Tashkent State Technical University

Toshkent davlat texnika universiteti
(TSTU, Uzbek. TDTU)

international name Tashkent State Technical University
Former names Tashkent Polytechnic Institute (TashPI), uzb. Toshkent politexnika instituti (ToshPI)
Year of foundation 1920
Rector Turabjanov Sadritdin
Location Tashkent, Uzbekistan Uzbekistan
Legal address st. University, 2
Website tdtu.uz

Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov - a higher educational institution in Tashkent.


It has been leading its history since 1931, when on the basis of the mining and geological department of the Central Asian State University, established in 1920, the Central Asian Geological Prospecting Institute (SAGI) was founded, later transformed into the Mining Institute. On November 4, 1933, by the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, the mining, construction and energy institutes located in Tashkent of the People's Commissariat of Heavy Industry of the USSR were merged into the Central Asian Industrial Institute (SAII) with the following faculties: mining and geological, energy and construction. In 1949 it was transformed into the Central Asian Polytechnic Institute (SAPI). In 1961 it was renamed the Tashkent Polytechnic Institute (TashPI).


Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov is one of the largest technical universities in Central Asia in the fields of aviation, geology, mechanical engineering, energy, electrical engineering and automation. The university has modern educational buildings, educational and scientific laboratories, hostels, powerful experimental base, as well as a network of pre-university training and postgraduate education. The university has established close scientific contacts with many research centers Germany, France, USA, UK, Netherlands, Greece and other countries. A number of research works of the university are carried out on grants within the framework of international competitive programs INTAS, TACIS, TEMPUS-TACIS and others. The university also has a network of small businesses and research centers: Technological Park, Technological Business Incubator and the COFYUTIS Research Center (France-Uzbekistan), where digital processing of space images is performed for the purpose of application in ecology and geology, agriculture, land cadastres

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Tashkent State Technical University

Toshkent davlat texnika universiteti
(TSTU, Uzbek. TDTU)

international name

Tashkent State Technical University

Former names

Tashkent Polytechnic Institute (TashPI), uzb. Toshkent politexnika instituti (ToshPI)

Year of foundation
Legal address

st. University, 2

Coordinates : 41°21′09″ s. sh. 61°12′28″ E d. /  41.35250° N sh. 61.20778° E d. / 41.35250; 61.20778(G) (I) K: Educational institutions founded in 1920

Tashkent State Technical University named after Abu Raykhan Beruni - a higher educational institution in Tashkent.


It has been leading its history since 1931, when on the basis of the mining and geological department of the Central Asian State University, established in 1920, the Central Asian Geological Prospecting Institute (SAGI) was founded, later transformed into the Mining Institute. On November 4, 1933, by the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, the mining, construction and energy institutes located in Tashkent of the People's Commissariat of Heavy Industry of the USSR were merged into the Central Asian Industrial Institute (SAII) with the following faculties: mining and geological, energy and construction. In 1949 it was transformed into the Central Asian Polytechnic Institute (SAPI). In 1961 it was renamed the Tashkent Polytechnic Institute (TashPI).


Tashkent State Technical University named after Beruni is one of the largest technical universities in Central Asia in the fields of aviation, geology, mechanical engineering, energy, electrical engineering and automation. The university has modern educational buildings, educational and scientific laboratories, dormitories, a powerful experimental base, as well as a network of pre-university training and postgraduate education. The university has established close scientific contacts with many research centers in Germany, France, USA, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Greece and other countries. A number of research works of the university are carried out on grants within the framework of international competitive programs INTAS, TACIS, TEMPUS-TACIS and others. The university also has a network of small businesses and research centers: Technological Park, Technological Business Incubator and the COFYUTIS Research Center (France-Uzbekistan), where digital processing of space images is performed for the purpose of application in ecology and geology, agriculture, land cadastres .


After the reorganization of 2016, teaching at the university is carried out at the following faculties:

  • Engineering systems;
  • Energy;
  • Engineering Geology and Mining;
  • Machine-building technologies;
  • Engineering-Physical.

