened ...

(28) But disciples remained — many disciples. (29) And everyone remembers her lessons, her thoughts, her kindness and the breadth of her views. (30) And the same Marina Golubitskaya dreams someday - there - to meet Elena Nikolaevna again and sit with her on the bench, as it happened, to talk to her heart ...

(According to N. Gorlanova *)

* Nina Viktorovna Gorlanova (born in 1947) - Russian writer, published since 1980.

Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Enter the answer numbers.

1) The memoirs of the author of the text, Nina Gorlanova, are reflected in her story "That's all love."

2) Elena Nikolaevna, finding herself abroad, received support and help from her students.

3) The author of the text is proud of the fact that she studied in the class where Elena Nikolaevna taught.

4) Feeling the teacher's sincere love, students reciprocate.

5) Elena Nikolaevna believed that the ability to live and culture can be combined in one person.

Answer: ___________________________.

Which of the following statements are true? Enter the answer numbers.

1) sentence 15 confirms the judgment expressed in sentence 14 of the text.

2) Sentences 8-9 of the text contain a descriptive fragment.

3) Sentences 11-13 are narrative.

4) Sentence 24 lists the events taking place one after another.

5) Sentence 20 clarifies sentence 19.

Answer: ___________________________.

Write out a phraseological unit from sentence 6.

Answer: ___________________________.

Among sentences 10-15, find the one (s) that is (s) connected with the previous one using a union and two personal pronouns. Write the number (s) of this offer (s).

Answer: ___________________________.

Read the review fragment based on the text that you analyzed in assignments 20–23.

This fragment examines the linguistic features of the text. Some of the terms used in the review are missing. Insert the numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list in the places of the gaps (A, B, C, D). Write down the corresponding number in the table under each letter.

Write down the sequence of numbers in the ANSWER FORM № 1 to the right of the task number 24, starting from the first cell, without spaces, commas and other additional symbols. Write each number in accordance with the samples given in the form.

Read the excerpt from the review. It examines the linguistic features of the text. Some of the terms used in the review are missing. Insert the numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list in the spaces of the blanks.

“Creating the image of a wonderful teacher, the author uses such syntactic means, as (A) _____ (in sentences 15, 29) and (B) _____ (for example, sentences 13, 20), as well as such a technique as (C) _____ (in sentences 17, 22). The sincerity and depth of feeling experienced by N. Gorlanova when she read a book about Elena Nikolaevna is shown using such a path as (D) _____ (enlightened, grateful tears in sentence 10). "

List of terms:

1) comparative turnover

2) term

3) exclamation sentences

4) quoting

5) rhetorical question

6) epithet

7) parceling

8) rows of homogeneous members

9) hyperbole

Write down the numbers in the answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:





Do not forget to transfer all the answers to the answer form number 1 in accordance with the instructions for the work

Part 2

Use ANSWER FORM # 2 to answer this task.

Write an essay based on the text you read.

Formulate one of the problems posed by the author of the text.

Please comment on the formulated problem. Include in your comment two illustrative examples from the text you read that you think are important to understanding the problem in the original text (avoid overquoting).

Formulate the position of the author (narrator). Write whether you agree or disagree with the point of view of the author of the text you read. Explain why. Argue your opinion, relying primarily on the reading experience, as well as on knowledge and life observations (the first two arguments are taken into account).

The length of the essay is at least 150 words.

A work written without reference to the text read (not according to this text) is not evaluated. If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such a work is scored zero points. MBOU ________________________________________________________________











































































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