If you carefully look around the parties, the role of mathematics in a person's life becomes obvious. Computers, modern phones and other techniques accompany us every day, and their creation is impossible without the use of laws and calculations of the Great Science. However, the role of mathematics in and society is not exhausted by its use. Otherwise, for example, many artists could say that the time dedicated to the school to solve problems and the proof of the theorems was wasted. Nevertheless, it is not. Let's try to figure out why mathematics need.


To begin with, it is worth understanding that in general is mathematics. Translated from the ancient Greek its very name means "Science", "Study". The basis of mathematics is the calculation, measurement and descriptions of object forms. which is based on knowledge of structure, order and relationships. It is they who make up the essence of science. The properties of real objects in it are idealized and recorded in the formal language. So there is their conversion to mathematical objects. Part of the idealized properties become axiomas (statements that do not require evidence). Of these, other true properties are displayed. This is formed a really existing object.

Two sections

Mathematics can be divided into two complementary parts. Theoretical science is engaged in a deep analysis of intramathematical structures. Applied provides its models to other disciplines. Physics, chemistry and astronomy, engineering systems, prediction and logic use the mathematical apparatus constantly. With it, discoveries are made, regularities are detected, events are predicted. In this sense, the value of mathematics in human life is impossible to overestimate.

The basis of professional activity

Without knowledge of the basic mathematical laws and the skills of them to use modern world It becomes very difficult to learn almost any professions. With numbers and operations with them are not only financiers and accountants. Astronomer will not be able to determine without such knowledge of the distance to the star and the best observation time, and the molecular biologist is to understand how to deal with gene mutation. The engineer does not construct a working system of alarm or video surveillance, and the programmer will not find an approach to the operating system. Many of these and other professions without mathematics simply do not exist.

Humanitarian knowledge

However, it is not so obvious the role of mathematics in a person's life, for example, dedicated to painting or literature. Nevertheless, the traces of the queen of science are present in humanitarian knowledge.

It would seem that poetry - solid romance and inspiration, there is no place for analysis and calculation. However, it is enough to remember the poetic dimensions of the amphibrachius), as the understanding comes that mathematics and then attached his hand. Rhythm, verbal or musical, is also described and calculated using the knowledge of this science.

For a writer or psychologist, such concepts are often important as the accuracy of information, a single case, a generalization, and so on. All of them are either directly mathematical, or are built on the basis of the patterns developed by the Queen of Sciences, there are thanks to it according to its rules.

Psychology was born at the junction of humanitarian and natural sciences. All its directions, even those that work exclusively with images are based on observation, data analysis, their generalization and verification. Simulation and forecasting, and statistical methods are also used here.

From school

Mathematics in our lives is present not only in the process of mastering the profession and the implementation of the knowledge gained. One way or another, we use the Queen of Sciences almost at every moment of time. That is why mathematics begin to teach enough early. Solving simple and complex tasks, the child is not just learning to fold, deduct and multiply. He slowly, with Azov hesitates the device of the modern world. And it's not about technical progress or the ability to check the delivery in the store. Mathematics forms some features of thinking and affects the attitude towards the world.

The simplest, most difficult, most importantly

Probably, everyone will remember at least one evening at the homework, when I wanted to desperately look: "I don't understand why a mathematics need!", Throw away the hated complex and tedious tasks and escape to the yard to friends. At school and even later, at the institute, the assurances of parents and teachers "then it will be useful" seem annoying delirium. However, they turn out to be right.

It is mathematics, and then physics, teaches to find causal relationships, lays the habit of looking for the notorious "where the legs grow from." Attention, focus, willpower - they are also trained in the process of solving the most hated tasks. If you go further, the ability to display the consequences from the facts to predict future events, and also to do also laid during the study of mathematical theories. Modeling, abstraction, deduction and induction - all of these sciences and at the same time ways to work the brain with information.

And again psychology

Often, it is Mathematics that gives the child a revelation that adults are not alignment and know everything. It happens when mom or dad to help solve the problem only bold hands and declare their inability to do it. And the child is forced to seek the answer, mistaken and look again. It also happens that parents simply refuse to help. "You must myself," they say. And correctly do. After many hours attempts, the child will receive not just done homeworkBut the ability to independently find solutions, detect and correct errors. And this also lies the role of mathematics in human life.

Of course, independence, the ability to make decisions, to respond to them, the lack of fear of errors are produced not only in algebra and geometry lessons. But these disciplines play a considerable role in the process. Mathematics raises such qualities as dedication and activity. True, much depends on the teacher. Improper supply of material, excessive severity and pressure can, on the contrary, to instill fear of difficulties and errors (first in the lessons, and then in life), the unwillingness to express their opinion, passivity.

Mathematics in everyday life

Adults after the end of the university or college do not cease to solve mathematical tasks every day. How to catch a train? Will it get from a kilogram of meat to cook dinner for ten guests? How many calories in the dish? For what time is the same light bulb? These and many other questions are directly related to the Queen of Science and without it are not solved. It turns out, mathematics in our life is invisibly present almost constantly. And most often we do not even notice this.

