Human brain hemispheres perform different functions: the first responsibly for imagination, creative skills, figurative thinking, and the second performs logical, abstract tasks, it is also responsible for language and mathematical abilities. A person cannot normally exist in society if he has significantly violated the work of a hemisphere, but, as a rule, in different people of the brain parts are developed unequal. Depending on heredity, the conditions of education, brain training, a person may have a better developed one or another, it dominates the second and takes responsibility for solving many tasks.

Without special medical equipment, it is impossible to accurately assert how the human hemisphere is developed better and to what extent it prevails over the second. But there are several pretty simple tests that allow you to reveal what part of the brain a person uses in certain cases, which helps to approximately establish its "Praights" or "Leaf and Leopard".

One of the most popular tests is physiological. It checks what part of the body you are more often useful in various situations, and depending on this, it assumes what hemisphere works better. The left hemisphere is responsible for the work of the right side of the body, and vice versa. Fold your hands in the castle and look, the thumb is what hand is on top. Now crush your hands on your chest, noting, brush what hand is lying on top. You can also pat in your hands and watch how it is more convenient for you - when the right or left hand is on top. Based on these three uncomplicated tests, you can conclude which hand you use more often. If right, then you have better developed left hemisphere if left is right. But this method is very approximate, it does not allow to reveal with great accuracy, the brain.

You can use a visual method. There are special and animations that check the work of the hemispheres. You can find them on the Internet, most often use the image of a rotating girl. People with the developed left hemispheres see that it spins clockwise, the rest seems to be moving counterclockwise. The more dominates this or that hemisphere, the harder "rebuild" your eyesight and see how the girl is spinning in the opposite direction.

The most accurate method that allows you to determine how your brain works, lies in more detailed tests with questions that help install not only what hands you use and how you see some pictures, but also your abilities in mathematics, language disciplines, art , Your habits and preferences. Such texts can be found in specialized literature or on the Internet. They include such questions as "Do you think a conservative?" Isn't you focused on the ground? "Do you like classical music?" Do you trust intuitions? " Based on the answers, it can be concluded that which hemispheres of the brain prevails: the left side of the brain is responsible for orientation on the area, and there is also inherent in people with a developed left hemisphere, and people have more developed intuition.

"! All of you, of course, know that the brain consists of two hemispheres - the left and right. It is experimentally proven that different hemispheres are responsible for various types of mental activity and control a certain side of the body. For example, the right hemisphere responds mainly for the left side of our body, that is, it takes and gives signals to the left hand, leg, eye, etc. And the left hemisphere, respectively, the right side of the body.

Do you know which hemisphere of the brain you have more developed? Answer this question will help us a few tests that I will give below.

But first I will tell you about the functions of the right and left hemispheres.

Left hemisphere The brain is responsible for abstract thinking. And specifically, for language (speech, reading, letter) and mathematical abilities, logic and analysis.

Right hemisphere The brain is responsible for figurative thinking, that is, for processing information expressed in images and symbols. We dream right hemisphere, fantasize and compose different stories. We also owe the ability to music and visual arts to the right hemisphere.

As a rule, a person has some hemisphere is dominant, and, of course, this is reflected on the individual properties of a particular person. For example, people with the dominant left hemisphere are more inclined to occupy science, and the rolling, most often, people of art. It is not by chance that most of the well-known artists, composers, writers and poets are robust personality.

More vividly spheres of specialization Hemispheres of the brain shows the following drawing:

As I said, most often, a person dominates some kind of hemisphere, characteristic of their type of thinking. But there are personalities working with both hemispheres.

To find out which hemisphere you have more developed, there are different uncomplicated tests. To them and go.

What hemisphere is more developed

Cross your fingers of both hands in the "Castle". And now look, how much finger did you get on top?

If this is a finger of the left hand, then you have a more developed right-handed brain hemisphere. And if the top of the right hand turned out to be top, then the left hemisphere dominates.

Cross your hands on your chest. And now see what hand is on top?

If the left hand turned out to be from above, then you have a more developed right hemisphere. And if the right hand turned out to be the right hand - you are a left-handed personality.

Look at the picture. How do you think, who is drawn here?

If you saw the girl, then you have more developed right hemisphere.

And if it seems to you that the old woman is drawn here, then you have a more developed left hemisphere.

This test allows you to find out which of the brain's hemispheres is actively at the moment.

To do this, look at the rotating girl. How do you think in which direction does she spin?

If you see that the girl is spinning clockwise, then at the moment you have an active brain hemisphere.

Accordingly, if you see that the girl is spinning counterclockwise, then you currently have an actively right hemisphere.

To make sure you are not cheating, you can call to look at this moving picture of other people. At the same time, different people can see the girl rotating in different directions.

