Pre-school preparation of children: content, forms, problems and ways to solve them [Text]: materials of All-Russian. scientific-practical Conf., 24-26 Oct. 2007 - Barnaul: BSPU, 2007. - 368 p. : table - In the back: Feder. Education Agency, State education institution of higher education prof. Education "Barnaul. State Pedagogical University". - Bibliography at the end of Art. - From the contents: Mental development and mental health of the child in pre-school conditions; The problem of preschool preparation of children in modern socio-pedagogical conditions; Perception of the personality of a preschool teacher in the structure of society; Organization of preparation of children 5-6 years old for schooling in conditions secondary school according to the “My World” program: (based on materials from the work of the city experimental site); Pre-school education: pros and cons; Problems before school education on modern stage; The problem of preschool preparation of children in modern conditions; Who is preschool education aimed at? ; Pre-school preparation for mastering writing; Organization research activities preschoolers in preschool preparation; Implementation of the idea of ​​continuity in preschool and primary education; Social and pedagogical prerequisites for continuity in the preschool education system; Pre-school education as an element of the continuous education system; Children's initiative as a problem of continuity between preschool and primary education; Psychological support preschool education; Psychological support for older children preschool age in the conditions of PMS - Center; Psychological help preschoolers with speech impairments; Possibilities for diagnosing the level of development emotional intelligence preschoolers; Organization of development space in preschool; Modern approaches to the planning and organization of subject-developmental space in groups of short-term stays for children; Basics of Formation environmental knowledge in preschool preparation of children; Features of the organization literary development children in the preschool period; Exploring the riches native language. Research approach as a factor in the development of a preschooler’s vocabulary in the conditions of preschool preparation; Formation of a child’s aesthetic worldview in the preschool period; Polyartistic activities in preschool age; Formation of musical culture as one of the important components of the personal culture of a preschool child; Working with paintings in the cultural development of children; Development of preschool children in physical education and educational classes; Specifics of manifestation of subjectivity of a 6-7 year old child in various types of interaction between parents and children; Formation of the image of school in preschool children; Improvement vocational training students to implement continuity of preschool and primary school education; Innovative approaches to training specialists to implement the tasks of artistic development of children in the preschool education system; Preparation of a specialist for organizing educational and gaming activities in preschool education; Features of methodological and mathematical preparation of FNC students for work in preschool; Organization of scientific and methodological work at the preschool department in Vladimirsky pedagogical college; Formation of a creative style of educational and professional activity of a preschool student; Features of the organization preschool work as part of pre-school preparation of children; The influence of preschool education on the adaptation of children in 1st grade; Development of children's speech in preschool education; Development creativity older preschoolers in classes on visual arts; Formation social role"student's parent" ; Developmental educational space in preschool preparation of children; Organization of pre-school preparation in schools in the city of Barnaul under the “My World” program; The effectiveness of the “My World” program based on diagnostic materials; Opportunities of the “My World” program in developing children’s creativity through play activity; The emotional effect of pre-school preparation for children aged 5.5-7 years according to the “My World” program: (based on the results of a parent survey); Formation of a positive attitude and image of school in children in the process of pre-school preparation; Using TRIZ elements and non-traditional drawing techniques in classes with disorganized children of senior preschool age in preparation for school. - ISBN 978-5-88210-392-6: 95.00 rub.
BBK 74.102(2Ros) + 74e(2Ros)l0

