M.: 20 1 7. - 160 p.

The purpose of the manual is to help students in grades 10–11 and applicants to as soon as possible prepare for the final certification in English in the form of a unified state exam. The collection contains options for exam papers that can be used as practical material for preparing for the exam. Each option is equipped with keys and texts for listening.

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Preface 4
Option 1 5
Section 1. Listening 5
Section 2. Reading 6
Section 3. Grammar and vocabulary 10
Section 4. Letter 12
Answer forms 13
Option 2 15
Section 1. Listening 15
Section 2. Reading 16
Section 3. Grammar and vocabulary 20
Section 4. Letter 22
Answer forms 23
Option 3 25
Section 1. Listening 25
Section 2. Reading 26
Section 3. Grammar and vocabulary 30
Section 4. Letter 32
Answer forms 33
Option 4 35
Section 1. Listening 35
Section 2. Reading 36
Section 3. Grammar and vocabulary 40
Section 4. Letter 42
Answer forms 43
Option 5 45
Section 1. Listening 45
Section 2. Reading 46
Section 3. Grammar and vocabulary 50
Section 4. Letter 52
Answer forms 53
Option 6 55
Section 1. Listening 55
Section 2. Reading 56
Section 3. Grammar and vocabulary 60
Section 4. Letter 62
Answer forms 63
Option 7 65
Section 1. Listening 65
Section 2. Reading 66
Section 3. Grammar and vocabulary 70
Section 4. Letter 72
Answer forms 73
Option 8 75
Section 1. Listening 75
Section 2. Reading 76
Section 3. Grammar and vocabulary 80
Section 4. Letter 82
Answer forms 83
Option 9 85
Section 1. Listening 85
Section 2. Reading 86
Section 3. Grammar and vocabulary 90
Section 4. Letter 92
Answer forms 93
Option 10 95
Section 1. Listening 95
Section 2. Reading 96
Section 3. Grammar and vocabulary 100
Section 4. Letter 102
Answer forms 103
Appendix 1. Section “Speaking” 105
Appendix 2. Texts for listening. 107
Appendix 3. Answers to tasks 139
Appendix 4. What is KIM Unified State Exam: structure and content 153
Appendix 5. Criteria and assessment schemes for completing assignments in the “Writing” section 154
Appendix 6. The order of counting words in the tasks of the “Writing” section 157
Appendix 7. The procedure for determining the percentage of textual matches in task 40 157
Literature 158

The purpose of this manual is to help students in grades 10-11 and applicants to quickly prepare for the final certification in English in the form of the Unified State Exam (USE). It can also be useful for teachers, who will find in it the necessary material for working in the classroom.
The collection presents training options written part of the examination paper, which can be used as practical material for preparing for the exam. The manual is focused on adaptation to test control technologies, taking into account their new format and content.
The test work options are identical to the KIM version (control and measurement options) of the Unified State Exam in English and consist of four sections (“Listening”, “Reading”, “Grammar and Vocabulary”, “Writing”), including 40 tasks.
Section 1 (“Listening”) contains 9 tasks, the first of which is to establish correspondence and 8 tasks with the choice of one correct answer from three proposed. The recommended time to complete this section is 30 minutes.
Section 2 (“Reading”) contains 9 tasks, of which 2 are matching tasks and 7 tasks with choosing one correct answer out of four proposed. The recommended time to complete this section is 30 minutes.
Section 3 (“Grammar and Vocabulary”) contains 20 tasks, of which 13 tasks with a short answer and 7 tasks with a choice of one correct answer out of four proposed. The recommended time to complete this section is 40 minutes.
Section 4 (“Writing”) consists of two tasks and is a short written work (writing a personal letter and a written statement with elements of reasoning). The recommended time to complete this section is 80 minutes.
The total time for the written part of the exam is 180 minutes.
Within each section, tasks are arranged according to the principle of increasing complexity from basic to high level, which must be taken into account when allocating time for their implementation. The proposed options will allow you to get an idea of ​​the structure of the exam, the number, form and complexity of tasks, and will help you develop the right strategy for preparing for the exam.
Upon completion of the tasks in each of sections 1-3, do not forget to transfer your answers to Answer Form No. 1. When completing tasks in the “Writing” section, the full answer must be written down in Answer Form No. 2.
The oral part of the exam is optional (Appendix 1). It includes 4 tasks: reading aloud a short text, asking five questions about an advertisement based on keywords, describing one of three photographs, and comparing two photographs based on the proposed plan. Total response time (including preparation) - 15 minutes.
After completing all the tasks, you can check your answers with the keys presented in Appendix 3. The manual also contains texts for listening (Appendix 2) and possible options answers to tasks “39” (letter of a personal nature) and “40” (essay with elements of reasoning). It is not recommended to memorize the presented answer options, since the criteria for assessing writing assignments Special attention focuses on the examinee’s ability to independently produce a detailed written statement.

