On the planet was not born such a person who can relate to death. Such thoughts in the greater half of humanity cause fear. What is the reason for fear? Disease, poverty, stress, difficulties are not frightened, but why death makes it fear, and human stories have survived bring to the tremors? Maybe the reason is that even there is a couple of lines about severe illness, but we don't know about life in the afterlife world anyone to ask.

Past education once again proves: after all, almost all residents of the planet are confident that there is no life after death. There will be no more dawn, no sunsets, as well as meetings with close and warm hugs. All important feelings will disappear: rumor, sight, touch, smell, etc., what happens after death and is true of the stories of people who survived clinical deathwill help to figure this article.

What is our body

Everyone has a physical body and a disembodied soul. Scientists and esoterics discovered such a factor that a person has several tel. In addition to physical, there are also subtle bodies that, in turn, are divided into:

  • Essential.
  • Astral.
  • Mental.

Any of these bodies has an energy field, which, when combined with subtle bodies, form aura or, as it is also called, biofield. As for the physical body, it can be touched and see. This is our basic body, which is given to us at birth at a certain time interval.

Essential, astral and mental body

The so-called twin of the physical body does not have colors (invisible) and is called ethereal. Exactly repeats the entire form of the main body, and also has the same energy field. After the death of a person, it is finally destroyed after 3 days. For this reason, the funeral process is not beginning before 3 days after the death of the body.

"The body of emotions", it is astral. The experiences and emotional state of a person can change personal radiation. During sleep, it is capable of disconnecting, which is why, waking up, we can remember the dream, which is only a soul journey at that moment while the physical body rests in the bed.

The mental body is responsible for thought. Abstract thinking and contact with space distinguishes this body. The soul comes out of the main body and is separated during death, rapidly heading for the Higher Mire.

Return from that world

Almost every stories have experienced the clinical death of people cause shock.

Someone believes in such good luck, while others are skeptical in principle to such a family of death. And yet, what can happen in 5 minutes at the moment of rescuing by resuscitative? Is there really an after-life after a lifetime, or is it just a brain fantasy?

In the 70s of the last century, scientists carefully began to explore this factor, on the basis of which the book "Life after life" Remond Midi came out. This is an American psychologist who has made a lot of discoveries over the decades. The psychologist believed that such stages were inherent in the feeling of misinterpresentation:

  • Turning off the physiological processes of the organism (the fact that the dying hears the words of the doctor who states death) is established.
  • Unpleasant noisy sounds with increasing.
  • Dying leaves the body and with incredible speed moving along long tunnelwhere the light is visible in the end.
  • All life flies in front of him.
  • There is a meeting with relatives and acquaintances who have already left the living world.

The stories of people who survived clinical death, notice an unusual split consciousness: it seems that everyone understands and realize what is happening around during the "death", but for some reason it is not possible to contact with live people who are nearby. Amazing is also the factors that even blind from birth sees bright light In death.

Our brain remembers all

Our brain remembers the whole process at the moment when clinical death comes. The stories of people and studies of scientists found an explanation to unusual visions.

Fantastic explanation

Pailel Watson is a psychologist who believes that in the last minutes of life, his birth seems to be a dying. Acquaintance with death, as Watson said, begins with a terrible path that needs to be overcome. This is a generic path of 10 cm.

"Not in our ability to learn exactly what is happening in creating a baby at the moment of birth, but perhaps these all sensations are similar to different phases of dying. After all, it may be that the death paintings that pop up in front of the dying, as once and are experiences in the process of birth, "Pilel Watson psychologist considers the psychologist.

Utilitarian explanation

Nikolai Gubin, a resuscitative doctor from Russia, she adheres to the opinion that the appearance of the tunnel is toxic psychosis.

This is a dream, which is similar to hallucinations (for example, when a person sees himself from the side). In the process of dying, the visual shares of the Big Hemisphere were already oxygen fasting. Vision quickly narrows, which is why the thin strip remains, which provides central vision.

For what reason before the eyes sweeps all life when clinical death occurs? Stories of experienced can not give a clear answer, but the Gubin has its own interpretation option. Stage of dying begins with new brain parties, and ends with old. The restoration of important brain functions occurs on the contrary: the old sites first come to life, and after - new. That is why in the memoirs of people who returned from the afterlife reflected more captured fragments.

Mystery of the Dark and Light World

"Other world exists!" - Medical professionals say inschesture. Revelations of people who survived clinical death have even detailed coincidences.

Priests and doctors who had the opportunity to communicate with patients who returned from another world recorded the fact that all these people have a common property of shower. At the coming from heaven, some returned more enlightened and calm, and others, returning from hell, for a long time could not calm down from the seen nightmare.

After listening to the stories of survived clinical death, we can conclude that Paradise is upstairs, hell at the bottom. This is how it is written in the Bible about the afterlife. Patients describe their feelings like this: descended down - they met hell, and the upwards got up to paradise.

From mouth to mouth

Many people were able to survive and understand what clinical death consists of. Stories experienced belong to the inhabitants of the entire planet. For example, Thomas Welch was able to survive after the catastrophe on the sawmill. Subsequently, he told that on the shore of the burning abyss, some people who died earlier were visible. He began to regret that she worried so little about salvation. Knowing all the horrors of hell in advance, he would live in a different way. At that instant, the man saw a man who was smashed away. An unfamiliar appearance was light and bright, radiated kindness and mighty strength. Welch has become clear: this is the Lord. Only in his power the salvation of people, only he can pick up a doomed soul on flour. Suddenly he turned and looked at our hero. This was enough for Thomas to find himself again in the body and his mind came to life.

