People often go to psychologists for one purpose - to immediately numb the pain. To quickly stop feeling

Fast time. Rapid change of feelings. There is no place for pain to live.

People often go to psychologists for one purpose - to immediately numb the pain. To quickly stop feeling - and run again, to life, to work, to family. Like robots. To live and not worry. To live and not be disturbed intrusive thoughts. To live and not feel.

Because pain is about feelings. This is an indicator. Where integrity is broken, it hurts. Where there is a wound, it hurts. Where there is a wound, it cannot help but hurt. If the body is alive, it reacts with pain to injury, disease, or malfunction.

There is a way out: become a cyborg, then you won’t get sick. Never ever. But then the sunset won’t make you happy, and the wine won’t taste good, and the cat won’t touch you. This is also about feelings.

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The wound does not heal instantly. Let's apply some pain-relieving ointment. Let's put on a bandage. But the wound will not heal before all the protective and restoration mechanisms are activated. Blood cannot be forced to clot faster, and cells cannot be forced to regenerate faster. Everything happens at its own speed and in its own time.

The same thing applies to the psyche. She needs to be allowed to work out all the stages. Do not hold it on purpose (do not pick at the wound), do not speed it up (apply one remedy after another right there). You need to let yourself get sick.

The loss hurts. Breaking up hurts. A message with bad content hurts. An unanswered message hurts. A harsh word hurts. Dislike hurts. Ignoring hurts. Jealousy hurts.

We must not run, not save ourselves, but live. You have to be sick. Like during the flu, you need to lie down in bed, drinking tea with lemon. We must accept this pain and this condition. Acknowledge and name what you feel. "Yes I am jealous". “Yes, I’m afraid of losing her, I’m mortally afraid.” And feel. Cry. Angry. Pour out anger. Suffer while looking at photographs. Write stupid letters. You don’t have to send it, but you can write it. Devote part of your time to living through the pain of the situation. Be in it. Without lubricating. Without switching. Without distractions. Set aside time to consciously experience pain.

The psyche itself will turn on defense mechanisms. If you don't disturb it, it will turn on. If you get sick, apathy and indifference will set in. Then a calm understanding of what happened will come. Then – acceptance of the situation and the desire to move on. This is what you wanted to get right away, immediately, at the very beginning.

I know, it's a strange recipe. But you yourself know: the effect of any painkiller ends, and the wound stops hurting only when it heals

Each of us at least once in our lives has encountered such a condition as mental pain. It can occur after the death of a close, dear and loved one. Also, mental pain visits us when parting or being separated from a person who is very dear to us. Mental pain appears when our personal self-awareness suffers, we feel bad and our mind is looking for some way out of the current situation.

What is mental pain

Is there an organ in our body called the soul? Any doctor will answer no. But why then does it hurt? In fact, mental pain manifests itself in the discomfort of consciousness, in the violation of the integral “I”. When it’s difficult for you, it hurts, you don’t want to accept life situation and put up with it, your soul refutes information from the outside.

With mental pain, your heart contracts as if in a vice, it becomes difficult for you to breathe, your eyes are clouded, and your thoughts are concentrated on only one situation in your life. Mental pain does not allow you to live, work, or study normally. With severe mental pain, a person stops any social life, he closes himself within four walls and endlessly thinks, thinks, thinks... Perhaps he is wondering if everything could have been different, if he could have prevented the current situation.

The human soul is like a living being that is sick during a period of serious emotional upheaval. And this soul, undoubtedly, must be treated so that it does not die. After all, if the soul dies, a person becomes cold, indifferent and angry at the whole world. This cannot be allowed.

Causes of mental pain

Mental pain can visit us in different life situations.

