Certification of teachers is the most important procedure necessary to assess qualifications and professionalism teaching staff, as well as the quality of their work.

Many consider certification to be an unnecessary waste of time and money from the country's budget, but this kind of verification ultimately ensures the formation of personnel in an institution that meets all the requirements of modern realities.

Creating truly highly qualified personnel helps improve the quality of education. Let's look at the principles and system of certification of teachers in.

The whole point of teacher certification

Certification of teaching staff is a state-defined form of periodic (every 5 years) inspection of educational workers for the competence of their positions and compliance.

The “microscope” of certification includes the labor and special ability of a teacher to efficiently perform the functions assigned to him. During certification, it is determined not only the suitability of the position held by the person being certified, but also the increase in the professional level of the individual employee.

Not least in the peculiar list of goals of teacher certification is the assistance of a teacher or teacher to the administration of his educational institution in improving the selection and formation of personnel, as well as in improving the placement of personnel.

Who conducts the certification

To certify teaching staff, a certification commission is assembled, which is independently formed by the educational organization.

The commission must include a chairman and a deputy chairman certification commission, as well as the secretary and members of the commission. If there is an elected body of the corresponding trade union organization, the commission also includes a representative of this body.

In other words, the certification commission is formed from employees educational organization, where the certified teacher works and representatives of collegial governing bodies provided for in the charter of the institution.

Who does not need to undergo certification in 2018

It is worth noting that there are two types of certification of teaching staff:

  1. Mandatory certification to confirm compliance with the position held;
  2. Voluntary certification at the request of the teacher to establish the first or highest category of qualifications.

The following employees of an educational institution are not subject to certification in order to confirm their legal capacity to hold a particular position:

  • with assigned qualification categories;
  • holding a position in the organization where the certification is carried out from 2015 and later;
  • pregnant women;

  • those on maternity leave;
  • those on maternity leave to care for young children until they reach the age of three;
  • staying on sick leave for more than four months in a row.

How to get certified

Passing certification as a teacher is a responsible and very labor-intensive task. If previously only a statement was required from the teacher, now responsibility for the registration process for certification has fallen entirely on the shoulders of educational organization, in which the certified person works.

Documents for certification:

  • application signed by a teacher;
  • if the teacher has previously passed certifications, a copy of the results of these certifications is needed;
  • copy of higher education diploma teacher education or secondary vocational education;
  • if a qualification category was previously obtained, a copy of the relevant document certified by the head of the educational organization is required;
  • if necessary, you need a copy of documents confirming the change of surname;
  • reference (detailed) from the place of work or a covering letter, allowing you to confirm the level of competence of the teacher and his professional activity;
  • information card with the results of professional activities for the inter-certification period.

Those teachers who want to undergo voluntary certification for advanced training must, in addition to the documents outlined above, also provide electronic media (two copies) with two videos of classes during the inter-certification period.

Acceptance of documents for certification of teaching staff in academic year 2017-2018 will begin on July 17, 2017. Documents can also be sent electronically.

More information about the application to the certification commission

In order to clearly and accessiblely provide information regarding the entire pedagogical path of an individual employee, the person being certified needs to fill out an application, which can be submitted in printed form or written by hand.

Example of an application to the certification commission:

In the text of the application itself, you should note some information about yourself. For example, you can write about:

  • indicate the terms of tenure in a particular position, work experience as a teacher in the specialty;
  • report education (which institution and when graduated);
  • list awards, indicate academic degree or title;
  • other information at the request of the teacher.

Extracurricular activities

New teacher certification model

Certifications of teaching staff in 2018 are hot topic, career prospects, level wages. Certification of teachers 2018 takes place according to the rules prescribed in the Law “On Education” and is under the jurisdiction of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. A new teacher certification model will be introduced in 2020, which will help create a unified educational space, eliminate redundant reporting, unify mechanisms and assessment materials. Head of the Regional Scientific and Methodological Center for Expert Assessment pedagogical activity GBOU HE MO "Academy" social management» Nelly Dolgoarshinnykh spoke about the new rules for passing certification, as well as the form and stages of testing the new model.

Personnel policy in the Russian education system

The human resource of the Russian Federation is recognized as the most significant of all resources; it is a powerful tool for the transformative activities of the state. Teacher work, in turn, is seen as the basis for the quality of education and future quality of life.

Personnel policy is focused on increasing the prestige of the teaching profession, improving professional standards, conducting certifications, improving the qualifications of teachers, developing teacher education - all these are elements of the NSSD, the National System of Teacher Growth. Changes in teacher certification in 2018 are due to the update of the national qualifications system. This process is part of global progress: work on the creation and implementation of national qualification standards and national qualification systems has been carried out over the past 20 years in more than 100 countries.

