Alexander Kobzar is a Ukrainian theater and film actor who has also received recognition as a director. Fans of Russian cinema know the artist from the films “Match”, “Forget and Remember”, “The Guide” and others.

Alexander was born in Kyiv on May 18, 1976. Early childhood the future actor took place in the Obolon region. When Sasha was a teenager, the boy's father became seriously ill. Nikolai Kobzar had a heart attack, and doctors advised him to move to a quiet provincial town. Therefore, the family moves to Nezhin, where Alexander graduated from school.

The actor recalls that as a child he was not much different from his peers. The boy had many friends with whom he walked on the street.

The young man did not have the slightest desire to connect life with art. Having received his matriculation certificate, Kobzar went to Kyiv with the goal of becoming a student pedagogical university. But these plans were not destined to come true, and Alexander returned to Nizhyn. For company with best friend, who began studying at the local cultural school, Kobzar participated in theatrical productions and, under the leadership of Oksana and Vladimir Malyarenko, literally fell in love with the profession of an actor.

At the first opportunity he entered acting department Kyiv Theater Institute named after Ivan Karpenko-Kary, and upon graduation he did not leave his alma mater, but studied further, but to become a director.

Assigned, Alexander went to the Donetsk Russian Drama Theater. Two years later he is already at the Nizhyn Theater - he goes on stage and makes productions himself. And then, together with a group of colleagues, Kobzar created an original play “Morphine” based on the story, which the actors showed right on the streets!

The long-term collaboration of the Ukrainian actor and director with the Academic Theater of Drama and Comedy on the left bank of the Dnieper, which lasted over 12 years, is known. There, Alexander, together with him, staged the play “Playing Chonkin,” for which he received a number of the most prestigious theater awards. Since 2016, the actor has been a member of the troupe of the National Academic Russian Drama Theater named after.


Alexander Kobzar’s first attempt at cinema was the war drama “Second Front”. But for a long time he continued to be considered a theater actor, and appeared on screen occasionally. The most significant roles were the brother of the famous ataman Emelyan Makhno from the series “The Nine Lives of Nestor Makhno”, the regional crime boss Alexey Bryusov from the action film “Brother for Brother” and the anesthesiologist Ilya Rozin from the action-packed film “Fury”.

Between these projects, Alexander appeared in the drama “I Won’t Tell” directed by Igor Kopylov with and.

Alexander gained wide popularity among viewers from the dramatic sports film “Match”, where he played the role of Viktor Shevtsov and collaborated with, and again with Elizaveta Boyarskaya.

The film is based on real events, which tells the story between German and Soviet football players. The plot of the film unfolded in 1942. In occupied Kyiv, the Wehrmacht team took to the field against the local team.

The film was released in early 2012. The release of the film was accompanied by a scandal: the authorities banned the screening of the drama within the country, and Ukrainian nationalists even staged several protests. However, this attracted even more attention to the picture. It is known that at first Alexander was supposed to play a different role.

After the success of the film, Kobzar began to regularly receive filming offers.

The supporting role of Dmitry Sokolov went to the artist in the mini-series “The Flight of the Butterfly.”

It’s also worth paying attention to the melodrama “Rita’s Last Role,” the family film “Solstice,” the historical and biographical drama “The Guide” and the detective series “Nikonov and Co.”

In the latter, Alexander played the role of a disabled investigator. Despite this, the man copes well with the responsibilities assigned to him. To play the role, the artist had to learn a lot of text and spend 16 hours on the set in a wheelchair. As a result, Alexander developed huge calluses on his hands.

In the thriller “Captive,” Alexander Kobzar played the maniacal killer Rodion, who kidnapped a woman similar to his ex-career wife. Together with the artist, Igor Arnautov and others starred in the film.

In an equally interesting project called “According to the Laws of Martial Time,” Alexander played the role of German agent, infiltrated the Soviet authorities.

The interest of viewers was aroused by the series with the famously twisted plot “Forget and Remember.” Along with Kobzar, Anton Sokolov also appeared in the serial film.

The story of the film was built around the girl Natalya, a former pupil of orphanage. She married a wealthy man, Leonid Mazov, and was happy until she found in the businessman’s mansion the diary of her husband’s ex-wife, who died under strange circumstances. Natasha understands: in order to survive, she must disappear. Then she fakes her own death. But after 7 years, the past catches up with the girl.

