The state final certification for graduates of the ninth grades is currently voluntary, you can always refuse and take the usual traditional exams.

What is the attractive then the form of OGE (GIA) for graduates of graduates of 2019? Certification directly in this new form allows you to obtain an independent assessment of schoolchildren's training. Everything task OGE (GIA) are presented in the form of a special form, which includes questions with the choice of response to them. A direct analogy with the exam is carried out. In this case, you can give both short and deployed answers. Our website website It will help you perfectly prepare and evaluate your chances actually. Besides, tests of GIA and OGE online with answers check Help you to decide on the further choice of profile class senior school. You yourself will be able to easily appreciate your knowledge of the selected subject. To do this, our project offers you various tests for a number of disciplines. Our site dedicated preparation for giama 2019 grade 9 onlinefully helps you prepare for the first serious and responsible test in life.

All materials of our site are represented in a simple, accessible form. Whether you are a round excellent student in your class or the usual average student - everything is now in your hands. You will not be unnecessary to visit our. Here you will find answers to all your questions. Be prepared for the difficult OGE test, GIA and the result will exceed all your expectations.

FIPI (Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements) - a state scientific institution, carrying out activities in such areas:

  • scientific research and ensuring final tests of OGE and EGE;
  • development and testing of KIM for different items;
  • development of a system of evaluation of final certifications for students of 9 and 11 classes;
  • technical support and maintenance of information resources of Rosobrnadzor;
  • development and distribution educational and methodical manuals and collections;
  • organization of conferences;
  • participation in international educational programs and projects.

Official informational portal FIPI ( provides an opportunity to get the most relevant information on issues passing fire and EGE 2018. The website of the Institute housed:

  1. Documents forming the regulatory framework of the final graduate certification.
  2. Specifications and codifiers in all subjects.
  3. Delligence tasks different yearsFilm developed, which will help in preparing for testing students of the 9th and 11th grade.
  4. Training collections for self-preparation.
  5. Analytical and methodical materials.

New 2018 innovations for 9 classes

Working on improving graduate education secondary schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, FII introduces a number of significant changes that will affect students of the 9th grade, passing OGE in 2017-2018 academic year.

Mandatory subjects

Unlike past years, in 2018, nine-graders will have to demonstrate knowledge of 5 subjects, two of which (Russian and mathematics) will definitely be obligatory, and three more students will be able to choose themselves, focusing on such a list:

  • social science;
  • history;
  • physics;
  • computer science;
  • biology;
  • geography;
  • chemistry;
  • literature;
  • foreign language: English, German, French or Spanish.

Discussion about quantity obligatory objects OGE has not yet been completed. It is possible that without the right of choice, it will have to take no 2 A 4 of the subject and only one nine-graders will be able to choose themselves, based on the direction chosen for further training.

For the role of mandatory, according to the Ministry of Education, the history of both foreign language is claimed.

Unified Kim system

Over the years, tasks for OGE were developed by teachers educational institutions and taking into account the level of preparation and profile of the educational institution. Since 2018, uniform tasks will be offered for all schools, lyceums and gymnasiums of the Russian Federation, on the development of which the FII specialists have long been working.

The decision pursues three main objectives:

  1. Set unified criteria for knowledge assessment for specific subjects.
  2. See the real level of training graduates of 9th grade.
  3. Build a unified educational trajectory for educational institutions of different regions of the country.

Evaluation Evaluation for OGE

In 2017-2018 academic year, nine-graders should more seriously treat training, because the exams will now influence common score Certificate. This fact is especially important for those who wish to change the usual school life for training in one of the prestigious colleges or lyceums of Russia.

Overcoming the minimum threshold of at least 4 mandatory out of 5 subjects - a prerequisite for obtaining a certificate!

But, students who did not manage to pass OGE from the first time will receive the second (and even the third) chance. Although, it will be possible to recall only 2 of 5 items.

