Many schoolchildren go Last year training, which can be decisive in the choice future profession and lifestyle. To obtain high marks according to the One state exam(USE), you need to start preparing right now - and best sites for online preparation for the exam 2020 ready to help.

Benefits of preparing for the USE 2020 through the site

Online learning is now convenient, effective and familiar for schoolchildren, so this type of training should definitely be considered, including for the following reasons:

  • Firstly, you can study without leaving your home and without spending money on a trip to the tutor and back.
  • Secondly, a subscription to many paid sites is cheaper than classes with a tutor.
  • Thirdly, the creators of sites dedicated to the USE make sure that their materials are not only useful, but also interesting for schoolchildren.
  • Fourthly, the courses will come in handy when there is nothing left before the exam, and then the student feverishly remembers that it’s time to learn a large number of material. He does not have to adapt to someone else's lesson schedule, he will be able to determine the time and number of classes on the site.

The best sites and services for preparing for the exam

Our selection of the best USE resources is based on their popularity with the Russian audience and user reviews.


Opens the rating of sites for preparing for the exam in 2020 with a large, well-structured portal with easy navigation. It has existed on the territory of Runet for quite a long time - about 18 years. During this time, he managed to receive many awards that celebrate his merits in teaching schoolchildren.

  • The site can calculate individual program classes depending on the level of knowledge.
  • There are free tests (express), there are paid ones (more detailed).
  • There are free interactive textbooks, as well as useful information for students and their parents about passing the exam.
  • For a fee, abstracts, a USE simulator and other special modes are available to improve the level of student preparation.
  • The cost of services for preparing for the exam can be paid not for a month, but for the day ahead, it costs 20 rubles.


On the site with a beautiful and modern design, you can take tests, do tasks on certain topics of different levels of complexity, and also get acquainted with a thorough analysis of the USE tasks on the main school subjects- from mathematics to the Russian language.

  • And there you can also go through webinars from experienced teachers who can make even the most incomprehensible subject clear and interesting.
  • The materials for the webinars can be downloaded in pdf format.
  • There is a convenient atlas of universities in the Russian Federation, which contains passing scores for the past and the year before last.
  • And best of all, it's all completely free.


The purpose of creating this resource is to help train students in basic subjects for a moderate fee (access to the site materials by subscription).

  • The structure of the course is as follows: video lesson; a summary in writing and a test for understanding the material covered.
  • If you have additional questions, you can ask the teacher supervising the course.
  • You can study both individually and in a group, in the second case the subscription cost will be lower.


On the site, you can not only prepare for the Unified State Examination online, but also fill in the gaps in school knowledge starting from the 6th grade, including the extended, “Olympiad” version.

  • Courses for preparing for the exam are distinguished by a well-thought-out structure and thoroughness, which will help to put all the knowledge into a coherent system and train well.
  • The first, trial courses are free, then by subscription. The price of one lesson is 90 rubles, subject to payment for 27 lessons at once. The fewer classes, the higher the price for each.
  • There are "invite a friend" discounts.


And if online lessons do not help, then it's time to contact the teacher. The website will help you choose a tutor (or coach, instructor or teacher, and even a psychologist) for individual lessons.

  • Only the teachers themselves pay for placing their profile on the site, for customers the search in the database is free.
  • Questionnaires of teachers are moderated and unscrupulous performers are removed from the database.
  • The catalog contains a very large number of specialists (more than 44 thousand) in various academic and extracurricular disciplines. If you wish, you can find a teacher in acting, photography, 3D modeling and graphics, etc.
  • You can not look for a teacher yourself, but leave a request indicating the desired cost per lesson, and the site moderators will select a person suitable for the requirements for free.


This useful project is dedicated to the selection of professionals in their field - whether it is preparation for the exam or plastering services. The site was born after the merger of several specialized sites into one, the oldest of which - "Your tutor" - has been operating for more than ten years. During its existence, the site has accumulated a large number of reviews that will help you choose the perfect teacher.

  • Each specialist is tested - interviews, reviews, Required documents- before his data is entered into the database.
  • It is worth filling out an application for free and the site administration will select the right specialist.
  • The site has more than a million customer reviews that allow you to choose the most conscientious tutor.


