The indefinite form of a verb, also known as the infinitive, is a grammatical form that lives by its own norms and rules. She also has special spelling rules regarding the use soft sign in front of 4th grade students must remember these rules, which will become the basis of their literacy.

Rules and rules in verbs - main points

To understand whether a soft sign is written at the end of a verb or not, just ask a question about the word. If it is an infinitive, then it answers the question what to do? or what to do?, and you definitely need to put a soft sign in front of xia. This will mean that the verb is in the indefinite form

For example:

The first sticky leaves began to appear on the trees (what should I do?).

If the verb answers other questions, namely, what is he doing? or what will he do?, then the soft sign is not placed, since it is not an infinitive, but is in the third person form (regardless of whether the singular or plural is used).

For example:

The yellowed leaves will soon (what will they do?) fall off the trees.

In fact, with sja and sya in verbs, everything is not as simple as it might seem. So, there are sentences without subjects, that is, asking a question to the mysterious verb with -sya will not work. It is necessary to remember that in this case it must be written without a soft sign. For example: Study - it will always come in handy!

Difficulties in spelling soft signs in different verb forms

The main difficulty is to always mentally ask a question to a verb - this is really more difficult than it seems, which means it’s easy to make a mistake.

The second difficulty is when verb forms-sya go in a sentence one after another - there is a temptation to put a soft sign in both cases, or, again for two verbs at once, to abandon it. Meanwhile, as in the general case, the question should be raised, because situations are different.

Simple example:

Vova tries to laugh, although he is in pain.

Some people put a question only to the first verb, and write the same ending in the second, but the example makes it clear that this is a mistake.

It is very important to correctly determine the form of the verb using a question, which can sometimes cause difficulties for students. That is why it is recommended to practice this skill until it becomes automatic, which is only possible through repeated repetition and persistent execution of the exercises.

It helps to remember the rule well by understanding its nature. So, if you look at verbs of the third person or those in the indefinite form, you can see that the former are written without a soft sign at the end, and in the latter it is present. That is, in fact, the suffix -sya added to the word does not change the essence of what is happening.

In fact, this suffix can easily be replaced with the word “yourself,” so that in case of doubt, you can double-check yourself in this way, dividing the verb into two words. So, the word learn is easy to divide: teach yourself, obviously we are talking about an infinitive, that is, a soft sign is needed.

What have we learned?

The soft sign at the end of verbs with the suffix -sya depends on the form in which these verbs appear. If this is a third person, singular or plural, then there should be no trace of a soft sign before this suffix. If this is an infinitive, then it is required. You can check the form of verbs using special questions, and if the question cannot be asked, as in sentences without a subject, then by default the verb is written without a soft sign. Compliance with this simple rule often still causes difficulties, so to check grammatical form verbs can be used additional methods. But still, the main one is the question, everything else is auxiliary options.

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Russian language lesson in 5th grade “Spelling -TSYA, -TSYA in verbs”

The purpose of the teacher's activity : update knowledge about the rules known to students -TSYA, -TSYA in verbs.


1) work out the method of action when choosing a spelling - tsya and -tsya, work to prevent the most common and persistent errors in writing a given spelling;

2) develop the ability to speak out on a specific topic, compare, analyze, develop spelling vigilance;

3) cultivate a positive attitude towards learning, knowledge, healthy image life, respect for each other through working on proverbs.

Universal learning activities students:

Cognitive :

    the ability to understand a cognitive task is formed;

    the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships and draw conclusions is formed;

    the ability to extract the necessary information is formed.

Regulatory :

    the ability to plan necessary actions is formed;

    the ability to control educational actions is formed;

    the ability to notice mistakes made is developed;

    the ability to evaluate one's work is formed.

Communication :

    the ability to listen, ask questions, speak out, and formulate one’s own thoughts is formed;

    the ability to carry out joint activities in pairs is formed.

Personal :

    the ability to recognize difficulties and strive to overcome is formed;

    a desire to acquire new knowledge and motivation for the educational process are formed.

Equipment: textbook, printed material, algorithm, multimedia presentation.

Lesson type : lesson of skills and abilities.

During the classes.

    Motivation (front work).

Slide 2.

The bell rang loudly

He called us to a lesson.

My desk is fine:

Both the textbook and notebooks.

I'm tuned in, ready

Listen to your entire lesson.

II . Updating knowledge (front and in pairs)

Continue the sentences with your desk neighbor.

The verb is...

The infinitive is...

Infinitive verbs answer questions...

The infinitive ends...

Read the poem (on a printable card)

Invented by someone
Simple and wise
When we meet, are you healthy?:
- Good morning!
- Good morning!
Sun and faces.
Good morning!
Smiling birds.
And everyone becomes (?)
Kind, trusting...
May good morning
Lasts until evening!

What is the poem about?

III . Identifying the location and causes of the difficulty (front work).

Write out from the text the verbs that end in -TSYA, -TSYA. What form are the verbs in? How did you write them? Why?

    Goal setting (frontal, individual).

What is the topic of the lesson? (Spelling –TSYA, -TSYA for verbs).