Famous graduates

  • Adylov, Sabir Rakhimovich (1932-2002) - architect, honored builder of the Uzbek SSR, people's architect of the USSR, chief architect of Tashkent (1970-1986), one of the authors of the architectural center of Tashkent (1966-1974), laureate of the USSR State Prize (1975).
  • Karimov, Islam Abduganievich (1938-2016) - the first president of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
  • Ledogorov, Igor Vadimovich (1932-2005) - Soviet and Russian theater and film actor. People's Artist of the RSFSR.
  • Sharapov, Ivan Prokofievich (1907-1996) - Russian geologist (specialist in mathematical methods in geology and the study of impurity elements in ores).

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An excerpt characterizing the Tashkent State Technical University

“Farewell, Count,” she said to him loudly. “I will be waiting for you very much,” she added in a whisper.
And these simple words, the look and facial expression that accompanied them, for two months, were the subject of Pierre's inexhaustible memories, explanations and happy dreams. “I will be waiting for you very much ... Yes, yes, as she said? Yes, I will be waiting for you. Ah, how happy I am! What is it, how happy I am!” Pierre said to himself.

In Pierre's soul now nothing similar happened to what happened in her in similar circumstances during his courtship with Helen.
He did not repeat, as then, with painful shame, the words he had spoken, he did not say to himself: “Ah, why didn’t I say this, and why, why did I say “je vous aime” then?” [I love you] Now, on the contrary, he repeated every word of hers, his own, in his imagination with all the details of her face, smile, and did not want to subtract or add anything: he only wanted to repeat. There was no doubt now whether what he had done was good or bad, there was no shadow now. Only one terrible doubt sometimes crossed his mind. Is it all in a dream? Was Princess Mary wrong? Am I too proud and arrogant? I believe; and suddenly, as it should happen, Princess Marya will tell her, and she will smile and answer: “How strange! He was right, wrong. Doesn't he know that he is a man, just a man, and I? .. I am completely different, higher.
Only this doubt often came to Pierre. He didn't make any plans either. It seemed to him so incredibly impending happiness that as soon as this happened, nothing could be further. Everything ended.
Joyful, unexpected madness, for which Pierre considered himself incapable, took possession of him. The whole meaning of life, not for him alone, but for the whole world, seemed to him to consist only in his love and in the possibility of her love for him. Sometimes all people seemed to him busy with only one thing - his future happiness. It sometimes seemed to him that they all rejoiced in the same way as he himself, and only tried to hide this joy, pretending to be occupied with other interests. In every word and movement he saw hints of his happiness. He often surprised people who met him with his significant, expressing secret consent, happy looks and smiles. But when he realized that people might not know about his happiness, he felt sorry for them with all his heart and felt a desire to somehow explain to them that everything they were doing was complete nonsense and trifles not worthy of attention.
When he was offered to serve, or when some general state affairs and war were discussed, assuming that the happiness of all people depended on such or such an outcome of such an event, he listened with a meek, condoling smile and surprised the people who spoke to him with his strange remarks. But both those people who seemed to Pierre to understand the real meaning of life, that is, his feeling, and those unfortunate people who obviously did not understand this - all people in this period of time seemed to him in such a bright light of the feeling shining in him that without the slightest effort, he immediately, meeting with any person, saw in him everything that was good and worthy of love.
Considering the affairs and papers of his late wife, he had no feeling for her memory, except for pity that she did not know the happiness that he knew now. Prince Vasily, now especially proud of having received a new place and a star, seemed to him a touching, kind and pitiful old man.
Pierre often later recalled this time of happy madness. All the judgments that he made for himself about people and circumstances during this period of time remained forever true for him. Not only did he not subsequently renounce these views on people and things, but, on the contrary, in internal doubts and contradictions, he resorted to the view that he had at that time of madness, and this view always turned out to be correct.
“Perhaps,” he thought, “I seemed then strange and ridiculous; but then I was not as mad as I seemed. On the contrary, I was then smarter and more perceptive than ever, and I understood everything that is worth understanding in life, because ... I was happy.
Pierre's madness consisted in the fact that he did not, as before, wait for personal reasons, which he called the virtues of people, in order to love them, and love overflowed his heart, and he, loving people for no reason, found undoubted reasons for which it was worth loving them.

