Hello dear readers of the Reading Technologies blog!

I will devote this article to esotericism.

But not in the sense that we will control fate through thoughts and attract events with energy. No. But use interesting and useful esoteric knowledge To develop our qualities, we will try this.

Let's take for example a quality like: observation.

After all, in essence, being able to observe means being able to see details in an object/phenomenon that others do not notice.

But how can you notice, much less distinguish one from the other, if you don’t know what parts the object actually consists of and how it is correctly described. After all, you need not only to be able to see, but also know what you need to see in a particular object of observation .


Since ancient times, people have tried to classify similar properties of objects into so-called Typologies .

For example, there are typologies of human temperament: choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic, melancholic. According to the type of body structure: asthenic, normosthenic, hypersthenic.

Or division according to the signs of the Zodiac or the year of the Chinese calendar.

Similarly, typical properties were noticed in the lines of the palm - arose palmistry , in the arrangement of objects - Feng Shui , in handwriting - graphology etc.

It was also noticed that people with the same facial features very often have similar character traits. This is how it arose physiognomy.

This is what we will talk about today in our "Book Review".

Physiognomy concept

Physiognomy is a method of determining a person’s personality type and character, and even fate, by external facial features. That's it in short.

The first mention of physiognomy is attributed to Aristotle. Even earlier, Hippocrates was also interested in this.

The word physiognomy (from the French physionomie) first came into Russian - the art of recognizing a person’s character by his facial features.

Today physiognomy is called a face, and instead of “ physiognomy" use the word " physiognomy».

Later, from the concept of “physiognomy” they separated kinesics (gestures, facial expressions), phrenology(study of the structure of the skull), oculesica (language of the eyes), etc.

Principles of physiognomy

Let us highlight the basic principles of human physiognomy in order to use them as the foundation for further study.

1. Balance and proportions.

The proportions of some facial features in relation to others are studied. Ideally they should be balanced.

To study, the face is divided into 3 parts by horizontal lines: the upper, middle and lower zone.

2. Zones and forms - this is the second principle.

Each zone controls its own age, for example, the top one will tell you about the period from 15 to 30 years and from 64 to 93 years.

Facial shapes are also studied. What are they - oblong, square, triangular or others, which allows you to complement the characteristics of a person.

Interesting research was carried out at the beginning of the 20th century by K. Huter. He also divided the face into 3 parts and showed that the upper part (forehead) determines mental activity, the middle - sensual and spiritual, the lower - the love of pleasure and profit.

The Arab physiognomist Abul-Faraj (1226-1286) in his “Book of Entertaining Stories” gave a description of a person’s appearance and its connection with character.

Some excerpts:

— A strong, brave man: a slightly elongated face, deep-set eyes, a large forehead, an “eagle” nose, coarse hair, thick eyebrows, narrow lips.

— Lover of wisdom: beautiful face, eyes glowing with power, thin lips.

— Slow person: thick tip of the nose, big ears.

3 . Sis topic of positions.

In the Chinese system of face reading, specific positions on the face are identified and they are responsible for a certain age. There are 99 positions in total.

For example, 37 years old – position 37 (pupil of the left eye). The features of this position will characterize a person at 37 years old.

Each position has its own characteristics, and some of them are the most important.

So position 19 (in the forehead) reflects the fate and character inherited from the mother’s side. And position 44 is associated with middle age (this is the middle of the nose).

4. Five essential traits.

There are five of them: eyebrows, eyes, nose, mouth and forehead.

Other facial features are also studied: groove on the upper lip, wrinkles, moles, cheekbones, jaws, chin.

Overall, this is a very interesting way of analysis and self-reflection. Another reason to look at yourself and take your mind off the hustle and bustle. And with careful study, it is also an opportunity for self-development.

Here's a little information. To expand your horizons.

And although facial physiognomy has accumulated a huge array of observations and hypotheses over thousands of years, most of them do not withstand serious scientific testing. Those. is not considered scientifically proven.

Although in China, physiognomy was considered a full-fledged branch of medicine.

However, attempts to use physiognomy do not stop. After all, many people working in the system “ man-man “You need the ability to instantly obtain information about a client, partner, or interlocutor. Teachers and doctors and businessmen need this and….yes, everyone needs it.

After all, few have the gift of clairvoyance, and observant people are sometimes spoken of as clairvoyants, because they see what others do not see. Because they know how to see (observe).

This skill - learn to observe and read the face, I think you can pay attention and time. No magic, just the ability to work with visual information.

Although I do not rule out that long-term studies and experience in studying physiognomy will allow us to look into the future of a person, i.e. read his fate. After all, physiognomy states that this is also possible. There is a chance to check.

Knowing the future, you can change it if you are not happy with it. After all, what is fate , is the track along which a person walks, and since we are all passive and act automatically (we sleep according to Gurdjieff), we are not able to change anything until we wake up.

But by waking up and taking responsibility for our destiny, we can change what is not satisfactory in this rut ​​and even move to another, more preferable one, which we have built ourselves.

This is already a kind of magic, but conscious magic, and not the kind when they “manage energy” without understanding what is behind it and how it will affect.

A. Malovichko has this phrase “ We can’t even figure out 2% of our physical essence, but we are trying to work with the completely incomprehensible 98% ».

I’m not against energy, I’ve been involved in this topic for decades, but what I realized is that you shouldn’t climb over the fence when there’s a gate nearby.

Abilities will be given to a person when his condition is ready to accept them. To achieve such a state is a worthy and promising task.

Approaches to the study of physiognomy

I will not impose approaches, but I would highlight three levels of its study.

The first level is the quality of observation.

Knowledge of physiognomy allows you to remember human faces. After all, so often we simply cannot describe or remember someone. To do this, you need to know what and how to describe, using what algorithm.

And here the approaches of physiognomy are very convenient - dividing the face into zones, areas, key features and giving brief characteristics all this.
It's easier to remember and easier to describe.

Second level of knowledge - this is the ability to draw conclusions about a person's character by analyzing his face.

Third levelread a person's fate in a face.

You can limit yourself to one level, but if you wish, you can deepen your knowledge and become a real physiognomist.

In any case, the knowledge gleaned from the study of Physiognomy can be useful in everyday life.

Sincere interest in studying physiognomy is the possibility of natural memorization, and not the mechanical type of “5 steps to remembering a person’s face.” After all, by showing sincere interest in studying people’s faces, you won’t have to strain yourself, everything happens naturally, and memory works much better under such conditions.

Books on physiognomy

Many books have been written to study physiognomy. And among them there are those with which you can begin an introduction to physiognomy.

I’ll start with two – which, in principle, are enough for a start.

Physiognomy. Series "The Fourth Dimension". Compiled by G.M. Novoselova. 1993

This book contains:
Timothy Mar. Face reading, or the Chinese art of physiognomy.
Eldar Razroev. The mirror of one's heart.
G. Durville, A. Durville. Reading character, temperament and painful predispositions by face.
M. Gibadullin. Physiognomy.
F. Thomas. Secrets of the face Physiognomy.

As a source of information for developing the skill of observing faces, the following book is most suitable for this purpose.

Popov S.V. Visual observation.2002

In addition to a lot of interesting and useful information that helps in visual observation of a person, the book provides detailed information and guidelines for remembering a person’s face, which I talked about at the beginning - this is the first level of using knowledge of physiognomy. Practical and most applicable knowledge in life.

