Title: Black City
Writer: Boris Akunin
Year: 2012
Publisher: Abecca Global Inc
Genres: Historical detective stories

About the book “Black City” Boris Akunin

Boris Akunin is an outstanding Russian writer and Japanese scholar. His famous book entitled “Black City” belongs to the author’s series of works “New Detective” and tells about the adventures of the legendary detective named Erast Fandorin.

This time the plot of the story develops on the eve of the First World War in the city of Baku, where oil magnates, cruel terrorists and treacherous robbers rule. And our hero’s opponent will be one whom it would seem impossible to defeat.

All lovers of exciting and intriguing stories, as well as fans of the work of the famous master of the detective genre, will certainly find the novel interesting and exciting to read. After all, the fate of a bright, valiant and charismatic detective simply cannot leave anyone indifferent.

The book “Black City” describes oil Baku, in which luxury and poverty, brilliance and mutilation reign at the same time. Endless flows of resources, enormous wealth, corruption at all levels, lawlessness and ignorance - this is the situation in which the reader finds himself, immersed in the world created by the author, which is in some way very reminiscent of our present-day reality.

And so, taking advantage of the fact that the whole world is on the path of a large-scale and bloody war, the revolutionaries decide to kill a figure of national importance. Former state councilor Erast Fandorin, unwillingly drawn into the insidious machinations of his enemies, takes the stage to restore justice and expose the criminals. However, this time the enemy was very strong and extraordinary, so our hero will have a very difficult time.

Boris Akunin in his book “Black City” presents to our attention another fascinating detective story about life and professional activity everyone's favorite hero Erast Fandorin.

Possessing outstanding writing talent, excellent literary style and broad erudition, the author managed to create such a colorful and memorable character that millions of readers around the world began to follow his adventures. And now we are invited to once again plunge into the inimitable action-packed atmosphere of investigations and wars, crimes and revolutions, victories and defeats. Anyone who wants to know how Fandorin’s unraveling of yet another complex case will end should definitely download this novel.

On our literary website you can download the book “Black City” by Boris Akunin for free in formats suitable for different devices - epub, fb2, txt, rtf. Do you like to read books and always keep up with new releases? We have big choice books of various genres: classics, modern fiction, literature on psychology and children's publications. In addition, we offer interesting and educational articles for aspiring writers and all those who want to learn how to write beautifully. Each of our visitors will be able to find something useful and exciting for themselves.

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Title: Black City

About the book “Black City” Boris Akunin

Boris Akunin today has already gone down in history as one of the brilliant fiction writers who have become a real symbol of the era. And, probably, it is his works that will later be included in school curriculum, as one of the most striking and philosophical creations of our century. Continuing one of his most successful series about the life and adventures of the famous detective Erast Fandorin, Akunin was able to intrigue and interest his readers so much that they await the release of each new book like a big holiday. And now, to the joy of everyone who loves and loves Erast Fandorin so much, the fourteenth book of the brilliant cycle has already been published.

“Black City” is an incredibly bright, lively book, representing a classic Akunin detective story. The original plot of this novel takes its hero and readers to the distant and glorious city of Baku. During that time period when the First World War was just about to begin World War. An intelligent and inventive detective will once again demonstrate the wonders of observation, mental alertness and remarkable ingenuity. In the city of “black gold” and easy money, Fandorin will meet a real villain, whom it seems absolutely impossible to fight and win. An amazingly dynamic and exciting plot allows readers to look at the hero from a different perspective, to interpret some of his actions and their motives differently. And the presence of a huge number of battle scenes and actions makes it impossible to tear yourself away from the book for a minute.

In addition to the main action, in the book “Black City” a large place is occupied by a description of the beauties of the magnificent city of Baku, its mysterious and majestic corners, the surrounding nature, people, and general mood. Only thanks to the unsurpassed talent of the author, the style of presentation made it possible for the reader to be completely immersed in the text, and therefore in this story. And despite the fact that the story told by the author is considered entirely fictitious, on the pages of the book, the reader will encounter real photographs of that time, organically woven into the storyline and completely becoming part of this amazing and mysterious narrative.

Also, this work, like all the works of a respected writer, is distinguished by a magnificent, beautiful Russian language, lively narration, unsurpassed integration of historical details into the context and an exciting, often unpredictable plot.

Read new story about the unsurpassed Erast Fandorin - “Black City”, by Boris Akunin, enjoy the magnificent plot and unexpected ending. Enjoy reading.

