Any star is yellow, blue or red - is a hot gas ball. Modern classification of the luminaire is based on several parameters. These include surface temperature, size and brightness. The color of the star visible at night depends mainly from the first parameter. The hottest lights are blue or even blue, the coldest - red. Yellow stars, examples of which are named below, occupy the average position on the temperature scale. These luminaries include the sun.


Bodies heated to different temperatures emit light from an unequal long wave. From this parameter and depends on the human eye color. The shorter the wavelength, the hotter the body and the closer its color to white and blue. It is true for stars.

The red shine is cold. The temperature of their surface reaches only 3 thousand degrees. The star is yellow like our sun, already hot. Its photosphere is heated to 6000º. White shtamilas are still stronger - from 10 to 20 thousand degrees. And finally, blue stars are the hottest. Their surface temperature reaches from 30 to 100 thousand degrees.

General characteristics

Features of Yellow Dwarf

Small luminaries are characterized by an impressive life expectancy. This parameter is 10 billion years. The sun is now located approximately in the middle of the life cycle, that is, before the departure from the main sequence and the transformation in the Red Giant, it remained about 5 billion years.

Star, yellow and related to the type "Dwarfs", has dimensions similar to sunny. The source of the energy of such shums is the synthesis of helium from hydrogen. They go to the next stage of evolution after hydrogen ends in the kernel and the burning of helium begins.

In addition to the sun, the Yellow Dwarf treats A, Alpha Northern Crown, MJ Volopasa, Tau Whale and other shining.

Yellow subgiganants

Stars, similar to the sun, after the exhaustion of hydrogen fuel, begin to change. When helium helium lights up in the core will expand and turn into however, this stage does not occur immediately. First, the outer layers begin to burn. The star has already descended from the main sequence, but has not yet expanded - it is at the stage of subgigant. The mass of such a shine is usually varied from 1 to 5

The stage of yellow subgigant can be held more impressive stars. However, for them this stage is less pronounced. The most famous subgarty today is a priest (alpha small PSA).

True rarity

Yellow stars whose names were given above are rather common in the universe types. Otherwise, things are with hypergigants. These are real gigids, considered the most severe, bright and large and at the same time possessing the shortest life expectancy. Most of the famous hypergigids belong to bright blue variables, but there are white, yellow stars among them among them and even red.

These rare cosmic bodies include, for example, RO Cassiopeia. This is a yellow hypergigant, in terms of luminosity of 550 thousand times the sun. From our planet, it removed 12,000 in a clear night of it can be seen with the naked eye (visible shine - 4.52m).


Hypergigants - private case Suchgiantes. The latter also includes yellow stars. They, in the opinion of astronomers, are the transitional stage of evolution shone from blue to red supergigant. Nevertheless, in the stage of yellow supergiant, the star may exist long enough. As a rule, at this stage of the evolution of the luminaire do not die. For all the time the study of outer space, only two supernovae generated by yellow supergiant were recorded.

Such lights include Canopus (Alpha Kiel), Rastaban (Beta Dragon), Betu Aquarius and some other objects.

As can be seen, every star, yellow like the Sun, has specific characteristics. However, everyone has something in common - this is a color resulting from the heating of the photosphere to certain temperatures. In addition to those named, the epsilon of the shield and a beta of the crow (bright giants), the southern triangle delta and the Betu of Giraffe (supergiant), chapel and windmiatrim (giants) and many cosmic bodies and many cosmic bodies. It should be noted that the color indicated in the classification of the object does not always coincide with the visible. It happens because the true shade of light is distorted due to gas and dust, as well as after passing through the atmosphere. To determine the color of astrophysics, the device is used by the spectrograph: it gives significantly more accurate information than the human eye. It is thanks to him, scientists can distinguish between blue, yellow and red stars removed from us for huge distances.

Multicolored stars in the sky. Shot with reinforced colors

Color palette of stars wide. Blue, yellow and red - shades are visible even through the atmosphere, usually distorting outlines of cosmic bodies. But where does the star come from?

