Born into a working-class family. Russian by nationality.

In the army since 1929. In 1936-1937 he volunteered to participate in civil war in Spain, where he made more than 200 combat missions, he personally shot down 3 and in a group 4 enemy aircraft.

By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated July 4, 1937, Sergei Prokofievich Denisov was awarded the title of Hero Soviet Union with the presentation of the Order of Lenin, and after the establishment of a special degree of distinction - the Gold Star medal No. 51.

In 1939, he took part in a military conflict with Japan in the area of ​​the Khalkhin Gol River.

Participant of the Soviet-Finnish War, where he commanded the Air Force of the 7th Army.

By a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated March 21, 1940, for skillful leadership of combat operations during the breakthrough of the Mannerheim Line, division commander Sergei Prokofievich Denisov was awarded the second Gold Star medal (No. 4). It is noteworthy that Denisov becomes the fifth and last of the pre-war twice Heroes of the Soviet Union.

In April 1940, S.P. Denisov was appointed commander of the Air Force of the Transcaucasian Military District. On June 4, 1940, Denisov was awarded the rank of lieutenant general.

During the Great Patriotic Wars Since August 1941, he has been the head of the Kachin Military Aviation Pilot School.

Since February 1943 - commander of the 283rd Fighter Aviation Division of the 16th Air Army, and since February 1944 - in the apparatus of the Air Force General Staff. Retired due to illness in 1947.


  • Medal "Gold Star" of the Hero of the Soviet Union No. 51 (07/04/1937)
  • Medal "Gold Star" of Hero of the Soviet Union No. 4 (03/21/1940)
  • The order of Lenin
  • 2 Orders of the Red Banner
  • Order of Alexander Nevsky
  • Order of the Red Star
  • Order of the Red Banner of the Mongolian People's Republic
  • Medals


  • A bronze bust of the Hero was installed in the village of Postoyalovka, Olkhovatsky district Voronezh region


Type of army Years of service Rank

: Incorrect or missing image

Commanded Awards and prizes

Sergei Prokofievich Denisov(December 12, Rossosh - June 6, Moscow) - participant in the Spanish Civil War, battles at Khalkhin Gol, Soviet-Finnish war, Great Patriotic War, commander of the Air Force of the Transcaucasian Military District (1940-1941), commander of the 283rd Fighter Aviation Division of the 16th Air Army (1943-1944), twice Hero of the Soviet Union (1937, 1940), lieutenant general of aviation.


Born in the settlement of Rossosh (according to other sources, in the village of Postoyaly), in a working-class family. Russian by nationality.

He received his primary education at a school in the Novokharkovka settlement. In the Red Army - since 1929. In 1937, he volunteered to take part in the Spanish Civil War, where he made more than 200 combat missions, shooting down three personally and four enemy aircraft in a group.

By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated March 21, 1940, for skillful leadership of combat operations during the breakthrough of the Mannerheim Line, Divisional Commander Denisov Sergei Prokofievich was awarded the second Gold Star medal (No. 4), and he was awarded the military rank of corps commander. It is noteworthy that Denisov became the fifth and last of the pre-war twice Heroes of the Soviet Union.

In April 1940, S.P. Denisov was appointed commander of the Air Force of the Transcaucasian Military District. On June 4, 1940, Denisov was awarded the military rank of lieutenant general.

Retired due to illness in 1947. Sergei Prokofievich Denisov died on June 6, 1971 in Moscow. He was buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery.


  • Medal "Golden Star" of the Hero of the Soviet Union No. 51 (07/04/1937).
  • Medal "Golden Star" of the Hero of the Soviet Union No. 4 (03/21/1940).
  • Order of the Red Banner of the Mongolian People's Republic.
  • Medals.


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  • Cherushev N. S. 1937: The Red Army Elite on Calvary. - M.: Veche, 2003.
  • Team of authors. Great Patriotic War: Divisional Commanders. Military biographical dictionary / V. P. Goremykin. - M.: Kuchkovo field, 2014. - T. 2. - P. 521. - 1000 copies.

