Vladimir Leonidovich Waikov (r. In 1946), biophysicc with chemical thinking, unexpectedly came to the conclusion that the approach of Oparin contains much more valuable than they thought in the last half a century. Of course, we are not talking about the "oscillation principle" (paragraph 7-2 *), but about the fact that, as it turns out, many biopoiesis reactions could really follow in the "primary broth". First of all, it could be polycondensation reactions (polymerization with considerable energy and water separation), the source of energy for which the mechanical movement of water is served. When it moves through ultrafine pores, its dissociation is underway, and hydroxyls form hydrogen peroxide in unexpectedly large (over 1%) concentrations; She serves as an oxidizing agent. Part of the peroxide decomposes on O2 and H2.
For irreversibility of these reactions, stock products required. During polycondensation, it is achieved by changing environmental conditions; And with the decomposition of the O2 and H2 peroxide, they go into the atmosphere where O2 remains downstream and serves as the main oxidant (Voeikov v.L. Reactive Oxygen Species, Water, Photon, and Life // Rivista Di Biologia / Biology Forum 94, 2001).
The polycondensation is one of the forms of primary self-organization, the possible mechanisms of which Warikov considered in his doctoral dissertation (Biofak Moscow State University, 2003).
However, the problems of biopoede as a whole, of course, are not solved: it is necessary to understand how and why polymers can be collected in what is needed for life. Leningrad physiologists D.N. Nasons (student Ukhtomsky) and A.S. Troshin (Nononova's student), and soon Gilbert Ling (arrived in the United States from China), developed the concept of cell in the middle of the 20th century, in many respects
we have concerned with generally accepted views. The main thing for us in it is that the cell is not a solution held by its shell, and the jelly-like structure (gel), the activity of which determines the cell operation.
Currently, this theory6 ^ is very promoted and gives an understanding of many issues of cytology. The basis of the work of all cellular mechanisms (transport of ions across the border of the cell, division of the cell, the discrepancy of chromosomes, etc.) recognizes the local phase transition.
If you recognize that the cavity of the cell is not a solution, but the gel, then all the problems of biopoies are changed: instead of idle thinking about how the first set of biopoese, the first set of biopoese, can develop the first set with the qualities of biopoese, is a fairly real task - Understand how the gel complex was arranged for the birth of life.
It should not be imagined as a cell and better call the eobyt (this term in 1953 suggested N. Piri).
The first difficulty of biopoese, which disappears in the gel concept: the necessary concentrations of substances and their ions are defined not by the shell of the eobion, but its own structure itself. No "pumps" for the start of life are not needed.
The second difficulty - as the first proteins and nucleic acids have developed into the necessary spiral structures - disappears when understanding the fact that the spirals are defined by a quasicrystalline water structure.
The main thing - water shows that the very activity on which everything is known for all living things. It manifests immediately in two very different forms: first, the water structure determines the spatial structure of the macromolecules and organizes their interaction, and secondly, water serves as a source and carrier of active forms of oxygen (AFC) - such is the general designation for particles containing oxygen with unpaired electron (hydroxyl, hydrogen peroxide, ozone, C2, etc.).
AFK deviation achieved by pairing two unpaired electrons When connecting two free radicals, it is, on Wing, the main and historically the first source of life of life (ATP appeared later - see paragraph 7-7 **). AFK arises all the time and immediately disappear - either used in the metabolism reaction, or, if there is no need at the moment in this place, they simply go out; Moreover, it is special mechanisms for quenching in cells of all organisms.
Such a process of birth and death AFC reminds me of fluctuations of a quantum vacuum (Waries agreed with this analogy).
61 So refers to the construction of American Fishemik Gerald Pollak (Pollack G.H. Cells, Gels and Engines of Life; A New, Unified Approach to Cell Function. Seattle (Washington), 2001; Preparing Russian edition Ed. V.L. Waikova). In fact, we are talking about one aspect of the future theory: the abstract cell is considered; The variety of cells (for example. Division methods) is ignored, and it is unclear how to include it in this concept. The role of the membrane and the early evolution of the cell is too simplified.

The main oxidized substrate of biochemistry is strongly structured water, the oxidation product is weakly structured water, and the source of energy is an AFC harvesting. The act of structuring water is an act of accumulation of energy, the act of its destructuring releases energy for the biochemical reaction. It can be said that it is the inclusion of this process in the reaction of a geochemical cycle, which caused the complication of substances, marked the transition of chemical activity into biochemical. For details, see: [Ways, 2005]. If you remember that breathing is called the oxidation of substrates for the purpose of metabolism, then the thesis of Warikova

"Life is breathing water" It is quite possible to accept. Of course, this is not a definition of life, but an indication of the first and main bioenergy process, as well as to the main direction of searches for solving a riddle of life birth.
Let's start with the fact that the coacter is a tiny portion of the aqueous gel, but the gel can fill in a large structure (for example, puddle). If you add that the water, in the water and in the gel is replete with AFK, then, as we see, the problem of the initial stages of biopoies is greatly simplified.

Interest in active forms of oxygen (AFC) and reactions with their participation, to antioxidants blocking these reactions, has recently growing rapidly, since with AFC connects the development of a wide range of chronic diseases. But within the framework of traditional representations of biochemistry, it does not find a convincing explanation for the need for regular consumption of AFC with air (superoxide radical), water (hydrogen peroxide), food (MEYAR reaction products) to increase the adaptive capabilities of the body, stress resistance, and maintaining high vital activity. It remains unclear the causes of the high therapeutic effectiveness of such strong oxidants such as ozone and hydrogen peroxide with the absence of side effects. At the same time, it is almost no attention to the unique feature of reactions involving AFC - their extremely high energy output. It can be assumed that the absolute need for AFC for life activity and their beneficial therapeutic effects may be explained by the formation of electron-excited states in their reactions - triggers of all subsequent bioenergy processes. The oscillatory mode of such reactions can determine the rhythmic course of higher level biochemical processes. Pathogenetic effects of AFC can then be explained by the violation of the regulation of both the processes of their generation and elimination.

Paradoxes of oxygen breathing.

The dynamics of the growth of scientific literature dedicated to the active forms of oxygen (AFC), free radicals, oxidative processes by their participation, indicates the rapidly growing interest in biologists and physicians. In most publications on problems associated with the active forms of oxygen, their destructive effect on membranes, nucleic acids and proteins are emphasized.

Since the roles in the roles that AFK can play in biochemistry and physiology, a toxicological and pathophysiological bias prevails, the number of publications devoted to antioxidants is growing even faster than the total number of articles on AFK. If 25 years before 1990, the number of antioxidant articles referented in Medline was less than 4500, then only for 1999 and 2000 it exceeded 6000.

At the same time, out of sight of most researchers remain a huge array of data, indicating the absolute need for AFC for life processes. So, under reduced content in the atmosphere of superoxide radicals, animals and people are ill, and with their long-lasting absence. There is 10-15% on the production of AFC, and in special circumstances - up to 30% of the oxygen consumed by the organism. It becomes clear that the defined "background" of AFC is necessary to implement the action on the cells of bioregulatory molecules, and the AFC themselves can imitate the effect of many of them. All wider use finds "oxyterepia" - treatment of a wide range of diseases by artificial aeronization of air, blood treatment with such extremely active oxygen forms such as ozone and hydrogen peroxide.

Thus, numerous empirical data is contrary to the established scheme in the classical biochemistry, within which AFCs are seen only as superchactive chemical particles that can break the slim course of normal biochemical processes. At the same time, the main feature of reactions involving AFC is not taken into account - their extremely high energy output is sufficient to generate electron-excited states. But thanks to this particular feature, they can form peculiar bioenergy flows necessary to start, maintaining, and ordering a variety of biochemical and physiological processes. We assume that reactions involving AFC play a fundamental (from the word "foundation") role in the organization of the most complicated network of bio-physicochemical processes, which together meet the concept of "living organism". To justify this assumption, it is necessary to at least briefly dwell on the unique properties of oxygen and its active forms.

Special properties of the oxygen molecule and its transformation products.

Oxygen is absolutely necessary for all organisms, and for a person's life in particular. Only a few minutes without oxygen lead to irreversible brain damage. The human brain, which constitutes only 2% of the mass of its body, consumes about 20% of the oxygen obtained by the organism. It reads that almost all O2 is consumed with oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria, but their content in nervous tissue is no more, if not less than in other energy-dependent tissues. Therefore, there must be another way to dispose of O2, and the brain should consume it on this path more active than other tissues. Alternative oxidative phosphorylation The way of using O2 to obtain energy is its one-electron recovery. The properties of the O2 molecule in principle make it possible to receive energy and on this path.

Oxygen is unique among the most important molecules. It contains 2 unpaired electrons on valence orbital (M, where it is an electron with a certain set value), i.e. O2 in its main state triplet. Such particles have a significantly large stock of energy than molecules in an unexcited singlet state [M] when all their electrons are paired. O2 can become a singlet, only having received a considerable portion of energy. Thus, both triplet and singlet states of oxygen are excited, rich status energy. Excessive energy O2 (180 kcal / mol) is exempt when it is restored to 2 molecules of water, having obtained a hydrogen atoms of an electron, fully equalizing the electronic shells of both atoms O.