If the previous sites for preparing for the exam "worked" in all subjects at once, then is dedicated to only one - English language.

  • The training takes place via Skype, using the Vimbox platform, which was developed by hand.
  • There are courses for preparing for the exam, as well as for TOEFL and IELTS.
  • The introductory lesson is free, subsequent lessons are paid. You can purchase a course of 64 lessons at once or 16 lessons with subsequent monthly payments.
  • Every 8 lessons, the teacher sends information to the student's parents about the progress of the student. At the end of the course there will be a final exam.
  • Over 60% of each lesson the student will speak English.

3. Your tutor

One of the oldest recruitment sites in RuNet. On its basis, then developed, which took the fifth place in the rating.

  • More than 220,000 teachers participate in the project, each of whom passed an interview during registration and presented the necessary certificates and recommendations.
  • There is also an option to leave a review on the site.
  • All services for the client are completely free, and the tuition fee goes directly to the teacher, without commission.
  • The site has a library with problem books, methodological articles and teaching aids.

2 Foxford

More than a million schoolchildren have already used the services of the Foxford website. As stated on the website, these students have already passed the exam by 25 points higher than the average for the entire Russian Federation. Good recommendation!

  • Schoolchildren are invited to study under programs from grades 3 to 11, they can comprehensively prepare for the exam, OGE, GIA, and their parents can attend classes and learn about the development of children.
  • The company also holds its own Olympiad, organizes educational camps, where children can conveniently combine entertainment and education.
  • Foxford has a school at home with personal teachers. In contrast to the usual external studies in Foxford, teachers from well-known Russian universities, as well as members of the jury of competitions and experts from the Unified State Examination / OGE, will work with the child.
  • Teachers are constantly in touch with the student's parents, sending them weekly reports on attendance and progress.

The cost of studying at Foxford is from 6900 rubles per month.

The best site for preparing for the Unified State Examination 2020 is Examer, where you can study in detail only the latest and most useful materials on the Russian language, mathematics, social studies, physics, history, biology, chemistry, computer science, geography, and literature.

  • You can specify the desired number of points for the exam and, based on it, the site specialists will compile their own individual plan training, taking into account both the strengths and weaknesses of the student, and fill gaps in knowledge.
  • And it's all served up in an easy-to-learn game form- for completing tasks, the student increases his level, receives rewards, bonuses and completes quests.
  • For better motivation, Examer introduced a competitive moment - this is the Unified State Examination Arena, where the student competes with other players in preparation for the exam. At the same time, no marks are given, only individual knowledge is important.
  • The materials of the site fully comply with the requirements for the exam in 2020.
  • There are Examer apps for IOS and Android.

You should not consider the sites listed in our top 10 as a 100% guarantee of passing the exam. They take on the most difficult task - finding a highly qualified curator who will help the student fill in the gaps in knowledge and answer all the difficult questions for the student. However, without proper motivation on the part of the student, all the efforts of the curator to prepare for the exam will be meaningless.

  • Do not try to memorize the correct answers to the test tasks. It is impossible to remember all of them.
  • It is worth analyzing your failures on any topic. For example, you can have a special notebook where you indicate which topic of the course the difficult-to-understand topic belongs to.
  • It is advisable to repeat the material in your own words, so it is easier and better to digest.
  • After every 40 minutes of classes, you need to take a break for 10-20 minutes. A tired brain assimilates knowledge worse.
  • Most schoolchildren are very responsible for the exam. But for some, the successful passing of the unified state exam becomes almost the main task in life. And the job of parents is to explain to the child that the exam is one, but not the main test of life.
  • Do not be afraid to make mistakes in tasks, it is common for any person to make mistakes. And do not be afraid to ask the curator to help analyze in detail the cause of the error, even if it seems to the student that this error is “stupid”.

Good luck passing the exam!

Just don't fool yourself! “In principle, everything is not bad with us,” parents often tell me in the first telephone conversation, “At school, the child has fours and even fives, that’s just trial exam"accidentally" wrote two! I must have been worried."