  1. A loss loved one causes severe mental pain. At first the person cannot come to terms with what happened. He denies in every possible way what happened and does not want to accept it. Gradually, his consciousness accepts and comes to terms with what happened - this is the next stage of experiencing what happened. A person learns to live without the deceased, builds his life without him. All stages of suffering from loss must be gradual and consistent so that a person gets rid of mental pain in the required time frame.
    Usually grief goes away within a year of the absence of a loved one. After that, humility remains. Even in religion there are rules according to which you cannot cry for a long time for a deceased person, because “he will feel bad in the next world.” No one can check whether this is true, but long suffering will indeed not lead to anything good.
  2. Parting with a loved one. This is also one of the most powerful experiences. When a close loved one leaves, the world collapses, as well as all the plans made for life together. It is important here not to forget the reason why the separation occurred. Did he leave you? Then why do you need him like that? If a person could not consider all your advantages, you should not run after him and humiliate yourself. There will be someone who will appreciate you. And if you left him, then do not forget about the reasons why you made such a decision. Every time you think about his “beautiful eyes,” remember why you decided to break up.
  3. Illness of a family member or friend. It is also quite a strong and painful feeling. Especially when the disease is serious. Mental pain gnaws at any stage of the disease, especially if a child is sick. Parents feel incredibly guilty. It seems to them that they could have saved, protected, and noticed minor symptoms earlier. The feeling of guilt for not looking after the child gnaws from the inside. In this case, you need to try to pull yourself together and tell yourself that you are not to blame for anything. This could happen to anyone. And in general, you have every opportunity to return a sick person to his former life. Be strong at least for his sake. And don't stop fighting.
  4. Betrayal. When there is a betrayal of a dear and close person, mental pain shackles all the insides. This is very difficult to experience. This is not only about love betrayal, although this is also, undoubtedly, betrayal clean water. A close friend or relative can also betray. After betrayal, the main thing is not to become angry at the whole world and not to become hardened. You need to accept that people are different and you didn’t get the best specimen.
  5. Humiliation. For a person, this feeling is another catalyst for severe mental pain. Children suffer when their parents undeservedly and unfairly punish them, a wife suffers from a tyrant husband, subordinates tiptoe around their demon boss in fear of losing their jobs. Such destruction of personality can be found all the time; it has a very strong effect on the psyche. A raped woman experiences the strongest emotional distress—mental pain remains with her almost until the end of her life. Getting rid of such an experience is not easy, because every time we replay the events of the ill-fated day in front of us and remember everything in detail. Any memory is like a knife stabbing into our heart. In this case, you need to understand that you are not to blame for the current situation, you were simply a victim in this case. Find the strength to accept this situation and move past it. Become stronger and prevent this from happening in later life.

These are the main, but not all, reasons why a person may experience mental pain. Anything can happen in life, because life is a series of good and bad moments, and you need to be able to cope with the negative.

  1. First and most important. After you have suffered, accepted and survived the situation, you cannot be left alone with it. You can’t isolate yourself and suffer, suffer, suffer. Your loved ones, family, and friends should help you with this. They should keep you busy with something interesting and exciting all the time. Try not to sit at home, go out for a walk, just wander around the city. Four walls won't cure your heartache.
  2. If your pain is mixed with anger, it needs to be poured out. Are you angry at a specific person, situation, life or fate? Buy a punching bag for home and hit it as much as you like. This way you can throw out your emotions and experiences.
  3. Animals are considered the best remedy for treating mental pain. They relieve anxiety, worries, and stress incredibly easily. Instead of a melancholic cat, it is better to choose a perky little dog that will not leave you sitting still. A trip to the dolphinarium will also be effective. Dolphins have a unique ability to charge with energy and give the desire to live.
  4. Forgive and ask for forgiveness. If the cause of your mental pain is guilt, repent. Ask for forgiveness from the person you offended. Conversely, if you are angry with someone, stop doing it. Mentally let the person go and be happy for the situation that happened. For example, if you were betrayed, understand that it’s good that it happened now, and not many years later. If you were wronged undeservedly and very strongly, let go and believe that fate will reward the offender what he deserves and will take revenge for you.
  5. Get creative. After all, mental pain creates a gap and emptiness that needs to be filled with something. Drawing, dancing, music, singing, and embroidery help to cope well with emotional experiences. You will be able to pour out all your pain into this activity and get rid of it forever.
  6. Constant self-destruction can lead to real illness in the body. So stop blaming yourself for what happened. Try to get rid of mental pain through physical activity. A great choice is running. While running through the alleys, park or forest, you can be alone with yourself, listen to music and finally understand what exactly excites you. Another real way to relieve stress is swimming. The water will take away all your worries. Physical activity produces positive hormones that will help you cope with emotional stress.
  7. There is another way to get rid of worries and pain. Write everything that worries you on paper. All your tears, worries, worries - everything that makes you suffer. And then burn your letter and scatter the ashes to the wind. This psychological technique will force you to mentally let go of your emotional state.

