Parents who, for whatever reason, decide to transfer their child to another school have many questions: which school to choose, what documents need to be provided, etc.

You can transfer at any time school year. But in practice, parents do this mainly at the beginning or middle of the school year, and rarely at the end; they try to give the child the opportunity to complete his studies until the end of May.

By law, in our country, education is compulsory and free for schoolchildren under eighteen years of age. Moreover, parents of minor children have the right to choose a school.

What should parents do if they want to transfer their child to another school? First of all, take seriously the issue of choosing a suitable educational institution. Then find out if there are free places there. If not, and not only in the school of your choice, but also in other acceptable options, then contact the education committee with a request for help in finding a suitable school. When you have decided on the school to which you want to transfer your child, write an application for expulsion in connection with the transfer to another school (and indicate which one). What if you move to another locality, indicate the name of the city or town.

Within three days, the school must issue an order to expel the child with a mandatory record of which school he is moving to (or which locality he is moving to).

What documents should you obtain from school? The student’s personal file, a special extract from the class journal with existing grades, points obtained during intermediate assessments. All these documents must be certified by the seal and signature of the class teacher or school director.

They cannot refuse to issue a personal file, certificate or other documents. If this does happen, you can appeal the refusal to the prosecutor's office.

The school to which you are transferring should not require any more documents from you. If, however, there are additional requirements for the list of documents that will need to be provided, this should be reflected in the school Charter. But it is better, of course, to clarify in advance what documents are needed so that there are no unpleasant surprises.

The school to which the child was transferred issues an enrollment order, and then within two working days notifies the school from which the student was transferred in writing.

The proposal to enroll a student with a temporary order (in case he studies or behaves poorly) is unlawful. A probationary period can only exist for an employee, but not for a student. There can be no probationary period for a student under any circumstances. And expulsion at the initiative of the school before the student reaches 15 years of age is unacceptable. After reaching 15 years of age, deduction is possible, but only in exceptional cases determined by law.

When the school you have chosen for further education child, can they refuse admission?

Firstly, if there are no free places. And if they exist, they first accept children transferred to their place of residence. Such children should be accepted by everyone (who wants to). Only students who do not live in the territory assigned to the school can be refused due to lack of available places. Sometimes there are two or more schools close to home, and parents are sure that they are attached to all of them. This is a misconception. A child can be assigned at his place of residence to only one school (and not two or three). You can check this information on the website.

Secondly, if you have chosen to transfer to an educational institution with in-depth study of individual subjects and have not passed a competitive or individual selection. In this case, the school has every right to preliminarily assess the level of knowledge of a newly entering student, since in specialized classes the requirements are much higher than in general education classes. You understand that teachers have neither the opportunity nor the time to bring your child up to the level of knowledge that the children in the class where you plan to transfer your child already have. And the class cannot wait for you to catch up in order to continue mastering school curriculum. You need to have such a level of knowledge to smoothly, without problems, integrate into the learning process in new school. So the child must go through entrance tests, testing for which it is advisable to prepare in advance. If you transfer to primary classes, then an interview is usually held with a teacher and a psychologist. But if this is a school with in-depth study of a foreign language, then be prepared to undergo appropriate testing. A middle school student will most likely be offered testing in one (core) or several subjects. But for high school students, passing certain exams is not excluded.

In case of a positive result of the individual selection and if there are free places, you will be accepted into the specialized class. If the results do not meet the school’s requirements, you can try to transfer to this school in the next academic year, eliminating all knowledge gaps in the available time.

What if you are forced to live in another area of ​​the city (not according to your registration) - this is how the circumstances have developed? The main basis for transferring your child to the school of your choice is your application. It indicates the student's residential address. If asked to provide documents confirming the fact of residence at the specified address, you can show the rental agreement.

What if the child is in 11th grade? Parents have the right to transfer their child to another school of their choice in any grade.

If both your child and his/her boyfriend are transferring to the same school and they would like to be in the same class. Is it possible? Yes, but you need to negotiate this with the school administration. Usually, if possible, the school will accommodate parents halfway. The law only provides for the right of parents to choose a school, but not a class.

Is it possible to transfer a child to another school if he has academic debt? Or should I fix the rating first? According to the law, you can transfer at any time, and he will correct the debt by studying at a new place of residence.

Studying at school is an important stage in the life of every person. It takes from 9 to 11 years. And during this time, various life circumstances- the quality of education in the institution, the child’s place of residence, and so on. Sometimes you have to think about how to transfer to another school. Initially, the procedure seems unimaginable, difficult, and sometimes impossible. IN real life everything is not as scary as it seems. The main thing is to prepare for the procedure in advance. Below you will find information on how to reduce the hassle of transferring to a new educational institution to a minimum.

When is it okay to leave?

How to transfer to another school? It is necessary to think about such a question in advance. For example, you will first have to find out at what point a change of educational institution is possible.

The legislation of the Russian Federation allows you to change schools at any time. This could be the beginning of the year, or its end, or the middle. And any class. It all depends on the life situation.

Where to go

You can transfer to another school in the middle of the year when there are free places in the classes of the chosen educational institution. Otherwise, you will have to look for another place to educate your child.

Legal representatives can choose a school for minors to receive secondary education on their own. It is advisable to stop at institutions at the place of residence of the family.

It will be necessary to take into account that all educational institutions put forward their own requirements for student performance. For example, someone recruits only excellent students. Depending on this feature, the chance of success in transferring to a particular school will change.

Translation instructions

What does it take to transfer to another school? First, let's consider the situation with a change of educational institution in the middle of the year or study (not final grades). This is the most confusing process, but it is the one that occurs most often in real life.

The guidelines for changing educational institutions look like this:

  1. Find a school that will accept your child.
  2. Go to the "new" educational institution and write a request for transfer.
  3. Bring to school a certain package of certificates to check the progress of the minor. More on him later.
  4. Pass tests before admitting your child to school. Sometimes this step is not needed.
  5. Obtain consent to admit the child to a new educational institution.
  6. Write an application to the “old” school for expulsion due to transfer. You will have to confirm the fact that the minor has been accepted by another educational institution.
  7. Pick up the student's documents and bring them to the “new” school.

At this stage the operation can be considered completed. From now on it is clear how to properly transfer to another school. Problems usually arise at the stage of preparing documents and when selecting a good educational institution. Moreover, there are currently very few places in classes for transfer. And not all schools are ready to take such a step.

Documents for translation mid-year

How to transfer to another school? If a child is transferred after 9th grade, you can simply apply with a certain package of certificates to one or another educational institution. There is no need to specifically withdraw from your previous place of secondary education.

Let's assume that the child is studying in primary or secondary school, or the operation will be carried out in the middle of the school year.

A similar situation involves the preparation of the following papers for the “new” school:

  • student's personal file;
  • grades list;
  • statements with the child’s current grades;
  • application from parents for enrollment in a new place of study;
  • awards and certificates to demonstrate the child’s mental and physical development;
  • certificate from the minor’s place of residence;
  • any documents indicating the availability of benefits when enrolling in school;
  • student's birth certificate (can be replaced with adoption certificates);
  • passport of the applicant parent.

All specified extracts are presented together with their copies. In exchange, parents will be given consent to accept the new student into the school. This act will have to be attached to the transfer application submitted to the “old” educational institution.

For the graduating class

Switching to another school in 9th grade is a risky move. It is connected with the fact that the child will have to prepare for exams. Transferring from school to school will force the minor to adapt to the new requirements of the educational institution, which will create additional burden. Therefore, it is better to wait until 10th grade.

Let's assume. that the parents decided to enroll their minor child in the 10th grade in a new school or lyceum. Then you need to take with you and take it to the director:

  • child's passport;
  • private bussiness;
  • certificates of passing the Unified State Exam(GIA, OGE);
  • school certificate for 9 grades;
  • awards and diplomas proving the development of the minor;
  • application for enrollment in a particular class;
  • Identity ID of the applicant parent;
  • certificate of birth or adoption of the student.

Transferring to another school in 10th grade is easier than transferring before passing the exams. Moreover, after the 9th grade, a child can go to school or college. Then there is no question of transferring to school.

Medical card - is it necessary?

When figuring out how to transfer to another school, you can often hear about the need to undergo a mandatory medical examination for minors, as well as about preparing a student’s medical record. Are these procedures really necessary?

Previously, yes, they were mandatory. Now parents do not have to report to schools about the health status of minors. Therefore, there is no need to bring a medical card. This can be done at your own discretion.

Important: if the child has any diseases, it is recommended to bring relevant certificates from specialists. For example, a recommendation on the distance of the child from the board. This will help not harm the minor during training.

They require SNILS - what to do?

You can transfer to another school in 11th grade at any time, but this is not the most The best decision. What to do if SNILS is required when enrolling in an educational institution?

An insurance certificate is not included in the list of mandatory documents for the transfer or enrollment of a child in educational institutions of one type or another. Therefore, you can safely refer to the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

If admission to school is denied due to failure to provide SNILS, you must request a written refusal with justification for the decision. It is better to record all requests. Nothing helped? It's time to call the Ministry of Education with a complaint against the director of the selected school.

Vaccinations and translation - can they be banned?

How to transfer to another school correctly? To cope with this idea, you must adhere to the previously mentioned tips. But what can cause problems during the translation process?

Vaccinations raise many questions today when enrolling in schools. Educational institutions often refuse to accept a child as a student in the absence of an immunization certificate.

Parents should know that such an act is illegal! In Russia, vaccination is voluntary. Moreover, parents are not required to report in detail about the child's health status. Usually a certificate from a TB doctor or the results of a TB spot (tuberculosis test) is sufficient. These statements have nothing to do with vaccinations.

Important: if an epidemic of a particular disease begins at school, the unvaccinated person may be sent to home schooling, transferred to another class for a while, or allowed into the institution under the responsibility of the parents.


How to transfer to another school? Every parent can now easily cope with the task. Especially if the child has no problems with academic performance. The better the grades, the greater the chance of being accepted into a “new” school in the middle of the year. as soon as possible.

In general, transferring from school to school is a serious blow for a child. And you need to approach it with special attention. It is better to transfer the minor to another educational institution at the beginning of the year. Towards the end of training, it is recommended to abandon such an idea. Moreover, sometimes schools simply do not have enough places for students, and parents may be refused due to the minor’s poor performance.

The question of how to transfer a child to another school may arise in different circumstances.

This could be a family move, a desire to get more quality education, the need to leave the old establishment.

Whatever the reason, the scheme for transferring children remains the same.

How to transfer a child to another school

First you need to make sure that the school that the parents have chosen has places available and the child can be accepted.

Problems usually arise if the transfer is made in the middle of the school year.

Since all classes are formed in the summer, there may not be room for a new person.

Reasons for refusing to accept a student may include:

  1. Lack of places: in this case, the school must have all the conditions to accept children living in its assigned territory. In other words, when a family moves to a new place of residence, the local school to which this house is assigned must accept the child. Consequently, the student must be registered at the new place of residence.
  2. Lack of certain skills in a schoolchild: if a child wants to enter an institution with in-depth study of any discipline, a sports school or an art school, he must demonstrate the presence of the necessary skills. If they are absent, the commission may refuse.

Good to know: Article 67 of Federal Law-273 is responsible for the transfer of a student between educational institutions.

What is needed for translation

In order for the child to be accepted, parents must pick up documents from the old school and transfer them to the new one.

But not everything is so simple: the administration of the institution needs confirmation that the child is being transferred to a new place and does not stop studying forever.

Note: Russian law states that school education is compulsory, and therefore schools are obliged to ensure that all children receive it, regardless of their and their parents’ wishes.

Therefore, parents first need to contact the new school and get confirmation of their child’s acceptance into the class.

On their basis, a certificate of enrollment is issued: it, together with an application for expulsion from the educational institution, is transferred to the “old” administration. The application must also state the reason. After this, documents will be issued.

You can also make the transition through the State Services portal. To do this you will need:

  1. Register on the site.
  2. Select a school from those assigned to the district.
  3. Find information about the enrollment of schoolchildren and write an application electronically.

Required documents

Each school will have its own list of documents depending on the requirements of the administration.

It mainly consists of:

  1. Applications for admission: sample can be collected on site.
  2. Birth certificates or passports, if one has already been issued to the student.
  3. Passports of one of the parents.
  4. Personal matter and brief description from the class teacher: this will help teachers get to know the new student.
  5. A medical card and a document confirming vaccinations: this will prove that the student is not contagious and will not become infected from other children.
  6. Statements with annual notes if the transfer occurs at the end of the year. We are talking about a diploma or a diary. If the transfer occurs in the middle of the year, a transcript of grades must be presented.

Please note: if a family moves to another city and cannot receive documents in the specified way, it is better for them to discuss in advance with the administration of the old school the possibilities of transferring papers - for example, through mail or upon presentation of a copy of the certificate of enrollment.

Is it worth translating?

It is difficult to give a definite answer to this question, since everything depends on the reasons for the transfer.

If the whole family has moved to another locality or district of the city, the student will physically not be able to attend the old class, and he will have to transfer. If the new place of residence is located close to the old one, transfer is not necessary.

The same applies to other reasons: for example, the desire to give the child a better education (for example, by moving to a private school or with a special education) may help the child later upon admission, but the absence of friends in the first days is unlikely to be beneficial.

Take note: It’s worth visiting the school with your child in advance, getting to know class teacher and class - this will help you quickly adapt to a new place.

The student’s desire will also play an important role in the decision: if he doesn’t like the new place, or he doesn’t want to leave his friends, adaptation can be seriously difficult. It is worth discussing everything with him in advance, explaining the need for translation.

When is the best time to translate?

The best option would be the beginning of the school year: after the holidays, schoolchildren come to new classes and meet new people.

This will help you quickly get to know your classmates and make friends.

It will be easier for the teacher, especially if the family first gets to know all the teachers.

The second most popular time is the beginning of the holidays: a break before school will help the teacher get to know the new student.

Note: especially noted the winter vacation: New Year and the new quarter promote acquaintance.

But transferring a child in the middle of a quarter can seem stressful not only for him, but for the entire class. The child will not only have to make friends, but also adapt to the new pace of the program and get used to the teachers, which may affect his academic performance.

A student’s transition to a new educational institution almost always brings stress for the child: he will have to get used to a new place, friends and teachers.

To make the transition as painless as possible, you should meet the teachers and class teacher in advance and show the student future school, and also prepare a translation for the beginning of the school year.

Watch the video that explains how to transfer a child to another school through the State Services portal:

And August is the last month of summer. At this time, active preparation of children for the new school year begins. For some schoolchildren, the end of summer may be marked by such a serious life situation, like transferring to another school. Recently, the procedure for moving from one school to another has become easier, and the reasons for this are becoming more and more numerous. Many schools announce additional enrollments of students; the children themselves show increased interest in certain school subjects, which necessitates the need to move to specialized schools that provide an opportunity to study in depth foreign languages, biology, chemistry or mathematics.

In addition to these reasons, there is also the factor of change of residence, when transferring a child to another school becomes forced measure. But this does not mean that the new school should be worse than the previous one. Not at all! The move should open up new perspectives for you and your child, so that the changes will only benefit you! In this article we will talk about how to quickly and easily transfer a child to the chosen school, and how to adapt the child’s psyche to new learning conditions in order to help him get used to the new place as quickly and easily as possible.

Documents for transfer to another school

Transferring a child from school to school is carried out in 3 stages. Stage No. 1 – searching for a suitable school and receiving confirmation that the educational institution is ready to accept your child for education. If you change schools within your district, which is assigned to the school you have chosen, they cannot refuse you. This is only possible if there are no free places. If you change a school to one located in another district of your city, then enrollment will occur after everyone in the district assigned to this school has been enrolled. Remember that you can submit 3 applications for enrollment in different schools if they are located in your child’s place of residence, and only 2 applications if the school is located in another area.

If you are planning to transfer your child to a specialized school, lyceum or gymnasium, then your student will need to undergo an interview with teachers and a psychologist (when enrolling in primary school), testing in specialized subjects (in high school) or pass exams (in high school). If all tests are successfully passed and there is space available, your child will be enrolled in the class. The new school, represented by the director, writes an order to admit the child to study, indicating the date of admission and class. This order is signed by the school director and certified by a seal, after which the parents take it to the director of the old school.

Along with the order to enroll the student in the new school, parents submit to the director of the old school an application for expulsion from the school where the child is studying. Based on these papers, an order is prepared to expel the student from his school, and parents are given the following documents for transfer to another school:

  • personal matter of the child,
  • a document on the student’s progress (extract from the class register, diaries, etc.), necessarily certified by the seal of the school and the signature of its director,
  • child's medical record.

Next, the child’s parents provide all of the above documents to the new school, an application for enrollment based on a transfer from the old school, and the mother’s or father’s original passport with registration. Within 3 days, the school issues an order to enroll a new student.

One more nuance: when enrolling in a new school, its administration may ask you to make a charitable entrance fee. Its size must be feasible for the family, and the inability to pay it cannot be a reason for refusal of enrollment. If you decide to pay this fee, then you need to do it only by bank transfer through a non-profit foundation that cooperates with the selected school. This completes the student enrollment process. Your child may begin attending classes at a new school.

Child in a new school

Of course, moving to another school is stressful not only for parents, but first of all for the child himself! Moreover, adaptation is necessary both junior schoolchild, and a high school student. As you know, the child’s psyche is more flexible than an adult’s, so it is quite easy for a child to adapt to new conditions. The main thing is to help him cope with the changes in time. Teachers of the new school, a psychologist, and your child’s old friends should be involved in this process. However, most of the burden falls on the shoulders of the student himself and his parents.

The transition to a new school is marked for the child by the need to join a completely new team, where everyone social roles and the tasks have already been distributed. In addition, he has to adapt to new learning conditions - the road to school, the classroom, the classroom environment, etc. Most likely, at first a child in a new school will feel awkward and uncomfortable; he may remember the old school, friends left in the class, be afraid of new teachers and have difficulty getting used to educational process. The most important thing that parents can do during the adaptation period is to help and support their student in every possible way, listen carefully to the child when he talks about his concerns, fears and experiences, try to dispel them or suggest what should be done in a given situation. During the adaptation period, the child should not make excessive demands and be calm about mood swings, possible isolation or harshness in communication at home.

How easily a child adapts to a new school also depends on his character: if a child is good at change, likes to meet people and makes contact easily, moving to a new school will be an adventure for him, and adaptation will be easy. If a child is anxious or withdrawn, it will be more difficult for him to get used to it.

We will give you some general tips on how to make the transition to a new school easier and smoother.

Tip #1 - try to change schools in the summer, so that on September 1 your student goes to the new school along with its students. In this case, all children after summer holidays adapt to educational conditions, and adaptation occurs more easily, since not only your child, but also all other children need to integrate into the school rhythm.

Tip No. 2 - first introduce your child to the new school, come during the holidays and wander around the building, meet the teachers and class teacher, introduce your child to them, and also tell the teachers about his characteristics, strengths and weaknesses.

Tip No. 3 - actively discuss the transition to a new school at home, talk about positive prospects, collect the necessary school supplies together so that the child does not have a complex due to the lack of something necessary.

Tip No. 4 - encourage your child to communicate with old friends, showing that his old life is not over, and he can freely communicate with friends outside of school hours. It will be great if over time your child makes friends in the new class, and you manage to unite both companies.

Tip #5 - to avoid ridicule and negative behavior from new classmates, advise your child to be himself, not to ingratiate himself with new classmates, but also not to be hostile towards them. At first, it is best to behave kindly, but not to force friendship on anyone, but to take a close look at the new guys.

Tip No. 6 - if it is customary for a new class to periodically go on excursions, go to the cinema or to exhibitions, be sure to give your child the opportunity to participate in these extracurricular activities. In such a relaxed atmosphere it is easiest to make new friends.

Tip #7 – go to the nearest Parent meeting and try to establish good relationships with the students' parents.

Tip No. 8 - establish a daily routine for your student, make sure that the child eats and sleeps enough, because if he does not get enough sleep, he will fall asleep in class and will not keep up with the overall pace of work in the class, which will negatively affect his self-esteem. Enroll your child in a section based on his interests so that the day is occupied not only with studying, but also with activities that interest him. Make sure your child spends time outside for harmonious mental and physical activity. If your baby is overly worried, consult a pediatrician and take the children's sedative Tenoten, which will help stabilize nervous system child and will simplify adaptation. We wish your student successful studies!

Anything can happen in life, people change their place of residence, become disappointed in the quality of education, quarrel with friends. A lot of subjective and objective reasons can lead to the need to change schools. How to do this and is it possible to change schools during the year?

The procedure for transferring from school to school is simple. It doesn't require any special conditions and requirements. There is no need to refer to “good reasons” and confirm the presence of registration at the new place of residence.

Parents have the legal right to choose a school. And the procedure for transferring to another school is significantly simplified thanks to the presence of a normative act that defines the Procedure for transfer (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated March 12, 2014 N 177 “On approval of the Procedure and conditions for transferring students from one organization carrying out educational activities By educational programs primary general, basic general and secondary general education, to other organizations carrying out educational activities according to educational programs of the appropriate level and focus"). The presence of a normatively approved procedure does not allow school administrations to act at their own discretion. Parents can appeal any discrepancy with the approved procedure.

How to transfer a child to another school

The procedure for transferring to another school consists of the following steps:

    Parents can choose a new school and send a request for availability of places for admission. The appeal can be sent by email.

    If the new school has confirmed the availability of places, parents can contact the original school with an application for expulsion in connection with the transfer. The name of the host school must be indicated in the application for expulsion. In case of moving to another area, only the locality, subject of the Russian Federation is indicated.

    Within three days after filing an application for expulsion, the original school is obliged to issue an order for the student’s expulsion and provide parents with a personal file and documents containing information about the student’s academic performance in the current academic year (extract from the class register with current grades and results intermediate certification), certified by the seal and signature of the head.

    After receiving the documents, parents must apply for admission to the host school and attach a personal file and information about their academic performance in the current academic year, as well as present a passport. The school has no right to require other documents.

    The decision on enrollment and the corresponding administrative act approving this decision must be made within three working days after receipt of the application and documents.

What to do if the school refuses to issue a personal file without a certificate from the host school

The source school does not have the right to require parents to provide a certificate from the receiving school. This requirement is outdated and does not comply with the new Transfer Procedure approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated March 12, 2014 N 177. Since March 2014, the responsibility to confirm the fact of admission to the new place of study has been assigned to the receiving school. A refusal to issue a student's personal file without a certificate can be appealed as inconsistent with legal requirements.

Transfer to another school mid-year

You can change schools at any time, including during the academic year. All current grades that the child received during the year are taken into account when transferring to a new school when issuing final grades.

It is preferable for the school to complete the transfer before the start of the new school year. This will make it easier to resolve financial and administrative issues in the context of per capita financing, and the school will be more willing to respond.

Can a school refuse to admit a child?

The only legal basis for admission to a school in a general education class is the lack of free places. The school cannot refuse on other grounds, for example, due to poor performance, negative characteristics or lack of registration in the assigned territory. A refusal not related to the lack of available places can be appealed to the prosecutor's office and educational authorities.

What is considered a lack of vacancies and how can this be checked?

Schools are required to provide information on the availability of places for admission by transfer upon request, including upon request sent by email.

Since 2016, the standard requiring the presence of no more than 25 people in a class has been removed from the sanitary rules. At the same time, in order to ensure that the learning conditions do not deteriorate, sanitary rules (SanPiN establish that the number of students in the class is determined “based on the calculation of compliance with the standard area per student, compliance with the requirements for the arrangement of furniture in educational premises, including distance of study areas from the light-carrying wall, requirements for natural and artificial lighting.”

This means that the number of students allowed is directly dependent on the size of the classrooms in a particular school. The school can vary the enrollment in different classes (since rooms of different sizes can be assigned to different parallels). The education authority can confirm the presence or absence of vacancies as part of checking complaints from parents.