Friends! If a person really knows the subject for a B, he will not be able to pass the exam for a B, even if he is unconscious. Don't be fooled! Randomness is not a deuce on a mock exam, but a waterfall of fours and fives that falls on schoolchildren during 11 years of study. Unfortunately, practice shows that 90% of school grades are fake! We will not talk now about the reasons for this phenomenon (for more details about this, you can read here), but rather think about how to give yourself (or your offspring) an objective assessment.

I can suggest several options:

  • use tests in chemistry and mathematics on this site;
  • buy a collection of USE tests in the relevant subject and try to solve several options (only honestly, without cheating and without the help of friends!);
  • seek advice from a qualified tutor, ask him to assess the current level of knowledge and draw up a program for preparing for the exam.

Set a realistic goal for yourself. Consider time limits

If there are four months left before the Unified State Examination, at the moment you are barely able to solve 3-4 simple tasks, and you aim for 90 points, I'm afraid that you will be disappointed! To reach the level of 80 points in mathematics, even a very capable student will need 1.5 - 2 years of intensive work.

It is very difficult to clearly define what is realistic target. Too many variables to take into account. The initial level of the student, his abilities, and the level of motivation, and, of course, the time reserve play a role. An experienced tutor already after one or two lessons understands what one or another of his wards can count on. A non-professional very often at times can exaggerate or underestimate the capabilities of a child.

I will try to give just a few guidelines on the example of typical situations. So,

Typical situation Forecast
We are preparing for the exam in mathematics, we have a year in stock, the current level is "below the plinth". We can count on 60 points in the exam, a maximum of 65, subject to intensive work.
We are preparing for the USE in mathematics, we have a year left, at the moment we can solve about 50% of the tasks from the first part. Realistic forecast: 70 - 75 points.
Preparing for the math exam two years in reserve, at the moment we can solve about 50% of the tasks. We can rise even above 90 points. The level of 80 points during normal operation is practically guaranteed.
We are preparing for the exam in chemistry, we have a year in stock, the current level is "zero with a minus". We can count on 70 - 75 points on a real exam (with intensive work during the year).
We want to pass the exam in chemistry, at school - a "real" four, a year in reserve. 80 - 90 points is an achievable result.
We dream of getting 100 points on the exam in chemistry, we have two years ahead and a great desire to work. We do all the homework, we work regularly. The dream of 100 points can become a reality.
Six months before the exam in mathematics, we even uncertainly know the multiplication table. Is it possible to pass the exam at least for minimum score? Yes, you can. You need to find a professional tutor and start working seriously.
Similar question for chemistry. Of course you can.
There are two to three months before the exam. Zero knowledge. Is there anything to hope for? You can only count on passing the exam with a minimum score, and even then, subject to intensive work under the guidance of a top-class tutor.

Once again, I remind you that only guidelines are given here. Naturally, there are no guarantees in such forecasts and cannot be!

Make a study program

So, by the beginning of June, you plan to confidently solve, for example, ten problems in a test. Currently, you are able to complete 2-3 tasks. Take a piece of paper, a pen and try to sketch out a rough work plan: December will be devoted to tasks B1 and B4, January - B2 and B5, etc. If you are preparing for the exam with a tutor, the situation is simplified: he will have to make a plan and follow its implementation. If preparing on your own, show your plan to the school teacher; maybe something needs to be adjusted.

It is likely that some changes will be made to the plan in the course of preparation. This is normal.

Give yourself time

It is important to understand that life makes its own adjustments to any plan. You can get sick, the exam can be postponed to an earlier date, it turns out that what seemed to you very light theme, in fact, will require more effort, etc.

You must provide for a reserve of time. Let's say you already know that the exam in mathematics will take place on June 10th. But you should be fully prepared by May 15th. If there are any problems, you can solve them in the remaining time. If there are no problems, you can once again repeat the material covered, or even work on more complex examples.

Check yourself periodically

Any preparation loses its meaning if you do not constantly monitor the implementation of your plan. After each session, organize a small test. Check all completed tasks according to the answers (but do not adjust to the answer!) Periodically arrange a trial exam for yourself: you can use collections of exam tests or materials from the Internet. The main thing is that the exam should be as objective as possible. Do not look at textbooks, solve problems in an "exam setting", ask friends or parents to check you.

Your results should gradually improve. If progress is not observed, it is necessary to change the training system: use a different textbook, devote more time to classes, seek the help of a tutor.

