IN higher school There are various ways to control and test students' knowledge. It's not just exams and tests. There is also such a thing as differentiated credit by discipline. What it is, how it is carried out and how it differs from other forms of knowledge control - this will be discussed further.


Initially, you need to understand the terminology that you will encounter. So, differentiated assessment is one of the forms of testing the material learned by the student. It should be noted that this form of control is also appropriate for assessing the completion of production and educational practice. If we say the most in simple words, then a differentiated test is the same test, but only as a result of which a grade is given.

For example, if the course results in a test, then the student can receive two grades: “z” - when the teacher notes that the material has been mastered and “n/z” - when the lecturer is dissatisfied with the knowledge that the student received while studying the discipline. The whole point of the test is that if the student’s knowledge is not excellent, but is within the normal range, then he can receive a mark “z”. Differentiated credit is the assignment by the teacher of a full grade for the knowledge acquired by the student.

The concept of intermediate certification

It should be noted that differential credit refers to one of the forms of intermediate certification. Its essence is to check students' assimilation of the material received. In addition to differential testing, there are also forms of control such as exams or tests. It is believed that the best form of intermediate certification is written control, because it is considered the most objective and comprehensive test of the knowledge presented.

About the norms

It is also important to note that all forms of control must be regulated by the basic curriculum. This main document, according to which any department operates. This is a kind of schedule that contains information about in which semester a certain discipline will be studied, how many hours are allocated for this, what distribution is provided between lectures, seminars and other types of classes. also in curriculum a form of control is prescribed that follows after completion of the training course.

Differential credit and intermediate certification

I would also like to note that differentiated credit can also be a form of intermediate certification within one discipline. So, for example, the annual discipline “History” after the end of the first semester can be completed with a dissertation test, and at the end of the whole course - a year later - with an exam. However, the form of control under consideration can also be independent and final.

The purpose of the differential offset

Having understood that differentiated testing is a form of intermediate certification, I would also like to consider the purposes of its implementation. There are several of them:

  • First of all, it is important, of course, to assess the level of material learned by the student.
  • Understand how much the student has mastered the theoretical part and whether he or she has an idea of ​​its practical side (if the discipline implies this).
  • Make sure that the student has developed figurative and creative thinking, which is simply necessary when studying certain disciplines.
  • And, of course, you need to understand whether the student knows how to synthesize knowledge and transform it for practical application.

Who accepts differential credit?

It is imperative to talk about all the nuances that are important to take into account if you are to receive differentiated credit for the IDC. First of all, it is necessary to understand that the teacher who “taught” the course will accept students’ differential credits. This could be either a lecturer or a teacher who conducted practical (seminar) classes. This is best, because the teacher sees which of the students worked and how they worked during the time allotted for studying the discipline.

Who is allowed to take the differential test?

If a student is facing a differentiated test in history or another discipline, you need to understand that you still need to obtain a so-called admission. What is it? For example, if a student did not take classes for a whole semester, and especially did not pass test papers or abstracts, he definitely won’t have access. In what cases can it be obtained? If all control milestones and tasks provided not only rating system, but also the working plan of a particular discipline.

Criteria for evaluation

Carrying out differentiated credit ends with grading the student according to his knowledge. The grading scale is almost always the same as for exams. That is, the teacher has the right to give the student “5” - excellent, “4” - good, etc., up to “2” - which means unsatisfactory. However, it should be noted that some departments also present differentiated testing in the form of the letters “z” - pass, or “n/z” - that is, failure (which, however, is extremely rare). The assessment form must be prescribed in the Regulations on current and milestone controls, which are compiled by each department individually.

Delivery forms

The test can be given in two forms: oral and written. In the first case, the teacher must announce the grade on the day of delivery. In the second, the grade may be announced after a certain time, which may be required to check the works written by students. Important: the assessment must be announced before the day the report is submitted to the dean’s office, so that, if necessary, it can be challenged or clarified.

If the student does not show up

It happens that a student does not show up to take a differentiated test. In this case, the statement is marked “n/a”, which means “did not appear”. The same mark can be affixed if the student wishes to take the retake. However, this must be specified in the above-mentioned Regulations.

About the statements

It should also be noted that there are two types of statements.