I. Lavater. One hundred rules of physiognomy.2008

Johann Caspar Lavater (1741-1801) - Swiss writer, theologian and poet.
From 1769, he collected materials for Physiognomy, which was published in 1772-78, with many drawings by the best engravers.
The published work was the quintessence of Lavater’s entire physiognomic experience and brilliant insights.

Ivan Sikorsky. General psychology with physiognomy. 1912

Ivan Alekseevich Sikorsky (1842-1919) - Russian psychiatrist and anthropologist.

Fulfer M. The art of reading faces. 2004
The author is a lawyer with twenty years of legal practice, having studied many books on physiognomy, he gained practical experience by offering “Reading of faces with a guarantee” for more than 2 years at various fairs and festivals. This allowed him to gain practical experience.
Then he began to be invited to various companies, he conducted training among teachers, artists, photographers, psychologists, doctors, and lawyers. He was invited as a consultant to select juries in court. This is a person who has gained practical experience, so reading him is interesting and useful.

Nami Tikl. The face is the mirror of the soul. Physiognomy for everyone. 2010
It is interesting to read how the author of the book came to physiognomy. There are many examples and descriptions related to psychology.

Velkhover E, Vershinin B. Secret signs of the face. 2002

Closer to scientific and systematic presentation. Historical perspective of this science and deep detail of descriptions.

Roshal V.M. Physiognomy. Signatures of life. 2006
We are talking about four signatures: the first is a person’s face, this is what physiognomy deals with. The second is hands, which deals with palmistry. The third – bumps and bulges on the head, deals with phrenology. The fourth is imprints on the body (moles, etc.), called morphoscopy.
In the book:

Western method of analysis based on facial shape. Hindu method of division into castes. Chinese Five Element Method. Fundamentals of classical physiognomy.

Theodore Schwartz. Reading faces Physiognomy. 2010
A popular presentation, as examples - descriptions of the faces of famous personalities.

The book comes with a program on CD called PiterFizio, which allows you to compose portraits.

Physiognomy. Eldar Razroev. 2005
Having familiarized himself with Typology, Socionics and IIT (theory of information interaction), the author found a lot in common with his analysis technique. This is what he described in his book, proposing an eight-sector structuring. In Fig. below.

Each sector carries information about a person’s properties in a certain area:
1. Insight. 2. Spirituality.
3. Persistence. 4. Learning ability.
5. Practicality. 6. Adequacy.

7. Makings. 8. Perspective.

The next block of books - the books are also interesting, and although many of the information is repeated, each one has something of its own. This is also useful for expanding knowledge.

List of books in this block:

1. B. Khigir. Physiognomy. 2006
2. Angelo Repossi. Physiognomy or the art of determining a person's character by his facial features. 2003
3. Francis Thomas. Secrets on the face. 1993 (The special feature of the book is about the connection between physiognomy and astrology).
4. Parshukova L.P., Karlyshev V.M. Shakurova Z.A. Physiognomy. 2004 (Textbook for higher educational institutions in the service sector. It's interesting because it's a textbook. You can read what he teaches students.)
5. Parshukova L.P., Shakurova Z.A. Physiognomy: read the face. 2004 (This is already a popular publication by the same authors).
6. S. Panfilov. Physiognomy of human emotions and characters. 2007
7. T. Klipina, V. Leonkin, I. Gribulina. How to read a person's face. Physiognomy accessible to everyone. 2008
8. Jonathan Dee. Chinese physiognomy. 2004
9. Kuai Ch. How to learn to read faces. 2003
10. Jonathan Dee. We read faces. How to find out a person's character. 2007
11. Jeffrey Ford. Physiognomy. 2005
12. Khomich E.O. How to read a person's thoughts: physiognomy. 2006
13. Morok A, Razumovskaya K. Reading by face. 2000
14. Shchegolev I. Secrets of the face: Physiognomy for everyone. 2006
15. L. Nimbroek. Physiognomy for everyone. 2006
16. Gene Haner. The wisdom of your face. Change your life with the help of the Chinese art of physiognomy. 2013
17. Rose Rosetree. Reading by faces. The art of seeing through people. 2011 Series: Mentalist.
18. B. Lin Henry. Reading by faces. 2003

Psychology 1

Greetings, dear blog guests! Often, after meeting a person, we form a certain idea about his personality, character, and behavioral characteristics. We understand what topics we can discuss with him, whether humor is appropriate, and how to behave so as not to offend his feelings.

But often our opinion is also erroneous, and in the process of communication we begin to be surprised at some points. To get to know a person better, it is not enough what he says about himself and what his facial expression is. Experienced physiognomists can learn almost everything about a person by looking at facial features.

Today I will share the secrets of how to determine a person’s character by facial features.

What will physiognomy tell you?

Basically, most people believe that character is something very complex that can be easily revealed through the nose and lips. Yes, this is true, but there is a connection between our external data and internal characteristics.

Try to evaluate your friends using the physiognomy method, and you will understand that this science shows us all the cards.

What does physiognomy help with:

  • get to know your loved ones better in order to smooth out sharp corners V conflict situations;
  • secretly find out more information about the person you are interested in;
  • easily recognize socially dangerous individuals;
  • learn more about yourself, as well as how harmonious your inner world is with external data.

Thus, understanding at least a little about the art of physiognomy, you get only one advantage.

Social trait - forehead

It is believed that the lower part represents the individual, and the upper part represents society. If they are harmonious, then the person easily adapts to society and finds new acquaintances. The elongated top of the forehead indicates the character of the leader.

If the forehead seems to be divided into two zones: top and bottom, then this may indicate that the person has...

If the lines are straight and quadrangular, this is a sign of a kind heart. A steep forehead indicates high intelligence. Excessive convexity is a sign of narrow-mindedness and narrow-mindedness.

A person with a sloping forehead is strong-willed and is not used to obeying others. This is evidenced by the depression at the nose. If it is absent, the person is disciplined.

Pronounced eyebrows indicate laxity. The round shape is characteristic of docile, flexible people who are able to win over others.

Forehead Features:

  • small with a zigzag-like border of the scalp - hot and tough nature;
  • convexity in the corners, breadth - intelligence;
  • resembling a crescent moon - a narrow-minded person;
  • deceitful, greedy, cunning people have a low forehead, tending backward;
  • excessive convexity is characteristic of low-lying individuals;
  • directness - broad soul, kindness.

It is impossible to judge a person by his forehead alone. In physiognomy, all the details are important, because everything consists of little things. So, let's move on.

Energy Trait – Nose

Do you want to know the energy potential of a person? Pay attention to the nose. Size doesn't matter. People with a huge nose may exhibit qualities such as indecisiveness and lack of initiative. And persistent, strong people can have a small nose.

You need to look at the form. A nose with a hump at the base indicates a tough character. A hole in this zone indicates timidity and shyness. The hump is observed in strong-willed and passionate people. Such noses are characteristic of the Roman people, and their history proves their importance.

Also, a slight hump may indicate a creative nature.

Nose Features:

  • large and straight is observed in the proud, talented, calm;
  • like an eagle - authority;
  • pointed – endurance and willpower;
  • when the nose continues the forehead, it is vanity;
  • long – egocentrism;
  • tending to the mouth - vulnerability, touchiness;
  • upturned at the end - assertiveness, curiosity, cunning;
  • snub nose indicates excessive frivolity;
  • a thick organ indicates that a person likes to drink.

Observe the people around you to see if the description of their nose matches their character. You will be very surprised when you learn to decipher nature's data.

Beauty trait - eyes

The eyes are considered the most attractive feature of a person. They take part in communication and say more about us than we think. This is the personification of spirituality.

