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Any girl, and any guy too, will be intrigued if they dream of a wedding dress. It is worth noting that the online dream book interprets a wedding dress in different ways, but in most cases such a dream is still an omen of something positive. Although, again, everything depends on the details and details of the dream.

Miller deciphers: why do you dream about a wedding dress? To the great disappointment of girls and the joy of men, Miller’s dream about a wedding dress does not at all relate to anything related to the marriage ceremony. In his opinion, a wedding dress in a dream predicts some public Works

. However, it is worth adding that the work will be enjoyable and there is a great chance of meeting new friends. But, unfortunately, the dream book interprets a dirty or unkempt wedding dress as the impending loss of someone extremely close to you.

Wedding dress dream book interpretation of Sigmund Freud

As always, Freud’s dream book deciphers what a wedding dress is for in dreams based on a person’s carnal needs. He believes that such a dress is a symbol of a naked female body. A dream in a wedding dress, which a girl boasts to all her friends, indicates that she is completely satisfied with her own body and even admires it. Why do you dream of a wedding dress on yourself if a girl admires it in the mirror? The psychoanalyst explains how it is a craving for self-satisfaction. On the contrary, the wedding dress dream book deciphers disappointments in family life and some kind of sexual dissatisfaction when it is wrinkled, hidden in a closet or dirty.

Interpretation of dreams of a wedding dress using an esoteric dream book The interpretation of the dream of a wedding dress that you sew, decorate or embroider sounds like this: you should be wary of envy and therefore you should not talk about your plans ahead of time so that they do not fail.

English dream book - interpretation of dreams wedding dress

The dream book deciphers a wedding dress on oneself depending on the events happening in life. If big changes are ahead of you or you are on the threshold of a new period of life, then you should confidently plunge into new emotions. And if you dream of a wedding dress that you wear for no apparent reason, then this symbolizes fatigue from your current life and the suppression of the desire to start over from scratch.

Big dream book: why dream of a wedding dress not on oneself

In this case, the dream book of wedding dresses that you sew or decorate in some way can be interpreted as future problems with your plans. However, if this work gives you pleasure, then you can safely expect great news. About future problems in work activity or study, the dream about which you had a dream about a tight wedding dress speaks. The dream book interprets washing a wedding dress negatively - you will have big problems with finances. If you had to burn the dress in a dream, then you will be offended by a loved one. Oddly enough, what wedding dresses mean in dreams also depends on the color of the outfit. Gold splashes on the fabric are a symbol of happiness. An unusual green wedding dress foreshadows the fulfillment of desires. Cloudy grey colour stands for upcoming difficulties that will have to be overcome in order to achieve what you want. It would seem that the beautiful yellow color became a harbinger of future deception.

Dream Interpretation: I dreamed about a wedding dress - Tsvetkov’s explanation

A wedding dress in a dream means something good if you wear it. This is a sign of upcoming success or the realization of serious ambitions. But trying on a dress is even worse, because it is interpreted as a constant comparison of oneself with others. Envy represents a dream about buying a wedding dress.

Video dream book - why do you dream about a wedding dress?

native sulfur crystal

Native sulfur(Sulfur) are beautiful light yellow, lemon yellow, deep yellow crystals that will decorate any mineral collection with their sunny color. There are aggregates of a brownish color; this color is given by an admixture of organic matter. Sulfur crystals can be a fraction of a millimeter in size, but can also reach quite large sizes - up to tens of centimeters.

lemon yellow sulfur crystals

Physical properties. Sulfur crystals have a monoclinic or orthorhombic pattern syngony, the appearance of the crystals is a combination of a cube and a rhombus. The crystals have glass shine. Hardness of this mineral is small - 1-2 units on the ten-point Mohs scale. Density sulfur crystals are 2.05 - 2.08 grams per cubic centimeter. Crystals are fragile and are easily destroyed upon impact.

Sulfur crystals have low electrical conductivity and can be used as an electrical insulator. This mineral conducts heat poorly and is an excellent heat insulator.

Native sulfur may contain, selenium, astatine And tellurium in the form of an isomorphic impurity. When rubbed, this mineral becomes charged with static electricity and can attract light objects, such as small pieces of paper.

Sulfur can be melted by heating it to a temperature of 115.2 degrees Celsius; when exposed to high temperatures, this mineral actively oxidizes and burns. At the same time, it stands out sulfuric anhydride SO3- gas with a suffocating odor.

Alchemists used native sulfur in their experiments, and this is an occupation among the population European countries of that time was equal to witchcraft. In the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, the Inquisition organized a real hunt for witches and magicians. Therefore, the smell of burning sulfur became associated with evil spirits and the devil.

Sulfur Islands, Dallol Volcano, Ethiopia

Sulfur formed during weathering of sulfide metal deposits.

In the vicinity of some dying (or cooled) volcanoes, solutions saturated with metal sulfide ions arrive on the surface of the earth. During their precipitation, native sulfur is also formed ( volcanic).

This mineral can also be formed during the decomposition of certain salts. Thus, native sulfur is formed during the oxidation and decomposition of the mineral gypsum(CaSO4 2H2O) . Such deposits exist on the southern and northern coasts of Italy.