Slide 1.

What are the objectives of the lesson? (remember the conditions for choosing spellings -tsya and -tsya; find the word to which the verb refers, pose a question from it; correctly pronounce and write verbs in -tsya, -tsya)

Slide 3.

    Working on the topic of the lesson.

    1. Remember the rule - a writing assistant or algorithm that helped you choose the desired spelling option – TSYA or – TSYA in a poem.

So as not to think, not to guess,

Is it necessary to write a soft sign,

We must remember that to the verb

You must ask a question.

There is a soft sign in the question,

Then praise and honor to him -

It is also needed in the verb.

That's what they always taught in school

Spelling algorithm – tsya, -tsya

Indeterminate form

3 face shape, singular

What to do? What to do?

What is he doing? What will he do?

Need to study

Need to work

He is studying

She's working hard

    1. Linguistic task: (on a printout card)

Character is made up of habits. Doing exercises, playing (?) sports, washing (?) in the morning, combing (?) yourself, using (?) a clean handkerchief - all these are useful habits that help us stay healthy.

Where should I put the soft sign?

What is needed to solve the problem?

(To solve the problem we apply the rule:

If a verb answers questions, what does it do? (what will it do?) or what are they doing? (what will they do?), then this verb is in the 3rd person and in it the letter “b” is NOT WRITTEN before -sya-. If the verb answers the questions, what should I do? (what to do?), then this verb is in an indefinite form and in it the letter “b” is WRITTEN)

3. Working with proverbs. Explain the meaning of proverbs. Write down the proverbs; place b where necessary.

If he doesn’t work, he won’t get bread.

As he sews, so he wears.....

He who knows a lot asks a lot...

The master’s work is afraid….xia.

He'll talk to you about drinking honey.

4. Distributive dictation. Arrange in columns: verb, noun.

But!!! Do not confuse!

The bridge of the nose hurts, the meeting is postponed; pure water, don't mess with him; white chicken, volcano smoking; sharp needle, he can't sleep.


slide 4

Physical education minute.

One - get up, pull yourself up,

Two - bend over, straighten up.

Three - three claps of the palms.

Three nods of the head.

By four – your arms are wider.

It's like fluff in your hands, don't use weights!

Five - wave your arms,

Six - sit down quietly.

Option for physical education.

Stretch, relax,

Take a deep breath now.

Stand up, jump, laugh,

Spin around, sway.

Bow down, straighten up

And start working again.

5. Test work.

    1. Come up with and write sentences with these verbs.

We will learn how to correctly write endings -TSYA AND -TYSYA in verbs. Let us determine in what forms of the verb these endings are used.


Lesson:Writing TSYA and TTSYA at the end of verbs

Studying, learning, student, working, working, tit, street, swimming, swimming. At the end of words one hears [tsa]. The words student, tit and street are read and written [tsa]. The listed words belong to nouns. There is no difficulty in writing these words correctly, because there is no spelling in these words. As for the spelling of the remaining words. They are all verbs. You can hear [tsa], but at the end of the verb we write -tsya, -tsya.

Let's divide the words into two groups. Let's determine the form of verbs and ask questions about them.

Bend over (what to do?) indefinite form(infinitive), write in 1 column.

Afraid (what is he doing?) present tense, write in column 2.

He is holding on (what is he doing?) in the present tense, write in column 2.

He boasts (what does he do?) in the present tense, write in column 2.

Smile (what to do?) We write the indefinite form (infinitive) in 1 column.

Rice. 1.

In verbs of the 3rd person it is written -TSYA, in verbs of the indefinite form it is written -TSYA.

There is a simple way to determine what exactly needs to be written at the end of the verbs -TSYA, -TSYA. If there is a “t” at the end of the question, then the word “tsya” will be written at the end of the verb. (what is being done? is being written). If there is “t” at the end of the verb, then the end of the verb will be -tsya (what to do? take a walk).

Exercise 1. Stretch, relax, take a deep breath. Get up, wash, eat porridge, jump lightly, and squat down. Get up, jump, laugh, spin, sway, bow, straighten up and start working again.

Which words have [tsa] at the end?

1. (what to do?) stretch - there is a soft sign in the question, which means we write it in the verb.

2. (what to do?) wash is an indefinite form of the verb, which means you need to write a soft sign.

3. (what to do?) laugh - there is a soft sign in the question, which means we write it in the verb.

4. (what to do?) spin around is an indefinite form of the verb, which means you need to write a soft sign.

5. (what to do?) sway - there is a soft sign in the question, which means we write it in the verb.

6. (what to do?) bow - there is a soft sign in the question, we write it in the verb.

7. (what to do?) straighten up - indefinite form, written with a soft sign.

8. (what to do?) to work - there is a soft sign in the question, which means we write it in the verb.

Task 2

Letter from dictation. Mark √ or × the appropriate box. Use the algorithm. 1) Lock with a deadbolt;

2) fog is spreading;

3) going to school;

4) you need to take care of your health;

5) wants to learn;

6) the girl is studying;

1. Kalenchuk M.L., Churakova N.A., Baykova T.A. Russian language 4: Academic book/Textbook.

2. Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Pronina O. Russian language 4: Ballas.