Oral part in the Russian language

Graduates of 2018 will have to give oral Russian. Such a decision was made after the inspection results showed that many regional schools do not give students a sufficient level of speaking Russian language, which is prerequisite For entry into any university of the country.

For innovations, see Anna Mozharova's video:

More relevant information about which innovations are expecting students ending grade 9 in the 2017-2018 academic year, as well as, what changes are planning to make an FII in OGE on individual subjects, you will find on the pages of our information portal.

OGE Schedule 2018

Starting period




Foreign languages


Russian language

Computer science

Social science


Reserve Days of the early period




Foreign languages

Russian language


Computer science

Social science


The main period

Foreign languages

Foreign languages

Russian language


Social science

Computer science


Computer science




Social science

Main period reserve days

Russian language


Social science

Computer science



Foreign languages



All things

All things

The first September religion

Russian language





Social science

Computer science


Foreign languages

Last relief (by decision of the GEK)

Russian language





Social science

Computer science


Foreign languages

All things

08/21/2017 On the official website of the FIPI, documents regulating the structure and content of KIM EGE 2018 (demoralization OGE) are published. FIPI invites an expert and professional community to take part in the discussion of the 2018 examination materials.

Develiya OGE 2018 in Russian with answers and evaluation criteria

Changes in Kim OGE 2018 in the Russian language compared to 2017 are absent.

All tasks - 15; Of these, by type of tasks: with a brief answer - 13; with a detailed answer - 2; in terms of complexity: b - 14; IN 1.

Maximum primary score - 39

The total time of work is 235 minutes.

Characteristics of the structure and content of Kim 2018

Each variant KIM consists of three parts and includes 15 tasks that differ in the form and level of complexity.

Part 1 - summary (exercise 1).

Part 2 (tasks 2-14) - tasks with a brief answer. IN examination work The following varieties of tasks are proposed with a brief answer:

- tasks open type on the record of an independently formulated a brief response;

- Tasks for choosing and writing one correct answer from the proposed list of responses.

Part 3 (Alternative Task 15) - Open-type task with an expanded response (writing), checking the ability to create your own statement based on the read text.

Examination conditions

Experts-philologists are not allowed to the Russian language exam in the audience. The organizer of the exam must be a teacher who does not teach Russian and literature. The use of the Unified Instructions for conducting the exam allows compliance with uniform conditions without bringing to the organization of the exam special education on this subject.

Order of conduct exam fire 2018 in Russian language in grade 9.

Having received a package with examination materials, the examiners sign all sheets or forms on which they will perform tasks. The signed sheets or forms add up in the desired order at the workplace examinations and fill them during the exam.

First, the examiners listen to the source text. While reading text, the exam is allowed to make recordings in draft. After the second reading text, the examinations set it out compressed in writing. Audio recording is used to play the text.

Then students get acquainted with the text for reading, which is presented to each of them in printed form. Examples are invited to perform tasks associated with informative and linguistic analysis of the read text.

During testing, when performing all parts of the work, the examiners have the right to use the spelling dictionary.

The task with an expanded response is checked by specialists in the Russian language, which have been trained to verify the tasks of state-state certification.

On the official site Federal Institute Pedagogical measurements (FIPI) Published demonstration oGE options in Russian (grade 9) for 2009 - 2020.

Consist of three parts.

The first part is a small written work on the listened text (compressed presentation).

The second and third parts contain tasks that are performed on the basis of the same read text. The second part contains the tasks of two types: tasks where you need to select one or more of the proposed answers, and tasks where you need to give a brief answer.

In the third part, you need to choose one of the three tasks and give it a detailed argumental answer on it (it is necessary to write an essay-reasoning).

Demonstration options OGE in Russian also contain examination system of examination. In the evaluation system, the text is given to listen to the task 1. To the tasks of the second part, the correct answers are given, and the tasks of the first and third parts are given evaluation criteria.

