
A teacher-psychologist (psychologist in the field of education) is a worker in the pedagogical field, whose area of ​​activity is psychological support for the educational process, work on the successful socialization of students, the preservation and strengthening of their health, the protection of rights, and the implementation of activities aimed at preventing deviations in behavior and development children. The activities of such an employee are regulated by special documents, including the professional standard (PS).

Why is this professional standard needed? PS teacher-psychologist entered into force on 01/01/2018

. The creation of similar acts in relation to other specialties began back in 2016. This was caused by the urgent need to improve the skills of workers engaged in various fields of activity. However, despite the existence of such a need, the recently adopted professional standard is not ultimatum, but only advisory in nature.

  1. Its use allows us to resolve a number of significant issues:
  2. Providing the necessary professional training for future educational psychologists.
  3. Precise definition of the list of requirements for a specialist.

Involving a psychologist in the process of raising the educational level of citizens living in the country. In general, Prof. the standard determines the possibility of a specialist obtaining a position or maintaining it. This document also regulates the amount of salary and how much length of service will be accrued to the employee during his work. Based on the provisions of the PS in his work, the specialist.

provides oneself with the opportunity for career growth Professional standard is not only a list of basic requirements for an educational psychologist, it also denotes the general direction of the specialist’s activity

. Often, the initial form of this document is used as a template into which provisions independently developed by employees of a local educational institution can be added.

Structure of the standard Prof. The standard for educational psychologists, as well as for representatives of other professions, was formed on the basis of a special layout, which was approved almost five years earlier (04/12/2013).

  • Characteristics of the specialty (general). This section is devoted to a description of the specialty. First of all, its name is indicated: psychologist, educational psychologist, psychologist educational organization.

Afterwards, the exact field of activity of the employee and its classification are noted in accordance with OKVED (classification as types economic activity) and OKZ (group of classes).

It is also noted that in order to carry out labor activities in educational institutions citizen must have higher education in the profile direction. In addition, specialists convicted of crimes defined by type and composition by the legislation of the Russian Federation cannot be allowed to work with children.

  • Characteristics of the duties assigned to the employee. All labor functions given in the second block receive additional decoding. In addition, a list of all the knowledge and skills that an educational psychologist must have, as well as a list of specific actions that he will have to perform, is provided.
  • Information about the organizations that participated in the development of the document. The last paragraph contains the name of one responsible organization, as well as the names of several organizations that participated in the development of the document.

Key points

The professional standard must be recorded in local documentation, used in the work of the institution in the following areas:

From the moment of approval of the professional standard of an educational psychologist (that is, from 01/01/2018), the management of all schools and other educational institutions is obliged to take into account the provisions of this document when searching for and approving specialists of the relevant profile for positions.

In addition, the professional standard is used to properly organize certification checks, draw up local job descriptions and determine wages.

Main responsibilities according to the document

To implement the above functions, a psychologist employed in an educational institution must carry out the following work activities:

In addition, a specialist must know the basics of psychology, its principles, understand the structure of this science and be able to use methods in practice.

Competencies of an educational psychologist

A teacher-psychologist is one of the members of the socio-pedagogical and psychological service (SPPS) of an educational institution. Professional competence (competence) of a teacher is a complex system, which includes knowledge, experience, abilities, skills and professionally significant characteristics of the employee, including:

  • stability and adequacy of self-esteem;
  • self-esteem;
  • self-confidence;
  • positive attitude towards the world;
  • responsibility;
  • presence of stable motivation;
  • the ability to reflect and analyze various situations.

The basis of competence is a specialization obtained by a person at a university and providing him with basic knowledge that is mandatory for an educational psychologist. Professional competence is realized in the activities of a specialist and is a structure that includes:

  • special training;
  • functional literacy;
  • personal competence;
  • skill practical application technologies of psychological and pedagogical activity and subsequent reflection;
  • the ability to make changes to ongoing activities based on a reflexive analysis of the results obtained.

Competencies are simultaneously the range of responsibilities reflected in the job description, the scope of responsibility and the range of authority within which a specialist must demonstrate his abilities, skills, knowledge and significant personal characteristics. All this displayed in professional standard, the provisions of which a specialist must consistently implement in the course of his work activity.

Here's a video with additional detailed information about pedagogical professional standards.

