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They say that our present life is one of many cycles of existence. In Buddhism they say that each person is not just an individual, but a whole treasure trove of a huge flow of energy.

After the death of a person, this flow passes to another person, and a new cycle begins. It is believed that our life today is a direct reflection of experiences from past lives. In Buddhism, every person is reborn with the goal of learning and doing something in the next life that he could not do in the previous one.

If you believe this, you will be able to find a large number of signs and confirmations that you have been reincarnated more than once. Now let's talk about the most common signs that this is not the first time you have lived in the world.

Past Lives

1. You have recurring dreams.

Throughout your life you have very realistic dreams that repeat over and over again. Often in a dream it seems to you that you are not sleeping at all or you can even see yourself waking up.

This may be a sign that you have already come to Earth in other incarnations and therefore are experiencing the experiences of previous lives in your dreams.

2. You feel older than your age.

The expression “a very old soul” suits you very well. You don't understand the reason why it seems to you that you know so many things in life, as if you had lived a very long life and gained experience.

Moreover, many people around you say that you are too mature for your age. Your peers often turn to you for advice because they consider you experienced and wise.

3. You have a very developed intuition.

It often happens that you know what will happen in a particular situation, since, apparently, you remember at the subconscious level what happened in similar situations in past lives.

You have excellent intuition regarding other people, since you have encountered a lot of similar things in your previous incarnations.

Soul, journey

4. You know you are not of this world.

You often feel like you are a stranger in this world. It’s as if you have already had experience in other conditions, but you cannot realize and remember it. You get the impression that you are incredibly different from other people.

They say that in this case a person experiences nostalgia for home, that is, the place where all souls gather before the next life. Buddhists say that the oldest souls who know a lot and who have gone through fire, water and copper pipes, feel the greatest need to return home.

5. You have a lot of empathy for others.

You don’t understand why, but you have a very sensitive attitude towards others and sometimes you understand them better than yourself. You can even find out about their feelings from afar or at first sight.

This is especially true with those who are very dear to you. You know how they feel, even if you are thousands of kilometers away.

6. You know how to foresee

This is the feeling that you are confident about what will happen in certain situations. Most often it manifests itself in the form of a premonition, a vision, or an incredibly vivid sensation.

It is said to speak to your soul's journey through several different dimensions.

7. You are a religious person

You feel close to God or some higher power. You consider the energy that you receive during prayers and rituals to be extremely important and you feel it.

It's like you have a connection with higher powers. You are sure that someone from afar is taking care of you, and you feel this unconditional love.

8. You like history

When you were a child, did you have an inexplicable love for a certain historical event or to some culture? They say that having an inexplicable attraction to a certain culture or time period is a kind of residue past life, which makes you think about a certain place, culture.

9. You have inexplicable fears

It is said that we may experience echoes of trauma from our past lives in the form of unexplained fears and phobias. Examples include: fear of drowning, fear of certain animals, fear of a specific place, fear of specific numbers or colors, etc.

Future lives, past lives

10. You know how to judge a book by its cover.

By observing how a person behaves for just a few minutes, you can tell a lot about that person, about his character and lifestyle.

It's like you have software that helps you look around and download information about other souls. This is because you saw the archetype of this person in a past life and are familiar with the general behavior and psychology of such people.

11. You can't be fooled

You are not a naive person. You are not susceptible to brainwashing like other people. When you see this, you understand on a subconscious level that deception is occurring. You also see through people, you know their real intentions.