From that first evening, when Natasha, after Pierre's departure, with a joyfully mocking smile, told Princess Marya that he was definitely, well, definitely from the bath, and a frock coat, and a short haircut, from that moment something hidden and unknown to her, but irresistible woke up in Natasha's soul

A museum that made a lot of noise, but at the same time left behind a trail of mystery. Visitors shared their impressions on social networks, recommended that they definitely go, not only with children, but also with whole families, while the intrigue and the name of the exhibits were fully preserved. And all because you can not take pictures in the museum. For readers of the site, the Museum Administration made an exception, and we are sure that now you will definitely want to see it with your own eyes.

What it is

The Polytechnic Museum was created on the initiative of JSC "UzAvtosanoat". The museum includes two floors: on the first floor you can get acquainted with the history of the automotive industry in general and the development of the automotive industry in Uzbekistan in particular; the second floor, or "Interactive workshop", allows you to gain knowledge about the world around you by experience.

Ground floor, or the history of the car


The first floor of the museum is nominally divided into two thematic zones - "Retro" and "Modern". In the first zone - it is located on the right side of the entrance, you will not only get acquainted with the history of the development of transport, starting with the invention of the wheel, but you will also see a number of unique exhibits, including the model of the first car. The organizers not only managed to find such rare cars as the Volkswagen Beetle, Moskvich-400, Pobeda, Chaika, but also restored them. In some, you can even see the key in the ignition.

There is also a zone for the development of agricultural machinery, starting with ketmen and ending with modern Claas tractors, which are produced by a joint Uzbek-German enterprise.

And, believe me, not only men and children “hover” over these exhibits. Girls, dreaming of a photo shoot, imagine how they would look in a luxurious dress on a bench next to a Ford, with a government Seagull, and even standing on the step of a huge tractor. By the way, this is quite real. But, first things first .


Sector "Modern" tells in detail about the automotive industry in our country. The products of JSC "Uzavtosanoat" are widely represented here - from Tico to Orlando. Young visitors will be interested in the stand where the Spark is located, disassembled by cogs. In addition, the first Uzbek Matiz and Spark signed by the President of Uzbekistan, as well as the millionth car, which was Lacetti, are stored here.

Attention should be paid to the huge models introducing the activities of automobile plants in Asaka, Samarkand, Pitnak. The scale and painstaking work, thanks to which the maximum detail is achieved, is admirable. The conveyor is spinning, the lights are on, the cars are moving - and all this is in a thousandth reduction.

Here you can also get acquainted with the unique exhibits created by students of the Turin Polytechnic Institute. This is the installation "Kinetic balls" that descend from the ceiling and form various forms to measured music; 3D Mapping show that turns a white car into a colorful work of art; A hologram showing the history of transport development.

Here you are overwhelmed with patriotic feelings. Pride is bursting not only for the native Automotive industry, but also for the younger generation.

Second floor, or Interactive workshop

On the second floor, you return to childhood and run from exhibit to exhibit on an equal footing with your children: catch the current, send the ball into the ring with the air flow, watch how the waves form in the sea. Fortunately, the exhibits are contact. Great help for science teachers!

Here you can find yourself in the only upside down room in Uzbekistan, get lost in the mirror labyrinth, let the child be taller than dad in the Ames room. And if the kid is bored - send him to the playground, and play Xbox Kineck by yourself.

It is worth noting that here, although not the largest, but perhaps the most interesting and cleanest playgrounds, equipped with spacious drawers for things. Life hack for moms: on Sundays, dads with children should be sent here. As long as the children learn the world and make discoveries, dads won't be bored either - in addition to the aforementioned Xbox, there is a contact floor with football.

Everything is provided here for visitors, even a buffet.

Photo and video shooting

As mentioned above, if you want to have a unique photo shoot at the Polytechnic Museum, whether it be a fashion shoot, a wedding photo, a love story or a family selfie against the backdrop of rare cars, this is quite possible. Moreover, here you can shoot videos.

The cost of photography is 100,000 soums.

The cost of video filming is 1,000,000 soums.

On the second floor of the museum, photography can be done free of charge.

Working mode: The museum is open from Tuesday to Sunday. Monday is a day off.