To decipher the meanings, you need to be able to interpret the right eye in men and the left in women. So, if a person has a more developed right eye, then he is prone to self-giving. Transparent eyes are observed in clean, kind people.

Dark and shiny for the cunning and insidious. The best eye shape is considered to be an oval, which personifies the harmony of the soul. Deep-set eyes are usually observed in slow but deep personalities.

Eyes that are close to each other indicate that their owner has blurred the line between negative and positive. For people with harmoniously set eyes, this problem does not exist. These people are determined in their intentions.

Convex huge eyes with small eyelashes - a hot-tempered, cantankerous personality who is sensitive and cheerful when in a good mood.

Narrowed eyelids, raised eyebrows, sharp gaze - a cunning, observant, self-centered person.

Narrow eyes with half-closed eyelids - fearlessness, integrity, incorruptibility.

Sleepy eyes with drooping eyelids and thick eyebrows - softness, passivity, laziness.

Wide open eyes, arched eyebrows, curled eyelashes - a strong-willed, honest, open, independent person.

Petty and cunning people have small eyes with heavy eyelids.

Cheekbones are the personification of strength

Our cheekbones tell how the spirit manifests itself in life. Based on them, we can talk about a person’s communication skills, the ability to correctly understand and use information. This trait is pronounced in many eastern peoples, so they are able to unite with each other.

Cheekbones indicate such qualities as cunning, a tendency to lie, and selfishness. People whose corners of the eyes are lowered to the bottom, and whose cheekbones are pronounced with a poorly developed frontal area, are precisely these and you should be vigilant with them. The protrusion of the cheekbones indicates cruelty and anger.

Reading by ears and cheeks

If a person has thin cheeks, this indicates narrow-mindedness. But there is little positive in huge cheeks. They talk about strong vulnerability, vulnerability.

Ears are a very important feature in physiognomy. In their configuration, they resemble a human embryo, and experts see great meaning in them. If the lobe is saggy, this indicates spiritual freedom. In dependent and constrained individuals, the lobes are adjacent to the body. If there are no lobes at all, which also happens, these people are envious and dangerous.

The top of the ears indicates the ability to adapt. If it is adjacent to the head, then this person is slow, but if he begins to study something, then he gives it his all. In cunning, nimble people, the tops of the ears move slightly to the sides.

Large ear shells indicate magnetism. That is, such individuals know how to manipulate and influence people.

Sensual mouth and lips

Small lips and mouth indicate pedantry. Pursed lips are seen in selfish people. The correct shape of the lips, proportionality, harmony, and equal convexity indicate an honest, strong-willed personality inclined to think.

If the lower lip is wider than the upper, this indicates laziness and gluttony. And when the top is larger than the bottom - a feature kind person.

Beware of people with very thin, pursed lips. They are selfish, cruel, sarcastic. People with plump lips are very sensitive.

Studying the inner rod along the chin

This is the personification of endurance and perseverance. If a person has an elongated chin, he is distinguished by prudence. Convex and rounded are observed in practical ones. The insidious ones have a pointed chin. Moving forward speaks of determination.

A dimple on the chin indicates stubbornness, isolation, and narcissism. Soft is characteristic of sensual natures, and bony is characteristic of greedy ones. Passionate people have a bump in the center of their chin. A reliable person has a moderately rounded and convex chin.

Dear guests, apply this knowledge in practice and subscribe to updates on my Internet portal, share information on social networks. See you again!

Some classify physiognomy as a pseudoscience, while others recognize it as an independent branch of psychology, allowing for more effective psychodiagnosis and psychoanalysis. I belong to the second group of people. Physiognomists are often asked to help solve a complex crime or take a polygraph.

However, it is worth saying that not everything should be immediately taken at face value. For example, wrinkles, posture, and gait really reflect a person’s life and his characteristics. But whether the characterization based on unchanging features, for example, face shape, is so correct is not clear. On the one hand, it seems that no, but on the other hand, Theophrastus was the first to describe it precisely by appearance. In general, from the article you will learn the basic principles of physiognomy, you can apply them in practice, and then decide for yourself what it is for you: science or fiction.

Physiognomy is the science of the face. Physiognomists study a person’s character based on the marks that life has left on the face. It is believed that all our experience can be learned by looking at us. And if we start talking and the face comes to life, then even more so. But our genetic inclinations are even more obvious. However, at the same time, according to physiognomy, depending on changes in fate and a person, his facial features may change. Up to changing the shape of the ears, lips, eyebrows, skull.

Physiognomy involves the study of appearance only within one race. This is not racism, but the requirements of anthropology. After all, no one will deny that the races differ in appearance. This article will look at the Caucasian face type.

What does physiognomy tell you?

Physiognomy allows you to assess a person’s health, life prospects and suggest experience and character. Two directions can be distinguished - the study of features of the face and skull (identifying genetic traces) and the study of wrinkles (identifying traces of life experience).


A person's gait reflects their temperament. Choleric and sanguine people walk quickly and energetically. They are prone to sharp turns of the head, rapid speech and active manipulation of their hands. Very ambitious and ambitious people walk imposingly. A frightened, weak-willed man walks with restraint, his head down and his hands cuffed.

What else has nature put into us?


Within the framework of physiognomy, there is a huge amount of literature, reliable and not very reliable. For example, discussions about the proportions of the head and body are popular. Allegedly, a large head is a sign of intelligence. No. These proportions don't matter. But the proportions of the face and head should be taken into account.

  • Small facial features relative to the head and body are a sign of pragmatism, a narrow outlook in terms of strategies and petty ambition.
  • People with a broad outlook and open to the whole world also have a more open face, large and expressive features.
  • and rancor narrow facial features no less than a limited worldview.
  • People with naturally large facial features sometimes exhibit mania, a desire to achieve a goal at any cost. But they are always ready to cover someone else with themselves.
  • Developed cheekbones - high level communication, the tendency to take the first steps.
  • The combination of a short haircut and developed cheekbones is a sign of a fighter, and a very dangerous one at that. He lacks a reflex to comprehend the situation. With sunken eyes, he is able to defeat an opponent with one glance. Fighters with bulging eyes, on the contrary, quickly find reference points and act without hesitation.

Head shape

  • People with a long face are characterized by a tendency to reflect, the desire to force the world to fit their standards, abstractness, subjectivism, authority and assertiveness. Such people are prone to drama. An elongated head is a symbol of reduced ability to adapt.
  • People with overly elongated faces are intellectuals, geniuses, creators, saviors of the world, inventors.
  • Developed temporal lobes signal the rationalism of the individual.
  • People with round faces have the same soft, streamlined personality. They are non-conflict, gentle, peaceful and excellent conversationalists. It is interesting that their handwriting is most often smooth and rounded. They are open to communications and outside influence. Their emotions are sincere.
  • The forehead always speaks of intelligence, and the jaw of action. By the difference in proportions, one can determine the predominant factor: biological (instincts, activity) or social (thinking, analysis, thoughts, but not necessarily actions).
  • If an overly elongated face is combined with a large forehead and a small jaw, then this signals fragmentation of thoughts and actions, a certain clumsiness. If to this is added a narrowed position of the eyes, undeveloped cheekbones and sunken cheeks, then this is a sign of a person’s excessive passion for his inner world, a certain detachment from reality.
  • The head, shaped like a pumpkin, speaks of the impulsiveness and spontaneity of its owner, the same immediate sociability, sometimes bordering on arrogance. Aggression is not typical, except in words and for the purpose of defense.

