Since sports activities are always associated with the risk of injury, a number of requirements are imposed on the teacher at school, and his students must strictly follow the rules of behavior in physical education class. It is necessary to familiarize the children with these rules before the start of classes.

In order for lessons to be most effective, the teacher must think not only about safety and health. Physical education lessons:

  • are also called upon to solve educational and educational problems;
  • should be interesting for students and evoke positive emotions in them;
  • are planned taking into account the age and gender characteristics of the pupils.

Organization of the preparatory part of the lesson

Each educational institution guided by general principles in organizing physical education classes. The structure of the lesson may change depending on the assigned pedagogical tasks or changes in the performance of students during classes. The introductory part of the lesson is extended when working with children in grades 1-2, because They are not yet as quick to change clothes and line up as older children. Students in grades 3-5 are better organized, do not make noise during formation, listen to the teacher, and complete attention tasks more clearly.

The main task of the management is to ensure the safe work of the teacher and students in the gym or on an outdoor sports ground or swimming pool. Here it is necessary to provide appropriate sports equipment and equipment. And the teacher must make sure every time that the objects associated with the lessons do not pose a danger to the students.

Proper organization helps improve learning educational material, minimizes lost working time and injuries.

Before leaving the hall

  1. The teacher first introduces TB to all schoolchildren in physical education class.
  2. Each student changes into a sports uniform. Be sure to have replacement clean shoes, preferably with light-colored soles.
  3. Children need to remove hanging jewelry, watches, and uncomfortable hairpins that can cause injury. It is better not to leave valuables in the locker room, but to hand them over to the teacher for safekeeping.
  4. All kinds of sweets and chewing gum are prohibited during the lesson; seeds or dangerous objects (stabbing, cutting, flammable) are not brought here.

At the lesson

  1. Children can enter the gym and use equipment only with the permission of the teacher. When practicing outdoors, the class leaves the school only when accompanied by a coach.
  2. The equipment must be in good working order. It is necessary to treat the wall bars, mats, and other property with care. Hanging on the gate is prohibited. Basketball backboards, rope, and other equipment are used only for their intended purpose.
  3. You are allowed to use school equipment only if it is in working order.
  4. Junior and senior schoolchildren are required to comply with all the requirements of the teacher, be aware of the basic rules of the game, and behavior on the playground.
  5. During the lesson, each student must not be distracted and not distract his friends from the process, provide access to equipment to other students, and put it in the proper place.
  6. If an injury occurs or someone is noticed to be unwell, the teacher must be notified immediately.
  7. Guys should try not to injure each other and control the use of sports equipment. It is allowed to perform exercises only at the command of a senior.
  8. Children excused from classes provide the teacher with an appropriate medical certificate and remain in the hall during the lesson.

After class

  1. The students clean themselves up.
  2. Use showers and dryers only for their intended purpose.
  3. They leave the locker room, having put things in order.
  4. They go out into the corridor fully dressed, not forgetting to change their shoes.
  5. Each student drinks water only from an individual glass or bottle.

The role of the teacher and the importance of discipline

IN primary school, until about 3rd grade, children still find it difficult to navigate the playground, they often confuse left and right, their attention concentrates only on one or two movements, switches to foreign objects, they are noisy and mobile. Therefore, from the very beginning, the teacher must identify the level of skills of his students and accustom them to organization and order.

For teenagers in grades 8 and 10, discipline is no less important than for junior schoolchildren. The teacher in a physical education lesson instills in them a love of work, teaches them to help a friend, gives cleaning instructions, involves them in preparing classes, which contributes to the formation of instructor skills.

The teacher is always in control appearance children, their behavior, uses various methodological techniques to prevent overload of the child’s body. If you see excessive sweating or redness of the face, you can interrupt the game to clarify the rules or make a comment. In the meantime, the guys will get back to normal.

It is the responsibility of the teacher to require students to come to class on time and to be in proper clothing. He, if necessary, conducts a consultative conversation with parents.

Safety rules in the classroom physical culture.

1. Students who have undergone safety instructions are allowed to attend physical education lessons.

2. Students who have a doctor’s clearance are allowed to take physical education lessons (basic and preparatory group health).

3. Students are required to wear sportswear and clean sports shoes during lessons. Sports uniform must correspond to the temperature in the gym and weather conditions (when exercising outdoors). Hair removed.