Why was a professional standard for an educational psychologist developed? What characteristics does this document have? What sections does it consist of? What are the requirements for the work of the professional standard of a teacher-psychologist, approved by the government of the Russian Federation, for psychologists? You will get answers to these questions in the article.

Why was the professional standard for a teacher-psychologist introduced?

In 2018, legislators began to actively introduce professional standards for specialists in the field of education. Thus, on January 1 of this year, the professional standard for a psychologist came into force. What requirements does this document make for educational psychologists? And what is the purpose of introducing a professional standard?

Read also:

The active implementation of trade union standards began in June 2016. This is due to the low qualifications of specialists. But the professional standard for a teacher-psychologist 2018, approved by the government of the Russian Federation, is only advisory in nature. The introduction of a professional standard for psychologists allows us to resolve the following issues:

  1. provide the necessary professional training that teachers in general education institutions should have;
  2. inform the educational psychologist what requirements apply to him;
  3. involve psychologists in the process of raising the educational level in the country.

Watch a video on the topic:

Characteristics of the professional standard of a teacher-psychologist

In general terms, the professional standard approved for psychologists depends on:

  1. the ability of a particular school psychologist to continue to hold his position;
  2. salary amount;
  3. accrual of length of service, on which the size of the pension benefit will depend in the future;
  4. opportunity for career growth.

Which defines both the basic requirements for a teacher-psychologist and sets the general direction of this specialist’s activity.

The professional standard serves only as a framework document. This means that the list of requirements for a psychologist can be supplemented by local peculiarities. Also, the requirements for the educational psychologist may be presented by: educational establishments who are looking for a candidate for the position of psychologist.

Structure of the professional standard for educational psychologists

Each professional standard, including the standard for psychologists, was developed on the basis of one layout approved on April 12, 2013. According to this layout, the professional standard of a psychologist from January 1, 2018, which can be downloaded on this page after reading the article, includes the following parts:

  1. Given general characteristics specialties. This section indicates the exact name of the profession, the activities carried out by this specialist, classification according to OKZ and OKVED;
  2. Functional map. This part of the document provides a list of labor functions that must be performed by a teacher-psychologist;
  3. Characteristics of work functions. The requirements for each generalized labor function are indicated. In addition, a list of skills, knowledge, as well as specific actions that the educational psychologist is required to perform is given;
  4. Information about the development organizations.

Professional standard, which reflects the following areas in the activities of the educational institution:

  1. Recruitment;
  2. Definition of job functions for educational psychologists;
  3. Realization of the right to additional training;
  4. Forms of promotion professional level, including certifications and certifications.

Starting in January of this year, school leaders are required to take into account the requirements presented in the document when searching for and hiring a new educational psychologist. It is required to take into account the professional standard when organizing certification, establishing local regulations, job descriptions and calculating wages.

Basic actions and functions that a psychologist must perform

A good educational psychologist should:

  1. Be able to develop and implement everything educational plans, which are related to the development of skills in schoolchildren, support for gifted children, support for adolescents, taking into account their individual and age characteristics;
  2. Be able to conduct a psychological examination of teachers, process the results of psychological monitoring;
  3. Conduct interactive classes, as well as develop your own psychological techniques;
  4. Know the basics psychological science, know its basics, methods and principles.

Provides for the consistent implementation of the provisions contained in the document.

October 18, 2017. At the Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University October 18 from 11:00 to 13:00(Moscow time) a remote seminar (webinar) will be held “Discussion of regional experience in applying the professional standard “Teacher-psychologist (educational psychologist)”

Organizers of the webinar: Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation; All-Russian public organization "Federation of Educational Psychologists of Russia", Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University.

Date and time of the webinar: October 18, 2017 from 11:00 to 13:00 (Moscow time).

Webinar participants:
members of the All-Russian public organization“Federation of Educational Psychologists of Russia”, representatives of executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation implementing public administration in the field of education, coordinators and members of pilot sites of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for testing and implementation of the professional standard “Teacher-psychologist (psychologist in the field of education)”, educational psychologists of educational organizations, representatives of higher and additional organizations vocational education implementing programs vocational training educational psychologists, experts in the development and application of professional standards.

Participants webinar must be filled out application to electronic form ().

The webinar will take place at remote form.