Right and left hemisphere (left and right side of the face)

Each hemisphere controls opposite side faces. Let me remind you that the left hemisphere is responsible for logic, generalization and analysis, synthesis of information, making plans. Right hemisphere– images of the past, creativity, fantasies, emotions.

You can conduct an interesting experiment yourself: take a photograph of yourself and make two portraits (two left sides and two right sides). This can be done in any photo editor where you can crop and mirror the image. Look at the two portraits. You will see two different people because our face is asymmetrical. Which side of you is more attractive: the logical side with a focus on the future or the creative side that remembers the past and gives in to emotions?

It is not uncommon to encounter a one-sided smile or the same one-sided formation of wrinkles, especially around the mouth. What does asymmetry say?

  • People burdened with the burdens of the past and prone to over-reflection about their problems or the imperfect structure of the world are bent to the left side.
  • A fold of some kind of grief and sadness appears at the corner of the mouth of those people who do not expect mercy from life and do not believe in luck.
  • An unnatural grin on the right side will tell the whole world about skepticism and disbelief. Such people are not even confident in their actions, so it is better not to deal with them.
  • A drooping right corner of the mouth is a sign of pessimism and a tendency to compromise.
  • Compression of the right corner and several pronounced wrinkles are a sign of self-justification, which manifests itself in cynicism and powerlessness.
  • The same facial expression on the left is a reaction to the situation.

Unnatural emotions on the right side, that is, when thinking about the future, should be alarming. A smile that exposes fangs should also be alarming. This is an evil animal grin. By the way, our smile is a socialized grin. That's why sometimes instincts take over.

What’s also interesting: in the psychology of lying, any grin is often attributed to a deceitful and arrogant person. But here we see a completely different meaning.

Chin and lower jaw

The jaw always symbolizes gripping power.

  • For example, a developed, almost square jaw speaks of its owner’s intransigence, determination and preference for force. A prominent chin adds
  • People with a rectangular face and a wide jaw are believed to have a domineering and tenacious character. A massive jaw is always a sign of strength nervous system. Additional confirmation will be a slightly protruded jaw and prominent chewing muscles.
  • A sharp chin is a sign of touchiness, ambition, and self-confidence.
  • A poorly developed jaw, but excessive sociability indicate that a person is significant only in words.
  • The almost complete absence of a chin (especially visible in profile) indicates lack of will and vulnerability. But to compensate for this, a person often becomes resourceful and cruel, very cautious.

Interesting fact: the latter type often chews gum. The work of the jaw inspires a degree of self-confidence. This is where the myth of “cool” came from strong personality”, always demonstratively chewing gum.

Mouth and lips

  • People with large mouths have a good appetite, which is constantly growing. They are invaders. They will not miss either their own or someone else’s. They act impudently and exhaustedly. If you are with them, you are under strong protection. But if you go against them, you will not be happy.
  • People with a round small mouth do not like to spray themselves, they are selective and always strictly follow their goal. Although sometimes the strength is not enough to capture, but the effort is always full. These are nice people on the outside, but dangerous on the inside.
  • People with small mouths are better at keeping secrets, while people with large mouths are more talkative. At the same time, the first type is introverts who do not need excessive communication. People with big mouths and big smiles are extroverts who feed on outside connections.
  • Separately, a small mouth also signals selectivity and scrupulousness in choice.
  • Thin lips and a large mouth are a sign of less selectivity, but more activity and determination. Additionally, a clearly defined groove above the lips is further confirmation of this.
  • A large mouth combined with a small jaw indicates great needs and desires, but little opportunity.
  • When we are stubborn, overthinking and seeking benefits, we purse our lips and withdraw from the world. In moments of happiness we “dissolve” them. People with an accumulative nature and a sense of alienation from the world always keep their lips pursed.
  • Compressed thin or thick lips are a sign of masculinity and confidence. Often a muscle fold under the lip is added to them. The picture is complemented by a noticeably protruding chin.
  • Parted lips are a sign of openness to the outside world, but at the same time it indicates a certain amount of narcissism. These people are not inclined to self-sacrifice, but they will always be able to justify themselves and make a counter-reproach.
  • Plump lips, as if turned outward, are a sign of very sensitive sensory perception. Plump lips are a sign of sensuality, sensitivity and emotionality. Regardless of gender, their owners are vulnerable, feminine, gentle people. Thin lips are a sign of life according to the mind. Their owners are prudent and pragmatic people.
  • A protruding lower lip signals self-will, sensuality and a tendency to whims. These people are used to achieving what they want and taking the initiative into their own hands. Caution and self-criticism are reduced. Such people are impulsive and a little impudent.
  • Thick lips are preserved from ancestors who sucked the bone marrow of animals and mollusks from shells. You may inadvertently become a victim of another “puff-lip”.
  • The corners of the lips indicate the state of a person’s will and level of vitality. With lowered or raised corners, everything is clear: grief or joy. But what do raised but tense corners of the lips mean? This is a symbol of the self-control of a person who is always ready to fight back and is emotional by nature.
  • A pursed lower lip, while overlapping the upper lip, is a sign of offended complacency, rancor, and readiness for the worst.
  • An expressive groove dividing the upper lip into two halves is a sign of inconsistency between the left and right hemispheres. Such a person always gives 100% to everything, but in turn: first to feelings, then to reason. These people do not tolerate ambiguity and uncertainty, they are often categorical and assertive, and jealous. They are drawn to decisive and assertive people and have a strong emotional attachment.
  • People with full lips are theoreticians, rationalists, but not such active figures. Their thinking is more focused on the future than the present. They do not tolerate alternatives and cannot always say why they need to do something this way, but they will always analyze the situation (or rely on intuition) and tell them what to do.
  • For people with a split lip, it is better to explain everything clearly and point by point. But people with a single lip are waiting for general information, a vision of the situation as a whole. Sometimes these features cause problems in communication.
  • People with a large distance between their nose and lips are prone to risk and adventure.
  • The lips are closely related to the eyes. But if the lips rather reflect the stable characteristics and conditions of a person, then the eyes are relevant at the present time (I don’t count, of course, wrinkles around the eyes).


It is not so much the shape or shape of the eyes that matters, but other characteristics.

  • A dilated or easily dilated pupil is a sign of sensitivity, pliability and a person’s tendency to defend himself rather than attack.
  • A constricted pupil is a sign of a constantly high concentration of adrenaline, which means a readiness to attack and show aggression. The pupils constrict when something or someone is “in the crosshairs.” But it is worth remembering that the pupils, for example, contract from light. So, as always, consistency in monitoring a person and taking into account external factors is important.

There is a theory regarding eye color:

  • dreamers and romantics have blue eyes;
  • blue for loyal and reliable people;
  • gray for persistent, independent and pragmatic people;
  • brown - a symbol of practicality and stability;
  • owners of green eyes are persistent, stubborn and calculating;
  • black is a sign of perseverance and mysticism;
  • yellow - originality, instability, sometimes deceit.

Personally, these data do not seem to me the most reliable, but since we are talking about physiognomy comprehensively, then I am obliged to tell this too.

I think the shape of the eyes is a more accurate informant:

  • Cat's eyes are a sign of breadth of soul and integrity of perception of the world.
  • Close-set eyes reveal purposefulness and a desire to learn everything deeply and in detail. These are people who go ahead.
  • Boggle-eyed people are accustomed to living for their own pleasure, not denying themselves anything, and being sincerely surprised if this does not happen.
  • Sunken eyes and a drooping forehead are a sign of caution and secrecy. However, he is a very effective, purposeful and courageous person. As a rule, these are temperamental and hot-tempered people.
  • Small eyes indicate a widely developed personality.
  • A tendency towards demonstrative behavior will be indicated by looking over the heads of other people, active movements of the hands with a protruding thumb, directed away from oneself.
  • We all know that sparkling eyes are a sign of life, activity, strength and joy. Empty and seemingly lifeless eyes are a signal of a person’s inner pain.


