The professional holiday of all medical workers in Russia and some CIS countries is always celebrated in June. The third Sunday of the first summer month was chosen for this day. But the number turns out to be floating. In 2018 it falls on June 17th.

The third Sunday in June was chosen for the professional holiday of all medical workers back in 1980. Although the date is floating, the day has been fixed for many years. In the first month of summer, we honor all doctors, nurses and everyone involved in this important craft.

Date of medical worker holiday in 2018

A professional solemn day for all workers in the healthcare industry was established in the USSR by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council in 1980. No date was chosen for this day, but the day was set as the third Sunday in June. Since then, we have celebrated this holiday every year in the first month of summer, even after the collapse of the USSR. In Russia, a decree on celebrating Doctors' Day was signed in 1991.

The day has remained unchanged since Soviet times. In 2018, we will congratulate doctors and nurses on June 17th. The third Sunday of the month falls on this date.

Features of the professional holiday

Medical Worker's Day is an important holiday for the residents of our country. It occupies a special place in the calendar of professional dates. This is not a formal reason to express gratitude to doctors, but an opportunity to say thank you to those who save lives and guard our health, vigor and well-being.

Doctors and all those associated with medicine receive well-deserved congratulations on this day and receive their share of attention and gratitude from the many patients they helped.

Every year in Russia in every medical institution hold competitions professional excellence, evaluate the contribution of doctors and professionals in this field to the development of medicine. The results of the competition are summed up on the eve of Medical Day and the winners are honored on the holiday.

Every city usually holds festive events and concerts dedicated to this important day.

National television is broadcasting the awards ceremony for particularly distinguished doctors and healthcare workers. A festive concert is shown on the Russian central channel.

Medical Worker's Day is a significant holiday, both in Russia and in neighboring Ukraine and Belarus. The medical profession is one of the most unusual and extremely important professions in our lives. She will not tolerate mistakes, because any mistake can be fatal for a person.

From each doctor we expect only the manifestation of the highest degree of education, understanding and warmth. To thank and respect all the country's doctors, Medical Worker's Day was introduced, which has a special date in the calendar.

When is the holiday

This celebration is celebrated annually, although the date changes each time. At all, Medical Worker's Day falls on the third Sunday of June, and you can see what day it will be in the calendar. It so happened that this bright holiday will happen in 2017 June 18.

History of the emergence of medicine

It is still impossible to definitively indicate the exact date when medicine was born. We all understand that primitive man was not without various diseases or injuries, but we cannot claim that someone rushed to his rescue in a conscious way.

In addition to humans, animals needed help, but wild creatures could satisfy their own needs using techniques inherent to their breed. The understanding of primitive medical and hygienic norms came to man over time, after he had gone through several stages of evolution.

Most likely, the boundary between instinctive self-help and conscious provision of first aid can be considered the emergence of mutual support. Just when a person consciously tried to help another person, tried to alleviate his suffering, save life and improve the working capacity of other members of the team, medicine was born.

Who and when was Doctor's Day established?

In order for the holiday to be considered official, back in 1980, on October 1, the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR adopted Resolution No. holidays and memorable dates.” Since then, every year thousands of people across the country and abroad congratulate medical workers on their Day.

Features of the holiday

The main feature of this celebration is that it is celebrated not only by medical workers, but also by those people who, to one degree or another, save human lives, and are also directly related to this area.

These are engineers and technologists who develop equipment for medical institutions and laboratories; orderlies and biologists; chemists and laboratory technicians; other respected professions.

In order to respect all workers who once took the Hippocratic oath, Russia decided to introduce two honorary titles:

  1. Honored Health Worker Russian Federation. This is the highest degree of recognition and award for each medical worker. Only those people who completely devoted themselves to this area, put their soul into it and made an invaluable contribution to its development are worthy of it. Several years ago, the current President of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Medvedev, signed a decree conferring this title on Nina Viktorovna Kutsenko, a senior nurse from Ulyanovsk.
  2. Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation. This honorary title is awarded to doctors who have devoted more than 15 years of their lives to this profession, provide services in the field of healthcare and have managed to make a special contribution to medicine. 04/25/2011 Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree awarding Alexander Smirnov, head of the Glazov department of the healthcare institution.

Holiday traditions

For many, Doctor's Day is not just a holiday, it is equated to a day of solidarity, when every person tries to express their respect and respect to medical workers. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s a doctor or an ordinary nurse - they work together for the benefit of our health. There are really few real doctors (from God), but they do exist. And if it weren’t for them, our world would not become more beautiful and healthier.

In each medical institution, on the third Sunday in June, ceremonial meetings are held where particularly distinguished employees are awarded. After which, everyone goes to a festive banquet. The state provides each medical worker with a cash bonus, the amount of which is set at the state level.

Thanks to this professional celebration, we emphasize the importance of the daily, painstaking and much-needed work of doctors and health workers. People try to congratulate everyone who decided to join such a responsible, and at the same time, such important matter, as the salvation of human shares and lives.

Despite many difficulties and obstacles, our doctors try every day to carry out their work responsibly. Many of them win the recognition of citizens for their selflessness, professionalism and compassion. Therefore, on June 18, 2017, it is imperative to congratulate all doctors on such a wonderful and bright celebration as Doctor’s Day.

The medical profession is one of the oldest in the world (Photo: Dmitry Kalinovsky, Shutterstock)

An eternal feat - it’s within your reach,
Your hands are sleepless and holy.
I want to bow low to you,
People in white coats.

