Humanity has taken its first active steps towards understanding space quite recently. Only about 60 years have passed since the launch of the first spacecraft with the first satellite on board. But during this short historical period of time it was possible to learn about many cosmic phenomena and conduct a large number of a wide variety of studies.

Oddly enough, with a deeper knowledge of space, more and more mysteries and phenomena are opening up for humanity that do not have answers at this stage. It is worth noting that even the closest cosmic body, namely the Moon, is still far from being studied. Due to the imperfection of technology and spacecraft, we do not have answers to a huge number of questions that concern outer space. Nevertheless, our portal site will be able to answer many questions that interest you and tell you a lot of interesting facts about cosmic phenomena.

The most unusual space phenomena from the portal site

A rather interesting cosmic phenomenon is galactic cannibalism. Despite the fact that galaxies are inanimate beings, one can still conclude from the term that it is based on the absorption of one galaxy by another. Indeed, the process of absorbing their own kind is characteristic not only of living organisms, but also of galaxies. So, currently, very close to our galaxy, a similar absorption of smaller galaxies by Andromeda is taking place. There are about ten such absorptions in this galaxy. Among galaxies, such interactions are quite common. Also, quite often, in addition to cannibalism of planets, their collision can occur. When studying cosmic phenomena, they were able to conclude that almost all the studied galaxies have at some time had contact with other galaxies.

Another interesting cosmic phenomenon can be called quasars. This concept refers to unique space beacons that can be detected using modern equipment. They are scattered in all remote parts of our Universe and indicate the origin of the entire cosmos and its objects. The peculiarity of these phenomena is that they emit a huge amount of energy, its power is greater than the energy emitted by hundreds of galaxies. Even at the beginning of the active study of outer space, namely in the early 60s, many objects were recorded that were considered quasars.

Their main characteristics are powerful radio emission and fairly small sizes. With the development of technology, it became known that only 10% of all objects that were considered quasars were actually these phenomena. The remaining 90% emitted virtually no radio waves. All objects related to quasars have very powerful radio emission, which can be detected by special earthling instruments. Yet very little is known about this phenomenon, and they remain a mystery to scientists; a lot of theories have been put forward on this subject, but there are no scientific facts about their origin. Most tend to believe that these are nascent galaxies, in the middle of which there is a huge black hole.

A very famous and at the same time unexplored phenomenon of space is dark matter. Many theories talk about its existence, but not a single scientist has been able to not only see it, but also record it with the help of instruments. It is still generally accepted that there are certain accumulations of this matter in space. In order to conduct research on such a phenomenon, humanity does not yet have the necessary equipment. Dark matter, according to scientists, is formed from neutrinos or invisible black holes. There are also opinions that no dark matter exists at all. The origin of the hypothesis about the presence of dark matter in the Universe was put forward due to the inconsistencies of gravitational fields, and it was also studied that the density of cosmic spaces is non-uniform.

Outer space is also characterized by gravitational waves, these phenomena are also very little studied. This phenomenon is considered to be distortion of the time continuum in space. This phenomenon was predicted a very long time ago by Einstein, where he spoke about it in his famous theory of relativity. The movement of such waves occurs at the speed of light, and it is extremely difficult to detect their presence. At this stage of development, we can observe them only during sufficient time. global changes in space, for example, during the merger of black holes. And even observation of such processes is possible only with the use of powerful gravitational-wave observatories. It should be noted that it is possible to detect these waves when emitted by two powerful interacting objects. The best quality of gravitational waves can be detected when two galaxies come into contact.

More recently, vacuum energy has become known. This confirms theories that interplanetary space is not empty, but occupied subatomic particles, which are constantly subject to destruction and new formations. The existence of vacuum energy is confirmed by the presence of cosmic energy of the antigravitational order. All this sets cosmic bodies and objects in motion. This raises another mystery about the meaning and purpose of the movement. Scientists have even come to the conclusion that vacuum energy is very high, it’s just that humanity has not yet learned to use it, we are used to getting energy from substances.

All these processes and phenomena are open for study at the present time; our portal site will help you get acquainted with them in more detail and will be able to give many answers to your questions. We have detailed information about all studied and little-studied phenomena. We also have cutting-edge information on all the space exploration that is currently underway.