Ticket price: 1st floor - from 10:00 to 18:00, ticket price - 5,000 soums. 2nd floor - in session mode: 10:00, 12:00, 14:00, 16:00, ticket price - 15,000 soums.

Excursion service - 1,500 soums per person.

Toshkent politexnika instituti (ToshPI)


It has been leading its history since 1931, when on the basis of the mining and geological department of the Central Asian State University, established in 1920, the Central Asian Geological Prospecting Institute (SAGI) was founded, later transformed into the Mining Institute. On November 4, 1933, by the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, the mining, construction and energy institutes located in Tashkent of the People's Commissariat of Heavy Industry of the USSR were merged into the Central Asian Industrial Institute (SAII) with the following faculties: mining and geological, energy and construction. In 1949 it was transformed into the Central Asian Polytechnic Institute (SAPI). In 1961 it was renamed the Tashkent Polytechnic Institute (TashPI).

Based on the decree of the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev dated January 25, 2017, on June 23, 2017, the Tashkent State Technical University was named after Islam Karimov.


Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov is one of the largest technical universities in Central Asia in the fields of aviation, geology, mechanical engineering, energy, electrical engineering and automation. The university has modern educational buildings, educational and scientific laboratories, dormitories, a powerful experimental base, as well as a network of pre-university training and postgraduate education. The university has established close scientific contacts with many research centers in Germany, France, USA, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Greece and other countries. A number of research works of the university are carried out on grants within the framework of international competitive programs INTAS, TACIS, TEMPUS-TACIS and others. The university also has a network of small businesses and research centers: Technological Park, Technological Business Incubator and the COFYUTIS Research Center (France-Uzbekistan), where digital processing of space images is performed for the purpose of application in ecology and geology, agriculture, land cadastres .


After the reorganization of 2016, teaching at the university is carried out at the following faculties:

The Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Uzbekiston Respublikasi Fanlar Akademiyasi / Oʻzbekiston Respublikasi Fanlar Akademiyasi, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan) is a state scientific academic organization of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Almazar district

Almazar district (uzb. Olmazor tumani, Olmazor tumi) is an administrative-territorial unit of the city of Tashkent. Located in the northwestern part of the capital. The modern area is 3450 hectares (2009), the population is 306.1 thousand people.

Ganiev, Elyor Madzhidovich

Elyor Majidovich Ganiev (born January 1, 1960) - Head of the Execution Sector of the Office of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan (since 2017), Minister of Foreign Economic Relations, Investments and Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan (1997-2002, 2006-2009, 2012-2017). .Member of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan (1997-2017). President of the Volleyball Federation of the Republic of Uzbekistan since 2005.

Zakirov, Batir Irkinovich

Batir Irkinovich Zakirov (born July 28, 1963) - Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan since 2011. He has been the Chairman of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Architecture and Construction since 2011. Member of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan since 2008. Also, he is the head of the Complex for the utilities, transport, capital construction and construction industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Israeli, Valentin Sogomonovich

Valentin (Vagharshak) Sogomonovich (Solomonovich) Israelyan (Israelyan) (1903-1976) - Soviet statesman, lawyer, participant in the Great Patriotic War, Major General of Justice (07/11/1945).

Karimov, Islam Abduganievich

Islam Abduganievich Karimov (uzb. Islom Abdug'aniyevich Karimov; Islom Abduganievich Karimov; January 30, 1938, Samarkand, Uzbek SSR, USSR - September 2, 2016, Tashkent, Uzbekistan) - Soviet and Uzbek statesman and political figure, the first President of the Republic of Uzbekistan since independence in 1991 until his death in 2016.

In 1990-1992 he was the head of the government of Uzbekistan. AT Soviet period served as First Secretary of the Central Committee Communist Party Uzbekistan (1989-1991) and President of the Uzbek SSR (1990-1991).

He won the presidential elections four times (in 1991, 2000, 2007 and 2015), each time, according to official figures, receiving over 90% of the vote (except for the 1991 elections, where he scored 87%). Twice extended the term of office through national referendums (in 1995 and 2002). He bore the unofficial title of Yurtbashi.

