- If everyone tears the feathers of a peacock...

There was no one in the cage where the beavers live. Tanya stood for a long time, waiting, maybe the beaver would come out of the hole, but she never did. Beavers do not come out during the day.

And in one cage it was completely dark. Tanya thought that there was no one there, she took a closer look - two yellow eyes were burning in the darkness. It was an owl.

Tanya got scared, and she and her mother quickly went to the elephant.

The elephant lived in a large house with steps, it was hot, dark inside and smelled like a barn where cows live.

The elephant was having lunch. The watchman piled a whole heap of hay on him and brought him a bucket of carrots. The elephant carefully sniffed the carrot with its trunk and put it into its mouth. First he ate all the carrots, and then started eating the hay.

The watchman began to sweep away the remains of the hay, and the elephant pressed him against the wall. He asked him for carrots.

- Well, well, don’t spoil! - the watchman shouted and hit the elephant with a broom.

The elephant curled up its trunk and walked away.

Tanya was returning home with her mother.

– Why aren’t the elephants allowed into the kindergarten? He wants to take a walk in the sun.

“The elephant is old, and there are cold puddles in the garden.” “He’ll get his feet wet and catch a cold,” Mom said.

- What about the yaks?

– Yaks live high in the snowy mountains, they are accustomed to the cold. And the elephant was born in India, where it is always warm.

Tanya went to the window every morning and looked to see if there were still puddles in the yard.

And one day in May, when green leaves bloomed on the black trees, the ground dried up and a nettle butterfly flew into the yard, Tanya shouted:

- Mom, mom, the elephant is already walking!

There is sand around the station, and pine trees grow on the sand. The road here turns sharply to the north, and the locomotive always unexpectedly flies out from behind the hills.

Lubricants on duty are waiting for the train.

But the dog Zhulka comes out to meet him first. She sits on the sand and listens. The rails begin to hum, then tap. Zhulka runs to the side. The duty officer looks at Zhulka. He coughs and adjusts his red cap. The greasers clink the lids of their oil cans.

If the train comes from the north, Zhulka hides: people go on vacation on northern trains. The sailors jump out of the carriages with loud laughter and try to drag Zhulka to them. Zhulka is uncomfortable: she wags her tail, presses her ears and growls quietly.

Zhulka really wants to eat. There is chewing all around and it smells delicious. Zhulka is worried - the locomotive has already started humming, but she hasn’t been given anything yet. Often Zhulka was taken so far that she spent the whole day running home.

She ran past the houses where the switchmen live. They waved their flags goodbye to her. Then a big black dog chased her. In the forest, a girl was herding a goat and two kids. The kids were playing on the rails and did not obey the girl. After all, they can be crushed. The crook showed her teeth to them and growled, and the stupid goat wanted to butt her.

But the worst thing was running across the bridge. In the middle stood a soldier with a gun. He was guarding the bridge. Zhulka came closer to the soldier and began to suck up: she tucked her tail and crawled up to him on her belly. The soldier angrily stamped his foot on her. And Zhulka ran to her station without looking back.

“No,” she thought, “I’ll never go near a train again.”

But soon Zhulka forgot all this and began begging again.

One day she was taken very far, and she did not return back.

Wild animal

Vera had a baby squirrel. His name was Ryzhik. He ran around the room, climbed onto the lampshade, sniffed the plates on the table, climbed on the back, sat on the shoulder and unclenched Vera’s fist with his claws - looking for nuts.

Ryzhik was tame and obedient.

But one day, on New Year’s Day, Vera hung toys, nuts, and candies on the tree, and as soon as she left the room, she wanted to bring candles, Ryzhik jumped onto the tree, grabbed a nut, and hid it in his galoshes. I put the second nut under the pillow. The third nut was immediately chewed...

Vera entered the room, and there was not a single nut on the tree, only silver pieces of paper were lying on the floor.

She shouted at Ryzhik:

- What have you done, you are not a wild animal, but a domesticated, tame one!

Ryzhik no longer ran around the table, did not roll on the door, and did not unclench Vera’s fist. He stocked up from morning to evening. If he sees a piece of bread, he’ll grab it; if he sees the seeds, he’ll stuff his cheeks full, and he’ll hide everything.