Prepare for the exam every day

I understand that today is a friend's birthday, and tomorrow is an important test at school, and the day after tomorrow - New Year. Yesterday I had a headache, and the day before yesterday they promised a collision of the Earth with an asteroid (and why bother preparing for the exam at all?). No, my friends, it won't work like that! If you plan to do it from time to time, once a week or even less often, I have to disappoint you: the effectiveness of such work tends to zero.

Daily sessions of 20 minutes are much more useful than one two-hour session once a week. Regularity of work is the basis of success. And let friends, holidays, social networks, football, TV wait until the summer!

Preparing for the exam is not just about solving tests

I would like to once again warn graduates against the thoughtless use of numerous "Collections of tests for preparing for the exam."

Firstly, the quality of a large (if not more!) part of these collections is not very high (this is putting it mildly!): a lot of factual errors, incorrect assignments, etc.

Secondly, even high-quality collections of this type do not replace textbooks, reference books, etc. These books, of course, have the right to exist, but only as an auxiliary element of education. You can use them to assess your entry level (see above), for periodic self-control during training.

The stupidest thing you can think of when preparing for the exam is just "solving" (as some teachers like to say) an infinite number of tests.

Preparation for the exam (as well as for any other exam) is work on certain topics, over tasks of certain types. Today you learn to decide quadratic equations, tomorrow you analyze equations with modules, the day after tomorrow - remember fractional-rational equations, etc. Go to next topic it is only necessary to fully assimilate the previous one.

Obviously, test collections will not help you in such work. It is better to use ordinary school textbooks or specialized literature for university students.

View codifiers - understand what exactly you should know and be able to do. Pass a demo version of the exam - understand what you know and can do now. Find good preparation resources and create a self-study schedule that you MUST stick to. Otherwise, nothing will come of it. It is realistic to prepare even in a day - you can learn a few basic rules that will definitely be on the exam. But the more time, the better. Don't waste it and get started today.

Basic preparation instructions

Study the codifiers on the FIPI website

We go to the FIPI website, find the section of the Unified State Examination and GVE-11, open the page "Demo versions, specifications and codifiers". The documents here are structured by subject - download for those that you hand over. The archive can also contain all sorts of useful things like dictionaries, word assemblies, rules and formulas. First of all, we open the codifier - the sections of the educational program that will be checked during the exam are marked here. Check (highlight in color in the downloaded document) topics that you know and that you do not know.

Take the exam demo

You can solve the demo version from the archive downloaded on the FIPI website, but this is not very convenient - you will have to check it yourself, referring to the answers.

It is more convenient to solve the demo version online, for example, on Yandex.EGE - here the system will check your answers and calculate the number of points. Problems only with part C - it is technically impossible to check the essay, presentation and essay using services. You will have to do this yourself, evaluating the work according to the criteria from the specification.

Create a lesson plan

Depending on how much time you have, form a training plan. It is best to start studying at least a year before the exam, but it is quite possible to master the basics quickly - in a month, a week, or even a day. Make up an example educational program”, in which the topics will go in descending order. From basic aspects to the least significant details. Create a schedule and make sure you stick to it. The hardest thing about self-training is discipline. No one is standing over you with a stick, so organizing yourself is very difficult. In no case do not skip classes - nothing will work if you put off until tomorrow.

How to prepare for the exam in the Russian language

Understand (not memorize, but understand) and remember the rules, memorize the exception words and the basics of punctuation. Do not be lazy, take a set of rules and read them all - mark for yourself those that you don’t remember or remember poorly, then memorize them 1-2 per day, do test tasks. There are millions of such tasks in the network, it is not difficult to search. According to statistics, 11th grade graduates most often make mistakes in the following rules, topics and sections:

  • Spelling - spelling "n" and "nn" in adjectives, participles; spelling "o" and "ё" after hissing; prefixes "pre" and "at".
  • Particles and unions - spelling "not" and "neither"; spelling of unions.
  • Punctuation is direct speech; involved and adverbial phrases, comma before "and".
  • Vocabulary - introductory words.
  • Grammar - confluent and separate spelling adverbs; writing adverbs and nouns with a hyphen.

Tip: Be sure to learn the types of subordinate clauses and the declension of numerals. They also "catch" tens of thousands of graduates.