- ISBN 978-5-9950-0341-0.


Links . Website "Heroes of the Country".

  • (Retrieved February 23, 2009)

on the website of the Memory club of Voronezh State University.

An excerpt characterizing Denisov, Sergei Prokofievich
“No,” Pierre answered laughing, looking around his large, fat body. “It’s too easy for the French to hit me, and I’m afraid I won’t be able to get on the horse...
Among the people being sorted out for the subject of conversation, Julie's company ended up with the Rostovs.
“They say their affairs are very bad,” said Julie. - And he is so stupid - the count himself. The Razumovskys wanted to buy his house and his property near Moscow, and all this drags on. He is treasured.
- From what? – said Julie. – Do you really think that there is a danger for Moscow?
- Why are you going?
- I? That's strange. I’m going because... well, because everyone is going, and then I’m not Joan of Arc or an Amazon.
- Well, yes, yes, give me some more rags.
“If he manages to get things done, he can pay off all his debts,” the militiaman continued about Rostov.
- A good old man, but very pauvre sire [bad]. And why do they live here for so long? They had long wanted to go to the village. Does Natalie seem to be well now? – Julie asked Pierre, smiling slyly.
“They are expecting a younger son,” said Pierre. “He joined Obolensky’s Cossacks and went to Bila Tserkva. A regiment is being formed there. And now they transferred him to my regiment and are waiting for him every day. The Count has long wanted to go, but the Countess will never agree to leave Moscow until her son arrives.
“I saw them the other day at the Arkharovs’. Natalie looked prettier and cheerful again. She sang one romance. How easy it is for some people!
-What's going on? – Pierre asked displeasedly. Julie smiled.
“You know, Count, that knights like you only exist in the novels of Madame Suza.”
- Which knight? From what? – Pierre asked, blushing.
- Well, come on, dear Count, c "est la fable de tout Moscou. Je vous admire, ma parole d" honneur. [all of Moscow knows this. Really, I'm surprised at you.]
- Fine! Fine! - said the militiaman.
- OK then. You can't tell me how boring it is!
“Qu"est ce qui est la fable de tout Moscou? [What does all of Moscow know?] - Pierre said angrily, getting up.
- Come on, Count. You know!
“I don’t know anything,” said Pierre.
– I know that you were friends with Natalie, and that’s why... No, I’m always friendlier with Vera. Cette chere Vera! [This sweet Vera!]
“Non, madame,” Pierre continued in a dissatisfied tone. “I didn’t take on the role of Rostova’s knight at all, and I haven’t been with them for almost a month.” But I don't understand cruelty...
- Qui s"excuse - s"accuse, [Whoever apologizes blames himself.] - Julie said, smiling and waving lint, and so that it remains for her the last word, immediately changed the conversation. “What, I found out today: poor Marie Volkonskaya arrived in Moscow yesterday. Did you hear she lost her father?
- Really! Where is she? “I would very much like to see her,” said Pierre.
– I spent the evening with her yesterday. Today or tomorrow morning she is going to the Moscow region with her nephew.
- Well, how is she? - said Pierre.
- Nothing, I’m sad. But do you know who saved her? This is a whole novel. Nicholas Rostov. They surrounded her, wanted to kill her, wounded her people. He rushed in and saved her...
“Another novel,” said the militiaman. “This general elopement was decidedly done so that all the old brides would get married.” Catiche is one, Princess Bolkonskaya is another.
“You know that I really think that she is un petit peu amoureuse du jeune homme.” [a little bit in love with a young man.]
- Fine! Fine! Fine!
– But how can you say this in Russian?..

