Reading books on English language with kids

Reading is one of the important skills in English, so it is important to practice it from the very first stages of learning. By reading books in English, it is possible to get acquainted with literary language, which is more "correct" than spoken English.

Note: More details about how to learn to read in English can be found in the ““ section.

We offer a selection of colloquial expressions and vocabulary (words) in English that can be used in classes with children and adults learning English.

Note: To help adults who “do not know enough” English, there is a selection of dictionaries with transcription in the ““ section.

Vocabulary (words) in English on the topic “Books”

article- article;
author- author;
dook- book;
chapter- head;
cover— cover;
editor— editor;
editorial office— editors;
epilogue— epilogue;
page- page;
picture— illustration;
front page- first page;
headline- title;
issue- publication;
reporter- narrator;
prologue— prologue;
publishers— publishing house;
title- Name;
volume- volume.

Colloquial expressions in English on the topic “Books”

Do you want me to read a bed-time story?- Do you want me to read a fairy tale?
I am going to read a new book.— I will read a new book.
How about a bedtime story?— How about an evening story before bed?
Why don’t you pick out a book to read?- Why don't you choose a book to read?
You can take a new book from the shelf.— You can take a new book from the shelf.
Do you want to choose a storybook for our story time?— Would you like to choose a book to read?
Don't turn the page.- Don't turn the page.
Let's turn the page. - Let's turn the page.
Let me slip a bookmark between the pages.- Let me put a bookmark between the pages.
Do you want me to read the rest of the story?- Do you want me to read the story to the end?
Do you like this picture?— Do you like this illustration?
Let's find out what happens next.- Let's find out what happened next.
I wonder what happens next.- I wonder what happened there next.

Useful verbs on the topic “Books and reading”

Note: You can read everything about English verbs in the material “ “

to skip- skip, scroll through;
to skim- read diagonally;
to look up- search, view;
to dip into- view superficially;
to browse- look through a book in a store, slowly choose;
to peruse- read carefully, thoroughly;
to refer to- refer to, refer to;
to wade through- reach the end, master;
to flip through- skim through, scroll through;
to read from cover to cover- read from cover to cover;

Genres of books in English

genre[ˈʒɑːnrə] – genre;
fairy tale- fairy tale;
fiction[ˈfɪkʃn] – fiction, fiction;
non-fictionscientific literature, or works based on real events;
light fiction– easy “light” reading;
chick lit– books for women;
science fiction[ˈsaɪəns ˈfɪkʃn] – science fiction;
fantasy[ˈfæntəsi] – science fiction (fantasy);
business & finance[ˈbɪznəs ənd ˈfaɪnæns] – literature on business and finance;
politics[ˈpɑːlətɪks] – political literature;
travel books[ˈtrævl ˈbʊks] – books about travel;
autobiography[ɔːtəbaɪˈɑːɡrəfi] – autobiography;
history- story;
thriller / mystery[θrɪlər / ˈmɪstri] – thriller / mysticism;
romance / eroticalove story/ erotica;
satire[ˈsætaɪər] – satire;
horror[ˈhɔːrər] – horrors;
religious/i inspirational– religious, literature for inspiration;
health /medicine– books on health topics, medical literature;
cookbooks[ˈkʊkˌbʊks] – cookbooks;
children's books[ˈtʃɪldrən bʊks] – books for children;
dictionary[ˈdɪkʃəneri] – dictionary;
encyclopedia[ɪnˌsaɪkləˈpiːdiə] – encyclopedia;
series[ˈsɪriːz] – series of books like “Harry Potter”, “50 Shades of Grey”, etc.
anthology[ænˈθɑːlədʒi] – anthology (poetry, collections of short stories).

Names of types of books in English with translation

Let's start with what kind of books there are:
paper back books– paper (printed) books;
E-books/digital bookse-books, which can be downloaded on the Internet or purchased in online stores.

almanac- calendar, almanac;
best seller- bestseller;
book- book;
booklet- booklet, brochure;
brochure- brochure;
comic book- comic book;
dictionary- dictionary;
encyclopedia- encyclopedia;
hardcover- hardcover book;
magazine- magazine;
novel- novel;
paperback- soft cover book;
periodical- periodical;
pamphlet- brochure, pamphlet, catalogue;
picture book- book with pictures;
reference book- reference book;
textbook- textbook.

Useful English Adjectives to Describe a Book

thrilling[θrɪlɪŋ] – exciting;
riveting[ˈrɪvɪtɪŋ] – exciting, attracting attention;
scary[ˈskeri] – frightening, creepy;
gripping[ɡrɪpɪŋ] – capturing attention, stunning;
easy to read[ˈiːzi tə riːd] – easy to read;
complex- complex;
brilliant[ˈbrɪliənt] – brilliant;
heartbreaking[ˈhɑːrtbreɪkɪŋ] – heartbreaking;
action-packed[ˈækʃn ˈpækt] – full of events;
predictable– predictable;
unpredictable[ʌnprɪˈdɪktəbl] – unpredictable;
boring– boring;
nonsensical– meaningless;
confusing– confused;
realistic– realistic;
erratic[ɪˈrætɪk] – inconsistent, strange;
absorbing[əbˈzɔːrbɪŋ] – fascinating.

