Great ones about poetry:

Poetry is like painting: some works will captivate you more if you look at them closely, and others if you move further away.

Small cutesy poems irritate the nerves more than the creaking of unoiled wheels.

The most valuable thing in life and in poetry is what has gone wrong.

Marina Tsvetaeva

Of all the arts, poetry is the most susceptible to the temptation to replace its own peculiar beauty with stolen splendors.

Humboldt V.

Poems are successful if they are created with spiritual clarity.

The writing of poetry is closer to worship than is usually believed.

If only you knew from what rubbish poems grow without shame... Like a dandelion on a fence, like burdocks and quinoa.

A. A. Akhmatova

Poetry is not only in verses: it is poured out everywhere, it is all around us. Look at these trees, at this sky - beauty and life emanate from everywhere, and where there is beauty and life, there is poetry.

I. S. Turgenev

For many people, writing poetry is a growing pain of the mind.

G. Lichtenberg

Beautiful verse is like a bow drawn through the sonorous fibers of our being. The poet makes our thoughts sing within us, not our own. By telling us about the woman he loves, he delightfully awakens in our souls our love and our sorrow. He's a magician. By understanding him, we become poets like him.

Where graceful poetry flows, there is no room for vanity.

Murasaki Shikibu

I turn to Russian versification. I think that over time we will turn to blank verse. There are too few rhymes in the Russian language. One calls the other. The flame inevitably drags the stone behind it. It is through feeling that art certainly emerges. Who is not tired of love and blood, difficult and wonderful, faithful and hypocritical, and so on.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

-...Are your poems good, tell me yourself?
- Monstrous! – Ivan suddenly said boldly and frankly.
- Do not write anymore! – the newcomer asked pleadingly.
- I promise and swear! - Ivan said solemnly...

Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov. "Master and Margarita"

We all write poetry; poets differ from others only in that they write in their words.

John Fowles. "The French Lieutenant's Mistress"

Every poem is a veil stretched over the edges of a few words. These words shine like stars, and because of them the poem exists.

Alexander Alexandrovich Blok

Ancient poets, unlike modern ones, rarely wrote more than a dozen poems during their long lives. This is understandable: they were all excellent magicians and did not like to waste themselves on trifles. Therefore, behind every poetic work of those times there is certainly hidden an entire Universe, filled with miracles - often dangerous for those who carelessly awaken the dozing lines.

Max Fry. "Chatty Dead"

I gave one of my clumsy hippopotamuses this heavenly tail:...

Mayakovsky! Your poems do not warm, do not excite, do not infect!
- My poems are not a stove, not a sea, and not a plague!

Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky

Poems are our inner music, clothed in words, permeated with thin strings of meanings and dreams, and therefore, drive away the critics. They are just pathetic sippers of poetry. What can a critic say about the depths of your soul? Don't let his vulgar groping hands in there. Let poetry seem to him like an absurd moo, a chaotic pile-up of words. For us, this is a song of freedom from a boring mind, a glorious song sounding on the snow-white slopes of our amazing soul.

Boris Krieger. "A Thousand Lives"

Poems are the thrill of the heart, the excitement of the soul and tears. And tears are nothing more than pure poetry that has rejected the word.

He makes noise in the field and garden,
But it won't get into the house.
And I'm not going anywhere
As long as he goes.


Under New Year he came to the house
Such a ruddy fat man.
But every day I lost my weight
And in the end he completely disappeared.


We walk at night
We walk during the day
But nowhere
We won't leave.

We hit well
Each hour.
And you, friends,
Don't hit us!


What is before us:
Two shafts behind the ears,
Before our eyes on the wheel
And the saddle on the nose?


We always walk together,
Similar as brothers.
We are at lunch - under the table,
And at night - under the bed.


I'm the most active worker
In a workshop.
I'm beating as hard as I can
Day after day.

How I envy the couch potato,
What is lying around without any use,
I'll pin him to the board
I'll hit you on the head!

The poor thing will hide in the board -
His cap is barely visible.


Blue house at the gate.
Guess who lives in it.

The door is narrow under the roof -
Not for a squirrel, not for a mouse,
Not for the outsider,
A talkative starling.

News is flying through this door,
They spend half an hour together.
News does not stay for a long time -
They fly in all directions!


Musician, singer, storyteller,
And just a circle and a box.


They beat him with a hand and a stick,
Nobody feels sorry for him.
Why are they beating the poor guy?
And for the fact that he is inflated!


In the Linen Country
Along the Prostynya River
The steamer is sailing
Now back, now forward.
And behind him there is such a smooth surface -
Not a wrinkle in sight!


