Center " Training courses MAI" invites students of grades 10-11, technical schools, lyceums to groups to prepare for the Unified State Exam, as well as students of grades 8-9 to groups to prepare for the Unified State Exam.

Advantages of preparatory courses "Enrollee" in MAI:
The class schedule is prepared taking into account your wishes.
The courses are adapted specifically for schoolchildren!
Classes are taught by experienced MAI teachers - Unified State Exam experts.
Classes are held in classrooms at the Moscow Aviation Institute (GUK).
Constant individual monitoring of attendance and progress is provided.
More details in the “For Students and Parents” section.

Preparatory courses for students in grades 11, 10 and 9 provide extramural studies. Students correspondence courses are provided educational and methodological literature in subjects, homework, tests and thematic verification tests. You send completed work to the courses by regular mail or e-mail, they are checked by MAI teachers. At the student’s request, face-to-face or online consultations with teachers are held.

Subjects: mathematics, Russian language, physics, computer science, social studies.


Address: Moscow, Dubosekovskaya str. 4, main educational building (GUK) MAI GUK, zone A, 2nd floor, room 207, GUK, zone A, 2nd floor, room 203.

Tel. : +7 499 158-46-59, + 7 499 158-41-33, +7 499 158-49-12

Address: Moscow, st. Orshanskaya 3, 2nd floor, bldg. V, k. V 235

Tel. : +7 499 141-95-90


How to get there:

metro station "Sokol", trolleybuses 70; 82 to the stop. “Food and Aviation Institutes”, then go towards the MAI Palace of Culture; bus 904 to the stop. “Panfilova Street”, then go back in the direction of the MAI Palace of Culture;
metro station “Voikovskaya”, tram 30 or 31, to the stop “Tsareva Street”, then go in the direction of the MAI Palace of Culture (signs on the houses - MAI Palace of Culture);
metro station "Schukinskaya": take tram number 30 to the stop "Ulitsa Tsareva" then go in the direction of the MAI Palace of Culture (there are signs on the houses - MAI Palace of Culture).
To the territory of MAI on Orshanskaya street: metro station “Molodezhnaya”, then go to the street. Orshanskaya in the direction of the Brest cinema/
Travel by personal vehicle:
Leningradskoe Highway: drive under the bridge onto Tsareva Street, turn onto Facultetsky Lane;
Volokolamskoye Highway to the center: drive under the bridge onto Tsareva Street, turn onto Facultetsky Lane;
Volokolamskoye Highway from the center: turn onto Dubosekovskaya Street.

The Moscow Aviation Institute is rightfully considered one of the best technical universities in the country and the entire post-Soviet space. This confirms how rich story educational institution and the number of famous accomplished graduates, as well as the high places they occupy in the rankings. It is extremely difficult to enroll here on a budget, because you need to pass the State Examination with 185 points and above, a competition for budget places very high, and their number decreases every year. Therefore, many students choose a paid form of education.

Let's consider what the cost of training at MAI will be for applicants for a contract in the 2017-2018 academic year:


Most directions at MAI are presented for future bachelors. The most affordable by capital standards, only 144,410 rubles, will be studies in the following specialties:

  • Business Informatics;
  • GMU - State and municipality control;
  • Management;
  • Org. youth work;
  • Applied mathematics/+computer science;
  • Service;
  • UP – Personnel Management;
  • Foundation. computer science and inf. technologies;
  • Economy.

For training in the largest number of specialties at the MAI bachelor's degree, the cost is set at 150,230 rubles for the first academic year. The list of these areas includes:

  • Automation of technology processes and production;
  • Biotech. systems and technologies;
  • Innovation;
  • Inf. systems and technologies;
  • Inf. safety;
  • Laser equipment and technologies;
  • Materials science and materials technology;
  • Metallurgy;
  • Instrumentation;
  • Applied Informatics;
  • Applied Mechanics;
  • Software Engineering;
  • Radio engineering;
  • Syst. analysis and management;
  • Standardization and metrology;
  • Technosphere safety;
  • Ex. quality;
  • Ex. in tech. systems;
  • Physics;
  • Ecology and environmental management;
  • Electrical power engineering and technology.

For 25 thousand more, for 175,970 you can study for two semesters at the Moscow Aviation Institute in “Advertising and Public Relations” or “Linguistics”.

The highest price set for undergraduate courses at the Moscow Aviation Institute was the amount of 201,720 rubles, for which you can study in the following specialties:

  • Aircraft manufacturing;
  • Ballistics and hydroaerodynamics;
  • Aircraft engines ( aircraft);
  • Nanotechnology and microsystem engineering;
  • Missile systems and astronautics;
  • Control systems movement and navigation.

Part-time form

Applicants planning to earn a living and get an education at the same time, as a rule, enroll in part-time training. At MAI there is the opportunity to study on a part-time basis, and the price of such training will depend on the chosen specialty:

Price for 1st course,Direction
59 210 Electrical design and technology. funds
Applied Informatics
Radio engineering
79 800 Aircraft industry
Aircraft engines
81 600 Business Informatics
123 760 Advertising and public relations


Completely absentee, that is almost distance learning in Moscow aviation institute is also possible, but the choice of directions for obtaining such an education is extremely small - there are only nine of them. Four of them are trained for 59,210 rubles per year:

  1. Computer science and will calculate. technology;
  2. Electrical design and technology funds;
  3. Applied Informatics;
  4. Radio engineering;

... and the remaining five - for 68 thousand rubles:

  1. Business Informatics;
  2. Management;
  3. Service;
  4. Economics.

MAI specialty: available directions and prices


If earlier training in almost all areas of training at MAI lasted 5-6 years, now only the most complex programs remain in the specialty, syllabus which could not be reduced to fit the 4-year duration of a bachelor's degree. Thus, you can complete the first year of training to become a specialist for 150,230 rubles in only three areas:

  1. Inf. telecommunications security systems;
  2. Radio-electronic systems and complexes;
  3. Special org.-technical systems.