Micro black holes, which were discovered quite recently, can also be called an interesting and rather unexplored cosmic phenomenon. The theory of the existence of very small black holes in the early 70s of the last century almost completely overturned the generally accepted theory of the big bang. It is believed that microholes are located throughout the Universe and have a special connection with the fifth dimension, in addition, they have their influence on time space. To study phenomena associated with small black holes, the Hadron Collider was supposed to help, but such experimental studies are extremely difficult even with the use of this device. Nevertheless, scientists do not abandon the study of these phenomena and their detailed study is planned in the near future.

In addition to small black holes, phenomena are known that reach gigantic sizes. They are characterized by high density and strong gravitational field. The gravitational field of black holes is so powerful that even light cannot escape this pull. They are very common in outer space. There are black holes in almost every galaxy, and their sizes can exceed the size of our star by tens of billions of times.

People who are interested in space and its phenomena must be familiar with the concept of neutrinos. These particles are mysterious primarily due to the fact that they do not have their own weight. They are actively used to overcome dense metals such as lead, since they practically do not interact with the substance itself. They surround everything in space and on our planet, they easily pass through all substances. Even 10^14 neutrinos pass through the human body every second. These particles are mainly released by radiation from the Sun. All stars are generators of these particles; they are also actively ejected into outer space during stellar explosions. To detect neutrino emissions, scientists placed large neutrino detectors on the seabed.

Many mysteries are connected with the planets, namely with strange phenomena that are associated with them. There are exoplanets that are located far from our star. An interesting fact is that even before the 90s of the last century, humanity believed that planets outside our solar system could not exist, but this is completely wrong. Even at the beginning of this year, there are about 452 exoplanets, which are located in various planetary systems Oh. Moreover, all known planets have a wide variety of sizes.

They can be either dwarf giants or huge gas giants that are the size of stars. Scientists are persistently searching for a planet that would resemble our Earth. These searches have not yet been successful, since it is difficult to find a planet that would have such dimensions and an atmosphere of similar composition. At the same time, for the possible origin of life, optimal temperature conditions are also necessary, which is also very difficult.

Analyzing all the phenomena of the planets being studied, in the early 2000s it was possible to discover a planet similar to ours, but still it has a significantly larger size, and it completes a revolution around its star in almost ten days. In 2007, another similar exoplanet was discovered, but it is also large in size, and a year passes on it in 20 days.

Research into cosmic phenomena and exoplanets, in particular, has made astronauts aware of the existence of a huge number of other planetary systems. Each open system gives scientists a new body of work to study, since each system is different from the other. Unfortunately, still imperfect research methods cannot reveal to us all the data about outer space and its phenomena.

For almost 50 years, astrophysicists have been studying weak radiation, discovered in the 60s. This phenomenon is called the microwave background of space. This radiation is also often referred to in the literature as cosmic microwave background radiation, which remains after the big bang. As you know, this explosion marked the beginning of the formation of all celestial bodies and objects. Most theorists, when advocating the Big Bang theory, use this background as proof that they are right. The Americans even managed to measure the temperature of this background, which is 270 degrees. Scientists after this discovery were awarded the Nobel Prize.

When talking about cosmic phenomena, it is simply impossible not to mention antimatter. This matter is, as it were, in constant resistance to the ordinary world. As you know, negative particles have their positively charged twin. Antimatter also has a positron as a counterweight. Due to all this, when the antipodes collide, energy is released. Often in science fiction there are fantastic ideas in which spaceships have propulsion systems that operate due to the collision of antiparticles. Physicists were able to achieve interesting calculations, according to which, when one kilogram of antimatter interacts with a kilogram of ordinary particles, an amount of energy will be released that is comparable to the energy of a very powerful explosion nuclear bomb. It is generally accepted that ordinary matter and antimatter have a similar structure.

Because of this, the question arises about this phenomenon: why do most space objects consist of matter? The logical answer would be that similar accumulations of antimatter exist somewhere in the Universe. Scientists, answering a similar question, start from the theory of the big bang, in which in the first seconds a similar asymmetry in the distribution of substances and matter arose. Scientists managed to obtain a small amount of antimatter in laboratory conditions, which is enough for further research. It should be noted that the resulting substance is the most expensive on our planet, since one gram of it costs 62 trillion dollars.