Latipov, Halim Rafikovich

Khalim Rafikovich Latipov (August 15, 1933, Samarkand, Uzbekistan - October 8, 2014, Tashkent, Uzbekistan) - Soviet mathematician, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor. Organizer of the Tashkent school on the qualitative theory of differential equations.

Notkin, Joseph Isaakovich

Iosif Isaakovich Notkin (born May 15, 1928, Odessa, USSR) - Soviet architect, architectural historian, urban planner and restorer.

Poletika, Nikolai Pavlovich

Nikolai Pavlovich Poletika (April 17, 1896, Konotop - March 25, 1988, Jerusalem) - a prominent Soviet historian, economist, candidate economic sciences(1936), doctor historical sciences(1940), professor. The first candidate of economic sciences in the USSR with a degree in Air Transport Economics (1936). One of the first, on an extensive documentary base, seriously studied the history of the outbreak of the First World War. Professor of the Planning Institute of the State Planning Committee of the RSFSR in Saratov (1943-1944), Professor of the Credit and Economic Institute of the State Bank of the USSR (1943-1944), Professor of the Central Asian state university(Tashkent State Technical University) in Tashkent (1951-1953), Professor of the Department of History of Modern and Contemporary Times of the Belarusian State University (1953-1972). All his life he was non-partisan, in 1973 he left for Israel.

Pugachenkova, Galina Anatolievna

Galina Anatolyevna Pugachenkova (1915 - 2007) - famous archaeologist and art critic, academician of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, wife of the famous archaeologist Mikhail Evgenievich Masson.

Radjabov, Nazir Radjabovich

Nazir Rajabovich Radjabov (born May 9, 1939) is an Uzbek Soviet party leader. Member of the CPSU; Minister of Agricultural Construction of the Uzbek SSR (1978 - 1983), Minister of Construction of the Uzbek SSR (1983 - 1984), First Secretary of the Namangan Regional Committee of the Communist Party of Uzbekistan (1984-1987), First Secretary of the Samarkand Regional Committee of the Communist Party of Uzbekistan (1987-1988). Deputy of the Council of the Union of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the 11th convocation (1984-1989) from the Namangan region. Member of the Supreme Soviet of the Uzbek SSR.

Salimov, Zokirzhon Salimovich

Zokirjon Salimovich Salimov (December 31, 1940 - October 3, 2015, Tashkent, Uzbekistan) - Soviet and Uzbek chemical scientist, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

List of higher educational institutions of Uzbekistan

This article lists all universities in Uzbekistan.

Universities are sorted by regions of the country.

List of power plants in Uzbekistan

According to the CIS Electricity Council, the total installed capacity of power plants in Uzbekistan at the end of 2017 was 14,140 MW, including 12,129 MW of thermal power plants, 1,878.7 MW of hydroelectric power plants, and 132.9 MW of others. In 2017, the power plants of Uzbekistan generated a total of 60.7 billion kWh of electricity.


TSTU is an abbreviation that may refer to the following universities:

Tambov State Technical University

Tver State Technical University

Tashkent State Technical University


Tashkent (uzb. Toshkent, Toshkent) - the capital and The largest city Uzbekistan, a city of republican subordination. The largest city in Central Asia by population (2,538,400 people) is the center of the Tashkent urban agglomeration, the most important political, economic, cultural and scientific center of the country, as well as an aviation, railway and automobile hub.

Tashkent is the 4th city in the CIS in terms of population. Is one of ancient cities Central Asia - in 2009 the 2200th anniversary of the city was celebrated.

Tashkent hosts state authorities, embassies of foreign states, headquarters of most of the largest Uzbek commercial organizations and public associations.

Ferghana Polytechnic Institute (Uzb. Farg‘ona politexnika instituti) is one of the major higher educational institutions Republic of Uzbekistan, located in Fergana. Founded in 1967 by decision of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary special education in order to train young personnel for leading enterprises in the chemical and petrochemical industries in the region and beyond. To date, the institute also carries out research activities in the field of mechanical engineering, energy, chemistry and economics.

Yusupbekov, Nodyrbek Rustambekovich

Nodyrbek Rustambekovich Yusupbekov (January 7, 1940, Tashkent) - Soviet and Uzbek chemist-technologist. Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan.