In life, a person sometimes comes across such intricate intertwinings of events and destinies that even an inveterate science fiction writer would never dream of. What is this, just random coincidences that look like mysticism, or some kind of heavenly signs? No one today can answer this question with certainty. But, one way or another, the annals of history have recorded many similar events that have a tragic and sometimes comical connotation. Let's remember just a few of them.

Three takes

The Titanic disaster that occurred in the North Atlantic in April 1912 is world famous. But not everyone knows that 14 years earlier, a certain Morgan Robertson published the novel “Futility,” which described in detail the death of a giant liner as a result of its collision with an iceberg. Everything that was described in the novel, down to the smallest detail, coincided with the tragedy of the Titanic. Both ships (fictional and real) were presented by the owners as unsinkable. On their first voyage across the Atlantic, which took place in April, both hit an iceberg. In both cases, a collision with an ice mountain escalated into terrible disaster due to the captain's mistakes and lack of life-saving equipment. The only difference is that the fictional liner was called the Titan.

And that's not all: in almost exactly the same area of ​​the Atlantic where the Titanic sank, the Titania made its regular voyage in 1939. Everything was going fine, but suddenly the officer on night watch gave the command: “Stop the car!” What prompted him to do this is a mystery to this day: the notorious intuition, some kind of inner feeling, or something else. But after the ship stopped, a huge iceberg unexpectedly emerged from the darkness and dealt a fairly strong blow to its hull, which fortunately did not become fatal for the ship.

Tricks of fate

In one of Edgar Allan Poe’s stories, there is an episode in which, after a shipwreck, sailors deprived of food and driven to madness eat the cabin boy Richard Parker, who was in the boat with them. The plot of this nightmare story later (in 1884) came to life. Then the sailors of the wrecked schooner Kruzhevo, maddened by hunger and thirst, devoured their cabin boy. The unfortunate man's name was Richard Parker.

Roger Losier, who lives near Salem in the United States, nearly drowned at sea at the age of four. This happened in 1966. Fortunately, he was saved by a young woman, Alice Blaze, who happened to be nearby. 12 years later, Roger repaid her in kind: in exactly the same place, he helped a drowning man, who turned out to be Alice Blaze’s husband, get ashore.

But mystical coincidences are associated not only with the sea and sailors. They concern representatives of a wide variety of professions living in different parts of the Earth. For example, strange and mysterious coincidences haunt people involved in UFO research. By a frightening coincidence, many ufologists died on the same day, but in different years. So, on June 24, 1964, Frank Scully, the author of the book “Behind the Scenes of the Flying Saucers,” which made a splash in its time, died. Exactly a year later, on June 24, 1965, ufologist and film actor George Adamsky died, and a couple of years later, on June 24, two people actively involved in UFO research, Frank Edwards and Richard Chen, passed away simultaneously.

American actor Charles Coghlan died suddenly while on tour. He was buried in Texas, in a city located by the sea where the tour took place. A year later, a hurricane of unprecedented force hit the city, causing enormous destruction. Among other things, it washed away the city cemetery. The sealed fob containing the body of Charles Coghlan was carried out to sea. Having made a long and difficult journey at the behest of waves and currents, after 9 years he was washed ashore on Prince Edward Island in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Moreover, it happened right in front of the house where Charles was born.

Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens) was born in 1835 on the day when Halley's Comet passed near the Earth. The famous writer died exactly on the day of this comet’s next visit to the earth’s orbit. Twain seemed to have foreseen this and predicted his own death back in 1909, a year before his death. He said that he came into the world with Halley's comet, and he will leave this world with it. And so it happened.

King Umberto I of Italy once went to have a bite to eat at a small restaurant in the city of Monza. The owner of the establishment himself undertook to serve His Majesty. Looking up at him, the king realized that standing in front of him was an exact copy of himself. The physique and face of the owner of the establishment were very much like a royal one. From the conversation that began, it became clear that both were born in Turin on the same year and day - March 14, 1844. Both wives are named Margarita. The opening of the restaurant took place on the day of the coronation of Umberto I. But this is not all coincidence. In 1900, the king learned of the death of his double - the owner of a restaurant, who tragically died in an accident from a gunshot. Before the monarch had time to express his condolences over his death, he was shot dead in his own carriage by an anarchist who suddenly jumped out of the crowd.

Ridiculous coincidences?

One day, Detroit resident Joseph Figlock, who was peacefully walking around the city, literally had a one-year-old child fall on his head. Fortunately, both escaped with a slight fright, with virtually no injuries. It turned out that the young and inattentive mother simply did not close the window in the nursery, and her child, by the will of Providence, ended up in the arms of a passerby. Would you say you're lucky? What then should we call what happened a year later? Joseph Figlock was walking down the same street again when suddenly the same child fell on his head from a window! And again, both participants in the incident were not injured. Isn't it a miracle?

In one of the small Scottish villages in 1965, residents gathered at a local club to watch the then popular film “Around the World in 80 Days.” At the very moment when the heroes of the film sat down in the basket of their ball and began to cut the rope to take off, a terrible crash and noise was heard in the club. It turned out that exactly the same balloon as in the movie landed on his roof.