  1. Test and examination. Where are all grades based on the results of the interim certification. It is handed over to the dean's office. After this, corrections or additions to it are impossible. Important: the student must know with what mark the statement was sent to the dean’s office.
  2. Point-rating, where the number of points that the student received during the intermediate control is entered.

How does differential credit work?

Very often, students are interested in how a differentiated test in mathematics or another discipline works. Especially if you have to take it for the first time. Everything is simple here. Everything is carried out according to the principle of normal testing. The only difference is that as a result the student will receive a grade, and not just a “w” or “w/w” mark. If the test is written, all students will be in the classroom together. Each of them will choose a ticket, the questions of which will have to be answered in writing. If the test is oral, then students will enter the classroom one or several at a time. There is also a ticket with questions, followed by the time allotted for preparation, after which the material is presented to the teacher. It is believed that written form control makes it possible to avoid the subjective attitude of the teacher towards the student. And the oral one makes it possible to understand how deeply and qualitatively the student has mastered the proposed material.

Is assessment important?

If, for example, the study of the discipline “Physics” is completed, a differentiated test shows the level of knowledge acquired by the student. But why give a grade if you can just get a “C”? So, it is important to understand that this mark will be taken into account when calculating all “excellent” and “good” marks for obtaining an honors diploma. That is, you need to understand that a three in the differential score can significantly spoil the picture.

About retaking before receiving a diploma

In some cases, a student has the right to retake the advanced test if he is applying, for example, for an honors diploma. However, this is not a simple procedure, which requires a preliminary application from the dean of the faculty or the head of the department. In general, management allows no more than a couple of assessments to be retaken to improve the rating. However, all these nuances must be spelled out in the Regulations.

About the practice

In general, all types of student and educational tests end with a differential test. In this case, the mark must be set before the start. The mark is set comprehensively: both the assimilation of the theoretical and practical sides.

Important nuances

If a student falls ill or for other valid reasons misses the advanced test, his session may be extended. Alternative: individual deadlines for passing the intermediate assessment can be set. This is all formalized by order of the dean of the faculty.

Here are excerpts from Rules for awarding scholarships at DNU:

For each specialty of each course (accelerated students separately, 5-6 courses TP-TD-TO together) a scholarship will be awarded to no more than 45% of students in the budget form of education. If a student studies on a contract and will be transferred to the budget, he does not apply for a scholarship.

RZ = 0.9*RS + 0.1*RD,

This is the answer to the most popular question: “Will the credits affect the scholarship?” Only exams, practices, coursework and advanced tests are included in the rating score. However, in case of a controversial issue, with the same rating score, the scholarship will be received by the one who has passed the tests better. Also, tests influence the receipt of diplomas with honors (assessment by tests should not be lower than 75).

Prepare for the session, pass exams successfully, retain and apply the knowledge gained.

Many students ask how scholarships will be awarded.

Here are excerpts from the Rules for the appointment of scholarships at DNU:

The final limit of scholarships is established in hundreds (in the range of 40 to 45) of the actual number of full-time students who are starting state-registered studies at the singing faculty, special singing courses The start date (direct preparation) begins on the first day of the month following the date of completion of the semester control This is based on the initial plans for sub-faculties, courses and specialties (direct training).

In the group, a scholarship will be awarded to no more than 45% of students in the budget form of education. If a student studies on a contract and will be transferred to the budget, he does not apply for a scholarship.

Ratings, which are primarily for which students are assigned and paid academic scholarships from the first period until the first semester control, are formed on the basis of competitive scores, which are deducted by them before entering the university.

Upon admission to the 5th and 1st year, the scholarship will be awarded based on entrance scores. The current 4th year students will not receive a scholarship in July-August.

RZ = 0.9*RS + 0.1*RD,

de RS – the average success score (based on the overall grading scale) of the student based on the results of the remaining semester control (points, deductions for exams, differential assessments, protection of coursework (projects) and practices);

RD – an additional point (beyond the 100-point grading scale) for participation in scientific, scientific and technical activities (creative activity for local specialties), community life and sports activities.

