We all for the new year. We promise to lose weight, learn English, often travel, start riding a snowboard - sometimes there are so many plans that they do not fit in one year. From the overaffect of goals and desires, and some of the laziness, we do not fulfill our New Year promises. Do you intend to break the system and certainly achieve your goals in the new year? Then you need a clear plan that will help you correctly organize your time. For competent planning, you will need sheets of paper, or any notebook in which you will record your desires and goals in detail. So, let's begin.

Photo Tumblr.com.

Submit the results of the previous year

  • Write on a sheet of paper or page notepad page All you have achieved for this year, everything you are proud of, for which you might praise. Closed the summer session three days before the start of winter, the marathon ran, first took up yoga, did not stroll a single lesson, was on all films on the day of their premiere.
  • If in the last new year you gave yourself some promise, be sure to remember him. Have you reached the fact that herself promised himself? Are you satisfied with the result?
  • After you recover what you have reached, write down what you wanted to achieve in the outgoing year, but did not work. Be honest with you, do not write what others wanted you, but it was not necessary for you. For example, you demanded to learn Chinese, and you didn't do that, because you do not want to teach him. The meaning of this exercise is to understand for yourself that you personally need, and what - others, and what kind of actions are you really pleased.

Write all your dreams

Now, appreciating the past year and realizing what happened, and what is not, you can formulate a list of your desires for the future.

On a separate sheet, write down all your desires that you just can think about. Write everything, even the most insane thoughts - to lease Soslka, confess to love, go to Peter for a weekend, jump with a parachute, go hitchhiker around Europe, to start your video blog - write everything that comes to mind and what you would like to do. It is important that you record a really feasible wishes. After all, if you want, for example, to overthrow the queen of England, then, we hurry to upset you, it is hardly feasible. On the other hand, do not be afraid of your own thoughts! You may seem to see that your idea is too brave, and you do not have the means and opportunities for its implementation - it does not matter whether you still write down. While you dream, do not forget to periodically look at the results of the previous year and checked with them - perhaps something from your desires, you have already partly in life, and something did not work out and stopped being important for you.

By the way, try to specify your goals and desires. If you write "I want to be healthy" or "I want to travel," then at the end of the year you are unlikely to say with confidence that your goal has been achieved. Run in yourself and understand what is actually important for you. Maybe you want to go on a trip to a certain country or you want to do a specific sport, thereby strengthening your health.

Photo Tumblr.com.

Run priorities

So, in front of you two sheets: Your desires and what you managed, or could not commit for the last year. Analyze discharged and projection of the list of priorities.

  • From the list of desires, they wanted what you really want to carry out what you already think about
  • from the list of "failures" - what you still would like to achieve, although in the outgoing year and did not happen
  • from the list of your pride, write out what you have reached what you are proud of and what you would like to continue in the new year. For example, "I want to see the divorce of bridges in St. Petersburg," I want to lose weight by 10 kg "and" I want to continue to do the dances twice a week. "

The resulting list of your "Wishlist" cannot be infinite, stop at 10-15 desires. It would not be possible to break on all the desires and all the goals, more productive gradually reaching one, than to rush at all at once.


After determining the most important goals and desires, there are time for their magic ... no, not execution, but design. Make up at home so that every day see all your goals, inspire motivating pictures and strive to make desires. You can also compile thematic "boards" on the Pinterest website, in which you will save all the most beautiful and inspirational pictures. On the "board" for each desire. Put yourself on the screensaver to the phone a picture or a photo that would symbolize or portray your main goal. For example, you want to go to a certain university, so put a beautiful photo of his facade and motivate every time you look at the screen.

Photo Tumblr.com.

Write yourself a letter to the future

With the help of special sites on the Internet, you can write a letter from December 2017 in December 2018. Write there that you promise to accomplish next year, describe themselves now and the wrong thing you want to become in 12 months, wish you to good luck in fulfilling all your ideas and ideas. You can, in addition, send a video message to yourself. At the end of the year you will receive this letter and you can appreciate whether everything turned out and how much you changed over the past year.

Each of us to one degree or another binds the onset of the new year with the beginning of something new and in life. Maybe not in general, not all life, of course, but some aspects we change, of course, we want. This is especially tempting in 2018, because January 1 is Monday, that is, the new year and the new week will begin on one day!

