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O. V. Berdnikova
Pregnancy - week by week: A modern guide for expectant mothers

Getting ready to become a mother

The news that you will soon become a mother often brings with it anxiety along with joy. What should you do to avoid harming your unborn baby? How to properly swaddle a baby? How many times a day should you feed your baby? You never know how many different questions arise for the expectant mother.

Of course, it’s too early to worry about the postpartum period at the beginning of pregnancy, because you have 9 months of bearing the child. During this time you will learn a lot of new and interesting things. It is quite possible that on the way to childbirth you will have a lot of worries about your child. The gynecologist who is observing you will help you resolve almost all of them, and you can find answers to other questions in the proposed book.

The main thing for a pregnant woman is to acquire a favorable emotional mood, and nothing else like caring for the unborn child can distract a woman preparing to become a mother from the many problems associated with pregnancy.

In many ways, expectant grandmothers help expectant mothers, but what if the mother is far away? After all, such simple questions how swaddling and feeding a baby can cause panic in an inexperienced woman expecting a baby. Meanwhile, anxiety is strictly contraindicated for pregnant women, and a good book will help answer all the questions that arise, which will become not only a “guide” to pregnancy, but also an assistant for the first days spent at home with the newborn.

From this book you will learn how to determine the gender of your unborn child, why you need morning exercises, and you will find a whole range of exercises designed for pregnant women. You will learn a lot about nutrition, diets and what foods contain the necessary nutrients, vitamins and microelements. In addition, you will be able to correctly determine the duration of your pregnancy and understand how your baby is developing inside you.

After reading one of the chapters, you will learn how to properly prepare for pregnancy, if it is planned. Another chapter describes an approximate routine for a mother’s day in the first days after the birth of a child, and also talks about all those necessary items that will be needed to care for the baby.

It is equally important to find out the opinion of psychologists. As a rule, all antenatal clinics have special rooms to prepare pregnant women for childbirth, but not every expectant mother may have time for this. After reading this book, you will be able to get rid of most fears and anxieties and receive a lot of useful tips not only on preparing for childbirth, but also on raising a child.

Family planning

Every girl dreams of getting married successfully and having at least one child. However, everything is not so simple, because a child is a future full-fledged person, and his possible appearance must be taken seriously. First of all, you should discuss this issue with your husband. Is he ready for this and will he be able to provide everything you and your unborn child need? Currently, every antenatal clinic has family planning rooms. Don't hesitate to go there with your husband! Experienced specialists will tell you a lot and help you choose the right time for the baby to appear.

It is extremely important to achieve spiritual harmony; an anxious and restless state has a bad effect on the course of pregnancy.

If you decide to raise a child alone, which is now quite common, then you need to approach such an important decision even more seriously. The most important question is: can you provide a normal existence for your child? If so, then everything else should not confuse a girl worthy of the title of heroine. Indeed, in our difficult times, raising a child alone is very difficult.

A single mother, in addition to financial problems, is also subject to emotional stress. Be that as it may, it is very difficult to see happy married couples expecting a baby. But a pregnant woman will see them all the time - in the antenatal clinic, in the laboratory, in the park, in shops, etc. As strange as it may sound, it is pregnant women who most often pay attention to pregnant women. And happy smiles on the face of a woman expecting a child, whose husband helps her put on shoes, carry heavy bags or choose tiny things in children's stores, often greatly traumatize the future single mother.

That is why it is worth thinking in advance about whether you can endure such serious tests. If yes, then the following few tips should follow you through the rest of your pregnancy. Firstly, think about your child more often and talk to him. Experts have proven that a child, very little time after conception, begins to hear and understand his mother.

The relationship between mother and child begins during the baby's intrauterine development. If this is not yet noticeable in the first months, then in the second half of pregnancy the baby may respond to the mother with pushes.

Secondly, think more about the time when he is born. Dream about how you will play and raise your baby, come up with a name for a boy and a girl. Thirdly, spend more time organizing the children's room. Don't buy everything at once, the longer you spend shopping, the better, and you have a lot of time, as much as nine months, or forty weeks.

Who is a boy or a girl?

There are several ways to program the gender of an unborn child. However, none of them gives a 100% guarantee that the future child will be the gender you want.

As a rule, the sex of the child is determined before 3 months of pregnancy. First of all, it depends on the male reproductive cell - the sperm, carrying X- or Y-chromosomes, while the female cell - the egg - always carries a set of only X-chromosomes.

What results from the combination of identical or different sets of chromosomes is now known to every schoolchild. If the sperm carries Y chromosomes, then a boy will soon be born. A girl needs X chromosomes. However, in any case, no matter who is born, a difficult, but such a blessed time comes for the mother.