In 1944, at the height of World War II, the British newspaper The Daily Telegraph published a crossword puzzle on its pages. Imagine the amazement of security workers who accidentally got acquainted with the crossword puzzle when they discovered in it literally all the code words for Operation Overlord, which was being prepared in the strictest secrecy for the landing of Allied troops in Normandy. In the crossword puzzle, the author encrypted the words “Jupiter,” “Utah,” “Omaha,” and “Neptune.” Counterintelligence officers rushed to look for the source of the information leak. But the creator of the crossword puzzle was just an unsuspecting old schoolteacher.

And one more mystical, but very real case: the old alarm clock of Pope Paul VI, which worked regularly for 55 years, always woke him up with its ringing at exactly 6 in the morning. However, on the day of Dad's death, August 6, 1978, for inexplicable reasons it went off at 9 p.m.

On December 5, 1664, a passenger ship sank off the coast of Wales. All crew members and passengers were killed except one. The lucky guy's name was Hugh Williams. More than a century later, on December 5, 1785, another ship was wrecked at the same place. Once again, the only person who survived was his name... Hugh Williams. In 1860, again on the fifth of December, a fishing schooner sank here. Only one fisherman survived. And his name was... Hugh Williams!

Louis XVI was predicted to die on the 21st. On the 21st of every month, the frightened king sat locked in his bedroom, did not receive anyone, and did not assign any business. But the precautions were in vain! On June 21, 1791, Louis and his wife Marie Antoinette were arrested. On September 21, 1792, a republic was proclaimed in France and royal power was abolished. And on January 21, 1793, Louis XVI was executed.

In 1939, in the area of ​​the Atlantic where the Titanic sank, another ship, the Titanian, sailed at night. Suddenly, an inner instinct told the steering wheel something, and he gave the command “stop the car.” When the ship stopped and those on watch began to express dissatisfaction with the delay, a huge iceberg suddenly emerged from the darkness and dealt a strong, but, fortunately, not fatal blow to the hull...

In 1997, the famous Soviet figure skater Irina Rodnina arrived with an acquaintance in Los Angeles and, passing by a cafe, began to remember: “Here, once upon a time, my first sports partner Ulanov and I first went to a cafe with our own money. At that table...” Imagine her surprise when at that table she saw Ulanov himself; as it turned out, he also brought a friend here to show the place where he first sat in a cafe “with Rodnina herself”!

The most famous “copy” people who lived at the same time are Hitler and Roosevelt. Of course, they were very different in appearance, moreover, they were enemies, but their biographies were in many ways similar. In 1933, both gained power with a difference of just one day. The day of the inauguration of US President Roosevelt coincided with a vote in the German Reichstag to grant dictatorial powers to Hitler. Roosevelt and Hitler took exactly six years to lead their countries out of a deep crisis, then each of them led the country to prosperity (in their own understanding). Both died in April 1945 with a difference of 18 days, being in a state of irreconcilable war with each other...

Writer Evgeny Petrov had a strange and rare hobby: all his life he collected envelopes... from his own letters! This is how he did it: he sent a letter to some country. He made up everything except the name of the state - the city, the street, the house number, the name of the addressee, so after a month and a half the envelope was returned to Petrov, but already decorated with multi-colored foreign stamps, the main one of which was: “The addressee is incorrect.” But in April 1939, the writer decided to disturb the New Zealand Post Office. He came up with a town called "Hydebirdville", a street called "Wrightbeach", house "7" and the addressee "Merilla Ogin Wasley". In the letter itself, Petrov wrote in English: “Dear Merrill! Please accept my sincere condolences on the passing of Uncle Pete. Brace yourself, old man. Sorry I haven't written for a long time. I hope Ingrid is okay. Kiss your daughter for me. She's probably quite big already. Yours Evgeniy.” More than two months passed, but the letter with the appropriate note was not returned. Deciding that it was lost, Evgeny Petrov began to forget about it. But then August came, and he waited... for a reply letter. At first, Petrov decided that someone was playing a joke on him in his own spirit. But when he read the return address, he was no longer in the mood for jokes. On the envelope was written: "New Zealand, Hydebirdville, Wrightbeach, 7, Merrill Augin Wasley."

And all this was confirmed by the blue stamp “New Zealand, Hydebirdville Post Office”. The text of the letter read: “Dear Evgeniy! Thank you for your condolences. The ridiculous death of Uncle Pete threw us off track for six months. I hope you will forgive the delay in writing. Ingrid and I often remember those two days that you were with us. Gloria is very big and will go to 2nd grade in the fall. She still keeps the teddy bear that you brought her from Russia.” Petrov had never traveled to New Zealand, and therefore he was all the more amazed to see in the photograph a powerfully built man hugging... himself, Petrov! On the back of the photo was written: “October 9, 1938.” Here the writer almost felt bad - after all, it was on that day that he was admitted to the hospital in an unconscious state with severe pneumonia. Then, for several days, doctors fought for his life, not hiding from his family that he had almost no chance of survival. To sort out these either misunderstandings or mysticism, Petrov wrote another letter to New Zealand, but did not wait for an answer: the second one began World War. From the first days of the war, E. Petrov became a war correspondent for Pravda and Informburo. His colleagues did not recognize him - he became withdrawn, thoughtful, and stopped joking altogether.