All of the above cosmic phenomena are the smallest part of everything interesting about cosmic phenomena, which you can find on the website portal. We also have many photos, videos and other useful information about outer space.

Space is full of mysteries and secrets. It is not for nothing that science fiction writers have devoted such a huge number of outstanding works to space themes. Moreover, there are many more inexplicable processes happening in space than we think. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the most amazing phenomena that occur in outer space.

Everyone knows that a shooting star is a simple meteorite that burns up in the atmosphere. However, many people are not aware of the existence of real hypervelocity shooting stars, which are huge fireballs of gas flying in outer space at speeds of millions of kilometers per hour. One hypothesis for this phenomenon is that when a binary star gets very close to a black hole, one of the stars is swallowed up by the massive black hole, and the other begins to move at tremendous speed. Just imagine a huge ball, the size of which is 4 times the size of our sun, flying at enormous speed in our galaxy.

One such planet, Gliese 581 c, orbits a small red star that is many times smaller than the sun. Its glow is hundreds of times less than that of our sun. The hellish planet is located much closer to its own star than our Earth. Due to its extreme proximity to its star, Gliese 581 c always faces the star on one side, while the other side is farther away from it. Therefore, a real hell is happening on the planet: one hemisphere resembles a “hot frying pan”, and the second - an icy desert. However, between the two poles there is a small belt where there is a possibility of life.

The Castor system includes 3 double systems. Here is the most bright Star- This is Pollux. The second brightest is Castor. In addition to them, the system includes two double stars similar to Betelgeuse (class 3 - red and orange stars). The overall brightness of the stars in the Castor system is 52.4 times higher than that of our sun. Look at the starry sky at night. Surely you will see these stars.

In recent years, scientists have been actively studying the dust cloud located near the center Milky Way. Some are convinced that God is located there. If it does exist, then he approached the issue of creating such an object quite creatively. German scientists have proven that a dust cloud called Sagittarius B2 has the smell of raspberries. This is achieved due to the presence of ethyl formate in a huge amount, which gives a specific smell to wild raspberries, as well as to rum.

Planet Gliese 436 b, discovered by scientists in 2004, is no less strange than Gliese 581 c. Its magnitude is almost the same as that of Neptune. The ice planet is located in the constellation Leo at a distance of 33 light years from our Earth. Planet Gliese 436 b is a huge ball of water with temperatures below 300 degrees. Due to the strong gravity of the core, water molecules on the surface of the planet do not evaporate, but the so-called process of “ice burning” occurs.

55 Cancri e or the diamond planet is made entirely of real diamonds. It was valued at 26.9 nonillion dollars. Undoubtedly, this is the most expensive object in the galaxy. It was once just a core in a binary system. But as a result of the influence of high temperature (more than 1600 degrees Celsius) and pressure, most carbons became diamonds. The dimensions of 55 Cancri e are twice that of our Earth, and the mass is as much as 8 times.

The huge Himiko cloud (half the size of the Milky Way) may show us the origins of the primordial galaxy. This object dates back 800 million years from the time of Big Bang. Previously, it was thought that the Himiko cloud was one large galaxy, but in Lately They are of the opinion that there are 3 relatively young galaxies located there.

Largest water reservoir with 140 trillion times more water, than on the entire Earth, is located 20 billion light years from the earth's surface. The water here is in the form of a massive gas cloud located next to a huge black hole, constantly spewing out the energy that 1000 trillion suns could produce.

Not so long ago (a couple of years ago) scientists discovered a cosmic-scale electric current of 10^18 amperes, which is equivalent to approximately 1 trillion lightning strikes. It is assumed that the strongest discharges originate in a huge black hole located in the center of the galactic system. One of these lightning bolts launched by a black hole is one and a half times the size of our galaxy.

The Large Quasar Group (LQG), consisting of 73 quasars, is one of the largest structures in the entire Universe. Its magnitude is 4 billion light years. Scientists still have not been able to understand how such a structure could form. According to cosmological theory, the existence of such a huge group of quasars is simply impossible. LQG undermines the generally accepted cosmological principle, according to which there cannot be a structure greater than 1.2 billion light years.

April 12 marks the 56th anniversary of the appearance of man in space. Since then, astronauts regularly report incredible stories that happened to them in space. Strange sounds that cannot propagate in airless space, inexplicable visions and mysterious objects are present in the reports of many astronauts. Next, the story will talk about something for which there are no clear explanations yet.