How to prevent heartache from returning

Some people like to suffer. They have not experienced anxiety for a long time, but they are satisfied with the role of the victim. But we know that you are not like that. Therefore, you try with all your might to get rid of mental pain forever.

Don't make an icon out of your loss. If you are faced with such a terrible situation as the death of a loved one, survive it with dignity. In order not to return to the past every time, distribute all the things of the deceased, leaving something for yourself as a keepsake. There is no need to leave the room in the same condition as it was “with him/her.” This will make you suffer even more.

If you broke up with your love, there is no need to leave all your photos together in the most visible place in the room. It takes you back to the worries and worries, to the days past life. If you truly want to get rid of heartache, get rid of this pedestal of victimhood immediately.

Mental pain is common to everyone, because we are living people with our own feelings and emotions. If your soul hurts, it means you have it. Don't dwell on your shock, try to move forward into the future. Everything that does not kill us makes us stronger, remember this.

Video: how to overcome mental pain

Reading time: 2 min

Mental pain is emotional suffering that is unpleasant and painful in its sensations for a person. Mental pain is also referred to as pain of the mental body and is considered a loss of survival potential. It is often much more dangerous than physical illnesses, since it causes disruption in the functioning of all internal organs and provokes disruptions throughout the body.

How to Deal with Heartache

Emotional distress occurs when you worry about a life event or worry greatly about a loved one. Mental pain is often inherent in a person when his personal ideas do not coincide with what is happening in reality. This is because significant experiences leading to , occur due to patterns formed in the human brain, and reality appears not to be what the individual expects it to be. All these disappointments lead to emotional suffering.

A person can experience mental pain both openly and hidden, when a person suffers, but does not admit it to himself.

How to deal with heartache? A person copes with mental pain in several ways. In one case, mental pain moves from the conscious sensation to the subconscious and the individual mistakenly believes that he is no longer suffering. What actually happens is that a person simply avoids pain and transfers it to the subconscious.

If an individual is inclined to demonstrate his actions and feelings, then this means that he is giving vent to his mental pain. In such cases, a person begins to consult with friends and acquaintances, looking for salvation in eliminating the root of the problem.

For example, if emotional pain is caused by relationships with parents, then a person looks for all possible ways to find a common language with them.

If a person has chosen the method of avoidance, then this method is expressed in not recognizing the problem; often the individual says that everything is fine with him and does not even admit to himself personal experiences. In this case, mental pain persists, passing into an implicit, subconscious form. This condition is very difficult to cope with, it is painful for a person, much more painful than open recognition, as well as speaking the problem out loud.

How to get rid of mental pain

It is very difficult to get rid of hidden pain; it is characterized by a protracted course (for years!). At the same time, a person’s character and relationships with others change. A person with mental pain begins to attract negative people, gradually changing the level of acquaintances, or completely abandoning them, forever excluding communication with people.

Often, emotional suffering does not allow an individual to create or work; it torments him, and the person often does not understand what is happening to him. Certain situations can remind a person of those moments that caused pain in his soul many years ago. This is explained by the fact that emotions were driven into the subconscious many years ago, so a person cries and worries without fully understanding what is happening to him, for example, after watching a emotional scene from a film. In cases where you cannot cope with mental pain on your own, you need the help of a specialist or a loved one who is ready to listen to you.

Heartache after a breakup

Psychological reactions to a break in a relationship with a loved one have much in common with the reaction to a physical loss, namely the death of a loved one. Mental pain after breaking up with a loved one can drag on for many months and years. During this period, a person is acutely worried. The experience includes stages of resentment, denial and pain.

Initially, a stage of denial arises, which manifests itself in a person’s subconscious refusal to take an objective view of the breakup and be aware of the end of the relationship.

The mental pain after a breakup is intensified by the understanding that the person you love is no longer there and will never be around again. The moment a person realizes and accepts reality, he will stop suffering. This understanding does not come overnight. The duration of this period depends on the continuation of contacts with the former lover. To get through this stage of mental suffering easier and faster, psychologists advise giving up all contacts, as well as getting rid of all objects reminiscent of past relationships.

The period of denial is replaced by a period of indignation, which is characterized by accusations of the former lover of all sins and the desire of the offended person to take revenge, especially if the cause of the breakup was treason.

Psychologically, this is understandable: blaming another person is much easier than admitting part of your guilt in such a situation. This stage is marked by the emergence of an emotional block: a fixation on negative experiences occurs, which significantly delays the period of psychological recovery. At the next stage life crisis worries about lost time in relationships that were in vain develop. Such experiences are accompanied by the fear of loneliness, as well as the uncertainty of the future, the fear that it will not be possible to build new relationships.

Most psychologists are inclined to believe that tears, suffering and reflection in solitude are an obligatory and also necessary part in overcoming this life crisis. There is nothing wrong with wanting to cry. Allow yourself to suffer and cry - this will bring relief and lead to recovery.

If, nevertheless, a decision was made to break up, then you should not restore the lost relationship, and for this reason, give in to sad memories, call, and also meet. This will only slow down and make it more difficult to overcome emotional suffering.

Women often need more time than men to forget about their ex-partner, since for women, love for a man is the most important part of life. For a man, the priority in life is often work and career. In addition, it is usually easier for men to find a new partner.

Psychologists advise, if left alone, to do something. If, nevertheless, mental pain after separation bothers you for two years, then you need to consult a psychologist or psychotherapist who will help in solving this problem.

Severe mental pain

Edwin Shneidman, an American psychologist, gave the following unique definition of mental pain. It is not like physical or bodily pain. Mental pain manifests itself in experiences that are often caused by the grieving person himself.

Mental pain, filled with suffering, is an expression of the loss of meaning in life. It is marked by torment, melancholy, and confusion. This state is generated by loneliness, grief, guilt, humiliation, shame, in the face of inevitability - aging, death, physical illness.

Eliminating the cause of suffering helps to get rid of severe mental pain. If the cause of emotional suffering is a person’s negative behavior towards you, then in this case it is necessary to eliminate these causes, and not extinguish your emotions towards this person. For example, if you have troubles with your boss that provoked mental pain, then you should work on your relationship with him, and not on your emotions and how you feel about it. Should be found mutual language or quit.

If emotional suffering is caused by an irreparable situation (illness or death), then you should work on your perception of reality and your emotions.

Mental pain lasts from six months to a year when losing a loved one. Only after this period of time do psychologists advise building new relationships in order not to repeat previous mistakes.

How to relieve mental pain? You need to admit to yourself that an unpleasant situation has already happened. This can alleviate your condition.

Second, go through a period of pain and come to your senses. Next, we build a new future, but without these circumstances or this person. For example, without your favorite job or loved one. Mentally build everything in detail about how you will live in the future. Often real world becomes in a person the way he sees it in his imagination.

Often, severe mental pain is hidden under other masks and is confused with anger, disappointment, and resentment.

How to survive severe mental pain? Find people who are much worse off than you. Show them concern. This way you will switch your mind from your problem.

Master the correct breathing system: with a long inhalation and a short exhalation. Proper breathing can help your body's cells quickly recover, strengthen nervous system.

Say something nice to people every day, positive emotions will also be transmitted to you.

Follow a daily routine, get enough sleep, this will help restore nerve cells.

Take your mind off your worries by dancing, jogging, walking, push-ups, and physical exercise. Book a massage.

Avoid the return of severe mental anguish. Scientists are inclined to believe that a person remains in a state of depression for a quarter of an hour, and the rest of the time he creates mental suffering for himself, prolonging and aggravating it. That's why great importance has the ability not to return mental pain again, which is facilitated by situations from the past that provoked the experience.

Doctor of the Medical and Psychological Center "PsychoMedoMed"

Regular failures in love and a prolonged lack of career growth, sad news about the loss of a loved one and oppressive loneliness are the prerequisites for the emergence of severe pain in the depths of the soul. This phenomenon cannot be cured by taking an effective pill or mixture. The consciousness of a person who is depressed acquires a comatose state.

It will not be possible to diagnose the problem that has arisen, because no medications have been found to treat the above symptoms in the 21st century. Calming capsules and psychotropic drugs can aggravate the current situation, harming the mind damaged by grief and experiences. It is not surprising that people have a question: How to relieve severe mental pain? What is the best way to bring your loved one back to a full life? Where is the formula for success hidden? How to get rid of it?

Mental pain appears in people who were not mentally prepared for the events that occurred. If you prepare yourself in advance for various options for the development of the situation, then it will be much easier to realize the accomplished fact.

How to cope with mental pain: a step-by-step guide to action

To solve the problem, it is recommended to contact a psychologist who will correctly diagnose the cause of spiritual experiences, offering his own healing method. However, it also becomes possible to get rid of severe pain that consumes a person’s consciousness every minute. The main thing is to follow the simple sequence of actions recommended below:

  • Identify the cause of mental pain.
  • Do not deny the presence of depression, accepting past events as an element of the past.
  • Realize the scale of the situation.
  • Determine the consequences by projecting the most “scary” picture of events.
  • Relate your results to the scale of the situation. Are realities not so harsh?
  • Change your usual environment, gradually arousing an interest in life in your mind.
  • Get rid of reminders of the event that happened by “opening” a new page in your own existence.
  • Enjoy positive moments while avoiding negative emotions.
  • Learn to live in a new format, becoming happy.

It is difficult solely with the help of words and encouraging phrases. To restore mutual understanding with the damaged consciousness of a close friend and lover, you will have to be around regularly, regaining lost trust. Remember that severe mental pain causes a state of apathy towards the world, aggression towards people, hatred towards the events that happened. Do not transfer this range of emotions onto yourself, because your loved one does not want to offend you - at this moment it is very difficult for him.

If you regularly train emotional stability, you can prevent the occurrence of mental pain. Rational perception of accomplished events is a reliable basis for a balanced and invulnerable person

Options for solving the problem at different ages

If you want to help your loved one get rid of mental pain, be sure to take into account his age. At different periods of life, people’s worldviews have a clear similarity, so the methods for solving the problem are identical:

  • Age 5–10 years.

Children have spiritual experiences due to unfulfilled promises of parents who did not fulfill the child’s cherished dream. Encouraging this type of behavior is not an appropriate decision for adults, but you need to help the child during such a period. To “free” the offspring’s consciousness from, an unplanned trip to an amusement park is enough. You can buy a young explorer exploring the world a portion of ice cream or a new toy - the main thing is a moment of surprise that evokes positive emotions in the child.

  • Age 10–18 years.

During such a period of time, mental pain becomes a consequence of the betrayal of a loved one or appears after a series of failures negatively perceived by peers. , taking over the consciousness of a teenager, slow down the process of growing up, preventing the child from realizing himself in society. The only rational way out of this situation is to switch the attention of the person who is in adolescence for exciting activities. A new social circle will allow a teenager to painlessly experience a depressive state.

  • Age 18–30 years.

To restore emotional balance, you need to regularly be around an adult who is experiencing severe stress. At this age, depression appears after a failed love relationship that ended in divorce. Discord in the family, lack of communication with the child, dissatisfaction with the authorities, lack of funds - the reasons for the worries are varied. However, the method of treatment is always the same - heart-to-heart conversations and a reliable “shoulder” of support.