Sulfur deposits are actively being developed both in Russia (Volga region) and abroad in the United States (Texas and Louisiana). It is used to produce sulfuric acid.

There are deposits of volcanic sulfur in Japan and Ethiopia. But in these countries the extraction of this mineral is not carried out.

Volcanic sulfur deposits occupy large areas, with yellow, orange, red layers and flows forming beautiful fantastic landscapes.

A volcanic eruption on Io, a moon of Saturn (photo from the Voyager spacecraft). The surface of the planet is covered with a layer of sulfur.

Sulfur is a common mineral both on Earth and on other planets. For example, the satellite of Saturn And about is a small planet (comparable in volume to the Moon), with a molten core. Volcanoes often erupt on Io, and when they cool, a lot of elemental (native) sulfur is released. This mineral makes the surface of the planet look like egg yolk.

Rocks that make up the crust Venus- mostly gray basalts. But there are many areas on this planet where volcanoes are active. According to spacecraft scanning of this planet, the surface in these areas is also covered with a layer of native sulfur.

Extraction of native sulfur. USA, Texas.

The crystals of this bright yellow mineral are very beautiful, but collectors should remember that they are fragile and susceptible to high temperatures.

Sulfur (mineral) - often found in native form, forming dense or earthy masses or crystalline aggregates in the form of crystalline drusen, films and plaques. There are also well-formed crystals that reach significant sizes. Crystals of native S. belong to the orthorhombic system (orthorhombic bipyramid class) and have a pyramidal habit, see Fig. Nos. 1 and 2. Sometimes, due to the uneven development of the bipyramid planes, a sphenoidal shape of crystals is obtained. The most common forms found on S. crystals: the main rhombic bipyramid (111)P, the axes of which are A:b:With= 0.8138:1:1.9076; in addition: (113)S; (011)n and (001)s. Crystals sometimes grow together in a twin position. When split, it reveals a characteristic conchoidal fracture. S.'s hardness is insignificant, 1.5-2.5 (on the Mohs scale). Specific gravity 1.9-2.1. The color of native S. is different (from foreign impurities of selenium, arsenic sulphide, organic matter): honey yellow, sulfur yellow, gray and brown. The shine is greasy, almost diamond-like. S. is distinguished by strong birefringence, which, if the crystal is transparent, can be observed (as in Iceland spar) directly, without any instruments. Optically negative. Plane optical axes lies in a brachydiagonal section. Optical angle 2 axes r= 69° 40′. For other properties of S., see the chemical part of the article. Native S. is formed in nature in various ways. The largest quantities occur by water from sources and, in general, waters circulating in the depths earth's crust containing hydrogen sulfide. The latter, when exposed to atmospheric oxygen, oxidizes, forming water and releasing C. Similar sources are formed where there are deposits of gypsum and organic substances. Due to a number of chemical transformations, hydrogen sulfide is formed from gypsum under the action of organic substances and water, and from the latter - hydrogen sulfide. This origin explains the co-occurrence of gypsum, lime spar, sulfur sources, hydrogen sulfide and organic substances. Sometimes native S. is closely adjacent and even embedded in large gypsum crystals. S. mostly appears in the form of veins, nests, and chews in clays, marls, and gypsum. These are the most famous deposits of Sicily, Aragonia, Croatia, Dagestan, Poland and the Kazan lips. The second method of formation of S. is volcanic. It is deposited along the walls of volcanic craters either as a result of direct sublimation, or as a result of the interaction of hydrogen sulfide and sulfur dioxide, the presence of which is very common in products of volcanic activity. The isolation of S. is explained by the equation: 2H 2 S + SO 2 = 2H 2 O + 3S. Finally, apparently, sulfur is formed in nature in a third way: sulfur compounds of metals during oxidation can release free sulfur. This can explain the co-occurrence of the latter, for example, with sulfur pyrites (Soimonovskoye deposit in the Urals, Rio Tinto in Spain) . About the amount of S. extracted annually and its use -

Clean natural sulfur- a yellow crystalline solid. In nature, sulfur occurs in native form, forming large deposits. The collection material is well-formed and brightly colored sulfur crystals with a diamond and matte shine, 1.5-15 cm or more in size, as well as brushes and druses of such crystals.

Since ancient times, sulfur has been widely used in the experiments of alchemists and in medicine. When burned, it emits a strong characteristic odor. Its scent and color have led people to use sulfur in magic for centuries. It was often burned to ward off “demons” and “devils.” This was due to the idea that positive forces would be attracted to pleasant aromas, while negative forces would hate unpleasant smells and would run away from them. Later, sulfur was burned to protect animals and stop "enchantment" or magical enslavement.

Sulfur is permanent component plants, contained in them in the form of various inorganic and organic compounds. Inorganic sulfur is found in the form of sulfuric acid salts. Bacteria that concentrate it are known. Some of the microorganisms form specific sulfur compounds as waste products; for example, fungi of the genus Penicillinum synthesize the sulfur-containing antibiotic penicillin.