She got down to business
She squealed and sang.
I ate, I ate
Oak, oak,
Tooth, tooth.


I just keep going,
And if I do, I’ll fall.


Who, curling up couples as they run,
Blowing smoke through the pipe,
Carries forward
And myself
And me too?


She was green, small,
Then I became scarlet.
I turned black in the sun,
And now I'm ripe.
Holding the cane with your hand,
I've been waiting for you for a long time.
You will eat me and the bone
Burrow in your garden.

(Illustrated by V. Konashevich, published by Detgiz, 1950)

Published by: Mishka 27.03.2018 15:26 24.05.2019

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Other poems by Marshak

  • That's how absent-minded - Samuil Marshak

    There lived an absent-minded man on Basseynaya Street. In the morning he sat down on the bed, began to put on his shirt, put his hands into the sleeves - It turned out that these were trousers. That's how absent-minded he is from Basseynaya Street! He began to put on his coat - They told him: ...

  • Cat's House - Samuil Marshak

    CHARACTERS Cat; Two kittens; Cat Vasily; Rooks; Goat; Beavers; Goat; Piglets; Rooster; Ram; Chicken; Sheep; Pig; Narrator. Choir Bim-bom! Tili-bom! There is a tall house in the yard. Carved shutters, painted windows. And there's a carpet on the stairs...

  • Kittens - Samuil Marshak

    Two little kittens quarreled in the corner. The angry housewife took her broom and swept the fighting kittens out of the kitchen, unable to decide who was right and who was wrong. And it was at night, in winter, in January. Two little kittens were chilled in the yard. They lay curled up on a stone by the porch, buried their noses in their paws and began to wait for the end. But the hostess took pity and opened the door. - Well? - she asked. - Don't quarrel now? They went quietly to their corner for the night. The cold, wet snow was shaken off the skin. And both of them fell asleep in a sweet sleep in front of the stove. And the blizzard rustled outside the window until dawn. (Illustration by A. Eliseeva)

    • Flashlight - Agnia Barto

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Since childhood, we all know very well Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak, a Russian Soviet poet who wrote a lot of books for the youngest and most inquisitive readers. It is Marshak’s riddles that attract children, and they read them with pleasure and try to unravel what is encrypted in these lines, what they are talking about, who is the hero of the riddle-poems.

Each age has its own poems

So, let's try to get to know the work of the master of pen and ink.

In each of his numerous collections, Samuil Yakovlevich tried to arrange poems into thematic sections. This is exactly how the last collection of poems for children was compiled, which was prepared during the author’s lifetime. The compilers of the remaining volumes of his works, which were published after Marshak’s death, did the same. The poet was sure that in books for children it is most convenient to distribute poems according to age criteria. Of course, there are no sharply defined boundaries in children’s perception of works. The author just helps little readers get acquainted with the poems as such, and also try to guess what the lines say.

For whom is it more difficult to write?

According to Samuil Yakovlevich himself, it is books for the little ones - with fairy tales, poems and riddles - that are the most difficult genre of children's literature. He once recalled how his son, who was not yet two years old at that time, asked to read a book out loud to him. Marshak began to read, but soon realized that the little one did not like any of the proposed poems and did not make any impression. Then he began to tell him a story. First, dad started to write prose, and then, gradually, switched to poetry. This seriously interested the little listener. So, over time, the books “Luggage”, “Mustachioed and Striped” and others appeared. And this is where the idea of ​​arranging poems by sections and topics came from.

Getting to know the riddles

Marshak's riddles, of which there are countless numbers, amaze with their uniqueness, a certain intricate plot and the originality of writing about seemingly completely simple and understandable things. But this is what makes them interesting to children.

Despite the fact that they are not very long, the riddles look like real ones literary works, only small ones. Marshak’s riddles for children are not ordinary metaphor questions. They are whole poems that are very easy to remember. Kids always enjoy reading them themselves or listening to their parents read to them. It is impossible not to pay attention to the fact that little readers solve Marshak’s author’s riddles much faster than their mothers and fathers, grandparents.

The themes of these riddles are very different. They talk about home and nature, about people and shoes, about toys and trees, about electricity and tools, about the calendar and time, about sports and musical instruments. You can continue for a very long time. But it has already become clear that the clues are all those objects that surround us all the time in Everyday life. True, there are also Marshak’s riddles, the answers to which are not so easy to obtain; they are quite non-standard.

“If you make faces at me, I make faces too.”