Participation in the webinar is free.

Information partners of the webinar:

  • Website of the Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University - mgppu.rf

Purpose of the webinar: discussion of the results of monitoring regional experience in applying the professional standard “Teacher-psychologist (educational psychologist).”

Main objectives of the webinar:

  1. Analysis of the practice of applying the professional standard “Teacher-psychologist (psychologist in the field of education)”, identification and analysis of problems in its implementation;
  2. Discussion of issues of updating the professional standard “Teacher-psychologist (psychologist in the field of education).”

Webinar materials

Information letter about the webinar seminar (download)
Seminar-webinar program (download)
Recommendations for the application of the professional standard “Teacher-psychologist (educational psychologist)” in adaptation mode (download)
Professional standard “Teacher-psychologist (educational psychologist)” (download)


1. Date of the video broadcast October 18, 2017
2. Time of video broadcast from 11:00 to 13:00 Moscow time
3. Technical requirements for equipment for viewing video broadcasts
  1. Personal computer with Internet access.
  2. Speakers, headphones or built-in speaker.
4. Connect to video broadcast At 11:00 am on October 18, 2017, the video broadcast of the webinar will begin.

Connection link for the webinar video broadcast:

5. Note If the “Broadcast will start in...” page opens on your computer screen instead of the live video broadcast via this link, this means that the video broadcast has not yet started (until 11:00 am on 10/18/17). In such a case, you should refresh the video broadcast page (F5 button) (after 11:00 am on 10/18/2017) or re-follow the link provided in point 4.
6. Recommendations for remote participants of the webinar seminar: A) Presentations of speakers, as well as other webinar materials (including a video recording of the webinar) will be posted on the website. B) Remote participants of the webinar seminar can post their questions and comments on the video broadcast page. To post questions and comments, you must have and authorize your Google (Gmail) email address. You can also send questions to our email address [email protected].

C) If difficulties arise during a live video broadcast, please contact a video broadcast technical support specialist - Yulia Shulenina by email (e-mail: [email protected]).

Slide No. 1 (title)

IN Lately teaching staff of kindergartens paid serious attention to studying the law “On Education” and the Federal State Educational Standard preschool education. Of course, these are the most important documents regulating our activities. Implement Federal State educational standard to teachers. Now the requirements for professional qualities educators have also increased.

Slide No. 2

Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 544n dated October 18, 2013 approved the professional standard “Teacher (pedagogical activities in the field of preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general education) (educator, teacher). As for the concept of a professional standard, it was included in Labor Code RF back in 2012 and enshrined in Article 195.1.

Slide No. 3

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 536 dated May 27, 2015, it was created Working group on the development and application of professional standards, its composition was approved, as well as the schedule of its activities. Until 2018, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation will work to develop the following professional standards for educators:

  • Teacher (pedagogical activity in the field of preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general education) (educator, teacher); approbation since 2016, will come into force in 2017.
  • Teacher additional education children and adults; since 2018
  • Educational psychologist (educational psychologist); since 2018
  • Teacher-defectologist (teacher-speech therapist, teacher of the deaf,

oligophrenopedagogue, typhlopedagogue); since 2018

  • Head of an educational organization and organization of additional education for children; since 2018.

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There have never been professional standards in Russian legislation, and especially in the field of education. The idea of ​​a professional standard is borrowed from foreign experience. I would like to note that the education sector is one of the first to introduce this innovation. These innovations are caused by changes in the real education system. The structure of society and its needs are changing. Therefore, the teacher as a central figure educational process faced new challenges of society. The developers of the standard tried to look into the future in order to predict what requirements will be placed on the teacher of tomorrow. If earlier the teacher was the main bearer of knowledge, now, with the development of IT, the teacher’s information function will decrease the further. We see from the example of the introduction of Federal State Educational Standards what new requirements are presented to the teacher: in addition to the usual and understandable subject results, he needs to master and teach children completely new competencies: the ability to learn, communicate with peers and live in a multicultural space. It is no coincidence that the key idea of ​​the professional standard is the teacher’s ability to work with different categories of children, namely:

  • Working with gifted children;
  • Work in the context of implementing inclusive education programs;
  • Working with migrant children;
  • Working with children with developmental problems;
  • Working with deviant, dependent, socially neglected children, including those with deviations in social behavior.

