Big Ben (Great Britain) - description, history, location. Exact address, phone number, website. Tourist reviews, photos and videos.

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The clock tower of the Palace of Westminster in London is known throughout the world as Big Ben. Meetings of the House of Lords and the House of Commons are held in the Palace of Westminster, in the many kilometers of corridors of the palace it is easy to lose the right direction, there is hardly a person who has visited all of its 1200 rooms, but the most famous part of the palace - the clock tower - is known, without exaggeration, to everyone world and is one of the most striking architectural symbols of the city.

The height of the tower is 96 meters, and a narrow spiral staircase of 334 steps is hidden inside it. After passing them all, you can get to a small open area where the famous bell Big Ben is located. It is he who strikes the time every hour, and it is his sounds that are transmitted every hour on BBC radio. It was this bell that gave the name to both the clock and the tower itself.

The bell is large: 2 meters in height and 3 meters at the base. The dimensions of the watch are no less striking: their diameter is 7 meters, and the hands are 2.7 and 4.2 m long.

The clock was put into operation on May 21, 1859 (the tower itself was built a year earlier) and to this day is listed among the most big clock peace. Their four dials are made of opaline glass, bordered by gilded frames and have a Latin inscription, which means “God save our Queen Victoria”. This clock also has global significance: officially the new year on planet Earth begins with the first strike of Big Ben on January 1.

It is interesting that Londoners living near the Palace of Westminster hear thirteen strikes of the Big Ben bell on New Year's Eve: the effect is due to the fact that the speed of sound is slower than the speed of radio waves.

Unfortunately, the general public does not have the opportunity to climb the Big Ben tower: safety concerns come first. But from time to time, representatives of the press and various important guests of Great Britain get the opportunity to climb it. But even important guests are forced to climb the steps of the stairs on their own: there are no lifts inside the tower.

The Big Ben Clock Tower systematically becomes the “heroine” of many films, personifying the image of London.

London's Big Ben has long become one of the most recognizable symbols of England. This name historically does not belong to huge watches, as is commonly believed. Big Ben is a huge bell, weighing about 13 tons, the diameter of its base is 3 meters. The bell is located in the tower, which is part of the architectural ensemble of the Palace of Westminster. Gradually, both the huge clock and the 96-meter-high tower began to be called this way. Big Ben's clock also has impressive dimensions (diameter of the dial is 7 meters); they are still among the largest in the world.

The history of Big Ben

The clock tower was built in 1858. It was designed by Augustus Pugin, an English architect. A year later, at an altitude of 55 meters, a clock was launched on the tower. The original bell was cast in advance - in 1856, its weight was 16 tons, and it was then that it was given the name Big Ben. But during testing it cracked, after which it was remade and lost weight, and soon cracked again. For several years the clock worked without it, until finally, after minor repairs, the bell was raised to the tower. It is he who now rings on the tower along with the quarter bells, reproducing the Cambridge chimes.

Origin of the name Big Ben

There is still no consensus about why the bell was given such an uncharacteristic name - Big Ben. According to one version, the main attraction of London owes its name to a boxer, who was so nicknamed because of his weight. His real name is Benjamin Count. According to another, Benjamin Hall, who supervised the production of the bell, became the founder of this name, since due to his build he was called Big Ben.

Features of the Big Ben clock

The clock mechanism was made according to the design of the royal astronomer and amateur watchmaker (George Airey and Edmund Beckett Denison). It owes its accuracy and reliability to the double three-stage action invented by Denison. The clock can be adjusted using 1 penny coins - they change the speed by 0.4 seconds.

The huge dials are in iron frames and consist of individual pieces of opal glass, the circumference of the discs is covered with gold. However, there is no way to see all this splendor - now the entrance to the tower is closed to visitors. In addition, there is no lift in the tower, and those who wish could only climb up the stairs.

Big Ben - clockwork

How to get to Big Ben

You can take a bus to Trafalgar Square Whathall or Parliament Square with a stop near the Palace of Westminster. By metro travel to Victoria or Westminster stations.

The Clock Tower is central to English New Year celebrations and is probably the most best time for a tourist trip to London. On December 31, you will not only be able to admire the most iconic place for the British, but also hear the chimes.

An abundance of interesting sights - almost main reason one of those that makes thousands of tourists from different parts of the world flock to London every year. Big Ben is a historical building of which it is rightly proud. What is known about the huge clock that indicates the time with amazing accuracy, what is its history?

Big Ben in London: name

Why did the symbol of the capital of England receive such an unusual name? Initially, this name was given to a huge bell located in the tower of the Palace of Westminster. The diameter of the base of the product is three meters, the weight goes beyond 13 tons. Gradually, both the Clock Tower, in which the bell is located, and the clock, which is of impressive size, began to be called the same. Several decades later, the whole world knew that Big Ben was the clock tower in London.