Despite the large excess energy, O2 with difficulty reacts with substances oxidized. Almost all electron donors accessible to it are singlet molecules, and a direct response triplet singlet to the formation of products in a singlet state is impossible. If O2 in one way or another, an additional electron acquires, then it can get easily easily. On the path of one-electronic reduction of O2 and intermediate compounds are formed, called AFC due to their high chemical activity. Having obtained the first electron, O2 turns into a superoxide-anion radical O2-. Adding a second electron (together with two protons) turns the latter into hydrogen peroxide, H2O2. The peroxide, without being a radical, and a small-resistant molecule, can easily obtain a third electron, turning into an extremely active hydroxyl radical, Ho, which easily takes away from any organic molecule a hydrogen atom, turning into water.

Free radicals differ from conventional molecules not only by high chemical activity, but also by the fact that there are chain reactions. "Overting" an affordable electron in the molecule that turned out to be nearby, the radical turns into a molecule, and the electron donor is in a radical that can continue the chain (Figure 1). Indeed, when free-radical reactions are developing in solutions of bioorganic compounds, few source free radicals can cause damage to the huge number of biomolecules. That is why AFC is traditionally considered in biochemical literature as extremely dangerous particles, and their appearance in the body explains many diseases and even see them the main cause of aging.

Purposeful products of AFK alive cells.

All organisms are equipped with a variety of mechanisms for targeted AFC generation. Nadph-oxidase enzyme has long been known, actively producing "toxic" superoxide, followed by the entire RFC gamma. But until the very recently, he was considered to be a specific belonging of phagocytic cells of the immune system, explaining the need for the production of AFC critical circumstances of protection against pathogenic microorganisms and viruses. Now it has become clear that this is an enzyme enzyme. He and the similar enzymes were found in the cells of all three layers of aorta, in fibroblasts, synocytes, chondrocytes, plant cells, yeast, in kidney cells, neurons and astrocytes of the brain cortex O2- produce other ubiquitous enzymes: NO synthesis, cytochrome 450, Gamma-glutamal-transpensidase, and this list continues to grow. Recently it was found that all antibodies can produce H2O2, i.e. They are also generators AFC. According to some estimates, even by one of 10-15% of the oxygen consumed by animals is subjected to one-electron recovery, and in stress conditions, when the activity of superoxide-generating enzymes increases sharply, the intensity of oxygen reduction increases by another 20%. Thus, AFK must play a very important role in normal physiology.

Bioregulatory role AFC.

It turns out that AFC is directly involved in the formation of a variety of physiological cell responses to a particular molecular bioregulator. Which will be the cell reaction - whether it will enter the mitotic cycle whether it will go towards differentiation or dedifferentiation, or the genes that run the apoptosis process depends on the specific molecular nature bioregulator acting on specific cell receptors, and from "context ", In which this bioregulator operates: prehistory of cells and the background level of AFC. The latter depends on the ratio of speeds and methods of products and eliminate these active particles.

The same factors affect the production of AFCs that regulate the physiological activity of cells, in particular, hormones and cytokines. Different cells that make up the tissue react to the physiological stimulus in different ways, but individual reactions are inserted into the tissue reaction, as a whole. Thus, factors affecting the activity of NADPH-oxidase chondrocytes, osteoblasts stimulate the restructuring of cartilage and bone tissues. The activity of NADPH-oxidase fibroblasts increases during their mechanical irritation, and the intensity and nature of the current of blood is influenced by the speed of oxidants, the intensity of blood is influenced. One of the first events in fertilization with the spermatozoic of the egg - sharp activation of the NADPH-oxidases of both partners. When suppressing products, AFCs violates the development of a multicellular organism.

AFK and themselves can imitate the effect of many hormones and neurotransmitters. Thus, H2O2 in low concentrations imitates the effect on insulin fat cells, and insulin stimulates the activity of NADPH oxidase in them. Antagonists of insulin - adrenaline and its analogs, inhibit NADPH-oxidase fat cells, and H2O2 suppresses the action of glucagon and adrenaline. It is essential that the generation of O2 cells is preceded by the other events in the intracellular information circuit.

Although there are many sources of AFC products in the body, for normal human and animal life, regular consumption is needed. Another A.L.Chevsky showed that negatively charged air ions are needed for normal life. It is now established that Aeroions Chizhevsky are hydrated radicals O2-. And although their concentration in clean air is insignificant (hundreds of pieces in cm3), but in their absence, experimental animals die within a few days with the symptoms of choking. At the same time, air enrichment with superoxide to 104 particles / cm3 normalizes blood pressure and its rheology, facilitates the oxygenation of tissues, enhances the overall resistance of the body to stress factors. . Other AFK, for example, ozone (O3), H2O2 were used in the first third of the XX century to treat various chronic diseases - from sclerosis to neurological pathologies and cancer. . Currently, in general medicine, they are rarely applied due to their intended toxicity. However, in last yearsEspecially in our country, ozone therapy is becoming more popular, the use of intravenous injections of diluted solutions of H2O2 begins.

Thus, it becomes clear that AFC is universal regulatory agents, factors that have beneficially affecting the processes of vital activity from the cellular level to the level of a whole body. But if AFK, in contrast to molecular bioregulators, do not have chemical specificity, how can they provide a thin regulation of cellular functions?

Free-radical reactions - sources of light pulses.

The only way to break the hazardous radical chain reactions in which all new bioorganic molecules are involved are the recombination of two free radicals to form a stable molecular product. But in the system, where the concentration of radicals is very low, and organic molecules - high, the likelihood of a meeting of two radicals is insignificant. It is wonderful that oxygen, which generates free radicals, is almost the only agent that can be eliminated. Being a bi-radical, it ensures the reproduction of mono-radicals, increasing the likelihood of their meeting. If R radical interacts with O2, the peroxyl radical ROO occurs. It can tear a hydrogen atom from a suitable donor with turning it into a radical, at the same time becoming peroxide. The connection of O-O in the breakdowns is relatively weak, and under certain circumstances, it can break, breeding 2 new radicals, RO and HO. This event is called delay (relative to the main chain reaction) by the branching of the chains. New radicals can be recombined with others and break the chain slaves (Figure 2).

And here should be emphasized the unique feature of the reactions of radical recombination: exempted energy quanta comparable with the energy of photons visible and even UV light. Back in 1938 A.G. Gourvich showed that in the presence of oxygen dissolved in water in the system where chain free-radical processes involving simple biomolecules occur, photons can be emitted in the UV region of the spectrum capable of stimulating mitoses in cell populations (therefore, such radiation was called mitogenetic). In the study of the anti-oxidization processes initiated by the RFCs in aqueous solutions of glycine or glycine and restoring sugars (glucose, fructose, ribosis), we observed super-weak radiation from them in a blue-green spectrum region and confirmed the representations of the Gurvich about the batch chain of these reactions.

A.G. Gurvich first found that plants, yeast, microorganisms, as well as some organs and tissues of animals serve as sources of mitogenetic radiation in a "calm" state, and this radiation is strictly oxygen-dependent. Of all the tissues of animals, only blood and nervous tissue have such radiation. Using modern photon detection techniques, we fully confirmed the statement of Gurvich about the ability of fresh undiluted human blood to be the source of photon radiation, even in a calm state, which speaks of continuous generation in the blood of AFC and recombinations of radicals. In case of artificial excitation in the blood of immune reactions, the intensity of solid blood radiation increases sharply. It has recently been shown that the intensity of the radiation of the rat brain is so high, which can be detected by highly sensitive equipment even on the whole animal.

As noted above, the noticeable part of O2 in the human body and animals is restored according to the one-electron mechanism. But at the same time, the current concentrations of AFCs in cells and extracellular matrix are very low due to the high activity of enzymatic and non-enzymatic mechanisms of their elimination known in the aggregate as "antioxidant protection". Some elements of this protection act with a very high speed. So, the speed of superoxiddismutase (soda) and catalases exceeds 106 revolutions / sec. Soda catalyzes the response of dismutation (recombination) of two superoxide radicals with the formation of H2O2 and oxygen, and the catalase decomposes H2O2 to oxygen and water. Usually pay attention only to the detoxifying effect of these enzymes and low molecular weight antioxidants - ascorbate, tocopherol, glutathione, etc. But what is the meaning of the intensive generation of AFC, for example NADPH oxidase, if its products are immediately eliminated by SOD and Catalase?

In biochemistry, the energy of these reactions usually is not considered, while the energy yield of one act of dimensation of superoxides is about 1 eV, and the decomposition of H2O2 - 2 eV, which is equivalent to the quantum of yellow-red light. In general, with a complete one-electrone restoration of one O2 molecule, 8 eV is released (we indicate that we indicate that the UV photon energy with lambda \u003d 250 nm is 5 eV). With the maximum activity of enzymes, the energy is released with a megahertz frequency, which makes it difficult for its rapid scattering in the form of heat. The useless scattering of this valuable energy is unlikely because its generation occurs in an organized cell and extracellular medium. It is experimentally installed, it can be radiatively and disadvantageously transferred to macromolecules and supramolecular ensembles, and used as an activation energy or for modulation enzymatic activity.

The recombination of radicals, occurring as in chain reactions with delaying branching (Fig. 2), and indirectly mediated by enzymatic and nefermantative antioxidants not only delivers high density energy to start and maintaining more specialized biochemical processes. It can support their rhythmic course, as in processes involving AFC, self-organization occurs, manifested in the rhythmic liberation of photons.

Occilla breed modes of reactions involving AFC.