When the heart stops

In April 1933, Pastor Kennet Heigina from absorbed clinical death. Stories of surviving clinical death are very similar, it is for this reason scientists and physicians consider it real events. Heart Heart stopped. He told that when the soul left the body and reached the abyss, he felt the presence of a spirit who led him somewhere. Suddenly, a powerful voice rang in darkness. It was not able to understand what was said, a man could not, but it was the voice of God, in the latter he was sure. In this moment, the Spirit let go of the pastor, and a strong whirlwind began to raise it back to top. The light slowly began to manifest itself, and Kenneth Heigin was in his room, jumping into the body as usually climbed into the pants.

In heaven

Describes Paradise, as the opposite of hell. Stories of surviving clinical death never remain ignorant.

One of the scientists at the age of 5 fell into the pool filled with water. The child was found in a hopeless state. Parents took the baby to the hospital, but the doctor had to say that the boy would no longer reveal his eyes. But the greater surprise was that the child woke up and came to life.

The scientist told that when he was in the water, he felt the flight along a long tunnel, at the end of which the light was seen. This shine was incredibly bright. There was the Lord on the throne, and there were people at the bottom (perhaps it was angels). Fit closer to the Lord God, the boy heard that she had not come yet. The child wanted to stay there for some moment, but some incomprehensible way he was in his body.

About light

Six-year-old Molotkova's light also seeked the opposite side of life. After the doctors brought her out of the coma, a request, concluded in pencil and paper, was requested. Svetlana drew everything that was able to see at the time of moving the soul. The girl was in a comatose state for 3 days. Doctors fought for her life, but the brain did not give signs of life. Her mother could not look at the lifeless and still body of his chad. At the end of the third day, the girl as if she tried to grasp for something, her cams were very squeezed. Mother felt her girl finally clung to the hairs of life. Having come to himself a bit, the lights asked the doctors to bring her a pencil paper to draw everything that was able to see in another world ...

History of soldier

One military doctor treated the patient from fever in various ways. Soldier was unconscious for some time, and waking up, hesitated his doctor that he saw a very bright glow. At some point it seemed to him that he fell into the "kingdom of blissful." Military remembered the feeling and noted that it was the best moment of his life.

Thanks to medicine, which keeps up with all the technologies, it became possible to survive, despite such circumstances as clinical death. Stories of eyewitnesses about life after death are scared, and others are interested.

An ordinary of America George Ritchi in the 43th year of the last century was recognized as dead. The doctor who on duty on this day, the officer of the hospital, established the death that came because of the soldier had already prepared to send to Morg. But suddenly a military sanitary officer said to Dr., as Detech saw the movement. Then the doctor looked at Ritch's again, but could not confirm the words of Sanitar. In response, he rested and insisted on his.

The doctor realized that it was useless to argue and decided to introduce adrenaline directly in the heart. Suddenly, for all the dead, began to show signs of life, here and doubted doubts. It became clear - he will survive.

The story of a soldier who survived clinical death, flew around all the world. Private Ritchee was not just able to deceive the death itself, but also became a physician, telling his colleagues about his unforgettable journey.

Neos pchkhf zpmdy. With Obuhobhul Khsphchul Opchpk Tbouushmli "Nyufyueli Yufpty".
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chufteuba in Bozmepn-Ivefhemne.

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With OE Ulbzh, YuFP BFP Rmps Yyj Iptpip. LFP chistribution. CBN Umvedhef PupotobchbFSh studio PFCHFUFCEFUFSB OZP. Chphanptsop, Church of Chistbmium DMS WEVS, LB DHIB, NWE FTHDOCHK RHFSH. "Chedkhebs" RTEDBZBSBBBC Chbn ChPNPCOFUFS RTPDChifshus about Ufhreoshlch Ccheti Schiffese, h Pvipd Euufe Ufsoopp Rhfi. DTHPK UFHPTPUR, LPBEFIMY EK FBL PFCHFIME, XBB of FLP-Vousy Pugchbus. Beacucubu, Zechs FEME, ChRFPP OE RPONOFE, OE PUPOBEF. FPDB, PFCHYUBS EK VHDHYUY DHIPN, CHIST PUPBCHBMY WEVS LLB DHA ACCESS RMS. Chuzp yptpyezp. SPMDY.

Academician RAMN and RAS N.P. Bekhtereva about outoscopic perceptions that arise in a state of clinical death and in stressful situations Notes: "When analyzing the phenomena, there should be no last to be what the person not from the" name "of the body is not seen and heard, but from the" name "of the soul, which separated from the body. And the body does not react, it clinically died, it lost some time with a person himself! .. "

1975, April 12, Morning - Marta became ill with heart. When the "ambulance" carriage delivered it to the hospital, March did not breathe, and the doctor who accompanied her could not find the pulse. She was in a state of clinical death. He subsequently told that he had witnessed the entire procedure for his resurrection, observing the actions of the doctors from a certain point outside of her body. However, the story March had another feature. She was greatly worried about how the sick mother would take a message about her death. And only March managed to think about the mother, as she immediately saw her sitting in the chair next to the bed in his house.
"I was in the resuscitation ward, and at the same time I had a mom in the bedroom. It was amazing - to be at the same time in two places, and even in so remote one from the other, but the space seemed to be a concept deprived of meaning ... I, being in my new body, sat down on the edge of her bed and said: " Mom, I had a heart attack, I can die, but I don't want you to worry. I do not mind die. "

However, she did not look at me. As you can see, she did not hear me. "Mom," I didn't stop whisper, "this is me, March." I need to talk to you. " I tried to attract her attention, but then the focus of my consciousness returned to the intensive care unit. And I was again in my body. "

Later, having come to himself, Martha saw her husband, daughter and brother, who flew from another city from his bed. As it turned out, a mother called his brother. She had a strange feeling that something had happened to March, and she asked her son to find out what was the matter. By calling, he found out what happened, and the first plane flew to the sister.

