The death of the Earth has been predicted repeatedly, but so far none of the predictions have come true.
Humanity is facing another Armageddon - another end of the world, according to clairvoyant predictions, is expected on August 19, 2017.

The terrible tragedy was predicted by one of the most famous and revered saints in Russia, Matrona, and one of the most mysterious predictors of the 20th century, Vanga.

During the existence of the Earth, the death of our planet was predicted more than once - fortunately, none of them came true, although many sincerely believe in the next similar predictions.

Of course, this is theoretically possible - our planet is essentially a star, and celestial bodies have a certain “expiration date”, but no one knows the exact date of such an event.

At the age of twelve, Vangelia and her sisters were returning home, and it was then that they were caught in a strong hurricane, which carried the future soothsayer hundreds of meters from her native village.

After this incident, her vision deteriorated sharply, but nevertheless she had a chance not to go blind. The necessary operation could not be carried out due to the fact that Vanga’s family did not have the necessary funds, so she spent the rest of her life in blindness.

Many people learned about it during World War II. It was then that he shocked everyone when she began to talk about the location of the missing soldiers. And from that time on, many people began to come to her for help. Even though she helped people for free, wages I still received it, but from the state.

Vanga died of breast cancer, because she did not have enough money for the operation, due to the fact that she spent all the money on charity.

Many psychics, including Vanga, claim that on August 19 of this year a terrible event may occur that will lead to the end of the world.

This is the day that many associate with a global catastrophe on Earth. Vanga's prophecy says that humanity will mourn due to the loss of a huge number of people.

People accept the next “end of the world” with skepticism, because previously there were similar predictions that never happened. Vanga argued that it was on August 19, 2017 that many people would die in connection with the war, which could begin in a matter of minutes if at least one of the conflicting countries began to take active action.

In addition, the soothsayer said the phrase: “The moment will come when people will come out of the desert.” Experts who are involved in deciphering Vangelia’s predictions suggest that we are talking about residents of Africa and some residents of Asian countries. After all, right now a really huge number of people are moving to Europe.

Therefore, her other vague hints about war at the end of the summer of 2017 have a good chance of coming true.

Almost before her death, Matrona saw the events that were about to happen in 2017. Her words “Without warriors, everyone on earth will die and this will happen back in 2017” are already beginning to send waves of fear through people.

Matrona calls on humanity to turn to God before it’s too late, and not to stop praying, because the end of the world is just around the corner. She claimed that they would come hard times, filled with sorrow and pain.

The great clairvoyant even named the approximate date of the Apocalypse - autumn 2017. According to her, everything will happen in the evening, there will be a war without war and thousands of lifeless bodies will simply lie in the streets.

Indeed, her prophecy inspires chilling horror and I want to believe that Matrona was wrong after all. Of course, avid skeptics do not believe such predictions and rush to turn to science to find a reasonable explanation for the clairvoyant’s statements.

But even modern scientists cannot give an absolute guarantee that in the near future our planet will not collide with some kind of celestial body, which will start the process of destroying all life on Earth.

Despite the pessimistic mood of Matrona’s predictions, humanity never ceases to believe in better times. After all, even the great fortuneteller said that after the Apocalypse there will be peace and tranquility. The surviving people will build new, happy states without aggression and hatred.

Whether the world will end in 2017 is hard to predict. Only time can help in this matter!…

The predictions of famous prophets for 2017 were very gloomy. Vanga and Nostradamus predicted a bloody war, astrologers predicted cataclysms, and psychics predicted a difficult economic situation. Not all forecasts have fully come true, but the second half of 2017 is still ahead. Esotericists warn that the last month of summer will not be easy. This will be facilitated, first of all, by two astronomical phenomena.

August 2017: astrologers' predictions

August 2017 was marked by two eclipses - solar and lunar. Astrologers call the period between them a “corridor.” The first eclipse will occur on August 7, 21:20 Moscow time. On this day, the Moon will be partially immersed in the Earth's shadow cone. Experts recommend not starting any important business, avoiding conflicts and risks, not borrowing money or lending anything to others. Keep in mind that the negative impact of an eclipse extends to several days before and after its occurrence.