Hello, I decided to write here to complete strangers, because the people around me will never understand me. I am 25 years old. Since childhood, I have been haunted by thoughts of suicide. It seems to me that my whole life is a complete mistake. I never felt warmth and care from my parents, my mother seemed to hate me since childhood, she beat me, punished me, encouraged my brother (whom she clearly loves more) when he beat me, said “so show her who’s boss” and over stupid trifles I got it from everyone in the house. Only my grandfather protected me, but he was blind, when my mother beat me with a belt, she set me up at some point and my father (he was often not at home because of work), my father also began to raise his hand against me, I remember I was about 10 years old, I was lying on the floor from another blow and screamed “I want to die! Why did you give birth to me! I don’t want to live,” to which they threatened to give me away Orphanage. I have such memories from childhood. Then I came to terms with it all. I never heard approval or advice from my parents, only reproaches and comparisons with others, “you are the worst,” I survived this. But I often cried under the table in my room all day long, and once, even when I was 7 years old, I cut my hand, and you know, it didn’t hurt me. Years go by, no one beats me now. When I'm at home I'm silent, I feel like a stranger here. Even more - I feel like a stranger in this life... I haven’t finished anything completely, neither art school nor institute, I give up. I have no friends. There are people nearby, but they don’t know all this, with them I’m wearing a mask happy person, I always joke and laugh, but when I come home I want to cry, I’m tired of it. Nobody knows the real me. Nobody needs other people's problems. I’m not deprived of looks, maybe someone looking at me wouldn’t think what’s in my head... The relationship was the same in my youth, where the guy also beat me and humiliated me in every possible way. Now I am in a relationship with a very good, religious man, but he has no other faith and we have no future, and this gives me great pain. He could replace parental and friendly love for me, but this could not happen for many reasons (that’s a separate story), so it all came to this - my life is empty, like me. It seems to me that if I don’t exist it won’t affect anyone. IN last time I'll bring the problem. I already wrote suicide note.... Now I’ve written it all, I understand that it’s in a heap... But I wrote without stopping, everything that was in my head.... Very superficial, everything is very difficult. Thoughts about death have been gradually overcoming me, for many, many years now... Even in my dreams, strange creatures come who want to take me with them.
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Katria, age: 25 / 10/14/2015


If you read this site carefully, you will see that many went through a similar childhood. There is even an article by a psychologist on this topic. Where you were born is already a fait accompli, but the future can be changed.
If in a relationship a guy starts to insult you and even more so beat you, then you should immediately break off all contact (even if you really want to stay).
If at the moment you are in a relationship without a future (first make sure that this is really the case, talk to your boyfriend frankly), then you also need to stop them and not waste time and youth. All this must be done despite yourself in order to start looking relationship with the future.
Physical death does not yet guarantee the death of the spirit, and where is the guarantee that you will feel better in the next world? Just set goals for yourself: to learn to be someone (and don’t say that at 25 it’s too late, since people study at 40), happily get married. Maybe help someone. Look around, maybe you can be useful to someone. Good luck!

sk, age: 36 / 10/14/2015

Hello. I understand that you didn’t have enough love and attention as a child, but you weren’t sent to an orphanage, you weren’t abandoned, you were fed, watered, provided for, and you were raised to be a completely normal, healthy girl. You have long been at the age when you can make decisions, study responsibly, work, and live independently. So separate yourself and build your future.

Irina, age: 27 / 10/14/2015

Katria, I hope that you will come to this page again and see my response. Your pain experienced in childhood is, of course, very great. But if you are not withdrawn, if you have a relationship with a young man, this is already a big plus.
And the violence you experienced can become an incentive to learn to truly love yourself, to give love. Love yourself and give these rays unconditional love to those who need it.
And in the fight against strange creatures from dreams, there is only one way - to church, to God. For God, you are not a stranger and not a mistake. He will definitely help, just ask.
I also have a lot of problems, like everyone else, but in prayer I find peace, at least for a little while...
I wish you happiness.

Passerby, age: 19/10/16/2015

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The house where the holiday lives opened its doors to its graduates. On the eve of the 60th anniversary, a meeting for graduates of different years was held at the Kushvinsky Palace of Culture.

The time spent in the Palace, according to many, is the most unforgettable and happiest years. This is recognized by the graduates of creative groups themselves and people who devoted more than one year of their lives to the Palace.