2017-2020 – years of testing the model for level assessment of teachers’ competencies. The model is based on the EFOM, the unified federal assessment materials. EFOM includes: subject competencies, methodological competencies, psychological and pedagogical competencies, communicative competencies. The assessment of a teacher’s qualifications will be based on the results in the ratio: 60% – EFOM, 25% – educational results, 15% – employer review and graduates’ opinion. The new teacher certification model has already begun to be tested in 2018.

"Planet of Knowledge" - a new educational and methodological set for primary schools. Its main feature is the unity of the structure of textbooks, through lines typical tasks, approaches to organizing classroom and extracurricular activities.

New form of verification in the NSDS roadmap


September-December: Development, discussion and preparation of a draft of a new teacher certification model based on the EFOM.


March-September: Testing of a mechanism for taking into account the opinions of graduates of educational organizations when certifying teachers for a qualification category (but not earlier than 4 years after graduation). Preparation and testing of the first set of EFOM (history, social studies, economics, law, Russian language and literature, mathematics and computer science).

March-December: Preparation and testing of the second set of EFOM ( native language And native literature, foundations of the spiritual and moral culture of the peoples of Russia).

March (to December 2019): Creation of tools (forms) for collecting and processing information based on the results of the EFOM, including methodology for each block of competencies (subject, methodological, psychological, pedagogical and communicative) and its specific gravity in the final assessment of the person being certified.


October (to May 2019): Preparation and testing of the third set of EFOM (geography, physics, chemistry, biology, natural science, ecology, Physical Culture, life safety, art, technology).


June-December: Preparation and testing of the fourth set of EFOM ( Primary School, foreign language, second foreign language).


June-November: Creation of a database with a list of subject, methodological, psychological, pedagogical and communicative competencies teachers ranked by their proficiency levels for use in the new assessment model.

Information on testing the model for level assessment of teacher competencies in 2017-2018:https://teacherslevel.herzen.edu.ru/

Information on the creation and implementation of a model for certification of teaching staff based on assessment of their qualifications: EFOM.RF

The proposed notebook is part of the teaching materials for the textbook by Gabrielyan O.S. and others. "Natural science. Grade 11. Basic level." Workbook contains a large number of tasks that can be used to practice skills and abilities, to consolidate the basic concepts given in the textbook. Special signs mark tasks aimed at developing meta-subject skills (planning activities, highlighting various signs, compare, classify, etc.) and personal qualities students

Draft level professional standard

OTF- generalized labor function.

Horizontal career

  • OTF A 1 – suitability for the position held.
  • OTF A 2 – first qualification category.
  • OTF A 3 – the highest qualification category.

Vertical career

  • Teacher. OTF A. Training and education of students in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education and basic educational programs, interaction with parents of students, interaction with colleagues.
  • Senior teacher. OTF V. Methodical work: design of educational programs in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, methodological support for teachers.
  • Lead teacher. OTF S. Mentoring in working with students, young professionals and teachers.

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Sources of reliable information about the recertification procedure

Teachers' concerns on the topic successful completion certification becomes a reason for speculation. Social networks are sources of unverified information about innovations in the education system.

Teacher certification in 2018: a new model

A prerequisite for working in the field of education is timely certification. In other words, teachers, university professors, educators preschool institutions They cannot build a career if they do not timely take special courses, the purpose of which is to expand their existing knowledge and improve their skills.

More details

Teachers know for sure that every five years they must undergo a recertification procedure. This is necessary, first of all, in order not to lose existing skills, but to develop only forward. Overall, the event is quite significant. However, like everything, it changes every year and is supplemented with some new data.

About the procedure

Before going to the procedure, it is worth finding out where exactly it is taking place. This can be done by reading the special provisions.

1. To successfully pass the commission, it is necessary not only to demonstrate existing knowledge, but also to show resourcefulness, the ability to react in one or another unforeseen situation, which can often arise within the walls of a school or university, and at the same time have nothing to do with knowledge.

2. If a teacher shows himself on the positive side, he has the right to hope that his superiors may offer him a promotion. A significant incentive, but it is not available to everyone.

But one thing is for sure - without passing the certification you cannot count on a promotion. In some cases, if a teacher refuses to demonstrate competence, he may be asked to leave. workplace. In any case, controversial situations cannot be avoided - that’s for sure.

Basic information

So, the basic information regarding the certification of teachers, lecturers, and any educational workers will be reduced to the following:

1. Mandatory certification will affect employees in the educational sector. The frequency of the procedure is once every five years. In this case, they are exempt from certification in the following cases:

Teachers going on maternity leave (for them certification will be required after returning to work);

Qualified teachers;

Newcomers who have recently entered the field of education;

A teacher who recently returned from sick leave.