In the new year, someone promises to finally walk to the gym, someone to lose weight, change the work or break the faithful relationship and find new love. One way or another, we enter the New Year with hope. And then something happens and the usual whirlwind of cases takes us into the same cases, problems and relationships, not leaving and trace from the exacuctors seemingly real hopes for change.

According to psychologists, to change something, it is not necessary to act spontaneously and "on emotions", but absolutely clearly, calculated and systematically. Moreover, there are only four steps to begin to achieve a new new year in the new year.

We tell what specific steps should be taken to change your life for the better from Monday on January 1, 2018.

Step 1

All changes, even the most minor, try first to imagine in your head. Visualize. And the clearer, the better. Not because the "universe will hear you", but because you yourself will be better understood what you want and what to do to get it.

Act the "Thought - Action" scheme. Strive for the embodiment of a mental image, but do not blame yourself if something has not happened immediately and gather.

Step 2.

There is one very good exercise "on the update". Imagine that you remove your apartment or house, and your body and consciousness is a large apartment.

The first room is your "body". It must be washed, let sleep, delicious and "correctly" feed. "Carry out" it - stroll out in the fresh air, make a "cosmetic repair" - go to the massage in the spa or treat yourself to professional care in the beauty salon.

Step 3.

Mouse over and your thoughts. It is much more complicated than to go to the beauty salon, of course, but it is much more important. Remove all the extra thoughts about the past, envy, anxiety, resentment and doubts. Mentally turn everything into an imaginary "trash package" and throw away. In the new year - new thoughts!

Step 4.

And finally, your thoughts. Here you need a thorough order, clarity and cleanliness of the operating room. Well, if all your thoughts are conscious, positive and not imposed from the outside. This is a very important point. Think whether your desires are actually the desires of loved ones, loved ones, parents? If, sobering, you understand that you are not 100% the owner of your desires, then it is worth stopping and thinking - why do I really want I? Exactly me? From this and it is worth repelled. After all, only making happy yourself, you will make happy and loved ones.

I think it also happened to you. A few months ago, you promised to quit smoking. Or stop eating sweet in such incredible quantities. Or start a healthy lifestyle and go to the gym. You hardly put the conditions and demonstrated the random power of the will. There was only one relaxation: a new life will begin with the new year. Here you wake up on the morning of January 1 (that is, not in the morning, of course, but for a new life it will be morning), and everything will be like you. Immediately stand up on skis, you will not eat the remnants from the festive table, buy a simulator instead of three new dresses and you will not wear a boss. That's how the magic wand is. And you believe in it and wait for a new year with impatience, because there, after his offensive, the new, bright life, where you will be in a hundred times smarter, more beautiful and healthier.

But the new year comes, and the first number you wake up with a sick head. And eat a whole box of presented candy. And drink a huge mug of strong coffee to the edible with a cigarette. Then grumble on my mother and her husband. Watch all the weekend (9 days, about happiness!) TV without getting out of bed. And when a memorial conscience reminds you that you actually remember, I decided to start life from a white sheet, you look at her and justify themselves: "I'll start from March 1. In the spring it will be easier." But spring begins somehow casual, by the way, it is unnoticed, and then you - well, just like I - decide that now you will definitely change everything and you will be cleverly, but only after a birthday. And after a day, it becomes sad, so unbearably sad, which is already insensuated at all. And then you again remember about the new year and you begin to wait for it with a resistant hope. Yes, then, on January 1, you will all start first.

A vicious circle, you think. And together with you I'll think about it, and hundreds of more, thousands of girls who tend to dream and believe in something bright and kind. And we can also wait. Therefore, it is easier for us to establish a ghostly duration when everything changes, how to change everything now, urgently, from today, and not from the nearest Monday.

Let someone call it lazy, but we know that this is just a small weakness. So it turns out that you take and do something much more difficult than waiting. It is like jumping into cold water. You wanted you, you were going, you decided ... But when you stand in front of this very moment and is about to do something, you start to doubt. And was it so bad to change everything so much? And will not be worse after that? Do not you vain it all started? What if there is something good together with the bad? And you can come up with hundreds of excuses, just not to change anything ... And together with this refusal of your volitional decision, you lose confidence, confidence in the future, losing self-esteem and even, maybe, respect for others. After all, you already told someone about the fact that from the new year you start a new life? You see how many consequences ... Therefore, you need to take yourself in hand and step. Straight into the hole. Immediately. And even if it is cold and hard, but then there will be such results that you did not expect.