The origin of the color of stars

The secret of multicolored stars has become an important tool Astronomers - the color of Luminous helped them learn the surfaces of the stars. The basis formed a remarkable natural phenomenon - the ratio between the substance and the color of the light emitted by him.

Observations on this topic you have already done you yourself. The thread of low-power 30-watts light bulbs is lit by orange light - and when the voltage in the network drops, the heat thread is barely red. Stronger light bulbs are glowing yellow or even white. And the welding electrode during operation and the quartz lamp glow blue. However, it is not worth looking at them in any way - their energy is so great that it can easily damage the retina.

Accordingly, the more hot item, the closer its color of its luminescence to the blue - and the colder, the closer to the dark red. Stars did not exception: the same principle acts on them. The influence of the star on its color is very insignificant - the temperature can hide individual elements, ionizing them.

But it is precisely the star radiation helps to find out its composition. Atoms of each substance have their own unique bandwidth. Light waves of some colors freely pass through them when others stop - scientists and determine the chemical elements on the blocked light ranges.

The mechanism of "staining" stars

What is the physical prevention of this phenomenon? The temperature is characterized by the speed of the molecules of the body of the body of the body - which it is higher, the faster they move. This affects the length that pass through the substance. The hot medium shortens the waves, and the cold - on the contrary, lengthens. And the visible color of the light beam is just determined by the length of the light wave: short waves are responsible for blue shades, and long - for red. White color is as a result of overlaying the pale rays.

Karpov Dmitry.

it research Student 1 class MOU SOSH №25.

Purpose of the study: To find out why the stars in the sky are of different colors.
Methods and techniques:observations, experiment, comparison and analysis of observation results, excursion to planetarium, work with various sources of information.

The data obtained: Stars - hot gas balls. The nearest star to us is the sun. All stars of different colors. The color of the star depends on the temperature on its surface. Thanks to the experiment, I managed to find out that the heated metal first begins to glow with red light, then yellow and, finally, white with an increase in temperature. Also with stars. Red - the coldest, and white (or even blue!) - the hottest. Heavy stars are hot and white, light, non-massive - red and relatively cold. In the color of the star you can determine its age. Young stars are the hottest. They shine white and blue light. Old, cooled stars, radiate red light. A yellow light glow middle-aged stars. The energy emitted by the stars is so huge that we can see them on those distant distances that they deleted from us: dozens, hundreds, thousands of light years!
1. Stars are multicolored. The color of the star depends on the temperature on its surface.

2. In the color of the star, we can determine its age, mass.

3. Stars we can see due to the huge energy emitted by them.



XIV urban scientific and practical conference Schoolchildren

"First steps in science"

Why are the stars of different colors?

G. Sochi.

Leader: Muhina Marina Viktorovna, primary school teacher





Stars can be admired forever, they are mysterious and attractive. Since ancient times, people gave great importance These celestial bodies. Astronomers from antiquity and to this day declare that the location of stars in the sky specially affects almost any sides of human life. The stars determine the weather, make up horoscopes and predictions, find the road in the open sea of \u200b\u200blost ships. What are these shining glowing points?

The mystery of the starry sky is interesting to all the guys without exception. Scientists and astronomers spent a lot of research, revealed a lot of secrets. A lot of books are written about the stars, a lot of cognitive films are shot, and yet, many guys do not know all the secline sky.

For me, the starry sky remains a mystery. The more I looked at the stars, the more questions I have appeared. One of which was: what color are these flickering, fascinating stars.

Purpose of the study: Explain why stars in the sky of different colors.

Tasks, Which I put in front of myself: 1. To search the answer to the question, chatting with adults, reading encyclopedia, books, internet materials;

2. To monitor the stars of the unarmed look and with the help of a telescope;

3. Using the experiment to prove that the color of the star depends on its temperature;

4. Talk about the diversity of the star world to his classmates.

Object of study - Heavenly bodies (stars).

Subject of study - Star parameters.

Research methods:

  • Reading special literature and viewing popular science programs;
  • Study of the starry sky using a telescope and special software;
  • Experiment to study the color of the object color from its temperature.