The Unified State Exam in English is an exam that is not included in the list of mandatory ones, but the popularity of foreign languages ​​is growing every day. There is a possibility that the discipline will be introduced as compulsory, so it is worth paying special attention to English in the process schooling. Single State exam– a final test for all schoolchildren, during which the test subject’s level of competence in a number of disciplines is checked. But to prepare for the Unified State Exam in foreign languages, there is little knowledge; you need the ability to apply it in practice, work on tasks of different types and levels of complexity, perceive speech by ear, read, write, and have an excellent knowledge of grammar. Additional success factors - the ability to rationally allocate time for solutions different tasks and a strong nervous system.

In 2018 English language Passed in 2 stages - written and oral parts. Writing skills and knowledge were tested on one day, and other tasks on another.
The letter is tested with tasks on grammar, vocabulary, listening, and reading. There are 40 tasks in total, for which 180 minutes are allocated. Maximum amount points – 80.
The oral part is not mandatory for examinees - it gives another 20 points. It is recommended not to refuse the opportunity to receive additional points, which may be useful upon admission. This stage of the test is given 15 minutes, during which you need to complete 4 tasks. If the oral portion is failed, writing scores do not suffer.

  • Listening - tasks that test students' ability to perceive speech by ear. The subjects are offered several fragments in English, which they must listen to and answer the proposed questions. Fragments include 2 times. The topics within the program are varied: weather, reports, recordings of programs and others. To answer correctly, it is important to understand what you hear! It is also recommended to listen carefully to background sounds when listening. To prepare for this stage, listen often English speech- Watching movies and TV shows will help.
  • Reading: a text is presented that needs to be successfully perceived, understood, and answered questions. Ideally, about 95-97% of words should be understandable. The preparation is very simple - read more in English and learn new words.
  • Grammar is the easiest format option. You need to insert missing words, correct mistakes, change the form of words, according to the rules. Preparation requires repetition of grammar.
  • Writing: You are required to write an essay on a given topic. This could be an advertisement, a letter, an essay. Not only literacy is required, but also adherence to the correct structure of the text.
“Solving the Unified State Exam in English” will help you practice solving tasks of varying difficulty in the discipline.

English is the most popular of the four languages ​​taken as part of the Unified State Exam. The current test is almost no different from testing in 2015, with the exception of some improvements in the wording of the oral part task and the fact that the passing score for the entire exam has increased to 22 points compared to last year’s 20. Passing English is no more difficult or easier than German, French or Spanish . Structure of the Unified State Exam in English is also no different from the Unified State Examination in other foreign languages.

Testing is spread over two days. On the first day, the student takes a mandatory written part, consisting of four sections:

  1. listening;
  2. reading;
  3. grammar and vocabulary;
  4. letter.

There are a total of 40 tasks in the written part, and 180 minutes are allotted for them. If they wish, students can come on the second day of the exam and take the oral part, which consists of four tasks (to test speaking skills). You have 15 minutes to complete the oral exam.

It is worth noting that only for the written part you can get no more than 80 points.