The possibility of self-organization in oxidative-reducing model reactions, expressed in the appearance of oxidative and reduction potential oscillations, was shown long ago on the example of Belousov-Zhabotinsky reactions. The development of the oscillatory regime in the catalysis of oxidation peroxidase with NADH oxidation is known. However, until recently, the role of electronically excited states in the occurrence of these oscillations was not taken into account. It is known that in aqueous solutions of carbonyl compounds (for example, glucose, ribose, methylglyoxal) and amino acids, oxygen is reduced, free radicals appear, and their reactions are accompanied by photon radiation. We have recently been shown that in such systems in physiological conditions, an oscillatory radiation mode arises, which indicates the self-organization of the process in time and space. It is essential that such processes known as the MEYAR reaction are continuously proceeding in cells and non-cellular space. Figure 3 shows that these oscillations do not fade for a long time and may have a complicated form, i.e. Present pronounced nonlinear oscillations.

Interesting influence on the nature of these oscillations of classical antioxidants, for example, ascorbate (Figure 4). It was found that under conditions where pronounced radiation fluctuations in the system do not arise, ascorbate in an insignificant concentration (1 μm) contributes to their appearance and up to a concentration of 100 μm sharply enhances the overall intensity of radiation and the amplitude of oscillations. Those. He behaves like a typical prooxidant. Only at a concentration of 1 mm, ascorbat acts as an antioxidant, essentially lengthening the lag phase of the process. But when it is partially consumed, the radiation intensity increases to maximum values. Such phenomena are characteristic of chain processes with degenerate branching

The vibrational processes involving AFCs proceed at the level of entire cells and tissues. Thus, in individual granulocytes, where AFC is generated by NADPH-oxidases, the entire set of these enzymes "turns on" strictly by 20 seconds, and in the next 20 seconds the cell performs other functions. Interestingly, in cells from septic blood, this rhythmic is significantly violated. We found that the oscillatory modes of radiation photons are characteristic not only for individual cells, but also for neutrophil suspensions (Figure 5a) and even for whole undiluted blood, to which Lucigenine is added - the generation indicator in the superoxide radical (Figure 5V). It is essential that the observed oscillations are complex, multi-level character. Periods of oscillations lie in the range from dozens of minutes to their shares (inserts in Fig. 5a).

The value of an oscillatory nature of both regulatory and executive biochemical and physiological processes is only beginning to be realized. Most recently, it was proved that intracellular alarm system, carried out by one of the most important bioregulators - calcium, is due to not simply by changing its concentration in the cytoplasm. Information is enclosed in the frequency of oscillations of its intracellular concentration. These discoveries require revision of ideas about the mechanisms of biological regulation. If so far, when studying the cell reaction to the bioreculator, only its dose (signal amplitude) was taken into account, it becomes clear that the basic information is enclosed in the oscillatory nature of the change in parameters, in amplitude, frequency and phase modulation of oscillatory processes.

Of the many bioregulatory substances, AFCs are the most suitable candidates for the role of triggers of oscillatory processes, because they are in constant motion, more precisely - they are continuously generated and die, but with their death electron-excited states are born - electromagnetic energy pulses. We assume that the biological mechanisms of AFC are determined by the structure of the processes in which they are involved. Under the "processes" structure, we understand the frequency-amplitude characteristics and the degree of phase consistency of the processes of generation and relaxation of the ECU, accompanying the reaction of AFK interaction with each other or with singlet molecules. Generated electromagnetic pulses can activate specific molecular acceptors, and the structure of the ECU generation processes determines the rhythms of biochemical, and at a higher level and physiological processes. This is probably explained by the specificity of AFC's action - these are extremely nonspecified from the chemical point of view of agents. Depending on the frequency of their birth and death, the structure of the ECC generation processes should change, and, it means that the spectrum of acceptors of this energy will also change, since different acceptors are low molecular weight bioregulators, proteins, nucleic acids can only perceive resonant frequencies.

Our assumption allows you to explain a variety of scattered phenomena from a single position. Thus, the role of antioxidants seems much richer than in traditional ideas. Of course, they prevent nonspecific chemical reactions Damage to biomacomolecules with excess production AFC. But their main function is to organize and ensure the diversity of the structures of processes involving AFC. The more tools in such an orchestra, the richer is his sound. Perhaps that is why travelery, vitamin therapy and other forms of naturopathy uses such "nutritional supplements" in such a success - after all, these "nutritional supplements" contain a variety of antioxidants and coenzymes - generators and energies of ECU. Together they provide a full and harmonious set of rhythms of life.

It becomes clear why for normal livelihoods requires consumption at least in insignificant amounts of AFK with air, water and food, despite the active generation of AFC in the body. The fact is that full-fledged processes with the participation of AFC sooner or later fade, because during them their inhibitors are gradually accumulated - free radical traps. An analogy here can be seen with the bone, which fades even in the presence of fuel if the products of incomplete combustion begin to select more than the energy of the flame. AFC applicants act in the role of "sparks", which again incite the "flame" - the generation of AFC is already the organism itself, which allows you to show off and incomplete combustion products. Especially many such products accumulates in a sore body, and therefore such effective ozone therapy and peroxidant-hydrogen therapy.

Rhythms arising from the exchange in an AFC body to varying degrees depend on external rhythm. The latter includes, in particular, the oscillations of external electromagnetic and magnetic fields, since reactions involving AFC are essentially the reaction of the transfer of unpaired electrons flowing into the active environment. This kind of processes, as follows from modern ideas of physics of nonlinear auto-oscillatory systems, are very sensitive to very weak intensity, but resonant effects. In particular, the processes involving AFC can be primary acceptors of sharp changes in the tension of the geomagnetic field of the Earth, the so-called geomagnetic storms. To varying degrees, they can react to low-intensive, but ordered fields of modern electronic devices - computers, cell phones, etc., and if their rhythm of processes involving AFCs weakened and depleted, similar external influences with their specific characteristics increase. The probability of disunity and chaoticization of the generation of electronically excited states of biochemical and physiological processes.

Instead of imprisonment.

The above analysis of empirical data relating to such a "hot" theme of active forms of oxygen and antioxidants has led us to the conclusions, to a certain extent, contradictory current approaches to solving medical problems. We cannot exclude that some of the assumptions expressed above, the hypotheses will not be fully confirmed with their experimental verification. But, nevertheless, we are convinced that the main output: Processes involving AFC play a fundamental bio-energy informational role in the formation and implementation of vital activity - faithful. Of course, as any other mechanism, the subtle mechanism of processes involving AFC may violate. In particular, one of the main dangers for its normal functioning may be a lack of oxygen in the medium where it flows. And it is precisely then those processes that represent a valid risk are beginning to develop - the distribution of chain radical reactions, under which a plurality of biologically important macromolecules are damaged. As a result, gigantic macromolecular chimeras arise, which include atherosclerotic and amyloid plaques, senile stains (lipofuscin), other sclerotic structures and many still weakly identified ballasts, or rather, toxic substances. The body struggles with them, intensifying the products of AFC, but it is in AFC and see the cause of pathology and strive to immediately eliminate them. It is possible, however, to hope that a deeper understanding of the diverse mechanisms of oxygen utilization by man and animals will help effectively deal with the causes, and not by the consequences of diseases that often reflect the body's own efforts in the struggle for life.


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According to the site: http://www.gastroportal.ru/php/content.php?id\u003d1284

Lecture at the XVI seminar school "Modern problems of physiology and pathology of digestive, Pushchino-on-Oka, 14-17 May 2001, published in Appendix No. 14 to the Russian journal Gastroenterology, hepatology, coloproktology" Materials of the XVI session of the Academic School-Seminar named after .M. Corner "Modern problems of physiology and digestive pathology", 2001, volume XI, №4, p. 128-136

Workshop "" Ultra-plastic impact on physicochemical and biological systems. Communication with solar and geomagnetic activity. " May 6-8, 2002, the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

V.L. Ways

Transcript lectures

The role of dynamic processes in water when implementing the effects of weak and ultra-leak effects on biological systems

I am very pleased to be in this wonderful place. Here everything is beautiful, so everything is unusual, so everything excites, but the only drawback is that there are quite far open sources of water.

My report will be devoted to that the role that water plays in our life, in the life of each individual, in the life of all living things, and everyone is well known that without water "and neither there, and neither here." But it so happened that if we talk about the role and value of water in biological research, then, perhaps, until the very last time of the saying of Albert Script-digesion and about the fact that Biology forgot about water or never knew about it and if we translate the second Part of his phrase "Biology has not yet opened water", they were very fair until the very last time.

Figure 1. Water - reaction medium of life processes or substance generating them?

As can be seen in Fig. 1 (left part) we are 70%, more than 2/3, consisting of water. The most important parts of the human body, the body of any other animal, plants, in general, all living beings are water. And so, indeed, the biochemists know very little about water, like a fish that swims in water, apparently, knows very little about his habitat. Let's look at what is today a very serious, advanced, studied the mass of the subtleties and the details of biochemistry. I will give an illustration of an extremely simplified picture as an illustration (Fig. 2), which, probably, many students-biologists, biochemists, biophysics have seen and taught themselves about the most diverse interactions, regulatory interactions that are carried out in the cell. Receptors perceive molecular signals from the external environment in the form of various kinds of hormones, then the mass of various regulatory factors, mechanisms, up to the point that the expression of genes in cells begins to change, and it reacts in one way or another to external influences.

Figure 2. Modern ideas about molecular mechanisms for regulating cellular activity.