Who came up with the uncharacteristic name that was originally awarded to the bell? There are two legends explaining the origin of the name. The most popular of them says that the watch owes its original name to the architect Benjamin Hall, who was responsible for the construction work. It is believed that this man was so called because of his impressive build.

The second theory is slightly less popular. If you rely on it, it got its name in honor of the famous English heavyweight boxer Benjamin Count.


When was the landmark that London is deservedly proud of created? Big Ben has a long history. It began back in 1288, when the Clock Tower was built, which became part of the Palace of Westminster. Unfortunately, a fire that occurred in 1834 led to the destruction of this architectural element. Of course, a few years later the decision was made to reconstruct it.

Who developed the design of the famous tower, which even today every person visiting London strives to see? Big Ben is the brainchild of the architect Augustus Pugin, famous for his Gothic Revival designs. Unfortunately, this man died before his project was realized. Construction of the tower was completed in 1858; in 1859, the ceremonial launch of the clock mechanism took place.

At first, electricity was used to illuminate the building; it was only used in 1912.

Technical specifications

The brick tower, which is crowned by a spire cast from cast iron, is installed on a concrete foundation, the height of which is 15 meters. Colored limestone was used to clad the architectural element. Even without the spire, the height of the tower is more than 60 meters, with it - 96.3 meters. How do you understand how majestic a landmark London is proud of? Big Ben has a height comparable to the parameters of a 16-story building.

Unfortunately, the tower is not intended for mass visits; guests of the capital of Great Britain can only see it from afar, as well as the inhabitants of the metropolis. It is not surprising that the project did not include lifts or elevators. Those who want to climb to the top must climb a total of 334 steps.

What is a watch

It is impossible not to dwell separately on such an element as the Big Ben clock. there are no analogues that could compete with them in terms of size. Just a few decades ago there were no such things in the whole world. Pugin also took over the development of watch dials. In their production, 312 pieces of glass opal were used, seven-meter steel frames and gilded discs were created.

The hands also have outstanding dimensions. The minute clock is 4.2 meters long and is made of copper. Cast iron was used to make the hour hands; their length is 2.7 meters. The clock dials are installed at a height of 55 meters. The total weight tends to 5 tons. The pendulum, weighing about 300 kg, is located inside the tower, located under the clock room.

About accuracy

As you know, Big Ben is located in London. The inhabitants of this city value punctuality above all else. It is not surprising that the watch, which has established itself as a standard of reliability, has long become a symbol of the capital of Great Britain. Assembling the clock movement was a task that was entrusted to watchmaker Edward Dent. The master completed this task by 1854. A unique double three-stage movement has been developed, guaranteeing high precision of the watch.

It is known that the error of the clock mechanism does not exceed 2 seconds per day. Amazingly, the accuracy of the mechanism is adjusted using a one-penny coin, which is either placed on the pendulum or removed.

There is an opinion that the majestic clock never stopped counting time. This statement is refuted by the story of Big Ben. In London, they first encountered their damage in 1976; the auto-regulator of the movement of the mechanism broke down. Repairing the watch took approximately 9 months, during which time it did not work. The relaunch was celebrated in May 1977. There were malfunctions in their operation later, but the problems were fixed much faster than what happened during the first breakdown. Interestingly, Big Ben was damaged during the Second World War as a result of bombing, but damage to the roof of the tower did not cause the reliable clock mechanism to fail.

What is a bell

It is not only its size that gives the Clock Tower a popularity that other London attractions cannot compete with. Big Ben is equipped with a huge bell that chimes. This product is located inside the tower. It is known that the casting of the bell was entrusted to the master Edmund Beckett Denison. This man decided to create something grander than even “ Great Peter", located in York and weighing ten tons. He created a bell whose total weight was 16 tons.

To transport the product, a cart was used, which was harnessed by 16 horses. The bell lasted no more than two months, then cracked. As a result, it was created new option, whose weight did not go beyond 13 tons. It is curious that the weight of the hammer responsible for the blows was halved.

Unfortunately, the second bell was also cracked, but it was repaired. It was decided to create a square cut that prevents cracks from spreading. A small reversal of Big Ben was also performed, as a result of which the hammer no longer affected the damage.

For the first time, the resonating ringing was heard by the inhabitants of the capital at the end of May 1859. Big Ben in London has existed for over 150 years. The first contact of the hammer with the bell is made in the first second of the beginning of a new hour. The clock cannot be late because its progress is controlled by an English penny by a person acting as a keeper. It is curious that they wanted to fire the caretaker when one day the famous clock was delayed by one second. Of course, the serviceability of the mechanism is regularly checked.