A few years after the flight, Yuri Gagarin attended one of the concerts of the popular VIA. Then he admitted that he had already heard similar music, but not on Earth, but during a flight into space.

This fact is all the more strange because before Gagarin’s flight, electronic music did not yet exist in our country, and it was precisely this melody that the first cosmonaut heard.

People who visited space later experienced similar sensations. For example, Vladislav Volkov spoke about strange sounds that literally surrounded him while in space.

“The earthly night was flying below. And suddenly from this night came... the barking of a dog. And then the crying of a child began to be clearly heard! And some voices. It is impossible to explain all this,” is how Volkov described the experience.

The sounds followed him almost the entire flight.

American astronaut Gordon Cooper said that while flying over the territory of Tibet, he was able to see houses and surrounding buildings with the naked eye.

Scientists have given the effect the name “magnification of ground objects,” but there is no scientific explanation for the possibility of viewing something from a distance of 300 kilometers.

A similar phenomenon was experienced by cosmonaut Vitaly Sevastyanov, who said that while flying over Sochi he was able to see his own two-story house, which caused controversy among optics specialists.

Candidate of technical and philosophical sciences, test cosmonaut Sergei Krichevsky first heard about inexplicable space visions and sounds from his colleague, who spent six months on the Mir orbital complex.

When Krichevsky was preparing for his first flight into space, a colleague told him that while in space a person can be subject to fantastic daydreams, which were observed by many astronauts.

Literally, the warning was as follows: “A person undergoes one or more transformations. Transformations at that moment seem to him to be a natural phenomenon, as if it should be so. All astronauts have different visions...

One thing is similar: those who have been in such a state identify a certain powerful flow of information coming from outside. None of the astronauts can call this a hallucination - the sensations are too real."

Later, Krichevsky called this phenomenon the “Solaris effect,” which was described by the author Stanislav Lemm, whose science fiction work “Solaris” quite accurately predicted inexplicable cosmic phenomena.

Although there is no clear scientific answer regarding the occurrence of such visions, some scientists believe that the occurrence of such inexplicable cases is due to exposure to microwave radiation.

In 2003, Yang Liwei, who became the first Chinese astronaut to travel into space, also witnessed the inexplicable.

He was aboard Shenzhou 5 when he heard strange sound outside, like a crackling sound.

According to the astronaut, he had the feeling that someone was knocking on the wall spaceship just like an iron ladle knocking on a tree. Liwei says that the sound did not come from outside, but also not from inside the spacecraft.

Liwei's stories have been called into question, since the propagation of any sound in a vacuum is impossible. But during Shenzhou's subsequent missions in space, two other Chinese astronauts heard the same knocking sound.

In 1969, American astronauts Tom Stafford, Gene Cernan and John Young were on the dark side of the Moon, quietly photographing craters. At that moment, they heard “an otherworldly, organized noise” coming from their headset.

“Cosmic Music” lasted for one hour. Scientists assumed that the sound arose due to radio interference between spacecraft, but could three experienced astronauts mistake ordinary interference for an alien phenomenon.

May 5, 1981 Hero Soviet Union Pilot-cosmonaut Major General Vladimir Kovalenok noticed something inexplicable in the window of the Salyut station.

"Many astronauts have seen phenomena that go beyond the experience of earthlings. For ten years I never spoke about such things. At that time we were over the area South Africa, moving towards the Indian Ocean. I was just doing some gymnastic exercises when I saw an object in front of me through the porthole, the appearance of which I could not explain...

I was looking at this object, and then something happened that is impossible according to the laws of physics. The object had an elliptical shape. From the outside it seemed as if it was rotating in the direction of flight. After this, there was a kind of explosion of golden light...

Then a second or two later there was a second explosion somewhere else and two spheres appeared, golden and very beautiful. After this explosion I saw white smoke. The two spheres never returned."

In 2005, American astronaut Leroy Chiao, commander of the ISS, led it for six and a half months. One day he was installing antennas 230 miles above the Earth when he witnessed the inexplicable.

"I saw lights that seemed to be lined up. I saw them flying and thought it looked really weird," he later said.