Many parents don’t care what gender their child is born to, but there are also those who really suffer obsessive desire to have a girl or a boy. As mentioned above, you can try to program the gender of the child in several ways. But this is just an attempt, and you shouldn’t place too much hope on it.

Let's program the gender of the child

Do you want a girl? Braid her hair, dress her up in beautiful dresses, skirts, socks, bows, hats. Or maybe a boy? Cars, toy soldiers, pistols and officer caps? In any case, the desire for a specific gender of a child depends on the individual's personality. How can you make sure that a child of the exact gender you want appears? Try programming it yourself.

The power of human self-hypnosis can lift him above the ground and cure an incurable disease, and not just assign a certain gender to the child. You should start dreaming about a girl or a boy even before pregnancy, both for you and the father of the child. Perhaps, if you really want it, the body will produce exactly those chromosomes that will subsequently determine the desired sex of the child.

You can program a child based on the parents' blood age. If the mother's blood is older, a boy will be born and vice versa. The age of the blood is calculated by the time it is renewed. So a woman’s blood is renewed once every 3 years, a man’s – once every 4 years.

The main thing is to believe that a boy (or girl) will be born, and to believe in it sincerely. The rest is left to nature to complete. However, even if the result turns out to be the opposite, neither you nor the baby’s father will be disappointed, because parenthood is a unique feeling, independent of the gender of the child born.

Table 1. Mother-child age ratios

Another method of programming the sex of a child is to correlate the age of the expectant mother with the month the child was conceived. Here is a table compiled from statistical data.

Planning a baby

So, you have mutually agreed that the family is missing a third person. At least three months before pregnancy, you, as the mother of the unborn baby, must take care of his health. After all, you will be his “home” for nine whole months, and for this you need to cleanse your body of numerous toxins that are not dangerous for you, but can harm the unborn baby.

In addition to cleansing the entire body, it is equally important to take care of the child’s dowry. Purchasing in advance everything that is necessary to care for a newborn and clothes for him is not only a pleasant chore, but also care for the future person.


If you are using birth control pills, you should stop taking them three to four months before you become pregnant.

These tablets contain a large number of hormones that can cause miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy.

Now directly about medications. If you are registered with any doctor, then you should definitely consult with him. You may not want to have a baby at this stage of your life. If everything is in order, consult your doctor and gynecologist about the medications you are taking. What is not capable of harming the baby can be taken in the future, and all other medications will have to be replaced with more gentle ones or stopped taking them altogether.

It is advisable to stop taking aspirin, analgin and various antibiotics for two to three months, as they can cause deviations in the baby’s development. Naturally, during pregnancy, pregnant women are strictly prohibited from taking any medications without the permission of a therapist. If your future child is dear to you and you want him to be born and grow up healthy, then take your time and, if necessary, go to the doctor.

In all civilized countries of the world, birth control pills are stopped six months, that is, six months before the start of pregnancy. The residual amount of hormones contained in oral contraceptives can give impetus to the improper development of the child’s bone tissue.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, the baby's nervous system, brain, heart and other vital organs are formed. During this period, you need to try not to harm him with any medications. You need to know about this! You should not even take valerian without the permission of your gynecologist. Be sure to tell your doctor what worries you, and he will prescribe all the necessary medications.

In case of self-medication, irreversible changes may occur in your baby’s nascent body. So, due to taking simple aspirin, a child may develop deafness or the skull may not form correctly. Many antibiotics and tranquilizers cause cerebral palsy syndrome.

In general, you can easily protect yourself from all these troubles by only remembering that your child will live inside you and only you can give him everything he needs. After all, everything that you eat and feel is what your baby eats and feels. Scientists have proven that when a sharp, sudden light comes on, a child in the womb squints his eyes.

There is no need to be afraid or embarrassed by your gynecologist; for the next nine months he should become your closest friend.

Now it should become clear that it is necessary to maintain your body in in perfect order. After all, you care not only about the cleanliness of the children's room, but also about its decoration, which creates a certain mood. There are toys and children's supplies everywhere, it is light, clean and calm. You just need to remember that you will be a kind of nursery for an unborn baby. Once you set yourself up for this, it will be much easier for you to avoid unexpected problems.

Alcohol damage

It would be useful to talk about bad habits. Alcohol and all its components pose a threat not only to heredity. Alcohol contributes to the rapid leaching of calcium from the mother’s body, which leads to the development of rickets in the newborn baby. In the first trimester of pregnancy, it is extremely important to completely eliminate alcohol and nicotine, the dangers of which are not necessary to talk about.

A woman's body cleanses itself twice as fast as a man's body. A man should abstain from drinking alcohol for a year.