A total solar eclipse awaits us on August 21 at 21:21 Moscow time. It will last almost three minutes. All representatives of the zodiac signs will be able to feel the positive impact of this day. An eclipse in the sign of Leo, coupled with a certain position of Mars and the Moon, promotes self-realization and success in professional activity, winnings and strengthening your financial condition. Get ready to be positive. Negative thoughts will aggravate the predicament and close the possibilities for resolving the difficult situation.

At the same time, astrologers warn of an increased risk of injury during the period from August 2 to August 9 and from August 16 to August 23, 2017. During these periods, the likelihood of emergency situations, aggressive conflicts, and crises increases. Your health may deteriorate sharply, especially in people with cardiovascular diseases.

Should we expect the end of the world in August 2017?

The topic of the next end of the world is actively discussed in the media. A specific date appears again - August 19, 2017. In the prophecies of Matrona of Moscow, this date is associated with some turning point that will affect all of humanity. Some interpret her prediction as a harbinger global catastrophe or the end of the world. According to other versions, her words about the “great tribulation” may be associated with a massive epidemic, the collision of the Earth with another celestial body, and even the use of nuclear weapons. There is no exact decoding of the prophecy at the moment.

Astrologers are confident that August will not be marked by serious disasters or other fatal events. But the conjunction of the Black Moon with Saturn indicates upcoming trials, and the Mars-Earth opposition threatens to worsen conflict situations. The configurations warn of caution: in August there will be many life-threatening situations.

The next coming end of the world is being discussed in Russia. Allegedly, Holy Matrona predicted that this would happen on August 19, 2017.

“At sunset, all people will fall to the ground, and at sunrise they will rise, and the world will become different. And great sorrows await people, which they have never experienced before,” this phrase is attributed to the saint.

And someone sincerely believes in this. Meanwhile, our planet has already been repeatedly predicted to die. Fortunately, these predictions have not yet come true. However, you need to be prepared for anything, and therefore we are publishing a schedule of the coming ends of the world. Just in case.

Each time these periods became shorter and shorter in time. In this regard, after some time there may come another turning point in the history of our state, which, very likely, will turn into a disaster.

Dates of future "Ends of the World"


Isaac Newton calculated that the end of the world would come exactly this year, who, in turn, took biblical predictions as a basis. The exact date is not specified. But wait and see.


According to Nostradamus' prediction, the Earth will leave its orbit. Well, in general, there’s nothing to be done, we’ll wait.


It is assumed that by this time the asteroid Apophis should reach the Earth. However, new data from scientists prove that the possibility of a collision between this asteroid and our planet is extremely unlikely.


The next cosmic catastrophe is predicted by Elias Otis, who based his calculations on the Revelation of John the Theologian.


In their works, Ibn Ezra Abraham (XII century) and Abu Mashar (IX century) claim that this year the era of the Sun will end and a world catastrophe will begin.


This end of the world was calculated according to prophetic icons painted at the end of the 18th century according to the predictions of Abel the Seer.


Astrophysicists from Oxford University claim that the end of the world will happen this year. And the reason for this will be the Tauris meteorite shower, which will pass through the solar system.


Another forecast of disaster from Nostradamus. It is believed that this prophecy is contained in his “Letter to his son Caesar.”

4006 November 1

Allegedly, this very date of the end of the world is encrypted by Leonardo da Vinci in his most mysterious fresco, “The Last Supper.”

The exact date of the end of the world has been announced

The next apocalypse that people are afraid of is set to occur on October 12, 2017. This time, all living things threaten to be destroyed by a space object with a diameter of 40 meters.

Terrible predictions about the death of humanity appear with enviable regularity. A new threat to earthly civilization was spotted in space. A group of researchers noticed a mysterious object with a diameter of 40 meters approaching our planet at high speed.

According to experts, this messenger of the apocalypse will collide with the Earth on October 12, 2017, and the consequences will be terrible. The planet's ozone layer will disappear, which will lead to drastic climate change and the death of all living things.

This is not the first such warning about the end of the world. Dangerous asteroids are reported frequently, but every time solar system There is enough space for cosmic bodies to pass each other safely.

