To start working with the device you need:
Install “Dongle_Driver_USB” “inf+inst”
Install USB driver
If the screen says “Interface Found”, your interface should work. If “Interface not found”, or
nothing is written, see Troubleshooting section.

Run the program only from the folder with the installed software!

  • Diagnosis with “VAG K+CAN COMMANDER”
– Standard diagnostic functions: Read/Erase error codes, device identification,
adaptation, measurement of parameters, etc…
– Special functions: , login (PIN), read EEPROM, etc.
All units that can be installed in the vehicle are listed on the main screen, with their number. If a
If you want to connect with one of them, double click on it. VAG K+CAN COMMANDER will try
connect to the device using the following protocols in sequence:
- KWP2000 over TP2.0 with baud 5000KB/s (CAN)
- KWP2000 over TP1.6 with baud 5000KB/s (CAN)
- KWP1281 or KWP2000 over K Line (protocol is set by default).
You can select one of these protocols as described in the "configuration" section
  • Configuration
VAG K+CAN COMMANDER can be configured by pressing the “Options” button.
Changes to interface discovery and timing settings will be applied after a restart
  • Protocols Used
The meaning of the flags are as follows:
- CAN TP2.0 – connection to the device using the protocol “KWP2000 over TP2.0 with baud 5000KB/s”
- CAN TP1.6 – connection to the device using the protocol “KWP2000 over TP1.6 with baud 5000KB/s”
- K-Line - KWP2000/KWP1281 connection with device using “KWP1281 or KWP2000” protocol
along the K Line”
The checkboxes switch the protocols used; when performing standard diagnostic queries, they
do not apply to device auto-detection.
  • Interface discovery
VAG K+CAN COMMANDER USB interface is detected automatically, but you can install it and
manually. If there are faults as described in Troubleshooting, set the port manually:
- Open “device manager” and check which COM port the USB interface is set to.
- Uncheck "Automatic" and set the port in the corresponding area.
  • Choice of time parameters
K-Line protocols require very precise timing. Sometimes connection with some
devices is unstable or not possible. In this case, you can try to change some parameters,
(button “Advanced”). View devices
After launch, the main screen displays a list of all possible devices with
their number. To connect to one of the listed devices, double-click on the desired device.
Instead of browsing through all possible units, you can select the device configuration in
according to a specific vehicle model (chassis type). To do this, select the type (for example, “1st - VW Touran") in the panel of the main window Chassis type. Pressing the "Display" button will show all devices,
which can be installed on this type of vehicle.
By pressing the "Scan all" button, all devices from the list are scanned. Depending on the
configuration, only the selected protocols will be used.
For all found devices, the main screen displays detailed information:
- Device number
- Device name
- Device ID
- Description
- Encoding
- Catalogue number
- DTC - numbers of stored errors
Instead of viewing all devices, you can save time by scanning only the ones you need,
configuring the list of required devices is done by pressing the “Gateway config list” button.
Clearing faults (DTCs) is one of the main diagnostic operations and it is possible to clear faults immediately
in all devices - the "Clear all DTCs" button in the "Auto scan devices" panel, the protocols used
are defined in the configuration.
  • Group Requests
Group requests are sent to all devices or a group of devices at the same time.
VAG K + CAN COMMANDER can send a group request to all devices to install the necessary
modes, resetting errors or connecting / disconnecting devices - the corresponding button in the "CAN
Available features:
Transport mode - disable/enable devices to reduce battery drain.
Disabling inter-unit communication to eliminate problems when flashing any of the devices.
Restoration of interconnection.
Reset errors in all devices.
  • Standard diagnostic queries
Double click on the desired device in the main window of "VAG Commander", the following window will open:

This window provides the ability to run the following diagnostic queries:

  • Identification
Display unit number and software code.
  • Software and version of HW device
“SW/HW version” is displayed if the function is supported by the SW/HW version of the corresponding
devices (including all devices included in the main unit).
  • Extended Device Identification
“Extended identification / VIN” shows the date of the firmware, its status, number of flashing attempts
date of manufacture, VIN.
  • Reading diagnostic codes
“Read DTCs” will show all existing errors in the corresponding device (including all devices
included in the main block). Errors may be shown along with freeze frame data (depending on
the presence of the freeze frame function in the device).
  • Reset errors in devices
“Clear DTCs” - resets the errors stored in the device (DTCs).
  • Parameter measurement
“Measured values” - display of measured parameters in different groups. Parameter groups can be
change manually using “+” / “-“.
The “scan all” button generates a file with all groups.
  • Access level
“Security Access” - access permission at various levels.
  • Standard access level
(login) - commonly used in immobilizer systems
(CS) - commonly used while adapting various units/parts
(System Specific) - different from the previous two and different from authorization for programming.
  • User defined access level
Use the “Request SEED”/”Send KEY” buttons to set the required access level
  • Adaptation
" Adaptation” - you can check the adaptation parameters. You must enter the number of the adaptation channel, the value,
press "Test" and if the value is accepted - press "Save".