Sulfur, like nitrogen, is part of proteins, due to which protein metabolism is both nitrogenous and sulfuric. In tissues, sulfur is found in the form of complex organic compounds - sulfates, either in combination with carbohydrates, or in the form of sulfatides in combination with phosphatides in the so-called lipoids that make up the medulla.

Sulfur is found in insulin, and some researchers attribute the hypoglycemic effect of insulin to the sulfur it contains.

Sulfur is found in the anti-neuralgic vitamin B-thiamine, which sets this vitamin apart from others. In proteins, sulfur is contained in amino acids: cysteine, cystine, which are involved in the redox reactions of the body. Cysteine ​​is part of glutathione, a protein substance that is rich in red blood cells, liver, adrenal glands and especially embryonic tissues, oxidative processes in which they occur very intensively.

Participating in redox processes, sulfur plays a role in tissue respiration the same role as hemoglobin and oxyhemoglobin in gas exchange in the lungs.

Elemental sulfur does not have a pronounced toxic effect, but all its compounds are toxic. Taken orally, 3 - 5 g of elemental sulfur acts as a laxative due to the formation of hydrogen sulfide in the intestines, stimulating peristalsis. But with daily intake of small doses of sulfur from 1.0-2.5-10 mg for 1-2 weeks, headaches, dizziness, fatigue, sweating, increased heart rate, constipation, abdominal pain, changes in metabolism, etc. appear. d.

Sulfur and its inorganic compounds have been used in medicine since ancient times for skin diseases, joint diseases, heavy metal poisoning and as a laxative.

Fumigation with sulfur stops runny nose. It is applied to the crushed ear with vinegar and honey.

The healing properties of sulfur are used very widely in balneology. The effect of sulfur waters is due to the hydrogen sulfide they contain. Absorbed through the skin and lungs, hydrogen sulfide causes redness of the skin from the expansion of the smallest blood vessels in the skin, a slowdown of the pulse by 10-15 beats, and a decrease in systolic and diastolic pressure by 5-10 mm. Treatment sulfur waters used for various diseases: chronic arthropathy of rheumatic and gouty etiology, diseases of the heart muscle such as cardiosclerosis, osteomyelitis with recurrent fistulas, chronic women's diseases, chronic skin diseases, mercury and lead poisoning at work.

Contraindications to treatment with sulfur waters are acute and subacute diseases of the heart, joints, female organs, hypertension with symptoms of nephrosclerosis, bone ankylosis, furunculosis, and all pyoderma diseases.

The following inorganic sulfur compounds are currently used:

Natrium hyposulfurosum, sodium thiosulfate (hyposulfate), is used (according to the Demyanovich method) as an external remedy for the treatment of scabies and some fungal skin diseases.

Sulfur depuratum, purified sulfur (Flos sulfurise, sulfur color), is used as a laxative for constipation (0.5-1.0 g per dose) and for the treatment of enterobiasis (pinworm infection). Included in complex licorice powder (Pulvis Glycyrrhisae compositae). In 1926, the Danish psychiatrist K. Schröder proposed treatment with intramuscular injections of 1% purified sulfur for diseases such as neurolues, tabes, paralysis, and schizophrenia.

Externally used in Wilkinson's ointment and simple sulfur.

Calcium sulfuricum, calcium sulfate, releases water when heated and turns into burnt plaster, used in surgery for dressings.

Over the past 20 years, medicine has begun to widely use organic sulfur preparations. In 1935, the German scientist Domagk proposed the drug Prontosil containing sulfogroup 802. This remedy turned out to be effective in the fight against microbes. The pharmaceutical industry has created a large number of sulfa drugs. The simplest chemical structure is a white streptocide. All other sulfonamide drugs are derivatives of white streptocide. These are sulfadine, sulfazole, norsulfazole, sulfazin, sulfadimezin, urosulfan, disulfan, sulgin, phthalazole, sulfozin, etc. All these drugs are highly active agents in the fight against severe diseases caused by cocci and bacilli on which they

produce a bacteriostatic effect, but the content in them, in addition to benzene, amido and sulfo groups can lead to side effects.

In homeopathy, both elemental sulfur and its various compounds are used, but at the head of all sulfur compounds is elemental sulfur - Sulfur. Sulfur was repeatedly tested by Hahnemann. In it he saw the main remedy against the main suffering of humanity - “psora”. With this term, Hahnemann united all skin diseases expressed by itching, rashes, warts and other skin changes. Experience has shown that sulfur is a remedy that can rarely be dispensed with in the treatment of severe acute diseases and never in the treatment of chronic ones.

Sulfur is the strongest activator of various disorders of sulfur (protein) metabolism and, indeed, is a medicine of paramount importance. The selectivity of sulfur to the skin has long made it the main remedy for skin diseases. Sulfur is also used for diseases of the central nervous system, which is easily explained: skin and nervous system connected by a common origin.

But the use of sulfur, even in homeopathic doses, requires great caution, especially in people with impaired sulfur metabolism or suffering from allergic diseases - asthma, eczema, Quincke's edema. In such cases, sulfur can cause severe aggravation.