1. Do not put impossible goals
I had a girlfriend, who decided to play sports from the new year every day. The subscription for fitness bought in advance, plus new skis and a beautiful sport form. Whole December, all the conversations and thoughts of my girlfriend were busy with this noble goal. We listened to her and envied, what it was well done that it was so decided and so much money was invested in this case. So there is no reverse stroke. And now the new year has come. She allowed the first number to go out, and the second went on skis into the nearest forest. The walk has passed perfectly. The next day the muscles got sick, but the subscription in the sports club did not give rest. Third numbers she was rejected two hours on cardiotrymen. Fourth girlfriend could not move. By skipping three days of training, she burned and put the cross on their task-maximum. Sold a subscription. Put skis to the balcony and plunged into the lazy weekend. And why? Because he overestimated their strength. If she decided to play sports twice a week, she would fully mastered this mode and would not be despair so quickly.

We often take our plans too seriously and choose the most radical path. And by this, we turn yourself to failure. If you realize that sweet is not good for you, then in no case, do not forbide yourself completely sweet. Limit two chocolate candies per day.

Throw smoking is also easier if you reduce the number of cigarettes speared a day. In any case, take care of yourself. After all, this is not some other person after the new year to carry out your plan, namely you. And it will not be easy for you, you can break. Therefore, try to actually appreciate your capabilities and put only feasible goals. And over time, you can improve the result and put new and new planks that will be easier and easier to overcome.

2. Invent a reward
First of all, it may be a little indifference in your new rules. If you prepared a week for my husband, surprisingly delicious dinners, lunches and breakfasts, then on Sunday you can also shook. If you are rejected for a month at workouts without a single pass, then you can skip a couple of classes, let them in the sauna and drinking green tea with a girlfriend in a fitness cafe. And only when you understand how nice to reward yourself for excellent work, you will receive even more pleasure from her.

And if you have an ally in your endeavors, then rewrite the reward from it. For example, your friend has hinted for a long time that I would like, so that you lose it. Hung on very tactful, yes you understand that this is a reasonable hint. So, it is worth attracting a friend as a stimulating moment. Let it promise to buy that combination from an expensive store, which you have been looking for so long if you lose weight for 3 kg. Do not forget about the first point and put the real goal. Then you get an additional motivation: a possible gift, an ally respect and a sense of their own strong will. Agree: to follow my new rules so much easier.

And since you tend to bind the beginning of a new life with a certain date (the beginning of the New Year), then a possible remuneration also links with a certain number on the calendar and to note in red. Then you can calculate your strength and you will feel that your efforts will soon be rewarded by merit.

You will see a possible stop point when you can evaluate the result. You can also calm yourself the idea that on the very day you can and at all stop our new life and return to the old. That is, you can count the reward and return to last year's rules, if suddenly something will not succeed. But I hope that this will not happen.

3. Start a little earlier than the designated term
Whatever we come up with yourself, to make some important step on January 1 is very difficult. Just because this day for us is very ghostly and non-existent. On the first day of the New Year, we must have a delicious salads and juicy tangerines, finish almost exhaled champagne and fall all day at home, browsing once again all the same old New Year movies. Such a tradition. And it will be very difficult to break it. Then, on January 2, it will be no less difficult, because it seems you have already given the slabbook and as a result, I lost fot.

Therefore, the output one is to start a little earlier. December 25, for example. Already then limit the amount of drinking alcohol. Or go skiing. Or throw half of your fans. It will be a general rehearsal, training before the main battle. And you can then appreciate your strength and feel like a real hero.

One my friend was going to throw my boyfriend for a very long time. Every week she decided to do it in the next Monday, but every Monday did not turn her tongue, and the explanation was postponed. In December, she firmly decided to tell him about all the first of January, in order not to spoil the holiday. As you guessed, she failed to have a new year, because she could not be distracted from his hard thoughts, her hands and lips were trembling and did not succeed at least a little just have fun. She thought how she would tell everything that he would answer, and whether she didn't think of it. And he threw her first day. She, however, was not upset, but still regrets that he did not take this step back in December, then the new year would have turned out to be joyful, and the bustling of nerve cells would be saved.

4. College Diary
So psychologists advise. I am always with the new year . I will record my smart thoughts there (sometimes it happens), ideas and events. It will not be such a diary that I led at the age of 17, but another, an adult diary, which will help to systematize thoughts, analyze events and find the main thing in useless. I decided to start it on January 1, because my new bought a diary begins on January 1. But it is not even important. And the main thing is that I am looking forward to 2006, because I feel - it will be something new and interesting. And any my undertaking I will record and follow its development. To then, in five years, when I open this leather book, I was not ashamed that I am from those people who never bring things to the end. And the diary will push me, help, maintain in a difficult moment. And I will always be able to turn a few pages back and see: Yes, in fact there is progress. And it means that all this needs someone.

