For starters, allow me to introduce the major hole in English linguistics terminology. And these three example sentences will help me:

  • A cat chases a dog
  • To think is human
  • She ate her breakfast

Now a question: how do you refer to the syntactic role that the highlighted words occupy in the sentences? Or else: how do you refer to the slot between subject and object that ties the two together?

The answer: there is no unambiguous word in English to refer to it.

Usually, linguists resort to one of two options:

A) We could call it a verb . That’s how it’s called in language typology: in SVO structure, for example, the letters stand for “subject-verb-object”.

The problem is, though, that ‘verb’ is already a name for a word class. Word classes (e.g. , ‘noun’, ‘adjective’, ‘adverb’) are word categories by their morphology (common word endings) and syntactic roles that they could take. While syntactic roles (e.g. , ‘subject’, ‘object’, ‘attribute’) are particular slots in a sentence that don’t exist outside of a sentence.

Just because the word class of a verb tends to occupy the syntactic role in question doesn’t mean that the two are the same. And to illustrate it, please go back to the second example sentence. Is ‘to think’ a verb, but suddenly… not a verb?

So, when people say that they’ve just invented a verbless language, you could guess all you want what they mean. Is it like:

  • “My language has usual rigid syntax like in English, German or Japanese - but there are no word classes.”

Or do they mean:

  • “My language has completely alien syntax. It doesn’t rely on SVO or similar pattern, and has no subjects or objects as well.”

B) We could also call it a predicate . However, not only this term has nothing to do with the syntactic slot in question - it has nothing to do with linguistics at all .

It’s a term from logic.

Any statement, be it a sentence in whatever language or some logical formula, has a predicate structure: meaning that in every statement, there’s something that we make a statement about (a logical subject), and the actual statement about the subject (a predicate).

Linguists have adopted the term to refer to the syntactic slot between S and O - but technically, predicate isn’t that. In a sentence:

  • Helen is a sophomore student from Stanford .

the entire highlighted part is a predicate. The sentence is a statement about Helen (hence, she’s a subject). The rest of the sentence is new information about her that we state - a predicate. If you’re familiar with programming, we’ve kinda applied a function: Helen is our variable to modify, and the statement is the actual function that changes the properties of the variable.

Now, for you to understand the point better, let’s break the default logical structure of the sentence with a dialogue:

Joe: “Tell me something interesting about Stanford!”

Moe: Well, Helen is a sophomore student from Stanford.”

Now suddenly, Stanford is a logical subject. Firstly, Joe sets the subject for discussion, and then, Moe makes a statement about it: that Helen studies there. The university is what we’re interested in, while Helen is now part of the logical predicate.

Obviously, the sentence structure doesn’t agree with it: Helen is the syntactic subject in the sentence, and you don’t change that without shuffling the actual words around. But the dialogue has certain logical composition nonetheless, which doesn’t give a damn about the words or the language. Logic is sort-of above languages, and searching for predicate is not about cracking your head over syntax: you have to analyse the actual meaning of the statement made by a sentence.

This is why I am a strong proponent of introducing a new, separate word for “V” syntactic slot. Personally, I prefer to call it verbicate (good thing that it keeps the ‘V’ letter in SVO). So here’s another exotic option for you:

C) Call it a verbicate - be unambiguous.

Now that the prelude is over - back to your actual question.

If by “a language without predicate ” you mean “a language without verbicate ”, then absolutely yes . I’ve already covered this in , so I won’t be repeating. But in short: verbicate-based syntax is just one type of syntax that by no means is the only possible. It has proven itself to be effective (no kidding - ten thousand years of being virtually the exclusive type of syntax in natural human languages), and yet syntax could be anything. There probably are millions of ways to build a sentence, and what you’re after has been done repeatedly by many conlangers.

If by “predicate” you mean the actual predicate, then it’s kinda yes/no answer:

Yes , a language can be without predicates, because no language has predicates. It’s not a property or part of languages at all, and you can’t use linguistical methods to study or look for predicates. Just because a language is a tool to convey predicated statements doesn’t mean that the tool must inherit the property of the tooled.

No , a language cannot be spoken without predicates. Regardless of how grotesque or alien a language is, communication is still communication: the exchange of statements between interlocutors. When you speak, you convey information about something, meaning that every statement regardless of language can be broken down into a logical subject and what’s being stated about it.