But from this picture, which, really illustrates the presentations of today's biochemistry, may impress that all numerous interactions and carefully studied structural components of living cells dwell as it were in vacuo. What is the medium for all these interactions? In any textbook of biochemistry, in any textbook of chemistry, as it were, it is understood that, of course, this is a liquid medium, of course, that these all molecules are not watered independently of each other, although it is assumed that they are only diffusing in the aquatic environment. And only at the very last time it became taken into account that indeed all these interactions of molecules with each other are carried out not just in a certain airless space, and not just in some abstract water - among the innumerable molecules of Ash two o, and that water molecules and herself By itself, water, as a subtle-structured substance, plays a crucial role in what is happening in a living cell, and in what is happening in any body and water, it is quite possible, is the main receptor, the main "rumor" of what is happening in the external Medium.

Over the past 10 - 15 years, more and more data began to appear that water in water is actually not at all, it is not at all a gas with poorly connected with each other with individual particles H 2 0, which for extinvoubly small intervals of each other A friend is sticking with hydrogen bonds, forming the so-called flashing clusters (the right-hand part of Fig. 1), and then scattered again. The lifetime of such structures in water until recently was considered extremely small and, therefore, naturally, it was not assumed that water can play some kind of structural, an important organizing role. Now it has become more and more physicochemical data, which indicate that in water, in liquid water there are quite a variety of sustainable structures that can be called clusters.

In general, recently there has been a whole direction of chemistry - cluster chemistry. Cluster chemistry appeared not only due to water, not even so much due to water, but it began to acquire quite important. And now, since it was about clusters, I would like to show you one example of clusters, now, maybe the most thoroughly studied, the so-called carbon clusters, which are called fullerenes, or the other form of this carbon cluster are nanotubes.

What are the clusters actually represent? And when it comes to water, then the fact that they learned in chemistry about the chemistry of fullerenes, more precisely, the chemical physics of fullerenes, apparently, may be related to water. Everyone was well known until the mid-80s, which carbon can exist in two main modifications: graphite - flat carbon panels and diamonds with a tetrahedral carbon structure. And in the mid-80s, it was found that under certain conditions, when carbon is turned into pairs, and then quickly this pair is cooled, there are some structures that have named footureren or bollas tanks, such balls of the American architect, Fuller Bammeister which built long before the opening of fullerenes at home, similar to later open fullerenes. It turned out that fullerene is a molecule consisting of several dozen carbon atoms connected to each other with its connections, as shown in Fig.3.

Fig. 3 Fullerene and Nanotube - Volumetric Carbon Polymers

Here are yellow here - carbon atoms, white and red sticks are valence relations between them. The most famous fullerene includes 60 carbon atoms, but very stable balls can be built from other sets of carbon atoms. Fullerenes and nanotubes are examples of clusters, and actually under the cluster is meant this is such a closed, bulk architectural molecule, which is not similar to the planar molecules known to us. This kind of clusters have completely amazing properties from the point of view of their chemical activity, more precisely to say their catalytic activity, because chemically, this molecule has extremely low activity, but at the same time it can catalyze a lot of diverse reactions. This molecule is capable of acting as an energy transformer. In particular, it can act as a low-frequency radio wave transformer into high-frequency oscillations, up to oscillations that can cause electronic excitation. Another form of such a cluster is a nanotube, they are now hardly engaged in engineers trying to create new generations of computers, since it has superconducting properties under certain conditions, etc.

Why did I stay on these two molecules? Firstly, they are very stable, they can be highlighted, they can be carefully investigated, and they are now engaged in studying and they are doing very much. Secondly, these molecules, these clusters reflecting the completely new properties of the chemical, physical matter are such that they are even considered to be new states of the substance. I told very briefly about these fullerenes, about these nanotubes only because of the fact that quite a few models of water began to appear, which are extremely similar in their organization to these very fullerenes and nanotubes.

Fig. 4 Possible Water Cluster Structure

Now in the literature on quantum chemistry, many different forms of water clusters are given, starting with clusters that include 5 water molecules, 6 water molecules and so on. This is from the work of the English physico-chemical Martin Chaplin (Fig. 4). He calculated what kind of clusters most likely exist in water and suggested that there may be a whole hierarchy of fairly stable structures of this kind. Blocked with each other, they can achieve huge sizes, including 280 water molecules. What is the feature of this kind of clusters? What do they differ from generally accepted, standard ideas about water molecules? In Figure 1, the water molecules in the "standard" form are represented on the right. A red circle is an oxygen atom. Two blacks are two hydrogen atoms, yellow sticks covalent bonds between them, and blue is hydrogen bonds that connect a hydrogen atom of one molecule with another oxygen atom. Here is one water molecule, another water molecule. The cluster is a volume structure, in which each water molecule may be associated with other molecules or one hydrogen bond, or two hydrogen bonds, or three hydrogen bonds and arises such a cooperative education, similar to what we see in Fig. 4. Cooperative in the sense that if one molecule of water is out of this construction, it will not fall apart, it still has enough connections, despite the fact that hydrogen bonds are rather weak. But when there are many of these weak ties, they support each other, and if at the expense of heat movement, one water molecule can jump out, and the cluster will persist, and the likelihood that some kind of water molecule will take this place before the cluster will fall apart much higher, higher probability that the entire appropriate cluster will fall apart. And the more molecules are combined into such structures, the more stable these clusters are. When this kind of giant molecules appear, already polymelacules of water, actually polymers, water polymers, they have high resistance and completely other chemical physicochemical properties than one water molecule.

Question (inaudible)

Answer: Just consider the characteristic size between hydrogen atoms and an oxygen atom - 1 angstrom. The length of the hydrogen bond is about 1.3 angstroms. But as for this gigantic cluster (see Fig. 4), the diameter of its order of several nanometers. Such is the size of nanoparticles in the nanostructure

Question (inaudible)

Answer: Look, here it is clear enough: inside this particle, in fact inside this octahedron, this dodecahedron and this giant icosahedron there are cavities in which, generally speaking, can "fit" individual ions, individual gas atoms, etc. These clusters, combine each other, create such a shell structure too. In general, clusters form structures that are mainly a shell, and within them, as a rule, cavities. And so, in particular, such data is obtained for clusters, let's say, there is a cluster of iron, so the cluster consisting of 10 iron atoms is capable of 1000 times more actively binding hydrogen than a cluster consisting of 17 iron atoms where iron is hidden inside . Generally speaking, cluster chemistry is just beginning to develop. And when we are talking about hydrogen bonds, it is assumed that hydrogen bond is a weak electrostatic interaction: Delta Plus and Delt minus. Delta plus on the hydrogen atom and the minus minus at the oxygen atom. But recently it was shown that at least 10% of hydrogen bonds are covalent bonds, and the covalent bond is the electrons already united with each other. In fact, this very cluster is an electronic cloud, which is somehow organized around the relevant nuclei. Therefore, the structure of this kind has completely special physical and chemical properties.

There is another circumstance. It often leads the data of quantum-chemical calculations of supercine water, i.e. Absolutely clean water, absolutely without impurities, but it should be understood that real water never happens to such water. She always contains some kind of impurities, it is definitely in some vessel, it does not exist in itself. Water, as is known, is the best solvent, i.e. If it is placed in a vessel, then she can perceive something anyway from the vessel. Thus, when it comes to what can actually happen in water, then we must take into account a number of circumstances: where this water came from how it was obtained. Whether it turned out as a result of melting, or turned out as a result of condensation, what is the temperature of this water, which gases are dissolved in this water, etc. And all this will influence in a certain way on the composition of the relevant clusters. I once again want to emphasize here - what is shown in this picture is one of the illustration of how water clusters can be found in principle. If you take Zenin clusters if you take chaplin or broth clusters, then they will all give different pictures in accordance with different calculations. And here is someone from the water researchers, water, thank God, she is investigated long ago, said that today there are several dozen theories of the water structure. This does not mean that they are all wrong. They are all possibly right theoriesThey simply show what the variety of this completely incredible fluid, from which we, in general, and are.

And now, speaking about the presence of such clusters in the water, I would still like to pay attention to the fact that I still say about the structure of water, which is somehow related to crystallography. Chaplin found, (see Fig. 4) that the same cluster consisting of 280 water molecules may be in two different kind of conformations. Conformation as if scattered and conformed compressed, the number of particles in these conformations is equally. The density of this cluster will be lower, it will occupy a smaller volume with the same number of atom in it than the density of this cluster. Changing the properties of water by Chaplin, may be due to how much the percentage of compressed and what percentage of swelling clusters will be in one or another water. The retelling energy from one state to another is not very high, but there is some kind of energy barrier, it must be overcome and some exposure to water can lead to the fact that this energy barrier can be overcome. When it comes to Tom, once again I repeat that the water is not just from water molecules that "droopy" with tremendous speed, diffuse with a tremendous speed relative to each other, facing and fleeing in different directions, and water can be of themselves "MICROLDINKS" (this, of course, not ice, which has a certain length, is a truly certain kind of closed structures, they may have dimensions), at least a path to understanding a number of absolutely incredible phenomena, which associated with the properties of water. These phenomena were known long ago.

For example, based on these phenomena associated with the properties of water, there is a whole medical direction, which at one time dominated, then went to the shadow called homeopathy, the mass of other phenomena associated with other water properties. But our academic science has such phenomena for the most 200 years, during which homeopathy exists, "noticed under the carpet," because based on the standard, generally accepted ideas about the structure of water, more precisely, the absence of any structure in the water, to explain them It is impossible. It is impossible to imagine that certain events can occur in this ordinary water, some phenomena that are described by such words as "memory", "information perception", "Imprinting". Here is such a word, the terminology has rejected academic science almost completely. And now, finally, the emergence of new ideas about the structure of water allows us to explain a number of phenomena or at least to find the path for which you have to move to explain a number of phenomena that I will try to tell here.