Interestingly, Big Ben, located in London, was chosen to herald the beginning of the 21st century on the night of December 31, 2000. This clock represents the international time standard. A few decades ago, they had the world's largest dial, but this record was broken by the clock installed on the building of the Allen Bradley company, which is located in the US state of Wisconsin.

Symbol of London

Nowadays it is difficult to meet a person who does not know in which city Big Ben is located - London. The famous clock rings, to which the people of Great Britain greet New Year. It is used when it is necessary to declare a minute of silence associated with sad events that have occurred in the world. Almost all fiction and documentary films dedicated to England contain an image of the magnificent Big Ben in their screensaver. Local news programs also begin with a photograph of the famous tower.

What is it impossible to imagine good old England without? The legendary five o'clock tea, Westminster Abbey, the Tower of London and, of course, the famous Big Ben. It has long become something more than just a tourist symbol - the meaning of this seemingly “just a landmark” for tourists and local residents difficult to overestimate.

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There are many interesting facts and stories associated with Big Ben, which some people are not even aware of. Even tour guides often do not have time to mention all the unusual and fascinating moments.

1. The world-famous name Big Ben is not an official one. If you believe official documents, then until 2012 the tower was called the Clock Tower of the Palace of Westminster, and in 2012 it was renamed the Elizabethan Tower. The British themselves often call Big Ben St. Stephen's Tower.

2. The total height of Big Ben, from the base to the end of the spire, is 96.3 meters. This means that she is taller than even the New York Statue of Liberty.

3. The ringing of Big Ben was heard at a distance of 8 kilometers. Due to the design features of the structure, this sound is unique.

4. The chimes continued to sound even during wars; they were “silent” only during the restoration of 1983-1985 and the planned repairs carried out in 2007 (of course, not counting cases of unexpected breakdowns, which were repaired quite quickly). On August 21, 2017, at 12-00, the bell struck for the last time - until 2021, Big Ben is closed for major restoration.

5. “Silence” is also associated with tragic events in the life of England. For example, Big Ben was “silent” during Margaret Thatcher’s funeral.

6. In 2012, Big Ben went “off schedule.” On the morning of July 27, the bell struck 40 times at once. In honor of the opening of the Olympic Games.

7. Statistics buffs have calculated that the minute hands of Big Ben travel a considerable distance of 190 kilometers in a year.

8. Big Ben has official significance not only for England, but for the whole world. Officially, the New Year on the planet begins with the first strike of the bell on January 1. Interestingly, those who live in the area of ​​Westminster Abbey hear thirteen blows on this night. This is because radio waves travel faster than sound.

9. For some time, there was a prison in the Big Ben tower, where unwanted members of parliament were imprisoned.

10. In the 21st century, when technological progress reigns all around, the caretaker of the Big Ben clockwork was almost fired for not noticing a lag of 1 second. Another failure, for as much as 4 minutes, was recorded in 1949. It was caused by birds landing on the arrow.

And finally, one more interesting fact. Big Ben is the only attraction that has its own Twitter account. The tower doesn’t “speak” much, its only word is “BONG” (the number of “bongs” depends on the time of day), but every hour. Thus, any Internet user, no matter where he is, becomes a listener of Big Ben without any problems.

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origin of name

The question of where Big Ben is can be answered in different ways.

One will name the country, another - the city, and someone will remember the exact address.

Let's try to give a detailed answer to the question - where is the Big Ben clock and tell you a lot of interesting things about this world-famous landmark. Information about its location, or how much the bell weighed at the time of casting, or what the height of the tower is, and more, is available on the Internet. For example, Wikipedia, regarding what the most famous tower of the Tower of Big Ben is, gives the following message: “Big Ben is a popular tourist name for the clock tower of the Palace of Westminster.” Therefore, it is located in central London.

Where is Big Ben located - in which country?

Many people ask where Big Ben is located? The tower is located in the United Kingdom of Great Britain. This name was given many years ago to the bell on the huge tower clock, but most often this is the name given to the entire tower.

It is noteworthy how its names changed: initially it bore the name of St. Stephen; in 2012, in honor of the anniversary of the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II, the tower was named in her honor.

The chimes on it are the largest in the world.

It is worth noting: The British are famous for their punctuality, where could the most accurate mechanical watches in the world appear if not in this country. A caretaker once almost lost his job for overlooking a one-second lag.

In what city is Big Ben located?

According to a survey, Big Ben is recognized as the most popular attraction. Location in London, the heart of Great Britain. Huge city with interesting story has many traditions, according to one of which, since 1924, the BBC has broadcast the chimes on New Year's Eve.