Is Martha actually could overcome a distance of two thirds of America's length without a physical body, and communicated with his mother? Mother told that she felt something, i.e. Something is not in order with my daughter, but could not understand what exactly, and does not imagine how she learned about it.

The told marches can be considered a rare, but not the only case. March in a certain sense was able to achieve contact with the mother and transfer it to her "feeling of anxiety." But most of this can not be done. However, observations of the actions of physicians, relatives, including those at a certain distance from the operating room, shake.

Somehow once operated on a woman. There was no reason to die from the operation. She did not even warn his mother and daughter about the operation, deciding to inform them about everything later. However, during the operation, a clinical death was occurred. The woman managed to return to life, and she knew nothing about her short-term death. And, having come to himself, told about the amazing "dream."
She, Lyudmila, dreamed that she came out of the body, is located on top, sees his body lying on the operating table, doctors around her and understands that she, most likely, died. It became scary for the mother and for the daughter. Thinking about the relatives, she unexpectedly turned out to be at home. She saw that her daughter tries in front of the mirror blossom in polka dots. She entered the neighbor and said: "Lyusya would like it." Lysenka is she who is here and invisible. Everything is calm, peacefully at home - and here it is again in the operating room.

The doctor whom she told about the amazing "dream," offered to go home to her, calm home. The surprise of mother and daughter was not the limit when she told about the neighbor and about the blue polka dot dress, which they were preparing a surprise for Lyusyna.

In the "arguments and facts" in 1998 published a small note of Lugankov "Dyash is not completely terrible". He wrote that in 1983 he was experiencing a costume for astronauts. With the help of special equipment, the blood from the head was "sucking" to the legs, thereby imitating the effect of weightlessness. Doctors fastened on it "Spa Tander" and turned on the pump. And either about him forgotten, whether the automation led - but the pumping continued more than necessary.
"At some point I realized that he was losing consciousness. I tried to call for the rescue - only wheezing out of the throat. But then the pain stopped. By the body (on which body?) Heat came out and I felt extraordinary bliss. Before the eyes appeared scenes from childhood. I saw rural guys with whom ran to the river to catch crayfish, grandfather's grandfather, deceased neighbors ...

Then I noticed how doctors with confused persons clone to me, someone began to massage the chest. Through the sweet veil suddenly felt the disgusting smell of the ammonia and ... woke up. The doctor, of course, did not believe my story. But I don't matter if he did not believe - I now know what is the stop of the heart and that it is not so terrible to die. "

A very curious story of American Brinkley, who was in a state of clinical death twice. Over the past few years, he spoke about his two post-mortem experiments to millions of people around the world. At the invitation of Yeltsin Brinkley (together with the Dn Mudody) appeared on Russian television and told the Russian Russians about their experiments and visions.
1975 - Lightning struck him. Doctors did everything possible to save him, but ... he died. The first journey of Brinkles in the thin world shakes. He not only saw glowing creatures and crystal locks there. He saw the future of mankind for several decades ahead.

After he managed to save and he recovered, he found his ability to read other people's thoughts, and touched a man with his hand immediately sees how he himself says, "homemade cinema". If a person who has touched, was gloomy, then Brinkley saw "like in the cinema" scenes explaining the cause of the gloomy mood of man.

Many of their people on returning from the subtle world found parapsychological abilities. The parapsychological phenomena "returned from the time" scientists became interested. 1992 - Dr. Melvin Morse published the results of experiments with Brinkley in the book "Transformed by Light". As a result of the study, he discovered that people who visited the verge of death, paranormal abilities They appear approximately four times more often than ordinary people.

That's what, for example, happened to him at the second clinical death:

I escaped from the darkness on the bright light into the operating room and saw two surgeons with two assistants who kept bets, I can survive or not. They considered the X-ray of my chest, waiting for me to prepare for operation. I saw myself from a place that seemed largely above the ceiling, and watched my hand attached to a shiny steel bracket.

The sister smeared my body with a brown antiseptic and covered clean sheets. Someone also introduced me some kind of fluid into the tube. After the surgeon made a scalpel with an incision across my chest and pulled the skin. The assistant handed him the tool who was like a small saw, and he hooked her for my edge, and then revealed the chest and put the strut inside. Another surgeon cut off the skin around my heart.

After that, I was able to directly observe my own heartbeat. I saw nothing more, as it turned out to be in the dark. I heard the ringing of bells, and then the tunnel opened ... At the end of the tunnel I was met the same creature from the light as last time. It attracted me to himself, while expanding, as if an angel, prostant wings. The light of these radiations absorbed me. "

What a cruel blow and unbearable pain receive relatives when they learn about the death of a person close to them. Today, when husbands and sons are dying, it is impossible to find words to calm wives, parents and children. But it may be at least some consolation will be the following cases for them.