According to The Mirror, on April 19, a giant asteroid will approach Earth within 1.1 million miles (1.8 million kilometers). According to experts, this object has not approached our planet at such a distance for the last 400 years. The next time this will happen in 500 years, they assured.

The future from Vanga

  • 2008 - Assassination attempt on four heads of government. Conflict in Hindustan. This will be one of the reasons for the third world war.
  • 2010 - The third world war begins. The war will begin in November 2010 and end in October 2014. It will start as usual, then first nuclear and then chemical weapons will be used.
  • 2011 - As a result of radioactive fallout, there will be no animals or vegetation left in the Northern Hemisphere. The Muslims will then begin chemical warfare against the surviving Europeans.
  • 2014 - Most people will suffer from ulcers, skin cancer and other skin diseases (a consequence of chemical warfare).
  • 2016 - Europe is almost deserted.
  • 2018 - China becomes a new world power. Developing countries are turning from exploited to exploiters.
  • 2023 - The Earth's orbit will change slightly.
  • 2025 - Europe is still sparsely populated.
  • 2028 - Creation of a new energy source (probably a controlled thermonuclear reaction). Hunger is gradually being overcome. A manned spacecraft takes off to Venus.
  • 2033 - polar ice are melting. The level of the World Ocean is rising.
  • 2043 - The world economy is booming. Europe is ruled by Muslims.
  • 2046 - Any organs are grown. Organ replacement is becoming one of the best treatment methods.
  • 2066 - During the attack on Muslim Rome, the United States uses a new type of weapon - climate. Sharp cold snap.
  • 2076 - Classless society (communism).
  • 2088 - A new disease - aging in a few seconds.
  • 2097 - Rapid aging defeated.
  • 2100 - An artificial Sun illuminates the dark side of the Earth.
  • 2111 - People become cyborgs (living robots).
  • 2125 - Hungary will receive signals from space.
  • 2130 - Colonies under water (with the help of alien advice).
  • 2164 - Animals are turned into half-humans.
  • 2167 - New religion.
  • 2183 - A colony on Mars becomes a nuclear power and demands independence from Earth (as the United States once did from England).
  • 2187 - It will be possible to stop the eruption of two large volcanoes.
  • 2196 - Complete mixture of Asians and Europeans.
  • 2201 - Thermonuclear processes slow down on the Sun. It's getting colder.
  • 2221 - In the search for extraterrestrial life, humanity comes into contact with something terrible.
  • 2256 - Spaceship brought a new terrible disease to Earth.
  • 2262 - The orbits of the planets gradually change. Mars is threatened by a comet.
  • 2273 - Mixing of yellow, white and black races. New races.
  • 2279 - Energy from nothing (probably from a vacuum or from black holes).
  • 2288 - Time travel. New contacts with aliens.
  • 2291 - The sun is cooling down. Attempts are being made to reignite it.
  • 2296 - Powerful flares on the Sun. The force of attraction changes. Old space stations and satellites begin to fall.
  • 2299 - In France - partisan movement against Islam.
  • 2302 - New important laws and secrets of the Universe are discovered.
  • 2341 - Something terrible is approaching the Earth from space.
  • 2354 - An accident on one of the artificial Suns leads to drought.
  • 2371 - Great famine.
  • 2378 - New rapidly growing race.
  • 2480 - Two artificial Suns collide. Earth at dusk.
  • 3005 - War on Mars. The trajectories of the planets will be disrupted.
  • 3010 - A comet will ram the Moon. Around the Earth is a belt of stones and dust.
  • 3797 - By this time, all life on Earth will die, but humanity will be able to lay the foundations for a new life in another star system.

Meanwhile Russian Orthodox Church calls not to take such “apocalyptic” information seriously. Thus, the host of the Internet project “Questions to the Father” on the Elitsa network, Hieromonk Makariy (Markish), said: “Believers need to be especially attentive to this nonsense, which, unfortunately, is inherent in human personality" He explained the spread of fake media by the penchant of some people for “nightmares, nonsense and fried stories.”