Personal life

While studying at theater university Alexander Kobzar met fellow student Vera, who soon became the artist’s wife and took the surname Kobzar. They went to Donetsk together, moved from theater to theater together. Therefore, Vera and Alexander are inseparable both at home and at work. The couple claim that they do not get tired of each other.

In 2016, they even starred together in the TV series “Relatives,” which tells the story of a father doing his best to reconcile his quarreling sons. But Vera herself considers herself a theater actress and rarely appears on screen.

The couple created a strong family and gave birth to two children, who received ancient Slavic names. First, they had a daughter, Varvara, and a few years later, a son, Prokhor. Despite being very busy, the married couple tries to spend time with their children as often as possible.

The artist said that although the guys are still small and about future profession It’s too early to talk about kids, Varya already dreams of treating animals. The girl loves cats and dogs very much.

The artist clearly separates his work in cinema and theater. The first is for earning money, the second is for professional growth.

Alexander Kobzar now

In 2017, Alexander was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Ukraine.

In February, the actor’s career biography was supplemented by the main role in the mini-series “Crossroads”. He played the role of successful programmer Alexander Verbov, who returned to his homeland from Canada after 20 years. This happened because the man received a letter from his daughter Maya, whose existence he did not even suspect. The search for the girl takes place under fateful circumstances, as a result of which Alexander must make a decision - to leave or stay.

One of the main roles was played by Kobzar in the family film “The Tale of Money,” which was released on Ukrainian television in January 2018.

A little earlier, he appeared in the series “Run, Don’t Look Back!” Alexander reincarnated as a tyrannical husband main character Tatiana Bobrova. As a result, the woman decided to run away from her cruel husband.

In 2018, Kobzar entered the list of the highest paid stars in Ukraine. Stanislav Boklan topped the rating.


  • 2006 - “The Nine Lives of Nestor Makhno”
  • 2009 - “Theft Rules”
  • 2010 - “I won’t tell”
  • 2012 - “Match”
  • 2012 - “Rita’s last role”
  • 2013 - “Guide”
  • 2014 - “Labyrinths of Fate”
  • 2015 - “According to the laws of war”
  • 2015 - Nikonov and Co.
  • 2016 - “Relatives”
  • 2017 - “Crossroads”
  • 2017 - “Run, don’t look back!”
  • 2018 - “A Tale about Money”

Applied mathematical statistics. Kobzar A.I.

For engineers and scientists.

M.: Fizmatlit, 2006.- 816 p.

The book discusses ways to analyze observations using mathematical statistics methods. Consistently, in a language accessible to a specialist - not a mathematician, are presented modern methods analyzing probability distributions, estimating distribution parameters, testing statistical hypotheses, assessing relationships between random variables, planning a statistical experiment. The main attention is paid to explaining examples of the application of methods of modern mathematical statistics.

The book is intended for engineers, researchers, economists, doctors, graduate students and students who want to quickly, economically and at a high professional level use the entire arsenal of modern mathematical statistics to solve your applied problems.

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About mathematical statistics and this book 13
Chapter 1. Probability distributions of random variables 23
1.1. Continuous distributions 24
1.2. Discrete distributions 84
Chapter 2. Estimation of parameters of probability distributions 96
2.1. Estimation of normal distribution parameters 98
2.2. Estimation of exponential distribution parameters 134
2.3. Estimation of Weibull distribution parameters 146
2.4. Estimation of gamma distribution parameters 179
2.5. Estimation of parameters of the binomial distribution 182
2.6. Estimation of hypergeometric distribution parameters 191
2.7. Estimates for an unknown probability distribution law 192
2.8. Some special practical problems 195
2.9. Planning experiments to estimate distribution parameters 197
Chapter 3. Methods for analyzing the laws of probability distribution of random variables 202
3.1. General consent criteria 204
3.2. Criteria for normal distribution 231
3.3. Criteria for checking the exponentiality of a distribution 279
3.4. Goodness-of-fit criteria for uniform distribution 319
3.5. Symmetry criteria 336
3.6. Selection of probability distribution curves from experimental data. 352
Chapter 4. Testing hypotheses about the values ​​of distribution parameters 388
4.1. Comparison of distribution parameters 389
4.2. Nonparametric (distribution-free) criteria for homogeneity of statistical data 451
4.3. Criteria for trend and randomness 517
4.4. Tolerance limits 569
Chapter 5. Methods for studying relationships between random variables 590
5.1. Analysis of variance 590
5.2. Correlation analysis 606
5.3. Regression analysis 648
5.4. Control cards 697
5.5. Mathematical and statistical methods of experiment planning 715
A very short afterword 736
References 737
Abbreviated names of used magazines 760
List of demonstration tasks 761
List of mathematical and statistical tables 789
Subject index 806
Name index 811

Name: Applied math statistics. 2006.