The next part of my message will be devoted to various kinds of amazing phenomenology, you know how in the magazine "Wonders and Adventures". Since the first report, Lev Vladimirovich Belousov's report was devoted to the works related to the name of Alexander Gavrilovich Gurvich, I would like to tell another study, which until the last period of time remained unnoticed because the discovery made them seems completely incredible. Gourvich, studying ultraless radiation, studying the interaction of biological objects with each other due to low-intensity, ultra-plastic, ultraviolet radiation, began to descend somewhat lower in terms of difficulty, began to try to investigate how radiation can affect any chemical reactions flowing in water. What reactions can develop in water, which is irradiated with a very weak light stream? In particular, in the late 1930s, then these works continued after the war, they were discovered a completely amazing phenomenon, which he called the reproduction of amino acids or reproduction of enzymes in aqueous solutions.

All those who ended high school know that any biosynthetic processes occur with the participation of incredibly complex machines - ribosomes, the mass of enzymes is required in order to create something new. But in the experiments, Gurvich, and then in later experiments, Anna Alexandrovna Gurvich, were opened completely amazing things (Fig. 5). We took an amino acid called tyrosine (this is a complex aromatic amino acid) and placed it into an aqueous solution of amino acids called glycine (simple amino acid), and a tyrosine was placed with a fadingly small amount, i.e. A extremely high dilution was made, in which tyrazine ordinary chemical, chemical-analytical methods cannot be determined. Then such an aqueous solution of tyrosine was irradiated with mitogenetic radiation - a very weak source of ultraviolet. After some time after that, the number of tyrosine molecules in this solution will increase significantly, i.e. There will be a reproduction of complex molecules due to the decay of ordinary molecules. What happens?

The process is not fully studied, but it can be assumed, although from the point of view of the "classic" biochemistry that I will say - a monstrous heresy: Tyrosine molecule under the action of light, better, if it is ultraviolet, goes into an electronic - excited state rich in electronic energy. A certain stage happens, it is not entirely clear what is connected, which leads to the fact that glycine molecules are disintegrated into fragments: NH 2, CH 2, CO, coxy. Glycine molecule on fragments called radicals, free radicals, then it will be about them. And this is the most amazing that molecules on the likeness of tyrosine are beginning to be collected from these radicals, their rather greater amount than the initial number of tyrosine molecules.

In order to assemble one tyrosine molecule from glycine molecules, it is necessary to destroy 8 glycine molecules. Here the remnants of CH 2 are enough to build one of this chain, but only one fragment of NH 2 is needed - here he will sit here (Fig. 5) and only one fragment of the coxy - here he will sit here and need another fragment he needs to be planted here . Those. The glycine molecule under the action of an excited tyrosine molecule for some reason is falling apart on fragments and then for some reason, not ababy from these fragments is assembled that, namely, tyrosine molecule. But there are extra fragments that can not be attached to anywhere. Slices appear, which can be united, giving simple hydroxylamine type molecules - there NH 2 it, I will not delve into chemistry, and in the experiments of Gurvich, it was shown that it really not only increases the number of tyrosine molecules, but also such fragments in this system appear . Full riddle. In addition, if you take tyrosine, but some other aromatic molecule that can be excited by light, it will multiply this molecule. Let's say that the nucleic bases will be multiplying if they enable them in this system. Apparently, without the participation of water of this kind, the experiments cannot be explained. I stopped at this, as on one of the wonders from a standard point of view.

The following miracles were investigated by the famous, unfortunately we can say that the scandalous French biochemist Jacques Benvinist. It is not known for his own fault, he arranged a scandal around his name to speak to the pillars of Western academic science. Jacques Berbinist - a classic highly qualified French immunologist in the mid-80s engaged in purely immunological experiments. He studied the influence on blood cells, which are called basophilles, protein substances that act specifically on these cells and cause their specific response, which is called degranulation. These substances are called anti-IgE, in general, it does not even matter. It is important that these proteins are associated with cells and cause them some biological response. The standard idea of \u200b\u200bhow the protein molecule will act on the cell is that it is connected to the specific receptor on the cell surface, one of the chains of the events presented above in Fig. 2, which leads to an appropriate physiological cell reaction. The greater the concentration of such proteins, the higher the speed of these reactions. The lower the concentration of these molecules, the less cells will react. But for some reason, as always, by chance, the employees of the Laboratory of Berbinist descended below the concentration, which could generally cause any effect. However, they received the effect. Next, they began to study this effect more carefully. They took the solutions of protein molecules (anti-IgE) and bred them 10 times, 20 times, 70 times with distilled water, i.e. The degree of breeding was completely colossal. Here, with this kind of dilution, at concentrations 10 - 30, i.e. Below the magical number of Avogadro (10 -23), meaning that this is one molecule on a liter of water, if there is a minus 30 degree, this means one molecule by 10 7 liters of water, this can be imagined to breed metering that in that test tube where There must be cells, in fact there is nothing, even if we take the 20th dilution, 10 to 20 degrees. And the degranulation of basophils occurs, as shown in Fig. 6.

Fig. 6. Deliculation of basophils in response to adding consecutive decimal dilutions of anti-IgE antiserums (according to J. Benvienist).

This drawing is compiled in many points, and it can be seen that when we leave further and further on these breeding the effect then arises, it disappears when, as they say, there are no traces of the initial molecules, rather exactly the traces of those molecules in these solutions. But there are no molecules. This is the discovery that was published in the Nature magazine, Belvinist was overflowing for 15 years. And only now he was carefully recognized, earlier he was excommunicated with science in the leading biological and medical institutions of France, where he worked and even nominated for the Nobel Prize before he was not terribly lucky that he did this discovery. This is still a lot to tell, about how he came further with this story, but the report is devoted not only to him - this is another illustration of what absolutely incredible phenomena, from the point of view of standard theories, may be observed when studying water systems.

Now I would like to tell about some of our "false scientific" experiments, since we are episodically engaged in the study of the influence of people who are called psychics, on various kinds of biological and water systems. My approach here is such, I would say cold. If there is an effect, even if I can't understand his reason, if I can state this effect, if it is reproduced, if I understand or have the opportunity to understand what happens in that system to which some action was rendered, to me By and large, in the first stage, it's not all the same, which caused this effect. The effect may be caused by heating or cooling, additives of a chemical or exposed to this system of some other factor. This other factor may be a person who claims that he has healership abilities and claims that it affects the health of other people. If he argues that it can affect the health of other people, then, apparently, it can affect both biological or physico-chemical objects. The task is to test its impact. We work quite a lot with blood and here in fig. 7 shows a diagram of one of the two types of experiments, which served as test systems to test this kind of people. It is well aware of the well-known reaction of the settlement of red blood cells, because for sure each of you ever handed over blood for analysis. Blood is gained in a pipette, which is put vertically, and blood gradually begins to settle. We have created a device that allows you to monitor with good temporary resolution for the position of the boundary of the grazing red blood. Everyone who surrendered blood to the analysis, knows that the normal speed of the blood sedimentation is somewhere up to 10 mm / h if it rises 30-40 mm / hour, then it is already bad. We register a kinetic curve, follow blood settlement schedule: we look at how it sits down: monotonously, evenly or sedimentation occurs with accelerations and decelerations.

Fig. 7. The principle of measuring the dynamics of erythrocyte sedimentation. From above - a decree of red blood sedimentation in a vertically installed pipette. From the bottom - the change in the position of the boundary position (curve with cross) and the speeds of its sedimentation at every given period of time (curved curves).

The idea is very simple, with the help of a special electronic device, it will not be discussed here, every 10, 15, or 30 seconds the position of this boundary is registered. At one point in time, the border was here, during this period of time she moved here. We divide this distance for a while and, accordingly, we get the rate of settlement over this time period, then slowed down, the speed has become smaller, and here we get a graph (Fig. 7), which is a timing chart in time of this border. Here we see, she was at first quickly, and then began to settle slower. Another schedule is just a schedule of the position of this border at one time or another point of time from the beginning of the experiment. This method is very sensitive in the sense that it allows you to see very well, gives reproducible results and allows you to see very subtle changes in the blood, since they all as it were integrate, any changes in blood, which one or another occur, anyway will be reflected At the speed of sedimentation of red blood cells. The request to the appropriate psychic or a healer was as follows: to influence blood or affect the saline solution, which we was then added to the blood, after which they were compared at the rate of sedimentation of erythrocytes in the control sample on which he did not affect. Here, it was taken from the same donor at the same time, which was in the same conditions, but those who were outside of his action, for him it was also control and here it was an experienced sample or to act as a physiological solution that we diluted blood.

It has been established that the "live" water should contain electrons, and the "dead" - excess of protons, or free hydrogen radicals (N. or H +). However, from physical chemistry it is known that the electrons in the free state of long do not live in the water. The author of the article, a leading researcher at the Biological Faculty of Moscow State University. MV Lomonosov - Vladimir Leonidovich Warikov, expresses the idea that the so-called active forms of oxygen may be a carrier of the oxidative properties of water. On this basis, it offers a new hypothesis about the origin of life. Recall that oxygen before its discovery was called "Flogiston" - "Element of Fire".

The properties of oxygen and reactions involving the active forms of oxygen (AFC), in particular, oxygen-containing free radicals are unique. A varied ways to generate and utilize AFC, indicating its absolute necessity for the normal life of organisms. But an obstacle to - understanding the real role of AFC is dominant in modern scientific literature understanding about them as about chemical particles conventional chemical reactions, whereas AFC must be considered, first of all, as the main participants in continuously flowing nonlinear processes, during which electron-excited states are generated. These processes play a fundamentally important role in organizing energy flows and information in live systems. Special properties of such processes are due to the fact that water plays exceptional importance in them - the main component of all living organisms.

Oxygen occupies a special place among the most important molecules for the vital activity due to the unique structure of its external electronic shell. Oxygen oxygen molecule can be considered as a reservoir storing a large supply of energy for full release which it must attach four electrons. If, for example, these electrons come to oxygen together with protons (as a hydrogen atom), then with full reduction of oxygen to two water molecules, more than 180 kcal / mol is released. With sequential addition of electrons to the oxygen molecule, the so-called active forms of oxygen (AFC), presented, in particular, free radicals are formed. (Free radical can be eliminated by the only way - by adding to it or excluding one electron; at the same time, it turns into a molecule - a particle with an even number of paired electrons, and chain reaction Obtained.) Most of the free radicals are greedily and, as it is believed to be unforetitious to engage in interaction with other molecules. In aqueous solutions containing bioorganic molecules, these particles can initiate uncontrolled chain processes, during which lipids, proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates are damaged and not only lose their functional activity, but also turn into endotoxins (Fig. 1). Therefore, biochemistry traditionally believes that the effect of AFC on living cells is reduced exclusively to pathogenic effects. Until now, many authors adhere to the opinions that AFCs are formed in cells and tissues under the action of ionizing radiation or external ultraviolet irradiation, as well as a consequence of metabolic disorders at the cell level, that is, "errors of metabolism", precisely, the transition of electrons to molecular oxygen with Electron transfer circuits, in particular, mitochondria - specialized structures in cells. It is often argued that the formation of AFC in the body is sad, although the inevitable consequence of aerobic respiration arising during evolution with the appearance of oxygen in the oxygen atmosphere - the photosynthesis of plants in the atmosphere, and that AFC is the causes of many chronic diseases, aging and death.

However, there is a huge array of data indicating the absolute need for AFC for normal life. If the air is devoid of superoxide radicals ("Aeroions Chizhevsky"), animals and people are sick and can even die. At the same time, it is normal 10-15%, and in special circumstances - up to 30%, oxygen consumed by animals goes to the production of AFC. Recently, it was believed that only the cells of the immune system are produced in the multicellular body, which enters into the fight against foreign microorganisms. Now it is established that practically all cells of the multicellular organism have enzymes, the main function of which is directed and often very intensive production of AFC. Consequently, AFC should play some important role in normal physiology.

Live cells react to external signals by one of the ways available to them: they either perform the specialized function inherent to them, or change their specialization (differentiating or dedifferenticated), or enter the division cycle, finally are self-confined, including the mechanism of programmed death - apoptosis. It turns out that AFC is directly involved in the formation of a cell reaction to a molecular bioregulator. What exactly will the reaction of the cell - whether it will enter the process of its division - the mitotic cycle, whether it will go towards differentiation, or dedifferentiation, or the genes that run the apoptosis process will be activated - it depends not only on a specific molecular nature bioregulator acting on specific cellular cellular Receptors, but also from the "context" in which this bioregulator operates. This refers to the prehistory of cells and the background level of AFC, due to both extracellular and cell products and the elimination. Moreover, AFC and themselves can imitate the effect of many bioregulators - hormones and neurotransmitters. The latter, in turn, affect the rate of production of AFC cells. Thus, AFC turns out to be universal information agents (allocated here and further.). But then, if AFK, in contrast to molecular bioregulators, do not have chemical specificity, how can they provide a subtle regulation of cellular functions?

Fig. 1. In contrast to conventional molecular reactions, free radicals - particles with an odd number of electrons - generate reaction chains, converting only during radical recombination

The fact that a significant part of the oxygen consumed by the organism is on the production of AFC, the current levels of free radicals and other AFCs in cells and an intercellular medium are very low. Numerous both fermented and non-enzymatic mechanisms, in the aggregate, referred to as "antioxidant protection", quickly eliminate the emergence of AFC. The latter are constantly generated in live systems during enzymatic and non-enzymatic reactions, and antioxidants provide a high rate of radical recombinations - their transformations into stable molecules. What is the meaning of the generation of radicals if they have to immediately eliminate? The characteristic feature of the reactions of recombinations (mating) of electrons is exemption in such acts of significant energy quanta. Products of similar reactions appear in an electronically excited state equivalent to what occurs when they absorb the quantum of light. The results of our research and these authors testify that under the conditions of molecular and supramolecular organized cytoplasm and outside the cell matrix, this energy is far from completely dissipated in heat. It can accumulate in macromolecules, supramolecular ensembles, emitter and discerningly redistributed between them. We believe that it is this feature of radical reactions that provides the regulation and coordination of the work of the actuators of the cell. Equivalent to light photons The energy of recombination reactions (seizure of a free electron ion. - Ed.) It can also act as a "starter" of metabolism in the cell - metabolic processes, and their rhythm producers.

Indeed, more and more data appears that many, if not all biological processes occur in oscillatory mode. At the same time, reactions involving AFC often occur in oscillatory mode under conditions characteristic of the internal conditions of living systems. For example, with a reaction between widespread biomolecules - glucose and glycine (simplest amino acid) flowing in water in a relatively soft conditions, in the presence of oxygen, the radiation of light is born, which, moreover, flashes, it fills (Fig. 2). We assume that the mechanisms of biological action AFC are determined not so much by their average content in the environment of the body, how much the structure of the processes in which they are involved. Under the structure of the process, we understand the frequency-amplitude characteristics of the reactions of AFK interaction with each other or with conventional molecules. If these reactions supply activation energy for specific molecular processes in a cell, then they can determine the rhythms of biochemical and then physiological processes.

The oscillatory rhythms, both periodic and non-linear, autogenerate (self-assess) in the process of exchange of AFC, but without regular external stimulation, ROS products sooner or later fades. The body should receive the "seed" in the form of an AFC from outside, for example, in the form of aeroions (superoxide radical) or with water and food. AFK appear in aquatic environment The body when photons absorb sufficiently high energies (UV and a shorter range) arising, in particular, during Chenkovo \u200b\u200bradiation, accompanying the beta decay of incoming in the body by naturally by radioactive isotopes 14c and 40k. External reasons and factors that in one way or another generate electronically excited states in the inner environment of the body, figuratively speaking, "include ignition", allowing "flaw" by the effortless to generate similar states.

Fig. 2. Radiation oscillations accompanying the reaction between glycine and glucose in the aquatic environment. Radiation is generated by the reactions of oxygen free radicals

Rhythms arising from the exchange in the organism of AFC on the one hand depend on the set of antioxidants whose cyclic reactions can act as internal rhythm. On the other hand, these rhythms in one degree or another depend on external rhythm. The latter include oscillations of electromagnetic and magnetic fields, even if the oscillation amplitude is very low, since the reactions involving AFC are substantially the reaction of the transfer of unpaired electrons flowing into the electron-excited medium. This kind of processes, as follows from modern ideas of physics, are extremely sensitive to weak resonant effects.

Consider how AFC can adjust biological functions At the level of a whole body. It has long been known that intensively produce AFC neutrophils using, as believed, these oxidants for the immediate "burning" of bacteria and viruses. But recently it turned out that both lymphocytes and platelets that do not take direct participation in the active seizure and absorption of living cells - phagocytosis, in the destruction of microbes, as well as fibroblasts and endothelial cells, smooth muscular cells of vessels, fat cells, liver cells - all of them Have enzymes and other systems, naturally producing AFK. "Flashes" of AFC products are necessary for normal maturation of eggs, and with the act from which the development of a new life begins - when the egg fertilization begins, and the spermatozoa, and the egg cell is sharply enhanced by AFC products (Fig. 3). AFC, although with a lower intensity, arise in the extracellular space - in the intercellular matrix, built from collagen and proteoglycans, as well as in the blood plasma, by the progress of glycoxidation reactions.

AFK products in connective tissue, to which blood and actually connective tissue, permeating the entire body, is of particular interest in terms of the energy information role of processes involving AFC. It should be emphasized that all collagen and many plasma proteins are spiral fibrous structures, which are theoretically capable of transmitting the energy of electromagnetic oscillations over long distances, it can be assumed that the extracellular elements of the connective tissue are not so much the reference function. How much is information, since they form peculiar channels connecting all organs and fabrics with each other and overlooking the periphery (possibly in the form of an AKU of duplicate points). Cellular elements of the connective tissue can serve as repeaters, decoders and amplifiers portable by fiber fibers. Interestingly, everyone without exception live organisms have connective tissue and its analogues, even if they do not have a blood and nervous system.

Fig. 3. Photon radiation with spermatozooid egg fertilization

If AFCs perform such a fundamental role in organizing life processes, then they would have to play this role at all stages of the evolutionary process. But how to deal with a generally accepted opinion that free oxygen appeared only as a result of photosynthetic activity of plants, that is, a long stage of evolution was anaerobic? It should be clarified that such a rooted representation is based on the speculative hypothesis, advanced to explain the "natural way" the appearance of the first bioorganic molecules from the inorganic due to the actions of high temperatures, intensive emission flows, etc. It is obvious that such a scenario of prebiodiological evolution is not realized in an oxygen medium, since any organic compounds under these conditions should be burned to immediately.