This is the answer to the most popular question: “Will the credits affect the scholarship?” Only exams, practices, coursework and advanced tests are included in the rating score. However, in case of a controversial issue, with the same rating score, the scholarship will be received by the one who has passed the tests better. The credits also influence the receipt of diplomas with honors (the credit score must be lower than 75).

The number of increased scholarships is determined by the scholarship fund and at the moment it is difficult to say how to choose the most worthy ones. The dean's office and the scholarship committee are ready to listen to your proposals (after the decision is made).

Good afternoon, dear colleagues! IN Lately We began to receive questions about issuing annual grades: do we display them, what grade do we write down in the student’s diploma, is it worth issuing semester grades in the presence of a test and an exam? Let's figure it all out with you.

Annual assessment not displayed. The scholarship is awarded to the student based on the results of semester activities and academic performance. Please note that the journal does not even provide columns for annual estimates in the summary statements. We can safely say that annual assessments are a relic of the past.

What then should we write down in our student’s diploma? Upon completion of studying a course in a certain subject, it is necessary to intermediate certification, which is carried out either in the form of a differential test or in the form of an exam. This performance result is the final, final, summarizing the entire course of study in this subject. So this is the result that is recorded in the diploma. You can find out what form of intermediate certification is determined for your discipline in the training section - all this is planned and described in work plans.

Now let's take a look specific example. The discipline "mathematics" is taught over three semesters.

First semester midterm assessment was not scheduled, and we assigned a semester grade. This semester grade affects the scholarship in the same way as credits in other disciplines. Why was there no test scheduled for math in the first semester? Because the number of credits per year is fixed. Therefore, it is not possible to pass tests in all subjects. We fill the gap through semester assessment.

In second semester We have a differential test for the discipline. Since we take the credit hours from the subject hours, the semester will end with 1-2 credit hours and these 1-2 hours will be included in lesson-thematic planning. At the end of the semester, the last entry will be “graduation”. We would issue the semester grade after recording the differential pass. But then it must duplicate the grade according to the differential test. A semester assessment cannot be different from a differential assessment assessment, since a differential assessment is a generalizing, final procedure for assessing educational achievements. Is it worth making extra notes then? No. If there is a pass/failure, we do not issue a semester grade. It is the differential grade that affects the scholarship.

Third semester ends with an exam in the discipline. The exam hours are outside the subject hours, so the program is completely subtracted first. Then the semester assessment we don't withdraw we skip the cell and assign an exam mark. If we were to give a semester grade and then conduct an exam, then we would also have to output the final grade. After reading carefully the requirements for filling out the journal ( Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the DPR No. 4619 dated October 14, 2015 “On the instructive and methodological recommendations of the Ministry of Education and Science” - you can find this letter on the website of the Ministry of Education and Science of the DPR and on the website of the Education and Training Center of Special Education), We find no mention of final grades anywhere. Therefore, there should not be any, which means there is no semester mark if the exam is passed. An exam is a form of testing knowledge for the entire course of study of a discipline. This assessment is general and final. It is this grade that will go into the diploma, this grade will influence the scholarship in the third semester.

It should be noted that differential credit refers to one of the forms of intermediate certification. Its essence is to check students' assimilation of the material received. In addition to differential testing, there are also forms of control such as exams or tests. It is believed that the best form of intermediate certification is written control, because it is considered the most objective and comprehensive test of the knowledge presented.

About the norms

It is also important to note that all forms of control must be regulated by the basic curriculum. This is the main document according to which any department operates. This is a kind of curriculum, schedule, which contains information about in which semester a certain discipline will be studied, how many hours are allocated for it, what distribution is provided between lectures, seminars and other types of classes. The curriculum also prescribes a form of control that follows after completion of the training course.

Differential credit and intermediate certification

I would also like to note that differentiated credit can also be a form of intermediate certification within one discipline. So, for example, the annual discipline “History” after the end of the first semester can be completed with a dissertation test, and at the end of the whole course - a year later - with an exam. However, the form of control under consideration can also be independent and final.

The purpose of the differential offset

Having understood that differentiated testing is a form of intermediate certification, I would also like to consider the purposes of its implementation. There are several of them:

  • First of all, it is important, of course, to assess the level of material learned by the student.
  • Understand how much the student has mastered the theoretical part and whether he or she has an idea of ​​its practical side (if the discipline implies this).
  • Make sure that the student has developed imaginative and creative thinking, which is simply necessary when studying certain disciplines.
  • And, of course, you need to understand whether the student knows how to synthesize knowledge and transform it for practical application.