The nose is an indicator of the level of curiosity. For discoverers and explorers, it is always hump-shaped, sharp and long, sometimes slightly hooked.

Any large nose is a sign of sensitivity and good communication skills, despite the deliberate equanimity and calmness. Those with a pronounced nose have a good sense of smell for life events.

  • A massive and even overhanging nose is a sign of good adaptive abilities.
  • A slightly turned up nose is a sign of naivety and arrogance.
  • A short nose means short-sightedness, a long nose means far-sightedness.
  • A nose with a hump symbolizes high sensitivity to criticism and insults, pride, arrogance, intransigence, and scrupulousness.
  • Large nasal wings are a sign of temper, passion and energy.
  • A flat nose is a sign of weak temperament, selectivity and caution.
  • People who are closed from the outside world have a hooked nose.
  • A nose with a massive tip is a sign of a lover of sensual pleasures. He cannot deny them to himself; he is always assertive.
  • The more expressive the groove between the nose and lip is, the more decisive a person is and the more his words correspond to his actions.
  • Pessimists and people who, in principle, do not perceive the joy of life, like to sniff.
  • They are being sniffed out by sycophants and those who want to profit from something.

Is it worth adding that every emotion will definitely be reflected in wrinkles? Be careful.


  • Long and thick eyelashes are a sign of tenderness and softness, fidelity, restraint (with strangers). Their carriers tolerate life's troubles well.
  • Short and thick eyelashes are a sign of activity and determination, hard work (sometimes workaholism). These people do not know how to adequately spend their energy, they are resistant to short-term stress, but in general they cannot be called hardy.
  • Long eyelashes – endurance and sensitivity.


Have you ever wondered what guides women when choosing the shape of their eyebrows? Yes, today you rarely see a natural design, but an artificial image will say a lot. However, one thing is constant - the thickness of the eyebrows.

  • Thick Brezhnev eyebrows are a sign of a craving for life’s joys and glory. In achieving what they want, spontaneity and straightforwardness cannot be taken away from such people. Thick eyebrows are a sign of the predominance of the animal in a person. But in vain, those with pronounced eyebrows do not demonstrate aggression, only when there is danger (truly like animals).
  • Thin eyebrows are a sign of caution, plasticity and anger. Such people are very ambitious, but their abilities do not match their ambitions. So we have to resort to cunning, and even cruelty. These are vindictive people who regularly reflect and cleanse their environment.
  • Arched eyebrows are a sign of high self-esteem, ambition and even sometimes vanity. At the same time, there is a disdainful attitude towards others.
  • Eyebrows a la wings are characteristic of self-confident and even manic people. You can’t convince them or out-argue them; they’ll rather convince you.
  • Widely spaced eyebrows are characteristic of honest people, not prone to pettiness. They look at the world and themselves openly.
  • Narrowed or closely spaced eyebrows are found in people with complexes, preoccupation with problems, and a narrow vision of the world and themselves. These are difficult and secretive people, but if mutual language found, and the goal is established, then you can go the whole way with them.
  • Very thin and closely spaced eyebrows are a sign of an analytical mindset, a tendency to constant reflection and an inferiority complex, expressed by attempts to assert oneself. Thin eyebrows are a sign of bitchiness, lack of spontaneity, anxiety, and obsession with the Ego.
  • Almost horizontally straight eyebrows hanging over the eyes are characteristic of pragmatic people, realists who are used to achieving everything themselves and know that nothing in life comes easy. They are distinguished by perseverance and survival in difficult situations.
  • Eyebrows that widen at the bridge of the nose indicate sensitivity to the perception of problems and excessive adherence to attitudes.
  • Extension to the temples speaks of suggestibility, enthusiasm and inconstancy.
  • A fused eyebrow is a sign of weak control, the predominance of instincts over social attitudes.


Think: what can you say about this person?

Large ears and sparkle in the eyes are a good indicator of health. And elongated and large ears are a sign for long years life. A fleshy lobe is an indicator of inner vitality and developed intelligence. What else will your ears tell you?

  • A lop-eared person is distinguished by his ability to choose and make decisions; he loves freedom and is always independent.
  • The lobe speaks of independence and independence. The larger it is, the more resistant a person is to external influences.
  • A tragus facing outward indicates a person’s need to receive support from the outside.
  • A tragus facing inward indicates that a person does not know how to use his own potential.
  • An even tragus is a sign of balance between the internal and external worlds.
  • The larger and deeper the auricle, the more likely it is that a person is hiding something (whether complexes or not).
  • Thin ears are characteristic of nervous individuals, impulsive and irritable.
  • Small ears, very close to the head, are a sign of deceit and vindictiveness.
  • Powerful ears – pessimism.
  • Small and very neat ears are found in equally neat individuals, sometimes this leads to pedantry and exactingness towards all the people around them.
  • Hard, dense ears are a sign of health. Too soft - weakness.
  • Long ears indicate stinginess.

Life experience, character

The previous paragraph described genetic characteristics, including temperament. Wrinkles will tell about the social, including the character (although they have already been mentioned, it is understandable, since everything in a person is interconnected). No wonder they try so hard to hide them with makeup or surgery. It's not just a sign of aging, it's a photo album. Everything is important: where exactly the wrinkles formed, what kind of wrinkles they are.

With wrinkles from emotions, everything is simpler. Try to reproduce some emotion near the mirror. Where do you see wrinkles? If a person experiences some emotion very often, then over time the wrinkles in these places become permanent.

  • Wrinkles from the bridge of the nose to the cheekbones are a sign of determination. Their bearer always achieves what he wants, clearly sets priorities, and is able to subordinate his entire life to the main one.
  • Circles under the eyes are worn by a person prone to compromise. If to this is added the unbearable burden that a person carries through life, then the circles become even larger. In principle, it is logical. We all know that circles mean fatigue.
  • Vertical furrows on the cheeks are a sign of a person’s kindness, self-sacrifice and dedication.
  • Bulldog cheeks are a sign of business acumen.
  • Wrinkles a la continuation of a smile are a sign of a person accustomed to success and the capture of large prey.
  • Bow lips curled into a tube are a sign of a complainer and a beggar.
  • Dimples on the cheeks are a sign of kindness and generosity.
  • A vertical wrinkle in the middle of the forehead is a sign of a developed ego, the habit of always achieving what you want (sometimes ignoring other people’s desires) and anger or thoughtfulness. Let's remember how we frown. What's happening to the forehead? Just the same wrinkle.
  • A wrinkle from the wing of the nose to the corner of the lip is a sign of pragmatism, practicality, and sometimes commercialism.
  • A wrinkle from the wing of the nose to the attachment of the lower jaw is a sign of dreamers, travelers, but at the same time people who know life well and understand that something truly valuable is not material.
  • Any wrinkles from the inner corner of the eye are a desire to expand the view, the vision of the world. A person with such a life trace sees the world holistically and always finds many perspectives and options for solving problems, even the most unexpected ones. They are always strategists. Most often, such wrinkles remain on the faces of chess players, military men, and writers. But deceivers, manipulators, and gamblers are famous for the same thing.
  • A transverse wrinkle on the bridge of the nose is a sign of overload with affairs, which most often the person himself calls very significant and urgent.
  • Wrinkles at the corners of the mouth occur in a person who is accustomed to limiting his interests, desires, and tastes. He is characterized by self-control in order to restrain aggression and appear compliant and kind. Sometimes to this are added lips that are drawn up, as if offended. This behavior is most often based on fear of failure. But often a person develops the thought “I could ..., but they didn’t let me.”
  • A vertical wrinkle in the middle of the forehead is a sign of an egoist and self-willed person.
  • A wrinkle between the eyebrows is a sign of perseverance and pragmatism, but without whims (unlike the character described above).
  • A wrinkle under the lower lip is a sign of a deceitful nature. A person does not believe in himself.
  • Wrinkles at the inner corner are a sign of vulnerability, weakness, and touchiness. The external one has irony and openness.
  • A horizontal wrinkle on the bridge of the nose, clearly in the middle of the eyes, is a sign of harmony with oneself and the world, integrity of character, and sometimes even toughness.
  • Vertical folds there are a sign of stubbornness, self-will and disharmony. If the wrinkles are shifted to the left, then the person lives in the past and may suffer from complexes. A shift to the right indicates a strategic mindset and future orientation. Two wrinkles are a sign of a strong-willed person who protects both the present and the past.