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Pract. allowance for school psychologists.
Publishing house VLADOS-PRESS, 2002. - 360 pp.: ill. - (B-school psychologist).
What is the psychological culture of the individual? How can one determine its characteristics at different age periods? A practical guide answers these and other questions.
The book presents both programs for diagnosing the psychological culture of students from 1st to 11th grades, as well as research results age characteristics and the possibilities of its development.
The materials in the book can be used in the work of a school psychologist both within the framework of diagnostic activities and in the psychological education of schoolchildren, i.e. when conducting training courses, clubs, electives.
The book is addressed to practical psychologists working with schoolchildren and, above all, school psychologists, as well as students and graduate students. The first chapter gives an idea of ​​the components of a person’s psychological culture, which forms the basis of psychodiagnostics.
The second and third chapters of the book describe programs for diagnosing psychological culture junior schoolchildren, adolescents, high school students, which can be included in the school psychologist’s activity plan and (or) used in monitoring the effectiveness of implemented programs and monitoring the psychological culture of students. It is possible to carry out diagnostics selectively according to individual parameters and methods in individual years of study in accordance with the tasks assigned to the practical psychologist. Some methods can be carried out by teachers together or under the guidance of a psychologist (for example, to identify psychological literacy). The use of some tests requires deeper special training, so their administration and interpretation of the results should be carried out by a psychologist.
Each chapter ends with comments from work experience and a presentation of some of the results of a psychological examination of students, options for interpreting, comparing and summarizing the data obtained. The selection of diagnostic procedures and techniques in each age period, the interpretation of the results are based on the ideas of psychologists about the parameters and indicators of the psychological culture of students and the possibilities of its development. Therefore, each of these chapters includes a description of the age-related capabilities and characteristics of schoolchildren and indicators of their psychological culture. The materials in this research section can help the school psychologist in processing, interpreting and describing own results examinations of students presented to them in documentation for certification, as well as in the preparation of various kinds of speeches (from teacher council to scientific and practical conference).

Pract. allowance for school psychologists.
Publishing house VLADOS-PRESS, 2002. - 360 pp.: ill. - (B-school psychologist).
What is the psychological culture of the individual? How can one determine its characteristics at different age periods? A practical guide answers these and other questions.
The book presents both programs for diagnosing the psychological culture of students from 1st to 11th grades, as well as the results of studies of age-related characteristics and the possibilities of its development.
The materials in the book can be used in the work of a school psychologist both within the framework of diagnostic activities and in the psychological education of schoolchildren, i.e. when conducting training courses, clubs, electives.
The book is addressed to practical psychologists working with schoolchildren and, above all, school psychologists, as well as students and graduate students.

The first chapter gives an idea of ​​the components of human psychological culture, which forms the basis of psychodiagnostics.
The second and third chapters of the book describe programs for diagnosing the psychological culture of primary schoolchildren, adolescents, and high school students, which can be included in the activity plan of a school psychologist and (or) used in monitoring the effectiveness of implemented programs and monitoring the psychological culture of students. It is possible to carry out diagnostics selectively according to individual parameters and methods in individual years of study in accordance with the tasks assigned to the practical psychologist. Some methods can be carried out by teachers together or under the guidance of a psychologist (for example, to identify psychological literacy). The use of some tests requires deeper special training, so their administration and interpretation of the results should be carried out by a psychologist.
Each chapter ends with comments from work experience and a presentation of some of the results of a psychological examination of students, options for interpreting, comparing and summarizing the data obtained. The selection of diagnostic procedures and techniques in each age period, the interpretation of the results are based on the ideas of psychologists about the parameters and indicators of the psychological culture of students and the possibilities of its development. Therefore, each of these chapters includes a description of the age-related capabilities and characteristics of schoolchildren and indicators of their psychological culture. The materials in this research section can help a school psychologist in processing, interpreting and describing their own examination results of students, presented to them in documentation for certification, as well as in preparing various kinds of presentations (from a teacher’s council to a scientific and practical conference).

Theoretical information

Psychology is an amazing science. At the same time, it is both young and one of the most ancient sciences. Already the philosophers of antiquity reflected on problems that are also relevant for modern psychology. Questions of the relationship between soul and body, perception, memory and thinking; questions of training and education, emotions and motivation of human behavior and many others have been raised by scientists since the emergence of the first philosophical schools Ancient Greece in the 6th-7th centuries BC. But the ancient thinkers were not psychologists in the modern sense. The symbolic date of birth of the science of psychology is considered to be 1879, the year of the opening of the first experimental psychological laboratory by Wilhelm Wundt in Germany, in the city of Leipzig. Until this time, psychology remained a speculative science. And only W. Wundt took upon himself the courage to combine psychology and experiment. For W. Wundt, psychology was the science of consciousness. In 1881, an institute was opened on the basis of the laboratory experimental psychology(still existing), which becomes not only scientific center, but also international center for training psychologists. In Russia, the first psychophysiological laboratory of experimental psychology was opened by V.M. Bekhterev in 1885 at the Kazan University clinic.