You yourself can make the girl spin in the opposite direction, having activated the work of another hemisphere of their brain. Try!

A similar test can be held with a ridiculous man drawn:

And so that you make sure that the little man can spin in different directions, look at the next picture. Look at the head in which there is eyes, and you clearly see that the little people are spinning in different directions. Now close your head to your head so that they are not visible. You see, now it seems to you that both people are spinning one way.

I think you yourself know that you have more developed - logic and analysis, or emotions and intuition? And the above tests confirmed your guesses about the same hemisphere of the brain you have more developed? Who are you - Left- or Personal Personality? Is the same results show all the tests? Waiting for your comments!

And now look and make sure you can easily deceive your brain!

Ksenia friendship

● Test "Do you know how to handle money?"

All people are different. Everyone has its own wealth. But, whatever it is, all people can be divided into 3 groups. Pass the test, find out if you can ...

The human brain consists of two hemispheres, each of them is responsible for the special brain departments. Logical thinking is made in a large part in the left hemisphere. For the cognition of spatial relations, emotional content, the right hemisphere is responsible for non-verbal communication. Based on these facts, people are often divided into creative or logically located.

It is so amazing how many different skills and talents in humans. Some people are mathematical geniuses, others can easily memorize the names and phone numbers, others surprise their creativity. All this is controlled by the brain. It should also be noted that people cannot be divided into people with pure dominant right or left hemisphere. Both brain hemispheres are fully functional, but only one of them is dominant.

The facts about the left and right of the brain hemisphere in the scientific context are very often the topic for discussions and are always strictly criticized. Further studies of the brain will provide us with many more discoveries in the next few years.

Test for the definition of the dominant hemisphere online.

On the Internet you will find a lot of different tests about the hemispheres of the brain: on the one hand, these are scientific tests, on the other hand, these are the tests for pleasure, which in a playful form will explain to you about your brain. The latter are mainly used for entertainment, but despite this, they tell interesting information about which of the hemispheres is dominant. Check your brain and find out interesting facts about yourself and your mental process.

The human brain is the structure and functions.

The human brain consists of about 100 billion nerve cells. This body needs a lot of energy. 43% of the entire human energy takes the brain. The weight of the adult brain consists of about 1200 g - 1400 g, and it is only 3% of the total weight of the human body. The brain in a man is usually more than women, but this fact does not affect intelligence.

Want to participate in an interesting dough and find out something new about yourself? As easy as pie.

Look, in which direction the girl's rotation is happening and ...

If you see that the girl rotates clockwise, it is assumed that your right brain hemisphere is more developed.
If you see the rotation counterclockwise - left.

More often people see that the girl rotates counterclockwise. Consequently, these people use the left side of the brain more.

But focusing, you can change the direction of the girl's movement.

Interestingly, a few decades ago, the right hemisphere of the brain did not attach much importance. It was decided that it was meaningless in some way. However, over time, scientists concluded that the right hemisphere of the human brain is very important for the development of a creative person.

For those who can not be glad to change the direction of rotation of the dancer below there are 3 pictures. Briefly looking at the left or right picture, you can easily change the direction of movement on the central picture. This simple test will help you check which part of the brain you have most active.

Left hemisphere of the brain

Verbal information is processed. The left hemisphere is responsible for language abilities, controls speech, ability to write and read. Using the left hemisphere of the brain, the person remembers the facts, dates, names and controls their writing. The Holy Hemisphere of the Brain analyzes all the facts, is responsible for the analysis and logic. Mathematical symbols and numbers are also recognized by the left hemisphere. Information is processed sequentially.

Right hemisphere of the brain

It is processed by non-verbal information. The right hemisphere of the human brain processes information expressing not in words, but in images and symbols. Using the right hemisphere, a person is able to fantasize and dream, compose stories. The right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for the ability to visual art and music. The right hemisphere simultaneously processes a lot of different information. It makes it possible to consider everything in general without resorting to the analysis.

And this is a new optical illusion.

Visual test of Vladimir P series to determine the dominant hemisphere of the brain. This is really a fundamentally new psychophysiological test. This test helps to determine which of the hemispheres of your brain is more active. Test shows your condition at the moment. And in some cases you can observe the moment of switching the hemispheres of your brain.

This test is just the "mirror" of your brain!

Successes !!

An expert on the diagnosis and correction of disgrave, dyslexia, attention violations ...

And yet, rotates in one or another side not only and not so much picture, how much perceptual image of a moving space formed by your brain. In short, the girl actually rotates in your perception.

You define the strongest sides of your brain.