In 1942, the plane he was flying on to the combat area disappeared, most likely shot down over enemy territory. And on the day the news of the plane’s disappearance was received, a letter from Merrill Wasley arrived at Petrov’s Moscow address. Wasley admired the courage of the Soviet people and expressed concern for the life of Evgeni himself. In particular, he wrote: “I was scared when you started swimming in the lake. The water was very cold. But you said you were destined to crash on a plane, not drown. I ask you to be careful and fly as little as possible.”

In 1867, the heir to the Italian crown, Duke d'Aosta, married Princess Maria del Pozzodella Cisterna. A few days later, the princess's maid hanged herself. Then the gatekeeper cut his throat. The royal secretary was killed by falling from a horse. The Duke's friend died from sunstroke... Of course, after such monstrous coincidences, the life of the newlyweds did not work out!

Edgar Poe wrote a gruesome story about how shipwrecked and food-deprived sailors ate a cabin boy named Richard Parker. In 1884, the plot of the horror film came to life. The schooner "Lace" was wrecked, and the sailors, mad with hunger, devoured the cabin boy, whose name was... Richard Parker.

* * *
In 1944, the Daily Telegraph published a crossword puzzle containing all code names secret operation to land allied troops in Normandy. The crossword puzzle contained the following words: “Neptune”, “Utah”, “Omaha”, “Jupiter”. Intelligence rushed to investigate the “information leak.” But the creator of the crossword puzzle turned out to be an old school teacher, puzzled by such an incredible coincidence no less than the military personnel.

Stories about twins are always impressive, and especially this story about two twin brothers from Ohio. Their parents died when the babies were only a few weeks old. They were adopted by different families and the twins were separated in infancy. This is where a series of incredible coincidences begin. To begin with, both adoptive families, without consulting or suspecting each other's plans, named the boys the same name - James. The brothers grew up unaware of each other's existence, but both received law degrees, both were excellent drafters and carpenters, and both married women with the same name, Linda. Each of the brothers had sons. One brother named his son James Alan, and the second - James Allan. Then both brothers left their wives and remarried women...with the same name Betty! Each of them was the owner of a dog named Toy... we can go on and on. At the age of 40, they learned about each other, met and were amazed that during the entire forced separation they lived one life for two.

In 2002, septuagenarian twin brothers died within an hour of each other in two unrelated traffic accidents on the same highway in northern Finland! Police representatives claim that there have been no accidents on this section of the road for a long time, so the report of two accidents on the same day, an hour apart, was already a shock to them, and when it turned out that the victims were twin brothers, police officers could not explain what happened nothing more than an incredible coincidence.

The famous nineteenth-century Austrian portrait painter Joseph Aigner attempted suicide several times. The first time he tried to hang himself at the age of 18, he was suddenly stopped by a Capuchin monk who appeared out of nowhere. At 22, he tried again, and was again saved by the same mysterious monk. Eight years later the artist was sentenced to the gallows for his political activity, however, the timely intervention of the same monk helped mitigate the sentence. At the age of 68, the artist committed suicide (he shot himself in the temple with a pistol). The funeral service was performed by the same monk - a man whose name no one ever learned. The reasons for the Capuchin monk’s reverent attitude towards the Austrian artist also remained unclear.

In 1858, poker player Robert Fallon was shot by a losing opponent who claimed that Robert was a cheater and had won $600 by cheating. Fallon's seat at the table became vacant, the winnings remained lying nearby, and none of the players wanted to take the “unlucky seat.” However, the game had to be continued, and the rivals, after consulting, left the saloon onto the street and soon returned with a young man who happened to be passing by. The newcomer was seated at the table and given $600 (Robert's winnings) as his opening bet. The police arriving at the crime scene discovered that the recent murderers were playing poker with passion, and the winner was...a newcomer who managed to turn $600 of the initial bet into a winning of $2,200! Having sorted out the situation and arrested the main suspects in the murder of Robert Fallon, the police ordered the transfer of 600 dollars won by the deceased to his closest relative, who turned out to be the same lucky young gambler who had not seen his father for more than 7 years!

The famous writer Mark Twain was born in 1835, on the day when Halley's Comet flew near the Earth and died in 1910 on the day of its next appearance near the Earth's orbit. The writer foresaw and himself predicted his death back in 1909: “I came into this world with Halley’s comet, and next year I will leave it with it.”

In 1975, a Bermudian man was accidentally hit by a taxi while riding a moped and died instantly. Exactly a year later, his brother died in exactly the same circumstances. Coincidence? What do you say to the fact that your brother died while riding the same moped, was hit by the same taxi and the same driver, and even with the same passenger in the cabin?