Big Ben is considered to be the symbol of the city. Over the centuries-old history, the city has been subjected to various tests, changes, and reconstructions, but the Elizabeth Tower survived even during World War II. He's like business card metropolis, souvenirs in the form of Big Ben are popular among visitors.

The clock tower adorns the center of the British capital. It is a matter of honor for any tourist to take a photo at this historical building. Those who wish can find the tower without difficulty; this historical structure can be seen from different points in this part of London. The emphatically polite London police will tell you the shortest route to the attraction.

Where is Big Ben in London?

Big Ben is part of the Palace of Westminster, where the British Parliament meets. The palace is located in the central part of London, which is called Westminster, on Parliament Square.

Palace of Westminster

Most of the museums and attractions of this ancient city are concentrated here.

For users public transport Information on how to get to the tower will be important. There is a bus stop called Westminster in the immediate vicinity; you can take the metro and get off at the station with the same name. It is quite difficult to find car parking here.

When was Big Ben built?

The tower is made in the neo-Gothic style. Its first version appeared in 1288 during the reign of Edward I.

In 1367, reconstruction took place and a striking clock was installed. But this structure has not survived to this day; in 1834 the building was damaged by fire.

The new project was developed by architects Augustus Pugin and Charles Barry. The construction that took place inside the building was completed in 1858, and a year later the clock mechanism was inaugurated. The tower has a tetrahedral shape, with a dial on each side. This year is considered the year of birth of the famous Clock Tower, the 150th anniversary of which the British celebrated in 2009.

Why is Big Ben called that?

Why was the bell called that? This story interests many. For decades, the British have been calling it that way. But there were other names: initially - Royal Victoria, then simply Victoria, Ben was the third, to which the word Big was later added.

Sir Benjamin Hall (1838-1859) - British engineer and politician

The most common version is that the name was given in honor of Sir Benjamin Hall, a prominent politician of the time and a talented engineer. It was very big man with a sonorous voice. He supervised the installation of the bell, which bears an inscription testifying to this.

This is interesting: There is a legend that the politician began to give a speech about its name, which turned out to be extremely boring and long. One of the listeners could not stand it and shouted: “Come on, say Big Ben, and we’ll be done with it!” This is still what the British, and the whole world, call the landmark.


The bell Big Ben has its own biography. Experienced craftsman E.B. Denison took on the task of creating it. He used a new composition to make his creation unique.

In 1856, the master cast a sixteen-ton bell, which had no equal in weight and loudness in the kingdom.

It took 16 horses to deliver this colossus to the tower. But during testing it cracked. The hammer was replaced and the weight was reduced to 13.76 tons. But the crack appeared again and had to be repaired.

Finally, on May 31, 1859, Londoners heard the chimes ringing. Since then, hour after hour, the large bell and its four little assistants have played the Cambridge chimes, invoking the mercy of God. Interestingly, you can hear it while being 8 km from the tower. Moreover, each quarter of an hour has its own melody.

What color is Big Ben?

Various materials were used to build Big Ben. Cannes stone for interior decoration was delivered from Normandy. The roofing iron is from Birmingham.

The watch dials are made from Birmingham opal, the minute hands are cut from sheet copper, and the hour hands are cast from cast iron.

Enston limestone and granite were used to clad the building. It was originally a warm beige shade, but due to exposure environment the color changed to grey. They tried to replace the Enston stone with the Rutland stone, but it soon also began to change color, and the attempts were abandoned.

How tall is Big Ben?

Big Ben is one of the tallest structures in the world.

The height of the tower itself is 61 m, the spire increases its height to 96.3 m. 54.9 m are separated from the ground by the dials, on which the memory of Queen Victoria remains in the form of the inscriptions “God bless our Queen Victoria.”

There are 334 steps leading to the top of the building to the clock mechanism; there is no elevator in the building. But only service personnel, as well as British citizens with special passes, can climb these steps.

The attraction is closed to public access. Note:

In terms of height, Big Ben is one of the world's ten clock towers and ranks seventh.

What can we say about Big Ben today? Elizabeth Tower has great importance

They remind people of the passage of time, herald the arrival of the New Year and mourn with the people of Great Britain in times of great loss.

Thus, the chimes stopped during the funerals of Churchill and Margaret Thatcher. And in 1997 the bell fell silent on the eve of the general election.

A photograph of Big Ben is featured on news programs in the country. Interestingly, “Little Big Bens” began to appear in London. One of them can be found near Victoria train station.

All excursions around London include a visit to the place where Big Ben is located, which is considered almost bad form not to visit. London is changing before our eyes, but it seems that even in a few decades tourists will begin their acquaintance with the British capital with a meeting with Big Ben. Look interesting video