And the last on this list, but the first to significance: it is necessary to believe in yourself and (a little) in a miracle. Tell yourself: "I can" and put a bold point. No doubt should be. Because you: a) put a real target and b) you see future light prospects. Plus you want to change, and someone supports you. This means that you will succeed.

You made a decision, marked the deadlines, did everything possible - and now you can only follow your own flags, and you will achieve the desired one. It is known for such a fact: if a woman doubts his desire and his ability to become a mother - then she has much less chance to get pregnant than that that is confident in his health. Therefore, deceive your body and all ill-wishers. Believe in yourself, and then there will be forces. And the coming New Year will help you in this, because we are all waiting for him a miracle and fairy tales, and he will not deceive our expectations. What I wish you and.

Take away from pre-holiday bustle at least a minute, look around. Hundreds of people rush past you, who, along with a learned list of gifts, scroll into another important idea in the head: "From the new year I ..." And here I have something hurts. Humanity is characteristic of critically approached the life path. At the same time, only units (lucky!) Really do not regret anything. Most of us constantly arise the thoughts about the fact that it was a little bit too lazy, it was nicknamed, but here it became nonsense. Understanding this and not wanting to put up with our own failures, we find the only way - to correct mistakes. Again, only individual, especially ingenious, people are able to begin "work on errors" at the time of their detection. For most ordinary citizens are characteristic of Monday's conversations. Everyone loves to give themselves a delay, and on the eve of such a convenient reason, as a new year, not everyone resorts to this trick. Indeed, the New Year's magic seems to give everyone to the hope that since the pure calendar sheet everything will contribute to solving old problems.

There is a certain logic in this. For example, it is difficult to decide right tomorrow to stop eating calorie food if numerous feasts are coming. Even a long-conscious need to do sports will be postponed before "I'll do it from the new year," because no one wants to start classes from the holidays vacation. Examples can be given a set. For example, I promise my new year to give myself to donate the articles in order not to force the editor to worry ...

I will not argue, this approach is correct or not. Of course, people with steel will and clear mind will say: why do you want to wait if you can start changing now? Why nad extra kilograms so that then painfully throw them off for a long time? Why continue to burn squirrels from the muscles - so that it was more difficult to restore them? After all, even in the depths of the soul, a person understands that all these "from the new year" is only an attempt to compromise with his own laziness. However, we recognize: in the XXI century, lazy almost everything, which means they will be condescending. Wants to lengthen and complicate his way to goal - please. Let's just decide to do something firmly. Let the plans for new undertakings be as specific as the business plans that today are hastily completed in the hundreds of the office and the performers who also convince themselves: "No, from next year I will not stay after work!"

As a result, the first thing that needs to make a new life should be done (even from the first of January), is to decide on the concepts. You should not wait for clear results in foreseeable terms with the installation "I will begin a new life - I will become rich." Specify your desires: I want to earn so much and so much to a number. You will be able to dwell too walked fantasy in the second stage of preparations for a new life, so do not hesitate to: let yourself be frozen. Soon the holiday!

Deciding with the goal, bruise to yourself on the nose that any serious change that you want to translate into life is achieved by certain means. If you decide to start boxing from the new year, then today it is necessary to ask what halls are most convenient for you when training starts, etc. Perhaps it is worth going to go there right now and chat with a coach, buying equipment - in general, makes those small preparatory steps that will not give laziness or circumstances to lead you from the selected track. At the same time, in the process of planning, you can determine if you really set this goal - or simply on the wave of sorrow-fashion and universal brutality reached out for sports. Decided to begin to lose weight from the new year? O.K., let the diet really wait until the end of the festive feasts, but start with the exercises. At least with the easiest and simple ways of useful. Leave the car at home (anyway on pre-holiday traffic jams on it are not pouring into it), but for gifts to friends and close to go on foot!