In 1920, American writer Ann Parrish, who was on vacation in Paris at the time, came across her favorite children's book, Jack Frost and Other Stories, in a used bookstore. Anne bought the book and showed it to her husband, talking about how she loved the book as a child. The husband took the book from Ann, opened it and found on the title page the inscription: “Ann Parrish, 209 N, Webber Street, Colorado Springs.” It was the same book that once belonged to Anne herself!

King Umberto I of Italy once stopped at a small restaurant in Monza to have lunch. The owner of the establishment respectfully accepted the order from His Majesty. Looking at the owner of the restaurant, the king suddenly realized that in front of him was his exact copy. The owner of the restaurant both in face and physique strongly resembled His Majesty. The men got to talking and discovered other similarities: both the king and the owner of the restaurant were born on the same day and year (March 14, 1844). They were born in the same city. Both are married to women named Margarita. The owner of the restaurant opened his establishment on the day of the coronation of Umberto I. But the coincidences did not end there. In 1900, King Umberto was informed that the owner of a restaurant where the king liked to visit from time to time had died in a gunshot accident. Before the king had time to express his condolences, he himself was shot by an anarchist from the crowd surrounding the carriage.

It is impossible not to appreciate the jokes of fate. It is known, for example, that in 1848 the tradesman Nikifor Nikitin “for seditious speeches about a flight to the Moon” was exiled not just anywhere, but to the distant settlement of Baikonur!

Inexplicable miracles have been happening in one of the supermarkets in the English county of Cheshire for 5 years now. Just don't smile, please. As soon as the cashier sits at the cash register at number 15, within a few weeks she becomes pregnant. Everything is repeated with enviable consistency, the result is 24 pregnant women. 30 children born. After several control experiments that ended “successfully”, during which the researchers placed volunteers at the cash register, no scientific conclusions were drawn. Although no, there is one conclusion. Among women who were infertile according to medical reports, there appeared those who wanted to work as cashiers.

In 1992, the French artist Rene Charbonneau, commissioned by the city hall of Rouen, painted the painting “Joan of Arc at the stake.” A young student, Jeanne Lenois, served as his model. However, the day after the canvas was hung in the spacious exhibition hall, reagents exploded in the university laboratory. Zhanna, who was there, could not get out of the room and burned alive.

A tragicomic incident occurred in Sofia. Thief Milko Stoyanov, having successfully robbed the apartment of a wealthy citizen and carefully placed the “trophies” in a backpack, decided to quickly go down the drainpipe from the window overlooking a deserted street. When Milko was at the second floor level, police whistles were heard. Confused, he let go of the pipe and flew down. Just at that moment, a guy was walking along the sidewalk, and Milko fell right on top of him. The police arrived and handcuffed both of them and took them to the station. It turned out that the guy Milko fell on was a burglar who, after many unsuccessful attempts, was finally tracked down. Interestingly, the second thief was also named Milko Stoyanov.

Three murderers were hanged in Greenberry Hill, London. Their last names: Green, Berry and Hill!

A resident of Texas, USA, Allan Folby had an accident and damaged an artery in his leg. He would probably have died from loss of blood if Alfred Smith had not passed by, who bandaged the victim and called “ ambulance" Five years later, Folby witnessed a car accident: the driver of the crashed car lay unconscious, with a severed artery in his leg. It was... Alfred Smith.

In 1944, the Daily Telegraph published a crossword puzzle containing all the code names for the secret operation to land Allied troops in Normandy. The crossword puzzle contained the following words: “Neptune”, “Utah”, “Omaha”, “Jupiter”. Intelligence rushed to investigate the “information leak.” But the creator of the crossword puzzle turned out to be an old school teacher, puzzled by such an incredible coincidence no less than the military personnel.

By a strange and frightening coincidence, many ufologists died on the same day - June 24, although in different years. So, on June 24, 1964, the author of the book “Behind the Scenes of the Flying Saucers,” Frank Scully, died. On June 24, 1965, film actor and ufologist George Adamsky died. And on June 24, 1967, two UFO researchers - Richard Chen and Frank Edwards - left for another world.

Residents of a Scottish village watched the film “Around the World in 80 Days” at the local cinema. At the moment when the movie characters sat down in the balloon's basket and cut the rope, a strange crack was heard. It turned out that he fell on the roof of the cinema... exactly the same as in the movies, balloon! And this was in 1965.

When American astronaut Neil Armstrong stepped onto the surface of the Moon, the first thing he said was: “I wish you success, Mr. Gorski!” This is what the phrase meant. As a child, Armstrong accidentally overheard a quarrel between neighbors - a married couple named Gorski. Mrs. Gorski scolded her husband: “The neighbor boy would sooner fly to the moon than you satisfy a woman!” And here you are, coincidence! Neil actually went to the moon!

Two cars collided on a rural Italian highway. However, both drivers were not injured. To celebrate, they decided to get acquainted and... named the same first and last name. Both were named Giacomo Felice, which, by the way, means “happy”!