For some teachers, new requirements are not a problem, because they already use the most modern methods. But someone will have to solve the problem of mastering in practice labor actions that are new to them, necessary knowledge and skills.

We understand well that no one person can meet all the qualification requirements of labor functions written in the standard, and each manager has the right to focus efforts on specific aspects of activity depending on the characteristics of his educational organization. The standard allows you to place emphasis on different labor functions in the overall scope of activity. In addition, no one requires the teacher, for example, to correct complex deviations in the child’s behavior, but his main task is to be able to recognize certain problems in time (be it developmental delay or mental retardation or simply attention deficit) in order to guide the child to the right specialist. Therefore, one of the main requirements of the standard is the ability to interact with other specialists: psychologists, social educators, defectologists, etc.

In 2015, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation organized the second stage of introducing the standard of professional activity of a teacher on the basis of 21 internship sites. The implementation will take at least 6 months.

Slide No. 5

In the process of introducing the professional standard for teachers, the following are tested:

  • personalized models of professional development for working teachers in terms of professional standard requirements;
  • job responsibilities of teaching staff using the list of labor functions of the professional standard and the composition of its professional actions;
  • new models of teacher certification procedures based on the requirements of the professional standard;
  • models for the transition to an effective contract, including the calculation of working time standards and mechanisms for the basic and incentive parts of remuneration in conjunction with the implementation of professional actions of the standard.

The Russian Ministry of Labor has prepared a newThe bill “On assessment professional qualifications for compliance with professional standards and amendments to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation", which determines new system assessment of a specialist’s qualifications based on a professional standard. Currently, it is proposed to introduce certification of qualifications for teaching staff. For this purpose, it is planned to create certification centers in the regions. This initiative is now being actively discussed by the professional community, including the Russian Ministry of Education and Science.If it is decided that this law also applies to educators, thenafter its introduction, the procedure for certification of teachers, the procedure for assessing and self-assessing teaching activities will change, and a professional exam will be introduced to determine the qualification level of a teacher.

The introduction of professional standards for teachers will mean changes in work certification commissions. It is assumed that an audit system will be created - internal and external, with the participation of a public structure.

The basis for all of the listed mechanisms for assessing professionalism will be the requirements set out in the teacher’s professional standard.

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  • The content of the professional standard includes general information(activity goals, groups of classes, etc.), characteristics of labor functions, it defines the basic requirements for the qualifications of a teacher, reflects the structure of a teacher’s professional activity, requirements for personal qualities teacher

But it is worth considering that the professional standard

  • May be supplemented by regional requirements
  • Can be supplemented by the internal standard of the educational institution
  • It is level-based, taking into account the specifics of teachers’ work preschool and schools

Slide No. 7

Standard requirements for teacher education

  • Higher professional education or secondary vocational education in the areas of training "Education and Pedagogy" or in the field corresponding to the subject being taught (with subsequent professional retraining according to the profile of pedagogical activity), or higher professional education or secondary vocational education and additional professional education in the field of activity in an educational organization
  • Experience Requirements practical work are not presented

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Persons are not allowed to work

  • Deprived of the right to engage in teaching activities
  • Have or have had a criminal record
  • Recognized as incompetent
  • Having diseases included in the established list

The standard puts forward the professional competencies of a teacher, reflecting the specifics of his work, the necessary work actions, skills and knowledge.

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A preschool teacher must:

1. Know the specifics of preschool education and the features of organizing educational work with children of early and early childhood preschool age.

2. Know general patterns child development in early and preschool childhood; features of the formation and development of children's activities in early and preschool age.

3. Be able to organize the main types of activities in preschool age: object-manipulative and playful, ensuring the development of children. Organize joint and independent activity preschoolers.

4. Possess the theory and pedagogical methods of physical, cognitive and personal development children of early and preschool age.

5. Be able to plan, implement and analyze educational work with children of early and preschool age in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education.

6. Be able to plan and adjust educational objectives(together with a psychologist and other specialists) based on monitoring results, taking into account the individual developmental characteristics of each early and/or preschool child.

8. Participate in creating a psychologically comfortable and safe educational environment, ensuring the safety of children’s lives, preserving and strengthening their health, supporting the child’s emotional well-being during their stay in an educational organization.