Cosmonaut Musa Manarov spent a total of 541 days in space, of which one in 1991 was memorable for him more than others. On the way to space station"Mir" he managed to film a cigar-shaped UFO.

The video recording lasts two minutes. The astronaut said that this object glowed at certain moments and moved in a spiral in space.

Dr. Story Musgrave has six academic degrees, and in addition is a NASA astronaut. It was he who told a very colorful story about UFOs.

In a 1994 interview, he said: “I saw a snake in space. It was elastic because it had internal waves, and it followed us for quite a long period of time. The more you spend in space, the more incredible things you can see there.” .

Cosmonaut Vasily Tsibliev was tormented by visions in his sleep. While sleeping in this position, Tsibliev behaved extremely restlessly, he screamed, ground his teeth, and rushed about.

“I asked Vasily what was the matter? It turned out that he had enchanting dreams, which he sometimes took for reality. He could not retell them. He only insisted that he had never seen anything like this in his life,” said a colleague of the ship’s commander.

Six cosmonauts aboard the ISS, waiting for the arrival of Soyuz-6, observed translucent figures 10 meters high that accompanied the station for 10 minutes, and then disappeared.

Nikolai Rukavishnikov observed flares in near-Earth space while flying on board the Soyuz-10 spacecraft.

While resting, he was in a darkened compartment with his eyes closed. Suddenly he saw flashes, which at first he took for signals from a flashing light board, shining through his eyelids.

However, the display burned with an even light and its brightness was not sufficient to create the observed effect.

Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin recalled: "There was something there, close enough to us that we could see it."

"During the Apollo 11 mission on the way to the Moon, I noticed a light in the ship's window that seemed to move with us. There were several explanations for this phenomenon, another ship from another country, or it was panels that came off when we removed from the rocket's landing module. But it wasn't all that."

“I feel absolutely convinced that we came face to face with something incomprehensible. I could not classify what it was. Technically, the definition can only be “unidentified.”

James McDivitt made the first manned flight on Gemini 4 on June 3, 1965 and recorded: “I looked out the window and saw a white spherical object against the black sky. It abruptly changed the direction of flight.”

McDivitt also managed to photograph a long metal cylinder. The Air Force command again resorted to a tried and tested technique, announcing that the pilot had confused what he saw with the Pegasus 2 satellite.

McDivitt replied: "I would like to report that during my flight I actually saw what some people call a UFO, namely an unidentified flying object."

At the same time, many fellow astronauts also observed unidentified flying objects during flights.

They say that the archives of Roscosmos describe an unusual story with the crew of the Soyuz-18 spacecraft that happened in April 1975 - it was classified for 20 years. Due to a launch vehicle accident, the ship's cabin was shot off from the rocket at an altitude of 195 km and rushed towards the Earth.

The astronauts experienced enormous overloads, during which they heard a “mechanical, robot-like” voice that asked if they wanted to live. They did not have the strength to answer, then a voice said: We will not let you die so that you can tell your people that you need to give up the conquest of space.

Having landed and climbed out of the capsule, the astronauts began to wait for rescuers. When night came, they lit a fire. Suddenly they heard a growing whistle and at the same time saw some luminous object in the sky, hovering right above them.

By the way, ISS cameras record unknown space objects with enviable regularity.

Cosmonaut Alexander Serebrov expressed his opinion on this issue: “There, in the depths of the Universe, no one knows what is happening to people. The physical condition is studied at the very least, but changes in consciousness are a dark forest. Doctors pretend that a person can be prepared for anything on Earth . In fact, this is absolutely not true."

Vladimir Vorobyov, doctor medical sciences and senior researcher at the RAMS center, states the following: “But visions and other inexplicable sensations in space orbit, as a rule, do not torment the astronaut, but give him a kind of pleasure, despite the fact that they cause fear...

It is worth considering that there is a hidden danger in this too. It is no secret that, after returning to Earth, most space explorers begin to experience a state of longing for these phenomena and at the same time experience an irresistible and sometimes painful craving to feel these states again.”

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  • Participant: Terekhova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna
  • Head: Andreeva Yulia Vyacheslavovna
Purpose of the work: to compare the flow physical phenomena on Earth and in space.