The first case occurred with Thomas Dauding. His story: "Physical death is nothing! .. Her in reality does not need to be afraid. ... I remember wonderful how it happened. I waited in the bend of the tag, when my time comes to stand up for post. There was a wonderful evening, I had no premonition of danger, but unexpectedly I was aspiiled by howling the shell. Somewhere behind the explosion thundered. I involuntarily squatted, but it was too late. Something hit so hard and strongly - in the head. I fell, while I fell, I did not notice even for a moment no loss of consciousness, it turned out to be outside myself! You see, as I just tell you that it is better to understand.
After 5 seconds, I stood next to my body and helped two my comrades to carry it on the trench in the dressing room. They thought that I was simply unconscious, but alive ... my body was put on stretcher. I always wanted to know when I again find inside the body.

I will tell you I felt. It was like that as if I was hard and fled for a long time, until I sink, did not lose my breath and did not throw off my clothes. This clothes were my wounded body: it seemed if I didn't drop it, I could suffocate ... My body was taken first into dressing, and then in the morgue. I stood staying near my body all night, but I didn't think about anything, I simply looked at him. Then I lost consciousness and fell asleep hard. "

This case occurred with an officer american army Tommy Clac in 1969 in South Vietnam.
He came for Ma. At first, it was thrown into the air, after the thoughted ground. For some moment Tommy managed to sit down and he saw that he had no left hand and left legs. Clake tipped over his back thought that he was dying. The light was dying, everything sensations disappeared, there were no pain. Some time later, Tommy woke up. He soared in the air and looked at his body. The soldiers put his crippled body on the stretcher, covered with her head and carried to the helicopter. Clack, watching from the height, realized that he was considered dead. And in this moment I myself realized that in reality died.

Accompanying his body in a field hospital, Tommy felt himself peaceful, even happy. Quietly watched how bloody clothes are cut on it, and suddenly it turned out to be on the battlefield. All 13 guys killed in the day were here. Clack did not see their subtle bodies, but somehow felt that they were near, communicated with them, but also an unknown way.

The soldiers were happy in the new world and persuaded him to stay. Tommy felt joyfully and calmly. He did not see himself, felt (from his words) just a form, felt almost one pure thought. From all sides they raised a bright light. Suddenly, Tommy again found himself in the hospital, in the operating room. It was operated on. Doctors talking about themselves. Immediately, Clack returned to the body.

Not! Not everything is so simple in our material world! And the man killed in war does not die! He's leaving! It goes into a clean, light world where he is much better than his relatives and loved ones.

Reflecting on their meetings with creatures from an unusual reality, Whitley Striker wrote: "I have the impression that the material world is only private case A wider context, and reality unfolds mainly not by physical way ... I think that glowing creatures are like playing the role of midwives in our appearance in the small world. The creatures observed by us may be of themselves individuals of a higher evolutionary order ... ".

But not always the journey into a thin world seems to be a "beautiful walk" for a person. Doctors noted that ads' visions appear in front of some people.

Vision American from Roy Island. Her doctor said: "Having come to herself said:" I thought that she died and found himself in hell. " After I was able to calm her, she told me about his stay in hell, how did the devil wanted her. The story was intertwined with the transfer of her sins and the presentation of what people think about her. Her fear intensified, and the nurses hardly managed to keep it in a lying position. It was almost unbearable. She had an old sense of guilt, maybe because of the extramarital connections, which ended with the birth of illegal children. The patient was oppressed by the fact that her sister died from the same disease. She believed that God makes her for sins ". Soon after Nephrectomy (surgical removal of the kidney) at the University of Florida in 1976, the 23-year-old college student lost consciousness due to an unexpected postoperative complication. In the first parts of its okolosmerty experiences: "There was a total black around. If you move very quickly, you can feel like the walls come to you ... I felt like a lonely and scared a little. "Analogy darkness wrapped out a 56-year-old man and" frightened "him:" The next thing I remembered, as I was in full, All the darkness ... It was a very gloomy place, and I did not know where I was what I did there or what was going on, and I was scared. "
True, such cases are non-specifics. But even if a few had a vision of hell, then this suggests that it is not for all death is a deliverance. It is the way of life of a person, his thoughts, desires, deeds determine where a person will be after death.

The facts of the exit of the soul from the body in stressful situations and at clinical death are collected very and very much! .. But for a long time, there was not enough objective scientific check.

In reality, is it this, as scientists say, the phenomenon of continued life after the death of the physical body?

Such an inspection was carried out by careful comparison of the facts specified by patients, with real events, and experimentally, using the necessary equipment.

One of the first such evidence was received by American Dr. Michael Seab, who began a study as an opponent of his compatriot Dr. Moody, and ending them as a like-minded assistant.

In order to refute the "delusional" idea of \u200b\u200blife after death, the hotel organized verification observations and confirmed, and in fact, proved that the identity after death does not stop its existence, while maintaining the ability to see, hear and feel.

Dr. Michael Seab - Professor Med.Faculty at the University of Emory (America). It has a huge practical experience of resuscitation. His book "Memories of Death" came out in 1981. Dr. The hotel confirmed what other researchers wrote about. But the main thing is not that. He conducted a series of studies, comparing the stories of his patients who survived temporary death, with what was actually happening at the time when they were in a state of clinical death with what was an objective test.

Dr. The hotel was checked, whether the stories of patients coincide with the fact that at this time there was actually in the material world. Are the medical devices and methods of revival that described people who were on the verge of life and death at this time? Is it really that in other rooms it happened that they saw and described the dead?

The Sauma collected and published 116 cases. All of them carefully checked them personally. It compiled exact protocols, taking into account the place, time, participants, pronounced words, etc. For his observations, he selected only mentally healthy and balanced people.