  • How to write and format correctly
  • How to correctly write and format () in English
  • in English

The dictionary covers one century of one national literature and combines information and research tasks, which distinguishes it from many domestic and foreign reference books. The personal articles analyze the work of prose writers, poets, playwrights, as well as literary critics and philosophers, both well-known and those introduced for the first time into the scientific circulation of Russian literary criticism. Special articles are devoted literary trends, groups and characteristic of the 20th century. genres, as well as literary critical periodicals, which significantly increases the number of represented writers and expands the panorama literary life. Special attention devoted to writers who came to English literature from former colonies. Articles are structured on the principle of complementarity with cross-references indicating personal contacts of writers, creative attractions/repulsions, and typological connections. The name index will help you find the right author. The dictionary includes latest materials up to the turn of the XX–XXI centuries.
For philologists - specialists in foreign literature, teachers and students of philological faculties of universities, as well as for a wide range of readers interested in English literature XX - beginning of the XXI V.

Images of childhood and features of artistic psychologism in English and Swiss literature of the 18th-19th centuries

This paper explores the presence of a volcanic evolutionary process similiar to that posited by Henri Bergson in D.H. Lawrence's two novels set in Australia - Kangaroo and The Boy in the Bush. The paper also explores Lawrence's level of acquaintance with Bergson's ideas, and suggests why his familiarity may previously have been underestimated.

Under scientific Editor: N. L. Potanina Tambov: Publishing House of TSU named after. G.R. Derzhavina, 2012.

The collection presents science articles and messages reflecting a wide range of problems of modern Russian Dickensian studies: Dickens and the Victorian era, “Russian Dickens”, what is new in Russian Dickensian studies, Dickens and translation problems.

The article analyzes the phenomenon of Victorian text in English literature of the 20th century. This study puts target determine the nature of the intertextual dialogue between the Victorian text and works of English literature of the 1st half of the 20th century. Research material serve as the texts of “The Forsyte Saga” by J. Galsworthy and “The French Lieutenant’s Women” by J. Fowles. The choice of these works is due to the fact that they are recognized examples of the literature of realism and postmodernism, respectively, and allow us to compare approaches to the same material from the perspective of two main trends in the literature of the 20th and 21st centuries. As main research methods Contextual analysis and stylistic analysis are used, based on the principles of nomination. The article will first do short review typical features of Victorian literature, and then will be carried out comparative analysis transformations of the Victorian text in “The Forsyte Saga” by J. Galsworthy and “The French Lieutenant’s Woman” by J. Fowles.

Literature review demonstrates that most researchers identify two main options for the intertextual dialogue of the neo-Victorian novel with the Victorian text: nostalgic stylization and interpretations or parody of the Victorian text. In order to determine which strategy is used by Galsworthy and Fowles, the authors of the article analyzed the form of the novel, the education of the selected works, their character system, the endings of the novels, narrative strategies and the setting of the novels. The analysis showed, that on the thematic and conceptual levels the works of both Galsworthy and Fowles show the greatest similarity to the traditional Victorian text. The greatest difference is manifested at the level of the character system and in the nature of the dialogic nature of the text. Galsworthy largely inherits the traditions of Victorian literature in terms of constructing the plot of the Forsyte Saga, chronological development of the narrative, and choice of location, but critically rethinks many basic Victorian values, which is reflected, in particular, in the choice of the ending of the trilogy. Fowles in The French Lieutenant's Woman adheres to the second strategy of playing with the reader and parodying the Victorian text. To do this, he stylizes or parodies recognizable elements of the Victorian text (the form of the novel of education, a happy ending, the setting), at the same time violating the basic principles of construction of the Victorian text (linearity of the narrative, authorial omniscience), which allows him to fill the chosen form of the Victorian novel with new existential content .

Logacheva V.K., Klyshinsky E. S., Galaktionov V. A. IPM im. M.V. Keldysh RAS. ::. IPM im. M.V. Keldysh RAS, 2012. No. 14.

The paper proposes a method for automatically generating rules for the transcription of proper names based on analysis of the training sample. The rule generation process is divided into two stages: the selection of simple (primary) rules and the generation complex rules. To highlight primary rules, use new technique alignment. To carry out transcription, it is proposed to convert the rules into a finite machine and carry out transcription using it.

Yablokova T. N. Philological sciences. Questions of theory and practice. 2011. No. 2. P. 191-196.

The article describes the patterns of implementation of emotional statements in dialogic and monologue speech. The author's main attention is paid to characteristic features speech of a speaker who is in a state of emotional stress, and on the compositional and pragmatic features of dialogic and monologue text.

Insufficient number of study hours and limited second language skills foreign language do not contribute to full professional oriented learning. Only a few components need to be used vocational training: reading and summarizing texts in the specialty, searching professional information in its various sources, conducting personal and business correspondence. Important component professional activity- ability to analyze information presented in a graph, table or diagram. The need is dictated by the fact that this type of activity is part of the exam to obtain the Test DaF certificate, which gives the right to study or work in Germany.

Analysis modern society, permeated by media, is conducted from the perspective of an ethnomethodological approach and represents an attempt to answer the cardinal question: what are the observed orderings of events broadcast by mass intermediaries. The study of rituals proceeds in two main directions: firstly, in the organizational and production system of media, focused on constant reproduction, which is based on the transmission model and the information/non-information distinction and, secondly, in the analysis of the perception of these messages by the audience, which is the implementation of a ritual or expressive model, the result of which is a shared experience. This means the ritual nature of modern media.

The book contains complete and comprehensive information on the history of Imperial Russia - from Peter the Great to Nicholas II. These two centuries became the era when the foundations of Russia's power were laid. But this same time also caused the fall of the empire in 1917. The text of the book, presented in the traditional manner of chronological presentation, includes fascinating inserts: “ Characters", "Legends and Rumors" and others.