In an attempt to help, do not become a “hostage” of your own mercy, sharing the worldview of a person experiencing severe mental pain. You must listen, giving him the opportunity to talk, but not agree, maintaining the format of depressive communication. Be there and prove your devotion by restoring your loved one’s faith in people and a bright future.

Breakups are a part of our lives, people break up for various reasons. One of the most difficult experiences is parting with loved ones. Sometimes even the strongest and most strong-willed people cannot bear it and do not know how to forget the person you love.

After all, just recently there was a feeling that this person would be there forever, and life could only be imagined with him. At such moments, it seems that this is a temporary disorder, it will pass and everything will work out.

Maybe this is a temporary pause, not a break? But how do you understand: this is the end of a relationship or a necessary pause in order to realize that it is simply impossible to live without each other. How not to make a mistake? After all, it is at such moments that a feeling of resentment, misunderstanding, and a huge amount of mental pain overwhelms you. At such moments, you want to disappear, hide from everything that is happening, forget how horrible dream. I want to quickly get rid of resentment, pain and replace this pain with something or someone. But doubts arise in my head: what if it’s just a misunderstanding and everything will work out? After all, there was a stormy, crazy love... What if, in a fit of emotion, you make a mistake and then regret it all your life?

Be reasonable, do not make decisions in a fit of emotion, but also do not indulge yourself with unnecessary illusions, assess the situation sensibly. After all, the wrong decision can lead to new problems. If you already understand that the old relationship cannot be returned, and you have firmly decided to get rid of the past, then do it to the end.

It always becomes very painful when remembering a loved one. Try not to go back to those memories again. when your loved one or loved one was nearby. The mind will constantly return you to the past; it is not ready to accept what happened. In such situations, your mind becomes a monster, tormenting you again and again, taking you back to the past, tormenting you with doubts, filling you with resentment, blinding you with anger. Therefore, in order not to provoke the mind, get rid of everything that reminds you of the person. Remove photos, delete his phone number, messages, hide his gifts away.

Time always heals, and after a few months you will look at things differently. Any souvenir can become a bright memory of pleasant moments that once happened. But it’s up to you to decide whether to get rid of everything forever or just put it in a distant drawer.

How to deal with the pain of breakup

Allow yourself to cry. There is no need to hide your tears: emotional pain comes out through tears. Don't be shy about it, it hurts you and you have the right to it. Allow yourself to experience with all your might, let all the pain that fills you come out with tears. But try to do this alone with yourself or work with a specialist, because any friend or girlfriend who sympathizes with you, resonating with you, increases this pain, not reduces it. Of course, you need to be close to someone, but try not to sow your pain, the “harvest” will later return to you. Try not to allow yourself to call or text your ex-boyfriend or girlfriend in this state. Allow yourself to cry with all your heart for a day or two, maybe a week, but under no circumstances allow this condition to become your daily routine for many months.

  • We cried, we worried - and that’s enough, stop!

After all, everything has its reasons. If the breakup was your fault, realize what you did wrong and don’t repeat it in the future. If the breakup occurred due to the fault of your partner and he does not want to see and realize his mistakes, it means that he is not yet ready for a serious relationship or his character and ego do not suit you.

The next few days should be spent under the motto: "I'm pulling myself together" . Control yourself! Every life experience makes a person stronger. You have already given yourself time to worry, and now it’s time to gather your strength and understand that you are strong and wonderful person! Of course, more than once you will feel a lump in your throat, but remember: when you break up, you lose the relationship with the person, but not yourself, you have yourself. This means that not everything is lost, although at such moments it seems that you have lost yourself. The time will come, and a person worthy of you will appear in your life.

There is nothing in life that will be with you for life, except yourself. All things and people come and will someday leave your life. Accept it. You need to try not to let the desire (to be together at all costs) take over you if this is no longer possible.