Almost everyone loves both his poems and his riddles. More than one generation of Soviet children grew up on them, and even after the collapse Soviet Union interest in Marshak’s work has not decreased by a single line, not by a single poem. Children often love poems and riddles by S.Ya. Marshak with answers for their rhythm: it is very clear and easy to remember. Sometimes kids don’t even listen to the meaning of the poems, they simply gesticulate in time with the lines spoken to them by their parents. It even happens that children do not yet understand the words, but they really love to listen to how little counting rhymes or riddles are read to them.

Indeed, you just have to read the lines: “The blue house at the gate. Guess who lives in it? - and immediately a sea of ​​energy appears from somewhere, you want to smile, enjoy the little things. And I really want to know what this riddle is all about? Well, of course, about the mailbox.

Master's riddle style

Samuil Marshak’s style seems to imitate what is usually used in Only the latter, as a rule, we are talking about man, nature, natural phenomena... Marshak's riddles include the most ordinary things that a person can use in everyday life: glasses, a hammer, a mirror, an entrance door, a ball, a watch, matches, slippers, a bicycle... The author tried to describe them as simply as possible, but so that the kids could Interesting.

And indeed, all his riddles turned out to be very accessible to perception. The duet of fairly simple rhymes and phonetic clarity was the assistant that helped not only quickly understand Marshak’s riddles, but also remember them for many years.

Distinctive features

Despite their simplicity, question-riddles do not provide the reader with detailed and full description, as (let’s take for a comparative example) Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak’s riddles with answers can only provide a small hint, using which, the kid, in order to find the correct answer, uses all his imagination, logical thinking, all lexicon which he owns, and all his small (for an adult, but significant for a child) knowledge.

Of course, such riddles make a much stronger impression on children than those where the answer can be guessed in rhyme or found by the most detailed characteristics. But guessing them is a little more difficult. But it’s much more interesting. The main thing is that when reading these riddles, parents do not forget to take into account the age of the baby.

Olga Vladimirovna Savkina
“An evening of riddles based on the works of S. Ya. Marshak.” Speech therapy session V preparatory group

Target. Consolidating children's knowledge about works by C. I. Marshak, whom the guys met during the implementation of the project.


1. Develop children's understanding of literary genres: mystery, story and poem.

2. Develop communication skills, form a friendly attitude towards each other and books.

3. Deepen children's reading experience.

4. Develop Creative skills children in artistic and creative activities using materials works C. I. Marshak.

5. Cultivate interest and love for works by C. I. Marshak.

Equipment: projector, slides works by C. I. Marshak, pictures depicting heroes by works by C. I. Marshak.


Speech therapist: - Guys, today we are going to Magic world fairy tales and poems by S. Ya. Marshak.

A mouse sang in a hole at night:

Sleep, little mouse, shut up!

I'll give you a crust of bread

And a candle stub.

Speech therapist: - Guys, you probably guessed what fairy tale these lines are from.

3 options: "The Tale of the Stupid Mouse", "The Tale of a Smart Mouse", "The Tale of a Capricious Mouse".

Speech therapist: - Well done! Of course it is "The Tale of the Stupid Mouse".

Now let's check how you know this fairy tale?

Tell me, guys, who did the mother mouse run to call as a nanny for her stupid little mouse?

4 options (slide): duck, toad, horse, bear.

Speech therapist: -

He sat down on his bed in the morning,

I started putting on my shirt,

He stuck his hands into the sleeves,

It turned out that these were trousers.

Guys, have you guessed which person we are talking about? ( “He’s so absent-minded”)

Guys, what did an absent-minded person like to wear on his head? (Frying pan.)

What about the legs? (Gloves.)

Guys, why did an absent-minded man travel on a train for two days, but still end up in Leningrad? (He got into the uncoupled carriage.)

Speech therapist: -

The kitten didn’t want to take a bath -

He knocked over the trough

And in the corner behind the chest

He washes his paw with his tongue.

What a stupid kitten!

What kind of kitten are we talking about? ( "Mustachioed - Striped".) (slide)

Who was the owner of this kitten? (Girl of four years old.) (slide)

Speech therapist: - His homeland is Italy. He grew up in a garden bed in a noisy and friendly family, and graduated from the school of onion sciences there. ( "Chipollino".) (slide.)

Speech therapist: -

There's an old lady in the world

Lived calmly

I ate crackers

And I drank coffee.

And he was with the old lady

Purebred dog,

Shaggy ears

And a cropped nose.

What kind of dog did the old lady have? ( "Poodle".) (slide)

Speech therapist: -

Firefighters are looking for

The police are looking for

Photographers are looking for

In our capital,

They've been looking for a long time,

But they can't find

Some guy

About twenty years old.

("The Story of an Unknown Man".) (slide)

Speech therapist: - Guys, what noble deed did this guy do?