Music by E. Kolmanovsky,
words by L. Oshanin
"Men in White Coats"

Every year on the third Sunday in June


Kazakhstan, Moldova and

According to long-standing tradition, they celebrate

Medical Worker's Day

(Medical Day).

The basis for celebrating this professional holiday is the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR No. 3018-X dated October 1, 1980 “On holidays and memorable days”, as amended by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR No. 9724-XI dated November 1, 1988 “On amendments to the legislation of the USSR on holidays and memorial days.” And this tradition continues today.

The medical profession is one of the oldest in the world, and nowadays it is in demand literally everywhere. Each of us at least once in our lives turned to a doctor for help and treatment. After all, even at the very beginning of a person’s life - at the birth of a baby - doctors are directly involved. And modern healthcare and the efforts of doctors are aimed not only at treating diseases and maintaining human health, but also at its development.

The editorial board of the “Calendar of Events” project sincerely congratulates medical workers and veterans on professional holiday. We are grateful to you for coming to the rescue in the most difficult moments and saving our lives. We wish you even greater responsibility, cordiality and concern for patients.

Other holidays in the “International Holidays” section

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Medical Worker's Day in numbers

Medical Worker's Day in other calendars

Medical Worker's Day

Russian holidays

Medical Worker's Day

Holidays of Ukraine

Medical Worker's Day

Holidays in Belarus

Medical Worker's Day

Holidays in Armenia

Medical Worker's Day

Holidays in Kazakhstan

Related holidays

Otolaryngologist Day

Medical holidays

Purple Day (Epilepsy Day)

Medical holidays

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Medical holidays

Day of Pharmaceutical Worker of Ukraine

Medical holidays

All-Ukrainian Day against Breast Cancer

Medical holidays

See all related holidays from the “Medical Holidays” section. The holiday is presented by:

There is no more honorable work in the world,
More noble and more important!
A paramedic saves a life
He treats ordinary people.

I wish you good health,

Strong nerves, a lot of strength,
Personal happiness, good luck,
Faith, courage, love!

Diagnosis - accurate, anamnesis - quick,
Confident actions, correct thoughts,
More patients are very grateful,
Experienced colleagues, not untalented ones.

And the cardiograms are not straight, but zigzag,

May you walk through life with victorious steps,
High salaries, career growth,
Achieve everything with inspiration and simplicity,
Without tachycardia to climb up,
And so that you don’t need donors of happiness.

Work with a smile and normal blood pressure.

And be in excellent physical shape.
Thank you for your work, thank you for existing!
Happy Doctor's Day! Medicus medico amicus est!

Happy Doctor's Day, I sincerely congratulate you. I wish you not only to take care of the health of others, but also to take care of your own. May life give you happy moments and pleasant memories, understanding and gratitude from people. Good luck in your business and good mood.

People in white coats... bow to you,
For sleepless nights and labors.
For the lives saved once upon a time,
For saving someone's dreams!

Your work is important and everyone really needs it,

After all, a person is nowhere without you.
May earthly blessings come to you,
Trouble passes by!

Health workers, angels of God,

Many lives are in your hands.
May the Lord grant you health,
Happiness, joy, all the best!

On Doctor's Day we wish from the bottom of our hearts:
Let gratitude flow to you like a river,
And may it continue for many years to come
This work remains the best.

We wish to cope once or twice

With any problem, no matter what happens,
So that there is 10 times more in your life
Goodness, love and happiness appeared.

There are many doctors in the world,
But I confess - you are from God!
To you, a good doctor,
I will take care of all your ailments.

Took the Hippocratic oath

And they are very faithful to her,
Feel free to treat illnesses
There is no more useful profession.

I want to wish you

Avoid all diseases
And good health, strong
Make us all happy consistently.

Your hands are golden

Many people were healed.
My bow to you to the ground.
Happy Professional Day!

Who proudly bears the title “medic”
He deserved respect.
Let the sun shine brighter in life,
I have enough strength to do everything.

Let the profession bring

Prosperity, joy and success.
Let all questions be resolved,
The boss values ​​it the most!

When you hear “Be healthy!”
You'll immediately remember the doctors.
Those who rush to our aid,
Whose advice is always ready.

Wear white coats

Nice guys.
Anatomy - A+!
We will congratulate them.

In general, magicians of medicine,

Like a shot of penicillin
We will write you a prescription.
And there is no more wonderful one:

Ten drops of kindness

Twenty drops of beauty
For a glass of happy life.
Stir until thick.

So that everything is fine -

From luck powder,
A spoonful of good health
We add with love.

A spoonful of sweet love

For the blood to boil.
Mix everything well.
Take daily.

Good for health.

What else have we forgotten?
They took a spoonful of the mixture -
Let's start the procedure.

Bitter, too small

Medical salary.
So that she grows faster,
We add yeast.
It will be lush, it will be sweet.
Everything will be fine with you!

Your work is not more important in the world!
Profession - from ancient times and forever.

After all, everyone knows, both adults and children,

That the doctor is the most important person!

We sincerely congratulate you on Doctor's Day.

We want you to always be lucky in everything.
We wish you warmth and prosperity,
Move forward, in spite of all diseases!

Happiness and peace to your families,
Good, sincere friends,
Limitless luck,
Bright and good days.

Grateful patients

And good health to you,
Many joyful moments
And all the best. Hurray for doctors!

Wish you health
Very important and honorable.
For all doctors I myself
I'll gladly take ten grams.
For the sake of such a holiday,
And Doctor's Day is once a year,
This is what I wish again:
May you be very lucky!
Who's talking about what - I'm talking about one thing:
Joy, good luck in everything,
You will have everything in a bundle!