This is especially true to ambidexstraces.(Lat. AMBI - Double; Dextrum - right).That is, people simultaneously having a robust and left-hand asymmetry, dominance in the work of the brain. In recent years, among children with ADHD, according to our data, a significant amount of ambidexters is found (on average 37.95%), see article A among children with autistic spectrum disorders (races) - more than 76%.

Ambidekstra - This is a special group of people with abilities, significantly higher than the norm.Suffice it to say that there are many people with a special organization of the brain's work among Seidov - direct descendants of the Prophet Muhammad, among levitov and Cohen, and other outstanding people. For example, Benjamin Franklin (which is depicted on 100-dollar bills), Vladimir Putin, President of the United States Barack Obama, Sheikh in the United Arab Emirates - they are all ambidexters. That is, people with potentially unique abilities that can be implemented, and may not.

If you hit this company - Congratulations :-))

Please, most seriously reproduce this test. It can be repeated from time to time. I do it myself. When dominating the left hemisphere, the "logic" girl rotates right. When dominating the right hemisphere, the "artistic type Eiders" the girl suddenly begins to rotate left. Ambidekstra - when the head slope in the appropriate side is right, then to the left!

Instructions for the test of Vladimir Potigach (Copyright © 2009. ) for ambidextric


D. anyny test shows your condition and features of the perception of moving perceptual (subjective) spaces that processes and "sees" your brain at the moment. This is especially true of ambidexstraces (Lat. AMBI - Double; Dextrum - right). That is, people simultaneously having the robust and left-handed work of the brain.

Ambidekstra and "two-handed", this is not the same, although close concepts.

People can be right-handed-left

  • by eye movements (reflect the work of the brain),
  • on the leading eye (when shooting, for example),
  • as well as on the audio channel (to which ear applied the handset),
  • by hand (hold the handle for the letter, the knife, scolding, needle at sewing),
  • on the leg (push leg, blow to the ball),
  • rotate the axis of the heart on the electrocardiogram, etc.

That is, most likely you are a combination of these individual communicative channels ...

And even note that, as a rule, specialists use a group of tests for any psychological diagnostics. For example, we duplicate the study of the features of asymmetry on the "activation meter" Yu.A. Tsagarelli, as well as classic tests for "right-and left left", etc.


W. street restless.

So, in the picture you see the silhouette of a rotating figure.

1st stage. Psychological setting

Psychological configuration of your brain lasts about 2 minutes.

2nd stage. Actually testing

  • If the figure is steadily rotated only clockwise - it means that you dominate the left hemisphere, the leisure brain activity dominates. And this is logic, the score, the ability to speak and state thoughts.
  • Rotation is only counterclockwise - it means that you dominate the right hemisphere, and prevails advantageously robust activities - Eidetics, intuition, figurative thinking, musicality, feeling of orientation in space and time.
  • If the figure is alternately rotated in one, then in the other side is a sign of ambidexter, that is, the work and the right, and the left hemisphere of the brain alternately.

Some have such a switching of rotation of the silhouette occurs when the head is tilted to the right, then left, and vice versa.

In others, the change of direction of rotations is observed at the concentration of his face on the face, then its defocus, and vice versa.

Or, option, the translation of the look at about 15 degrees. Left-down - rotates left. View of 15 degrees. Right and down - rotates right. (addition to the visitor of the site of Stas Redrugin)

Sometimes - it is useful to cover the bottom of the body of a rotating girl - it is better.

Thus, we are offered a gaming test for the right-left-leopard, convenient when working with children.

For clarity, the brain scheme:[Cyt. By Rooivs "Rusichi"]

By the way, you can test through mobile communicators

* * *

Supplement from the test of the test, psychologist Vladimir Pthycha:

Regarding comments on various forums:

Dear friends, I am very glad that you are so interested in this test.

In November 2010, at the International Conference on Integrative Medicine in Jerusalem (900 participants from 50 countries), we showed its audience on the big screen.

Then I asked to raise the hands of those who the girl rotates right, or clockwise. They were about 20%. Then about 35-40% at the same time saw the rotation to the left, counterclockwise. The rest at the same moment saw the rotation to the right, then to the left! Professionals appreciated the report by applause.

In other words, the picture "sees" the eye, like an optical system, but interprets, evaluates the direction of rotation - your brain, Creating a subjective picture of a moving perceptual space. Switching in the work of the hemispheres are evaluating the direction of rotation of the silhouette with the same work of the eye. But in order to find out, "why" and "as", for this we conduct research on the intermetrous asymmetry. For example, in parallel testing on the apparatus of Yu.A. Sagarelli, the mental psychophysiological device of the world-class (recently large Paris purchased the US Department of Defense). At the moment we have a large randomized study (Moscow).

It is more convenient for me to correspond with you by mail: [Email Protected]
Vladimir Pugach (Moscow)