Result My work is of interest to this topic at my classmates.

Chapter 1. What is the stars?

I often looked at the starry sky consisting of a variety of glowing points. Especially good, the stars are visible at night and in cloudless weather. They always attracted my attention to their special, fascinating shine. Astrologers believe that they can influence fate and the future of man. But on the question of what they imagine can answer a few.

Having studied the reference literature, I managed to find out that the star is a heavenly body in which thermonuclear reactions are coming, which is a massive glowing gas ball.

Stars are the most common objects in the universe. The number of existing stars is very difficult to submit. It turns out that only in our galaxy more than 200 billion stars, and in the universe is a huge number of galaxies. The unarmed look at the sky is visible about 6000 stars, 3000 in each hemisphere. Stars are from the ground at huge distances.

The most famous star that is closest to us is, of course, the sun. That is why it seems to us that it is very large compared to the rest of the luminais. In the afternoon, it overshadows all other stars with my light, so we do not see them. If the sun is located from the ground at a distance of 150 million kilometers, then another star, which is closest to the rest, Centaurus is already located 42,000 billion kilometers from us.

How did the sun appear? After studying the literature, I realized that like the rest of the stars, the sun appeared from the cluster of space gas and dust. Such a cluster is called nebula. Gas and dust squeezed into a dense mass, which heated to a temperature of 15,000,000 Kelvinov. Such a temperature is kept in the center of the Sun.

So I managed to find out that stars are gas balls in the universe. But why then they shine different colors?

Chapter 2. Temperature and color of stars

At first I decided to find the brightest stars. I suggested that the brightest star is the sun. Due to the lack of special instruments, the luminosity of the stars I determined the unarmed look, then with the help of my telescope. The star telescope is visible as points of one degree or another brightness without any details. Sun is observed only with special filters. But not all the stars can be seen, even in a telescope and then I turned to information sources.

I did the following conclusions: the most bright stars: 1. R136A12 giant star (star formation area 30 golden fish); 2. Star Giant VY SMA (in the constellation of large ps)3. Denhead (in constellationα swan); four. Rigel (in the constellation β Orion); 5. Betelgeuse (in the constellation α Orion). The names of the stars helped to determine the dad using the Star Rover program for the iPhone. At the same time, the first three of the stars have a bluish glow, the fourth is white and blue, and the fifth - reddish-orange. Opening the brightest star scientists did withspace telescope NASA "Hubble".

During his research, I noticed that the brightness of the stars depends on their color. But why are all the stars different?

Let's look at the sun - the star seems to be a naked eye. From the early childhood We depict her yellow, because this star is actually yellow. I began to study the properties of this star.The temperature on its surface is about 6000 degrees.In the encyclopedias and on the Internet, I learned about other stars. It turned out that all the stars of different colors. Some of them are white, other blue, third orange. There are white and red stars. It turns out that the color of the star depends on the temperature on its surface. The hottest stars seem to us white and blue. The temperature on their surface is from 10 to 100,000 degrees. The star of the average temperature has yellow or orange. The coldest of the stars are red. The temperature on their surface is about 3,000 degrees. And these stars are many times hotter than a fire flame.

I spent such an experiment with my parents: we were heated on the gas burner iron needles. First, the needles was gray. After heating, she glowed and became red. The temperature has increased. After cooling the knitting needles, it became gray again. I concluded: that the color of the star changes with increasing temperature.And the stars are not like in the stars. People usually blush when they are hot, and shine when cold. But the stars are the opposite: the hot star, the thick of it, and the colder, the

As you know, the heated metal first begins to glow with red light, then yellow and, finally, white with an increase in temperature. Also with stars. Red - the coldest, and white (or even blue!) - the hottest.

Chapter 3. Star weight and her color. The age of the star.

When I was 6 years old, my mom and I went to the planetarium in Omsk. There I learned that all stars are of different sizes. Some large, other small, are heavier, others are easier. With the help of adults, I tried to build studied stars from the easier until the hardest. And that's what I noticed! It turned out, blue is heavier white, white - yellow, yellow - orange, orange - red.