Humanity is experiencing a change in cultural and historical eras, which is associated with the transformation of network media into the leading means of communication. The consequence of the “digital split” is changes in social divisions: along with the traditional “haves and have-nots”, the confrontation “online (connected) versus offline (unconnected)” arises. Under these conditions, traditional intergenerational differences lose their significance, and the decisive factor is belonging to one or another information culture, on the basis of which media generations are formed. The work analyzes the diverse consequences of networking: cognitive, arising from the use of “smart” things with a user-friendly interface, psychological, giving rise to networked individualism and the increasing privatization of communication, social, embodying the “paradox of the empty public sphere.” Role shown computer games as “substitutes” for traditional socialization and education, the vicissitudes of knowledge losing its meaning are considered. In conditions of excess information, the scarcest human resource today is human attention. Therefore, new principles of doing business can be defined as attention management.

In this scientific work The results obtained during the implementation of project No. 10-01-0009 “Media rituals”, implemented within the framework of the HSE Research Foundation Program in 2010-2012, were used.


1. English-Russian Russian-English visual mini-dictionary / Ed. J.-C. Corbeya. - M.: Eksmo, 2017. - 192 p.
2. Azarov, A.A. Russian-English encyclopedic Dictionary arts and artistic crafts: In 2 volumes / A.A. Azarov. - M.: Flinta, 2005. - 1616 p.
3. Aksenova, O. English-Russian Russian-English dictionary.All school course in tables / O. Aksenova. - M.: Kuzma, Printbook, 2017. - 384 p.
4. Andreeva, N. English-Russian Russian-English illustrated dictionary for beginners / N. Andreeva. - M.: Eksmo, 2014. - 384 p.
5. Andreeva, N. English-Russian Russian-English illustrated dictionary for beginners / N. Andreeva. - M.: Eksmo, 2018. - 63 p.
6. Andreeva, O.P. Russian-English phrasebook / O.P. Andreeva. - M.: Eksmo, 2011. - 288 p.
7. Baykov, V.D. English-Russian Russian-English dictionary: 45,000 words and phrases / V.D. Baykov. - M.: Eksmo, 2013. - 624 p.
8. Baykov, V.D. English-Russian, Russian-English dictionary / V.D. Baykov, D. Hinton. - M.: Eksmo, 2011. - 624 p.
9. Baykov, V.D. English-Russian Russian-English dictionary: 45,000 words and phrases / V.D. Baykov. - M.: Eksmo, 2019. - 17 p.
10. Barlow, D. Chinese-Russian-English dictionary / D. Barlow. - St. Petersburg: Lan, 2003. - 416 p.
11. Baskakova, M.A. Explanatory legal dictionary: law and business (Russian-English, English-Russian) / M.A. Baskakova. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2009. - 704 p.
12. Belousova, A.R. Russian-English, English-Russian veterinary dictionary / A.R. Belousova, M.G. Tarshis. - M.: Kolos, 2000. - 239 p.
13. Belyak, T.A. Dictionary for the design of high-rise buildings and hotels. Drawing. Russian-English. English-Russian: About 4000 terms and set phrases in each part / T.A. Belyak. - M.: R. Valent, 2010. - 184 p.
14. Bernadsky, V.N. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionary of welding / V.N. Bernadsky, O.S. Osyka, N.G. Khomenko. - Vologda: Infra-Engineering, 2010. - 384 p.
15. Bocharova, G.V. Russian-English, English-Russian dictionary. More than 40,000 words. / G.V. Bocharova. - M.: Prospekt, 2012. - 816 p.
16. Bocharova, G.V. Russian-English, English-Russian dictionary. More than 40,000 words. / G.V. Bocharova. - M.: Prospekt, 2013. - 816 p.
17. Bocharova, G.V. Russian-English, English-Russian dictionary / G.V. Bocharova et al. - M.: Prospekt, 2014. - 816 p.
18. Brazhnikov, V.N. Russian-English phrasebook / V.N. Brazhnikov. - M.: Flinta, 2010. - 40 p.
19. Brazhnikov, V.N. Russian-English pocket dictionary for a practical translator. Russian-English Interpretender`s Pocket Dictionary / V.N. Brazhnikov. - M.: Flinta, 2013. - 240 p.
20. Brel, N. Russian-English phrasebook for travelers Happy Travel / N. Brel, N. Poslavskaya. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2013. - 320 p.
21. V.K. Muller New English-Russian, Russian-English dictionary. 40,000 words and expressions / Muller V.K. - M.: Eksmo, 2018. - 382 p.
22. Varavina, K.V. Universal Russian-English phrasebook / K.V. Varavina. - M.: Eksmo, 2013. - 224 p.
23. Varavina, K.V. Universal Russian-English phrasebook / K.V. Varavina. - M.: Eksmo, 2014. - 224 p.
24. Vasiliev, M.A. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionary-reference book on life support and operational safety of inhabited sealed objects. In 2 t / M.A. Vasiliev, G.P. Shibanov, T.K. Shirokova. - M.: Mechanical Engineering, 2005. - 1699 p.
25. Veniaminov, S.S. English-Russian and Russian-English control dictionary outer space and its technogenic contamination / S.S. Veniaminov. - M.: Lenand, 2015. - 400 p.
26. Vinokurov, A. English-Russian, Russian-English dictionary. 40 thousand words and phrases / A. Vinokurov. - M.: Martin, 2018. - 512 p.