It is also important to learn all kinds of exception words - they do not lend themselves to the rules (at least the rules from the school curriculum) and you just need to remember them. Ideally, you need to arrange them in an acceptable font, print or write by hand, and then hang them over your desktop. Look at them often - this is one of the most effective ways to remember.

Preparing for Part C more difficult. Here you will need to write an essay-reasoning based on the text you have read. Usually they suggest to note what the author had in mind, and to express their own opinion on this issue. The worst solution is to connect emotions and start “downloading rights” in your storytelling. The best decision- look at and remember the evaluation criteria and write an essay in full accordance with them, without inventing or inventing anything, adding only a very small amount of emotions. Criteria for evaluating the essay are in the specification.

Rating TOP-7 best online schools

Online school to prepare for the exam in 4 subjects: Russian, mathematics, English, physics. Classes are held on a modern IT platform, including video communication, chat, simulators and a task bank.

An educational IT portal that helps you become a programmer from scratch and start a career in your specialty. Training with a guaranteed internship and free master classes.

The largest online English language school that gives you the opportunity to individually learn English with a Russian-speaking teacher or native speaker.

School of English on Skype. Strong Russian-speaking teachers and native speakers from the UK and the USA. Maximum speaking practice.

New generation online school of English. The teacher communicates with the student via Skype, and the lesson takes place in a digital textbook. Personal training program.

Online university of modern professions (web design, internet marketing, programming, management, business). After training, students can take a guaranteed internship with partners.

An interactive online service for learning and practicing English in a fun way. Effective training, word translation, crosswords, listening, vocabulary cards.

How to prepare for the exam in mathematics

Mathematics is the most difficult subject for self-study. First of all, because of the tasks in part C. It’s quite possible to master parts A and B without a tutor - we learn the rules and formulas, those that are the most difficult to remember, print or write out, after which we hang them over the desktop and look at them as often as possible .

In what basic topics do graduates most often make mistakes:

  • trigonometric formulas.
  • Logarithmic equations.
  • Differentiation rules.
  • Basic theorems of geometry.
  • Primitives and integrals.

When preparing for the exam in mathematics, it is recommended to solve as much as possible. Start with demos exam options. After all, there are not so many rules and formulas in the school curriculum - again, we refer you to the codifier - see what you need to know, what you can use, what is important to remember in the first place. If you feel that the solution of a certain segment of problems is going badly, solve them as much as possible, connect ordinary textbooks from the school curriculum, look at ready-made solutions.

How to prepare for the exam in history

History is not a collection of dates and events. First of all, it's chronological. That is why training should be built not on memorizing dates and personalities, but on building chronological chains, identifying causes and effects. Look at the topics of the codifier - they almost completely repeat the educational program on the history of Russia from ancient times to the present day.

Preparation should be built in this way: if you have at least half a year, then start over (from ancient times) and go through 2-3 topics every day (depending on the time you have).

So you will understand the sequence of events and you will understand that the abolition of serfdom could not have happened in 1451, and Ivan the Terrible could not have visited St. Petersburg.

Topics most often confused by graduates:

  • Theories of the origin of Russia (Norman, centrist and others).
  • feudal division.
  • Trouble.
  • Reforms of Peter I.
  • Patriotic War of 1812.
  • World War I.
  • Revolution of 1917 and civil war.
  • The Second World War.
  • Thaw.

The educational program in history is a huge amount of knowledge. Therefore, if you only have 2-3 months left to prepare, there is no point in trying to study the whole thing. take major events and study them according to plan. For example, wars: cause, course, main battles, commanders, results. Or reforms: background, dates, content, consequences. It is also worth memorizing key dates - the beginning and end of wars, the implementation of major reforms, the reign of heads of state, and so on.

How to prepare for the exam in social studies

Preparation is good because there are not so many terms that require remembering the exact interpretation. Here, the outlook is more important, the ability to think logically and answer the questions posed from the standpoint of the norms of law and morality. When preparing, it is enough to study topics from the codifier and solve demo versions of exam options. If, while solving, you stumble upon a topic that you do not know or know poorly, mark it for yourself and study it. Also try to look for causal relationships, rely on facts.