In 1838, the American writer Edgar Allan Poe wrote The Tale of the Adventures of Arthur Gordon Pym. It tells how, after a shipwreck, four survivors found themselves on the open sea. Driven to despair by hunger, three of them kill and eat the fourth. In the book his name is Richard Parker. In 1884, the Magnonette was shipwrecked. The four survivors, like Poe’s heroes, ended up in the same boat. After many days of wandering across the sea, maddened by hunger, three kill and eat the fourth. The name of this fourth turned out to be Richard Parker.

Another example of this kind. Everyone is well aware of the Titanic tragedy that occurred in 1912. But few people know that in 1898, the Mansfield publishing house published a novel by the little-known writer Morgan Robertson, “Futility,” which did not arouse the slightest interest among contemporaries. The action of the novel took place on the Titan ship, which has the following characteristics: length 243 meters, displacement 70 thousand tons, engine power 50 thousand horsepower, speed 25 knots, 4 pipes, 3 screws. On a cold April night, the ship hits an iceberg and sinks.

Setting off on its first voyage fourteen years later, the real Titanic was 269 meters long, displaced 66 thousand tons, had a power of 55 thousand horsepower, moved at a speed of 25 knots per hour, had 4 pipes and 3 screws... On a cold April night, the Titanic collides with an iceberg and sinks.

The coincidences are amazing. The writer foresaw almost all the circumstances of the disaster: both in the book and in life, these ships were considered unsinkable. In both places there were not enough lifeboats during the tragedy. There were three thousand passengers in both real and fictional life. From a logical standpoint, this case is simply impossible to explain.

Once, Marcello Mastroianni, in the midst of a noisy, friendly feast, sang the old song “The house where I was so happy burned down...”. Before he could finish singing the verse, he was informed about a fire in his mansion.

An Australian midwife named Triplet (translated as “triple”) was born on the third of March, lives on the third floor in house No. 3, was married three times, gave birth to three children and three times for her medical practice adopted triplets.

In 1966, four-year-old Roger Losier nearly drowned in the sea near the American city of Salem. Luckily, he was saved by a woman named Alice Blaze. In 1974, Roger, who was already 12, returned the favor - in the same place he saved a drowning man who turned out to be... the husband of Alice Blaze.

Napoleon was born in 1760.
Hitler was born in 1889.
(difference 129 years)

Napoleon came to power in 1804.
Hitler came to power in 1933.
(difference 129 years)

Napoleon entered Vienna in 1812.
Hitler entered Vienna in 1941.
(difference 129 years)

Napoleon lost the war in 1816.
Hitler lost the war in 1945.
(difference 129 years)

Both came to power when they were 44 years old.
Both attacked Russia when they were 52 years old.
Both lost the war when they were 56 years old.

Lincoln was elected president in 1860. Kennedy was elected president in 1960. The difference is 100 years.
Both were killed on Friday.
Both in the presence of their wives. Both were shot in the head.
Lincoln was assassinated at the Kennedy Theater. Kennedy was killed in a Lincoln car
Shortly before his death, Lincoln visited the town of Monroe in Maryland; Kennedy, shortly before his death, had an affair with Marilyn Monroe.
Both are southerners. Both are Democrats.
Before becoming president, both were U.S. senators.
John Wilkis Booth, who shot and killed Lincoln, was born in 1839.
Lee Harvey Oswald, who shot Kennedy, was born in 1939.
(100 years difference)
Both names in English spelling(John Wilkes Booth and Lee Harvey Oswald) consist of 15 letters.
Booth escaped from the theater and was captured in the attic. Oswald escaped from the attic and was arrested at the theater.
Johnson succeeded him after Lincoln's assassination.
Johnson succeeded him after Kennedy's assassination.
Johnson, who served as president after Lincoln, was born in 1808.
Johnson, who served as president after Kennedy, was born in 1908. The difference is 100 years.
Lincoln's assassin was born in 1829, Kennedy's alleged assassin was born in 1929. The difference is 100 years.
Both were killed before trial.
Lincoln's secretary named Kennedy(!) persistently advised Lincoln not to go to the theater on the evening of the assassination.
Kennedy's secretary, Lincoln(!), also insistently demanded that Kennedy's trip to Dallas be cancelled.

1) The name New York City has 11 letters
2) The name Afghanistan (Afghanistan) has 11 letters
3) The name Ramsin Yuseb (the terrorist who planned the destruction of the Twin Towers in New York in 1993) has 11 letters
4) There are 11 letters in the name George W Bush
This may seem like just an accident, it will become more interesting later:
1. New York is the 11th state in the state
2. There were 92 passengers on plane 11 (9+2 = 11)
3. Plane 77, which also flew into Gemini, had 65 passengers (6+5 =11)
4. The tragedy occurred on September 11, or 11.09 (1+1+9=11)
5. The emergency telephone number in the USA is 911 (9+1+1=11); Are these just coincidences? Read on!
1) The number of victims on the plane that crashed was 254 (2+5+4 =11)
2) September 11th 254th day of the year (2+5+4=11)
3) On November 3, 2004, explosions occurred in Madrid (3+1+1+2+0+0+4 =11)
4) The tragedy in Madrid occurred 911 days after the tragedy in New York
5) The Twin Towers are like 11

And something terrible!!! The tragedy happened in 2001. And now: 2001+11=2012! This is a warning of war or the end...