27. Vinokurov, A.M. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionary. 40 thousand words and phrases / A.M. Vinokurov. - M.: Martin, 2013. - 512 p.
28. Vinokurov, A.M. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionary. 100 thousand words, phrases and expressions / A.M. Vinokurov. - M.: Martin, 2013. - 1024 p.
29. Vinokurov, A.M. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionary. 40 thousand words and phrases / A.M. Vinokurov. - M.: Martin, 2012. - 512 p.
30. Volynsky, V.N. Concise forestry dictionary (English-Russian, Russian-English) / V.N. Volynsky. - St. Petersburg: Lan, 2006. - 204 p.
31. Vorobyov, V.I. Russian-English and English-Russian phrasebook "People, cars, roads" (Radio and Communications publishing house) / V.I. Vorobiev. - M.: GLT, 1996. - 222 p.
32. Vorobyov, S.B. Brief Russian-English and English-Russian. Dictionary of Environmental Engineering / S.B. Vorobiev. - M.: Mining Book, 2001. - 142 p.
33. Golubeva, L.V. Chinese-Russian-English dictionary / L.V. Golubeva, G.I. Kasyanov, A.V. Poker and others - St. Petersburg: Lan, 2003. - 416 p.
34. Goncharova, N.N. English-Russian and Russian-English literary dictionary: More than 1500 dictionary entries, organized by English equivalents / N.N. Goncharova. - M.: Lenand, 2016. - 400 p.
35. Demenkov, V.G. Concise forestry dictionary (English-Russian, Russian-English) / V.G. Demenkov, P.V. Demenkov. - St. Petersburg: Author, 2006. - 204 p.
36. Derzhavina, V.A. English-Russian Russian-English dictionary for junior schoolchildren/ V.A. Derzhavina. - M.: AST, 2019. - 224 p.
37. Derzhavina, V.A. The most complete English-Russian Russian-English dictionary for schoolchildren / V.A. Derzhavina. - M.: AST, 2019. - 288 p.
38. Derzhavina, V.A. English-Russian Russian-English dictionary for junior schoolchildren / V.A. Derzhavina. - M.: AST, 2012. - 448 p.
39. Derzhavina, V.A. English-Russian Russian-English dictionary with pronunciation / V.A. Derzhavina. - M.: AST, 2018. - 256 p.
40. Dzikunova, O.Yu. Russian-English phrasebook / O.Yu. Dzikunova. - Rn/D: Phoenix, 2009. - 347 p.
41. Dolganov, I.G. English-Russian. Russian-English dictionary for business communication/ I.G. Dolganov. - M.: Astrel, 2012. - 384 p.
42. Dolganov, I.G. English-Russian. Russian-English dictionary for business communication / I.G. Dolganov. - M.: Astrel, 2018. - 256 p.
43. Dragunkin, A.N. Russian-English dictionary: More than 16,000 words / A.N. Dragunkin. - St. Petersburg: Smart Planet, 2012. - 544 p.
44. Dubrovin, M.I. Large Russian-English dictionary. / M.I Dubrovin. - M.: AST-PRESS KNIGA, 2008. - 752 p.
45. Efimov, A.Yu. Russian-English phrasebook / A.Yu. Efimov. - M.: Veche, 2013. - 288 p.
46. ​​Efimov, A.Yu. GKr. Russian-English phrasebook / A.Yu. Efimov. - M.: Veche, 2017. - 160 p.
47. Zhdanova, I.F. Russian-English dictionary: finance, taxes, audit / I.F. Zhdanov. - M.: Philomatis, 2003. - 464 p.
48. Zakharova, K.I. Russian-English phrasebook for practical people / K.I. Zakharova. - M.: Eksmo, 2013. - 288 p.
49. Zakharova, N. English-Russian, Russian-English universal dictionary with grammatical applications / N. Zakharova. - M.: Veche, 2017. - 544 p.
50. Zvonkov, V.L. English-Russian/Russian-English pocket hockey dictionary / V.L. Zvonkov, L.A. Zarakhovich. - M.: Man, 2010. - 128 p.
51. Ivyanskaya-Gessen, I.S. Russian-English architectural dictionary / I.S. Ivyanskaya-Hesse. - M.: AST, 2008. - 720 p.
52. Kazantsev, S.V. Russian-English Dictionary of Economics and Mathematics / S.V. Kazantsev. - Magadan: Magadan, 2011. - 232 p.
53. Kalinin, A.G. Russian-English dictionary on drilling. English-Russian drilling dictionary. Dictionary / A.G. Kalinin, A.A. Sazonov, M.S. Kenesov. - Vologda: Infra-Engineering, 2010. - 768 p.
54. Karpenko, E.V. Russian-English phrasebook / E.V. Karpenko. - M.: Eksmo, 2012. - 288 p.
55. Karpenko, E.V. Russian-English phrasebook / E.V. Karpenko. - M.: Eksmo, 2013. - 288 p.
56. Karpenko, E.V. Russian-English phrasebook / E.V. Karpenko. - M.: Eksmo, 2016. - 288 p.
57. Karpenko, E.V. Russian-English phrasebook / E.V. Karpenko. - M.: Eksmo, 2014. - 272 p.
58. Kimchuk, K.V. Large English-Russian and Russian-English business dictionary: Over 100,000 terms, combinations, equivalents and meanings. With transcription / K.V. Kimchuk. - M.: Living Language, 2013. - 512 p.
59. Kimchuk, K.V. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionary of gastronomy and drinks: Compact edition. Over 50,000 terms, combinations, equivalents and meanings. With transcription / K.V. Kimchuk. - M.: Living Language, 2011. - 512 p.
60. Klubov, S.V. Geoecology: Russian-English conceptual and terminological dictionary / S.V. Clubs. - M.: Scientific world, 2002. - 160 p.
61. Kosmin, V.V. Russian-English railway dictionary / V.V. Cosmin. - Vologda: Infra-Engineering, 2016. - 400 p.
62. Kotiy, G.A. Russian-English dictionary of popular words and expressions / G.A. Koty. - M.: Flinta, 2011. - 40 p.
63. Kotova, M.A. English-Russian, Russian-English dictionary of sports terms. / M.A. Kotova. - M.: Soviet sport, 2012. - 232 p.