In addition to rickets and poor heredity, alcohol destroys the child’s psyche long before his birth. Very often, in families in which even one of the parents suffers from alcoholism, children are born not only with lesions of the central nervous system, but also with physical deformities. Therefore, think about what is more important for you - a glass of vodka or healthy child. You need to avoid drinking alcohol at least six months before pregnancy. During this time, most of the toxins will have time to leave your body.

In the last two trimesters of pregnancy, almost all gynecologists recommend taking 100 grams of red wine at room temperature. Weak grape alcohol is not ethyl alcohol, which is harmful to the unborn child. In addition to pleasant sensations, and it was said above that everything that the mother feels is passed on to the child, red wines help increase hemoglobin in the blood. However, you should not exceed the recommended dose, since even red wine in large quantities will harm the baby.

A few words about smoking

IN last years The number of women smoking is increasing at an alarming rate. In addition to the Ministry of Health, warnings about the dangers of smoking are heard from all doctors in the world. But, apparently, reasonable words have no effect on either women or men.

However, women should consider quitting smoking long before becoming pregnant. At least three months must have passed since the last cigarette you smoked. If you are completely indifferent to your health, then think about the health of your child.

Statistics show that children of smoking women are often born premature, and if they are nevertheless born at term, their body weight is 200–300 grams less than that of children of healthy and non-smoking mothers. In addition, the nicotine contained in cigarettes is quite capable of causing a miscarriage or causing a missed pregnancy.

Long conversations on the topic of the dangers of smoking, as a rule, give zero results, but they are still worth conducting. After all, in addition to nicotine, cigarettes contain a lot of other substances harmful to the health of mother and child. Among them are hydrogen sulfide, nitrogen, ammonia, carbon monoxide and many essential oils.

On average, the smoke of one cigarette contains about 10 milligrams of tar and 0.8 milligrams of nicotine. One of the most dangerous components of cigarette smoke is benzopyrene. It was tested by specialists and found to be a dangerous carcinogen that causes cancer.

Over time, the golden rules of young parents (not drinking or smoking from the beginning of pregnancy until the child turns five) are increasingly being erased from the consciousness of Russians.

If you are going to prohibit your grown-up child from smoking, then think about the fact that by smoking a cigarette, you only served the unborn child as a conductor of nicotine, which penetrates through the placenta into the blood and brain of the embryo or fetus. Smoking is especially dangerous for women who have anemia (lack of hemoglobin). As you know, hemoglobin serves as a conductor of oxygen and its insufficiency leads to oxygen starvation of the child. Nicotine, penetrating the blood and infecting it, only aggravates this problem.

After reading everything described above, think again what is more important to you: your child and health or a pack of cigarettes?


Women with current or past drug use are at particular risk. If you take drugs, then having a child is out of the question! Drugs have a strong effect not only on the brain, in which almost irreversible changes occur, but also on human genes.

A mother taking drugs is the worst thing that can happen in a child's life. Think about it - after all, with every dose of this poison, you are offering your child not something that will cripple him, but a powerful poison! As a result, you will give birth to a physically or morally defective child who will suffer through your fault.

Statistics show that a child born to parents suffering from drug addiction is almost always born with hereditary disorders.

Even if it's a hobby narcotic substances, in the past, you need to tell the gynecologist who is observing you about this, because there is always a danger of relapse. You should think about this not during pregnancy, but long before it. If you want to have full-fledged, healthy children, do not hesitate to consult your doctor. He will recommend going through several psychological tests and based on their results, will prescribe you a specific treatment. This will not necessarily be a course of drug treatment. You may have to take vitamins and undergo a rehabilitation course with a psychologist who will help you get rid of drug addiction forever.

What you need to know about the structure of the genital organs

The female genital organs are divided into external and internal. The first include the labia majora and minora, pubis and clitoris. The second includes the vagina, uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries.

Between the clitoris and the entrance to the vagina there is an opening of the urethra; the entrance to the vagina is covered by the hymen, which has the shape of a crescent. It cannot be classified as a genital organ, since in almost all women it is removed during the first sexual intercourse.

Internal female genital organs: a – vagina, b – cervical canal, c – fundus of the uterus, d – fallopian tube, e – ovary

The uterus is a muscular organ with a cavity inside, consisting of two parts. The first part is the cervix, it protrudes into the vagina, and during childbirth it is completely smoothed out, opening the passage for the baby. The second part is the body of the uterus, in which the embryo develops, and later the fetus.

The upper part of the uterus is called the fundus, from which the fallopian tubes arise. The canals of the fallopian tubes open into the uterus on one side, and into the abdominal cavity on the other, wider side.

It is to this part of the fallopian tubes that the ovaries are closest. An egg matures in them, which, after full maturation, passes through the fallopian tube into the uterus and leaves the woman’s body through the vagina along with menstrual blood.