And now for more unusual facts:
Most famous symbol USA, after stars and stripes, eagle.
The following verses are taken from the Qur'an, itself holy book Islam: “And it is written that the son of Arabia will awaken the terrible Eagle. The wrath of the Eagle will be felt by all the lands of Allah, and while some people will tremble in despair, many will rejoice: for the wrath of the Eagle will purify the lands of Allah and peace will come. So these were Quranic verses numbered 9. 11

Do you still believe that these are mere coincidences?

Try the following and see what you think and believe after that:

Open Microsoft Word and do the following:

1. Type in capital letters: Q33 NY. This is the number of the first plane to fly into Gemini.

2. Highlight Q33 NY

3. Change the size to 48

4. Change the font to WINDINGS (WINDINGS 1)
P.S. Be sure to do the latter. You will be very surprised.

In history you can find such mysterious coincidences that they can simply be considered incredible. However, the fact of some coincidences is quite clearly recorded. Even the bravest science fiction writers and dreamers would not have thought of writing such a thing. Only life itself is confirmation of the bizarre interweaving of human destinies and facts. 1965 In one Scottish village, the popular film “Around the World in 80 Days” was being watched at a local club. And it was precisely at that moment, when the heroes of the film boarded the balloon and began to cut the rope, that a monstrous crash and noise was heard. It later turned out that the exact same hot air balloon as in the movie landed on the roof of the building!
Fate rules people. One day, Detroit resident Joseph Figlock, walking along the streets of the city, literally had a one-year-old child fall on his head. Neither Joseph nor the child were injured and escaped with a slight fright. It turned out that the young and inattentive mother simply did not close the window and Small child By the will of fate, he ended up in the hands of a surprised passerby. Can we call this a miracle? What do you call what happened a year later? Joseph Figlock was walking down the street again. Suddenly, the same child fell on his head from the window of a high-rise building! Again, both participants in this incident managed to escape with a slight fright. Such coincidences can only be called a miracle!
Once, in the midst of a noisy feast, Marcello Mastroianni, among his friends, decided to perform the old song “The house where I was so happy burned down.” Having barely finished the first verse, Marcello Mastroianni was informed of a fire in his own mansion.
Roger Losier, at the age of four, almost drowned at sea. This happened in the vicinity of the city of Salem (America) in 1966. Fortunately, he was saved by a random woman, Alice Blaze. At the age of 12, Roger returned the favor. In 1974, he rescued a man who was drowning at sea in the same place. The man turned out to be Alice Blaise's husband.
An amazing and mysterious coincidence, described countless times. In 1898, the writer Morgan Robertson in his novel “Futility” described the death of the giant ship “Titan” as a result of a collision with a huge iceberg during its maiden voyage... Fourteen years later, in 1912, the liner was launched in Great Britain “ Titanic". By chance, in the suitcase of one of the passengers there was a book about the sinking of the Titan ship. Everything that was written in the book was repeated in the smallest detail. Both ships, which were considered simply unsinkable, hit an iceberg in April, and had on board a large number of celebrities. In both cases, the collision with the ice mountain quickly escalated into a terrible disaster due to the actions of the captain and the lack of means of escape. The prophetic book “Futility,” which contained a detailed description of the death of the ship, sank with it.
It was in the same place where the Titanic sank, in the Atlantic area, that the ship Titania sailed in 1939. Suddenly, the helmsmen suddenly gave the command to “stop the car.” What made him give such a command is still a mystery. Perhaps a gut feeling, perhaps something else. After the ship stopped, a huge iceberg suddenly emerged from the darkness and dealt a strong blow to the hull. However, this blow was no longer fatal for the ship...
In one of Edgar Poe's stories, it was described how, after a shipwreck, starving sailors, deprived of food, ate Richard Parker, the crew's cabin boy. The plot of this terrible story came to life in 1884. The sailors of the wrecked schooner "Lace", simply mad with hunger, devoured their cabin boy, whose name was... Richard Parker. Such coincidences are simply terrifying.
The Daily Telegraph published a crossword puzzle in 1944 containing all the code words for the very secret operation to land Allied troops in Normandy. In the crossword puzzle, the author encrypted the words “Jupiter,” “Utah,” “Omaha,” and “Neptune.” Intelligence agencies rushed to look for the source of the “information leak.” And the compiler of the crossword turned out to be an old school teacher who did not understand anything. Everyone was surprised by such an incredible coincidence.
Quite strange and mysterious coincidences haunt people involved in UFO research. By a frightening and strange coincidence, many ufologists died on the same day, but in different years. On June 24, 1964, Frank Scully, the author of the acclaimed book “Behind the Scenes of the Flying Saucers,” died. In 1965, and again on June 24, Ufologist and film actor George Adamsky died. And in 1967, and again on June 24, two people who were involved in UFO research passed away at once - Frank Edwards and Richard Chen.
Mark Twain was born in 1835, on the exact day that Halley's Comet passed near the earth. And the famous writer died on the day of her next visit near the earth’s orbit. The writer himself predicted and foresaw his death back in 1909. He said that he came into the world with Halley's comet, and will leave this world with it. And so it happened.
Umberto I, King of Italy, once went to a small restaurant in the city of Monz to have a snack. His order was taken by the restaurant owner himself. Looking at the owner of the establishment, His Majesty suddenly realized that standing in front of him was an exact copy of himself. The physique and face of the owner of the establishment very much resembled His Majesty. After the conversation, it turned out that they were born on the same year and day - March 14. 1844. In addition, they were born in the same city, and both were married to women named Margarita. The restaurant was opened on the day when the coronation of Umberto I took place. But these are not all mysterious coincidences. In 1900, the king was notified of the death of the restaurant owner. The owner of the establishment died from a gunshot as a result of an accident. Before the monarch had time to express his condolences over his death, he himself was shot by an anarchist from the crowd that surrounded his carriage.
The famous American actor Charles Coghlan, who died during a tour, was buried in Galveston (Texas). A year later, a hurricane of unprecedented force that hit this city washed away, among other things, city ​​cemetery. The body of Charles Coghlan, enclosed in a hermetically sealed coffin, floated about 6,000 kilometers across the Atlantic for 9 years, and was washed down by the current to Prince Edward Island, which is located in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. The amazing thing is that the coffin was carried out by the current right in front of the house where he was born.
Is it possible to explain the coincidences that link the fate of US presidents who were elected to office in a year ending in zero? Kennedy (1960), McKinley (1900), Garfield (1880), Lincoln (1860) - were assassinated. Roosevelt (1940) - died of polio. Harrison (1840) - death from pneumonia. Harding (1920) - severe heart attack. There was an assassination attempt on Reagan (1980).
Is it possible to consider a documented fact as an accident - the regularly working alarm clock of Pope Paul VI, which rang at 6 am for 55 years, on the day of the pope’s death, for inexplicable reasons, went off at 9 pm?...