In some languages, the grammar might more-or-less align with logical predicate structure; in other languages, it may not at all. But the statements remain the statements. Even if you ditched languages and used pictures to communicate - you still would be making statements, and thus use predicates.

Damn, even when my cat meows for food, she makes a statement that has a subject and a predicate.

To sum up , your question is roughly the same as “can a language exist without time? ”: before you ask, make sure you’re talking about tense , because time is kinda out of languages’ scope.

A lever is a simple machine that allows you to gain a mechanical advantage in moving an object or in applying a force to an object. It is considered a "pure" simple machine because friction is usually so small that it is not considered a factor to overcome, as in other simple machines.

A lever consists of a rigid bar or beam that is allowed to rotate or pivot about a fulcrum. An applied force is then used to move a load. There are three common types or classes of levers, depending on where the fulcrum and applied force is located.

The mechanical advantage is that you can move a heavy object using less force than the weight of the object, you can propel an object faster by applying a force at a slower speed, or you can move an object further than the distance you apply to the lever.

Questions you may have include:

  • What are the parts of a lever?
  • What are the three types or classes of levers?
  • What are the uses for a lever?

This lesson will answer those questions. Useful tool: Units Conversion

A typical lever consists of a solid board or rod that can pivot about a point or fulcrum . Since humans usually provide energy to levers, "effort" and "load" are often used instead of input and output.

An input force or effort is applied, resulting in moving or applying an output force to a load .

The distance from the applied force or effort force to the fulcrum is called the effort or input arm and the distance from the load to the fulcrum is called the load or output arm .

Since there is typically a very small amount of friction at the fulcrum, overcoming friction is not a factor in a lever as it might be in another simple machine like a ramp or wedge. Thus, we consider a lever a pure simple machine.

Lever configurations

There are three types or classes of levers, according to where the load and effort are located with respect to the fulcrum.

Class 1

A class 1 lever has the fulcrum placed between the effort and load. The movement of the load is in the opposite direction of the movement of the effort. This is the most typical lever configuration.

Class 2

A class 2 lever has the load between the effort and the fulcrum. In this type of lever, the movement of the load is in the same direction as that of the effort. Note that the length of the effort arm goes all the way to the fulcrum and is always greater than the length of the load arm in a class 2 lever.

Class 3

A class 3 lever has the effort between the load and the fulcrum. Both the effort and load are in the same direction. Because of the configuration, the fulcrum must prevent the lever beam from moving upward or downward. Often a bearing is used to allow the beam to pivot.

Note that the length of the load arm goes all the way to the fulcrum and is always greater than the length of the effort arm in a class 3 lever. The result is a force mechanical advantage less than 1.

Uses for a lever

The reason for a lever is that you can use it for a mechanical advantage in lifting heavy loads, moving things a greater distance or increasing the speed of an object.

Increase force

Increase distance moved

You can increase the applied force in order to lift heavier loads.

Increase speed

You can increase the speed that the load moves with Class 1 or Class 3 levers.


A lever is a simple machine that allows you to gain a mechanical advantage. It consists of a consists of a rigid bar or beam that is allowed to rotate or pivot about a fulcrum, along with an applied force and load. The three types or classes of levers, depend on where the fulcrum and applied force is located.

Uses for a lever are that you can move a heavy object using less force than the weight of the object, propel an object faster by applying a force at a slower speed, or move an object further than the distance you apply to the lever.

Leveraging gives you an advantage

Topic: Simple Machines PSSA: 3.4.7.C / S8.C.3.1

Objective: TLW compare different types of simple machines. TLW compare different types of simple machines. TLW explain the difference between a simple machine and a compound machine. TLW explain the difference between a simple machine and a compound machine.

MI #1: Levers A lever is a simple machine that has a bar that pivots on a fixed point called a fulcrum. A lever is a simple machine that has a bar that pivots on a fixed point called a fulcrum. Levers are classified based on the location of the input force, load, and the fulcrum. Levers are classified based on the location of the input force, load, and the fulcrum.