9. Be proficient in methods and means of analyzing psychological and pedagogical monitoring, which allows assessing the results of children’s mastery of educational programs, the degree to which they have developed the necessary integrative qualities of preschool children necessary for further education and development in primary school

10. Know the methods and means of psychological and pedagogical education of parents (legal representatives) of children of early and preschool age, be able to build partnerships with them to solve educational problems.

11. Possess ICT competencies necessary and sufficient for planning, implementing and evaluating educational work with children of early and preschool age.

The professional standard sets a number of tasks for the teacher that he has not solved before. He must learn all this. After all, you cannot demand from a teacher what he cannot do.

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At the first stage preparation, the task of the administration of an educational organization is to convey the main provisions of the standard to every teacher. The technologies here are known:

  • Independent familiarization with professional standards for signature, because this is a normative document that is mandatory for execution.
  • Consideration of the content of the professional standard for pedagogical councils, seminars, teaching hours.
  • Discussion of ways to implement the professional standard at teacher councils, round tables and other platforms.
  • Informing self-government bodies and the parent community about the transition of teachers to professional standards.

Secondly , the introduction of a professional standard entails a change in a certain regulatory legal framework educational organization. Namely: the charter, job descriptions of teachers and educators, Employment contracts, Collective agreements, Internal labor regulations, Regulations on remuneration, Regulations on incentive payments, teacher portfolio, etc. All these local acts of the public organization must be prepared and approved before 01.01. 2017.

Third . The entire complexity of the problems of transition to professional standards falls on the shoulders of the teacher. You can only demand from a teacher what he was taught. Therefore, there is a lot of work to be done to help teachers bring their qualifications to the level of professional standard requirements. In educational organizations, we are asked to do the following - to develop an IOM for preschool teachers.

Slide No. 11

The “road map” of a teacher’s individual educational route is a purposefully designed differentiated educational program, providing the teacher with the position of the subject of choice, development and implementation of a personal development program professional competence when carrying out scientific and methodological support of it professional development.

Slide No. 12

Main directions of IOM design

Advanced training in the system of continuous professional educationis implemented through training in advanced training courses and professional retraining in the context of the functioning of the regional system for advanced training of teaching and management staff of educational institutions.

Activities of a teacher in the professional communitycarried out through leadership or participation in the work of methodological associations, creative experimental groups, associations, etc., as well as work in regional and federal professional communities.

Participation in methodological work can be carried out both through traditional forms of development of professional competence (seminars, lectures, methodological councils, round tables, pedagogical workshops, etc.), and
and through technologies for developing professional competence using active methods training (business and role-playing games, debates, discussions, analysis of video materials, etc.). Mutual training and development of professional competence of teachers can occur through various shapes presentations of innovative teaching experience ( open lessons, master classes, presentations at seminars, project activities, participation in the creation of a bank of scientific and methodological developments, etc.).

Slide captions:

Professional standard of a teacher in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education Prepared by Chernova A.B. for the city methodological association of deputy heads of VMR

Professional standard of a teacher Professional standard “Teacher (pedagogical activity in the field of preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general education) (educator, teacher)”: approved by order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated October 18, 2013 N 544n. registered by the Ministry of Justice on 06.12.2013 mass application from January 1, 2017 but from 2016 – testing mode.

Professional standard of a teacher: a document that includes a list of professional and personal requirements for a teacher (educator), valid throughout the Russian Federation. willingness to teach all children without exception, regardless of their inclinations, abilities, developmental characteristics, or disabilities.

Scope of the Professional Standard

CHARACTERISTICS OF THE STANDARD it defines the basic requirements for the qualifications of a teacher can be supplemented by regional requirements can be supplemented by the internal standard of the educational institution is level, taking into account the specifics of the work of teachers of the educational institution reflects the structure of the professional activity of the teacher puts forward requirements for the personal qualities of the teacher

Requirements for education and training Higher vocational education or secondary vocational education in the areas of training "Education and Pedagogy" or in the field corresponding to the subject being taught (with subsequent professional retraining in the profile of pedagogical activity), or higher vocational education or secondary vocational education and additional professional education in the area of ​​activity in an educational organization There are no requirements for practical work experience!