64. Koshelev, K.P. Dictionary of fish names: Greek-Latin-Russian. Russian-Latin-Greek. Latin-Russian-Greek-English / K.P. Koshelev. - M.: Lenand, 2018. - 168 p.
65. Kravchenko, N.V. English-Russian, Russian-English dictionary of business vocabulary: 30,000 words / N.V. Kravchenko. - Rn/D: Phoenix, 2015. - 320 p.
66. Kravchenko, N.V. English-Russian, Russian-English dictionary of business vocabulary: 30,000 words / N.V. Kravchenko. - Rn/D: Phoenix, 2012. - 383 p.
67. Kravchenko, N.V. Business vocabulary. English-Russian, Russian-English dictionary / N.V. Kravchenko. - M.: Eksmo, 2010. - 672 p.
68. Kudryavtsev, A. Russian-English phrasebook / A. Kudryavtsev, I. Metlushko. - Mn.: Potpourri, 2019. - 352 p.
69. Kudryavtsev, A. English-Russian, Russian-English dictionary. 55 thousand words and phrases / A. Kudryavtsev. - Mn.: Potpourri, 2013. - 48 p.
70. Kudryavtsev, A. English-Russian, Russian-English dictionary / A. Kudryavtsev. - Mn.: Potpourri, 2016. - 144 p.
71. Kudryavtsev, A.Yu. Russian-English phrasebook / A.Yu. Kudryavtsev. - M.: Martin, 2013. - 320 p.
72. Kuznetsov-Herrero, A.V. Russian-English dictionary for the protection of securities, banknotes and documents: With definitions, comments and English. alphabetical index / A.V. Kuznetsov-Herrero, V.T. Samarin. - M.: KD Librocom, 2018. - 208 p.
73. Kuzmin, S.S. Russian-English phraseological dictionary of translator. / S.S. Kuzmin. - M.: Flinta, 2006. - 776 p.
74. Kuzmin, S.S. Russian-English phraseological dictionary of translator / S.S. Kuzmin. - M.: Flinta, 2006. - 776 p.
75. Kundius, V.A. Terminological dictionary financial manager: (Russian-English). Reference publication / V.A. Kundius. - M.: KnoRus, 2013. - 184 p.
76. Kurchakov, A.K. New Russian-English phrasebook / A.K. Kurchakov. - Rn/D: Phoenix, 2017. - 351 p.
77. Kurchakov, A.K. New Russian-English phrasebook / A.K. Kurchakov. - RnD: Phoenix, 2014. - 250 p.
78. Levikov, G.A. Brief Dictionary on logistics, transport and forwarding (Russian-English and English-Russian) / G.A. Levikov. - M.: TransLit, 2012. - 304 p.
79. Levikov, G.A. Brief explanatory dictionary on logistics, transport and forwarding (Russian-English and English-Russian) / G.A. Levikov. - M.: TransLit, 2012. - 304 p.
80. Levikov, G.A. A brief explanatory dictionary on logistics, transport and forwarding. Russian-English and English-Russian / G.A. Levikov. - Vologda: Infra-Engineering, 2012. - 304 p.
81. Levitan, K. English-Russian and Russian-English legal dictionary / K. Levitan et al. - M.: Prospekt, 2018. - 512 p.
82. Lubenskaya, S.I. Large Russian-English phraseological dictionary. / S.I. Lubenskaya. - M.: AST-PRESS KNIGA, 2004. - 1056 p.
83. Lysova, Zh.A. English-Russian and Russian-English musical dictionary / Zh.A. Lysova. - St. Petersburg: Planet of Music, 2008. - 288 p.
84. Lysova, Zh.A. English-Russian and Russian-English musical words / Zh.A. Lysova. - St. Petersburg: Lan, 2013. - 288 p.
85. Malyavskaya, G. Russian-English dictionary of engineering and technical terms / G. Malyavskaya et al. - M.: ASV, 2000. - 1222 p.
86. Mamontov, V.G. English-Russian and Russian-English musical dictionary / V.G. Mamontov. - St. Petersburg: Planet of Music, 2008. - 288 p.
87. Mangushev, R.A. Geotechnical terminological Russian-English dictionary / R.A. Mangushev. - M.: ASV, 2007. - 80 p.
88. Mangushina, Yu.V. Universal Russian-English phrasebook / Yu.V. Mangushina. - M.: Eksmo, 2009. - 224 p.
89. Marku, K.B. Modern English-Russian, Russian-English dictionary / K.B. Marku, ed. under. - M.: Eksmo, 2014. - 768 p.
90. Matveev, S.A. English-Russian Russian-English dictionary with pronunciation / S.A. Matveev. - M.: AST, 2019. - 384 p.
91. Matveev, S.A. English-Russian Russian-English dictionary with pronunciation / S.A. Matveev. - M.: AST, 2015. - 350 p.
92. Matveev, S.A. English-Russian Russian-English dictionary with pronunciation / S.A. Matveev. - M.: AST, 2015. - 368 p.
93. Matveev, S.A. English-Russian Russian-English dictionary with pronunciation / S.A. Matveev. - M.: AST, 2013. - 464 p.
94. Matveev, S.A. English-Russian. Russian-English dictionary with pronunciation for those who know nothing / S.A. Matveev. - M.: AST, 2018. - 144 p.
95. Matveev, S.A. English-Russian Russian-English dictionary with pronunciation / S.A. Matveev. - M.: AST, 2018. - 320 p.
96. Matveev, S.A. English-Russian Russian-English dictionary with pronunciation / S.A. Matveev. - M.: AST, 2019. - 160 p.
97. Matveev, S.A. English-Russian Russian-English dictionary with pronunciation / S.A. Matveev. - M.: AST, 2018. - 304 p.
98. Matveev, S.A. English-Russian. Russian-English dictionary with pronunciation for those who know nothing / S.A. Matveev. - M.: AST, 2019. - 256 p.
99. Matveev, S.A. English-Russian Russian-English dictionary with pronunciation / S.A. Matveev. - M.: AST, 2018. - 416 p.
100. Matveev, S.A. English-Russian Russian-English dictionary with pronunciation / S.A. Matveev. - M.: AST, 2018. - 640 p.
101. Musikhina, O.N. Pocket Russian-English dictionary / O.N. Musikhin. - Rn/D: Phoenix, 2019. - 288 p.
102. Musikhina, O.N. English-Russian, Russian-English dictionary (USE) / O.N. Musikhin. - RnD: Phoenix, 2018. - 207 p.