The conditions for taking the test in 2019 are no different from last year. But before you start taking practice assignments and online tests, study general information about the exam.

Unified State Examination

To pass the exam, you need to correctly solve at least 17 tasks from section 3 or 2 and 3. Thus, you score 17 primary points, which when converted to test results give 22. Use our table to reflect your results in a convenient five-point rating.

Structure of the Unified State Exam written test

In 2019 written part The test consists of four sections, including 40 tasks.

  • Section 1: Listening (1–9), answers to tasks are a number or a sequence of numbers.
  • Section 2: Reading (10–18), the answers to the tasks are a number or a sequence of numbers.
  • Section 3: Grammar and Vocabulary (19–38), the answer to the task is a number, a word or several words written without spaces or punctuation.
  • Section 4: Writing (39–40), consists of two tasks - writing a personal letter and a statement with elements of reasoning.

Preparation for the Unified State Exam

  • Take the Unified State Exam tests online for free without registration or SMS. The presented tests are identical in complexity and structure to the actual exams conducted in the corresponding years.
  • Download demo versions of the Unified State Exam in English, which will allow you to better prepare for the exam and pass it easier. All proposed tests have been developed and approved for preparation for the Unified State Exam. Federal Institute pedagogical measurements (FIPI). In the same FIPI all official Unified State Exam options.
    The tasks you will see most likely will not appear on the exam, but there will be tasks similar to the demo ones on the same topic.

General Unified State Examination figures

Year Minimum Unified State Examination score Average score Number of participants Failed, % Qty
100 points
Duration -
Exam length, min.
2009 20
2010 20 55,87 73 853 5 2 160
2011 20 61,19 60 615 3,1 11 160
2012 20 60,8 74 408 3,3 28 160
2013 20 72,4 74 668 1,8 581 180
2014 20 62,8 180
2015 22 64,8 180
2016 22 180
2017 22 180

M.: 20 1 8. - 184 p. + CD

This manual presents a system of preparation for passing the Unified State Exam in English, which is based on familiarity with the content of examination tasks for each of the five sections of test measuring materials “Listening”, “Reading”, “Grammar and Vocabulary”, “Writing” and “Speaking”. It contains general guidelines on preparation for the exam, as well as a set of standard training tasks with methodological instructions and answers, which allows you to consolidate the acquired knowledge and prepare for passing the Unified State Exam. The publication also includes sample versions of the Unified State Exam 2018. The manual is addressed to high school students, teachers and parents. It will help schoolchildren test their knowledge and skills in the subject, and teachers - assess the degree to which the requirements have been achieved educational standards individual students and ensure their targeted preparation for the exam.

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Introduction 3
Plan exam paper(written and oral parts) 7
Guidelines 10
Preparing students to complete tasks in the “Listening” section 10
Preparing students to complete tasks in the “Reading” section 12
Preparing students to complete tasks in the “Grammar and Vocabulary” section 16
Preparing students to complete tasks in the “Writing” section 22
Preparing students to complete tasks in the “Speaking” section 27
Training tasks 33
Section 1. “Listening” 33
Section 2. “Reading” 37
Section 3. “Grammar and vocabulary” 45
Section 4. “Letter” 51
Section 5. “Speaking” 53
Approximate options for the Unified State Exam 2018 55
Instructions for performing work 55
Sample options (written part) 56
Option 1 56
Option 2 66
Option 3 76
Option 4 86
Option 5 96
Option 6 106
Approximate options (oral part) 116
Instructions for completing tasks 116
Option 1 117
Option 2 119
Option 3 121
Option 4 123
Option 5 125
Option 6 127
Applications 129
Listening texts for training tasks 129
Texts for listening to approximate options 135
Criteria and assessment schemes for completing assignments in the “Writing” section 159
The order of counting words in the tasks of the “Writing” section 162
The procedure for determining the percentage of textual matches in the task “Expanded written statement with elements of reasoning” 163
Additional assessment schemes for “Personal Letter” tasks for training tasks 164
Additional assessment schemes for “Personal Letter” assignments for example options 168
Additional assessment scheme for the task “Expanded written statement with elements of reasoning” 174
Criteria for assessing the performance of oral part tasks 175
Additional assessment schemes for oral tasks 177
Answers 181
Answers to training tasks 181
Answers to sample options 183