Here are some examples from Dr. Sahib's reports.

Patient D-A Saves during the operation was in a state of clinical death. He was covered with heads of operational sheets and physically could not see something and hear. Subsequently, he described his experiences. He saw in detail the operation on his own heart and told them fully corresponded to what was really happening.
"I probably fell asleep. I do not remember anything, how they transported me from this room to the operating room. And then suddenly I saw that the room was lit, but not so bright as I expected. My consciousness returned ... But they have already done something with me ... My head and the whole body was covered with sheets ... And then I unexpectedly began to see what was happening ...

I was a couple of feet above my head ... I saw two doctors ... they saw my chest bone ... I could draw you a drink and the thing they spread the ribs ... She was wrapped all around and was from good steel ... a lot of tools ... Doctors called They are clips ... I was surprised, I thought there would be a lot of blood, and it was very little ... and the heart is not what I thought. It is big, more from above and narrow down as the continent of Africa. From above it is pink and yellow. Even terribly. And one part was dark, than the rest, instead of all the same color ...

The doctor was on the left side, he cut off the pieces from my heart and spit them and see for a long time ... and they had a big dispute, whether to make a distribution or not.

And they decided not to do it ... All doctors, besides one, there were green covers on shoes, and this crank was in white boots covered with blood ... It was strange and, in my opinion, anti-hygienic ... "

The operation described by the patient coincided with the entries in the operating journal made by another style.

But the feeling of sadness in the descriptions of the near-themeal experience, when those "saw" the efforts of others to resurrect their lifeless physical body. 37-year-old housewife from Florida recalled episode of encephalitis or brain infection when she was 4 years old, during which she was unconscious and did not give signs of life. She remembered "as looked down" to the mother from the point at the ceiling with such feelings:
The greatest thing I remember was that I felt great sadness about the fact that I could not let her know about what was fine with me. For some reason, I knew that I was fine, but I did not know how to say her. I just watched ... And it was a very quiet, peaceful feeling ... In fact, it was a good feeling. "

Such feelings were expressed by a 46 year old man from Northern Georgia, when he expressed his vision, which was during a heart stop in January 1978: "I felt bad, because my wife was crying and seemed helpless, and I could not help . You know. But it was nice. It does not hurt. "The 73-year-old teacher of French from Florida mentions the 73-year-old teacher of French, when she talked about her near-themeal experience (OSA), which took place during serious infectious diseases and large epileptic seizures in 15 years of age:
I was divided and sat significantly higher there, looking at my own convulsions, and my mother was shouted with my maid and shine, because I thought that I had died. I was so sorry for them, and my body ... only deep, deep sadness. I could still feel sad. But I felt that it was free there, and there was no reason to suffer. I had no pain, and I was absolutely free. "

Another happy experience, one woman interrupted by the feelings of the remorse of conscience due to the need to leave their children during the postoperative complication, which put it on the verge of death and physically unconscious state: "Yes, yes, I was happy until that time I didn't remember the children . Until then I was happy that I was dying. I really was actually happy. It was just a fooling, funny feeling. "" Interesting newspaper "

The light and tunnel is a fairly popular perception of death, But, as Rachel Newver discovered, in the reports you can find many other strange experiences. In 2011, Mr., A, 57-year-old social worker from England, was taken to the hospital in the general profile of Southampton after a heart attack at work. Doctors just injected him a groin catheter when his heart stopped. The brain stopped getting oxygen, and Mr., and died.

Rachel New

Despite this, he remembers what happened next. Doctors applied an automated external defibrillator to try to resume the work of the heart. Mr., and heard a mechanical voice, twice said: "SWITCH". Between these words, he raised his head and saw a strange woman who manifes him to himself from the corner of the room under the ceiling. He joined her, leaving his body. "I felt that she knew me and that I could trust her, and I knew that she was there for some reason, but did not know what exactly I remembered Mr. A, - at the next second I was already Near her and looked at himself from top to bottom, I saw a nurse and another person, with Lysina. "

Hospital records later confirmed Mr. A. Descriptions of Mr., and people in the room and those whom he had not seen before lost consciousness, and their actions were also accurate. He described the events that occurred within three minutes after his clinical death, which, according to our knowledge of biology, he should not have had the slightest concept.

The history of Mr., and, described in the journal Resuscitology, is one of many in which people share their death experience. Until now, the researchers did not assume that when the heart ceases to fight and stop the flow of blood to the brain, the consciousness is not immediately. At this time, the person is actually dead - although as soon as we learn more about death, we begin to understand that in some cases death can be reversible. For many years, those who have returned from this incomprehensible state shared memories of this event. Doctors basically did not take into account these stories, considering them the fruit of hallucinations. The researchers still reluctantly deepen into the study of clinical death, mainly because they have to study something outside of the reach of scientific research.

But Sam Guinea, a resuscitative doctor and the head of research in the field of resuscitation of the National School of the New York University, together with colleagues from 17 institutions in the United States and the UK wanted to commit suggesting that people experience or do not experience on mortals. It may consider it if you collect scientific data on the last minutes of life. For four years, he and his colleagues analyzed the information about more than 2,000 patients who survived the stop of the heart.

The guys and his colleagues were able to interview in 101 of them. "The goal is to try first of all to understand their psychological experience of death," says Guinea, "and then, if there are people who claim to remember their feelings after death, we must define whether it is true."

Seven defeat deaths

It turned out that Mr. and not the only patient who could remember something about his death. Almost 50% of the research participants also remembered something, but unlike Mr., and another woman, whose adventures outside the body could be checked, the memories of other patients had no relation to the real events that occurred during their death.