Special conditions for permission to work

The professional competencies of the educator, reflecting the specifics of work at the preschool level of education, should: to know the specifics of preschool education to know the general laws of development of children to be able to organize leading activities to own the theory and development of preschool children to be able to plan, implement and analyze educational work with children to be able to plan and adjust educational objectives based on monitoring results Be proficient in methods and means of psychological and pedagogical education of parents Possess ICT competencies

Recommendations for the implementation of professional standards in DOW Organization familiarizing teaching staff of the institution with the content of the professional standard “Teacher”: organizing discussions at pedagogical and methodological councils, methodological associations, internship practices resource centers and etc.; placement of information on stands in the institution, the institution’s website development, coordination and approval of local legal acts kindergarten in the field of formation personnel policy, labor relations with educators, standardization, assessment of the quality of educators’ work; organizing and conducting a self-assessment procedure for teachers of their qualifications in accordance with the levels of the professional standard of a teacher in the institution; drawing up a differentiated program for the professional development of kindergarten teachers based on self-analysis (self-assessment) of the level of compliance of the teacher’s competencies with the content of the labor functions of the professional standard “Teacher”.

Individual educational route teacher It is a purposefully designed differentiated educational program that provides the teacher with the position of the subject of choice, development and implementation of a personal program for the development of professional competence in the implementation of scientific and methodological support for his professional development.

Main directions of IOM design

IOM development algorithm

Methods of increasing motivation and professional mobility of teachers Methods of economic incentives: additional payment for active participation, high rates of one-time bonuses Administrative methods: rational placement of personnel Psychological and pedagogical methods of influence: advice, request, wishes, stimulation creative activity, employee initiative

Change before you are forced to do so! the quality of the education system cannot be higher than the quality of the teachers working in it; professional standard contributes to improving the professional training of teachers and the need for constant professional growth; a professional standard increases the teacher’s responsibility for the results of his work, and accordingly improves the quality of education.


Requirements for teaching staff, including teachers of preschool organizations, will now be regulated by a new regulatory document. On January 1, 2017, the Professional Standard for Teachers, approved by the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, came into force. What are the consequences for the employer in connection with the entry into force of the above document? What actions does a manager need to take to apply the professional standard? Let's look at these questions in this article.

When will the professional standard for a teacher come into effect?

As we noted above, this document came into force on January 1, 2017. Fortunately, this does not mean that right from the beginning of this year, the employer must be strictly guided by this professional standard, and employees must meet the requirements specified in it. There are regulations that will allow the employer to prepare a little for work according to the professional standard of a teacher, approved by the Ministry of Labor.

1. Draft Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, which suspends the professional standard of a teacher. This legal act proposes to postpone the start date of the professional standard for teaching staff to September 1, 2019. The reasons for the postponement are the following circumstances:

  • numerous appeals from teaching staff and representatives of trade unions that employers and employees are not yet ready to apply the professional standard;
  • not formed one system assessing the level of professional competence of teachers;
  • federal state standards higher and professional education must be brought into line with the professional standard.

Currently this document is only at the stage of public discussion and has not yet completed the registration procedure with the Ministry of Justice. We are monitoring the progress of this legislation and will keep you updated on this issue.

2. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 27, 2016 N 584. This government decree establishes the specifics of the application of professional standards in state and municipal institutions. Officials gave these organizations time to switch to applying the professional standard until January 1, 2020.

What actions need to be taken to switch to the professional standard of a teacher?

The above decree of the Government of the Russian Federation noted that until the beginning of 2020, state and municipal institutions must completely switch to the use of professional standards. To do this, you will need to approve a plan for organizing the application of the professional standard. This plan must include the following information:

  • a list of professional standards that are subject to application in your organization;
  • on the need for employees to receive additional education, vocational training after assessing the compliance of their competence with the qualification requirements specified in the professional standard, as well as information on the conduct of these activities;
  • stages of application of the professional standard;
  • a list of internal documents of the organization that will need to be amended in connection with the application of the professional standard (regulations on certification, regulations on bonuses, job descriptions, etc.).

You can view and download the Professional Standard for Teachers, approved by the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, using the link located at the end of the article.

If you need templates of local acts for preschool educational institutions

You can access the module " Regulations DOW" information system"Directory9. It contains instructions, templates and expert experience. Details here.