However, everything has recently appears more factsTalking that the water in which the most interesting processes involving AFC plays a crucial role in the product and in organizing these processes. In particular, it was established that under the action of mechanical effects - sound in hearing and ultrasound ranges, filtration, mechanical destruction of ice, with condensation of water vapors and its freezing-ottaivania - in water increases the content of hydrogen peroxide H 2 O 2 - chemically unstable substance, easily decomposing water and oxygen. When the simplest catalysts (for example, copper oxide) and the lighting of the visible light of low intensity, or even in the dark (with stirring), there are noticeable amounts of molecular hydrogen and oxygen appear.

The intermediate step before the stable molecules of hydrogen peroxide, oxygen and hydrogen should be degraded to the hydrogen atom and hydroxyl radical (N-oh-n → n..). Then the atoms of hydrogen are paired with each other, giving hydrogen molecule. Hydroxyl-radicals (.On) are recombined to form peroxide, and the latter can be detected before water and oxygen. But it is well known that for destruction in the water molecule of a covalent (atomic) communication (obliged electron paм) between atoms of hydrogen and oxygen, it is required to summarize a huge portion of energy equivalent to a quantum of long-range ultraviolet. How can, for example, simple filtering or condensation of water vapor ensure the appearance of such portions of energy? The paradox disappears if you turn to various modern water models, in many ways differing from each other, but with a combined one idea: Liquid water is not a set of molecules, weakly interconnected, and there are more or less stable structural elements similar to polymer molecules (Fig. 4). These models are put forward in order to explain the mysterious property of water, which is generalized can be called its memory.

It is known that when exposed to a high-density energy polymer, in particular, mechanical energyThe polymer molecule itself acts as a "enhancing transformer". The low density energy is converted by it (of course, with losses) to the energy of such a high density that individual covalent bonds in the molecule are broken. Figuratively speaking, polymers turn warm into light. And then, if liquid water can at least be considered as a quasipolymer to some extent, it can carry out similar processes that lead to the appearance of radicals initially, and then hydrogen and oxygen molecules. The evaluations say that the rate of decomposition of ocean water under the action of abiogenic factors can ensure an increase in the content of oxygen in the atmosphere until the current level in just a few hundred thousand years! It means that the development of organic life on Earth from the very beginning went on the background of generating active forms of oxygen, and in the presence of molecular oxygen.

Fig. 4. Three types of stable water clusters. Dark balls - oxygen atoms, light - hydrogen, short ties - covalent, long - hydrogen

Considering the quasipolymer, structured nature of water, far from chaotic flowing in water of oxidative processes with the participation of AFC, but on the contrary, with a tendency to self-organization expressed in their oscillatory nature, the following assumption becomes very believable. If the low density energy flows act on the water, and the gases are dissolved - nitrogen N 2, carbon dioxide CO 2, SO 2 sulfuride, at least in trace quantities there are modulating agents of AFCs - transition ions, then in water can spontaneously go to education first The simplest and then increasingly complex organic compounds are amino acids, carbohydrate predecessors, nucleic bases. As for the first time, A.Gurvich was shown and confirmed by us, in such conditions the spontaneous polymerization (association. - Ed.) Monomers may begin, and the resulting polymers have incarnations of enzymatic activity. Interestingly, in the literature, scattered data on the appearance of amino acids and other biomolecules and other biomolecules and other biomolecules are found in the literature, the possibilities of amino acids and other biomolecules, about the possibility of surprisingly clearly turning one biomonomers to others in the presence of AFC.

Moreover, it is very tempting to assume that the spontaneous appearance of molecular nature polymers in the water due to the conjugate redox processes contributes to increasing the degree structural organization Water is already due to the occurrence of the aqueous phases in water in the water (polymeric "crystallohydrates" with different properties), in which oxidative and recovery processes involving AFCs, differing in their dynamic structure, but somehow conjugate with each other.

Thus, taking into account the above, the appearance of biosystems decorated during the generaliversity should occur in water against the background of continuous generation of AFC and reactions with their participation. It follows that the characteristic features of these processes should be captured at the basic level of living systems. Excluding these processes, in particular, the dependence of their structure from the external field effects of cosmic and earthly origin, the models aimed at understanding the mechanisms of functioning of living systems at any levels of their organization are already.

0Nexticant dictators in the chemical life of the ocean are oxygen and sulfur. Two of these exceptionally active elements give acid and basic Compounds clearly dividing spheres of influence. "The state of sulfur" is the coastal areas of the World Ocean and the deep layers of the bottom il. "Oxygen Country" - central parts of the oceans and a thin upper layer of the bottom El ( based on print materials ).

It is believed that free oxygen in the earth's atmosphere appeared approximately 1.6 billion years ago, and the transition from enzymatic metabolism (fermentation) to oxygen respiration occurred about a billion years ago .

"Notice a green color, he is knowledge of the entity"

(Signs of Agni Yoga, 260)

The most intense luminous line of the night sky is a green line of neutral oxygen 5577 nm (1 nm \u003d 10 -9 m); This is the main line of low polar shine. The division of the entire spectrum of visible light with the help gives a close wavelength of 5370 nm, which corresponds to the boundary between green and yellow-green, these colors are physiologically most favorable for human health - reduce blood pressure and expand capillaries, increase engine-muscular performance, soothe and facilitate neuralgia . In the wavelength range from 5080 nm to 5560 Nm, the person's eye has the same "visibility" in the light of the earth lighting the Sun; If it is divided into this narrow interval in gold, then again we get the value of 5370 nm - the maximum of "visibility" ( V.I. Corobko. Golden proportion and problems of harmony systems. M., 1998; Unpublished data VD Tsvetkov).

Water outside the land

One of the discoveries of the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) - Detection large number Aqueous vapor in one of the bunches of inter-liveli gas near Orion Nebula. And although the water in the universe is not uncommon (with the help of the same ISO, it was found literally everywhere - from the satellite of Saturn Titan to distant galaxies), the concentration of steam in this clutch is approximately twenty times the content in other clouds of the interior gas.

In recent years, astrophysics have repeatedly predicted that if the temperature of the interior gas exceeds 100 ° C, then the chemical reactions in it should effectively bind oxygen atoms in water molecules. In the cloud of interior gas from all sides, shock waves are beaten, compressing and heating gas. In the end, water vapor cooles and wipes it, turning into small particles of ice. Apparently, a similar process provided a high water and ice content in the nebula, from which it was formed solar system.

For Pluto, Soroccratically removed from the Sun in comparison with Earth, a small planet was found in a diameter of half a kilometers, consisting of ice; Perhaps they are hundreds and thousands.

Observations JupiterConducted with the help of the Galileo spacecraft restored the confidence of planetists in the fact that the clouds of the planet-giant contains a lot of water. In the atmosphere of Jupiter, as on earth (five times closest to the Sun, than Jupiter), there are "dry" and "wet" areas, that is, areas with high moisture content - peculiar tropics and deserts.

The latest reports of these Galileo apparatus, flying around one of the 4 largest satellites Jupiter - Europe, indicate the presence of water there. The ocean, close to the volume of the earth, was spreading under a ten-tone-tonlete thick ice, if its depth is 50-60 km.

Liquid water existed on Mars only millions of years ago; It may exist and lay a day, and it must be very salty (then freezes at -60 ° C).

(Based on print materials)


The AFC refers to ozone, which is stated in live ethics. - approx. S.K. Borisova (S.B.).

- Free radicals- low molecular weight compounds with unsaturated or oversaturated valences, more precisely - low molecular weight ions of both characters; Negative ions are involved in oxidative processes, and positive - in reducing. - approx. S. B.

- Lipids - Fat molecules playing an important role as building material for cell membranes and as molecules containing a large stock of Eergia, exempted during their oxidation: Many lipid representatives perform important bioregulatory functions. Endotoxins - poisonous substances for the body (complex proteins of outer layers of pathogenic bacteria), which are produced by the organism itself. - approx. S.B.

- Mitochondria(from Greek. - Thread and grains) - organoid cytoplasm of animals and plant cells in the form of filamentary or granular formations that provide an energy cell due to the conversion of chemical energy of carbohydrates and fats. Consists of protein, lipids, RNA and DNA; Function 5--10 days. Their number in the cell is from units to several thousand. According to the logic of the author, the cells are equipped with energy and in AFC, which means mitochondria, which supply the cell energy, produce AFC not as a byproduct, but within the framework of the power supply scheme. - approx. S.B. -Neuromediator- Molecules providing the transfer of a nervous pulse.

Definition of "antioxidant protection" given by the author himself; "Oxidant processes" are oxidative processes, while antioxidant - restoration.

- Cytoplasm - non-nuclear part of cell protoplasm. - approx. ed.

- Extracellular matrix consists of a homogeneous and fine-grained semi-gravestone. - approx. ed.

As a result of antioxidant processes, destroying AFCs, molecules are formed in excited states (biologically active). Thus, part of the energy and oxygen is inserted by a cell in AFC produced by the cell itself (including), and the antnetoxidant processes are supplied with the necessary cells of the molecule (included in the antioxidants). The production and destruction of AFCs enters the overall dynamics of life, in metabolism, when substances are made and destroyed - each with its frequency. The "metabolism" of AFC goes at very high frequencies, that is, AFC is produced and destroyed very quickly in comparison with other processes of life, which means this is the possible basis of high-frequency rhythms (vibrations!) Of a living organism. The author therefore expresses the assumption that high-frequency AFC-metabolism may underlie the lower-frequency metabolism considered in modern biological science, may be the "rhythm of metabolic processes". - approx. S.B. - Lymphocytes (from lat. - moisture H Greek. - Cell) - one of the forms of non-tricky leukocytes (white blood cells-Taurus), formed in the lymph nodes of the spleen and bone marrow; Participate in immunity reactions. Approx. ed.