This manual presents a system of preparation for passing the Unified State Exam in English, which can be effectively used both by teachers in working with the class and by high school students themselves for self-preparation.
The manual includes detailed methodological recommendations for completing all tasks of the written and oral part; training tasks; 6 sample CMM options; answers to training tasks and sample options, as well as an appendix with audio texts to listening tasks, assessment criteria for tasks with a detailed answer and additional assessment schemes for these tasks.
The approximate versions of the Unified State Exam KIM in content and structure fully correspond to the demonstration versions of the written and oral parts of the Unified State Exam KIM 2018. It should be noted that there are no substantive changes in the Unified State Exam KIM 2018 compared to the Unified State Exam KIM 2017.
In general, the Unified State Exam KIM in English is aimed at objectively establishing the level of foreign language proficiency communicative competence the examinee, i.e. control of his skills in different types speech activity, his mastery of different listening and reading strategies, skills in operating grammatical forms and lexical units in a communicatively significant context.
I would like to emphasize that if a student diligently studied English throughout his years at school, completed homework and training exercises, worked with dictionaries, expanded his vocabulary, read texts in English (adapted books, Internet pages, etc.) , then it will be easier for him to prepare for the exam. If an applicant has just now realized that English is needed for further study and work, then it will be more difficult to catch up, it will take more time and effort, but this is also a doable task.

English is the most popular of the languages. Today, without knowledge of a foreign language, it is difficult to achieve career heights in almost any profession, so a significant number humanitarian universities require their members to present the appropriate certificate. The English exam is chosen by students who plan to devote their lives to linguistics, teaching, technical and literary translation, diplomacy and international relations.

IN last years exams in foreign languages ​​are becoming more and more difficult for graduates - now they are required not only to know the basic rules and language norms, but also to have significant speaking skills, because the oral part has been added to the Unified State Examination. For successful completion the exam will require months of persistent and systematic independent work, and maybe even the help of a tutor. Another important point is awareness of possible innovations. Let's figure out how this exam will go in 2018!

Demo version of the Unified State Exam-2018

Unified State Examination dates in English

The approved schedule for the all-Russian examination will be published in January 2018. But today you can find out the approximate periods conducting the Unified State Exam, designated by Rosobrnadzor:

  • from the second half of March to mid-April 2018 will be held early examination. The starting date is stated to be March 22. Let us remind you that not all schoolchildren can take the Unified State Exam early. These graduates include those who graduated from school before 2017/2018 school year, unsuccessful students of previous years without a certificate, as well as students evening schools. Those who decided not to enroll in a university, but to go to college, applicants to foreign universities, children going to live abroad, or those who came to study in Russia from abroad can also take the test ahead of schedule. An exception is made for children leaving for sports, cultural or scientific competitions and competitions, as well as for schoolchildren who are prescribed medical or rehabilitation procedures during the main testing;
  • With last days May and until the beginning of June 2018, the main period of the Unified State Exam. Most likely, the first exams will begin on May 28, 2018;
  • The start of the additional period of the Unified State Exam is announced on September 4, 2018. Additional examinations will take place during the first half of September.

How did past graduates pass English?

The popularity of the English language among future students of Russian universities is confirmed by official statistics - about 9% of all graduates (which is about 64.5 thousand schoolchildren in 2017) choose the Unified State Exam in this foreign language. In 2017, the proportion of graduates who were unable to score even the required minimum of 22 points decreased significantly.

The percentage of such failing eleventh graders in recent years has fluctuated between 1.8-3.3%, which looks very optimistic in comparison with other exams. The average score that Russian schoolchildren demonstrate when passing English is 64.8-65.1 points, which is approximately equal to the “four” mark. This is significantly higher than the results of other Unified State Examinations show.