IN changes:

  • it was the number of tasks is reduced In the examination with 15 before 9 ,
  • decreased from 39 before 33 ,
  • in part 2. Work Dano 7 Tasks:
    • 4 tasks (tasks 2-5)
    • 3 tasks (tasks 6-8)

Demonstration options OGE in Russian

Note that demonstration options OGE in Russian Presented in PDF format, and to view them, it is necessary that on your computer installed, for example, a freely distributed Adobe Reader software package.

Demonstration OGE OGE in Russian for 2009
Demonstration OGE OGE in Russian for 2010
Demo version of OGE in Russian for 2011
Demonstration OGE OGE in Russian for 2012
Demonstration OGE OGE in Russian For 2013
Demonstration OGE OGE in Russian for 2014
Demonstration OGE OGE in Russian for 2015
Demonstration OGE OGE in Russian for 2016
Demonstration OGE OGE in Russian For 2017
Demonstration OGE OGE in Russian for 2018
Demonstration OGE OGE in Russian for 2019
Demo version of OGE in the Russian language in 2020

Primary scaling scale

  • for the execution of examination work 2020 in the mark on a five-point scale,
  • primary score scale for the execution of examination work 2019. in the mark on a five-point scale,
  • primary score scale for the execution of examination work 2018. in the mark on a five-point scale,
  • primary score scale for the execution of examination work 2017. in the mark on a five-point scale,
  • primary score scale for the execution of examination work 2016. in the mark on a five-point scale,
  • primary score scale for the execution of examination work 2015. in the mark on a five-point scale,
  • primary score scale for the execution of examination work 2014. in the mark on a five-point scale,
  • primary score scale for the execution of examination work year 2013 In the mark on a five-point scale.

Changes in the demonstration options in the Russian language

IN demonstration version of OGE in the Russian language of 2009 Changes to evaluation criteria were changed.

In 2013 in demonstration OGE OGE in Russianthe following were made change:

  • it was changed Task C2.,
  • it was an alternative task is excluded (C2.2)

In 2014 in demonstration version of OGE in the Russian languageof course, there were no fundamental changes in comparison with the 2013 demonstration option.

In 2015 in democracy OGE OGE in Russian Yayk The following changes were made:

  • The number of tasks in the work was reduced from 18 before 15 .
  • The maximum score for the performance of work was reduced from 42 before 39 .
  • Numbering The tasks began through All over the option without alphabetic designations A, B, C.
  • An response recording form was changed in tasks with a response: the answer began to record numbers with the number of the correct answer (and not to circle a circle).
  • Were Added two alternative tasks 15.2 and 15.3 (writing-reasoning)

IN democracy versions of OGE 2016-2019 in Russian Compared to the 2015 Demonstration Option there were no changes.

IN democracy OGE 2020 in Russian Compared to the 2019 demonstration option, the following occurred. changes:

  • it was the number of tasks is reduced In the examination with 15 before 9 ,
  • primary score for performance decreased from 39 before 33 ,
  • the genre specificity of the text for the presentation has changed: Texts of various genres may be offered (travel notes, notes, essay, review, diary, etc.),
  • in part 2. Work Dano 7 Tasks:
    • 4 tasks (tasks 2-5) Check the ability to perform spelling, punctuation, grammatical analysis;
    • 3 tasks (tasks 6-8) Check the depth and accuracy of understanding the content of the text; Understanding relations of synonymy and antonymy, important for meaningful analysis of text; Identification of studied speech expressive means.

Module "Algebra"

1 . Find the value of the expression

2. The table shows the standards for running 30 meters for grade 9 students.
What mark will the girl run by running this distance for 5.62 seconds?
1) Mark "5" 2) Mark "4"
3) Mark "3" 4) The standard is not executed

3 . On the coordinate direct point marked A.. It is known that it corresponds to one of the four mentioned numbers.
Which of the numbers corresponds to the point BUT?
1) 2) 3) 4)

4 . Find the value of the expression

5 . The graph shows the dependence of atmospheric pressure from height above sea level. The horizontal axis marked the height above sea level in kilometers, on the vertical - pressure in millimeters of a mercury pillar. Determine the schedule at what height atmosphere pressure Equally 620 millimeters of mercury post. Give the answer in kilometers.