“Not a single person can know and indicate the timing of the coming of the Savior,” says Archpriest Maxim (Kozlov), rector of the House Church of St. Tatiana at Moscow State University. - The Gospel directly says: “And not a single person who remains within the bounds of the church faith will ever undertake such a thing.” Therefore, if we have some texts that have reached us, where the Blessed Matrona is supposedly given an indication of a specific year, then this is nothing more than in other cases an error, and in other cases a falsification.”

As for the quote that became the reason for panic, in the original it reads like this: “There will be no war, without war you will all die, there will be many victims, you will all lie dead on the ground. And I’ll also tell you: in the evening everything will be on the earth, and in the morning you will rise - everything will go into the ground. Without war, war goes on." These words are spoken by the elder of the Sebenskaya Church, Anna Filippovna Vybornova, in the book “The Legend of the Life of the Blessed Elder, Mother Matrona.” Agree that it is difficult to regard them as a prediction of a global cataclysm. Rather, it speaks of the spiritual degradation of humanity. And all this is in no way tied to the mentioned date.

A number of online media outlets have disseminated information that allegedly conspiracy theorists have named a new date for the apocalypse and it is coming very soon - August 19, 2017.

Just type “all the dates of the end of the world” into a search engine and you will get a huge list of queries. However, the references to predictions and versions of conspiracy theorists in this case looked so deliberate that I wanted to get to the bottom of the truth, which turned out to be quite interesting. Using this example, we were able to find out how, sometimes, another such “end of the world” occurs.

So, according to a number of statements that appeared on the Internet, Saint Matrona allegedly said that on August 19, 2017, “at sunset all people will fall to the ground, and at sunrise they will rise, and the world will become different. And great sorrows await people, which they have never experienced before.”

If you search the Internet for the source of this quote, you may come across a discussion on one of the forums in 2012. Where was the program about the saint, which aired on January 7, 2012, discussed? And supposedly it was there that this quote was heard, which is attributed to Matrona herself.

Meanwhile, there is a copy of the same program online that was released on Christmas Day in early 2012. And now this quote sounds a little different: “Without war, everyone will die. There will be many victims. All the dead will lie on the ground. In the evening everyone will be on earth, and in the morning they will rise. And everything will go into the ground.” And she allegedly said that it would be in 2017, the program says.

At the same time, in the same film about Saint Matrona the following is said literally 10 seconds after the uttered quote:

Not a single person can know and indicate the timing of the coming of the Savior. The Gospel directly says that not a single person who remains within the bounds of the church faith will ever undertake such a thing. Therefore, if we have some texts that have come down to us, where Blessed Matrona is supposedly given an indication of a specific year, then this is no more than in other cases an error, and in other cases a falsification, says Archpriest Maxim (Kozlov), rector of The home church of the Holy Martyr Tatiana at Moscow State University.

So where did this quote attributed to Saint Matrona come from? The “correct” quote from this program is already in the book “The Tale of the Life of the Blessed Elder, Mother Matrona,” which was published in 1993. And it sounds like this: There will be no war, without war you will all die, there will be many victims, you will all lie dead on the ground. And I’ll also tell you: in the evening everything will be on the earth, and in the morning you will rise, everything will go into the ground. Without war, war goes on.

These words are spoken in the book by Anna Fillipovna Vybornova, who was the headwoman of the Sebenskaya Church during the life of Blessed Matrona. And it doesn’t say at all that these words of hers are read as any kind of prediction. And in many sources that supposedly talk about this “prediction” of Matrona, for some reason the phrase “Without war there is a war” is missing.

Exactly from this one, with minor changes, quotes soon began to “sprout” as supposed predictions that the end of the world was coming in 2017. And what’s more, it will happen on August 19th. But even here, not everything is so smooth.

A slightly modified quote, the same one from 2012, is periodically found in search engines and launched as another horror story about the coming end of the world. This year, for example, there were a number of reports that it was Elder Matrona who predicted the end of the world, which was supposed to take place on February 10, 2017. And then they also remembered the quote that “at sunset all people will fall to the ground, and at sunrise they will rise, and the world will become different.”

However, as we see, nothing happened. How exactly the world will not end on August 19, 2017.