Mathematics in the life of society and separate man affects a huge number of areas. Some professions are unthinkable without it, many have appeared only due to the development of its individual directions. Modern technical progress is closely related to the complication and development of the mathematical apparatus. Computers and phone numbers, aircraft and spacecraft would never have appeared, do not be people known to the queen of science. However, the role of mathematics in a person's life is not exhausted. Science helps the child to master the world, teaches more efficient interaction with him, forms thinking and individual character qualities. However, in itself, mathematics would not have coped with such tasks. As mentioned above, the infancy of the material and the peculiarities of the person who introduces the child with the world plays a huge role.

Russian Ministry of Junius


Faculty of Economics

Department of Higher Mathematics and Applied Informatics


Why need mathematics


Student 1-IEF- 5

Mikhailova Margarita Vasilyevna

Accept: to. T. N, associate professor

Bengina Tatyana Alekseevna

Samara 2012.

Why need mathematics

Like any normal child, still in school yearsI was worried about the question: why do you need mathematics? Then, I quickly found a response to him, learning to correctly count the surrender, consider how much I remained to accumulate to the necessary beads and bracelets, at what angle to throw a stone on the water so that the frog was turned out.

Now, being a university student, I will try to once again ask myself a question about the meaning of mathematics in our lives and understand it deeper.

Honestly, I thought Mathematics didn't play such great role In the life of people, but when I started writing an abstract and think about this topic, it turned out that I was not right. About such great meaning And the importance of mathematics in the life of people I did not guessed.

It is hard to imagine, but sometime people did not know how to count!

The facts convincingly indicate that the score arose before the names of the numbers. The person enjoyed him by the surrounding items: fingers, pebbles, knots, drawn on the wall of dash, scubrons on sticks and trees, bugs of stones, etc. When the language occurs, the words are associated only with those concepts that already exist, that is, is recognized. The words "one", "two" and, possibly, "three" appear regardless of the account. Numbering (numbering) is a set of appeals of the name and notation of numbers. When the account becomes common and familiar, for the most common (i.e. small) groups of standard objects, verbal designations arise.

With complication economic activity People need to keep an account on more extensive limits, which demanded the creation of more complex countable devices. These are different accounts (abacus, Soroban, Suan-Pan, etc.) and later in the Middle Ages, mechanical counts appear.

In many ways, thanks to mathematics, civilization has become the one that it is now: developed, high-tech, educated and secured. Mathematical science made it possible to develop civilization in all its aspects.

The meaning of the concept of mathematics

The name "Mathematics" comes from the Greek word "Mateyn" (Mathein) - learn, to know. The ancient Greeks generally believed that the concepts of "mathematics" (Mathematike) and "Science", "Cognition" (Mathema) - synonyms. They were typical of this understanding of the universalism of this industry, which two thousand years later expressed René Descartes, who wrote: "To the field of mathematics, there are sciences in which either order, either measure, and absolutely not essentially, will these numbers, figures, stars Sounds or something else ...; thus, there must be a certain overall science explaining everything related to the order and extent without entering the study of any private subjects ... "

Another explanation for the origin of the word "mathematics" is associated with the Greek word "Matema" (Mathema), which means a harvest, harvesting. Marking of land plots (geometry), determining the timing of field work (based on astronomical observations and calculations), the preparation of the necessary number of sowing materials and counting the collected crop demanded serious mathematical knowledge.

The role of mathematics in science

The role of mathematics B. modern science constantly increasing. This is due to the fact that, firstly, without a mathematical description of a number of phenomena, it is difficult to hope for their deeper understanding and development, and, secondly, the development of physics, linguistics, technical and some other sciences involves the widespread use of the mathematical apparatus. Moreover, without the development and use of the latter, it would be impossible, neither the development of space, nor the creation of electronic computing machines that have found the use in a wide variety of areas of human activity.

Thanks to mathematical knowledge and skills, we solve not only arithmetic tasks. This science allows you to develop the flexibility of the mind that you need to take an objective solution to any task. This not only mathematical objectives, but also various life situations requiring consideration "at different angles". To understand, know the essence of the problem, you need to consider it from all sides, which is possible due to imagination. mathematics Science Language

Mathematics - an accurate science that does not tolerate errors. It is thanks to this feature, mathematical laws formed the basis of all inventions, starting primitive in the form of levers and pendulums and ending with supercomputers.

Mathematical language

Laws and laws in mathematics are objective and applicable in all other areas of human knowledge. Her laws are based on physics, chemistry, geography, geology and many other areas scientific knowledgein which it is simply impossible to do without mathematics<#"justify">Now we are accustomed that everything is instantly becoming, for a computer year - already a sentence. And you imagine that everything that has been laid two thousand years ago in mathematics is still relevant that all the mathematical laws and theorems that have been formulated by the famous mathematicians of those times are still true. Almost nothing has changed since that time.

Mathematics - country without borders

More than once I had to hear the phrase that mathematics is a country without borders. Despite its banality, the phrase about mathematics has very good reasons. Mathematics in a person's life occupies a special place. We have grown so much with her that they simply do not notice her.

But everything begins with mathematics. The child was only born, and the first numbers in his life are already sounding: height, weight.

The kid grows, can not distort the words "mathematics", and is already doing it, solves small tasks for counting the toys, cubes. Yes, and parents about mathematics and tasks do not forget. Preparing the child food, weighing it, they have to use mathematics. After all, it is necessary to solve elementary tasks: how much food needs to be prepared for the baby, given its weight.