The book discusses ways to analyze observations using mathematical statistics methods. Sequentially, in a language accessible to a specialist - not a mathematician, modern methods of analyzing probability distributions, estimating distribution parameters, testing statistical hypotheses, assessing relationships between random variables, and planning a statistical experiment are presented. The main attention is paid to explaining examples of the application of methods of modern mathematical statistics.
The book is intended for engineers, researchers, economists, doctors, graduate students and students who want to quickly, economically and at a high professional level use the entire arsenal of modern mathematical statistics to solve their applied problems.

Hello, dear reader! Whether you are an engineer, a physician, an economist, an agronomist, a biologist, a psychologist or a geographer, every day and every hour you deal with a stream of data falling on you. With their help, the world around us tries to tell us about itself. The results of testing the device inform the engineer about what he has created; tell the doctor about the results of his work with information about diseases; information about the work of industry to force the economist to once again check the effectiveness of the economic system. One way or another, each of us, looking back at the past or looking into the future, will not escape the need to receive information and extract from it answers to our many questions.
It would seem that it would be easier for an engineer to look at the test results of the device and identify all his shortcomings; the doctor received the test results and accurately made the correct diagnosis. However, bitter experience suggests that this is not always the case. It turns out that, observing the same phenomenon, we will receive all the time different results. This is a manifestation of the power of His Majesty Chance. The word chance, so transparent to a professional statistician, remains for most industrial engineers, doctors, biologists and economists a symbol of the intervention of dark, uncontrollable forces. In part, this is an intuitive reaction of “common sense” to the duality and interdependence of the conceptual pair “randomness - determinism.”

About mathematical statistics and this book 13
Chapter 1. Probability distributions of random variables 23
1.1. Continuous distributions 24
1.2. Discrete distributions 84
Chapter 2. Estimation of parameters of probability distributions 96
2.1. Estimation of normal distribution parameters 98
2.2. Estimation of exponential distribution parameters 134
2.3. Estimation of Weibull distribution parameters 146
2.4. Estimation of gamma distribution parameters 179
2.5. Estimation of parameters of the binomial distribution 182
2.6. Estimation of hypergeometric distribution parameters 191
2.7. Estimates for an unknown probability distribution law 192
2.8. Some special practical problems 195
2.9. Planning experiments to estimate distribution parameters 197
Chapter 3. Methods for analyzing the laws of probability distribution of random variables 202
3.1. General consent criteria 204
3.2. Criteria for normal distribution 231
3.3. Criteria for checking the exponentiality of a distribution 279
3.4. Goodness-of-fit criteria for uniform distribution 319
3.5. Symmetry criteria 336
3.6. Selection of probability distribution curves from experimental data 352
Chapter 4. Testing hypotheses about the values ​​of distribution parameters 388
4.1. Comparison of distribution parameters 389
4.2. Nonparametric (distribution-free) criteria for homogeneity of statistical data 451
4.3. Criteria for trend and randomness 517
4.4. Tolerance limits 569
Chapter 5. Methods for studying relationships between random variables 590
5.1. Analysis of variance 590
5.2. Correlation analysis 606
5.3. Regression analysis 648
5.4. Control cards 697
5.5. Mathematical and statistical methods of experiment planning 715
A very short afterword 736
References 737
Abbreviated names of used magazines 760
List of demonstration tasks 761
List of mathematical and statistical tables 789
Subject index 806
Name index 811

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The authors proceeded from the needs and capabilities of practitioners - economists and managers of the real sector of the economy and technology. This determined the depth of the invasion into the theory of games, a highly mathematical science. The authors chose to do this in an accessible form, without overloading the text with complex mathematical passages. Logical and mathematical calculations alternate with historical examples, literary analogies and simply entertaining stories, which will allow the reader to get acquainted with the basics of game theory, comprehending, first of all, the semantic content of the latter. The book, most likely, is a beginner’s guide to the history of the emergence of game theory, the path of its formation, starting with gambling parlor games and ending with global processes of business and politics; basic messages; basic techniques and methods. Mathematical support is available to users who have a good knowledge of mathematics high school And initial courses universities

Format: Hard glossy, 272 pages.

ISBN: 9785922116565

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