Training in the remaining six available specialties will cost freshmen and their parents 50 thousand more – 201,720 rubles. The list of such areas is as follows:

  • Design, production and operation of rockets and rocket-space complexes;
  • Aviation design and rocket engines;
  • Aircraft testing;
  • Integrated aircraft systems;
  • Control systems LA;

Part-time form

You can also study part-time or part-time in the specialty of the Aviation Institute, but upon admission you will have to choose from only three areas, the first year of study for which will cost 79,800 rubles:

  1. Design, production and operation of rockets and rocket-space complexes;
  2. Integrated aircraft systems;
  3. Aircraft and helicopter manufacturing.

Opportunity distance learning MAI is completely absent from the specialty.

Master's degree at MAI: prices for studies


After graduating from the Mayovsky bachelor’s degree, newly minted bachelors most often go back to apply for admission to the MAI, since without a master’s degree technical education in many cases cannot be considered complete. The most affordable master's programs will be “Applied Mathematics”, “Applied Mathematics and Informatics”, as well as “Fundamental Informatics and Informatics”. technologies”, which will cost 154,570 rubles:

It will cost less than 4 thousand more (158,410 rubles) to study Economics or Management.

However, a large number specialties were assigned a price of 165,670 rubles. WITH full list These areas can be found below:

  • Infocommunication technologies and communication systems;
  • Computer science will calculate. technique;
  • Electrical design and technology. funds;
  • Metallurgy;
  • Materials Science and Engineering materials;
  • Software Engineering;
  • Instrumentation;
  • Applied mechanics;
  • System analysis and management;
  • Standardization and metrology;
  • Radio engineering;
  • Technosphere safety;
  • Ex. in tech. systems;
  • Ex. quality;
  • Physics.

The price for some master's degrees is much higher than the most common one and amounts to 210,620 rubles for the 1st year. It is installed for:

  • Aircraft manufacturing;
  • Ballistics and hydroaerodynamics;
  • Missile systems and astronautics;
  • Aircraft engines.

Part-time and part-time forms

Besides full-time Studies at MAI are also accepted for part-time and part-time studies, but here the choice is not as great as in the full-time department. Thus, to enroll in a part-time master's program, applicants will have to choose between three available areas. The most inexpensive of them is “Applied Mathematics and Computer Science”. For first-year studies in this specialty they will ask only 60,950 rubles. The average-priced “glasses-and-glasses” course is “Aircraft Engineering” for 83,360 rubles for 1 year. And for the first two semesters of study in the most expensive direction, “Management,” you will have to pay 95,050 rubles.

Those wishing to study at MAI in absentia can choose between the cheaper “Informatics and Computing”. equipment" for 65,380 rubles or one of more expensive destinations– “Economics” and “Management”, the first course of study of which will cost 79,210 rubles.

Find out more about the university itself and the benefits of studying at MAI in different specialties by watching the video at the university:

The Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI) is a source of personnel for the military-industrial and aviation industries. Over the 87 years of its existence, MAI has graduated tens of thousands of specialists. The competition for admission to this university is quite high - about 10 people per place. Many applicants want to enter the Moscow Aviation Institute, but this can only be done with high Unified State Examination points on selected subjects. For this purpose, the First Unified State Examination Center offers students in grades 10 and 11 to take preparatory courses. Our qualified teachers will help you prepare for the upcoming exam state exam, providing the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge. Thanks to preparatory courses, applicants successfully pass exams and receive a diploma upon completion of their studies at the university.

Unified State Examination courses in mathematics: general information

Preparation for the Unified State Exam in mathematics is necessary first of all, since this subject is one of the main ones for most specializations at MAI. Preparatory courses in mathematics are divided into several levels:

  • base. In the basic course, students solve problems studied within school curriculum. Well basic level well suited for students who have difficulty mastering mathematics;
  • profile. For highest grade for the Unified State Examination you must choose this one. On Unified State Exam courses full profile level learning ways to complete tasks higher level complexity, and in an in-depth specialized course - methods for solving problems high level difficulties;
  • preparation course for the Olympiads. During the classes, students study tasks that are not part of the school curriculum.

Unified State Exam courses in Russian: general information

Preparation for the Unified State Exam in the Russian language includes drawing up an individual lesson schedule for each student. This practice helps to identify gaps in the student’s knowledge and work on mistakes. Preparation for the Unified State Exam consists of a theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part includes a comprehensive repetition of all grammatical foundations and rules of the Russian language. Practical lessons consist of writing essays, presentations, and trial testing, during which students will psychologically prepare for the upcoming exam.

Unified State Examination courses in English: general information

Preparation for the Unified State Exam in English includes the development of listening skills, reading texts, writing letters (personal and business) and essays. During the classes, students will be able to develop competent written and oral skills. English speech, learn to perform test tasks, repeat the grammatical and lexical basics of the English language.

Welcome to the preparation courses successful completion Unified State Exam for admission to Moscow Aviation Institute!