The main thing is to remember that starting a new life is normal and even right. It is permissible to postpone the beginning. It is only important not to turn it into an excuse. After all, it is necessary to understand: if a person appears a desire along with a calendar sheet to turn over and all the old way, it means that he is dissatisfied with something! And, therefore, there is a serious work and even the struggle. For her, a person, first of all, must motivate himself correctly. The next thing will be just necessary, in order to the first sheet of the new calendar opened you a new me, - patience and ability to wait. Murrely change? It is stupid to think that they will happen in one day. Especially if you know yourself: Well, you do not have enough will! Would - would not have to prescribe a date with which you will change. If you decide to get rid of the couple, another extra kilo, it is stupid to expect striking changes in the next morning. And the second January nothing happens. Even to Christmas progress will be minimal. But if you are motivated to wait for real results, you will be rewarded with time. The main thing, to protect ourselves from the affected thoughts in the style "nothing will happen, I am powerless to change something."

Any complicated business is better to be left surrounded by faithful companions or at least competent specialists. Decide how difficult it is and cool you are going to change your life, and count the one of your surroundings can help. It is clear that the desire in the new year to quit drinking will be very difficult to implement in the company of convinced alcoholics. But a new, healthier surroundings in this situation will be excellent. Think, maybe with this little change will go a series of new important discoveries ... Surprisingly, but determining the goal and defending the way to her, a person discovers that he did not have to wait for the New Year at all. When a dream ceases to be a dream, turning into a conscious plan of action, it, of course, loses a certain charm, but practically gives a person much more. It comes a distinct understanding that change itself is not so difficult, if you really work on it. And after the correction of old mistakes and problems, the desire arises to develop the result achieved, improve yourself. A person is like a tree: when it can not stretch up, begins to grow to the side. Sometimes, under the oppression of the elements, the trunk can be twisted and even some time to grow down. However, at the first opportunity, his top rushes towards the Sun. Also, the person is constantly postponing his development "before the New Year", there is a breakdown or degrades. But it is worth it to start to really change herself, he sharply shoots up. Therefore - to hell with excuses! Although right now, at least from the new year, but stop postponing long-minded changes. If they come to your mind, then it is called. Saving their decision is a conscious desire for self-destruction. Do you need it? Work on yourself, stop sorry yourself, plan your changes and treat it with all seriousness. Then - already from the new year - your life will rush to even greater happiness and well-being!

Stand on skates

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Stand on skates

Traditional winter entertainment - skating - this winter can be combined with walks in nature, because more than a dozen rollers openly on specially protected areas - Simply put, in forest parks, which, after the landscaped, turned into comfortable places for outdoor activities, without losing "Wild" natural component.

The rollers opened in the Bitzovsky Forest, Izmailovsky Park, Moskvoretsky and Tushinsky Parks, in the Park "Tsaritsyno", Reservations "Teply Stan", "The Valley of the Setun River" in the "Skusovo" and Silver Bor estate. Plus, we will not go anywhere to the rollers in Gorky Park and at the VDNX. All about ice!

/ Go hill

2 of 7.

Sit from Gorki

In winter, it is customary to ride a slide! It is cool and great at least because it is not necessary to learn. Merry Moscow trend - riding on tubing (round inflatable sleigh). It is possible to do this, for example, in the very center - in the Museon Arts Park, where a tubing park with a slide is 6.5 meters and a length of almost 180 meters from December 29 and a length of almost 180 meters. There will be two mountains at VNNH - 18 and 120 meters long, and the longest two-plate descent is waiting for you in Sokolniki.

In addition to the mentioned places, you can ride in 15 Moscow parks, among which "Fili", "Vorontsovsky", "Gardeners", "Park of the 60th anniversary of October", "Kuzminki", "Babushkin" and others.

/ Feed bumps

By the way, you add to the Moscow Department by overhaul, you can take your pet to the park, since in many of them there are places for walking dogs, where there is an opportunity to remove your pet. Only with the dog you will have less chances to see a hare (but more reasons to move).

3 of 7.

Feed bumps

Special pleasure - feed different animals. Often, the townspeople forget that in Moscow, in addition to the pigeons, there are also real forest beasts: proteins, hares, forest birds and others. Zaitsev here was calculated - they live in the capital 852. Especially for them in seven parks, the "Filty Hare" program launches. Citizens can bring carrots, oats and other delicacies for "eared Muscovites" and leave in special feeders. The most luck and patient will be able to wait and take a picture of animals.

The "full hare will take place all winter in Parks" Tushinsky "," Moskvoretsky "," Kuzminki-Lublino "," Bittsevsky Forest "," Northern "," Izmailovo "and" Silver Bor ".