The procedure for removing the hymen is called defloration. Defloration is often painful and accompanied by slight bleeding.

Breast structure: a – glandular tissue, b – adipose tissue, c – mammary glands, d – openings of the mammary glands in the nipple

Some women suffering from obstruction of the fallopian tubes cannot become pregnant, since the egg under such conditions is deprived of the opportunity to meet the sperm. In such cases, you need to consult a doctor who, after conducting a special examination, will decide exactly how you can be helped to achieve the desired result - pregnancy.

Many girls believe that small breasts cannot produce a lot of milk. This opinion is wrong.

A woman’s breasts, the best source of nutrition for babies, deserve no less attention. The size of the breast depends on the amount of fatty tissue, and in addition to it, the breast contains glandular tissue and mammary glands. The amount of milk that appears in the breast immediately after the birth of the child depends on the latter.

The rhythm of life of a pregnant woman

With the onset of pregnancy, a woman begins the time of global changes not only in her body, but also in the rhythm of life. Everything that you will do now should be done only in the name of the unborn baby. Often you have to change your rhythm of life due to the weakness that many women feel in the first months of pregnancy. And of course, the busy, hyperactive life that business women lead is not suitable for a pregnant woman.

Pregnant woman's daily routine

The main thing that should be absent from a pregnant woman’s daily routine is overwork and fatigue. Spend more time outdoors, walking and doing what you enjoy most. You should do some light exercise in the morning.

It is very important to protect yourself, and therefore your baby, from external adverse factors. Minimize communication with people who are sick or simply unpleasant to you, and use household chemicals as little as possible. There are quite a lot of people around us chemical substances which may adversely affect health. These are all kinds of impregnations of materials used for the manufacture of sofas and armchairs, polishes and varnishes for cabinets, walls and other furniture, air fresheners and much more.

Particular attention should be paid to clothing. It should not only be convenient and comfortable, but also made from natural materials. Synthetics have a lot of negative properties. It does not allow air to pass through to the body, heats up at high temperatures and cools down greatly at low temperatures. Even if you never had allergies before pregnancy, they can develop during pregnancy, and are often caused by synthetic fabrics.

Very often we simply do not notice what is around us that harms us. Of course, we cannot ensure complete sterility environment, but it is advisable to reduce the level of danger as much as possible.

Try to ensure that your underwear is made from natural materials. The bra should be slightly larger, because a pregnant woman's breasts increase from the very beginning of pregnancy and should not be constrained. In addition to discomfort, a woman may develop mastitis - lumps in the mammary glands.

There is one detail that every pregnant woman should know about. From about the second half of pregnancy, when the belly begins to enlarge, it is recommended to purchase a bandage - a special belt that holds the baby in the correct position and does not allow the abdominal muscles to stretch excessively. The bandage is worn under outer clothing, it is practically invisible and helps prevent the appearance of stretch marks.

When buying a new dress, you need to take into account that your belly will quickly increase. Under no circumstances should you tighten your growing belly. Due to impaired blood circulation, the fetus may experience oxygen starvation, and due to lack of space for movement, it may develop various pathologies. If you are used to dressing brightly and flashily, there is no need to deny yourself this. Don’t hide your plump figure; most men admire pregnant women and treat women more tenderly and carefully.


At the same time as meeting fashion requirements, clothing should be comfortable. Nowadays, markets and stores offer a wide variety of clothing that can satisfy all tastes and requirements. The most popular clothes today are denim sundresses and overalls. They are considered the best option for pregnant women, because, firstly, denim is made from natural material, and secondly, there is a way to increase the size of such clothing.

It's better to avoid trousers. Although they are comfortable to wear, they quickly become small. It is better not to purchase skirts; the most suitable option is a sundress. It will not tighten your stomach and will not fall at the most inopportune moment.

You need to approach the choice of shoes with no less attention. Fashion has no place here. From the first days of pregnancy you should avoid wearing high heels. Wearing shoes with heels can cause back pain, and in the last months of pregnancy they increase the risk of falling, since the center of gravity is shifted forward. The best option is a stable heel up to 5 centimeters high. Athletic shoes or sneakers are very comfortable, and some pregnant women prefer them over other shoes.

Feel free to take advantage of your position. Please ask for a seat in public transport. First of all, this is taking care of your baby, because sudden braking shakes you greatly and can provoke a miscarriage, especially in the first months of pregnancy.

In winter and spring, shoes should be even more stable. Special heels should be glued or nailed to the soles, which increase friction. Naturally, there should be no high heels here either.