When Pierre returned home, he was given two Rastopchin posters that had been brought that day.
The first said that the rumor that Count Rostopchin was prohibited from leaving Moscow was unfair and that, on the contrary, Count Rostopchin was glad that ladies and merchant wives were leaving Moscow. “Less fear, less news,” the poster said, “but I answer with my life that there will be no villain in Moscow.” These words clearly showed Pierre for the first time that the French would be in Moscow. The second poster said that our main apartment was in Vyazma, that Count Wittschstein defeated the French, but that since many residents want to arm themselves, there are weapons prepared for them in the arsenal: sabers, pistols, guns, which residents can get at a cheap price. The tone of the posters was no longer as playful as in Chigirin’s previous conversations. Pierre thought about these posters. Obviously, that terrible thundercloud, which he called upon with all the strength of his soul and which at the same time aroused involuntary horror in him - obviously this cloud was approaching.
"Enroll in military service and go to the army or wait? – Pierre asked himself this question for the hundredth time. He took a deck of cards lying on his table and began to play solitaire.
“If this solitaire comes out,” he said to himself, mixing the deck, holding it in his hand and looking up, “if it comes out, it means... what does it mean?..” He didn’t have time to decide what it meant when a voice was heard behind the office door the eldest princess asking if she could come in.
“Then it will mean that I have to go to the army,” Pierre finished to himself. “Come in, come in,” he added, turning to the prince.
(One eldest princess, with a long waist and a petrified face, continued to live in Pierre's house; the two younger ones got married.)
“Forgive me, mon cousin, for coming to you,” she said in a reproachfully excited voice. - After all, we finally need to decide on something! What will it be? Everyone has left Moscow, and the people are rioting. Why are we staying?
“On the contrary, everything seems to be fine, ma cousine,” said Pierre with that habit of playfulness that Pierre, who always embarrassedly endured his role as a benefactor in front of the princess, acquired for himself in relation to her.
- Yes, it’s good... good well-being! Today Varvara Ivanovna told me how different our troops are. You can certainly attribute it to honor. And the people have completely rebelled, they stop listening; My girl started being rude too. Soon they will start beating us too. You can't walk on the streets. And most importantly, the French will be here tomorrow, what can we expect! “I ask one thing, mon cousin,” said the princess, “order me to be taken to St. Petersburg: whatever I am, I cannot live under Bonaparte’s rule.”

A native of the Olkhovatsky district, Sergei Denisov made a simply dizzying career in his time. At the age of 22, he graduated from pilot school, and at 31 he already became a lieutenant general of aviation. By this point, he had serious combat experience behind him, twice awarded the title of Hero. However, after 7 years the young general was transferred to the reserve. The official wording was “due to illness,” but colleagues knew that the real reason was different: Denisov drank heavily...