In the color of the star you can determine its age. Young stars are the hottest. They shine white and blue light. Old, cooled stars, radiate red light. A yellow light glow middle-aged stars.

The energy emitted by the stars is so huge that we can see them on those distant distances that they deleted from us: dozens, hundreds, thousands of light years!

So that we can see the star, its light must pass the air layers of the Earth's atmosphere. The oscillating air layers are somewhat refer to the direct flow of light, and it seems to us that the stars flicker. In fact, there are direct continuous light from the stars.

The sun is not the most big StarIt belongs to the stars called yellow dwarfs. When this star was lit, it consisted of hydrogen. But under the influence of thermonuclear reactions, this substance began to turn into helium. During the existence of this shining (about 5 billion years), approximately half of hydrogen burned down. Thus, the Sun remains "to live" as much as it already exists. When Hydrogen almost all burns, this star will become more in size and turn into a red giant. It will greatly affect the Earth. An unbearable heat will come on our planet, the oceans will throw out, life will become impossible.


Thus, as a result of my research, I and my classmates received new knowledge about what stars are, as well as the temperature and color of stars depend on.

Bibliographic list.

Stars of different colors

Our sun is a pale yellow star. In general, the color of the stars is a stunningly diverse palette of the paints. One of the constellations is called "Jewelry Box". On black velvet night sky scattered sapphires, blue stars. Between them, in the middle of the constellation, there is a bright orange star.

Differences in the colors of stars

Differences in the colors of stars are explained by the fact that the stars have different temperatures. That's why it happens. Light is a wave radiation. The distance between the ridges of one wave is called its length. Waves of light very short. How much? Try divided in. At 250000 equal parts (1 inch is 2.54 centimeters). Several such parts will be the length of the light wave.

Despite such an insignificant length of the light wave, the slightest difference between the dimensions of the light waves sharply changes the color of the picture, which we observe. This comes from the fact that light waves of different lengths are perceived by us as different colors. For example, a red wavelength is one and a half times larger than the blue wavelength. White color is a ray consisting of photons of light waves of different lengths, that is, from rays of different colors.

Materials on the topic:

Color flame

From everyday experience, we know that the color of the body depends on their temperature. Put the Iron Koch in the fire. Heating, she first acquires red. Then she blushes even more. If the chockerel could be heated even more, without melting it, then it would turn into orange from red, then in yellow, then in white and finally, in blue-white.

Sun - Yellow Star. The temperature on its surface is 5,500 degrees Celsius. The temperature on the surface of the hot blue star is exceeding 33000 degrees.

Physical laws of color and temperature

Scientists formulated physical lawswhich bind color and temperature. The hotter body, the greater the radiation energy from its surface and the shorter the length of the emitted waves. Blue color has a shorter wave than red. Therefore, if the body emits in the blue wave range, then it is hot, than the body emitting red light. Atoms of hot gases of stars emit particles called photons. The hot gas, the higher the photon energy and the shorter of their wave.

What color stars

Colors of stars.Stars have a variety of colors. Arcticu has a yellow-orange tint, a white-blue beelel, Antares bright red. The dominant color in the spectrum of the star depends on the temperature of its surface. The gas shell of the star behaves almost as an ideal emitter (absolutely black body) and fully obeys the classical laws of radiation M. PLANK (1835-1947) and V.Vina (1864-1928), binding body temperature and the nature of its radiation. The law of the plank describes the energy distribution in the body spectrum. It indicates that with increasing temperature, the full flux flow increases, and the maximum in the spectrum is shifted towards short waves. The wavelength (in centimeters), which accounts for a maximum of radiation, is determined by the law of wine: l. Max \u003d 0.29 / T.. This law explains the red color of Antares ( T. \u003d 3500 K) and bluish color of the brigal ( T. \u003d 18000 K). Stephen's law gives a complete radiation stream at all wavelengths (in watts with square meter): E. = 5,67" 10 –8 T. 4 .