Ryzhik also put sunflower seeds in the guests’ pockets in reserve.

Nobody knew why Ryzhik was stocking up.

And then my father’s acquaintance came from the Siberian taiga and said that pine nuts did not grow in the taiga, and the birds flew away over the mountain ranges, and the squirrels gathered in countless flocks and followed the birds, and even hungry bears did not lie down in dens for the winter.

Vera looked at Ryzhik and said:

– You are not a tame animal, but a wild one!

It’s just not clear how Ryzhik found out that there was famine in the taiga.

The potatoes are ripe in our garden. And every night, wild boars - wild pigs - began to come to our hut from the forest.

As soon as it got dark, my father put on a padded jacket and went to the garden with a frying pan.

He hit the frying pan and scared the wild boars.

But the wild boars were very cunning: dad rattled a frying pan at one end of the garden, and the wild boars ran to the other side and there they ate our potatoes. Yes, they will not so much eat as they will trample, crush into the ground.

The father was very angry. He took a gun from one hunter and glued a strip of white paper to the barrel. This is so that at night you can see where to shoot. But the wild boars didn’t come to our garden at all that night. But the next day they ate even more potatoes.

Then I also began to think about how to drive away the wild boars.

We have a cat, Murka, and I showed the guys different tricks with her.

Take and soak one piece of meat with valerian and the other with kerosene. Which smells like valerian, Murka will immediately eat, but from the kerosene she ran into the yard. The guys were very surprised. And I told the guys that the second piece was enchanted.

And so I decided to drive away the wild boars with kerosene too.

In the evening, I poured kerosene into a watering can and began walking around the garden with the watering can, watering the ground with kerosene. It turned out to be a kerosene path.

That night I didn’t sleep, I kept waiting for them to come. But the boars did not come that night or the next day. They were completely scared. No matter where you approach the potatoes, there is a smell of kerosene everywhere.

I learned from the tracks how the wild boars immediately rushed into the forest - they chickened out. I told my father that our potatoes are now enchanted. And he talked about kerosene. My father laughed because wild boars are not afraid of guns, but they were afraid of kerosene.

Who plants the forest

There were only fir trees across the river. But then oak trees appeared among the fir trees. They are still very small, only three leaves stick out from the ground.

And oak trees grow far from here. But the acorns couldn’t have flown in with the wind? They are very heavy. So someone is planting them here.

It took me a long time to guess.

One day in the fall I was walking from hunting, and I saw a jay fly low and low past me.

I hid behind a tree and began to spy on her. The jay hid something under a rotten stump and looked around: did anyone see it? And then she flew to the river.

I approached the stump, and between the roots in the hole lay two acorns: the jay hid them for the winter.

So this is where the young oak trees came from among the fir trees!

A jay will hide an acorn, and then forget where it hid it, and it will sprout.

In the fall, I was picking lingonberries in the taiga and came across moss, which for some reason was growing with its roots upward. Someone brought in some fresh soil and planted it like this.

“Who is it,” I think, “that planted moss?”

I saw that a hole had been dug under a fallen pine tree and there were many traces around, as if a barefoot man had walked, only with claws.

I had a friend, a hunter. And then one day he got ready to go hunting and asked me:

What should I bring you? Tell me, I'll bring it.

I thought: “Look, he’s bragging! I’ll come up with something smarter,” and said:

Bring me a live wolf. That's what!

The friend thought for a moment and said, looking at the floor:

And I thought: “That’s it! How I cut you off! Don't brag."

Two years have passed. I forgot about this conversation of ours. And then one day I come home, and in the hallway they say to me:

They brought you a wolf there. Some person came and asked you. “He asked for a wolf,” he says, “so pass it on.” And he goes to the door.

Without taking off my hat, I shout:

Where, where is he? Where is the wolf?

It's locked in your room.

I was young, and I felt ashamed to ask how he was sitting there: tied up or just on a rope. They'll think I'm a coward. And I myself think: “Maybe he walks around the room as he wants - in freedom?”

And I was ashamed to be a coward. He took a deep breath and ran into his room. I thought: “He won’t rush at me right away, and then... then somehow...” But my heart was beating strongly. With quick eyes I looked around the room - no wolf. I was already angry - they had cheated me, so they were joking - when suddenly I heard something moving under the chair. I carefully bent down, looked with caution and saw a big-headed puppy.