Such mysterious, even, one might say, mystical ones make one shudder and think that we live in a world where nothing happens by chance, and all events are planned in advance by Higher Powers.

For example, these:

Lincoln - Kennedy

1. Lincoln became President of the United States in 1860. Kennedy in 1960. The difference is 100 years.
2. Both were killed on Friday, in the presence of their wives, both with a shot in the head.
3. After Lincoln, Andrew Johnson (born in 1808) became president. After Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson (born in 1908). The difference is 100 years.
4. Both were Southern diplomats who had been senators before becoming presidents.
5. Lincoln's assassin was born in 1829. Kennedy's assassin was born in 1929. The difference is 100 years. Both killers were killed before trial.
6. Lincoln was assassinated at the Kennedy Theater. Kennedy was killed in a Lincoln car.
7. Lincoln's secretary, Kennedy, persistently advised Lincoln not to go to the theater on the day of the assassination. Kennedy's secretary, Lincoln, also advised Kennedy to cancel his trip to Dallas.
8. The given names of Andrew Johnson and Lyndon Johnson (in English spelling) each have 13 letters; the names of their killers, John Wilkes Boom and Lee Harvey Oswald, have 15 letters; the surnames of Lincoln and Kennedy have 7 letters each.

Napoleon - Hitler

1. Napoleon was born in 1760. Hitler - 1889. The difference is 129 years.
2. Napoleon came to power in 1804. Hitler - in 1933. The difference is 129 years.
3. Napoleon entered Vienna in 1809. Hitler - in 1938 The difference is 129 years.
4. Napoleon attacked Russia in 1812. Hitler - in 1941. The difference is 129 years.

And a few more mysterious coincidences:

In 1992, the French artist Rene Charbonneau, commissioned by the city hall of Rouen, painted the painting “Joan of Arc at the stake.” A young student, Jeanne Lenois, served as his model. However, the day after the canvas was hung in the spacious exhibition hall, reagents exploded in the university laboratory. Zhanna, who was there, could not get out of the room and burned alive.

Much was written about one significant coincidence. In 1944, on the eve of the Allied landings in Normandy, an interesting crossword puzzle was published in the Daily Telegraph newspaper. It included code names for the secret operation. Such as, for example, 'Neptune', 'Utah', 'Omaha' and even the main designation - 'Jupiter'. The investigation into the case of “information leakage” was carried out for a long time by army counterintelligence, which, no matter how hard it tried, could not detect any malicious intent. The creator of the crossword puzzle turned out to be an old school teacher, puzzled by his result no less than the inspectors themselves.

An equally mysterious thing happened to American astronaut Neil Armstrong. In 1969, as soon as he stepped on the surface of the Moon, he said:
- I wish you success, Mr. Gorski: Specialists from the Mission Control Center could not understand what kind of Mr. Gorski the astronaut remembered. Returning to Earth, Armstrong said that once, as a child, while playing hide and seek with his peers, he ran into the yard of his neighbors, whose last name was Gorski. Through open window the screams of the quarreling spouses could be heard.
“Impotent lousy,” Mrs. Gorski screamed. — It’s easier for the neighbor’s boy to fly to the moon than for you to satisfy a woman:
When Armstrong actually flew to the moon, a remark he had heard in childhood suddenly surfaced in his mind, and he, shocked by the incredible coincidence, unexpectedly uttered a phrase that seemed absurd at first glance.