3. Lomakovich S.V., Timchenko L.I. Russian language 4: VITA_PRESS.

3. Office of Russian language and literature ()

1. Rewrite. Underline verbs in the 3rd person form with one line, in the indefinite form with two. Don’t rush: let me wash, pray, and have a snack! Soon the fairy tale will be told, but not soon the deed will be done. What is born in the summer will be useful in the winter. Nothing is more difficult: pray to God, honor your parents and pay off your debts. The Lord commanded to feed from the earth. She cries with her eyes, but laughs with her heart. A crane walks through the swamp and gets hired to work. He who is not lazy to plow will produce bread. If you fall in love with the product, your mind will be at peace. Expensive - the goods are stale; sell it cheap and you won't make any profit.

2. Selective dictations. Write the 3rd person verbs in the left column, and the infinitive verbs in the right column. It’s good to laugh at someone else’s laughter (i.e. misfortune): laugh at your own! The eye will not be satisfied with sight, nor the mind with wealth. You can't wear someone else's dress. If you suffer, you will learn. Every bird flaunts its feathers. Where to meddle with wolves if they have a dog's tail. The hay and fire cannot be made to rest. He drinks tea like a merchant, but doesn’t pay like a merchant. There is a time to cry, eat and have fun. It is better to stumble with your foot than with your word. Beware of him, as one is careful of fire and water. The eyes light up at someone else's goodness. To rely on a friend is to disappear yourself. Every master marvels at himself.

3. Guess the riddles, underline the spellings -tsya, -tsya and explain them. He bows, he bows, he will come home and stretch out. The ankle shakes, it is easy to bow. Two brothers look at each other, but they don’t get along together. The mother is black, the daughter is red, the son is long-legged, he can bend over. Gray cloth stretches out the window. During the day he swaggers around, shaves himself, and by night he lies down in a corner. Two brothers are bathing, and the third is mocking . I was at the digging, I was at the furnace, I was at the circle, I was at the fire, I stood at the market; he was young, he fed a hundred heads; he became old - he began to swaddle.

4.* Find and write down 10-15 riddles or sayings or proverbs in which the spelling -tsya, -tsya occurs.


“Let him go and learn - or learn?” Perhaps this error confidently holds first place in the ranking of the most annoying. It’s a shame that an annoying typo is often disguised as it. You seem to know the rule, but still in a hurry, in a quick correspondence, a soft sign pops up where it doesn’t belong at all. But it is unlikely that a champion of spelling purity will be convinced by the argument “I had an A in Russian, I put a soft sign by accident, my hand trembled.” Too noticeable, it hurts the eyes.

What is the reason for this error? The point is that in oral speech The infinitive (in other words, the indefinite form) of a reflexive verb, for example, “to learn,” and its third person singular form, “he (she) will learn,” do not differ in pronunciation.

Let's figure out when you can't do without a soft sign, and when it's clearly superfluous. It's all about the significant part of the word (linguists call it a morpheme), which stands at the end of each reflexive verb. This is the postfix -SY, by which the verb is identified as reflexive. We inherited it from the Old Russian language. Essentially, it is a truncated pronoun of “oneself.” For example, “dressing up” means “dressing yourself up”: the action is directed at the one who performs it, closed on him. The postfix -СЯ also has other meanings: for example, it shows that the action is performed by several persons at once (“hugging” is certainly with someone - at least two people hug each other) or that it is involuntary (“getting hurt”), and so on .

What is important? Remember that the postfix -СЯ is a special part of the word, its place is after graduation.

To the infinitive of the most common verb “teach” (what to do?), with a soft sign at the end, they added -SYA - and got the infinitive of the reflexive verb “learn”. Here -Ть (infinitive suffix) and -СЯ (postfix) are different parts of the word, there is a border between them. Let's put this verb in the third person singular form - “he will learn” (what will he do?): the border will pass between the ending -IT and the postfix -SYA.

But in oral speech this boundary is erased: -TSYA and -TSYA sound the same, like “tsa”. To ourselves, “in our minds,” we pronounce it exactly the same way. That's why the error occurs.

How to deal with it? First, separate the postfix -СЯ from the ending of the verb, solve the problem using visualization: you need to imagine how the word is written and see -СЯ in it. For training, you can disassemble several reflexive verbs by composition. Secondly, like a schoolboy, test yourself with a question. “He wants to (do what?) learn” - since there is (that is, written) a soft sign in the question, we put it in the verb. “He will certainly (do what?) learn” - there is no soft sign, because it is not written in the question. The technique is tedious, but effective, it helps to bring spelling to automaticity.

Sometimes phrases like “I want to learn” cause difficulties. Which verbs need a soft sign and which ones don't? The question “what is being done?” to the first verb seems strange. How can we be here? Just don’t think about the strangeness of the question. You certainly shouldn’t be embarrassed to ask it to yourself. It clarifies the situation (after all, there is no soft sign in it) and helps to build a bridge to the second verb: “I want to (do what?) learn.”

Everything will definitely work out!