Everyone has their own story about the first time they crossed the threshold of a cultural institution. For example, Svetlana Ruskova recalls that in the second half of the 50s, young people hurried to the miners’ recreation center every evening and how amazing the spectators felt from the columns, the large hall and the huge chandelier. Viktor Kurochkin came to the palace in first grade, was a soloist in the choir, and then together with Viktor Yushin in 1967 they created the legendary Kushvin ensemble “Youth”, after which they repeatedly became laureates of regional competitions. Elena Karelskikh - on the palace stage from the cradle. At first, her parents took her with them, who studied in a folk dance ensemble, then she herself studied in the palace, and in the 90s she worked as a methodologist for mass programs. A graduate of the “Fantasy” fashion theater, Elena Zykova, began studying with Tamara Neganova at the age of eight and today believes that she owes a lot to her classes at “Fantasy.” And there are more than a thousand such stories that can be told.

Residents of the older generation of Kushvina remember the vibrant performances of the folk music and drama theater. Amateur artists played on stage, but the audience always greeted them like real stars. Theater members came to the alumni evening. Looking at photographs from their performances, they spoke with particular tenderness about the past and expressed hope that one day the theater group’s performances would again appear on the stage of the Kushvinsky Palace of Culture.

And how many memorable programs, competitions and projects have taken place on the palace stage over these sixty years! For example, "The Fat Show." In the late 90s - early 2000s, its participants, without hesitation and without fear of anything, took to the stage to prove how wonderful life is. Then the fatties danced on stage with pleasure, but now they continue their creative path, studying in the ensemble “Ural Expanse”.

Welcoming all those present, the director of the Palace, Olga Kutyukhina, admitted that the graduates have left a noticeable mark on history, they are always the most welcome guests. Sixty years is a small date for an establishment; the Kushvinsky Palace will stand for a long time, strong and beautiful, delighting the townspeople with its holidays. Olga Moiseevna presented the guests of the evening with small souvenirs as a souvenir, and the graduates happily recalled the years of classes in the Palace groups and delighted them with their creative performances and congratulations.

The 60th anniversary celebration will take place on November 14th. "The flight is normal." On board the Palace Airlines aircraft, all guests will take a fascinating journey through the pages of the history of the Kushvinsky Palace of Culture.

My name is Yana, I am 22 years old, I am not married and not in a relationship.
All my life it seems to me that the whole world is against me. People take advantage of my kindness, I haven’t had close friends since childhood, all the people I considered close turned out to be not the most the best people and did the most terrible things to me, and then disappeared from my life.

Guys don't stay long. The longest relationship lasted 2.5 years, and then: I have an inadequate dependence, and he simply could not leave out of pity. It often doesn’t work out with the team, it seems like I’m trying to find mutual language with the employees around me, but in the end it turns out very badly. I like to make new acquaintances, communicate with people, I like to be the center of attention, many are drawn to me, and guys also show interest, but it doesn’t go anywhere beyond that. Close friendships have never resulted from such acquaintances. Because of this, I always think that there is something wrong with me, that maybe I’m not a good enough person.

I don't know how to deal with this. It seems to me that some kind of complex has already developed.


Svetlana Dyachenko

Administrator, Russia

Hello Shargare!
Doing good for others is definitely a positive sign. People perceive this differently. Someone will thank you from the bottom of their hearts, another will silently take it and leave, as if it was intended that way. The third is simply unable to express gratitude, because goodness came unexpectedly. All situations are individual. But your position is important here: why do you need this?

As you know, there are altruistic people. They help without asking for anything in return. The very fact of helping someone is important to them. But he will no longer be an altruist if they expect any benefit. Therefore, I think it is important to decide whether you consider yourself an altruist?

It is also important to realize what goal you are pursuing by providing assistance? The fact is that by doing good, a person feels significant and important. If this help brings negative feelings, other phenomena can be assumed. How do you feel when you provide help?

An existing behavioral pattern aimed at one type of situation may extend to other situations. Perhaps your relationship with your parents is important here, tell us about them.

Video games. Reality show. Surfing the Internet. Too much food. Too much . The list goes on and on.

Take a serious look at your life. Where do you spend most of your time? Does it benefit you? This leads to better life? Does this lay the foundation for your bright future?

If not, then you just need to re-evaluate what you are doing. And make some changes.