And the last in a series of mysterious coincidences:

In 1896, second-rate science fiction writer Morgan Robertson published in London the novel “The Death of the Titan” about the first and last voyage of the largest passenger ship, which died in a collision with an iceberg. The fictional Titan and the real Titanic, which sank in April 1912, had the same appearance and ship characteristics, number of passengers and even the number of victims. The book "Titan" also died in April 1912...

Mystical coincidences

Most likely, one of the phenomena of other worlds are cases of incredible coincidences, of which many have been recorded in history. Many of them are truly fantastic. Moreover, among these coincidences there are both comic and tragic. But in any case, each of them suggests that in this world all objects, phenomena and events are somehow interconnected.

Below are several examples of amazing coincidences, and an attempt to explain them.

Mark Twain was born in 1835, when Halley's Comet flew near the Earth.

Take, for example, the famous American writer Mark Twain. It is known that he was born in 1835. But it was then that Halley’s Comet flew near the Earth. And oddly enough, the writer died just on her next appearance near the earth’s orbit: in 1910. Twain's biographers write that in 1909 he predicted his death, declaring: "I came into this world with Halley's Comet and next year I will leave it with it."

Another example from this series concerns another famous American writer - Edgar Allan Poe. In 1838 he published The Tale of the Adventures of Arthur Gordon Pym. In it, the author described the fate of four people who, after a shipwreck, found themselves on the open sea. Driven to the point of insanity by hunger, three of them kill their partner named Richard Parker and eat him.

Almost half a century passes. In 1884, after the crash of the ship Magnonette, four passengers who escaped death, as in the work of Edgar Poe, ended up in the same boat. And in accordance with the plot of the Tale, maddened by hunger, three kill and eat the fourth. And his name was... Richard Parker.

Almost everyone knows about the sinking of the Titanic in 1912. But probably not everyone knows that this tragedy was “predicted” by the then little-known writer Morgan Robertson long before it happened. The fact is that in 1898, at the Mansfield publishing house, he published his novel “Futility,” in which he actually described... the death of the Titanic.

In accordance with the plot of the novel, the events take place on the Titan ship. Its length was 243 meters, displacement - 70 thousand tons, engine power - 50 thousand horsepower, speed - 25 knots. The ship was equipped with 4 pipes and 3 propellers. While traveling on a cold April night, the Titan hits an iceberg and sinks.

And now from the events in the novel we move on to the events in real life. And we will begin to be surprised. It turns out that the Titanic, which set off on its first voyage, had a length of 269 meters, a displacement of 66 thousand tons, a power of 55 thousand horsepower, and it moved at a speed of 25 knots per hour. In addition, the Titanic had 4 funnels and 3 propellers. And what’s most mysterious is that the ship sank on a cold April night after colliding with an iceberg. Moreover, in both situations - fictional and real, there were three thousand passengers on the ships, and there were not enough boats.

It is easy to see that the coincidences are so striking that, without knowing the time of writing the novel and the sinking of the Titanic, one could assume that Robertson copied all the events from newspaper reports that followed the tragedy of 1912.

Mystical, and there is no other way to say it, the tragedy happened in 1975 in Bermuda. Then two brothers fell under the wheels of a taxi. And both died. But it turns out that the same taxi hit them a year ago. Moreover, in both cases the same driver drove the car; Moreover, the same passenger was sitting in the car as in 1974. Moreover, the brothers were driving along the same street on the same moped as the first time.

No less mysterious is the fact that everything soviet ships, which were called "Moscow", either sank or suffered in serious disasters. The same applies to ships named “Nakhimov”.

Similar facts are also known in the fleets of other states. So, over the years, four French submarines "Eurydice" sank.

But the Italian fleet very often lost ships with the name of the Genoese admiral Andrea Doria (1466–1560). So, first, 10 sailing ships “Andrea Doria” sank in Italy. Then, during the First World War, a battleship bearing the name of the famous naval commander exploded. And the last victim of this strange chain of coincidences was the Andrea Doria, which collided with a cargo ship in the Mediterranean Sea.

Stories of this kind could be cited more than a dozen. And naturally, at the end of each of them the question would appear: what is the reason for such incredible coincidences? Many scientists have tried to solve this mystery.

For example, the great German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer believed that coincidences are one of the manifestations of world harmony, which leads to the mutual intersection of human destinies, as well as some events.

Two famous Swiss also made their contribution to the study of the problem of coincidences: theoretical physicist, laureate Nobel Prize Wolfgang Pauli and psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung. Trying to figure it out this issue, they joined forces. As a result, in 1952 the work “Synchronicity, or the Principle of Random Communication” was published.

In it, scientists explained the appearance of coincidences as a manifestation of a certain universal principle, which not only underlies all physical laws, but ties them together. Accordingly, incredible coincidences are a manifestation of common physical principles in the fate of each individual person.

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