By the way, you add to the Moscow Department by overhaul, you can take your pet to the park, since in many of them there are places for walking dogs, where there is an opportunity to remove your pet. Only with the dog you will have less chances to see a hare (but more reasons to move).

/ To ski

4 out of 7.

To ski

In winter, in Moscow you can ride and skiing - for this purpose conditions are specifically created. Thus, in the framework of a comprehensive improvement in many parks, a pavilion device was provided for the rental of inventory with the possibility of year-round operation, RIA Real Estate was told in the metropolitan department of overhaul.

Almost all the bikes that were created were either updated as part of work on improvement, ski tracks are laid in winter. "The device of ski trails is planned, for example, in such parks as: the park of the 850th anniversary of Moscow, the recreation area is the left bank, the recreation area Terletskaya Dubrava," - clarified in the Department.

/ Just walk

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Just walk

In Moscow parks, you can just walk and admire the nature. In each park, as part of a comprehensive improvement, benches were installed, and some have pavilions-canopies, under which you can hide from bad weather, or closed pavilions are told in the Department of Bearemont.

As part of the integrated improvement of parks, the road trip of the network is laid, pleasure zones are created, new routes are being laid, which connect spaces, ecotrops are made.

For example, the new Park academic joined Fersmannaya Street, Dmitry Ulyanova and the 60th anniversary of October. On the perimeter of the park installed several inputs. Residents of adjacent homes can now enter the shops, kindergarten, school or endocrinological scientific center directly through the park. Previously, they had to be bypass.

/ Travel to Christmas

6 out of 7.

Travel to Christmas

It will be a mistake to assume that the active holidays in New Year's Moscow will be available only in park areas. Ride off the slides, shoot in a dash and even get up on a snowboard can be on the venues, where the traditional festival "Journey to Christmas" is held. The largest of them will be a snowboarding park "Balanceboard", located on the new Arbat.

/ Quests and master classes

7 out of 7.

Quests and master classes

All days of vacation in Moscow parks are educational and game events. For example, on January 4, an excursion "Nature and civilization" will take place in the Couscovo EcoColac.

In winter, trees are at rest, explain in the Department of Bearemont. The care of them is reduced to pruning the broken branches and cleaning crowns from snow, in addition, if necessary, specialists replace wood chip in the rolling circles. Main works start early in spring. But on the excursion it will be possible to learn more.

A complete list of events can be seen on the website of Mospriches.

1 of 7.

Stand on skates

Traditional winter entertainment - skating - this winter can be combined with walks in nature, because more than a dozen rollers openly on specially protected areas - Simply put, in forest parks, which, after the landscaped, turned into comfortable places for outdoor activities, without losing "Wild" natural component.

The rollers opened in the Bitzovsky Forest, Izmailovsky Park, Moskvoretsky and Tushinsky Parks, in the Park "Tsaritsyno", Reservations "Teply Stan", "The Valley of the Setun River" in the "Skusovo" and Silver Bor estate. Plus, we will not go anywhere to the rollers in Gorky Park and at the VDNX. All about ice!

2 of 7.

Sit from Gorki

In winter, it is customary to ride a slide! It is cool and great at least because it is not necessary to learn. Merry Moscow trend - riding on tubing (round inflatable sleigh). It is possible to do this, for example, in the very center - in the Museon Arts Park, where a tubing park with a slide is 6.5 meters and a length of almost 180 meters from December 29 and a length of almost 180 meters. There will be two mountains at VNNH - 18 and 120 meters long, and the longest two-plate descent is waiting for you in Sokolniki.

In addition to the mentioned places, you can ride in 15 Moscow parks, among which "Fili", "Vorontsovsky", "Gardeners", "Park of the 60th anniversary of October", "Kuzminki", "Babushkin" and others.

As part of the integrated improvement of parks, the road trip of the network is laid, pleasure zones are created, new routes are being laid, which connect spaces, ecotrops are made.

For example, the new Park academic joined Fersmannaya Street, Dmitry Ulyanova and the 60th anniversary of October. On the perimeter of the park installed several inputs. Residents of adjacent homes can now enter the shops, kindergarten, school or endocrinological scientific center directly through the park. Previously, they had to be bypass.

6 out of 7.

Travel to Christmas

It will be a mistake to assume that the active holidays in New Year's Moscow will be available only in park areas. Ride off the slides, shoot in a dash and even get up on a snowboard can be on the venues, where the traditional festival "Journey to Christmas" is held. The largest of them will be a snowboarding park "Balanceboard", located on the new Arbat.