Protect yourself from infectious diseases. In the first months of pregnancy, they can cause miscarriage or give impetus to abnormal development of the fetus. In addition, under the influence of intoxication caused by an infectious disease, amniotic fluid almost always becomes cloudy, which also negatively affects the development of the child. It is important to remember that during pregnancy you should not take most of the medications that you used to easily cure a cold before. Now this will be much more difficult to do.

All young mothers are afraid of such an operation as a caesarean section. This is understandable: what woman would want to spoil her stomach with an ugly scar? And for a child this operation does not take place without negative consequences. However, modern doctors are increasingly having to resort to caesarean section. Therefore, it should be remembered that by observing all the requirements and adhering to a certain regimen and diet, a woman will most likely be able to avoid complications that usually cause a cesarean section.

If someone in your household is sick, ask him to wear a gauze mask. At least you will somehow protect yourself from colds.

Try not to exclude minimal physical activity from your regime. Be sure to do gymnastics intended for pregnant women, walk more, walk more. However, in this case, you must listen to yourself and be guided, first of all, by common sense. Some pregnant women prefer not to pay attention to the fatigue that arises. Don't be like them. If you are overtired, leave everything, stop cleaning, washing, cooking, return from a walk, take time off from work. Allow yourself some rest.

It is advisable to listen to classical music; if you don’t like it, then put on your favorite CD or audio cassette, the only exception is rock music, which is simply contraindicated for your child. Scientists have found that under the influence of such music, a child shrinks into a ball, his heartbeat quickens, that is, the baby is simply scared. Go to theatres, cinemas, museums, read good, smart books and children's fairy tales. Fill yourself with the best things: communication with loved ones, with nature. Everything that you like and brings pleasant sensations and emotions should surround you from first to last day pregnancy.

If you are a young woman about to give birth for the first time, then you should pay special attention to the condition of your body.

Visiting the dentist should be a rule for a pregnant woman. Your developing body requires a lot of calcium, and it will take it from your body. Sick teeth, among other things, are a place for various infections to enter the body.

Treat yourself carefully and very carefully. Sometimes after a miscarriage, a young woman cannot understand the reason for what happened. However, there can be many of them. Don't overwork yourself! This is one of the most important reasons possible miscarriage.

Before you become pregnant, have a complete medical examination. If there is something wrong with your health, then a course of treatment will be necessary. Remember that even bad teeth can cause trouble. In the first trimester, you need to listen especially sensitively to your feelings.

You can't ignore your ailments. If your fatigue does not go away, you should tell your gynecologist. And even more so, do not put off going to the antenatal clinic if you have pain in the lower back or abdomen. Don't wait until bleeding starts. The most important thing for a pregnant woman is to trust her inner voice - then everything will be fine.

Continue working or quit

Often girls, upon learning that they are pregnant, prefer to quit their jobs. Of course, freedom of choice exists for everyone and you are free to decide for yourself whether to stay at work or quit. However, you should think carefully about everything and not make rash and hasty decisions.

If your work is in any way connected with health risks, then, naturally, you need to consult with your doctor. If he thinks that the job can really harm your child, then you should quit, because the baby’s health should come first. Otherwise, it is better not to leave work.

Firstly, you should spend more time moving, doing something and communicating with other people. While at home, you will quickly get tired of the everyday routine, and communication with friends is unlikely to happen more often - after all, they will not quit their job for you. Secondly, depriving yourself of extra money on the eve of the birth of a child is simply stupid. It is better to spend the salary received on rompers, vests and diapers.

There are several benefits to staying in your job. The first two are described above, there are two more - after the end of maternity leave, if you wish, you will be able to return to work, and your work experience will not be interrupted. There is one more small plus - if you have a friendly work team, then most likely you and your child will be presented with a gift, and this is always nice.

By law, your maternity leave must begin at 30 weeks of pregnancy and end 1.5 years after the birth of the child. Of course, if you wish, it can end earlier.

However, you don’t have to stay at work until the last day and wait to be taken from work straight to the maternity hospital with contractions.


Along with the change in your rhythm of life with the onset of pregnancy, your diet should also change. Now you are not only the “home” for your unborn child, but also his “dining room”. Due to improper or irrational nutrition, you can quickly lose strength or develop anemia, which is very dangerous for the baby’s health.

Now you have to “eat for two.” Of course, you've heard this before from friends and family, but you need to take it seriously. Please consult your doctor regarding this matter. He will tell you which foods you can eat and which ones you can’t, and also recommend an approximate meal schedule. As a rule, all doctors advise pregnant women to eat fractional meals - according to the principle “it’s better often, but little by little.”

What to do during maternity leave?

The most useful thing you can do for yourself and your baby is to read books for expectant mothers - about the course of pregnancy, about the correct course of childbirth and how these processes affect the future of your child, as well as about care, development and education.

