Elena Gennadievna Vasnetsova

Complete encyclopedia household


Everyone wants to learn how to manage a household economically and create a cozy home in which your family would be happy. You shouldn’t hope that all difficulties in your little Universe will disappear over time, and life will turn into a continuous holiday. Housekeeping is daily, persistent and diligent work. It depends only on you whether this work will be a joy or a burden to you.

"Big Dictionary” gives several definitions to the word “house”, and one of them: “family, people living together, in one household.” The family and household actually have a lot in common with the building. Both material resources and, most importantly, mental strength must be invested in their construction. A house cannot be built in one day. It takes a lot of time and building materials for a building to grow in a vacant lot. But this is not enough! If you don’t take care of the house, don’t maintain order in every apartment, in every room, and don’t periodically make major repairs, the beautiful structure will simply fall apart.

In the same way, having “built” a family, you need to constantly, tirelessly, work to preserve it. You need to be ready for changes, not be afraid of them, but accept them with optimism, hope and joy.

Here is the “Universal Encyclopedia of Household Economy”. The purpose of this book is to help you in your daily worries. Perhaps you are a real ace in everything related to creating comfort and organizing your home. This means that the “Universal Encyclopedia” will become your interlocutor, help you refresh your knowledge, and allow you to look at some aspects of housekeeping from a different angle.

Maybe you've just begun to master the role of Master or Mistress of the House. In this case, let the Encyclopedia become your teacher, mentor, to whom you can turn with any question.

Therefore, we tried to cover as many aspects of housekeeping as possible. This is one of the main advantages of the Universal Encyclopedia. You can buy ten books about renovation, design, basic crafts, cleaning, or child care. Or you can purchase only this “Encyclopedia” and find in it the most important information for all your questions.

The “Universal Encyclopedia” consists of an introduction, 14 chapters, a conclusion and an alphabetical index. The book is structured in such a way that you can quickly and easily navigate through it.

At the beginning of the Encyclopedia there is her detailed content. Please read it carefully. Not only are the chapter titles listed here, but also the section titles of each chapter. We tried to make it easy to understand from these names what will be discussed in this or that chapter, in this or that part of it.

Let this book become your reliable and faithful friend.

How to comfortably furnish your home

If you have a desire or urgent need to improve your home, then it is not at all necessary to immediately look for a new apartment or start a major renovation of the old one - it is quite possible to improve your home with the help of small changes that will not take a lot of time and money and do not require a highly professional approach. It may seem surprising, but sometimes with some cosmetic manipulations, small redevelopment and changes in the organization of space, you can achieve amazing results.

Visual increase in space

Usually in any home there are rooms, certain places that seem too cramped. For example, a living room may be small or an elongated kitchen may no longer be cozy. If you overload the children's room with furniture, it will also become cramped. But the problem of overcrowding is not always explained by poor planning - most often it’s a matter of features visual perception person. Therefore, architectural shortcomings cannot serve as a reason for frustration, since they can be leveled out through proper design of the premises. We can say it differently: in order for the rooms to seem spacious and comfortable, visual proportions must be observed. The main task when creating an interior is not to visually make the room smaller.

A significant role in the design of rooms is played by their functionality, as well as the preferences of the owner. Be that as it may, there are techniques that can be used to create the illusion of greater space than what actually exists.

The low ceiling of a room can be designed in such a way that it seems endless. This can be facilitated by a suspended ceiling with a glossy surface and built-in point light sources, or a plasterboard structure with recesses painted in darker colors than the main background, then the room will appear higher. In different rooms, the ceiling height can also be different: for example, in the hallway it is lower, and in the living room it is higher, so that in the hallway guests have the feeling that in the future they will see a freer space, where there is even more air. A very radical way to use the ceiling to increase space is to decorate it with mirrors, which create the illusion of infinity.

Mirrors used to decorate the walls allow them to be significantly “expanded”, which is even a kind of magic trick - the size of the room is significantly visually increased. Moreover, mirrors, in addition to reflecting space, reflect light and color, which seriously affects the perception of the interior and, when used correctly, allows you to achieve a truly amazing effect. A full-wall mirror will visually expand the room by 2 times. However, this remedy requires careful calculation. The use of large mirror sheets must be extremely balanced, otherwise instead of a cozy room you may end up with a dance hall, and the numerous reflections will make you dizzy and lose touch with reality. It is necessary to consult with a professional designer who will tell you how best to “mute” the mirror wall and cover it with fabric to form a kind of transition to the adjacent room. In addition, if the walls (and even more so the ceiling) in the dining room are decorated with mirrors, then you need to be prepared for the fact that guests invited to dinner will be constantly distracted from eating by their reflections.

In the matter of visually increasing (or decreasing) space, the color scheme is of great importance. Knowledgeable people In small rooms it is recommended to use calm light colors that do not “prick” the eyes: light pink, light blue, light green. You should avoid sharp contrasts, flashy shades, and a dark, depressing palette. It's no secret that thanks to the cool blue color an illusion of some distance between objects appears, while a warm color, on the contrary, visually reduces the distance. Cool colors can make a room feel larger, but it will also feel uncomfortable, so balance is important here, and it's best to avoid dark and bright shades altogether. In addition, we must remember that large patterns on the walls and ceiling reduce space (if the patterns are large on one wall and small on the other, this, on the contrary, creates the illusion of increasing space). Monotonous wallpaper with vertical stripes adds height to the room, while wallpaper of different colors separated by a border reduces the space; light monotonous wallpaper or wallpaper with small patterns visually enlarges the room.