4. Students change clothes in a specially designated place - the sports locker room.

5. In the sports locker room it is prohibited to stand on window sills, open windows, stand on benches, litter, or behave rudely towards other students. In case of conflict situation Students must report this to the teacher.

7. Exempt students must attend the lesson with the class. They are required to show the teacher a medical certificate of release.

8. When the bell rings for class, students gather in formation in the gym. In cases where classes are held outside, students do not leave the premises without being accompanied by a physical education teacher.

10. Mobile phones can be used with the permission of the teacher.

11. Students should not interfere with the teacher teaching a lesson or other students doing exercises in class.

12. Students are required to behave correctly towards other students. If a conflict situation arises between students, contact the teacher immediately.

13. During lessons, students are required to perform only those exercises that the teacher has allowed them to do.

14. During independent exercises ( educational game, competitions, etc.) students must take into account their level of physical fitness, health status and location of classes.

15. It is prohibited to independently take sports equipment located in the gym and coaching room.

16. While performing exercises with balls (tennis, volleyball, basketball, football, medicine), the student must control the fall of the ball in order to avoid intentional injury to other students.

17. During the event sports games Students are required to behave correctly towards other players.

18. It is prohibited to perform any exercises on the crossbar and wall bars without the permission of the teacher.

19. It is not allowed to hang on basketball hoops or basketball backboards.

21. Students must be careful when moving from one half of the hall to the other when the hall is divided into two parts for two groups (classes).

22. If you discover any breakdowns of sports equipment, immediately report it to the teacher.

23. If a student feels unwell during class, he must immediately notify the physical education teacher. He is also obliged to inform the teacher about an injury or poor health that manifests itself after a physical education lesson.

Physical education lessons are always associated with an increased risk of injury. This imposes on the physical education teacher high requirements to the implementation of safety regulations. The teacher, as well as each student, must strictly adhere to the established rules. The management of the educational institution is obliged to ensure that the gym, outdoor sports ground, as well as sports equipment and any optional equipment used in lessons. If a physical education teacher discovers that any objects associated with classes do not comply with established standards, he must immediately notify the school management and stop using them in lessons until the danger is eliminated.

It assumes that students will be familiar with it before they begin classes. Safety rules are aimed at minimizing injuries during lessons and are mandatory for all participants in the learning process.

Here we provide only basic safety rules for physical education. Each educational institution can modify or add to the list of prohibited or permitted actions in accordance with local conditions. We also recommend that you read the article “Safety precautions during labor lessons in the workshop.” And for primary school teachers, you may be interested in the material posted on our website, “Safety rules in labor lessons for primary schoolchildren”

Introductory safety precautions in physical education lessons

  • During physical education classes, students are likely to be exposed to the following factors: injuries from falling on a hard surface or ground, injuries from being in the throwing sector, injuries due to poor warm-up, injuries from collisions and violation of the rules of sports games or handling sports equipment. To minimize risks, it is necessary to adhere to safety precautions;
  • Only students who have been instructed in safe behavior techniques are allowed to participate in physical education classes;
  • Only students who have the appropriate level of clearance from a medical institution and have provided the teacher with a document participate in physical education lessons;
  • Students who have a full or partial exemption from physical education classes must be present in class.
  • After illness, students are required to provide the teacher with a certificate from a medical institution;
  • Students for physical education classes are required to have clean sports shoes and sports uniforms, which must correspond to the location of the classes. If the lesson is held outdoors, sportswear and shoes must correspond to the current weather conditions;
  • It is prohibited to chew chewing gum or eat food during physical education classes;
  • After physical activity, students should not drink cold water to avoid colds.

Safety regulations in physical education lessons during the educational process, as well as before and after classes

Safety precautions in physical education lessons before the start of classes

  • Students must change clothes in a room specially designated for this purpose - the locker room. Boys and girls must change clothes in separate rooms. The student must go to class in sportswear and shoes;
  • Before the lesson, you must take off and remove from your pockets all items that may pose a danger during physical education - bracelets, rings, watches, etc.;
  • With the permission of the teacher, schoolchildren can come to the lesson location;
  • Before a physical education lesson, with the permission of the teacher, students can carefully prepare sports equipment;
  • Having heard the command, students must get into formation to begin the physical education lesson.