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Quotes from the book “Black City” by Boris Akunin

“God, give me the wisdom to accept the things I cannot change; give me the courage to change what I can change; give me the wisdom to distinguish one from the other.”

What the mind and heart need will remain so. Whatever is unnecessary, let it fly away like dry leaves in the wind.

“A man who has walked along the Path for a long time, and then turns off it towards a shady grove, will hang himself there on the first tree.”

The disease of any rotten government is that it pushes talented people to the margins.

It has long been known: a lousy ally is worse than an enemy.

Fandorin established long ago that mental work is most favored by two states: either complete peace or extreme chaos. This discovery belonged to Confucius, who two and a half millennia ago said: “Among those standing, run, among those running, stop.”

A man doesn't say "thank you", a man does "thank you".

It is also very important for a boy to learn to overcome fear, but not become addicted to risk. Both of these extremes are dangerous in life and disastrous for business. Reasonable courage, like everything else in the world, can be taught. To overcome fear, you need to move in tiny steps, win small victories one after another. Take the same horse riding. One day Saadat noticed that Tural was afraid of horses (her ride, it’s true, was too dashing, from the ferocious Turkmen trotters). First I bought a dwarf pony, slightly taller than a stool. It was absolutely impossible to be afraid of such a hunchback; Tural rode the little one with pleasure. Now I’ve sent my son to the Pony Club, where there are bigger horses. And over time, in three or four years, the boy will also ride trotters. The trick is in gradualism.

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Boris Akunin's books are known all over the world. In his works he shows the problems of our time and raises important questions. Especially famous is his series of books about the adventures of detective Erast Fandorin. The book “Black City,” released at the end of 2012, also belongs to this cycle.

Events take place at the beginning of the 20th century, the First World War is approaching. The famous detective is in Yalta, preparing to speak at the day of memory of A.P. Chekhov. But his help was needed to save the sovereign from assassination attempt. The victim was the head of his personal security. The terrorist managed to escape, but left a note. We manage to find out that the criminal is hiding in an unknown black city.

The detective's wife, an actress, is filming in Baku. Their relationship is gradually fading, she sends him a postcard. By chance, Fandorin learns that the Black City is located in the suburbs of Baku. The detective goes there with his faithful friend Masa. Literally immediately the hunt begins for Fandorin, he gets into trouble and risks his life. His friend is wounded and they barely escape death. Only thanks to the help of an unknown Azerbaijani they are safe. Since Masa is wounded, Fandorin invites a new acquaintance to help him. Terrorists, oil workers, and Fandorin's wife, who decided that he was dead, are involved in the case. The woman, strong and powerful, wants a connection with the detective. Events follow one after another, main character turns out to be one of the central figures having influence on politics. There are conflicts between countries, a war is coming... Will he be able to survive among all these dangers?

Boris Akunin's book is written in his magnificent style, the plot does not allow you to calm down for a minute. On the one hand, I want to quickly find out the truth, on the other hand, I want to read as slowly as possible in order to fully enjoy this amazing book. There is not only a detective story here, but also the author raises the theme of friendship, sympathy, and there is even a little romance.

On our website you can download the book “Black City” by Boris Akunin for free and without registration in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format, read the book online or buy the book in the online store.

Boris Akunin is a Russian writer and translator, all his literary works publishes under pseudonyms depending on their genre. In his works, the author reveals topics that are relevant to society and tries to show humanity life as it is, regardless of the events happening around.

On the site you can download for free “Black City” in fb2, epub, pdf, txt, doc and rtf - writer Boris Akunin

What is the book about?

Black City - the work of Boris Akunin was published in 2012. The book is written in the genre of a historical detective story and is a bright, lively and romantic essay. In the foreground we see the main character, Fandorin, who is transported to the distant city of Baku, where the First World War is just about to begin. The detective must show ingenuity, ingenuity, as well as miracles of observation. Soon Fandorin will have to meet with a villain who will turn out to be too dangerous for the detective, but the second will still manage to defeat the villain and show him who’s boss. An amazing and exciting plot gives readers the opportunity to look at the detective from a different perspective. The reader has to truly plunge into the world of the modern and original life of a detective, and enjoy the fighting that unfolds on the pages of the work. In addition to the main events that develop in the book, the reader pays attention to the colorful description of the ancient and famous city of Baku. Thanks to the writer's brevity and easy descriptions, the reader has a real opportunity to understand and imagine the beauties described in the book.

What will the book teach?