2. You complain too much

I know people who are constantly overwhelmed with life, and they tell me about it all the time. Are you one of those people? Are you complaining about your job, your boss, your salary, your neighbors, or your spouse? If you do this, then you are doing nothing but wasting negative energy. Negativity will not change things.

Negativity keeps you stuck.

So change your thoughts and talk about what you value in your life, rather than what you don't like about it.

3. You don't feed your brain.

If you don't continue to learn and grow as a person, then you are stuck. Just like a pond that doesn't move, and all sorts of green crap grows on it. This is what happens to your brain if you don't keep it active all the time. And also if you don't learn anything new.

Positive challenges in your life will broaden your horizons and keep you from deteriorating.

4. You have too much negative self-talk.

Self-talk can make or break your life.

Whether you think you can, or you think you can't... either way, you're right.

Henry Ford

If you're telling yourself that you're not smart enough to win a bonus or start a business, then you're right. If you're telling yourself that you're too tired to make an effort to change your life, then you're right. Whatever you tell yourself becomes your reality. So be careful what you tell yourself! After all, you may notice that your life corresponds to your thoughts.

5. You don't feel inspired

Do you have a passion for anything? I know a lot of people who think they don't have any addictions. But that doesn't happen.

Either way, there must be something you enjoy doing. So, you need to rediscover something for yourself. What excites you. And then make more out of it.

6. You don't plan for your future.

While it's always great to live in the now and in this moment, sometimes you have to look ahead to see where you want to go.

If you don't have a goal or a plan, then you are like a boat wandering aimlessly on the ocean, hoping to end up somewhere good.

But you won't be able to do that.

You must follow the plan step by step to get to where you want to be. Just like a navigator guides you to your destination, you need an internal GPS to guide you on the right path.

7. You spend too much time on people who don't contribute to your growth.

It's very easy to get stuck and hang out with people who don't make you feel better. And if you continue to hang around in this swamp, then you will remain at the same level or even fall down along with these people.

I like to call such people. They suck the life out of you and give nothing positive in return. Find growth-oriented people to be around.

8. You're addicted to your phone.

Of course, smartphones are super cool gadgets that can captivate us as long as we use them. While this is a fun way to spend your time, think about how much time you spend on your phone. And even worse, think about the relationships that could suffer because of it. Maybe you were chatting or searching for something on the Internet while you were eating or as children.

If this is the case, then you are wasting significant time that you could have spent spending time with your loved ones or making a plan for your future.

9. You spend money on things that don't matter.

There is a big difference between “want” and “need”. I'm sure we all learn this back in kindergarten. However, in modern society, we have blurred these boundaries.

More and more often you meet people who cannot pay off their loans, but they have the most fashionable gadgets on the planet.

If you think about it, there are actually so few things that we need. Food, water, shelter and love are some of these things. Everything else is just bonuses. So, look at what you're spending your money on and whether you can make any changes. Maybe you can save some money to invest in your future.

10. You don't sleep enough

I'm not a doctor, but I've read enough books to know how vital sleep is. I can write 20 pages about this. But I probably won't have enough space in this short article. Sleep is essential for good health.

Too busy to get enough sleep? Do you have a bad habit of staying late doing things or lazing around until dawn? Then you should.

11. You don't take care of your body.

Not only sleep has important for your health, but also food and exercise. I know I'm not telling you anything new. But a balanced diet, a healthy diet and proper exercise have a very positive effect. It also affects your general and mental well-being.

So take a closer look at your diet and activity level. You may find that you only need to make small changes to significantly improve your life.

12. You don't leave your comfort zone.

I know how easy it is to live in . In fact, when I go to a familiar restaurant, I always order the same thing. Not because I'm afraid to try something new. But because I love the food from my regular order. But this is not the comfort zone I'm talking about.

I'm talking about taking risks that will improve your life. And keep in mind that there is a difference between “risk” and “calculated risk.” Any risk can be fatal. But a calculated risk is when you've weighed all your options and thus come up with a good, smart plan of action.