According to statistics, English is one of the easiest exams

Innovations in the Unified State Examination in English

Specialists from FIPI did not make any significant changes to the 2018 materials. The only innovation is that in English KIMs, the criteria-based approaches to assessing assignments numbered 39-40 have been clarified.

Contents of the English language ticket

The main purpose of the all-Russian examination in English is to check the level of mastery of a foreign language. The primary goal of the commission is to determine how free the student feels in various types language activities, which include listening, reading, writing and speaking. High school students will have to show their skills in mastering lexical units, morphological forms and syntactic structures. The exam card itself is divided into two parts:

  • written - within 180 minutes, students will have to solve 40 tasks. In this part of the exam, you need to pass listening (worth 20 primary points, which is 20% of all exam points), demonstrate reading skills (another 20 primary points), convince the commission of your knowledge of grammar and vocabulary (20 primary points), and show your level of proficiency in writing(20 primary points);
  • oral - within 15 minutes, students will have to solve 4 more tasks. They will have to answer questions and describe the pictures. This part is worth another 20 raw points (or 20% of the total exam points).

In total, graduates will have to cope with 44 tasks of basic, advanced and high levels of complexity, which in total give 100 points.

Written part of KIMs

Structurally, KIMs in English are presented in several main sections:

  • Listening assessment, aimed at identifying how well the student understands the text being listened to. This task is allotted 30 minutes of exam time, during which the student must complete the following tasks:
    • 1 – identifying the correspondence of statements and statements made in the recording. Students are asked to evaluate 6 statements, comparing them with 7 proposed answer statements, one of which is incorrect. The student is given 20 seconds to read the answer statements, then the audio recording will be played 2 times. After this, the student must mark the correct answers on the exam form;
    • 2 – assessment of the correctness of judgments, which must be made after listening to an audio recording in dialogue form. The student is required to enter only the words “true”, “false” or “not stated”;
    • from 3 to 9 – an audio task in the form of a short interview, after listening to which the student will need to choose the correct answer from the options presented on the form. Most often, the task is presented in the form of a question that needs to be answered, or an unfinished sentence that needs to be supplemented with the correct words.
  • Reading aimed at checking the understanding of structural and semantic relationships in the proposed text. The student will receive 30 minutes, during which he must complete the following tasks:
    • 10 – familiarization with seven short texts and identifying the correspondence of the information presented with 8 headings, among which one option will be incorrect;
    • 11 – working with text that has missing parts. There will be 6 such gaps in total. They need to be filled in by choosing words from the seven proposed options;
    • from 12 to 18 – familiarization with an artistic or journalistic fragment, to which interrogative sentences and statements with missing words are attached. You will need to choose the correct answer or complete the phrase.
  • Grammar and vocabulary - this part of the Unified State Exam will check how well the student operates with these language skills. This part of the ticket is considered the most difficult, because this is where students lose the most points. You will be given 40 minutes to work with this part of the ticket, during which you will have to solve the following tasks:
    • from 19 to 25 – familiarization with several fragments of text in which words or phrases will be missing. The blanks will need to be filled in based on the answers, which must first be converted;
    • from 26 to 31 – exercises testing word formation skills. The student is asked to read the text with missing pieces to determine which parts of speech are missing. To write down the correct answer, the missing word will need to be transformed (for example, turning a noun into an adjective);
    • from 32 to 38 – vocabulary exercises that involve working with text fragments in which words are missing. Options for the correct answers are offered in the KIM form, so you just have to make the right choice.
  • Writing – This part of the ticket will test your ability to create different types of written texts. You are given 80 minutes to complete the tasks, during which you need to complete the following exercises:
    • 39 – the student will need to write a letter of a personal nature, keeping it to 100-140 words (it is proposed to complete the task in 20 minutes);
    • 40 – writing an essay (200-250 words). Focus on the plan and topic proposed in the KIMs. In this task you will need to write a short introduction to the problem, express your opinion on this issue, support it with argumentation and draw a conclusion. You should allow approximately 60 minutes to complete this task.