103. Musikhina, O.N. English-Russian, Russian-English dictionary for the media / O.N. Musikhin. - RnD: Phoenix, 2011. - 345 p.
104. Musikhina, O.N. School English-Russian, Russian-English dictionary / O.N. Musikhin. - Rn/D: Phoenix, 2014. - 200 p.
105. Musikhina, O.N. Pocket English-Russian, Russian-English dictionary / O.N. Musikhin. - Rn/D: Phoenix, 2019. - 287 p.
106. Musikhina, O.N. English-Russian, Russian-English dictionary (USE) / O.N. Musikhin. - Rn/D: Phoenix, 2018. - 318 p.
107. Musikhina, O.N. School English-Russian, Russian-English dictionary / O.N. Musikhin. - Rn/D: Phoenix, 2013. - 315 p.
108. Muller, W.K. School English-Russian Russian-English dictionary. 55,000 words and expressions / V.K. Muller. - M.: Eksmo, 2015. - 800 p.
109. Muller, W.K. Modern English-Russian, Russian-English dictionary: (offset) 120,000 words / V.K. Muller. - M.: HOUSE. XXI century, 2011. - 957 pp.
110. Muller, W.K. Modern English-Russian, Russian-English dictionary: (newspaper) 120,000 words / V.K. Muller. - M.: HOUSE. XXI century, 2010. - 957 pp.
111. Muller, W.K. Large English-Russian Russian-English Dictionary / V.K. Muller. - M.: AST, 2018. - 416 p.
112. Muller, W.K. Modern English-Russian Russian-English illustrated dictionary for beginners / V.K. Muller. - M.: AST, 2017. - 144 p.
113. Muller, W.K. Modern English-Russian, Russian-English dictionary: (offset) 120,000 words / V.K. Muller. - M.: HOUSE. XXI century, 2010. - 957 pp.
114. Muller, W.K. English-Russian Russian-English dictionary with illustrations for schoolchildren / V.K. Muller. - M.: AST, 2018. - 352 p.
115. Muller, W.K. English-Russian. Russian-English dictionary with modern transcription / V.K. Muller. - M.: AST, 2018. - 416 p.
116. Muller, W.K. Popular English-Russian Russian-English dictionary. About 130,000 words, phrases and meanings / V.K. Muller. - M.: AST, 2010. - 144 p.
117. Muller, W.K. English-Russian. Russian-English dictionary / V.K. Muller. - M.: AST, 2019. - 640 p.
118. Muller, W.K. New Russian-English dictionary / V.K. Muller. - M.: AST, 2008. - 640 p.
119. Muller, W.K. Popular English-Russian Russian-English dictionary / V.K. Muller. - M.: AST, 2019. - 640 p.
120. Muller, W.K. Popular English-Russian Russian-English dictionary for schoolchildren with applications / V.K. Muller. - M.: AST, 2018. - 640 p.
121. Muller, W.K. Russian-English dictionary / V.K. Muller. - M.: AST, 2012. - 736 p.
122. Muller, W.K. The most complete English-Russian Russian-English dictionary with modern transcription: about 500,000 words / V.K. Muller. - M.: AST, 2019. - 800 p.
123. Muller, W.K. Modern English-Russian Russian-English illustrated dictionary for beginners / V.K. Muller. - M.: AST, 2016. - 352 p.
124. Muller, W.K. Large English-Russian and Russian-English dictionary. 200,000 words and expressions / V.K. Muller. - M.: Eksmo, 2018. - 223 p.
125. Muller, W.K. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionary / V.K. Muller. - M.: Eksmo, 2010. - 1120 p.
126. Muller, W.K. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionary: 100,000 words and expressions / V.K. Muller. - M.: Eksmo, 2012. - 1120 p.
127. Muller, W.K. English-Russian Russian-English dictionary with illustrations for schoolchildren / V.K. Muller. - M.: AST, 2015. - 576 p.
128. Muller, W.K. English-Russian Russian-English dictionary. 100,000 words and expressions / V.K. Muller. - M.: Eksmo, 2018. - 174 p.
129. Muller, W.K. English-Russian Russian-English dictionary. 150,000 words / V.K. Muller. - M.: Eksmo, 2018. - 464 p.
130. Muller, W.K. English-Russian. Russian-English dictionary / V.K. Muller. - M.: AST, 2017. - 256 p.
131. Muller, W.K. English-Russian. Russian-English dictionary / V.K. Muller. - M.: AST, 2014. - 352 p.
132. Muller, W.K. English-Russian. Russian-English dictionary with modern transcription / V.K. Muller. - M.: AST, 2018. - 256 p.
133. Muller, W.K. Modern English-Russian and Russian-English dictionary: 28,000 words (offset) / V.K. Muller. - M.: HOUSE. XXI century, 2011. - 541 p.
134. Muller, W.K. Large English-Russian and Russian-English dictionary / V.K. Muller. - M.: Eksmo, 2011. - 1008 p.
135. Muller, W.K. The most complete English-Russian Russian-English dictionary with modern transcription: about 500,000 words / V.K. Muller. - M.: AST, 2016. - 144 p.
136. Muller, W.K. Large English-Russian and Russian-English dictionary: 200,000 words and expressions / V.K. Muller. - M.: Eksmo, 2012. - 1008 p.
137. Muller, W.K. New English-Russian, Russian-English dictionary. 40,000 words and expressions / V.K. Muller. - M.: Eksmo, 2015. - 880 p.
138. Muller, W.K. Popular English-Russian Russian-English dictionary for schoolchildren with applications / V.K. Muller. - M.: AST, 2016. - 216 p.
139. Muller, W.K. Complete English-Russian Russian-English dictionary. 300,000 words and expressions / V.K. Muller. - M.: Eksmo, 2013. - 1328 p.
140. Muller, W.K. English-Russian. Russian-English dictionary. 250,000 words / V.K. Muller. - M.: AST, 2017. - 240 p.
141. Muller, W.K. Complete English-Russian Russian-English dictionary. 300,000 words and expressions / V.K. Muller. - M.: Eksmo, 2017. - 346 p.
