The Chinese are actively settling around the world; it is difficult to name a country where there is no Chinese diaspora. This language is the most widespread in the world - more than 1.3 billion people speak it. Modern Chinese was formed on the basis of the language of the Han people, whose representatives make up 90% of the population of the PRC.

Chinese who immigrate to other countries retain their language. The legislation contains an amendment to translate all election-related documents into Chinese and several other languages. According to the results of the latest census, almost 80 thousand Chinese live in the city.

Each Chinese character represents a syllable or morpheme. In total there are over 80 thousand hieroglyphs, but most are not used in Everyday life, remaining common property classic literature. To understand the meaning of a modern text in Chinese, it is enough to know 500 characters, knowledge of 2,400 characters reveals the content by 99%, and knowledge of 3,000 characters allows you to read non-specialized literature and newspapers. The modern one-volume dictionary of the Chinese language includes from 6 to 8 thousand characters, but many of them denote ritual objects or names of Chinese medicine drugs, and are used very rarely. The standard form of the language is based on the northern dialects of Chinese and Beijing pronunciation.

Previously, the Chinese language used to write vertical characters, but now this method is used exclusively in fiction. The European spelling is legally enshrined in official documents, which is explained by the need to include words in English and other languages ​​or numbers in tests.

History of the Chinese language

The most ancient of living languages, which gave hieroglyphs and. The first monuments Chinese writing, dating back to the XIV–XI centuries. BC e., inscriptions on animal bones that were used for fortune telling are considered. Wenyan - general written language China allowed the preservation of heterogeneous dialects. The northern version of the Chinese language was developed better than the southern one, therefore, on its basis, the official language guanhua, developed in parallel colloquial– baihua.

An important stage in the development of the language was the introduction of baihua into document texts in the 17th century, but the final transition to this language occurred only in the 20th century. Thanks to the use of the popular language, dialect differences were erased, and literacy became accessible to all segments of the population.

The lexical composition of the Chinese language has twice undergone significant transformations, having been replenished with a whole layer of concepts in the 1st century AD with the advent of Buddhism and beginning to accept adapted concepts of Western civilization from the beginning of the 20th century.

  • Chinese lacks punctuation, but this does not make learning the language any easier. It is not for nothing that the idiom “Chinese literacy” exists, meaning something completely incomprehensible. The Chinese language is indeed very difficult.
  • Many words have dozens of meanings, depending on intonation and not related to each other. So the word “chiang” can be translated as “surround”, “must”, “river”, “lower”, “mechanic”, “command”, “soy sauce”.
  • Each hieroglyph represents a syllable, but sometimes one character is enough to write a word. For example, many Chinese surnames are written with one character. Most often there are words from two hieroglyphs.
  • In terms of the number of native speakers, Chinese ranks first in the world, but there are significantly fewer foreigners who want to study it than those who have mastered or.
  • According to various estimates, the Chinese language has from 40 to 80 thousand characters, but for everyday communication knowing 2,000 is quite enough.
  • The number of dialects of the Chinese language cannot be counted. The differences in the dialects of geographically distant groups are so great that understanding is almost impossible. Common language Mandarin is the dialect used throughout the country.
  • The need to distinguish between tones and intonations of speech explains the phenomenon of absolute musical pitch among many Chinese.
  • Chinese is one of the six working languages ​​of the United Nations.
  • There are Confucius Institutes in 78 countries around the world where you can study Chinese. This is how the Chinese government popularizes the country and improves the image of the state language.

We guarantee acceptable quality, since texts are translated directly, without using a buffer language, using technology

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Growing interest in Chinese

Online translator into Chinese tongue goes in step with the growing interest in business cooperation with China as a country, and the Chinese language as the means of primary communication with the people of this country. Translation from Russian into Chinese opens up access to expanded meanings of single words, translates parts of phrases, paragraphs and sentences on the fly, and prompts correct accent and an example of everyday use. Translation is different from translation, I think you will agree with this, as well as with the fact that machine processing will not produce results at the level of a professional Chinese translator. However, the availability of knowledge is growing day by day, we are developing new algorithms to provide you with a better and more native Chinese translation tomorrow.