Social science is one of the few subjects that does not have obvious "problem" topics. Graduates make mistakes in everyone equally often, and there is no way to give statistics. But we can note a number of documents that are mandatory for reading and studying in the course of preparation - for example, the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Check out the full list in the code.

As for part C, here you will find an essay on a given topic. It's important not to get too emotional, even if the subject touches on your feelings. Refer to the specification and look at the job evaluation criteria. Build your story around it. Do not try to please the criteria to the smallest detail - keep the style of presentation free. But give examples, indicate arguments, back them up with facts. Ideally, if you can add precedents, using your own horizons.

How to prepare for the exam in biology

Parts A and B are the theory you just need to know. There is nothing transcendental here, therefore we open textbooks and begin to study everything in stages. This can be done even in 2-3 months - most of the materials are easy to remember if you delve into the topic and learn to operate with terms (it is important to know their interpretation, and not stumble at each new meeting with an unknown word). Most often, school graduates get confused and make mistakes in the following sections of the school curriculum:

  • The structure of pro- and eukaryotic cells.
  • Ontogenesis.
  • Human anatomy.
  • Higher nervous activity.
  • Global ecosystem (the teachings of V. I. Vernadsky).

Now let's talk about preparing for part C - it is traditionally the most difficult. Here it is necessary to apply theoretical knowledge in practice. According to the experience of past years, even graduates who know the theory in detail make mistakes precisely in applying their knowledge in the course of a practical task. Therefore, it is worth preparing by studying real examples of completing tasks from Part C and translating the experience gained into your own practice. Use quality video tutorials. They can be found, for example, on the same Yandex.USE. You can see how teachers and experts solve problems - adopt their methods.

How to prepare for the exam in physics

Training should include two basic components - the study of theory, rules and formulas and their application in practice. It is not recommended to just memorize the rules. It is best to solve 2-3 tasks for each formula you studied, or analyze the finished solution. It is important not so much to know as to understand. Ideally, if you have enough time not only for the problem solving promoter, but also for real experiments.

In what topics do graduates make mistakes most often:

  • Galileo's principle of relativity.
  • Hooke's law is the force of elasticity.
  • The Mendeleev-Clapeyron equation.
  • Law of conservation of momentum.
  • Einstein's equation for the photoelectric effect
  • Radioactivity.

The more you decide, the better. If you have at least six months at your disposal, then distribute the preparation time approximately in the ratio of 15 minutes of theory and 30 minutes of practice from each academic hour. Use academic hours - rest for 10-15 minutes every hour. Solving problems takes too much energy, and in order not to get migraines, you need to rest. It is also not recommended to spend on self-training more than 2 academic hours per day.

It is far from always possible to understand the solution of the problem on your own, even if the correct option lies in front of you. But it is really important to catch the logic, otherwise there will simply be no sense from the viewed.

If there is no way to turn to a good teacher or tutor, decide together with other graduates preparing for exams. There are many communities, channels and chats in social networks and messengers where high school students solve problems together from USE demos discuss them and help each other.

How to prepare for the exam in English

Learning English is the wrong answer. More precisely, not entirely true. In conditions of self-training, it is impossible to learn English in a few months. But to pass the exam by 60-70 points without even having the Pre-Intermediate level is quite realistic. For this, it is necessary for the time remaining before the exam to “switch to English” as much as possible. This means that you have to not only learn grammar, but also:

  • Listen to songs in English by reading and memorizing the lyrics.
  • Watch movies in English with Russian subtitles.
  • Read familiar works in English as much as possible.

Interestingly, the most difficult part of the exam in English, according to graduates, is not part C (essay, composition or letter), but listening, in which you need to work with the text spoken by the announcer. Therefore, learn to understand fast English speech or develop this skill as much as possible if you already know how. This can be done in an interesting way - for example, listening to songs in English. Open the text, check the translation incomprehensible words and phrases. Listen to the song and look at the lyrics at the same time.

As for part C, here it is usually proposed to write a letter or essay on a given topic. This topic does not need to be thoroughly mastered in terms of, for example, history or other science. But you need to have enough vocabulary to be able to talk about her. Therefore, look at the topics indicated in the codifier, and select characteristic words and phrases for each of them - they will have to be memorized. You can use services like Lingualeo - here, even in the free version, there are many collections of thematic words.