Who accepts differential credit?

It is imperative to talk about all the nuances that are important to take into account if you are to receive differentiated credit for the IDC. First of all, it is necessary to understand that the teacher who “taught” the course will accept students’ differential credits. This could be either a lecturer or a teacher who conducted practical (seminar) classes. This is best, because the teacher sees which of the students worked and how they worked during the time allotted for studying the discipline.

Who is allowed to take the differential test?

If a student is facing a differentiated test in history or another discipline, you need to understand that you still need to obtain a so-called admission. What is it? For example, if a student has not taken classes for a whole semester, much less passed tests or essays, he will definitely not have admission. In what cases can it be obtained? If all the milestones and tasks provided not only by the rating system, but also by the work plan of a particular discipline are passed.

Criteria for evaluation

The differentiated test is completed by assigning a grade to the student, according to his knowledge. The grading scale is almost always the same as for exams. That is, the teacher has the right to give the student “5” - excellent, “4” - good, etc., up to “2” - which means unsatisfactory. However, it should be noted that some departments also present differentiated testing in the form of the letters “z” - pass, or “n/z” - that is, failure (which, however, is extremely rare). The assessment form must be prescribed in the Regulations on current and milestone controls, which are compiled by each department individually.

Delivery forms

The test can be given in two forms: oral and written. In the first case, the teacher must announce the grade on the day of delivery. In the second, the grade may be announced after a certain time, which may be required to check the works written by students. Important: the assessment must be announced before the day the report is submitted to the dean’s office, so that, if necessary, it can be challenged or clarified.

If the student does not show up

It happens that a student does not show up to take a differentiated test. In this case, the statement is marked “n/a”, which means “did not appear”. The same mark can be affixed if the student wishes to take the retake. However, this must be specified in the above-mentioned Regulations.

About the statements

It should also be noted that there are two types of statements.

  1. Test and examination. Where are all grades based on the results of the interim certification. It is handed over to the dean's office. After this, corrections or additions to it are impossible. Important: the student must know with what mark the statement was sent to the dean’s office.
  2. Point-rating, where the number of points that the student received during the intermediate control is entered.

How does differential credit work?

Very often, students are interested in how a differentiated test in mathematics or another discipline works. Especially if you have to take it for the first time. Everything is simple here. Everything is carried out according to the principle of normal testing. The only difference is that as a result the student will receive a grade, and not just a “w” or “w/w” mark. If the test is written, all students will be in the classroom together. Each of them will choose a ticket, the questions of which will have to be answered in writing. If the test is oral, then students will enter the classroom one or several at a time. There is also a ticket with questions, followed by the time allotted for preparation, after which the material is presented to the teacher. It is believed that a written form of control makes it possible to avoid the subjective attitude of the teacher towards the student. And the oral one makes it possible to understand how deeply and qualitatively the student has mastered the proposed material.

Is assessment important?

If, for example, the study of the discipline “Physics” is completed, a differentiated test shows the level of knowledge acquired by the student. But why give a grade if you can just get a “C”? So, it is important to understand that this mark will be taken into account when calculating all “excellent” and “good” marks for obtaining an honors diploma. That is, you need to understand that a three in the differential score can significantly spoil the picture.

About retaking before receiving a diploma

In some cases, a student has the right to retake the advanced test if he is applying, for example, for an honors diploma. However, this is not a simple procedure, which requires a preliminary application from the dean of the faculty or the head of the department. In general, management allows no more than a couple of assessments to be retaken to improve the rating. However, all these nuances must be spelled out in the Regulations.

About the practice

In general, all types of student internships end with a pass: production and educational. In this case, the mark must be given before the start of the qualifying examination. The mark is given in a comprehensive manner: both the assimilation of the theoretical and practical aspects.

Important nuances

If a student falls ill or for other valid reasons misses the advanced test, his session may be extended. Alternative: individual deadlines for passing the intermediate assessment can be set. This is all formalized by order of the dean of the faculty.