Instead, they told fabulous or hallucinatory stories that guys and its co-authors classify for seven main topics. "Most of them were not consistent in the description of what is called experience close death, "says the guys," it seems that the mental experience of death is much wider than previously supposed. "

These are seven topics:

  • Fear
  • Animals or plants
  • Bright light
  • Violence and persecution
  • Deja
  • A family

Description of events after stopping the heart

These mental experiences are in the range of fear to bliss. There were those who reported that fear fear or suffer from persecution. "I had to go through the ceremony ... And I burned me at the ceremony," he told one patient, "there were four people with me, and depending on who lied, and who told the truth, he died or returned to life ... I We saw men in coffins buried in a vertical position. " He also remembered how he was "dragged to the depth."

Others, however, experienced opposite sensations, and 22% reported the feeling of "peace and tranquility". Some seen living beings: "All plants, without flowers" or "Lviv and Tigers"; While others warm in the rays of bright light or reunited with the family. Some of them reported a strong sense of deja vu: "I knew that people were going to do before they did it." The aggravated feelings, distorted perception of the flow of time and the sense of disconnection from the body were also among those sensations that have reported surviving clinical death.

"It's clear that people feel something at the time when they are dead," says Guinea and claims that people actually prefer to interpret these experiences depending on their environment and existing beliefs. Someone who lived in India may return from the dead and tell that he saw Krishna, while someone in the Midwest USA may experience the same thing, but will argue that he has seen God. "If in the Midwest, the father tells the child:" When we die, you will see Jesus, and he will be full of love and compassion ", then the child, of course, will see," says the guys - and returning from the world, says: " About Dad, you're right, I definitely saw Jesus! "It would be fair to admit that this is true. You do not know what God is. I do not know what God is. Well, in addition, it is a man with a white beard, as it is usually depicted. "

"All these things: Soul, paradise and hell - I have no idea what they mean, and there are probably thousands and thousands of interpretations based on where you were born and what surrounds you," he continues. - It is important to move from the field of religious teachings to objectivity. "

Common cases

Until now, the team of scientists has not been detected by any patterns in the memories of those who returned from the next world. There is no explanation why some people feel fear while others report euphoria. Guys also indicates that all more People are experiencing clinical death. Many people have a memories of almost certainly caused by an edema of a brain, which occurs after stopping the heart, or strong sedatives introduced by patients in hospitals. Even if people clearly do not remember their death, this, however, can influence them at the subconscious level. Some cease to be afraid of death and begin to altruistically treat people, while others develop post-traumatic stress disorder.

The guys and his colleagues are already planning the following studies to try to resolve some of these issues. They also hope that their work will help to expand the traditional concepts of death. They think that death should be considered as a subject of research - as well as any other objects or phenomena. "Anyone thinking objectively will agree that further research in this area is needed - the guys says," and we have means and technologies. " It's time to do it. "

How much humanity exists, as much as it wonders: is there any life after death? And if it is, then what is the soul of a person? IN different time The answers to this question differed. For example, the Greek philosopher Democritis believed that the soul was a girlfriend of hot and soft to the touch of a substance that could be touched. Plato, on the contrary, believed that the soul is inexpensive and lives where she wants.

In the twentieth century, the century of total scientific domination, the soul and at all refused the existence. It was believed that the souls came up with priests to lure people in the temples, and no life after death. It was so taken before that time until once a reanimated doctor from America Remond Mudi, interested in the stories of people who survived clinical death, wanted them to somehow systematize them. Then incredible things turned out.

Instead of compliance with the requirements of science and admit that life after stopping the heart stops, all patients seemed to speak, talk about amazing events. Moreover, what is curious, everyone is told about the same thing, as if in fact visited somewhere in one place.

So, it means that something happens to the soul after death, what the concepts do not have official science? It was after the doctor's report of Dr. Moody, the scientific world was concerned about the problem of the human soul and went on her searches. For example, from the achievements of a group of scientists from St. Petersburg, it was possible to even invent a special apparatus, able to photograph the soul, or rather the energy living in us together with the physical body ...

Alexander Shein, Resuscitator doctor:

"There was such a patient, I remember her very well. Unfortunately, she died - she had diabetes mellitus and many relevant complications. This woman survived several extensive heart attacks, she simply died in my eyes and died literally with a smile on her face. And always, when she was still in complete memory, in consciousness, she made it clear that everything that was happening to her, although it was sad and bitterly, but for her it was not a final leaving life. This is a simple transition somewhere in some other being, which happened to her with clinical death. "

Buddhists have a special instruction, Bardo Todol, known in the West entitled "Tibetan Book of the Dead." It describes everything in detail everything is waiting for a person after the death of a physical body. In ancient manuscript, written several thousand years ago, there are detailed descriptions that in our time it is customary to call clinical death.

One of the key points is bright light. The Tibetan Book of the Dead is a set of recommendations describing what happens with consciousness after physical death. The first thing that sees the soul is a white light tunnel:

"Soon you will exhale the last breath, and it will stop. Here you will see an ebony clean light. Incredible in front of you will open space, a vast, similar to the ocean without waves, under a cloudless sky. As a fluffy you sail you, freely, one.

Do not get distracted, do not live! Do not be afraid! This is the moment of your death! Use death, because it is a great opportunity. Keep the clarity of thoughts, not stupid by even compassion. Let your love become impassive. After the exhalation completely stops, it is good if someone directly read the words in the ear: "You are now in the earthen light, try to stay in this state what you feel."