Builders make planning apartments, optimal planning of apartments, length and width of the corridor, the size of the rooms helps to find from simple features. You have the area, the main parameters of the house (length and width), the approximate size of the corridor, on the basis of this system is compiled elementary functionsIn which only the parameters of the rooms remain unknowns, what interests you. Then this system is reduced to one equation, differentiates, is examined for monotony, and its extremum points are located. It is the points of extremum and are optimal, the topic that is most profitable to use. Unknown values \u200b\u200bobtained at extremum points and are used by builders.

At school mathematical problems<#"center">Mathematics in antiquity

The ancient Egyptians would never have built their great pyramids without ordinary laws of mathematics. It seems that it can be easier than to spend a straight line?! But in order to make the side of the pyramid, a straight line of a few kilometers is needed! Egyptians managed to think about how to solve the task<#"justify">Many rules from school textbooks of arithmetic and geometry were known to the ancient Greeks two more than a thousand years ago. Other ancient peoples - Egyptians, Babylonians, the Chinese, the peoples of India - in the third millennium to our annoying had information on geometry and arithmetic, which is not enough to some disciples of the fifth or sixth grade. After all, everywhere, where you need to count something, measure, compare, without mathematics can not do. And the further, the more and more accurate it was necessary to count. With each decade, mathematics became everything more for people. Now the calculations and calculations have to do not only be engaged in mathematicians themselves: both engineers, sailors, and builders at every step came across computing.

Who else helps mathematics

Also, mathematics helps astronomers, in determining the paths of distant stars. Engineers in the calculation of jet aircraft, ships. Physics opens up laws atomic nucleus. The sailor indicates the path of the ship in the ocean.

Nowadays, more and more computing machines, complex machines, various automata, therefore, mathematics are needed not only engineers and physicists, but also to ordinary craftsmen and a worker worker.

However, a few dollars ago there were many such tasks, it was almost impossible to decide, although mathematics and knew how to solve them. It happened that for solving one single task, dozens of people worked for several years. Calculations went slowly. The main "instruments" mathematics were the same as in the days of the ancient Greeks - its own head and a blank paper with a pencil.

And the mathematics appeared a new mighty assistant, which is called an electronic computing machine.

The invention of electronic computing machines began a new era in mathematics and many other sciences.

We need to fold a thousand large numbers. If you add numbers on paper by a column, then it is likely to take four hours. An experienced accountant will fold the thousand numbers in about an hour. And the electronic computing machine will be needed for this work ... share of seconds. In addition, it will make calculation several times. Existing high-speed computers work hundreds of thousands of times faster than man.

For the prediction of tomorrow's weather, thousands of arithmetic action were required. With a manual account, two specialists would spend five years on these calculations, and the car performed the work per hour.

For example, in many large airports, the computer instead of a man manager manages take-off and landing aircraft. The car turns out to be a much better dispatcher than a person: she "thinks faster", never worries, does not get tired and almost never mistakes. It turns out that "with the help of" electronic computing machine Mathematics can control airplanes!

Computing machines manage trains, metro, artificial satellites Earth, plants and even translate books from one language to another. Each such machine works according to the laws of mathematics.

Famous statements about mathematics

No wonder the brilliant scientist Karl Friedrich Gauss said that mathematics - Queen of Science!

"Mathematics is just why it is necessary to learn that it is in order to lead," these are the words of our famous and genius M. Lomonosov.

"Mathematics - the gymnastics of the mind" - spoke great commander Suvorov.

"Science is only then achieving perfection when it starts using mathematics," said world-famous politician and philosopher Marx.

Great Book of Nature written by mathematical symbols - spoke Galilee.

"A person who does not know mathematics is not able to any other sciences" - spoke R. Bacon

Never more mathematics was so comprehensive and so necessary to people with science as today. About what mathematics will be tomorrow, it is difficult to speak. It develops now so rapidly, so often new discoveries are being made in it, which guess what will happen is perhaps it is useless. One thing you can say for sure: tomorrow mathematics will become more powerful, even more important and more likely to people than today.


1.Lakatnikov L. I. . Economics and Mathematical Dictionary: Dictionary of Modern economic Science.

2.I.I. Depman. History of arithmetic.

Kudryavtsev V.A., Demidovich B.P. Short course of higher mathematics.

Highest mathematics for economists. Edited by Kremera N.Sh.

Zamkov O.O., Tolstopyenko A.V., Zhelenkh Yu.N. Mathematical methods in the economy.

Internet resources.


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Very often from schoolchildren or students, future profession which is not related to mathematics, the presence of accurate science in the mandatory curriculum Causes bewilderment and question: " Why need mathematics ? "," How will she come in handy in life? ". Most people see no sense in the study of this fundamental science, forgetting that mathematics ranks first among sciences of natural science.

To determine the place of mathematics in our life, it is necessary to understand what qualities help develop even the minimum knowledge of this subject and how they can be used in practice.