- Thrombocytes (Blood plates) Fragments of Megakaryocyte cells contained, perform an important role in blood and thrombosis processing processes.

- Fibroblasts (from lat. - Hair, thread) - the main variety of connective tissue cells in vertebrates and humans participating in the closure of wounds during inflammatory processes. Endothelial cells (from Greek inside and nipples) wretched the walls of blood vessels. - approx. ed.

- Collagen - protein that provides the base of the fibers of the connective tissue (bones, tendons, cartilage, ligaments, etc.) and ensuring their strength. - approx. ed.

- Proteoglycans - polymeric biomolecules that serve as the basis of the intercellular substance in a multicellular body.

- Glycoxidation- oxidative processes accompanying the reactions of the interaction of many sugars (for example, glucose) with amino acids, during which active forms of oxygen occur.

That is, AFK energy source for radiation "protein antennas". Energy transfer by means of electromagnetic radiation on "long distances" (within the body) is carried out to ensure its integrity. In this process, the most active participation and numerous cell membranes should be taken, whose electrostatic potentials are removed from the Kirlyanovskaya aura photons of the electromagnetic radiation of the most of the different energy (first of all the light, that is, the energy of chemical is connected). Approx. S.B.

V.l.voeikov. Processes Involving Reactive Oxygen Species Are The Major Source Of Structured Energy for Organismal Biopliotonic Field Pumping in Biophotonics and Coherent Systems / Editors: Lev Beloussov, Fritz-Albert Popp, Vladimir Voeikov and Roeland Van Wijk. Moscow University Press, Moscow, 2000. PP. 203-228.

Water can treat, kill and burn

Vladimir Leonidovich Warikov

At the Department of Bioorganic Chemistry, Biofac MSUs are carried out experiments on water impact. And scientists do not refuse to deal with people who declare that they can change its properties at a distance. But not people, and water is the main object of research. Professor of the Department, Dr. Biological Sciences Vladimir Wayes told about the water consumption of water in large science.

Vladimir Leonidovich, it's hard to believe that in Moscow State University, Holy Saints fundamental science, deal with psychics. What are your experiments?

Several people turned to us asking for their own money to check their abilities. We conducted an experiment, which was as follows: Divided the water located in a vessel for two servings and placed them in different places in the laboratory. The subjects who were completely different, but were among us earlier, they said, where exactly is one of the portions. Thus, the "impact" was carried out at a distance. What it consisted, I don't know, but the result was obvious - in the experimental meal of water, oxidative processes went to 2? 3 times faster. We carried out experiments and with blood samples, there after exposure these processes were activated ten times. We conducted the protocol, all documents exist.

One of the participants was checked in many places, including in the West - in Switzerland he has a cosmetology clinic, where they correct the defects of appearance without surgical intervention.

And, of course, no hints for explanations?

I do not undertake this effect. How exactly the subject affects what does and feel - I do not know. My task is to explore whether the properties of water really changed. If a person was in the laboratory, it would still be possible to dream: sound oscillations, passages with hands, thermal energy, microwaves ... but when it and a water vessel shake 2 thousand km, I do not even have assumptions. Now there are no full-fledged scientific ideas that could explain and this impact on large distances, and much more. You can only state the fact, conduct experiments, but it is impossible to study the mechanism.

From your point of view, "Charged Water" is not complete nonsense?

It depends on what to understand. Water (although not everyone) can "consume" oxygen, that is, oxidized, is reliably known, we have been experiments for many years. During the oxidation reaction, energy is released. Part of it, as it turned out, accumulates in water, and water becomes biologically active and sensitive to various weaknesses, for example, to radiation. And such water can be "programmed" - that is, to send in the desired side the nature of the reactions that proceed in it. This water will possess special properties.

You can work, for example, oscillations, including sound. A concussion with a certain rhythm, which resonates with the processes occurring in water, will change its properties. This is not every person can do, and not any water can be influenced. For example, it can be cleaned to such an extent, to destruct that it becomes dead.

All this sounds not too across scientifically, if not to take into account that literally in the last decade, when interest in the molecule H2O has increased sharply, scientists received new fundamental knowledge about the properties, the structure of water, which have not yet come to textbooks.

Until recently, the biological science was carried out mainly by systematics, the preparation of "herbarium", up to a molecular level. A living organism was considered only as a set of genes, proteins, carbohydrates. Now began the study of their aggregate. There is a transition to an incomparable more complex phase - the study of processes. And it turned out that the water here plays a much more important role than the one that she was given before. Biology has missed this one of the most important molecules throughout its development. From the point of view of books, articles, textbooks, all reactions in the body seem to be leaked on a sheet of white paper or in vacuo. In fact, they occur in the water. Is it possible to deepen in the subtle structure of molecules, not to take into account this living ocean? This is a very complex system - there is no water as such, it is different each time, gases, salts, biomolecules dissolved in it. That is, water is structured. The advanced area today is just a study of the structure, dynamics, reactions occurring in water.

At the end of October, the first major conference dedicated to specially studies of water from the point of view of biology, biochemistry, biophysics, etc. will be held in Vermont. By the way, Russia in these studies occupies a leading position, and it is not by chance that the organizers of the conference (University of Washington) seek to attract as many scientists as possible as possible. And just in St. Petersburg, the congress "Weak and ultra-plastic fields and radiation in biology and medicine" took place. It is held for the fourth time, and every year the water is becoming increasingly attention. This is not by chance. The impact on the person's electromagnetic radiation is a proven fact. But until recently it was unclear, but what exactly do they act? This kind of effects in terms of force, intensity - weak, and the effect can produce strong. These are "small bugs" that should get into some very large target.

Is it water?

Yes, they act through water systems. But it should be not just water, but a special, where free-radical reactions flow. Free radical in nature is micromagnet. And if external magnetic fields They change, then these reactions in water, from which mainly and consists of a living organism, begin to flow through another channel. Fortunately, our body is rather tightly adjustable, so you can confuse it only with repeating effects, embedded in one another. If a person is in a stable condition, they have a training effect, it is a shake, as a result of which a healthy body will become even healthier. In the state of imbalance, this impact leads to a deterioration. In medicine, there was even a new term - desynchronomy, that is, a violation of the interdependence of the processes of the body in response to the effect of external destructive factors. Hence the resonant medicine appeared - weak exposure (magnetic, sound, physiotherapy, homeopathy), which returns the usual rhythm that returns.

Is it possible to fix it, translate, so to speak, on the material basis?

Methods of studying these complex processes only appear. Take, for example, homeopathy. How can the substance, when not a single molecule in the solution?! From the point of view of traditional chemistry, physics cannot. However, new physical methods have been developed (this was presented at Congress), which make it possible to clearly distinguish solutions in which certain substances were initially kept, from those where this substance was never. They show that water has retained the memory of the substance that was once in the solution, despite the strong breeding.

One of your reports was devoted to the "Bioenergy Water". What it is?

Water is not only the main perceive substance, but also most importantly, "fuel", which determines the energy of a living organism. Energy is obtained as it is known as a result of oxidation. When combustion, it is released in the form of light, and when heated is in the form of heat. Classical bioenergy examines only the process when the energy is highlighted by small portions. But in the living organism processes of burning, however, until the very last time, these reactions were considered solely as pathological. They are associated with the so-called free radicals, active oxygen forms, and struggle with them using antioxidants. It is a fashionable word. It turns out, the antioxidant is something that prevents oxidation, but it is precisely as a result of oxidation that we get energy. So, he deprives us of energies?! Due to what will we live? Fortunately, this is not the case, and in fact antioxidants are stimulants of burning, just not all understand this. The same vitamin C is the most powerful activator of oxygen.

I observed from the fact that our bioenergy is based on burning. The water from which the body consists may burn, that is, they are directly oxidized with oxygen. And this reaction is in the blood continuously due to antibodies - molecules that are struggling with alien factors. However, combustion can be both useful and harmful. It is possible to "burn alive" - \u200b\u200bwhen an autoimmune reaction begins in the body, excessive activation of the immune system. But it rarely happens, much more often the body does not burn, and "tweets" is nothing more than chronic diseases. And it is necessary to deal with this with an active oxygen - air enriched with ozone, chandeliers of Chizhevsky, ionizers. And drinking water can have a positive effect on the body, maintain combustion processes - for example, water from sources, mountain streams. And "empty", energy poor water can, on the contrary, take energy.

All this and much more outstanding minds expressed a few more decades ago, but no one took them seriously. And only now we re-open this huge, almost unknown continent, but already from the standpoint of experimental science.

Attitude to this topic and now is not unambiguous. It is unlikely that you will be able to get a lot of grants on such research ...

Grants on quantum physics For the first time began to allocate military departments, by the way, and on this subject - too. Begins to allocate money business. The conference in the United States, which I mentioned is carried out under the auspices of a large high-tech Vermont-Photonix company. And we work on this topic mainly by indoors. At the end of this year, a plant for the production of various beverages will begin to work near Moscow, where there will be a workshop for the release of "biologically active" water (containing active oxygen). We analyze this water, let us recommend how to optimize the technological process. So there are businessmen and in the West, and in Russia, who understand that oil will end sooner or later, and water is eternal.