You can use physiognomy anywhere: hiring, entering into a relationship, psychological correction, crime analysis. And the examples described are only a small and pathetic part of all science, or rather art. Physiognomy finds answers to where a person himself is not aware of the true motives of his actions. At the same time, physiognomy will tell about the inclinations of a person.

Most often, genetic inclinations manifest themselves in emergency situations. It is enough to recall the description of the appearance of some historical figure and compare it with what physiognomy says. And then compare the description of his activities and actions.

It is better to build a personality portrait gradually, putting it together like a puzzle. And of course, one cannot be categorical about interpretations. You should always remember to constantly monitor and take into account external factors.

Psychologist, ex-special services officer Artem Pavlov, as part of the TV show “Calendar,” spoke about what physiognomy is and how to use it.

19.10.2016 13:00

Thousands of faces pass before the eyes of an HR manager, so his experience in recognizing character traits from eyes, lips and facial expressions is especially interesting. Vladimir Maleshin, who headed personnel services in companies and banks, shared his discoveries in the field of physiognomy.

- When did you first become interested in physiognomy?

This happened in 1968, when I was still a first-year student and read Veresaev’s book. It contained the following words: “The eyes are the mirror of the soul. What nonsense! Eyes are a deceptive mask, eyes are screens that hide the soul. The mirror of the soul is the lips. If you want to know a person's soul, look at his lips... Beware of your eyes! Because of the eyes, this is how people are often mistaken. Your lips won't deceive you."

Now, after 47 years of observing people and after 50,000 hiring interviews, I have developed a classification of lips, behind which there are certain personality traits and behavioral patterns. Here are fragments of my “Harmonica” technique.

You can judge the softness or hardness of your character by your lips. This is determined by the degree to which the lips cover the teeth. If the upper row of teeth is visible during a conversation, then this is a soft, positive person. If the bottom row is, on the contrary, tough, hard, demanding, “biting”. Communicating with such people is much more difficult, but they achieve a lot in life. If during a conversation both the upper and lower rows of teeth are visible, a person combines both qualities. It can be both hard and soft depending on the situation.

A clear sign of sexuality in both men and women is a well-developed philtrum above the upper lip. The better it is expressed, the stronger a person’s reproductive function. And the lines of the groove indicate concentration or mobility of the mind.

The dependence of a person’s character on the fullness of his lips is clearly manifested. Let’s take the opposites: very thin lips and full, “heart-shaped” ones. Thin-lipped people are reasonable, while those with full lips are sensual and emotional.

In people with an even and friendly character, the upper and lower lips will be of the same fullness (it should be noted that normally in men the lower lip is often fuller than the upper). A protruding lower lip speaks of a person’s capriciousness and swagger, while a curled upper lip speaks of indecisiveness.

The line where the lips close also carries information. For calm people it is smooth and horizontal, but for overly emotional people it is wavy. For example, pay attention to this line from Vladimir Zhirinovsky or Grigory Leps. The second clear sign of emotionality is a highly developed nasolabial fold.

In an unemotional person, facial expressions during a conversation remain weakly expressed. In turn, in people who are overly emotional, the whole face moves - “walks around”.

The contours of the lips - the so-called Cupid's line - also deserve attention. In simple, simple-minded people, these contours are smooth and calm. A clearly and clearly defined line of the upper lip indicates a sophisticated mind, the ability to generate ideas, and wit. At the same time, a person can be very sarcastic and harsh. Among the owners of a pronounced Cupid line there are many extraordinary personalities, including those prone to sophisticated revenge, who know how to subtly humiliate.

Raised upward corners of the mouth indicate optimism, and dimples in the corners of the lips and on the cheeks indicate goodwill. Egocentrics and skeptics have the corners of their lips downturned.

When a person curls his lips in a conversation, this speaks of his arrogance, aplomb, and sense of superiority over other people. The character is complex.

Remember: people with beautiful lips have a beautiful soul and a good character!

- Are there any bright, practice-tested characteristics associated with other facial features?

My main observation is that people with the same faces have similar personalities. If you see someone who resembles your friend, look for the same features. The similarity of a person’s character and behavior will be stronger the more you find common external signs: in figure, gait, voice, manner of dressing, handwriting, and so on.

The origins of physiognomy go back to the distant past. Once upon a time, our ancestors noticed the similarity of human behavior with animals. The habits of pigs were similar to pigs, cats were similar to cats, monkeys were similar to monkeys, and donkeys were similar to donkeys. And there is some truth in this!

The shape of the head and face reflects the character. The friendliest people are chubby people. Remember the faces of our wonderful artist Evgeny Leonov or Yuri Kuklachev. People with a square head shape and a rectangular chin, such as Winston Churchill, tend to be tough, demanding and strong-willed. In physiognomy, a square chin is called Churchill’s chin, or “bulldog jaw.” Its owners are tough, unyielding fighters capable of withstanding great physical exertion. But the triangular shape of the head, a pointed or protruding chin indicates that a person is not inclined to endure heavy physical activity. But he has a well-developed penchant for rhetoric.

Protruding ears signify stubbornness. A pressed auricle means flexibility. A large ear is a sign of longevity.

A dimple on the chin indicates a very complex character. The deeper it is, the more serious the problems within a person. In men, the dimple on the chin is more pronounced, but women also have a hint of it.

Another sure sign of a person’s good, cheerful character is “crow’s feet,” folds in the outer corners of our eyes, formed from laughter and frequent smiles.

If the nose is hooked (in the Slavic type of person) this is a manifestation of choleric temperament. If the upper lip is raised upward along with it, this is a sign of nonsense. What if its tip is down? Here you can say “poking your nose into someone else’s question.” Friendly, gentle people have a potato nose, while those with a complex character have a narrow and straight nose.

Such a quality as cunning can be recognized by four signs. This is a hereditary bald spot in men, a “duck nose” - widening downward from a narrow bridge of the nose, a “fox ear” - pointed upward, as well as a “Pinocchio mouth” - when after closing the lips there is still a cut of two to three millimeters.

The individuality of any person is a set of expressed personality traits that dominate over the others, which are significantly less developed. It is this set that creates our uniqueness, so adored by everyone. Fortunately for us, there are not a hundred or even twenty leading features. Their number, as a rule, varies from three to five.

The ability to understand people lies precisely in recognizing this unique “personality profile” and correctly interpreting the combination of characteristics created by nature and society.