However, it is important to take into account the wishes of the teachers themselves. If they fall into at least one category, but want to undergo verification, no one will forbid them to do so.

It is worth saying that voluntary certification is not prohibited, and is only encouraged. In order to take part in it, you should submit documents to management in advance.

Teachers without or with only one qualification can achieve promotion to one rank. And more is possible provided that qualifications are obtained two years before the start of certification, no later.

Latest changes during certification

Starting in 2018, it is planned to introduce a new teacher certification model. The main goal of the changes is to weed out weak teachers and leave only strong ones, while improving their qualifications.

One thing that greatly worries the organizers is overestimation, which is often found in provincial towns. As a result, it turns out that the points scored in Unified State Exam time, do not correspond to the grades that the student had throughout all years of study.

It is quite possible that this should be associated with the insufficient knowledge of the teacher himself.

The new form of teacher testing is being developed with the participation of teachers themselves, and therefore there is a possibility that it will be able to provide objective indicators.

In general, the test will include not only the level of knowledge. It will also definitely include:

Checking teachers’ reactions to a particular psychological situation;

Testing teaching skills.

And only in case of successful results in all respects, the teacher will be considered competent.

It is also known that teachers will be tested every four years, although previously there was information that this should be done more often, at least once every 2-3 years.

Currently being tested by teachers, its new scheme is at the approval stage, but has already received a lot of negative feedback from teachers.

They are outraged by several points, including: the need to write an essay that will demonstrate the development of their horizons, psychological tests.

If an employee does not pass certification in 2018, he will be sent for retraining. However, education workers still have time to effectively prepare for upcoming inspections..

Labor legislation establishes requirements according to which all workers are required to undergo periodic verification of suitability for the position held. This rule could not be avoided in the field of education - teaching staff must also regularly confirm their category.

Certification of teaching staff should take place with openness, transparency and collegiality, which becomes the main principle of its implementation. Compliance with these principles provides an objective assessment, without discrimination against employees undergoing certification.

Certification (this is what passing the test is called) is classified into two types, which have their own characteristics:

  1. Mandatory. Such certification is carried out strictly once every five years; the employee’s work experience does not in any way affect the need and frequency of mandatory aptitude testing.
  2. Voluntary. According to the law, a teacher can be certified on a voluntary basis - this can be done at any time convenient for the teacher, all that is required is the presence of desire.

The new regulation on the certification of teaching staff establishes categories of persons exempt from undergoing mandatory testing of the professional suitability of teachers. These individuals include the following:

  • teachers who have a qualification category;
  • Pregnant women, women on maternity leave and on maternity leave for children under three years of age;
  • teachers who have been in their position for less than two years.

Also exempt from mandatory certification are those teachers who, due to illness, were unable to work in their profession for more than four months in a row. For them, the test takes place at least 12 months after recovery. Women on maternity leave and parental leave can undergo a mandatory professional suitability test no earlier than 2 years after leaving leave.

Main verification tasks

Certification of teaching staff is carried out in pursuit of certain tasks, including:

  • stimulation of constant and targeted improvement of the level of qualifications of teachers;
  • determining the degree of need for advanced training among education workers;
  • improving the quality characteristics of the professional activities of those being certified.

Curious facts

The new rules in the certification of teaching staff consist of the correct procedure for issuing a presentation for each employee of an educational organization - a document that indicates a number of information about the employee. The head of the organization must familiarize the employee with this submission against signature and no later than a month before the certification. If an employee educational institution does not want to sign the document, then in this case it is certified by the employer, as well as several competent persons.

Certification is also needed to perform such a task as differentiating the salary of teachers in accordance with the qualification category assigned to them.

Inspection form

The procedure for certifying employees in 2019 takes the form of a meeting of a commission, which includes the chairman and deputy of the commission, the secretary, other members of the commission, as well as the teacher himself. If the person being certified cannot attend the event for a valid reason, the meeting is postponed.

To pass certification, the teacher must provide a package of required documents, which includes:

  • an application signed personally by the teacher to undergo a professional aptitude test;
  • if the result of the previous certification is available, a copy of the document confirming its completion;
  • photocopies of diplomas of pedagogical education (higher or secondary vocational);
  • characteristics or cover letter from the place of work to confirm competence.

Within 30 days after the transfer of all specified documents, the teacher receives a notice at his home mailing address containing all the information about the upcoming certification - the place and time of its holding.

Stages of certification

The new certification rules establish two stages of verification:

  1. Confirmation of professional suitability. At this stage, the commission will check the professional skills of the teacher, evaluate the ability to communicate with students and consider other skills of the teacher.
  2. Obtaining a qualification category. A teacher can receive the first or highest category at this stage. To do this, he needs to have the second category (to obtain the first) or have the first category for two or more years (to obtain the highest category). An increase in qualification category is possible if the teacher’s students successfully master educational programs, achieve success in scientific, intellectual, as well as creative activity, and the teacher himself made a great contribution to optimizing the educational process.