To make the room more cheerful and spacious, the most shaded wall can be decorated with wallpaper of the same color as on the other walls, but a lighter tone. In any case, it is recommended to give preference to identical, monochromatic and fairly simple patterns, since the more sophisticated and brighter they are, the smaller the room seems.

The most important influence on the perception of a room is its illumination. It is light that reveals space; moreover, light creates space. Both natural and artificial light are important. In the first case, the immediate layout of the premises, the specific design of the building, and orientation to the cardinal points are important. All this does not depend on the owners at the stage of home renovation. But in the second case, the initiators of the repair can influence the result by correctly selecting light sources and their location. If the space is small, then you should pay close attention to the built-in light sources and masked local lighting. However, competition to the present sunlight It’s difficult to compose in this case. To create the illusion of a visual increase in the size of the bathroom, first of all, you need a natural light source, i.e. a window, but if there is none, they are content with built-in halogen lamps. In most living spaces where you don’t want or can’t place built-in lamps, you can use a regular floor lamp, the light from which will spread in all directions and, reflecting from the ceiling, will enliven the room.

Concise encyclopedia household economics 1966. In one volume. THIRD EDITION.

M. Soviet encyclopedia, 344 columns. Hardcover, Encyclopedic format 84x108 1/16.

With illustrations, drawings, explanations for all occasions. | Home Economics, Cooking, Drinks

The main task of the Brief Encyclopedia of Household Economy is to help people better organize their life and leisure time.

The book provides information on how to quickly and deliciously prepare lunch, breakfast and dinner, how to dress practically and beautifully, and how to create coziness, convenience and cleanliness in your home.

The reader will find in the book information about proper nutrition for adults and children, as well as nutritional therapy. It contains recipes and methods for preparing the most common dishes, and provides characteristics of various products.

The encyclopedia introduces the reader to instruments, apparatus, devices, all kinds of household equipment and utensils.

The book also contains advice on the correct approach to fashion requirements and skillful choice of clothing. The reader will receive basic information about constructing pattern drawings, cutting and sewing outerwear and linen, knitting and embroidery, caring for clothing, as well as some information about furs and fur products.

Articles about housing contain information about the selection and arrangement of furniture, about many pieces of apartment equipment and their repair, about the choice of wallpaper, about the best combinations of paints when painting walls, about various types renovation of residential premises.

A significant number of articles are devoted to household hygiene, facial skin and hair care. The book contains brief information about mass sports and sports games, about tourism, hunting, fishing; advice is given on how to provide first aid medical care and home care for the sick.

Readers will find in the Encyclopedia articles on indoor plants and gardening, gardening and vegetable gardening. Pet lovers will receive advice on keeping dogs, cats, pigeons, and songbirds. The book describes some home crafts, including toy making. And much more.

State of preservation: very good, almost perfect.

Good for a gift!

Details by phone or in person.

Location: Moscow

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The majestic program for the construction of communism provides for accelerated development National economy USSR, a significant increase in the well-being of the Soviet people. Industry, especially heavy industry, is expanding from year to year, the national income of the USSR is increasing, and the production of consumer goods is growing. Industry produces new types of goods; The quantity and range of products from the chemical industry are especially increasing - fabrics made from synthetic fibers, shoes made from high-quality leather substitutes, and various plastic products. Millions of Soviet citizens receive apartments in newly built buildings. Households are increasingly equipped with productive and convenient machines - refrigerators, washing machines, various electrical and gas appliances, which greatly facilitate many household chores.

In connection with the transfer of workers and employees carried out in the country to a 7-hour and 6-hour working day, with a gradual transfer from 1964 to a 5-day working week, that is, with the establishment of two days off a week, Soviet people get more time for cultural recreation. Sports, tourism and mountaineering are rapidly developing in the USSR. Medical care is being improved and the network of rest homes and sanatoriums is expanding.

The main task of the Brief Encyclopedia of Household Economy is to help Soviet people better organize their life and leisure time.

The encyclopedia gives the reader brief information and tips on how to prepare lunch, breakfast and dinner deliciously and quickly, how to dress more practically and beautifully, how to create coziness, convenience and cleanliness in your home.

The reader will find in the book information about proper nutrition for adults, as well as medical and children's nutrition. It contains recipes and methods for preparing the most common dishes, and provides characteristics of various products.

The encyclopedia introduces the reader to instruments, apparatus, fixtures, all kinds of household equipment and utensils that are produced for sale or planned for release.

The book contains advice on the correct approach to fashion requirements and the skillful choice of clothing for women and men. Various fabrics, including newly produced ones, are described and their rational use is discussed. The reader will receive basic information about the construction of pattern drawings, about cutting and sewing clothes and linen, about knitting and embroidery, caring for clothes, as well as some information about furs and fur products.

Articles about housing contain information about the selection and arrangement of furniture, about many pieces of apartment equipment and their repair, about the choice of wallpaper, color combinations when painting walls, about various types of renovation of residential premises, and about country houses.

A significant number of articles are devoted to household hygiene, facial and hair care, mass sports and sports games. The book contains brief information about tourism, hunting, fishing, and provides advice on first aid, as well as assistance with certain diseases and home care for the sick. A young mother will read articles on caring for an infant.

Fans of growing plants will find in the Encyclopedia articles on indoor plants, landscaping yards, individual and collective gardening and vegetable gardening. Pet lovers will receive information about keeping dogs, cats, pigeons, and songbirds.

The book describes some home crafts and crafts, including making toys at home.

Readers will also find brief legal information on housing legislation, pensions and other everyday issues.

The short encyclopedia is published in two volumes, which to a certain extent limits the number of articles included and their size.

About 200 specialists took part in compiling the book - doctors and candidates of science, employees of research institutes, engineers, doctors, commodity experts, fashion designers, sports figures, etc.

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