Professional standards 2017 for teachers approved by the Government of the Russian Federation

Starting from January 1 of this year, any teacher must rely on the new professional standard for teachers 2017 approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. This fundamental document will replace all teachers with many “unnecessary” and ineffective manuals, instructions and reference books. It was the order of the Ministry of Labor dated October 18, 2013 that officially introduced the concept of “professional standard” into the work of teachers, which everyone who carries out educational activities. What is a professional standard? For what purpose was it introduced, and how does it coordinate the actions of teachers?

What is a professional standard

The professional standard for 2017 is a document approving a list of all professional qualities and personal competencies, which any teacher, educator, librarian and other educational worker must possess. According to this regulatory act, the entire teaching staff must undergo professional certification, and based on the results, an appropriate level of qualification (category) is assigned. The level of competence of a teaching worker influences the consideration of the application form when applying for a job, the creation job descriptions

, as well as when determining the teacher’s salary. The Russian professional standard contains full list knowledge and professional qualities that should be inherent in every teacher, and also regulates education worker. All labor actions are divided into blocks corresponding to each of the subjects. The government decided to introduce the professional standard gradually so as not to shock teachers and to give them the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the document in more detail. Its testing began several years ago in 45 regions of Russia; special internship sites were organized in each educational institution. The Ministry of Education and Science tried to attract as many practicing vocational education workers as possible.

The Minister of the Ministry of Education and Science also introduced the goals that the Government pursued when implementing new professional standards.

Since 2016, the authorities began to create a register of professional standards for various fields of activity; these regulations describe in detail the level of qualifications that each employee must meet. By the summer of last year, more than three dozen documents had been created regulating the relevant areas, of course, Special attention was devoted to the field of education. After all, the future of every citizen of the country often depends on the teacher, because It is the teacher who lays the foundations of personality in a person.

The main reason why professional standards were introduced is the lack of a clear definition structure professional competencies workers when assigning qualification levels. After all, the previous norms were only advisory in nature and were not mandatory when making a decision on assigning the appropriate category to a teacher. And some instructions in last time were updated so long ago that they simply no longer correspond to modern realities.

Of course, the educational professional standard has taken a special place in the register.

Professional standards for teachers in 2017 allow us to resolve the main tasks faced when assigning the appropriate category to an education worker:

  • how to ensure proper professional training for beginning teachers;
  • how to accurately determine skill level;
  • how to notify teachers of all the requirements that will apply to them;
  • how to improve together with teachers general level education in the country.

It is the professional standards of teachers in 2017 that will influence:

  • obtaining permission to carry out pedagogical activities;
  • determining the level of remuneration;
  • calculation of teaching experience;
  • pension calculation;
  • teacher career growth.

New challenges of modern education

The 2017 regulatory document should approve 5 types of qualifications for educators. The act lists several dozen competencies that a teacher must have. For example, to perform educational activities, a teacher must build on at least 18 skills. Starting from this year, each teacher will perform not only an educational function, but also be a kind of “social therapist” who is called upon to identify psychological problems a team. Usually now classroom teacher in the process of his work, he must identify gifted and socially disadvantaged students, and the director is required to be notified of the presence of “problem” children in the student body.

Thanks to new professional standards, the main criteria by which employees are assessed will be approved. teaching staff: willingness to work with children, the ability to communicate on the basis of mutual respect, impeccable mastery of their subject (for example, a history and social studies teacher should not only describe what is indicated in the textbook, but also introduce rare facts), the ability to explain to students the benefits of self-development and education , and also independently be an example for the younger generation.

How will the new resolution affect the formation of wages? Starting from 2013, the Ministry of Education and Science claims that teaching staff who can confirm compliance with the professional standard will receive an order of magnitude more.

Problems of introducing professional standards

According to some experienced teachers, the introduction of new professional standards will entail a number of problems; firstly, Russian educational institutions have not yet created the appropriate conditions for the application of these regulations. Secondly, in most schools, especially in sparsely populated areas, there are simply no specialists in narrow fields such as speech pathologists, psychologists, etc. Bye Russian Federation will not completely change the structure modern schools, the introduction of such standards will be problematic. Whether the 2017 teacher professional standard approved by the Government of the Russian Federation will “take root” will be known very soon.