Children: - He saved the girl from the fire.

Speech therapist: -

Lady checking in luggage


And little...

4 options (slide): cat, pig, goat, dog.

Speech therapist: - Right! Well done!

Who's knocking on my door

With a thick shoulder bag,

With number "5" on the backpack

In a blue company shirt?

This is him, this is him... (Leningrad postman).

Speech therapist: - Great, guys! I'm glad you know so well works C. I. Marshak. And now it's time to rest. Let's play.

Outdoor game

Speech therapist: - Guys! On the floor there are pictures depicting different characters from works by C. I. Marshak. As soon as the music starts, you can dance, jump, run. The music stops playing - you must have time to stand next to any hero. Each time there will be fewer and fewer heroes. We play until all the heroes leave.

Speech therapist: - We rested. Let's sit down on the chairs and continue.

Guys, do you know that S. Ya. Marshak also wrote many riddles? Let's play. I will tell his riddles, and you guess.

He makes noise in the field and in the garden,

But it won't get into the house.

And I'm not going anywhere,

As long as he goes. (Rain)

She got down to business

She squealed and sang


Tooth, tooth. (Saw)

We always walk together,

Similar as brothers.

We are at dinner - under the table,

And at night - under the bed. (Boots)

They beat him with a hand and a stick.

Nobody feels sorry for him.

Why are they beating the poor guy?

And for the fact that he is inflated! (Ball)

We walk at night

We walk during the day

But nowhere

We won't leave.

We hit well

Each hour.

And you are friends

Don't hit us! (Watch)

Speech therapist: - Well done! You solved the riddles, I suggest playing. But first, guess which fairy tale these lines are from?

Once upon a time there was a cat in the world,



She didn't live like others cats:

I didn't sleep on a matting.

And in a cozy bedroom,

On a small bed,

She covered herself in scarlet

Warm blanket

And in a down pillow

She drowned her head. ( "Cat house".) (slide)

Development of graphic skills

Speech therapist: - Guys! Let's portray with you "Cat house" on a piece of paper. Each of you will draw one part Houses: someone will draw the walls, someone the roof, etc.


Speech therapist: - Well done boys! Did you enjoy our trip? Today you showed your excellent knowledge of works by C. I. Marshak. For this, I have prepared gifts for you.

Publications on the topic:

In our kindergarten, as in many kindergartens, “Theater Week” took place. One of them is showing children a theatrical fairy tale. This usually goes away.

Literary quiz based on the works of K. I. Chukovsky, A. L. Barto, S. Ya. Marshak for preschool children Program objectives: 1. Continue to deepen children's interest in the works of children's writers K. I. Chukovsky, A. L. Barto, S. Ya. Marshak. 2. Encourage.

Literary quiz based on the works of V. Bianchi with children of the preparatory group Literary quiz based on the works of V. Bianchi" with children of the preparatory group Objectives: To introduce children to the works of V. V.

Target. Consolidating children's knowledge about the numerous works of S. Ya. Marshak, which the children became acquainted with during the implementation of the project.

Marshak's riddles for children

Samuil Marshak's riddle poems delight all children. The clever riddles of this author can baffle not only children, but also adults. Therefore, do not stop training your memory, thinking and attention - solve riddles!

Marshak's riddles

He makes noise in the field and in the garden,
But it won't get into the house.
And I'm not going anywhere
As long as he goes.

Answer? Rain

What is before us:
Two shafts behind the ears,
Before our eyes on the wheel
And the saddle on the nose?

Answer? Glasses

Blue house at the gate.
Guess who lives in it.
The door is narrow under the roof -
Not for a squirrel, not for a mouse,
Not for the outsider,
A talkative starling.
News is flying through this door,
They spend half an hour together.
News does not stay for a long time -
They fly in all directions!

Answer? Mailbox

She got down to business
She squealed and sang.
I ate, I ate
Oak, oak,
Tooth, tooth.

Answer? Saw

We always walk together,
Similar as brothers.
We are at lunch - under the table,
And at night - under the bed.

Answer? Boots

They beat him with a hand and a stick.
Nobody feels sorry for him.
Why are they beating the poor guy?
And for the fact that he is inflated!

Answer? Ball

Early in the morning outside the window -
Knocking, and ringing, and chaos.
Along straight steel tracks
Red houses are walking around.
They reach the outskirts,
And then they run back.
The owner sits in front
And he rings the alarm with his foot.
Turns deftly
The handle is in front of the window.
Where the sign "Stop" is
Stops the house.
Every now and then to the site
People come in from the street.
And the hostess is in order
He gives everyone tickets.