The role of mathematics in science

Mathematics is one of the fundamental sciences, laws, formulas and methods of which are used in other disciplines - chemistry, physics, biology and even drawing. Despite the fact that the relationships and relationships of mathematical entities are abstract concepts, while interacting with other sciences, concrete descriptive, simulating and predictive processes that endile the mathematics "flesh and blood" begin to work.

Mathematics is one of the tools of knowledge and understanding of the world. This is an accurate science in which the order and logic found their embodiment - it is them obeys the world around us.

Nature language can be transferred to the language of mathematics, the language of numbers, it will help us to understand the structure and connection of any phenomena, build models and predict their future states. It is enough to recall how the contribution to the science did the formulas of the theory of Einstein relativity, thanks to which we begin to know our universe, and the laws of which are experimentally confirmed by space research.

Mathematical laws allow us to simulate any actions, predict and calculate the results of any process by the formulas.

Even medicine without mathematics is: besides the design of medical devices, with the help of mathematical laws, the effectiveness of any treatment is analyzed.

Thanks to mathematics, we build buildings and complex structures, we master the outer space, we develop various technologies using computers and mobile phones and even develop our culture.

What gives mathematics to man?

Why need mathematics ? What does she give a man, what abilities and skills develop?

First of all, this fundamental science develops our mental abilities - analysis, deduction, the ability to predict. Mathematical knowledge improves abstract thinking, strengthen its speed, teach abstract, concentrate and trains memory.

If specifying that mathematics gives us, then the result of acquaintance with it can be represented by the following list of skills:

  • communication;
  • analysis of complex situations, the adoption of optimal solutions, regardless of the complexity of the situation;
  • search and finding patterns;
  • development of logic, reasoning, generalization, competent formulation of thought and logical conclusions;
  • rapid decision making;
  • planning and holding in the head of a complex step-by-step sequence;
  • logical construction of complex operations and storage of them in memory.

The listed skills are acquired not only as a result of solving problems of various sections of mathematics (algebra, geometry, trigonometry, probability theory, statistics, etc.), but also in the process of using such mathematical and logical methods as puzzles, exact sciences or mind gamesthat load your brains and "make" search for non-standard solutions and analyze.

Why do you need mathematics to a child?

Mathematics is necessary for the development of children. In addition to the fact that it develops the mind of the child, it lays the basis of rational thinking and intellectual Development Back at the stage of school learning.

Mathematics, forming logic, trains our mind, which allows you to compare various concepts, to reflect them and comprehend. A man with "porridge in the head" is more prone to delusions, both in thoughts and in reasoning. In other words, the knowledge of mathematics will not allow you to deceive you how millions of people who trusted their contributions to financial pyramids were deceived.

Mathematics is not just formulas and calculations, it is logic and order that follow their rules and functions! Mathematical knowledge allows a person to argue correctly, form his thoughts, keep complex sequences in the head and build interrelations between them.

Why do you need mathematics humanities?

Many humanities believe that they don't need mathematics, forgetting that mathematical thinking will help in any profession that is not related to the exact sciences. It is not necessary to walk far, remember the lawyers: they build their defense in court, like chess players, inventing tricky and extraordinary solutions using the legislative base and the logical procedure.

Specially learning an in-depth course of mathematics - no sense. To obtain the necessary basic knowledge of a fairly school and primary university education, on which general education items are mandatory for all, both for techies and humanitarian. The study of multidirectional items harmoniously complements the knowledge of a person who will be useful not only in the future profession, but also in everyday life.

Why do you need mathematics in everyday life and in work?

No matter how hateful mathematics in school, without it, can not do in everyday life. Without elementary mathematical knowledge and calculations, it is impossible to calculate the budget, pay taxes, fill out the payment receipt, determine interest on the deposit or loan. Without mathematics, it is impossible to choose a mobile operator or provider, because to determine the most favorable conditions, you need to analyze the data and establish benefits. Such examples can be brought infinitely. In other words, mathematical knowledge is used in all spheres of everyday life.

Despite the fact that your future profession does not imply a connection with mathematical formulas and calculations, no one knows what you will do in the future. For example, come in to become an entrepreneur and open your own business. Such a change of work will require you to master new skills on the organization and maintenance of business, including accounting, and without mathematical methods of forecasting, modeling, analysis and calculations, do not achieve success.

Why need mathematics ? Mathematics, like other accurate sciences, are important not only for human development, but also for its intellectual improvement. At the same time, do not forget that the "Queen of Science" is closely connected with humanitarian sciences, for example, literature. Reading books, we argue, build logical chains, find interrelations and analyzing read. The relationship of the exact and humanitarian sciences is harmoniously developing our mind, giving a person of versatility, makes us interesting for others and facilitates our lives with a variety of knowledge and skills. No wonder all great scientists recognized that without mathematics, no discovery is not working without it, none of the invention, no enterprise, no state. Mathematics is the basis of everything!

Mathematics - language of science: studies the quantitative and spatial features of various objects, phenomena and processes in various sciences. Mathematics is the productive strength of society, since the study of various kinds of phenomena is found quantitative patterns and strict mathematical methods are widely used.

Never had to hear the phrase that mathematics-country without borders. Despite its banality, the phrase about mathematics has a very good base. After all, one of the most ancient and interesting sciences of the world is Mathematics.

Mathematics in a person's life occupies a special place. We have grown so much with her that they simply do not notice her.

But everything begins with mathematics. The child was only born, and the first numbers in his life are already sounding: height, weight.

The baby is growing, can not peel the word "mathematics", and he already deals with it, solves small tasks on calculating the toys, cubes. Yes, and parents about mathematics and tasks do not forget. Preparing the child food, weighing it, they have to use mathematics. After all, it is necessary to solve elementary tasks: how much food should be prepared for the baby, given its age, etc.

Mathematics is one of those sciences, the foundations that have been laid no year, not two and not even a hundred years ago. Mathematics with us for several thousand years. Now, studying at school or university, someone with ease strides mathematics or reluctantly walks, from their point of view, on this boring lesson.

Mathematics was laid for two thousand years. Now we are accustomed that everything is instantly becoming, for a computer year - already a sentence. And you imagine that all that was laid two thousand years ago in mathematics is still relevant that all the mathematical laws and theorems that have been formulated by the famous mathematicians of those times are still true. Almost nothing has changed since that time.

Mathematics everywhere! The ancient Egyptians would never have built their great pyramids without ordinary laws of mathematics. It seems that it can be easier than to spend a straight line?! But in order to make the side of the pyramid need a straight line with a few kilometers long! Egyptians managed to think about how to solve the task and forever enter the story.

There was time, the world changed around people and shifts simple tasks Began to come more and more complex. Now people could not do simple equationsThey began to think in many planes, they began to invent others, non-existent, but facilitating the lives of space. The formulas of derivatives appeared, trigonometric formulas, differentiation and integration bases, formed tables of derivatives and integral tables. An indispensable part of the world was differential equations and various methods for solving them.

Have you ever wondered on what grounds builders make planning apartments. Open you one of the secrets?! Optimal planning of apartments, length and width of the corridor, the size of the rooms helps to find simple features. You have the area, the main parameters of the house (length and width), the approximate size of the corridor, on the basis of this, a system of elementary functions is drawn up, in which only the parameters of the rooms remain unknowns, what interests you. Then this system is reduced to one equation, differentiates, is examined for monotony, and its extremum points are located. It is the points of extremum and are optimal, the topic that is most profitable to use. Unknown values \u200b\u200bobtained at extremum points and are used by builders.

Here are just some facts from the centuries-old history of mathematics, the fact that we are constantly surrounding, but we do not always think that all this we have only thanks to mathematics.

In school, mathematical tasks have to solve a lot and the complexity of them is growing every year. They do not just teach mathematics defined actions. Mathematical tasks develop thinking, logic, complex of skills: ability to group items, disclose patterns, identify links between phenomena, make decisions. Very often, the solution of such tasks is simply mathematical calculation.

The occupation of mathematics, the solution of mathematical tasks is developing personality, makes it purposeful, more active, more and more. Remember at least your classmate who knows the mathematics that quickly knows how to solve. It is often referred to as smart, mathematician, "task". It can solve the tasks, argue his choice, can critically evaluate himself and his classmates. And the performance of the rest of the subjects, besides mathematics, is an order of magnitude higher. It is the mathematical thinking that helps him in this.

It would seem that after school mathematics is not where it is not useful. Alas! Here you have to use mathematics more often.

During study at the university, at work and at home you need to constantly solve problems, and not only mathematical. What is probability successful delivery Exam in mathematics? How much money you need to earn to buy an apartment? How much can you get, doing mathematics and solving mathematical problems? What should be the volume of your home and how much do you need to buy bricks for this? How to calculate the girl or boy born to born? And then mathematics will come to the rescue. She follows man everywhere, helps him solve the tasks, makes his life much more convenient!

The world and life itself will change rapidly. It includes new technologies. Only mathematics and solving tasks in the traditional understanding do not change themselves. Mathematical laws are checked and systematized, so people at important moments can rely on it, solve any task. And mathematics will not let!

Why do we need mathematics?

Mathematics is needed in order to be able to consider objects, because it helps not get confused and not lose something important. Calculate time, for example, seconds, minutes, hours, days, seasons, years. It helps correctly and accurately plan your time. To be able to fold and subtract, as well as multiply and divide the numbers, because it helps to trade. Study geometric shapes and their location, because it helps to design and build. And the lesson of mathematics allows you to develop logical thinking, with which we find a quick solution to any problem.

For orientation in the modern world, each absolutely needed a certain set of knowledge and skills of a mathematical character (calculation skills, elements of practical geometry - measurement of geometric values, recognition and image geometric figures, work with function and schedule, drawing up and solving proportions, equations, inequalities and their systems, etc.).

The experience gained in the process of solving mathematical problems contributes to the development of rational thinking skills and ways of expressing thought (laconicism, accuracy, completeness, clarity, etc.) and intuition - the ability to foresee the result and predict the solution path. Mathematics awakens imagination. Mathematics is the path to the first experiments of scientific creativity, the path to understanding the scientific picture of the world.

Mathematics can make a noticeable contribution not only in general development Personality, but also in the formation of the character, moral traits. For the completed solution of the mathematical problem, it is necessary to pass a rather long branchy path. The error cannot be hidden - there are objective criteria for the correctness of the result and validity of the solution. Mathematics contributes to the formation of intellectual honesty, objectivity, perseverance, ability to work.

Mathematics promotes the development of aesthetic perception of the world. Anyone who experienced the joy of meeting with a beautiful unexpected idea, the result or solution of the mathematical problem, will agree that mathematics capable of becoming so strongly affected by the emotional sphere of a person, contains a meaningful aesthetic component. Essentially, this is a specific, complementary classic art forms of aesthetic development of reality - the world of ideas, abstract objects and forms, logical structures.

Why do you need to study mathematics?

Mathematics occupies a special place in the system. She studies, ultimately, nature, and this gives all the grounds to attribute it to the natural sciences, but in contrast to the rest of the sciences about nature, it does not use the methods of observation and experiment, but a deductive method wearing a purely speculative, and it brings it closer to Humanitarian sciences. Specific for mathematics Logical severity and the rigor of conclusions are designed to bring up the overall culture of thinking.

The most valuable quality of thinking is logical, that is, the ability to make the right conclusions from judgment, find the right consequences of the existing facts. This quality arises and develops in the process of studying mathematics, as mathematics is practical logic, in it every new position is obtained using strictly substantiated reasoning based on previously studied provisions. Mathematics disciplines the mind, tear to logical thinking. Mathematics is gymnastics of the mind. She teaches to reason, explain the ability to seek the ability to look for and find rational ways to solve problems arising in life.

The study of mathematics forms not only logical thinking, but also intelligence, perseverance, accuracy, criticality. The spatial imagination is very important, that is, the ability to present some kind of figures or objects and changes with them, and therefore some event. Mathematics develops the ability to guess, guess the result of the result, the ability to look for the right path in the most confusing conditions.

Mathematics teaches:

Mathematically think, that is, reasonably, clearly, consistently, logically correctly arguing;

To solve problems. Finding a way to solve requires the ability to read carefully, analyze, guess, imagine. These qualities are necessary when solving everyday tasks;

The ability to allocate the main thing and detecting is too much, insignificant;

To see in a private and concrete, the already known common or in a single and privately unknown is still unknown. That is, to form concepts and classify them;

The ability to switch from direct to the opposite thoughts (proceed from the result to the initial data and vice versa).

Subject - meaningful equipment of mathematical tasks gives a wide scope for a message of numbers and data capable of significantly expanding the horizons, raise a common cultural level. IN last years There was a sustainable tendency to penetrate mathematical methods into such sciences as history, philology, not to mention linguistics and psychology. Therefore, the circle of persons who are in their subsequent professional activitymay be applied to mathematics, expand.

10 Replies to one question: Why do you need to study mathematics?

1. The study of mathematics brings to immortal gods. (Plato)

2. In people who have learned the great principles of mathematics, one body of feelings is greater than that of ordinary mortals. (Ch. Darwin)

3. A person who can observe and analyze, is simply impossible to deceive. Its conclusions will be unmistakable as Euclidean theorems. (A. Konan Doyle)

4. No science strengthens the faith due to the human mind, like mathematics. (Shtyauz)

5. Most of the vital tasks are solved as algebraic equations: bringing them to the simplest mind. (L. Tolstoy)

6. Mathematics There is a mode of beauty of the world. (I. Kepler)

7. Mathematics is needed to study many sciences, but she herself does not need any science. (P. Capterov)

8. In history, we draw wisdom, in poetry - wit, in mathematics - insight. (F. Bacon)

9. Life is decorated with two things: the occupation of mathematics and her teaching. (S. Poisson)

10. Mathematics is a language on which all accurate sciences say. (N. I. Lobachevsky)

Thus, if you consider yourself to be educated and smart, then make the right conclusion: "Mathematics is then it is necessary to learn that it is in order in order." (M. V. Lomonosov and school mathematics teachers)

The story about a person who knew poor mathematics.

There is a story about a person who knew poor mathematics:

The man worked as an accountant in a very successful company. And now the Commission was to come. And he prepared a report on finance and did not count 1000000, thinking that he would blame him, he hanged himself. And then it turned out that only 1 kopeck was missing.

This is what the knowledge of mathematics can lead.

What - would not happen to you - learn mathematics, develop logical thinking. And it will help you in this, perhaps a collection of logical tasks and mathematical puzzles, which I made up using various sources of sources.

Many are often wondering. " Z.why do you need mathematics?. Often the fact that this discipline is included in the mandatory program of universities and schools, puts people in bewilderment. This bewilderment is expressed as follows: they say, for what, to me, a person, whose future (or current) profession will not be associated with the management of the calculations and the use of mathematical methods, know mathematics? What can I use it in life?

In this way, a large number of People do not see any sense for themselves in the development of this science, even on the elementary principle. However, mathematics, more precisely, the skills of mathematical thinking are needed to everyone and everyone, and in this article explains why.

Mathematics place in the system of sciences

Mathematics is a fundamental science.Methods of which are actively used in many natural disciplines, such as physics, chemistry and even biology. By itself, this area of \u200b\u200bknowledge operates with abstract relations and relationships, that is, such entities that themselves are not solid.

But, nevertheless, it is only math to join the area of \u200b\u200bany science about the world, it immediately embodies in the description, modeling and prediction is quite concrete and real natural processes. Here it acquires flesh and blood, leaving under the cover of idealized and cut off from life formulas and calculations.