Well, Heroes are people too, not bronze statues. Their life path is much more multifaceted than a short list of merits on pedestals, and personality is not limited to a set of stereotyped “heroic” characteristics. All this fully applies to the biography of our fellow countryman, but in any case, as local historian Vladimir Eletskikh says: “Sergei Prokofievich was an extraordinary person.”
Special topic
For Vladimir Leonidovich, the fate of Denisov is a special topic associated with family memories. The father of the local historian, Leonid Fedorovich, was personally acquainted with the pilot. At one time he ran a school in the village of Drozdovo near settlement, where Sergei Prokofievich was born in 1909. Even during the life of the Twice Hero, his bronze bust* was installed in Denisov’s small homeland. This was the impetus for studying the biography of the famous fellow countryman. Leonid Fedorovich, who always had a great interest in history native land, got the idea to meet the living legend and he succeeded. He was able to contact Denisov, and he, at his invitation, met with the Drozdov pioneers. Then there were excursions to Moscow and new memorable meetings. The friendship continued until the death of Sergei Prokofievich in 1971. Leonid Eletskikh carefully preserved all materials related to Denisov’s personality, but, unfortunately, his life was also cut short a few years later. Then Vladimir Leonidovich continued the relay of memory. He studied archival documents and talked with the pilot’s relatives and colleagues. The data obtained formed the basis of a remarkable essay,** which over time, according to our interlocutor’s idea, could turn into a whole book. Here are just some facts from Denisov’s biography.
Aerial duel
Sergei Prokofievich was born in the town of Lobodino near the village of Postoyaly, in the family of the manager of the master's estate. Denisov Sr. was a smart owner and tried to ensure that his children also “came into the public eye.” Sergei’s sister became a teacher, one of the brothers supervised the mills, and our hero connected his life with aviation, but, of course, not right away. At first he worked at a machine and tractor station in Rossosh*** and was drafted from here into the army. The capable mechanic was assigned to serve in the air regiment, but Sergei was eager to take the helm. Soon he was sent to a training flight detachment in Bobruisk. In this city, he not only acquired his first skills as a pilot, but also found love, which almost became fatal for him. The fact is that his comrade, also a pilot, did not remain indifferent to the charms of Sergei’s chosen one, the young beauty Anna. A rivalry developed between the young people, which during one of the exercises resulted in a real aerial duel. Then the pilots could have crashed, but, fortunately, they remained unharmed and escaped with punishment in the form of “serving time” in the guardhouse. After this story, Sergei’s friend abandoned the girl, and Anna soon became Denisov’s wife...
Spanish epic
The pilot received his baptism of fire in Spain, where from November 1936 to April 1937 he led a fighter squadron. Here Denisov made more than 200 sorties, showing remarkable courage and skill as a pilot and commander, for which he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. He returned to his homeland with the reputation of an ace or “Stalin’s falcon,” as the best pilots were called then.
Another fact contributed to the growth of his authority. After the Spanish epic, officers were required to compile reports on how our aircraft performed. Denisov’s report, where he sensibly explained the flaws of technology from the position of a practitioner, was liked by Stalin himself. These events became a powerful springboard for the career rise of Sergei Prokofievich. During 1937, he received three early military ranks. And in 1938 he became commander of the aviation army special purpose, which was stationed in Voronezh (Denisov himself lived in a house near the Kamenny Bridge and the building is intact to this day). At that time, he took an active part in public life: the heroic pilot was continually invited to meetings with pioneers and meetings of workers, and the staff of stud farm No. 10 nominated him as a candidate for deputy of the regional Council... But the peaceful period in Denisov’s biography turned out to be short-lived.
At the zenith of glory
In 1939, he took part in battles with the Japanese on the Khalkhin Gol River. Then he commanded the aviation of the 7th Army in the Finnish campaign and “for skillful leadership of combat operations during the breakthrough of the Mannerheim Line” received another Gold Star. Thus, Sergei Prokofievich became the first native of Voronezh to be awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union twice.
This was in March 1940, and in April Denisov went to Transcaucasia as commander of the Air Force of the military district. He was then at the zenith of his fame. 31 years old and already a lieutenant general! The heads of the aviation industry and the defense department listened to his opinion. What is there! The leader himself considered him a smart commander! There was something to make my head spin. However, according to the memoirs of his contemporaries, Denisov did not show specific signs of star fever. On the contrary, he was always open to contacts. But communication increasingly took place in an atmosphere of copious libations. Later, alcohol began to turn into a habit. Meanwhile, the fateful year 1941 was approaching...
On the Kursk Bulge
At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, Sergei Prokofievich was appointed head of the Kachin Aviation School. The choice of the command was logical: Denisov is a high-class pilot, and he “holds the cards” in personnel training. But... it didn’t work. In 1942, the commission identified a number of shortcomings in the organization of the school’s work and its head was relieved of his position. For several months he was at the disposal of the Air Force Personnel Administration and all this time he bombarded his superiors with requests to send him to the front. Finally, in February 1943, he was appointed commander of the 283rd Fighter Division, and here he showed himself as he had once been in his best times. Under the leadership of Denisov personnel made 1,400 sorties in the battle of Orel and Kursk, conducted 67 air battles, shooting down 73 enemy aircraft, while losing only 16 of his own (4:1 ratio). One of the division's regiments became a guards regiment, the second was awarded the order Red Banner. Dozens of pilots received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. But a year later the division commander took up his old ways. As a result, he was sent to solve tactical issues in the rear. He never returned to the troops...