I say, I saw a puppy, but it was immediately clear that it was not a dog puppy. I realized that I was a wolf cub, and I was terribly happy: I would tame it, and I would have a tame wolf.

The hunter didn't cheat, well done! Brought me a live wolf.

I approached carefully. The wolf cub stood on all four paws and became alert. I looked at him: what a freak he was! It consisted almost entirely of a head - like a muzzle on four legs, and this muzzle consisted entirely of a mouth, and the mouth consisted of teeth. He bared his teeth at me, and I saw that his mouth was full of white teeth sharp as nails. The body was small, with sparse brown fur, like stubble, and a rat's tail at the back.

“After all, wolves are gray... And then, puppies are always pretty, but this is some kind of rubbish: just a head and a tail. Maybe not a wolf cub at all, but just something for fun. The hunter cheated, that’s why he ran away right away.”

I looked at the puppy, and he backed under the bed. But at that time my mother came in, sat down by the bed and called:

Wolf! Wolf!

I looked - the wolf cub crawled out, and the mother picked him up in her arms and stroked him - such a monster! She, it turns out, had already given him milk from a saucer twice, and he immediately fell in love with her. He smelled of a pungent animal odor. He smacked his lips and stuck his muzzle under mom’s armpit. Mother says:

If you want to keep it, you need to wash it, otherwise it will stink throughout the whole house.

And she carried him into the kitchen. When I went out into the dining room, everyone laughed that I rushed into the room like a hero, as if there was a terrible beast in there, and a puppy there. In the kitchen, the mother washed the wolf cub with green soap and warm water, and he stood quietly in the trough and licked her hands.

To narrow down the search results, you can refine your query by specifying the fields to search for. The list of fields is presented above. For example:

You can search in several fields at the same time:

Logical operators

The default operator is AND.
Operator AND means that the document must match all elements in the group:

research development

Operator OR means that the document must match one of the values ​​in the group:

study OR development

Operator NOT excludes documents containing this element:

study NOT development

Search type

When writing a query, you can specify the method in which the phrase will be searched. Four methods are supported: search taking into account morphology, without morphology, prefix search, phrase search.
By default, the search is performed taking into account morphology.
To search without morphology, just put a “dollar” sign in front of the words in the phrase:

$ study $ development

To search for a prefix, you need to put an asterisk after the query:

study *

To search for a phrase, you need to enclose the query in double quotes:

" research and development "

Search by synonyms

To include synonyms of a word in the search results, you need to put a hash " # " before a word or before an expression in parentheses.
When applied to one word, up to three synonyms will be found for it.
When applied to a parenthetical expression, a synonym will be added to each word if one is found.
Not compatible with morphology-free search, prefix search, or phrase search.

# study


In order to group search phrases you need to use brackets. This allows you to control the Boolean logic of the request.
For example, you need to make a request: find documents whose author is Ivanov or Petrov, and the title contains the words research or development:

Approximate word search

For an approximate search you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of a word from a phrase. For example:

bromine ~

When searching, words such as "bromine", "rum", "industrial", etc. will be found.
You can additionally specify the maximum number of possible edits: 0, 1 or 2. For example:

bromine ~1

By default, 2 edits are allowed.

Proximity criterion

To search by proximity criterion, you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of the phrase. For example, to find documents with the words research and development within 2 words, use the following query:

" research development "~2

Relevance of expressions

To change the relevance of individual expressions in the search, use the " sign ^ " at the end of the expression, followed by the level of relevance of this expression in relation to the others.
The higher the level, the more relevant the expression is.
For example, in this expression, the word “research” is four times more relevant than the word “development”:

study ^4 development

By default, the level is 1. Valid values ​​are a positive real number.

Search within an interval

To indicate the interval in which the value of a field should be located, you should indicate the boundary values ​​in parentheses, separated by the operator TO.
Lexicographic sorting will be performed.

Such a query will return results with an author starting from Ivanov and ending with Petrov, but Ivanov and Petrov will not be included in the result.
To include a value in a range, use square brackets. To exclude a value, use curly braces.

March 20, 2013 80th birthday anniversarychildren's writer, naturalist Gennady Yakovlevich Snegirev.