Many countries have long-term space exploration programs. The creation of orbital stations occupies a central place in them, since it is from them that the chain of the largest stages in mankind’s mastery of outer space begins. A flight to the Moon has already been carried out, many months of flights on board interplanetary stations are successfully completed, automatic vehicles have visited Mars and Venus, and Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune have been explored from flyby trajectories. Over the next 20-30 years, the capabilities of astronautics will increase even more.

Many of us dreamed of becoming astronauts as children, but then thought about more earthly professions. Is going into space really an impossible dream? After all, space tourists have already appeared, perhaps someday anyone will be able to fly into space, and a childhood dream will come true?

But if we go on a space flight, we will be faced with the fact that we will have to be in a state of weightlessness for a long time. It is known that for a person accustomed to the gravity of the earth, staying in this state becomes a difficult test, and not only physically, because many things happen in zero gravity completely differently than on Earth. Unique astronomical and astrophysical observations are carried out in space. Satellites, automatic space stations, and devices in orbit require special maintenance or repair, and some satellites that have reached the end of their life must be destroyed or returned from orbit to Earth for refurbishment.

Can a fountain pen write in zero gravity? Is it possible to measure weight in a spacecraft cabin using a spring or lever scale? Does water leak out of the kettle if you tilt it? Does a candle burn in zero gravity?

Answers to such questions are contained in many sections studied in school course physics. When choosing the topic of the project, I decided to bring together the material on this topic, which is contained in different textbooks, and give comparative characteristics the occurrence of physical phenomena on Earth and in space.

Goal of the work: compare the occurrence of physical phenomena on Earth and in space.


  • Make a list of physical phenomena whose course may differ.
  • Study sources (books, internet)
  • Make a table of phenomena

Relevance of the work: some physical phenomena occur differently on Earth and in space, and some physical phenomena are better manifested in space, where there is no gravity. Knowledge of the features of processes can be useful for physics lessons.

Novelty: similar studies have not been carried out, but in the 90s an educational film about mechanical phenomena was shot at the Mir station

An object: physical phenomena.

Item: comparison of physical phenomena on Earth and in space.

1. Basic terms

Mechanical phenomena are phenomena that occur with physical bodies when they move relative to each other (the revolution of the Earth around the Sun, the movement of cars, the swing of a pendulum).

Thermal phenomena are phenomena associated with heating and cooling physical bodies(kettle boiling, fog forming, water turning into ice).

Electrical phenomena are phenomena that arise from the appearance, existence, movement and interaction of electric charges (electricity, lightning).

It is easy to show how phenomena occur on Earth, but how can one demonstrate the same phenomena in zero gravity? For this I decided to use fragments from the “Lessons from Space” film series. These are very interesting films, filmed at one time at the Mir orbital station. Real lessons from space are taught by pilot-cosmonaut, hero of Russia Alexander Serebrov.

But, unfortunately, few people know about these films, so another goal of creating the project was to popularize “Lessons from Space,” created with the participation of VAKO Soyuz, RSC Energia, and RNPO Rosuchpribor.

In zero gravity, many phenomena occur differently than on Earth. There are three reasons for this. First: the effect of gravity does not manifest itself. We can say that it is compensated by the force of inertia. Second: in weightlessness the Archimedes force does not operate, although Archimedes’ law is also fulfilled there. And third: surface tension forces begin to play a very important role in weightlessness.

But even in zero gravity the same ones work physical laws natures that are true both for the Earth and for the entire Universe.

The state of complete absence of weight is called weightlessness. Weightlessness, or the absence of weight in an object, is observed when, for some reason, the force of attraction between this object and the support disappears, or when the support itself disappears. simplest example the occurrence of weightlessness - free fall inside a closed space, that is, in the absence of air resistance. Let's say a falling plane is itself attracted by the earth, but a state of weightlessness arises in its cabin, all bodies also fall with an acceleration of one g, but this is not felt - after all, there is no air resistance. Weightlessness is observed in space when a body moves in orbit around some massive body, planet. Such a circular motion can be considered as a constant fall onto the planet, which does not occur due to the circular rotation in the orbit, and there is also no atmospheric resistance. Moreover, the Earth itself, constantly rotating in orbit, falls and cannot fall into the sun, and if we did not feel the attraction from the planet itself, we would find ourselves in weightlessness relative to the attraction of the sun.