Mathematics - tool for knowledge of the world

Mathematics is an accurate science, not tolerating arbitrariness in interpretation and various speculation. This is the embodiment of order and rigid logic. It helps to understand the world around us, learn more about his laws, as these laws are subordinated to the same order that reigns in mathematics!

The language that nature says, we can successfully translate into the language of mathematics and to realize the structure of the relationships of any phenomenon. And, after we formalize these ties, we can build models, predict future states of phenomena, which are described by these models, only on paper or inside the memory of computing machines!

Einstein, in response to the question where his laboratory is located, smiled and pointed to a pencil and paper sheet.

His formulas of the theory of relativity became an important stage in the path of knowledge of the universe in which we live. And this happened before the person began to master the cosmos and only then experimentally confirmed the correctness of the equations of the Great Scientist!

Application in modeling and forecasts

Thanks to the use of mathematics, we do not need to carry out expensive and life-threatening experiments before implementing any complex project, for example, in the development of space. We can in advance to calculate the parameters of the orbit of the spacecraft, launched from the Earth to deliver the astronauts into the orbital station. Mathematical calculations will allow no risking the life of people, but to estimate in advance all the parameters needed to start missile, ensuring a safe flight.

Of course, the model is on the fact that the model cannot take into account all possible variables, therefore the disaster happens, but it still provides fairly reliable forecasts.

An embodiment of a mathematical calculation You can see everywhere: in the car on which you drive, in a computer or portable device, from which you now read this article. All buildings, buildings are not destroyed by their own weight due to the fact that all data necessary for the construction was calculated in advance by formulas.

Medicine and healthcare - also exists due to mathematics, which is used, firstly, when designing medical devices, and secondly, when analyzing data on the effectiveness of one or another treatment.

Even weather forecast is not necessary without the use of mathematical models.

In short, thanks to mathematics, we have all technology available to us today, we do not expose our lives of meaningless danger, we build cities, we master the cosmos and develop culture! Without her, the world would be completely different.

Why do you need mathematics to a person? What abilities does it develop?

So, we found out that mathematics is one of the most important achievements Culture and civilization. Without it, the development of technologies and knowledge of nature would be unthinkable things! Well, you will say, let's say, this accurate science is really extremely important for humanity as a whole, but why should she personally need it? What will she give me?

Mathematics develops mental abilities

Mathematics allows you to develop some important mental qualities - analytical, deductive (ability to generalize), critical, prognostic (ability to predict, think a few steps forward) ability.

Also, this discipline improves the possibilities of abstract thinking (after all, it is an abstract science), the ability to concentrate, trains memory and strengthens the speed of thinking. That's how much you get! But at the same time, you or your children can lose much if you do not pay attention to this subject.

If we speak in more detail and operate with specific skills, then mathematics will help a person to develop the following intellectual abilities.

  • Ability to generalize.Consider a private event as a manifestation of general order. The ability to find the role of private in general.
  • Ability to analyzesophisticated life situationsThe ability to make the right problem solving and defined in a difficult choice.
  • The ability to find regularities.
  • Skill to think and reason, competently and clearly formulate thoughts, make faithful logical conclusions.
  • The ability to quickly figure outand make decisions.
  • Planning skill, the ability to keep some consecutive steps in the head.
  • Conceptual and abstract thinking: The skill consistently and logically build complex concepts or operations and keep them in mind.

Important moment: I have already received some number of questions from readers, so immediately I want to clarify something. The above qualities develop not only the solution of problems from different regions of mathematics: trigonometry, probability theories, etc. You do not need to find dumping school textbooks on these subjects if you want to pull these abilities.

Here I say not only about mathematics, as a specific science, but rather, about all those areas of knowledge, where the mathematical method is used and the accuracy, order and logic dominate. So for the development of some of the quality of the intellect, the study of the exact sciences, the solution of logical puzzles, and even some intellectual games are suitable. Take the fact that you are closer and more interesting, there is no need to make yourself stilding boring textbooks, the main thing is that the head worked so that the tasks requires you to search for nontrivial solutions and the accuracy of analysis.

Mathematics is necessary for the development of a child!

Especially mathematics are important for the development of the child! It sets the standards of the right, rational thinking for the whole life forward! Gives a huge impetus for mental development.

I don't even know what other school subject It is able to raise the mental level of the younger individual so much and serve as well as helpful for intellectual development later, already in adulthood. I do not mean mathematics only as a subject, an algebra or arithmetic, I'm talking about the use of mathematical methods in general, including in physics, in geometry, in computer science, etc.

Mathematics organizes, streamlines and optimizes your thinking

I will start this item with a famous saying of Lomonosov, a great scientist who achieved success as on the basis of natural sciences and in the region humanitarian disciplines - The rarest case of the universal mind. He said: "Mathematics only then it is necessary to learn that her mind is in order leads."

Mathematics trains, such mental qualities that form a frame and the skeleton of all your thinking! This is, first of all, logic abilities. It's all that organizes all your thoughts into the associated system of concepts and ideas and connections between them.

Mathematics itself is an embodiment of natural order, and there is nothing surprising that it streams your mind. And without this notorious logic in the head, a person is not able to make faithful logical conclusions, compare the concepts of various kinds, it loses the ability to sound health and reasoning. What can entail a phenomenon "Kashi in the head", confusion in thoughts and reasoning, the inadvertence of the argument.

Such a person is easy to mislead that actually usually occurs because it is not able to reveal a clear violation of logic in alignment of all sorts of machinators and charlatans (already the second paid experience with financial pyramids in our country says that a huge part of people thinks that Mathematics they do not need). Knowledge of mathematics does not allow you to deceive!

So this is not only calculations and formulas, it is primarily logic and ordering! This is a set of rules and functions that make your thinking consistent and logical. This is reflected in your ability to reason, formulate thoughts, keep complex concepts in my head and build the nominated relationships.

What is mathematics need humanities?

What will be useful to you, even if you are going to succeed in the soil of any humanitarian discipline, since the logic, systemic thinking skills and the ability to formulate complex theories are very necessary there. Without this, it will not be science, but in words.

I heard about brilliant lawyers, which, in addition to legal education, received, in addition, physico-mathematical. It helped them, like good chess players, to build complex combinations of protection options in court, or to invent deft methods of interaction with the legislative base and invent all sortsage and non-trivial solutions.

Of course, it is not necessary to receive a specially profile education in mathematics at all, even, in my opinion, is redundant if you are not going to work in this area. But master this discipline at the base level school Education and initial courses University, I think everyone must and can be capable of.

Do not think that you are not given from nature, that your vocation is humanitarian science and accurate items you are not able to learn. When someone says he has humanitarian warehouse mind And, therefore, it cannot be considered to read the formula and solve the tasks in principle, no matter how I wish, know that this is such an elegant attempt to justify the fact of lack of development mathematical abilities. Not their absence! And only the fact that these skills, for some reason they did not receive proper development.

Human mind - a universal thingdesigned to solve a variety of tasks. Of course, this statement has its limits: each due to the characteristics of its innate and acquired properties of thinking has certain inconsistencies to master different sciences. In addition, specialization most often requires knowledge of one thing: it is difficult to be an excellent mathematician, a chemist, a lawyer, a teacher in one (not all of Lomonosov). Always have to choose from something.

But basic skills of mathematical thinking are able to master each! For someone it will just be more difficult for someone easier. But it is die by all. And as I said, it is necessary for balanced development of your mind. From the fact that you are interested in, for example, literature or psychology, you do not need that mathematics you do not need and you just do not care about it at least somehow seize!

One other does not exclude, but, on the contrary, harmoniously complements. "Humanitarian mindset" in the context of the impossibility of mastering the exact sciences is just one big nonsense And an attempt to justify the unwillingness to master those skills that are given with great difficulty than others.

Why do we need mathematics in life and in work?

Mathematics will come in handy in business. But maybe, the profession that you consider as your future calling will not be associated with calculations, formulas, computer science or analytics. Or you do not use it in your current work.

But still, this does not mean that it will always be so. Perhaps you want to change the profession. Or you get so tired by the hired job that you decide to organize your own business (and this happens quite often). The organization of an independent enterprise always requires calculations, prediction and analysis. You, as the head of a new business, will have to own the appropriate skills, it is not possible to delegate to hired employees their work in any case needs control.

Without support in the form of mathematical methods of forecasting, modeling and analysis (at least at a primitive level, depending on which business) success in organizing your own business is difficult to achieve. Based on personal statistics, I can say that the greatest success in business is achieved, as a rule, graduates of technical, mathematical universities.

It is not only a matter of knowledge of some special methods of calculations, because it is never too late to master it in case of need. Key in a certain organization of mind. Business is a highly ordered system, the construction of which requires its creator of certain intelligent skills, structured thinking, the ability to summarize and disable relationships. The study of the exact sciences, as is known - develops these skills.


Mathematics and other accurate science are very important both for the development of humanity in general and for the intellectual improvement of a particular individual. Of course, the balanced mental personality development implies the development of not only accurate objects, but also humanitarian disciplines. Reading high-quality literature, for example, is also necessary for you if you want to develop.

But, one thing is not enough. I would like to supplement the wording of a well-known allegation: "If you want to become smart, you need to read a lot," adding to this: "- and engage in mathematics." Otherwise, the effect from one reading of books will look like a body without a skeleton or building without a frame. One without another is difficult.

That is why many humanities, no matter how well they did not understand in their subject area, suffer from the confusion of thinking and the lack of a sober proudness, and many avid mathematicians and tech will circulate in the world of abstract formulas and settlements, losing communication with the real world.

The golden rule is all good in moderation, the lot of harmoniously developed mind, versatility at the most basic level! All together and books and mathematics! This is not a preaching to the glory of dilettantism, no, in its specialization you should be a professional and a narrow specialist, an expert in its business. But as for your basic erudition and knowledge, it should be from all transition.

I believe that the idea of \u200b\u200bschool education and teaching in the initial courses of universities is responsible for this principle of versatility (only the idea, as it is implemented in practice, I do not assign). I would extremely negatively reacted to strengthening the specialization of primary and secondary education, considering that the smaller part should be given as much from different spheres as possible, and when he gets it, let him choose what is closer to him!

Source - http://nperov.ru.