142. Muller, W.K. Large English-Russian Russian-English dictionary (about 130,000 words) / V.K. Muller. - M.: AST, 2016. - 240 p.
143. Muller, W.K. New English-Russian, Russian-English dictionary / V.K. Muller. - M.: Eksmo, 2011. - 880 p.
144. Muller, W.K. Large Russian-English dictionary. 120,000 words and expressions / V.K. Muller. - M.: Eksmo, 2013. - 640 p.
145. Muller, W.K. Large Russian-English dictionary / V.K. Muller. - M.: Eksmo, 2011. - 640 p.
146. Nazarova, T.B. Russian-English phrasebook for business trips and meetings / T.B. Nazarova. - M.: AST, 2010. - 320 p.
147. Novodranova, V.F. Explanatory English-Russian and Russian-English dictionary of metaphorical terms in craniomaxillofacial surgery and dentistry / V.F. Novodranova, S.G. Dudetskaya. - Yerevan: MIA, 2007. - 344 p.
148. Polyakhova, E.N. Solar sail - fantasy or reality of space navigation?: With additions: Solar sail motion in near-Sun regions. Russian-English guide to modern terminology / E.N. Polyakhova, V.V. Koblik. - M.: Lenand, 2017. - 228 p.
149. Popov, A.A. Russian-English phrasebook / A.A. Popov. - Rn/D: Phoenix, 2014. - 336 p.
150. Popova, L.P. Modern Russian-English dictionary / L.P. Popova. - M.: AST, 2008. - 624 p.
151. Razumovskaya, O. English-Russian Russian-English dictionary for junior schoolchildren / O. Razumovskaya. - M.: AST, 2014. - 255 p.
152. Razumovskaya, O. English-Russian Russian-English dictionary for junior schoolchildren / O. Razumovskaya. - M.: AST, 2018. - 256 p.
153. Repin, B.I. Russian-English dictionary for dentists / B.I. Repin. - Yerevan: MIA, 2010. - 304 p.
154. Rampton, G. Russian-English phrasebook / G. Rampton. - M.: Eksmo, 2015. - 208 p.
155. Rampton, G. Russian-English phrasebook. Orange Guide / G. Rampton. - M.: Eksmo, 2015. - 320 p.
156. Svetlanin, S.N. Policy. Economy. Law: Russian-English Dictionary / S.N. Svetlanin. - M.: Flinta, 2006. - 384 p.
157. Sipols, O.V. Russian-English dictionary of fixed phrases: General scientific vocabulary: About 1300 dictionary entries / O.V. Seapols. - M.: Lenand, 2018. - 304 p.
158. Slepovich, V.S. Desk book translator from Russian into English / V.S. Slepovich. - Minsk: TetraSystems, 2008. - 304 p.
159. Smirnov, N.N. Dictionary of ecology, ethology and game management: Russian-English and English-Russian / N.N. Smirnov, E.N. Panov, V.N. Mikheev. - M.: KD Librocom, 2014. - 416 p.
160. Snastina, E.V. Russian-English dictionary / E.V. Tackle. - M.: AST, 2008. - 640 p.
161. Stepanov, V.Yu. English-Russian, Russian-English dictionary for primary school/ V.Yu. Stepanov. - Rn/D: Phoenix, 2013. - 251 p.
162. Stepanov, V.Yu. English-Russian, Russian-English dictionary for elementary school / V.Yu. Stepanov. - Rn/D: Phoenix, 2018. - 292 p.
163. Stepanov, V.Yu. English-Russian, Russian-English dictionary: 1-4 grades / V.Yu. Stepanov. - Rn/D: Phoenix, 2018. - 280 p.
164. Strong, A.V. English-Russian, Russian-English dictionary with transcription in both parts. 120,000 words and phrases / A.V. Strong. - M.: Adelant, 2012. - 800 p.
165. Sukiasyan, E.R. Russian-English dictionary of library and information activities / E.R. Sukiasyan, V.V. Zverevich, T.A. Bakhturin. - Vologda: Infra-Engineering, 2013. - 240 p.
166. Sukiasyan, E.R. Russian-English dictionary of library and information activities. / E.R. Sukiasyan. - M.: Profession, 2013. - 224 p.
167. Sytnikova, E.Yu. Russian-English verbal nest dictionary / E.Yu. Sytnikova. - M.: Flinta, 2004. - 400 p.
168. Tyurina, A.V. Terminological dictionary of financial manager (Russian-English) / A.V. Tyurin. - M.: KnoRus, 2016. - 384 p.
169. Shalaeva, G.P. Russian-English dictionary in pictures for elementary school / G.P. Shalaeva. - M.: AST, 2017. - 96 p.
170. Sheveleva, S.A. Russian-English phrasebook: Educational and practical guide / S.A. Sheveleva. - M.: Prospekt, 2015. - 176 p.
171. Sheveleva, S.A. Russian-English phrasebook for business communication: Educational and practical guide / S.A. Sheveleva. - M.: Prospekt, 2012. - 208 p.
172. Shpakovsky, V.F. Pocket Russian-English dictionary: 6000 words and phrases / V.F. Shpakovsky. - M.: Tsentrpoligraf, 2012. - 351 p.
173. Shpakovsky, V.F. Popular English-Russian and Russian-English dictionary. Transcription and transliteration of English words in Russian letters / V.F. Shpakovsky, I. Shpakovskaya. - M.: Tsentrpoligraf, 2018. - 336 p.
174. Shpakovsky, V.F. Popular English-Russian and Russian-English dictionary: Transcription and transliteration of English words in Russian letters: 12,000 words and phrases / V.F. Shpakovsky. - M.: Tsentrpoligraf, 2013. - 441 p.
175. Shpakovsky, V.F. Popular Russian-English phrasebook. English - no problem! / V.F. Shpakovsky, I. Shpakovskaya. - M.: Tsentrpoligraf, 2017. - 248 p.
176. Shpakovsky, V.F. Russian-English super phrasebook / V.F. Shpakovsky. - M.: Tsentrpoligraf, 2012. - 560 p.
177. Shpakovsky, V.F. A unique English-Russian and Russian-English dictionary and mini-phrase book. (16,000 words and phrases) / V.F. Shpakovsky, I. Shpakovskaya. - M.: Tsentrpoligraf, 2017. - 320 p.