Spectra of stars.Study of star spectra is the foundation of modern astrophysics. The spectrum can determine the chemical composition, temperature, pressure and speed of gas in the atmosphere of the star. According to the Doppler displacement of lines, the speed of the star itself is measured, for example, in orbit in a double system.

In the spectra of most stars, the absorption lines are visible, i.e. Narrow breaks in the continuous distribution of radiation. They are also called phraungofer or absorption lines. They are formed in the spectrum because the radiation of the hot lower layers of the star atmosphere, passing through the colder upper layers, is absorbed on some wavelengths characteristic of certain atoms and molecules.

The absorption spectra of stars differ greatly; However, the intensity of lines of any chemical element It does not always reflect its true amount in the star atmosphere: to a much greater degree, the type of spectrum depends on the temperature of the star surface. For example, iron atoms are in the atmosphere of most stars. However, there are no neutral iron lines in the spectra of hot stars, since all iron atoms are ionized there. Hydrogen is the main component of all stars. But the optical lines of hydrogen are not visible in the spectra of cold stars, where it is not excited enough, and in the spectra of very hot stars, where it is completely ionized. But in the spectra of moderately hot stars with an oxy surface temperature. 10,000 to the most powerful absorption lines are the lines of the Balmer series of hydrogen, which are formed during the transitions of atoms from the second energy level.

Gas pressure in the star atmosphere also has some effect on the spectrum. At the same temperature, the line of ionized atoms is stronger in low-pressure atmospheres, since there are less frequent electrons less frequent atoms and, therefore, they live longer. The pressure of the atmosphere is closely associated with the size and mass, and therefore with the luminosity of the star of this spectral class. Having installed pressure on the spectrum, you can calculate the luminosity of the star and, comparing it with visible glitter, determine the "distance module" ( M.- m.) And linear distance to the stars. This very useful method is called the method of spectral parallaxes.

Color indicator.Star spectrum and its temperature are closely related to the color indicator, i.e. With the ratio of stars in yellow and blue spectrum bands. The law of the plank describing the energy distribution in the spectrum gives an expression for color indicator: C.I. \u003d 7200 / T. - 0.64. At cold stars, the color indicator is higher than that of hot, i.e. Cold stars are relatively brighter in yellow rays than in blue. Hot (blue) stars look brighter on ordinary photographic plates, and the cold stars look brighter for the eyes and special photoemulsions that are sensitive to yellow rays.

Spectral classification.All variety of star spectra can be laid in a logical system. Harvard spectral classification was first presented in Star spectra catalog Henry Draperprepared under the leadership of E. Picering (1846-1919). At first, the spectra were placed on the intensity of the lines and marked in alphabetical order. But the physical theory of spectra developed later allowed them to arrange them into the temperature sequence. The letter notation of the spectra has not changed, and now the order of the main spectral classes from hot to the cold stars looks like this: o b a f G K M. Additional classes R, N and S are indicated by the spectra similar to K and M, but with other chemical composition. Between each two classes, subclasses were introduced marked with numbers from 0 to 9. For example, a spectrum of type A5 is in the middle between A0 and F0. Additional letters sometimes note the features of stars: "D" - Dwarf, "D" - white Dwarf, "P" - a paculent (unusual) spectrum.

The most accurate spectral classification represents the MK system created by W. Morgan and F. Kinan in the Jerk Observatory. This is a two-dimensional system in which the spectra are arranged both by temperature and the luminosity of stars. Its continuity with a one-dimensional Harvard classification is that the temperature sequence is expressed by the same letters and numbers (A3, K5, G2, etc.). But additionally introduced classes of luminosity marked by Roman numerals: IA, IB, II, III, IV, V and VI, respectively, indicating bright supergiant, supergigants, bright giants, normal giants, subgigans, dwarfs (stars the main sequence) And subcarliki. For example, the designation G2 V refers to the star type star, and the designation G2 III shows that this is a normal giant with a temperature approximately like the sun.

Harvard spectral classification

Spectral class

Effective temperature, to





White blue