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103 additional languages

For polyglots and multilingual users, we have opened access to the remaining 103 languages. The translator processes directions not only from Russian into Chinese, but also from all popular languages ​​of the world. This feature will be convenient for those who work with two foreign contractors or travel frequently. Of course, Chinese is the number one language in the world in terms of popularity and according to forecasts over the next 10 years it will remain in the top five languages ​​that will survive. Therefore, add to your bookmarks and use the Chinese translator online completely and permanently for free. There is no need to pay for translation at all; this is done to popularize complex and inaccessible languages ​​and dialects. We will not profit from people’s ignorance; on the contrary, we will help fill and supplement them. Stay with us!

 This page contains all online translators from Russian to Chinese traditional (Russian-Chinese traditional). Online translators are the ideal solution if you need to quickly translate text from Russian to Chinese. Translators work quickly and completely free of charge.

Translation from Russian into traditional Chinese

Translation into Traditional Chinese is considered one of the most difficult eastern areas of translation. This is explained by the peculiarities of the Chinese language itself, the presence in it large quantity hieroglyphs, the variety of dialects, as well as the influence of reforms to simplify the language.

Chinese traditional- a set of Chinese characters in traditional spelling(full set). This is the original Chinese, which has not undergone simplification reforms, one of the most ancient of these days. existing languages with the most ancient writing.

Today, chinese traditional used mainly in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau, as well as some other countries. In China itself, a simplified version of the Chinese language is widespread. The differences between these language variants are so significant that in most cases it is impossible to do without a translator.

Dialects and different systems transcriptions. Don't forget that in Lately Pinyin is used to write Chinese sounds using the Latin alphabet.

When translating from Russian to Traditional Chinese, you should remember that the method of writing Traditional Chinese is top to bottom, and the columns are arranged from right to left. Word formation is carried out using the methods of compounding, affixation and conversion.

Translator from Russian to Chinese traditional Google Translate

Chinese traditional Google translator Translate: fast and free, famous brand, good quality translation, 24/7 availability, automatic transliteration.

Russian-Chinese traditional online translator ImTranslator

A free multifunctional online translator for translating texts from Russian to Traditional Chinese. ImTranslator supports 35 languages ​​and is one of the most popular online translators on the Internet.

The translator also has a built-in: virtual keyboard, dictionary, transcoder, transliteration, text pronunciation system. So it's not easy Russian-Chinese translator, is a complete language tool for translating texts and learning foreign languages.

[+] Expand the translator ImTranslator [+]

For the translator to work correctly, you must enable frame support in your browser.

For the translator to work correctly, you must enable support in your browser JavaScript.

Russian-Chinese traditional online translator WorldLingo

Online translator from WorldLingo for translating texts, documents, websites, e-mails from Russian to Chinese. The translation is performed on the official website and takes only a few seconds. The translation quality is average.

Something about translation from Russian into traditional Chinese

The total number of Chinese characters exceeds 80 thousand, but most of them are not used, and are found only in ancient Chinese literature.
A person who has mastered at least 1,500 hieroglyphs is considered literate at the elementary level. This knowledge is also sufficient to perform simple translations from/to Chinese, reading tablets, inscriptions, and small texts.
To read newspapers and magazines, Internet sites, as well as to translate into intermediate level Chinese, knowledge of 3000 characters is enough.

Characters are not displayed when translating into Traditional Chinese?

When translating text from Russian into traditional Chinese, do you not see hieroglyphs? Are some strange symbols or squares displayed instead of hieroglyphs? Most likely this means that support for Eastern languages ​​is not installed (or disabled) on your computer. The solution to this problem is simple - check whether this feature is installed on your computer and whether it is enabled.

How to enable support for Eastern languages ​​in Windows:
You need to go to the Control Panel. StartControl Panellanguage and regional standardsLanguages ​​Tab

Check the box next to “Install support for languages ​​written in hieroglyphs.”
You may need to insert the Windows installation CD.
You can also install on your computer special program to support characters or a Chinese language editor. And support for hieroglyphs will be installed along with the program. You will find some of these programs