This article is dedicated to all reading lovers. We have already examined in detail the English word “ book” – how it is used and in what contexts it is used. But the words " book" And " read"is clearly not enough for vocabulary actively reading person. So let's dive into this topic more deeply: let's look at the types and genres of books, basic “book” terms, synonyms of the verb toread , useful phrases and expressions to describe books.

Describing books in English

With the advent of digital technologies, books began to be divided into two types: ordinary paper ones, which in English are called paperbackbooks , and e-books – digitalbooks or E-books. The question of which books are better, more enjoyable to read, more “real” and so on is one of the most pressing among reading enthusiasts. If you talk to a native English speaker about books, don't be surprised if they ask you: What type of books do you prefer reading?

Fiction or non-fiction – what choose ?

Books are also divided into fiction and documentary: fiction and non-fiction . By analogy with these words, a term such as “ lightfiction"-"easy" reading. In total, there are more than a dozen main book genres in fiction. genres:
Science fiction - sciencefiction ,
fantasy - fantasy ,
detectives - detectivebooks ,
thrillers - thrillers ,
satire - satire .
Collections of stories or poetry are called anthologies - anthology .
In English there is a special term for women's literature - chicklit: These are women's novels like Bridget Jones's Diary.

Nonfiction literature can also be different: books on business and finance - Business & Financebooks , autobiography - autobiography, cookbooks - cook-books, encyclopedias - encyclopedias, dictionaries - dictionaries .

Books can be read in different ways.

Main verb – toread– describes the reading in general, without any specifications or details. You can add words to it aloud or toyourself- read aloud or silently. What if you want to emphasize that you read the book very carefully or, conversely, looked between the lines?

Here are some useful synonyms for the verb to read :
to peruse or to scrutinize - read carefully,
to scan or to skim (through /over )– quickly view,
to read through– read to the end.
When reading, it is important to be able to grasp the hidden meaning, the author’s message - to read between the lines .

Very interesting, fascinating books that are difficult to put down are called in English page-turner. As a rule, in such books there are unexpected turns of events - plottwists or touching moments - tearjerkers. If you really liked an excerpt or phrase from a book, you can fold a corner on this page - such pages are called in English dog-eared pages because they look like dog ears.