Sport burns away emotional pain

Physical activity helps to get rid of emotional pain and worries. There are three main sources of energy in a person: the soul, physical body and mind. Each of them produces and uses a certain type of energy for its own purposes, but when one of the sources weakens for some reason, our body can take part of the energy from another source. But it also happens that one of the sources goes wrong. It turns out to be an excess of some energy. In such cases, it is possible to redistribute excess energy ( strong emotion- this is also energy). If you are not familiar with techniques for managing your energy flows, you can use a simpler method. Burn energy in a common way, that is, physical activity.

Keep in mind that first the body uses its energy, and when you have already selected the energy that is stored in the body for immediate expenditure, only then will your body begin to look for all available sources of energy. This usually starts to happen after 30–40 minutes of active load. If you are not a trained athlete, by this time you will start to get tired. Emotional energy will begin to burn out when your body is tired and it seems that the muscles can no longer work - it is at this moment that what you started for happens. And the longer you load your body, the easier it will be emotionally for you later. For some, once is enough, for others it will take a week or two to load themselves up. It all depends on how strong your brain is, how much emotional energy it has generated.

There are other techniques and ways of working with emotional pain. There are a lot of working techniques on the Internet, you can choose any of them for yourself.

  • Techniques for working with your own energy “How to get rid of resentment.”
  • “Tell it like it is” technique.
  • “Write a letter” technique.
  • Breathing from “mental pain.”
  • The EFT technique is a technique of emotional freedom.

Emotional pain comes from our ego.

The human ego creates certain conditions in which our mind begins to generate emotional energies. It is these energies that cause us pain, or rather, they themselves are emotional pain. They arise due to the dissonance of reality with the desires of our ego. You should also know that when the ego provokes, for example, resentment, the mind begins to generate the emotion of resentment. At this moment, the soul and body begin to resonate, the grievances of the past awaken, usually every person has experiences of grievances in the past, so they begin to resonate, intensifying the experience.

To avoid pain, we need to harmonize our ego with our life, or learn to control our mind. Don't let it generate what we don't want to experience. To one degree or another, both options can be used for yourself. You just need to understand how and learn how to do it.

But for now, your mind brings you back again and again to the memories of your loved one. Any thing, word, event or even song can throw your mind into memories and experiences. In such situations, it is important to learn to keep the mind calm, and re-education of the ego is the next stage of work.

Energy connections with humans

When people come into contact with each other, they activate energy connections. And the denser, emotionally brighter and longer the contact, the stronger these connections. For example, energy connections along the chakras are used in love spells. Such connections, like the ego, provoke the mind to generate experiences. Any person (no matter whether he is a psychic or not) feels such connections, just not everyone is aware of them. You may be aware of the mental pain that these connections bring, but you may not be aware of the connection itself, you may not see it.

Many people can cope with their mind if they know how to handle it correctly. But with energy connections it’s more difficult; here you need the intervention of an empath or parapsychologist.

Energy connections after separation work in two directions.

  • First. They energetically and emotionally drain both those in this connection.
  • Second. They act like narcotic substance, which affects the will of man. In practice, the energetic connection is very reminiscent of the presence of a person nearby, as if the person you are trying to forget is always next to you, in the same room, although he could be anywhere at that time, even in another city. Such connections often provoke the mind to new emotions, and this can continue indefinitely. Trying to get rid of them without knowing how to do it, you can only strengthen them.

Probably, many will agree that any work should be performed by a specialist who knows what and how to do it. Energy connections can be neutralized by a person who sees, feels them, an empath (a psychic who is able to feel people’s feelings, emotions and work with them), a parapsychologist. By removing such connections, we eliminate another source of provocation for the mind, and uncontrollable dependence on a person is removed. Everyone can do the rest themselves if they wish.

Of course, emotional experiences come in varying degrees and neglect; sometimes a person exhausts himself so much that he is no longer able to do anything on his own, search for and select some techniques for himself. In such cases, it is better to contact specialists. A parapsychologist will be able to select the appropriate technique for you, remove the already accumulated negativity, restore and harmonize your field without using magic. Don’t push yourself to the point of complete exhaustion; the longer you wait, the harder and longer the recovery process will be.