6. Decide equation. If the equation has more than one root, in response, write down the larger of the roots.

7. The cost of travel in the electric train is 198 rubles. Schoolchildren are given 50% discount. How many rubles will cost the fare for 4 adults and 12 schoolchildren?

8. The diagram shows the content nutrients In dried white mushrooms.
Which of the following statements are true?
1) 1000 grams of mushrooms contain approximately 360 g of fats.
2) 1000 grams of mushrooms contain approximately 240 g of carbohydrates.
3) 1000 grams of mushrooms contain approximately 140 g of proteins.
4) 1000 grams of mushrooms contain approximately 500 g of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.
In response, write down the numbers of selected statements without spaces, commas and other additional characters

9. On the plate lie pies, the same on the sight: 4 with meat, 8 with cabbage and 3 with apples. Petya Raughd chooses one pate. Find the likelihood of the pie with apples.

10. Set the correspondence between the graphs of the functions and the formulas that specify them.

11. In the sequence of numbers, the first number is 6, and each next more than the previous one on 4. Find the fifteenth.

12. Find the value of the expression when.

13. To translate the temperature value on the Celsius scale in the Fahrenheit scale, use the formula where - temperature in degrees Celsius, - Temperature in degrees Fahrenheit. How many degrees on the Fahrenheit scale correspond to -25 degrees on the Celsius scale?

14. Specify the solution of the inequality system

15. The inclined roof is installed on three vertical supports, the bases of which are located on one straight line. The middle support is in the middle between the small and large supports (see Fig.). The height of a small support is 1.7 m, the height of the middle support is 2.1 m. Find the height of a big support. Give the answer in meters.

16 . IN an equally traded triangle ABCwith the base ACexterior angle at the top C.equal to 123 °. Find the magnitude of the corner YOU. Answer in degrees.

17 . Find the length of the chord of the circle with a radius of 13 cm, if the distance from the center of the circle to the chord is 5 cm. Give in cm.

18. Find the trapezoid area shown in the picture.

19 . Find Tangent acute cornershown in the figure.

20 . Which of the following statements are true?
1) After a point that is not lying on this line, you can spend a straight line parallel to this straight line.
2) Triangle with parties 1, 2, 4 exists.
3) In any parallelogram there are two equal corners.
In response, write down the numbers of selected statements without spaces, commas and other additional characters.

Module "Algebra"

21 . Decide equation

22 . Fisherman at 5 am on a motor boat went from the pier against the river current, after a while threw anchor, I caught fish 2 hours and returned back at 10 am of the same day. For what distance from the pier he sailed, if the flow rate of the river is 2 km / h, and its own speed of the boat is 6 km / h?

23 . Build a function graph and determine with what values straight has with a schedule exactly one common point.

Module "Geometry"

24 . IN rectangular triangle ABCwith direct angle C.knames are known: AC= 6, BC.\u003d 8. Find Median Ck.of this triangle.

25 . In parallelogram Abcd.point E.- Middle side AB. It is known that EC \u003d ED.. Prove that this parallelogram is a rectangle.

26 . Base ACequal triangle ABCequally 12. The circle of radius 8 with the center outside of this triangle concerns the continuation of the side of the triangle and concerns the base AC. Find the roundabout radius included in the triangle ABC.


1 0,32
2 3
3 2
4 165
5 1,5
6 3
7 1980
8 12;21
9 0,2
10 132
11 62
12 1,25
13 -13
14 2
15 2,5
16 57
17 24
18 168
19 2
20 13;31
21 -5;1
22 8 kilometers
23 -6,25; -4; 6
24 5
26 4,5