Imagine that you have learned to see a certain psychological “code” of a person. The patterns of his behavior have become obvious to you: how he makes decisions, what is important to him in life, what he will like and what will repel him... Do you understand what I’m getting at?

Knowledge of the behavioral patterns of our partner, client, competitor or loved one will give us the opportunity to influence his decisions and consciously manage the communication process. Then there are only ethical restrictions. I hope you, dear reader, have them.

We have prepared for you a short excursion into psychological physiognomy without esotericism, guessing and abstract verbiage.

Facial physiognomy

Based on the method of decision-making, physiognomy divides people into logicians and intuitives. The difference is that a logician first builds a chain of reasoning, compares facts and data, and only then makes one decision or another.

The intuitive acts completely differently: he makes a decision, guided by sensations (intuition), and then selects the decision argument "for". Neither one nor the other, in and of itself, is a strength or weakness. It all depends on the specific life situation.

Based on the method of decision-making, physiognomy divides people into logicians and intuitives. The difference is that a logician first builds a chain of reasoning, compares facts and data, and only then makes one decision or another.

The intuitive acts completely differently: he makes a decision, guided by feelings (intuition), and then selects arguments for the already made decision. Neither one nor the other, in and of itself, is a strength or weakness. It all depends on the specific life situation.

Logician in a situation of a changing environment that requires fast response with a small amount of input information, time will be wasted collecting additional data to make a decision. An intuitive, in high-stakes circumstances that require a calm and thoughtful approach to an issue, may trust his feelings and miss obvious danger signals.

The paradox is that intuition, with proper development, often suggests the right decision, because it is a system of competencies that are unconscious to a person at a rational level.
In physiognomic psychoanalysis, indicators of logic and intuition are reflected in the shape of the head, or more precisely, in the characteristics of long-headed and round-headed.

The shape of the head is determined without taking into account the height of the forehead and the characteristics of the jaw. These elements can enhance or compensate for the frequency of decision making in a logical or intuitive thinking structure, but they should be considered separately.

Physiognomy of the jaw - volitional qualities

Physical activity in humans is always associated with increased tone of the masticatory muscles. From the point of view of evolution, this is absolutely natural, because the maximum force required by a predator to survive is the force of the jaws squeezing the throat of the prey. This behavioral pattern, jaw clenching during physical activity, has evolved to the level of cognitive and social processes.

When overcoming life's difficulties, we unconsciously clench our jaws and “gather our will into a fist.”

Physiognomy of the jaw involves not only the study of genetic predispositions of the bone skeleton (height and width of the jaw), but also acquired strong-willed qualities- development of chewing muscles (musculus masseter).

Strong-willed qualities, of course, can and should be cultivated. History is full of similar examples.

Physiognomy of the jaw - active action strategies

The same task different people, as you know, are solved differently. For one, the best strategy is open conflict, for another - adjustment and manipulation, for a third - progressive, steady pressure, for a fourth - the search for non-standard solutions, etc.

Physiognomy evaluates the dominant strategy of active actions through the characteristics of the structure of the bones of the lower jaw. This is not surprising. Grip strength dictates possible options problem solving.

The analogy with the animal world is, again, quite appropriate. There is nothing to do with a weak jaw in open combat. A person intuitively chooses a tactic that is comfortable for himself and considers it the only correct one.

By understanding your opponent's typical behavior patterns and your dominant strategies, you will objectively realize that the choice of tactics to achieve results should be based on the study of alternatives, and not on the usual response patterns.

Some physiognomic characteristics of the jaw:

  • heavy jaw (size on the scale of the face) - high genetic resistance to stress, slowness and progression in actions, rigidity;
  • light jaw - mental mobility, avoidance of conflicts, fear of direct confrontation, conformism;
  • jaw height (vertical distance from the lower lip to the tip of the chin) - impact, straightness, combativeness;
  • jaw width (horizontal distance between the chewing muscles along the line of the mouth) - a tendency to non-standard approaches, a love of maneuvers, avoidance of direct collision;
  • jaw forward - an uncompromising strategy of trial and error, behavioral maximalism;
  • jaw thrown back - actions with caution, reinsurance against mistakes, cowardice.

The characteristics of the chin are also of great importance for the physiognomic analysis of the jaw.

Considering the number and information content of the indicators, it is not difficult to imagine how many behavioral options can be modeled from the above characteristics and how accurately an experienced specialist in the field of physiognomy can predict the behavior of a particular person.

Physiognomy of the mouth - capture ambitions

The size of the mouth in physiognomic analysis is the ambition of possession. The larger the mouth, the correspondingly larger pieces you want to send there.

More precisely, the more ambition a person has to capture, the larger the size of the mouth. And here it doesn’t matter what aspect we are talking about: money, power, knowledge, impressions, travel, etc.

In which area the capture will be carried out will be shown by other physiognomic signs, but the fact that the largemouth never stops there is a fact.

A small mouth compared to the size of the face indicates the selectivity of the owner. He is ready to be content with little, but at the same time he is not ready to take just anything.

His ambitions always have a foreseeable horizon and, having reached it, the owner of a small mouth is likely to stop and enjoy.

The physiognomy of the lips is also of significant importance, but this aspect is associated not so much with ambitions as with the area of ​​a person’s communicative abilities.

Lips are our last line of defense before capture. Its goal is to probe the object of capture.

The characteristics of the lips directly reflect a person’s ability to sense the interlocutor and perceive situational changes environment and provide other supporting information that improves the ability to interact with the outside world.

Physiognomy of the nose and forehead

Impulsivity and reflexivity

When analyzing the personality of any person, indicators of conflict and impulsivity are of interest. A psychopath, a jealous person, or simply an unbalanced person who has poor control over his outbursts of anger is unlikely to be a desirable employee, business partner, or even less a life partner.

The tendency to rash, uncontrolled actions can be determined by several indicators: a sloping forehead, a hump on the nose, a thin bridge of the nose.

If this combination is complemented by a light or impact jaw, the likelihood of a quick temper will be even higher. Psychoanalysis of the reasons in this case differs significantly, but the result will be the same - strict adherence to principles in unprincipled issues.

Impulsive outbursts of anger, a tendency to selfish self-justification of one’s overly harsh actions towards other people. A couple more touches and we will get a classic portrait of a jealous person.

A high forehead with a heavy jaw gives increased thoughtfulness and even retardation in decision making. Such a person prefers to think about actions and go through options, but often forgets about the need to begin the process of activity itself.

Moreover, it is not clear to him what the end result is. He is interested in the processes themselves, but does not care about the product.

But, if you have a wide, straight bridge of the nose, you can count on high stress resistance and leisurely calm. Such a person does not worry unnecessarily and does not rush things. It is difficult to anger him, and he will not argue over trifles.

Physiognomy of nasolabial wrinkles - motives and goals

The structure of motives has a direct relationship with acquired life experience obtained during social interaction. As a rule, it is associated with acquired social attitudes determined by the implementation of leading needs. Often, true motives are replaced by patterns of imaginary social success.

This phenomenon of substitution in psychology is called a shift of motive to goal. It can lead a person to become fixated on processes of accumulation and pseudo-success that are insignificant from the point of view of personal development, but are encouraged in society.

To assess whether a person’s internal motivation system is aimed at hoarding or whether he is driven by non-material motives, physiognomy identifies the corresponding characteristics of the nasolabial wrinkle. Its severity and direction indicate the presence or absence of a person’s existing structure of motives and connection with the ambitions of capture.