This way you will prepare for many problems in advance and solve them competently, without wasting time searching for information.

But no book for pregnant mothers will answer all the questions. We present to your attention a selection best books about the birth and upbringing of children, in which priority is given to natural parenting and how to raise a child happy and healthy!

Choose what is relevant to you. All these books can be found freely available on the Internet.

Pregnancy, childbirth, newborn care

Zh. V. Tsaregradskaya “Child from conception to one year”

The book for adherents of the theory of natural parenthood describes in detail all the processes in the symbiotic unity of mother and child during pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding and the first year of a child’s life. Very valuable information is collected in this book, which is just right to become a reference book for all young mothers - motor development, psycho-emotional development, and care are outlined monthly. An important part of the book is the description in simple accessible language of Stanislav Grof’s perinatal matrices.

Michelle Oden "Caesarean section: a safe option or a threat to the future?" and "Revived Childbirth"

If you are faced with a choice - natural childbirth or caesarean section, home birth or hospital birth, medicalized or without medical intervention, then these books are for you. The author makes the case for giving birth as naturally as possible, removes the fear of home birth, and helps you perceive childbirth as a normal, instinctive process.

Zh. V. Tsaregradskaya “Newborn. Care and education"

This Toolkit, which will help a young mother become sensitive and responsible for her child, will open her eyes to many misconceptions in traditional upbringing. We are talking about natural parenting, breastfeeding, hygiene, hardening, vaccination, the needs and expectations of an infant. The entire manual is based on the latest Scientific research, psychological experiments, ethnographic data, WHO recommendations. All this will help you become the best mother for your baby.

Diane Wissinger, Diana West, Teresa Pitman "The Art of Breastfeeding"

This book is the bible on breastfeeding. It discusses in detail the importance of breastfeeding, all the nuances, all possible problems and ways to solve them. The book is adapted for the Russian reader and contains many stories from Russian women. Every woman who is determined to fully breastfeed her baby should read it and have it on hand.

I. Bauer “Life without diapers!”

The theory and practice of natural baby hygiene described in the book will help you quickly and easily learn how to plant your baby. However, the author recommends starting your baby’s education no later than 6 months, and best before 3 months of age. But in general, this book is about love and attentiveness to your child.

William Sears, Martha Sears “Your Child. Everything you need to know about your child - from birth to two years old"

This book - a real encyclopedia on child care and upbringing. She similarly describes everything that happens to the baby after birth, how to treat him, how to feed him, bathe him, dress him, and walk him. But most importantly, she teaches how to establish a close relationship with him, how to learn to understand him and achieve mutual trust. The book should become a reference book for a pregnant woman! Check out their other maternity edition as well. “Waiting for the baby”.

Valeria Fadeeva “The most important Russian book by mother. Pregnancy. Childbirth. The first years"

The title fully reflects the essence and content of the book. Let us add that this book for pregnant mothers has become one of the most popular books on this topic in Russia and is very useful and relevant due to its modernity.

Parenting, relationships, communication with a child

Olga Pisarik “Attachment is a vital connection”

The author introduces Gordon Neufeld's theory of attachment and alpha parenting in Russia. This small and unusual book contains many valuable ideas and will be useful to everyone, even if you do not become a supporter of this educational system.

Its goal is to establish closeness and trust between the child and the parent, to become an authority for him, as a result of which the child will develop fully and harmoniously psychologically, and the upbringing process will become the most effective and favorable.

J. Ledloff “How to raise a happy child. The principle of continuity"

Jean Ledloff made 5 expeditions into the jungle, where she lived with the Yequana Indian tribe. There she observed the traditions of education preserved untouched by civilization. Children and adults of this tribe are remarkable human qualities, endurance and independence, their way of life amazed the author.

She sees the reason in the natural upbringing of children, when adults treat children as reasonable and independent beings, while at the same time giving them all the care they need. That is why she took up writing a book for expectant mothers in 1975 and it still remains relevant.

Janusz Korczak "How to Love a Child"

The famous Polish writer and teacher Janusz Korczak presented an interesting view of education in his book. He looks at the actions and behavior of adults from the perspective of the child’s interests, and adults turn out to be wrong in many ways. To love a child, you need to step into his shoes. The book was written during the First World War.

Alfie Cohen "Unconditional Parents" How to move away from rewards and punishments to love and understanding"

Amazing interesting book, exposing the depravity of traditional education, in which children are taught to receive praise or punishment and grades for any of their activities. The consequences of such upbringing are discussed in detail - loss of interest in any activity, dependence on grades, fear of difficulties. The book gives readers an understanding of how to raise a child happy and free.

Gippenreiter Yu.B. "Communicate with the child. How?"