Safety instructions for physical education lessons during classes

  • It is necessary to listen carefully and strictly follow the teacher’s safety instructions in physical education lessons;
  • You can perform exercises and take sports equipment only after the appropriate permission from the teacher;
  • When performing a short-distance group run, run only on your own path;
  • During the race, to minimize the risk of falling and colliding after crossing the finish line, the student should not stop abruptly;
  • You cannot perform jumps on loose, slippery or uneven ground, and you cannot land after jumping on your hands;
  • Before performing throwing exercises, you must make sure that there are no people or foreign objects in the throwing sector. Also, you cannot stand to the right, close to the thrower, be in the throwing zone during the exercise, or walk behind the projectiles without the permission of the teacher;
  • During exercises, follow the appropriate safety rules: maintain distance, avoid unauthorized falls, collisions, and so on;
  • Students are prohibited from unauthorizedly changing the trajectory of movement, making dangerous movements or throwing objects, performing exercises on the uneven bars and crossbar with wet palms, messing around and interfering with the lesson;
  • If your health worsens or you are injured, the student must immediately stop physical exercise and inform the teacher about it.

Safety precautions in physical education lessons after classes

  • If necessary and with the permission of the teacher, students remove sports equipment;
  • Students, after the permission of the physical education teacher, leave the place of sports activities in an organized and calm manner and go to the locker room;
  • Students change into school clothes and shoes;
  • Schoolchildren wash their hands and wash themselves well with soap and water.

Safety precautions are important element educational process, therefore, it must be taken seriously, first of all, by each of the teachers, carefully checking the condition of the equipment and monitoring the behavior of schoolchildren.

Safety precautions in physical education lessons are extremely relevant today. The incidence of injuries to modern schoolchildren is quite high, because children spend a lot of time at home, sitting in front of computer and TV screens. This means that it is worth paying more attention to conducting lessons that develop physical education and activity in secondary schools.

Safety precautions in physical education lessons (instructions with students) will help to avoid injuries or reduce the number of accidents in the classroom. The teacher must not only follow the instructions himself, but also familiarize the students with them in order to ensure the correct execution of exercises and safety in physical education lessons. Full instruction is carried out at the beginning of the year (introductory), at each lesson (depending on the tasks), targeted (if it is necessary to concentrate students’ attention on a specific element).

You should also pay attention to the requirements for the condition of the gym. Special standards have been developed that the premises must comply with. They are specified in the safety instructions, which state that:

The hall for physical education lessons must be equipped with sports equipment;

Inventory must be kept in closed or special open places, in perfect working order and well secured;

It is advisable to conduct 2 times a day and ventilate the room at the end of each lesson;

Without teacher supervision, students are not allowed to be alone in the gym.

Safety precautions in physical education lessons are the main component modern lesson.

In accordance with this, the teacher is obliged:

Monitor children's health by reducing or increasing physical activity;

Monitor compliance with safety instructions and, if they are violated, remove the student from the educational process for a gross violation;

Must provide insurance for the student when performing particularly difficult elements;

Respond to a student's complaint of illness and immediately seek medical attention.

There are also set requirements for students.

In physical education lessons, students are required to:

Wear sports uniform;

Obey the teacher, follow all his instructions;

Be careful and strictly follow safety rules when performing complex tasks. technical element;

Be responsible;

Strictly follow the rules of the game and avoid collisions.

Athletics classes begin with students reviewing safety instructions. They should know not to cross the path of someone running next to them. You must not be in the projectile throwing or landing sector, as this can lead to injury. When performing, you should maintain a distance in time. The sand in the jumping pit must be clean, without any sharp objects.

If students have started studying the topic “Gymnastics”, then they should know the following:

Before starting work at the machine, you should do a set of exercises to warm up your muscles;

Do all exercises only under the supervision of a teacher;

Balance beam should only be performed in the presence of mats.

Safety precautions in physical education lessons are also important when studying the topic “Ski training”. The instructions read as follows:

It is necessary to exercise in special sportswear;

During the process of skiing down the hill, you should monitor the interval between students;

Maintain distance between skiers;

Engage in ski training in accordance with the standards under which such activities are permitted.

A student who knows the safety rules in physical education and strictly follows them will be able to protect himself from injury and be healthy.