It is worth remembering that the certification period for teaching staff in 2019 is five years. If the teacher does not confirm his qualification, it will be cancelled. In this case, an employee of the first category will have to undergo a test for professional suitability and qualifications (first category), and a teacher of the highest category will need to undergo certification for the first category, and only two years after that - again for the highest.

Details about changes in regulations legal documents for certification of teaching staff of organizations, watch the video

Testing Features

To pass certification, it is not enough to simply submit an application for certification. You also need to pass a special test on a computer, which includes 100 questions on the following topics:

  • basic legislation;
  • fundamentals of psychology and pedagogy;
  • teaching methods;
  • fundamentals of subject knowledge.

Basically, certification is carried out through a meeting of a commission, the competence of which is considered valid if 2/3 of the composition is present. The teacher who is being certified must also be present at the meeting.

Each question has several answer options, of which only one is correct. The teacher is given 150 minutes to take the test. Testing is considered successfully completed if 60 correct answers inclusive (60% and above) were given. If the threshold is not reached, the test is not counted.

The teacher present at the commission meeting can find out the results of the test immediately after the end of the test. The results of the inspection are recorded in a protocol signed by all members of the council. This document is subsequently transferred to the employer and attached to the teacher’s personal file.

Any questions you may have can be asked in the comments to the article.

Latest changes to Federal law 273 “On Education in Russia” show us that the certification of teachers in 2018 will take place in two stages. At the first stage, the teacher must confirm his suitability for the position held directly by his professional suitability.

But at the second stage, there is a justification for why the appropriate category was assigned to the employee of the educational institution. And only if the commission will pass successfully, then teachers will improve their qualifications. Members of the commission will test the teacher’s knowledge and skills in person, and will determine his ability to communicate and treat students properly.

General provisions

In 2018 new certification teaching workers applies to all education workers without exception. It is worth recalling that today there are two types of certification in Russia: voluntary and mandatory.

Mandatory must be completed by those teachers who, at the request of the state, need to directly test their knowledge. The level of wealth of a particular teacher is determined by a commission. Next, she draws conclusions, suitable for this person or not. In other words, is he qualified for his position or is he simply taking someone else's place.

But voluntary certification will primarily be of interest to those teachers who have the goal of increasing their current qualified level.

Mandatory certification. What you need to know

Starting from 2016, mandatory certification of teaching staff will be carried out for those who conducted it five years ago. But in 2018, those teachers who already have category qualifications and pregnant girls are exempt from mandatory certification.

It must also be said that certification can be ignored by those teachers who have been working in the institution for the last two years. Thanks to maternity leave, you can also obtain qualifications and confirm your competence as a teacher after the woman returns to work. You must understand that at least two years must pass from this moment until certification.

Certification does not apply to those teachers who, for various reasons, have been absent from the workplace for the last 4 months or more than this period. For such cases, certification becomes mandatory only after one calendar year, starting from the moment of his official return to school.

Every person probably wants to improve their qualification level to a higher one. He immediately pursues the goal of moving up the career ladder and improving. And if a teacher wants to improve himself, then he will be interested in voluntary certification. In 2018, the new certification form is in many ways similar to the already familiar procedure.

If we take the sphere of education specifically, then a particular teacher, trying to improve his qualifications, is first obliged to seek help in solving this issue specifically to your superiors. And then, write the appropriate statement. It is imperative that the document clarify that voluntary certification will be carried out in order to establish a new qualification category.

Voluntary certification may be of interest not only to teachers without a category, but also to those teachers who already have one, but at the same time they still have room to grow. In order to receive the highest possible category, you must be a teacher who is not only determined, but also previously received the first category. It is worth remembering that at least two years must pass from that moment to a new promotion.

The highest category, as a rule, is assigned to those teachers who already have one at all. In this case, they improve the skills that were previously obtained. The category can be obtained for five years, after which workers in the educational sector need further extension.

How is certification carried out?

In 2018, mandatory certification of teachers in our country is carried out under the control of a special certification commission. Its composition includes representatives of the educational organization. The composition, in turn, is approved by the head, who confirmed the order on the appointment of the commission. This includes the chairman, deputy, secretary and other members of the commission. The meeting takes place on the appointed day.

Voluntary certification refers to the preliminary submission of an application by the teacher himself. It indicates his current category and position. And on the appointed day, the commission will test the teacher’s knowledge. As for the time for verification of the application, it can be up to 30 days. Then the commission’s conclusion is issued. The duration of the certification, including the issuance of the final decision of the commission, is no more than 60 days.