When a child turns from an angel into an uncontrollable demon, and parents want to yell, punish and bang their heads against the wall from powerlessness, it’s time to read this book. The book gives a lot practical tasks coupled with their psychological justification, and it is written in an interesting, simple and captivating way.

Early development

Recently, experts have increasingly criticized the excessive early development of babies from the cradle and compare it with training, not education. Nevertheless, this topic remains popular among mothers.

Cecile Lupan "Believe in your child"

The author, a mother of two daughters, describes her experience early development children from the first months of life using educational cards. Her experience is based on the Doman method, but during the learning process it turned out to be modified. Early development is aimed at different areas of the child’s knowledge and skills. We also recommend " Methodology of early development Cecile Lupan. From 0 to 3 years.”

Masaru Ibuka "After three already late"

The book is intended for the development of children aged from six months to 3-4 years, since, according to the author, their learning opportunities at this age are limitless. Simple tips, which can be immediately used in the game. The goal is not to raise a genius or a winner, but to satisfy greedy curiosity, develop abilities and give the child a lot of joy and happiness!

Penny Warner "160 educational games for children from birth to three years old"

A wonderful book with descriptions of many games for children of different ages, with rhymes and songs. Games develop a variety of age-appropriate skills.

Health, hardening, vaccination

E.O. Komarovsky “The health of the child and the common sense of his relatives”, “This amazing baby”, “ORZ: a guide for sensible parents”

Interesting books written for expectant mothers and already experienced parents about the life of a child in the realities close to us - cold winter and dry air, chlorinated water, our habits and grandmother’s prejudices.

Boris Nikitin “Healthy childhood without drugs and vaccinations”

An interesting book about how to give birth and raise a child healthy physically and mentally. Much is said in detail about pregnancy and childbirth - like so many various factors affect the child. There are many interesting facts from life, history and scientific research.

The author views childbirth as a natural process that requires a minimum of medical interventions. The importance of breastfeeding, hardening, and early development is also considered. We recommend reading another book by this author - “The first lessons of natural education or Childhood without illnesses.”

Robert S. Mendelsohn "How to Raise a Healthy Child Despite the Doctors"

The book was written by an experienced doctor from the USA. Over the course of many years of practice, many traditional views and dogmas were rejected by the author. And as a result, he advocates for home births, treatment without drugs, refusal of vaccinations and frequent visits to the clinic. The book also discusses first aid techniques in various situations.

Alexander Kotok “Ruthless immunization. The truth about vaccinations"

This is an essential book for pregnant moms if you are wondering about immunization safety. After all, vaccinations begin from the first days of life.

If you are ready to accept your responsibility for your child’s health and consciously approach the issue of his well-being, then this book will open your eyes to a lot and allow you to take control of the situation.

Are you pregnant and will have a baby in your family very soon? Then it’s time for you and your spouse to read books for expectant parents.

The best books for expectant parents

Since there are a large number of them on bookstore shelves, we decided for you to select the 10 best books that future parents simply need to read.

Jean Ledloff How to Raise a Happy Child. The principle of continuity"

This book was published back in 1975, but to this day has not lost its relevance. The ideas that the author promoted for modern society don't seem so radical. Best read this book before giving birth, because it will radically change your idea of ​​vital things for a baby. Here you can find out what contributes most developmentcreative, happy and friendly personality , and what a civilized society can bring up in a child.

Martha and William Sears "Waiting for Baby"

This is one of the best books for women expecting their first child. It very much contains answers to the most frequently asked questions, as well as useful tips about how to do it right prepare for childbirth . The authors of this book are a nurse and a conventional physician who recommend natural child care.

Martha and William Sears "Your Baby from Birth to Two Years"

This book is a continuation of the previous one. A young mother and child were taken from the maternity hospital. And parents immediately have a lot of questions: “ How to feed? How to put to bed? How to raise your child? How to understand what a child wants if he is crying? "You will find the answer to all these questions, as well as much other useful information, in this book. The authors of the book are parents of eight children, so they can teach modern parents a lot. In the book you will find a lot practical advice, to solve problems that arise among young parents.

Many pregnant women are afraid of natural childbirth. The author of the book claims that this process can be absolutely painless. The most important - proper physical and mental preparation of a pregnant woman for natural childbirth . In the book you will find the most effective relaxation techniques and learn how to enlist the support of your husband. And all modern horror stories about childbirth will be dispelled.

Ingrid Bauer "Life Without Diapers"

The author of the book promotes natural baby care methods . This is one of the most important books about the Planting. The author describes this process from a philosophical point of view, rejecting any hints of training. The book describes the idea completely giving up diapers . And this can be achieved by establishing harmonious relationships with your baby. This way you will learn to feel his desires even from a distance.