It is possible to prepare for the exam in chemistry, in English, in history, and even more so in Russian, mathematics and other subjects even in a month. The only question is what you can achieve as a result of preparation.

In a day, it’s really possible to learn the basic rules and topics - this guarantees 5-6 points on tasks from Part A, which will definitely not be superfluous. In a month, you can understand the logic of solving problems in the course of execution practical tasks. In half a year it is really possible to undergo in-depth self-training, and in a year - to prepare comprehensively.

It is important not to scatter attention and not to go into a thorough study of the details - this way you can miss the base by spending too much time on the little things.

It is equally important to combine theory and practice - be sure to solve problems, go through as much as possible more tests, complete the tasks from the demo USE options. This will help you discover your "weaknesses" and concentrate on studying those topics, formulas and rules that you do not know or know poorly.

Approach the process of self-education wisely, be resourceful. Join good thematic groups on social networks - find communities with the most useful content, with the possibility of discussing problem solving. Never put off preparing for tomorrow without good reason - only with strict self-discipline is it really possible to prepare without a tutor.

So, you woke up this morning and suddenly realized (the insight probably came in a dream) that there are several weeks left before the exam in mathematics, all your "probes" are written very badly, and the chances of passing even the basic exam today are zero .

You are determined to fix the situation, ready to do something, but what? How to fit the preparation for the exam in these few weeks, where to start, how to draw up a work plan? And, in general, is it possible to fix something?

Yes, you can! Some helpful tips.

Illusions - down!

Let's agree right away: let's be realistic! If now you are having difficulty multiplying 10 by 12, and in two months you want to pass profile exam in math at the 80+ level, you will be disappointed.

It is possible to prepare for a profile exam at the 80+ level, but this will require not several weeks, but one and a half - two years of intensive work.

In this article, we will only talk about the basic level exam, and we will assume that it is necessary to prepare for several weeks in advance. basic USE"from scratch".

Laziness - down!

This article will not help you if you do not want to help yourself. You will not be able to lie on the stove - eat kalachi and at the same time prepare for the exam. You will have to put in some effort.

If you do not feel enough will to practice, you need to look for some external "pusher". There should be a person nearby who will remind, force, control, criticize and inspire! The ideal option is a qualified math tutor. If it is impossible to find a suitable candidate or if financial resources do not allow you to use his help, involve your parents, friends, etc.

TV, computer, football, VKontakte and other Instagrams should be postponed until the middle of June - all this is very interesting, but distracts from work.

Calculator - down!

Remember, in the first - fifth grades you were taught to count? Ordinary and decimals, their addition, subtraction and multiplication, etc. Now I will ask you to solve a small example:

(0,21 + 0,03)*100.

Hand reaches for a calculator? Can you do without it? -Mmm... uh-uh. Well, in general, uh...

Enough, the diagnosis is clear. This disease is called "calculator poisoning". Once upon a time, in the fifth grade, you took this device in your hands and no longer let it out. By the eleventh grade, the disease has thoroughly destroyed your body: you almost forgot the multiplication table and you can’t even carry out the addition of 5 and 15 in your mind.

Want to learn math without arithmetic? Will not work! You cannot build a house without a foundation. Arithmetic is the foundation. We must learn to count again - it will come in handy in life! Remember:

  • ordinary fractions (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, the main property of a fraction),
  • simple operations with decimals,
  • percentages, proportions, shares.

You don't have to dive too deep into this, but you absolutely must be able to add one fifth and one seventh or, say, multiply 0.1 by 0.2! I categorically affirm: without basic knowledge of arithmetic, you will not pass the exam (even the basic level).

I understand that the process of tearing yourself away from the calculator will be painful. Try to be patient!

Select the assignments you will prepare for

The USE of the basic level includes 20 tasks. Each is dedicated to a specific topic and requires specific skills. In a few weeks, you have no chance to prepare for all the tasks, but this is not required. To pass the exam for the minimum score, you need to solve all seven tasks. Naturally, you must have some margin of safety, so you should prepare not for seven, but for 10-11 tasks.