Some phenomena in space occur in exactly the same way as on Earth. For modern technologies weightlessness and vacuum are not a hindrance... and on the contrary, it is preferable. On Earth it is impossible to achieve such high degrees of vacuum as in interstellar space. Vacuum is needed to protect the metals being processed from oxidation, and the metals do not melt; the vacuum does not interfere with the movement of bodies.

2. Comparison of phenomena and processes



1.Measurement of masses

Cannot be used

Cannot be used

Cannot be used

2.Is it possible to stretch the rope horizontally?

The rope always sags due to gravity.

The rope is always free

3. Pascal's law.

The pressure exerted on a liquid or gas is transmitted to any point without changes in all directions.

On Earth, all drops are slightly flattened due to gravitational force.

Performs well for short periods of time, or in a mobile state.


flies up

Won't fly

5. Sound phenomena

IN outer space the sounds of music will not be heard because For sound to propagate, a medium (solid, liquid, gaseous) is needed.

The candle flame will be round because... no convection currents

7. Using the watch

Yes, they work if the speed and direction of the space station are known.

They work on other planets too

Cannot be used

B. Mechanical pendulum clocks

Cannot be used.

You can use the watch with a winder and a battery.

D. Electronic watch

Can be used

8. Is it possible to get a bump?


9. Thermometer works


A body slides down a hill due to gravity

The item will remain in place.

If you push, you can ride forever, even if the slide is over

10. Is it possible to boil a kettle?

Because There are no convection currents, then only the bottom of the kettle and the water around it will heat up.

Conclusion: you need to use a microwave

12. Spread of smoke

Smoke cannot spread because... no convection currents, distribution will not occur due to diffusion

Pressure gauge works


Spring stretch.
Yes, it stretches

No, it doesn't stretch

Ballpoint pen writes

The pen doesn't write. Writes with a pencil


I compared the course of physical mechanical phenomena on Earth and in space. this work can be used for compiling quizzes and competitions, for physics lessons when studying certain phenomena.

While working on the project, I became convinced that in zero gravity many phenomena occur differently than on Earth. There are three reasons for this. First: the effect of gravity does not manifest itself. We can say that it is compensated by the force of inertia. Second: in weightlessness the Archimedes force does not operate, although Archimedes’ law is also fulfilled there. And third: surface tension forces begin to play a very important role in weightlessness.

But even in weightlessness, the same physical laws of nature work, which are true both for the Earth and for the entire Universe. This became the main conclusion of our work and the table that I ended up with.

Space still remains an incomprehensible mystery for all humanity. It is incredibly beautiful, full of secrets and dangers, and the more we study it, the more we discover new amazing phenomena. We have collected for you the 10 most interesting phenomena that occurred in 2017.

1. Sounds inside the rings of Saturn

The Cassini spacecraft recorded sounds inside the rings of Saturn. The sounds were recorded using an Audio and Plasma Wave Science (RPWS) device, which detects radio and plasma waves, which are then converted into sounds. As a result, scientists “heard” something completely different from what they expected.

The sounds were recorded using an Audio and Plasma Wave Science (RPWS) device, which detects radio and plasma waves, which are then converted into sound. As a result, we can "hear" dust particles hitting the instrument's antennas, the sounds of which contrast with the usual "whooshes and squeaks" created by charged particles in space.

But as Cassini dove into the void between the rings, everything suddenly became strangely quiet.

The planet, which is an icy ball, was discovered using a special technique and was named OGLE-2016-BLG-1195Lb.

Using microlensing, it was possible to discover a new planet, approximately equal to Earth in mass and even revolving around its star at the same distance as the Earth from the Sun. However, that's where the similarities end - the new planet is likely too cold to be habitable, as its star is 12 times smaller than our Sun.

Microlensing is a technique that makes it easier to detect distant objects by using background stars as a "backlight". When the star being studied passes in front of a larger and brighter star, then big star for a short time it “highlights” the smaller one and simplifies the process of monitoring the system.

The Cassini spacecraft successfully completed its flyby through the narrow gap between the planet Saturn and its rings on April 26, 2017 and transmitted unique images to Earth. The distance between the rings and the upper layers of Saturn's atmosphere is about 2,000 km. And Cassini was supposed to pass through this “gap” at a speed of 124 thousand km/h. At the same time, as protection from ring particles that could damage it, Cassini used a large antenna, turning it away from the Earth and towards obstacles. That is why he could not contact Earth for 20 hours.