This Unified State Examination will require not only knowledge of the rules, but also language skills

Oral part of the exam

In this part of the exam, the commission will evaluate the student’s speech skills. A separate day will be allocated for this test. Each student will receive 15 minutes to complete the following types of tasks:

  1. Reading aloud a short text. For 1.5 minutes, the student has the opportunity to read the text to himself and then speak it out loud;
  2. Formulation of five questions based on a fragment of text. Most often this is an advertising message. The student will have 1.5 minutes to read the text, and then another 20 seconds to voice each question;
  3. Description of the photo. Students are given a choice of five photos, among which they need to take one and describe it according to the plan proposed in KIMs. 1.5 minutes will be allotted for preparation, and then within 2 minutes you will need to express in your own words what you see in the picture;
  4. Comparison of two photographs. The student will have to identify similarities and differences between two pictures in 1.5 minutes, and then tell them to the commission in 2 minutes.

Examination procedure

The examination is regulated by strict standards. Firstly, in Unified State Exam time It will be impossible to use smartphones, video and audio equipment, smart watches and reference materials. Secondly, you should not look at someone else’s answer sheet, talk to other exam participants, or leave the classroom without an observer - this will be a reason for the cancellation of your work. Remember that in 2018, 100% of exam classrooms will be equipped with online surveillance systems.

Each classroom allocated for the written part of the examination will be equipped with technical means for playing audio recordings during listening. Classrooms for conducting the oral part of the Unified State Exam will be equipped with computers with headsets, microphones and appropriate software for recording answers.

How do exam scores translate into grades for a certificate?

Points for work affect the certificate and are easily transferred to the usual school system:

  • 0-21 points correspond to the “two” level;
  • 22-58 points indicate satisfactory preparation and are equal to a “three”;
  • 59-83 points allow you to get a “B”;
  • 84 points and above tell us that the student knows the subject “excellent”.

The minimum score that you need to score to receive a certificate is 22. However, it is worth remembering that to enter an “average” university you need to score at least 45 points, and in this case we are not talking about budget places. Educational establishments capitals usually accept schoolchildren on a budget who have managed to score 86 points or higher in English.

Preparation for the Unified State Exam in English

To pass the English language test, you will have to spend a lot of time preparing. Try to wisely distribute the time remaining before the exam to repeat school course and work on demo versions of CMMs. Their solution will help you understand the structure of the exam - you must agree that if you see a ticket for the Unified State Exam for the first time, you will probably get nervous. And this, in turn, will lead to a lot of small annoying mistakes. Official CMMs can be downloaded on our website simply by using the link at the beginning of the article.

When preparing for the Unified State Exam, not only textbooks, but also audiobooks will help you!

Don’t forget about preparing for listening, because not every teacher at school devotes enough time in class to teach students to perceive foreign speech by ear. Audio books, songs by your favorite artists, films or television series in English will come to your aid. Watch at least a couple of episodes of an interesting TV series or movie a day, and listen to a book on the way to school. After a few months of such training, you will be able to distinguish words and learn to understand the meaning of the text by ear.

A frequent problem is also the inability to speak - if in vocabulary, grammar and writing most of the children who have chosen for themselves foreign language as a Unified State Examination, demonstrates good results, then the oral part causes certain difficulties. You can practice this skill in a fairly simple way - constantly playing small dialogues with everyday situations in your head, or describing objects, people and buildings that you see while going to school or shopping at the supermarket.

Writing an essay also requires special preparation. Hone your mini-essay writing skills using previous years' papers. Each new essay will help you better formulate your thoughts and present arguments in favor of your point of view. When writing an essay, keep these tips in mind:

  • do not choose the first topic that comes to you - it is better to think about which one will be closer to you and will not require significant effort for argumentation. Part of the points in this task are awarded specifically for understanding the subject of discussion. If a committee member notices that you do not understand what you are writing about, the assignment will be given a zero;