The writer is known to us mainlywith his children's stories and stories about nature and animals.When he starts talking, the wallssuddenly they move apart to the size of our big land, trodden along and across by Snegirev. Moose eat fly agaricspriests fight hand-to-hand with wolves and bears, and an old man from the tribe sits by the fire, throwing back his head and looking at the Milky Way. The stories are like fairy tales. Something unusual is always happening in them, but not everyone notices it. When you get acquainted with the stories of Gennady Snegirev, a bright, kind world opens up. The world of a person who loves and feels nature, knows and understands people, appreciates their courage, nobility, love for all living things.

Before starting to publish, Gennady Snegirev traveled a lot. He sailed as a sailor in the Pacific Ocean, was on various expeditions, wandered with geologists in Eastern Siberia, was a fish farmer, and a hunter. It’s not easy for him to remember all his routes. His books tell about them: “Night Bells”, “Blue Tuva”, “Chembulak”, “Camel Mitten”, “Octopus House”, “Letters from Native Lands” and many, many others. Open them, and they will tell you about Kamchatka and Tuva, about sultry Kazakhstan and the snowy tundra. And you will want to go to the taiga yourself, to a forest fire, you will want to climb steep mountain slopes, swim across rapids, stormy rivers, ride horses, deer, and dogs. And most importantly, you want to be kind, not only to admire nature, but to protect and preserve it...

Everything that he saw and experienced on these extraordinary travels, the writer captured in his stories and stories. His books are amazing; on their pages, the author, with childlike spontaneity, never tires of being surprised and admired by nature and the animal world.

Books by Gennady Snegirev with illustrations by various artists:

Many wonderful artists drew pictures for Gennady Snegirev’s stories, and this joint work produced books that can be read and viewed with great interest and undoubted benefit.

Reading the stories, you will probably want to get to know this writer better. It was not without reason that K. Paustovsky wrote about Snegirev that he was “a guide through a wonderful country whose name is Russia.”

I suggest you get acquainted with the works of G. Snegirev, which are located in the Central Children's Library:

Snegirev, G. Ya. Octopus's house: stories and tales / G. Snegirev; artist N. Belanov. - M.: Astrel: AST, 2006. - 254 p. : ill. — (Schoolchildren’s Reader).

Snegirev, G. Ya. On the Cold River: stories and tales / G. Snegirev; rice. N. Charushina. - M.: Det. lit., 1984. - 271 p. : ill.

Snegirev, G. Ya. Inhabited island / G. Ya. Snegirev. - M.: Det. lit., 1970. - 16 p. : ill.

Snegirev, G. Ya. Arctic fox land: stories / G. Snegirev; artist V. Lapovok. - M.: Det. lit., 1985. - 16 p. : ill. - (My first books)

Electronic reading diary

Book information

Book cover illustration


Choose at least 10 words

Services for creating "Word Clouds" Imagechef.com , Tagul

  • Ryzhik
  • nuts
  • candies
  • little squirrel
  • stocks
  • taiga
  • wild
  • room
  • New Year

  • Reference:* Creating a mosaic of words, service Imagechef.com
  • Reference: Tagul

Dictionary of unknown words

Words Word meanings Illustrations Link
1. Shade A lampshade is a part of a lamp, usually in the form of a cap, designed to concentrate and reflect light and protect the eyes from its influence. 2) outdated A visor worn over the forehead to protect the eyes from light exposure. .. Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary
2. Galoshes Galoshes are low rubber (previously also leather) shoes worn over boots to protect against dampness. Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary
3. Den Den - winter lair of a bear Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary
4. Lay down Lay down, lie down, lie down for a long time, position yourself somewhere hidden. Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

The dictionary was compiled and recorded by Ilya Nabochenko


Select quotes from the work and create a collage

Crossword, quiz

We create a crossword puzzle, and more experienced participants can create an additional quiz or game in the services LearningApps.org

  • Reference: How to work in the LearningApps service

Read the story by G.Ya. Snegirev "Wild Beast". And answer the questions

The whole team made up questions for the crossword puzzle. Posted by: Likhobabich Daria

More experienced participants can create an additional quiz in the service Triventy

  • Reference:* How to work at Triventy

Visualization summarizing information about the book

We collect all the information collected from the book in the service.