*Such monuments to Heroes were erected twice according to the Decree of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.
**The essay “The Terrible Sky of Sergei Denisov” can be found in the publication “Heroes of Other People’s Battles”.
***Later, this fact gave Rossoshi grounds to claim the installation of a bronze bust of Denisov, but it was decided to erect the monument closer to the Hero’s birthplace - in the village of Postoyaly.

Fun fact: The fame of the pilot Denisov was so great that scammers used it for their own purposes. At the same time, they practiced a “scenario” of extortion, similar to the “scheme” with the pseudo-children of Lieutenant Schmidt, described by Ilf and Petrov. Only in this case, the scammers pretended to be the sons of twice Hero Sergei Denisov...

An extra star Denisov was “attributed” to the sculptor who made the bronze bust of the Hero, installed in the Voronezh region. We are talking about the Order of the Red Star, which is depicted on the monument by mistake. This “author’s license” was noticed many years ago by local historian Vladimir Eletskikh. Then he even made a special trip to the Museum of the Armed Forces, where the Heroes' awards are kept, to clarify the data. The expedition confirmed this fact: the sculptor “went too far” with the stars.

On the picture: Sergei Denisov shortly after returning from Spain; Soviet pilots after being awarded in the Kremlin with Mikhail Kalinin (Denisov is first on the left in the front row); Sergey Denisov and Leonid Eletskikh; Denisov with his fellow countrymen at his bronze bust; schoolchildren at the monument to the pilot; Sergei Prokofievich at a meeting with fellow countrymen in the capital; funeral of a twice Hero, pioneer honor guard; Vladimir Yeletskikh at the monument to Sergei Prokofievich at the Novodevichy cemetery in Moscow.

Photos from the personal archive of Vladimir Eletsky.

    Denisov Sergey Prokofievich- Sergei Prokofievich Denisov December 12 (25), 1909 (19091225) June 6, 1971 Place of birth ... Wikipedia

    Denisov Sergey Prokofievich Encyclopedia "Aviation"

    Denisov Sergey Prokofievich- S.P. Denisov Denisov Sergei Prokofievich (19091971) Soviet pilot, lieutenant general of aviation (1940), twice Hero of the Soviet Union (1937, 1940). IN Soviet army since 1929. Graduated military school pilots (1931), courses... ... Encyclopedia "Aviation"

    DENISOV Sergey Prokofievich- (1909 71), Soviet pilot, lieutenant general of aviation (1940), twice Hero of the Soviet Union (1937,1940). Participant in the war in Spain, battles on the river. Khalkhin Gol, Soviet-Finnish and Great Patriotic Wars. In 1943 44 he was the commander of a fighter... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    DENISOV Sergey Prokofievich- (1909 71) pilot, lieutenant general of aviation (1940), twice Hero of the Soviet Union (1937,1940). Participant in the war in Spain, battles on the river. Khalkhin Gol, Soviet-Finnish and Great Patriotic Wars. In 1943 44 he was commander of a fighter air division... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Denisov Sergey Prokofievich-, twice Hero of the Soviet Union (4/7/1937 and 21/3/1940), lieutenant general of aviation (1940). Member of the CPSU since 1930. Born into a working-class family. In the Soviet Army since 1929. Graduated from the military... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Denisov Sergey Prokofievich- (1909 1971) Soviet pilot, lieutenant general of aviation (1940), twice Hero of the Soviet Union (1937, 1940). In the Soviet Army since 1929. He graduated from the military pilot school (1931), advanced training courses for command personnel at the General Staff Academy (1939). Participant … Encyclopedia of technology

    Denisov, Sergey Prokofievich- (12/25/1909 06/16/1971) fighter pilot, twice Hero of the Soviet Union (1937, 1940), lieutenant general of aviation (1940). In aviation since 1929. Commanded a regiment, an air brigade, and the 2nd Special Purpose Army. He fought in Spain and at Khalkhin Gol. Shot down... ... Large biographical encyclopedia