Answer? Tram

Who, curling up couples as they run,
Blowing smoke
Carries forward
And myself
And me too?

Answer? Train

Ask me
How I work.
Around the axis
I'm spinning on my own.

Answer? Wheel

Its spring and summer
We saw him dressed.
And in the fall from the poor thing
All the shirts were torn off.
But winter snowstorms
They dressed him in furs.

Answer? Tree

She was green, small,
Then I became scarlet.
I turned black in the sun,
And now I'm ripe.
Holding the cane with your hand,
I've been waiting for you for a long time.
You will eat me and the bone
Plant in your garden.

Answer? Cherry

On New Year's Eve he came to the house
Such a ruddy fat man.
But every day he lost weight
And finally he disappeared completely.

Answer? Calendar

We walk at night
We walk during the day
But nowhere
We won't leave.
We hit well
Each hour.
And you, friends,
Don't hit us!

Answer? Watch

In the Linen Country
Along the Prostynya River
The steamer is sailing
Now back, now forward.
And behind him there is such a smooth surface -
Not a wrinkle in sight!

Answer? Iron

Musician, singer, storyteller,
All it takes is a circle and a box.

Answer? Gramophone

In a snowy field along the road
My one-legged horse is rushing
And for many, many years
Leaves a black mark.

Answer? Feather

I'm the most active worker
In a workshop.
I'm beating as hard as I can
Day after day.
How I envy the couch potato,
What is lying around without any use,
I'll pin him to the board
I'll hit you on the head!
The poor thing will hide in the board -
His cap is barely visible.

Answer? Hammer and nail

I just keep going,
And if I do, I’ll fall.

Answer? Bike

He is your portrait
Similar to you in everything.
Are you laughing -
He will laugh too.
You are jumping -
He jumps towards you.
You will cry -
He cries with you.

Answer? Reflection in the mirror

Even though he didn't leave for a moment
Since your birthday,
You haven't seen his face
But only reflections.

Answer? You yourself

We look alike.
If you make faces at me,
I grimace too.

Answer? Reflection in the mirror

I'm your comrade, captain.
When the ocean is angry
And you wander in the darkness
On a lonely ship, -
Light a lantern in the darkness of the night
And consult me:
I'll sway, I'll tremble -
And I will show you the way to the north.

Answer? Compass

Standing in the garden among the pond
A column of silver water.

Answer? Fountain

In the hut -
At the hut -
I lit a torch
Placed it on the threshold
There was a noise in the hut,
There was a buzz in the pipe.
The people see the flame,
But it doesn’t simmer.

Answer? Bake

I am your horse and carriage.
My eyes are two fires.
A heart warmed by gasoline,
It's pounding in my chest.
I wait patiently and silently
On the street, at the gate,
And again my voice is wolf
Scares people on the way.

Answer? Automobile

Here is the green mountain
There is a deep hole in it.
What a miracle! What a miracle!
Someone ran out of there
On wheels and with a pipe,
The tail drags behind it.

Answer? Locomotive

From prison one hundred sisters
Released into the open
They take them carefully
Rubbing my head against the wall,
They strike deftly once and twice -
Your head will light up.

Answer? Matches

My dear friend
In the tea trust the chairman:
The whole family in the evening
He treats you to tea.
He's a tall and strong guy,
Swallows wood chips without harm.
Although he is not very tall,
And it puffs like a steam engine.

Answer? Samovar

wooden road,
It goes up steeply:
Every step -
It's a ravine.

Answer? Step ladder

How did the four brothers go?
Tumble under the trough,
Carry me with you
Along the road is a public road.

Answer? Four wheels

Behind the glass door
Someone's heart is beating -
So quiet
So quiet.

Answer? Watch

Along the paths, along the paths
He is running.
And if you give him a boot -
He's flying.
They throw it up and to the side
In the meadow.
They butt his head
On the run.

Answer? Ball

We caught our river
They brought her home
The stove was hot
And we swim in winter.

Answer? Water pipes

Like a leafless branch,
I am straight, dry, subtle.
You met me often
In the student's diary.

Answer? Unit

There is a boy in my house
Three and a half years old.
He lights without fire
There is light throughout the apartment.
He will click once -
It's light here.
He will click once -
And the light went out.

Answer? Electric lamp

I rule a horned horse.
If this horse
I won't put you up against the fence,
He will fall without me.

Answer? Bike

She lets me into the house
And he lets him out.
At night under lock and key
She keeps my sleep.
She is neither in the city nor in the yard
Doesn't ask to go for a walk.
Looks into the corridor for a moment -
And into the room again.

Answer? Door