This is the first manual on perinatal education published in Russia. The author of the book is the founder of the Rozhana center and the mother of seven children. This book is a great help for young mothers. After all, it describes the baby’s life month by month, his behavior during natural feeding, feeding frequency, circadian sleep rhythm, introduction of complementary foods, development of the relationship between mother and child . Also in this book you will find very interesting chapters on the psychology of newborns and natural childbirth.

The famous pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky has published more than one book on child care, but this one is the most applied. It describes in detail and in accessible language the author's opinion on a variety of issues . In his book, the author calls on parents to carefully weigh any decision regarding their child, and don't go to extremes . Parents do not always agree with the opinion of this doctor, but we still recommend reading the book.

This book can be called a kind of bible for parents. Here you will not find answers to specific questions or advice on what to do in a given situation. The author is an excellent child psychologist, and in his book he reveals motives for children’s actions and their deep feelings . Only when parents try to understand everything subtleties of developing a child's personality , they will learn to truly love their child.

This book will help you not only learn to hear your child , but also establish communication with friends and acquaintances . It will change your views on the relationship between children and parents. Thanks to her you can find and fix many typical mistakes . This book is intended for working on yourself, because children are a reflection of their parents.

In this book you will find accessible information about children's infectious diseases and vaccinations against them. The author reveals everything. After reading the book and weighing the pros and cons, you can make an informed decision about whether and which vaccines your child should have.


Here are the 10 best books that expectant parents absolutely must read.

1. Jean Ledloff “How to raise a happy child. The principle of continuity"

This book was published back in 1975, but to this day has not lost its relevance. It is best to read this book before giving birth, as it will completely change the way you think about the essentials of life for a baby. Here you can learn about what most contributes to the development of a creative, happy and friendly personality, and what a civilized society can bring up in a child.

This is one of the best books for women expecting their first child. It describes all the months of pregnancy very well and clearly, contains answers to the most frequently asked questions, as well as useful tips on how to properly prepare for childbirth.

This book is a continuation of the previous one. A young mother and child were taken from the maternity hospital. And parents immediately have a lot of questions: “How to feed? How to put to bed? How to raise your child? How can you understand what a child wants if he is crying? You will find the answer to all these questions, as well as much other useful information, in this book. The authors of the book are parents of eight children, so they can teach modern parents a lot.

4. Grantley Dick-Reed “Childbirth without fear”

Many pregnant women are afraid of natural childbirth. The author of the book claims that this process can be absolutely painless. The most important thing is the correct physical and moral preparation of a pregnant woman for natural childbirth. In the book you will find the most effective relaxation techniques and learn how to enlist the support of your husband. And all modern horror stories about childbirth will be dispelled.

5. Ingrid Bauer “Life without diapers”

The author of the book promotes natural methods of child care. This is one of the most important books about the Planting. The book describes the idea of ​​giving up diapers completely. And you can achieve this by establishing a harmonious relationship with your baby. This way you will learn to feel his desires even from a distance.

6. Zhanna Tsaregradskaya “Child from conception to one year”

This is the first manual on perinatal education published in Russia. The author of the book is the founder of the Rozhana center and the mother of seven children. This book is a great help for young mothers. After all, it describes the baby’s life month by month, his behavior during natural feeding, the frequency of feedings, the daily rhythm of sleep, the introduction of complementary foods, the development of the relationship between mother and child. Also in this book you will find very interesting chapters on the psychology of newborns and natural childbirth.

7. Evgeny Komarovsky “The health of the child and the common sense of his relatives”

The famous pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky has published more than one book on child care, but this one is the most applied. It describes in detail and in accessible language the author’s opinion on a variety of issues. In his book, the author urges parents to carefully weigh any decision regarding their child and not go to extremes. Parents do not always agree with the opinion of this doctor, but we still recommend reading the book.

8. Janusz Korczak “How to Love a Child”

This book can be called a kind of bible for parents. Here you will not find answers to specific questions or advice on what to do in a given situation. The author is an excellent child psychologist, and in his book he reveals the motives of children’s actions and their deep experiences. Only when parents try to understand all the intricacies of shaping the child’s personality will they learn to truly love him.

9. Julia Gippenreiter “Communicate with the child. How?"

This book will help you not only learn to hear your child, but also establish communication with friends and acquaintances. It will change your views on the relationship between children and parents. Thanks to it, you can find and correct many common errors. This book is intended for working on yourself, because children are a reflection of their parents.

10. Alexander Kotok “Vaccinations in questions and answers for thinking parents”

In this book you will find accessible information about childhood infectious diseases and vaccinations against them. The author reveals all the negative and positive aspects of mass vaccination. After reading the book and weighing the pros and cons, you can make an informed decision about whether and which vaccines your child should have.