The work “Black City” by Boris Akunin allows the reader to understand that unexpected turns of events happen in life that can turn life upside down. Despite this, everyone should live their own life and try to get the maximum benefit and pleasure from what is happening. The reader has a real opportunity to be transported to another world, which surprises with what is happening around. The book “Black City” teaches the reader the optimal attitude towards what can happen in life, as well as to overcome all the difficulties that occur in the life of every person.

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Who is the book suitable for and what is it intended for?

The work is suitable for reading by all lovers of detective stories over 16 years of age. The book gives an opportunity already in this early age understand the merits of the genre and accept all the events that occur in the book. Boris Akunin managed to create another masterpiece and that is why every fan and reader of his is expecting a new turn of events, a new book and stories that capture the soul. This incredibly vivid work must be read only because it shows humanity’s true attitude to everything that happens in the world and makes it clear that the main character not only perceives everything, but is also ready to change life for the better.

Boris Akunin

I have absolutely equal sympathy for both Azerbaijanis and Armenians, I deeply respect both of these nations and continue to hope that they will make peace.

Hunting Odysseus

-...Odysseus walked from the bay along the forest path to the place that Athena showed him. But I didn't get there. Disappeared!

The night visitor whispered the last word with such horror that the tips of his waxed mustache trembled. On the chase with the imperial monogram, a glare from the lamp flashed.

Absurd, thought Erast Petrovich. Chimera. You sit in a hotel room, read “The Cherry Orchard,” and once again try to understand why the author called this unbearably sad play a comedy. Suddenly a madman in a general's uniform bursts in and starts talking nonsense. About Odysseus, about Athena, about some “mannlicher” with an optical sight. Every other word he repeats: “You alone can save the honor of the old soldier.” There are tears in the bulging eyes. It was as if a character from an early Chekhov play had come to life - from the time when Anton Pavlovich was young, healthy and composing vaudevilles.

Why are you telling me all this? Who exactly do you take me for? - Fandorin asked, stuttering more than usual out of irritation.

So how? Aren't you Erast Petrovich Fandorin? I got the wrong number? - the uninvited visitor cried out in terrible panic.

He actually introduced himself, this eccentric. Yes, Fandorin would have recognized him anyway. Well-known personality. The capital's cartoonists very similarly depict a protruding mustache, a monumental nose, and a gray beard. General Lombadze, in person. The mayor of Yalta, where the august family spends three to four months a year. Therefore small Crimean town has a special status, and its manager is endowed with extraordinary rights and powers. The tyranny and all-submissive zeal of the Yalta boss have long become the talk of the town. Left-wing newspapers nicknamed the general the “court pug” and joke that in the morning he brings slippers to His Majesty with his teeth.

Yes, I'm Fandorin. So what?

Yeah! They report to me about all the visitors! - Lombadze raised his finger triumphantly. - You are a famous detective. Arrived from Moscow. I don’t know what investigation brought you to my city, but you must drop everything immediately!

I won't even think about it. I am a member of the K-commission on Chekhov’s heritage and came to Yalta at the invitation of the deceased’s sister. In a month it will be ten years since the death of Anton Pavlovich, I am participating in preparatory activities.

This was the true truth - Erast Petrovich was invited to the venerable commission after one small investigation, during which he helped find the writer’s missing manuscript.

However, the general snorted angrily.

So I believed you! Look, I don't care who you work for now! This is a matter of enormous importance! The sovereign's life is in danger! There are only two hours until dawn. They tell you: Odysseus did not appear at the appointed place. Now he is wandering somewhere around the Livadia Palace, and in his hands is a Mannlicher with an optical sight! This is a catastrophe!

Two completely unrelated thoughts simultaneously came into Fandorin’s head (his brain had such a strange feature). Firstly, he suddenly understood why The Cherry Orchard was a comedy. This is a play written by a consumptive patient who has a premonition that his sad life will end in farce. Soon he will die in a foreign land, and they will bring him back in a refrigerator car with the sign “oysters.” Typically Chekhov's technique of comedic reduction of a tragic situation.

And secondly, meaning began to dawn in the mayor’s frantic delirium.

Is Odysseus a terrorist? - Fandorin stopped the stupid verbosity of his excellency.

Very dangerous! Fourteen years wanted! Incredible resourcefulness! Hence the nickname!

Is Athena your agent provocateur?

What terminology! A most worthy lady who cooperates with us out of patriotism. She is a member of the Bolshevik Party. When Odysseus came to her, told her the password and explained that he wanted to kill the crown bearer... - The general choked from the feelings that overwhelmed him. -...Athena, of course, reported to Security.