Choose topics that are of interest to you, that you are best at. All this is quite individual, but I would advise you to pay attention to the following points:

  • tasks 1 and 2 of the basic version (arithmetic);
  • No. 3 and No. 6 - the simplest tasks from " real life"(how many jars of yogurt can you buy for 520 rubles, if each jar costs 35 rubles?);
  • No. 9 - to estimate the possible values ​​of real values ​​​​(I hope you will not argue that a mosquito, for example, can weigh 140 kg?);
  • No. 11 (graphs, tables, diagrams) - it will come in handy in life!;
  • No. 10 - probability theory (do not be alarmed, it all comes down to one primitive formula that even an eight-year-old child can apply);
  • No. 12 - a real life situation is considered.

Here we have already selected 8 tasks in which you will not need anything other than knowledge of arithmetic and common sense. The remaining 2-3 tasks - to your taste!

No need to wastefully "resolve" the full USE tests

"Fine!" - you think. - "Now I will take up my mind, I will solve 5 practice tests every day, in a few weeks I will become a real specialist."

I will disappoint you: you will not! Solve complete USE tests- it means it is pointless to waste time (and you have so little of it!). Why do you need full tests? Yesterday you solved a similar test for a deuce, today solve for a deuce and tomorrow there will be the same deuce.

The test is a diagnostic tool. The current diagnostics showed that everything is bad with you. We need to start treatment! If, for example, tests show you have a bacterial infection, you are taking antibiotics. Repeated blood tests are done after a while to monitor the effectiveness of treatment, but repeated tests themselves are not a treatment! So it is with tests. Periodic solution of complete tests - good way self-control, but not a way to gain new knowledge.

By the way, I appeal to the parents of respected graduates: if your offspring takes courses or with a tutor and all "preparation for the exam" comes down to endless solving tests, do not hope for progress! Some incompetent teachers are very fond of "solving" (a terrible word!) USE options - this does not require any effort from them, and time passes. Sense from such work - "zero with a minus"!

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. In order to pass the exam well, you need to prepare well for it. And for some reason, there is an opinion that preparing for the exam is a very expensive process. But today I would like to talk about how preparation for the Unified State Examination can take place for free, list some options for free preparation and think about how useful they can be. There was already an article about it, you can read it at the link.

Preparation for the exam for free, different options

Of course, the most obvious option is preparation at school, in the classroom, because for sure everyone is forced to solve the Unified State Examination of past years. I can’t say anything bad about such training, here you will be introduced to the tasks, but they change little from year to year, and the teacher’s questions will be answered, and they will check everything, pointing out errors. The only drawback is that such preparation may not be enough, but do not rush to carry your money to tutors, it’s better to look at what other options for preparing for the Unified State Exam are for free.

So, how can I supplement the preparation, I will try to list the methods as detailed as possible and not forget about anything:

  1. Most interesting option- This free courses preparation for the exam. To be honest, I'm far from sure that this can be found in every city, and that such courses are definitely useful for graduates. It's just that I can't get my head around the fact that any of the teachers will spend their time and deal with groups of students. If such a thing exists, and the education received in these courses is really useful, then honor and praise be given to such teachers. But be careful and do not run into someone who will not give you useful information, but will only waste time, which is always lacking anyway.
  2. There are various books that help prepare for the exam for free. It would be more honest, of course, to buy them, but you can always download books for free to prepare for the exam. Not everything can be downloaded, but there are a lot of such books on the Internet, the main thing is not to make a mistake when choosing educational literature. It is best to focus not on the reviews on the site, but to ask the teacher if he knows about such a book or such an author. If the teacher speaks well of the author, then use this tutorial is possible and necessary for such a process as preparing for the exam for free.

The following options can be combined into one group, which is called "preparation for the exam online for free." Downloading a book also takes place not without the participation of the World Wide Web, but there time on the Internet is minimal. So, what can the Internet provide us with:

What I would like to say in conclusion. You should not disdain and not believe that it is possible to prepare for the Unified State Examination for free, it is quite possible and it is not necessary to carry money to tutors - this is also not a guarantee successful delivery Unified State Examination, tutors are different and the result does not depend on the cost of classes. But also do not forget that the main thing in preparing for the exam is your efforts, diligence and determination.

Good luck with your preparations. See you on the blog pages site

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