Modern science can explain the phenomena described in ancient book. Clinical death is the first stage of the dying of the biological organism. The beginning of the transition from life to death. During clinical death, heart and breathing stops, all signs of vital activity disappear. During the first 10-15 min. A person can still be returned to life, but this is not always happening. Only 5% of people who visited the verge of death are returned back.

Andrei Yurkovsky was lucky - he was able to survive clinical death. In the 12th year of age, Andrei fell into intensive care with anaphylactic shock. For several hours, the doctors fought a teenager's life, but medicine was powerless. Doctors stated death.

Andrei Yurkovsky, Marine Officer:

"The first thing I remember is doctors in white coats, the bustle around, then I began to remove somewhere ... I can't say about what happened, but I remember the scroll of children's memories began in the brain, I saw relatives ..."

While the body of the boy was in the intensive care chamber, his soul traveled in a small world. Andrei recalls how he watched what was happening from the side. I saw doctors and relatives who did not have places from excitement. I remembered how doctors uttered the fatal words: "Stop of the heart" - and how the mother began to cry, when she was told that her son died. Andrei was considered dead two days, but the doctors were mistaken. The boy returned from the world. He woke up unexpectedly, and the return was painful.

Doctors did not believe their eyes, they could not explain what happened. Andrei was long examined before discharged from the hospital. For the boy, the journey into the thin world has become a real revelation. Thanks to clinical death, he understood that in addition to the physical body there is some substance that continues to live when the body dies.

Russel Blavo, Dr. medical Sciences, Psychotherapist: "A person is not only a physical condition, it is also the presence of mental, astral, ethereal and other bodies and, of course, the soul itself."

Ancient people believed that after the death of the soul, he did not die along with the body, and goes into another world. There she continues to live. That is why they tried to ensure the dead all necessary. In ancient burials, archaeologists find weapons and household items. The ancient Egyptians were built for the pharaohs majestic tomb - pyramids. They believed that these gigantic structures would become a reliable refuge in the afterlime world.

Famous athlete Edward Serebryakov, Champion of the USSR and Russia in the Greek-Roman wrestling, survived clinical death. He still considers it the most an important event In my life.

E.Serbryakov, a former athlete, champion of the USSR and the Russian Federation on the Greek-Roman wrestling:

"What did clinical death give me? She changes life. I know what it is, and others do not know. When people get into some extreme situations, some catastrophes occur with them, at this time some forces that change the person can intervene ... "

The tragedy occurred on May 14, 1997, Eduard, as usual, went to work in the car. Driving to the railway crossing, he felt that the car lost control. He pressed the brake, and the pedal failed, went to the floor. As later found out, an athlete was attempted at the athlete, brake hoses were cut, and he could not reset the speed. As a result, he still slowed down, but stopped right in the middle of the move.

And this moment he worked alarm, the doors were blocked. Everything happened in seconds. Athlete car stood on railway movingAnd he could not get out of it. In a moment, he saw that the train rushes right on him. The man understood: the collision is inevitable and there is practically no chance to survive. Time for him in this moment as if stopped.

Eduard Serebryakov:

"Immediately there was a thought in the head: is it really my last day? How is it so, should there be some sign over?! It turns out there is no sign, everything happens unexpectedly. These 2-3 seconds. stretched in hours or whole days. Then such an unpleasant thought appeared: I will be very crippled ... I jumped into the back seat so that at least my face remains as much, closed my head, turned out intuitively back to the window in the hope that I cure from the blow.

Then he followed ... I see that I was lying in the coffin, I see my relatives. I mourn. Some say that after the occurrence of death, they climbed up, saw doctors. I did not have this. Simply, I saw my funeral, I felt lying in a coffin, I saw that people said goodbye to me ... I can not say how much it continued. "

Edward watched his own funeral, understanding at the same time, which continues to exist. He felt such peace and serenity that to this day could not choose words to describe these sensations. Eduard says that he understood why people who at the time of death have the opportunity to return, prefer to stay there. The fact is that bliss comes there.

Return was sudden. He heard harsh, loud, unpleasant sounds, and then he disassembled the voice of the driver: "Many, are you alive?" Edward replied: "I do not know." Initially, he was not clear where, then suddenly a sharp transition again, and then the driver with his question ...

Serebryakov was able to survive a miracle. During the collision, the train did not crumple the car, and, having looked at the chamber, as a fork, dragged several tens of meters, until the composition stopped. The guy got the hard injuries. On his head a big scar. He had broken ribs and legs, all body would be in cuts and bruises. Almost half a year the athlete lay in the hospital. There he realized that after the trip to the next world something changed in it.

Eduard Serebryakov:

"Why I returned here, I don't know. It knows higher power. So you need for something. I can only guess, assume. Perhaps I returned to bring the old woman tomorrow across the road so that she would not die under the car. Perhaps, in order to talk to you, for my story someone heard ... "

After returning from the world, Eduard Serebryakov absolutely changed his life. He left the sport and began to write poems. But not just poems, but the rhymed prophecies.

The bell girl held
Wind her hair drill
Only life is sadly dying
And sadness was her final
On the moon I see a reflection
In this mirror of the bottomless void
Like madman looking enjoyment
In killing your own soul
The sound then cuts, then zadorny jumps
Sticky sweat does not confirm fear
Stone sharpens water in this fairy tale
Because softer it now

Eduard Serebryakov:

"I wrote these lines a few hours before Beslan. It wrote somehow by itself. I understand that these are the highest forces by me led. On September 1, I suddenly learn about the seizure of the school. Remember how the children have suffered? You see, the stone sharpens water, and not the opposite, and sticky sweat ... "

It is noticed that, after clinical death, a person changes dramatically. He seems to rethink his life, and this is a scientific explanation. Psychologists, for example, compare posthumous experience with shock therapy. They consider the awareness of the unexpected limb of being by one of the strongest incentives for the disclosure of human potential.