Why didn't you arrest him immediately? Did I understand correctly that you yourself equipped him with a s-sniper rifle?

Lombadze wiped his purple forehead with a handkerchief.

Odysseus instructed Athena to obtain weapons for him and provide passage to the Special Zone,” he mumbled. - I thought it would be more effective if we took the villain at the site of the alleged regicide with a weapon in his hands. Then he will not get off with hard labor, but will go to the gallows...

“Well, you will receive a reward for saving the sovereign,” Fandorin mentally completed a simple logical chain.

I hope the rifle is faulty?

The mayor began to puff.

Yalta mayor

Odysseus is an extremely corrosive guy. Doesn't trust anyone. If he discovered that the firing pin had been worn off or, let’s say...

Clear. The sight is obviously also in perfect condition? F-excellent. And your fool Athena led Odysseus straight to the territory of the royal estate?

No no! The area immediately surrounding the residence is under the jurisdiction of the palace police. Athena led the attacker only through the outer cordon of the Special Zone - my people are guarding the perimeter of the Royal Path.

Erast Petrovich knew that this was the name of the path, laid along the coastal mountains from the Livadia Palace to Gaspra. Along this picturesque alley, according to the “Court Chronicle,” the king makes daily promenades alone or in an intimate circle. There is no access for outsiders to the Path.

But the path, if I’m not mistaken, is six miles long. There are solid cliffs at the top. There you can set up an ambush in a hundred different places!

That's the problem. Athena showed Odysseus a path and ordered him to follow it. At the top there is a secluded area where it would be very convenient for the scoundrel to settle down - the area is visible at a glance. If we had caught a terrorist there with a rifle, no lawyer, not even Kerensky himself, would have saved him from the scaffold. Of course, I was not going to risk His Majesty's life. The bastard would have been caught before it was dark. In the morning, His Majesty would wake up, and the job would already be done...

“The slippers have been delivered,” thought Fandorin.

Thanks to you, Odysseus received weapons and now wanders in an unknown place among the mountains and bushes on an area of ​​​​several thousand acres. Well, let him b-wander,” Fandorin shrugged. - Report to the sovereign. A day will do without the Royal Path. Until the palace police and your men comb the entire area.

His Excellency jumped up from his chair.

What if the killer managed to sneak into the palace park? Or hid somewhere outside - on a hill, on a tree? He can shoot through the window! He has an optical sight! You don't know what kind of person this is. In Baku, he shot and killed four agents who were trying to detain him. It's the devil! - The general lowered his head. “Besides, if the sovereign finds out the details...” He sobbed. - Thirty years of blameless service... Shame, resignation...

Fandorin was not moved by the last consideration, but it was impossible to dismiss the first.

Do you have Odysseus's file?

Lombadze hastily took out a plump folder from his briefcase.

For the sake of the Almighty, hurry up! The Emperor wakes up at seven. The first thing he does is open the windows...

Odysseus's real name was unremarkable: Ivan Ivanovich Ivantsov. The letter “c”, inserted into the absolutely colorless nickname towards the end, gave the surname a slight mockery, a mocking sneer. However, what this subject was called at the dawn of life did not matter. What followed was a long list of false names and underground nicknames. Fandorin skipped the names, but read the nicknames very carefully. By what nicknames a person chooses for himself, one can understand something about his character. Judging by this parameter, the criminal was a lover of birds - the nicknames were entirely bird ones (“Odysseus” was christened by the Okhrana).

The revolutionary went underground a long time ago. He was never arrested, and therefore was not subjected to anthropometry and fingerprints were not taken. Erast Petrovich gazed at the only photograph taken in the first year of the new century. A student looked from the card with cheerful eyes and a tightly clenched mouth. Fandorin really didn’t like this face: smart, strong-willed, and with a devilish streak. Of these young men, at a certain confluence life circumstances They turn out to be extremely dangerous individuals. Erast Petrovich knew this from his own example.

With his revolutionary career, Odysseus fully justified the physiognomic forecast. The murder of two governors, the supply of weapons for the Moscow uprising of 1905, daring expropriations. The personal representative of the Bolshevik leader “Lenin” (even Fandorin, who was far from political investigation, knew this nickname), an accomplice of the Caucasian militant “Koba” (Erast Petrovich had never heard of such a thing). IN Lately location unknown. The subject was believed to have traveled abroad. Well, if he left, then it turns out he returned.