MI #2: Classes of Levers First class levers have the fulcrum between the input force and the load. First class levers have the fulcrum between the input force and the load. - Includes see-saws Second class levers have the load between the input force and the fulcrum. Second class levers have the load between the input force and the fulcrum. - Includes wheelbarrows Third class levers have the input force between the load and the fulcrum. Third class levers have the input force between the load and the fulcrum. - Includes hammers and fishing poles

Mi #3: Pulleys A pulley is a simple machine that has a grooved wheel that holds a rope or a chain. A pulley is a simple machine that has a grooved wheel that holds a rope or a chain. There are three types of pulleys; fixed, movable, and block and tackle. There are three types of pulleys; fixed, movable, and block and tackle.

MI #4: Wheel and Axle A wheel and axle consists of two circular objects of different sizes that rotate on the same axis. A wheel and axle consists of two circular objects of different sizes that rotate on the same axis. The axle rotates a smaller distance than the wheel, which results in a greater output force. The axle rotates a smaller distance than the wheel, which results in a greater output force.

MI #5: Inclined Planes An inclined plane is a straight slanted surface. An inclined plane is a straight slanted surface. A wedge is a pair of inclined planes that move. A wedge is a pair of inclined planes that move. A screw is an inclined plane wrapped around a cylinder. A screw is an inclined plane wrapped around a cylinder.

MI #6: Compound Machines A compound machine is a machine that is made of two or more simple machines working together. A compound machine is a machine that is made of two or more simple machines working together. Because compound machines have more moving parts, their mechanical efficiency is typically low. Because compound machines have more moving parts, their mechanical efficiency is typically low.

So What…? Real Life Application Machines make work easier, so it is important to understand the different types of simple machines. Machines make work easier, so it is important to understand the different types of simple machines.

Simple machines are extremely important to everyday life. They make stuff that is normally difficult a piece of cake. There are several types of simple machines. The first simple machine is a lever. A lever consists of a fulcrum, load, and effort force. A fulcrum is the support. The placing of the fulcrum changes the amount of force and distance it will take in order to move an object. The load is the applied force. The effort force is the force applied on the opposite side of the load.

Levers can be placed in three classes. The 1st class levers are objects like pliers where the fulcrum is at the center of the lever. The 2nd class of levers are objects that have the fulcrum on the opposite side of the applied force like a nutcracker. The 3rd and final class is objects like crab claws. These objects of the load at one end and the fulcrum on the other.

An inclined plane is another simple machine.

Inclined planes are also known as ramps. Ramps make a trade off between distance and force. No matter how steep the ramp, the work is still the same. A winding road on a mountain side is a good example of a ramp. Some simple machines are modified inclined planes. The wedge is one of those machines. One or two inclined planes make up a wedge. Saws, knives,needles, and axes are made from wedges. The screw is another modified inclined plane. Screws decrease the force but increase the distance. The ridges are called threads. A couple of simple machines are made with wheels. The wheel and axle is one of these machines.

These are made with a rod joined to the center of a wheel. They can either increase distance or force, depending on the size of the wheel. The pulley is another machine that uses wheels. The are a wheel with a groove in the center with a rope or chain stretched around it. The load attaches to one end and the effort is applied to the other on all pulleys. There are two types of pulleys. The fixed pulley stays in one place while the wheel spins. Movable pulleys attach to objects. Several pulleys can be used at one time. A good example of a pulley system is an escalator. Simple machines make up compound machines. We use these machines daily. Life would be difficult without simple machines.

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Or . However, some of the most important and useful machines are quite simple. In fact, scientists even call them simple machines!

So what is a simple machine? Is it a machine that does a simple , such as addition or ? Maybe it"s just a machine that"s really easy to operate, like an old television remote control? Or could it be any machine that makes life easier?

While simple machines do make our lives easier, they"re much older than either television remotes or calculators. Simple machines are some of the first machines ever created.

Since the earliest human beings walked on Earth, they looked for ways to make the of everyday life easier to accomplish. Over time, they did this by inventing what has become known as the six simple machines.

Wedges are moving inclined planes used to lift or separate. Wedges are usually used to cut, tear, or break an object into pieces. Common wedges include knives, axes, saws, scissors, and shovels. However, wedges can also be used to hold things in place, such as in the case of staples, nails, shims, or doorstops.

A is a twisted version of an inclined plane. It allows movement to be translated into an up or down motion that takes up less space. Screws can also help hold things together. Common examples of screws include jar lids, drills, light bulbs, and bottle caps.

These six simple machines are all around us. Often more machines, also called machines, consist of one or more of the simple machines put together. Can you imagine how much easier life became after the invention of these simple machines?