All that does not kill us, makes us stronger. The experience of dying just helps a person develop further. Another question: Is it capable of accepting this negative experience and use for some movement forward?

People who survived clinical death, sometimes acquire the ability to telepathy and clairvoyance.

The famous neurophysiologist Natalia Bekhtereva believed that these phenomena actually exist. For a long time, she worked in intensive care, watching dozens of returns from the world. Reanimated described the black tunnel, at the end of which the light is visible, they told about the feeling of flight and described the bright light, which was at the end of the tunnel. Natalia Bekhtereva tried to understand what was happening at this time with the human brain, and to answer the question about whether the soul was in fact during the clinical death of the dying.

The result is almost half a century scientific work Neurophysiologist N. Bekhtereva became a sensational conclusion. The human brain is a kind of receiving-transmitting mechanism in which the consciousness of man is formed. But consciousness is not connected with the brain directly, it only uses the brain to receive signals. The brain receives information, processes it and only then accepts logical solutions. But who dictates these signals? After all, sometimes people get ready-made wording as if from nowhere. According to Bekhtereva, this "someone" is our soul. It is it that when clinical death comes out of the body and receives information that after returning to the body and processes the brain.

Moreover, during the clinical death there is a peculiar "reset" of the brain. Our mental car starts working in another mode. The most ancient sites are activated, which were not previously used. It is they who give a person with unusual abilities. During the evolution, these possibilities of the human brain turned out to be blocked.

Leningrad region, 2008. The house is burning. On fire the second floor. Thick smoke clubs are filled out of windows. The strange body rushes on the roof, and then merges with the smoke post and rushes up. People died in the fire, and the camera was able to fix their souls. Thin bodies often fall into the camera lens. These are translucent balls having an inhomogeneous structure. More often they appear in places where human emotions appear in excess, for example in cemeteries.

1828, May 18, Crete. The Franco Castello Castle occurred between the Greeks and Turks. For 7 days under the walls of the fortress, bloody battles were walking.

Tatyana Syrchenko, editor of the Anomalia newspaper:

"The history of human lives leaves his mark. And what people call ghosts are essentially traces. This can be called phantoms or manifestations of some unknown substances for us. "

Since then, every year on May 18, the battle is repeated again and again. With the first rays of the sun over the horizon appear ghost warriors. They are heading towards the coast. Random witnesses say that at the same time the horse-horses are heard, the crying of warriors and even moans of the wounded. Researchers call these rare phenomena with chronology. They reproduce real historical events. Often, you can observe this kind of phenomenon in places where tragic events occurred. Soul dead people, the ghosts of the past, may remain at the place of their death.

It is believed that human has 7 tel: physical, essential, astral, karmic and so on. Scientists are called human projections in the multidimensional universe. After all, it has been scientifically proven that the Universe has existed to a large explosion in 10 dimensions. Thus, the physical body of a person lives in the three-dimensional world, the essential - in a four-dimensional, astral body - in the fifth dimension. And after the death of man, these entities begin to break up rapidly. Initially, the physical body is dying, on the 9th day - essential, on the 40th - astral. And only then goes to freedom, the fact that religions of the whole world are called soul.

The ghost is nothing more than an essential body. The essential body is the same as our physical, but only having a four-dimensional nature; It is a little inhibited in time. Such a ghost can be right here, but we will not see it, because it does not refraart the sunlight.

Often, with violent or unexpected death, human consciousness cannot recognize the fact of its own death and is trying to continue the usual existence. And sometimes it simply does not understand what happened to him.

According to people who referred to themselves with mediums, most people simply did not realize that they died. They do not know that they are already dead, just as many do not know that they are alive, in life. People throughout the whole life are mechanically doing something, and when death comes, they just continue to do the same after death. Thus, a person can go to work after death, to meet with someone, to dream about something. In particular, if he died unexpectedly. The victims of suicide and people who died suddenly become ghosts. Their essential bodies are doomed to eternal wanderings.

Eduard Glyaev, Dr. Energy Information Sciences, Professor: "Ghosts and Ghosts are really existing cycles of energy. Most often these are essential bodies discarded at the time of strong shock. "

The ghost of the emperor Paul I killed in the engineering castle, to this day scares tourists. Witnesses describe a ghostly figure strolling along the castle, and sometimes even playing on the flute.

According to the researchers, the subtle world exists in parallel with the physical world. This is the world of energy and information. What is called the "subtle world", "other plans", "parallel worlds" is simply, maybe those aspects that our consciousness does not perceive until a certain point. And then, at some point, switching, starts to perceive.

It is believed that the thin world inhabit the souls of people and animals, the spirits of the elements and various kinds of disembodied creatures live there. It is there that the life of a person after death continues. It is from there that ghosts and ghost come. According to psychics, we can draw information from intangible sources. This extraordinary information can tell us about the future or about the past.

Numerous certificates of meetings with ghosts and ghosts are not allowed to neglect this phenomenon. It is believed that these are the souls of the dead who want to give alive some messages or requests. For example, the ghost of the poet Dante Aligiery was his son to indicate the place where the latest songs of the Divine Comedy are hidden ...