In other words, the direction of the wrinkle of motives indicates a person’s tendency to hoard and, in combination with other signs, indicates greed or altruism.

Physiognomy of eyebrows - emotions and feelings

To assess the structure of motifs, it is also necessary to pay attention to the characteristics of eyebrows and forehead wrinkles. Two principles are present and constantly interact in a person:

  • the animal (individual) component of our Self: the need for security, continued happiness, physiological saturation, dominance, etc.
  • social motivations: rationality, success, financial solvency, material independence, etc.

The characteristics of eyebrows and forehead wrinkles determine the balance of these two factors in physiognomy. Naturally, there is a good balance in everything. Let us describe extreme states.

A person with a dominant individual principle is led by his emotions and desires. He cannot deny himself anything regarding the satisfaction of basic needs.

An uncontrollable fire of emotions constantly rages within him, which he cannot cope with. Anger, joy, sadness, passion - this man has everything over the edge. Due to low self-control, impulsive or even aggressive actions may predominate.

A person who is in the grip of ego impulses is a soulless and insensitive rationalist. He has high self-control and a cold mind, is self-centered and insensitive to other people's experiences. He is not touched by other people's grief or joy. All his actions are determined by a system of social attitudes, and true motives are replaced by the goals of achieving social well-being.

The position and shape of the eyebrows also provide information about the dominance of abstract or practical thinking and some other signs.
Here, in connection with motives, the physiognomy of the cheek is considered as features of a person’s work with resources and some other clarifying indicators.

Physiognomy of the nose - features of working with information, curiosity and intelligence

Physiognomy considers intelligence as a set of qualities that allow one to work with information. Key indicators in this system:

  • curiosity;
  • ability to work with large volumes of information;
  • analytical capabilities;
  • ability to maintain analytical skills stressful situation;
  • ability to apply information in practice.

For example, curiosity can be assessed through the characteristics of the tip of the nose. A pointed tip will indicate a person's tendency to search new information. These are lovers of innovation who always want development. They are ready to learn and develop regardless of age and life achievements.

A potato nose, on the contrary, will indicate a person with established traditions. Such people are accustomed to being based on old schemes that have already been established and have proven their reliability. What is new for them is an attack on the foundations. But such people are characterized by thoughtfulness and systematicity when working with information.

The ability to work with information flows is the characteristics of the nostrils. Analytical abilities - the size of the nose in terms of the face. Analytics in a stressful situation - characteristics of the wings of the nose.

These indicators are very important in a personnel selection situation, because the success of business processes related to analytics and forecasting especially depends on the level of performance abilities of a particular employee.

Physiognomy of cheekbones - communication abilities

People with high cheekbones love to communicate. They don’t always know how, but they always love. Therefore, it is not surprising that a high-cheekbone face in itself more often evokes sympathy than antipathy. In any case, people with high cheekbones have a predisposition to communicative activities.

If, in combination with pronounced cheekbones, we see, for example, pronounced lips as an amplifier, then the communication skills of such a person increase significantly. He no longer just loves to communicate, but also knows how to feel the interlocutor in contact, which means that the exchange of information will be more effective and comfortable.

People with weak cheekbones tend to have little contact. If such a person actively stimulates communication with a wide range of people, then this is most likely an acquired skill that has been mastered as a necessity. Human communication such a subject, as a rule, will prefer books, a computer or TV, i.e. objects that do not require feedback from him.

The modern information space provides unlimited opportunities for communication. But perhaps precisely because so many people with weak cheekbones are engaged in the development of the communication sphere, there is less and less room in our world for personal human contact.

Physiognomy of the eyes - assessment of objective reality and planning

All people see the same world, but often perceive it in completely different ways. It's not just about the features of the visual analyzer, i.e. the eyes themselves. The main discrepancies occur at the stage of processing the received data. The characteristics of the eyes in physiognomy provide information about the structure of a particular person’s worldview and the specifics of his plan.
To assess the physiognomy of the eyes, the following physiognomic indicators exist:

  • eye shape (round, panoramic, narrow);
  • eye set (close set and wide set);
  • eyelashes;
  • upper eyelid;
  • lower eyelid;
  • wrinkles around the eyes.

Some characteristics of the eyebrows and wrinkles located in the area between the eyes are also discussed here.
Round eyes - commitment to quick decisions. Such a person, other things being equal, will always choose the short term rather than long-term plans. This must be taken into account, say, when preparing a commercial proposal or presentation. Seeing the long term without detail and intermediate results, he is unlikely to approve the project.

Narrow-set eyes - tunnel plan construction. A person gives preference to the development of one, narrow direction, considering the development of related areas unnecessary. In a situation where there is a need to develop, say, one narrow line of business, this is an excellent quality.

All efforts will be focused on strengthening our positions and conquering new horizons. But if it is necessary to expand the range of activities, an employee with close-set eyes will see the dispersion of resources everywhere and intuitively look for a priority area on which to place the main emphasis. The remaining projects will be quickly forgotten.

Physiognomy of eyelashes - sensitivity

The ability to isolate small nuances from the information flow. A woman with long eyelashes seems more sensual. Professional seductresses have long noticed this and successfully use eyelash lengthening when applying makeup.

Physiognomy of the upper eyelid

Satisfaction with your life situation; the presence or absence of unresolved intrapersonal conflicts. Either a snob or a person who is dissatisfied with his present and predicting a negative future is looking at us through half-closed eyelids.

Physiognomy of the lower eyelid

Fighting qualities, vitality. Sagging of the lower eyelid, bags under the eyes, as well as blue discoloration directly indicate a lack of vitality, as well as reduced functionality of the kidneys and liver. A dense lower eyelid indicates strong leadership qualities. Remember the “Stalinist squint”.

Physiognomy of wrinkles around the eyes

Principles of decision making, dominant planning strategies, self-assessment and trade-offs. How a person is used to solving problems. What stable cognitive connections has he developed over the course of his experience? Important wrinkles. By understanding them, one can quite accurately predict the likely directions of a person’s actions.

Physiognomy of forehead wrinkles - life beliefs

Forehead wrinkles appear in humans at different ages. This is due to the different times a person goes through periods of development. The appearance of forehead wrinkles as such indicates the emergence of global life concepts or metastrategies.
First of all, the very fact of the formation of such wrinkles indicates certain established stable principles and the presence of a person’s own picture of the world. What this picture is, we will be helped to understand not only by the forehead wrinkles themselves, but also by other physiognomic signs. The presence of formed wrinkles should in no case be considered as some kind of incorrigibility. Influenced life circumstances Any foundations can be shaken. We know that the human psyche is plastic and capable of transformation at almost any age.

The physiognomy of horizontal forehead wrinkles identifies four main metastrategies:

  • leadership;
  • a tendency towards militarism and aggression;
  • humanistic values;
  • service and asceticism.

Forehead wrinkles, as a rule, are not symmetrical, have breaks and curvatures. You need to be able to read and interpret this drawing.
Physiognomy of forehead wrinkles - metastrategies

Physiognomic analysis as a method of personality diagnosis

Physiognomy provides detailed and reliable psychological picture personality. Knowledge of the signs and understanding of the patterns of physiognomic psychoanalysis make it possible to use this technique in almost all areas of activity related to communication: identifying personal characteristics during personnel selection, determining the character traits of employees, preparing for negotiations with partners and competitors, interpersonal relationships, etc.
Of particular importance in physiognomy is the skill of arranging and interpreting mutually reinforcing and compensating combinations of physiognomic features. Physiognomy is not only a science, but also an art, which since time immemorial has been called this: the art of reading faces.