A team of independent auroral researchers has discovered an as-yet unexplored phenomenon in the night sky over Canada and named it "Steve." More precisely, this name for the new phenomenon was suggested by one of the users in the comments to the photo of the yet unnamed phenomenon. And the scientists agreed. Considering that the official scientific communities have not yet properly responded to the discovery, the name will be assigned to the phenomenon.

“Big” scientists do not yet know exactly how to characterize this phenomenon, although the group of enthusiasts who discovered Steve initially called it a “proton arc.” They did not know that proton lights are not visible to the human eye. Preliminary tests showed that Steve turned out to be a hot stream of fast-flowing gas in the upper atmosphere.

The European Space Agency (ESA) has already sent special probes to study Steve and discovered that the air temperature inside the gas flow rises above 3000 degrees Celsius. At first, scientists couldn't even believe it. The data showed that at the time of measurements, Steve, 25 kilometers wide, was moving at a speed of 10 kilometers per second.

5. New planet suitable for life

An exoplanet orbiting a red dwarf star 40 light-years from Earth could be the new winner of the title of "best place to look for signs of life beyond Earth." solar system" According to scientists, the LHS 1140 system in the constellation Cetus may be even more suitable for searching for extraterrestrial life than Proxima b or TRAPPIST-1.

LHS 1140 (GJ 3053) is a star located in the constellation Cetus at a distance of approximately 40 light years from the Sun. Its mass and radius are 14% and 18% solar, respectively. The surface temperature is about 3131 Kelvin, which is half that of the Sun. The star's luminosity is 0.002 that of the Sun. LHS 1140 is estimated to be approximately 5 billion years old.

6. The asteroid that almost made it to Earth

Asteroid 2014 JO25 with a diameter of about 650 m approached Earth in April 2017, and then flew away. This relatively large near-Earth asteroid was only four times farther from Earth than the Moon. NASA classified the asteroid as "potentially hazardous." All asteroids larger than 100 meters in size and approaching the Earth closer than 19.5 times the distance from it to the Moon automatically fall into this category.

The picture shows Pan, the natural satellite of Saturn. Three-dimensional photography was made using the anaglyph method. You can get a stereo effect using special glasses with red and blue filters.

Pan opened on July 16, 1990. Researcher Mark Shoulter analyzed photographs taken by the Voyager 2 robotic probe in 1981. Experts have not yet agreed on why Pan has this shape.

8. First photos of the Trappist-1 habitable system

The discovery of a potentially habitable planetary system of the star Trappist-1 was the event of the year in astronomy. Now NASA has published the first photographs of the star on its website. The camera took one frame per minute for an hour, and then the photos were compiled into animation:

The animation size is 11x11 pixels and covers an area of ​​44 square arcseconds. This is equivalent to a grain of sand at arm's length.

Recall that the distance from Earth to the star Trappist-1 is 39 light years.

9. Date of collision between Earth and Mars

American geophysicist Stephen Myers from the University of Wisconsin suggested that Earth and Mars could collide. This theory is by no means new, but scientists recently confirmed it by finding evidence in an unexpected place. This is all due to the “butterfly effect”.

It's the same phenomenon. A butterfly fluttering over the Indian Ocean could affect weather patterns over North America within a week.

This idea is not new. But Myers' team found evidence in an unexpected place. The rock formation in Colorado consists of sedimentary layers indicating climate change that was caused by fluctuations in the amount of sunlight entering the planet. According to scientists, this is the result of changes in the Earth's orbit.

For at least the last 50 million years, the Earth's orbit has cycled from circular to elliptical every 2.4 million years. This created climate change. But at 85 million years, this periodicity was 1.2 million years, since the Earth and Mars interacted slightly, as if “pulling” each other, which is natural to expect in a chaotic system.

The discovery will help understand the connection between orbital changes and climate. But other potential consequences are a little more alarming: billions of years from now, there is a very small chance that Mars could crash into Earth.

A giant vortex of hot, glowing gas extends over 1 million light years through the very center of the Perseus cluster. Matter in the Perseus cluster region is formed from gas whose temperature is 10 million degrees, which makes it glow. A unique NASA photo allows you to view the galactic vortex in detail. It extends over a million light years through the very center of the Perseus cluster.