The “scan all” button generates a file with the values ​​and adaptation channels of all devices.

  • Device encoding
“Coding” - You can change the encoding value of the device encoding (including all devices included in the
composition of the main block). In the example, only the main unit is encoded, supporting secondary devices

  • Basic settings
“Basic settings” – disable/enable basic settings.
  • Reset device
"Reset" - reboot (reset) the device. In some modes and devices, the function is not available.
  • Actuator test
Two types of test - "Selective" "Selective" and "Sequential" "Sequential".
In the selective, it is possible to enter a test code manually or select from a list. When
test is selected, press “Start”.

  • Custom Queries
Using this function, the user can manually send diagnostic requests to the appropriate
device. In the example, the identification of the instrument cluster.
  • VIN Programming
Not all blocks and not in all modes support changing the VIN. Direct reading from device memory. The function is available if set in the configuration.
In most cases, you will need to open access to read / write device memory.
  • Component security
This is a special function for working with non-standard units (and immobilizers), for
programming PIN, SKC, BGW, MAC. The functions use CAN - TP2.0.
  • Active diagnostic session
The standard diagnostic session established after communication with the device is “89”. The user can
request entry to various diagnostic sessions that are not available in the standard session “89”. AT
In most cases, various diagnostic sessions require access permission.
  • Special Features
Special Functions - Odometer Correction, Read Security Access Codes, Read/Write
EEPROM, read flash and so on.
Special functions are available from the main program window.
The respective special function is opened by a double click or the “Open” button.
  • Special functions with the “CAN tool”
Setting up a diagnostic session with a combination of instruments using the KWP2000 over TP2.0 protocol.
  • Available features:
odometer reading
Changing the odometer
read/write EEPROM(immo)
Reading login / PIN-code immo.
Reading - writing immo data
The immo access code is different from the instrument cluster code!
Used with the following models:
VW Golf5, VW Caddy, VW Touaran, VW EOS, VW Individual, Skoda Octavia II, Skoda Scout,
Seat Leon, Seat Altea, Seat Toledo, Audi A3, Audi A6, Audi A8, Audi Q7, Audi Allroad.
In Audi A6, Audi A8, Audi Q7, Audi Allroad odometer reading is not available. Only change. One minute after
changes, the program will report the new odometer data.
ATTENTION: Access to these functions is blocked in some Audi A3 and Audi A8. It could be
recognized if incorrect readings are displayed after reading the odometer. Return instrument cluster
You can return to the original state by removing the instrument cluster fuse (for Audi A8 -
fuse number 5). The reason for the blocking is the diagnostics being carried out with the wrong devices.
ATTENTION: VAG K+CAN COMMANDER is designed to work with KM odometers. Consider
when working with a dump or with confirmation of the current mileage (Audi Q7, Audi A6, Audi Allroad).
For some cars can read/program and sync immobilizer data
(“Read/Write Immo data” button).

By pressing the "Read" button, the immobilizer data is read. The "Write" button programs all HEX data,
if the “update dump” checkbox is not checked, or part of the data if this checkbox is checked.
The same data can be programmed into the ECU.
A function is also available for re-installing immo into a clean panel, which allows adaptation
immo to the ECU.
  • Special function “EZS Kessy CAN”
“ ” communicates with “EZS-Kessy / Entry And Start Authorization”, according to the protocol
KWP2000 over TP2.0.

This special function allows you to read the pin code from Kessy on Q7 and A6 models.
It takes several attempts to read the pin code, after each attempt
You will need to turn the ignition off/on.
  • Special functions with “K-Line”

You must select the type of instrument cluster / immo, after which you can read / write EEPROM
(correct the odometer, read the PIN code, and so on). Communication will be via K-Line (KWP1281
or KWP2000) and this is independent of the configuration.
Most instrument clusters automatically read EEPROM data
For Magneti Mareli instrument clusters, see Appendix A.
Sometimes if you try to access the instrument cluster by selecting the wrong type, it may
block, and will deny any diagnostic requests until reset by deletion
fuse or by disconnecting the battery terminal. For example, Bosch panels will
locked when the type “Instrument cluster (VDO66, VDO86, Motometer)” is selected.
Be very careful when choosing “Instrument Cluster Audi A4 BOSCH RB4 CRYPTO 2001+” and “Instrument
Cluster Audi A4 BOSCH RBx”. You will read the EEPROM no matter which type is selected, but if
You have selected the wrong type and you are trying to make changes, you may damage the panel.
The correctness of the selected type can be checked as follows:
1. Select “Instrument Cluster Audi A4 BOSCH RBx”.
2. Read EEPROM
3. If the displayed odometer matches the current reading, and if the displayed login is accepted, then the type is “Instrument Cluster Audi A4 BOSCH RBx”, otherwise it is “Instrument Cluster Audi A4 BOSCH RB4 CRYPTO 2001+” .
Most instrument clusters need to be reset after an odometer change. You can try to send
diagnostic request for reset ("Reset ECU" button). If a feature is not supported, you must
remove the instrument cluster fuse and install it again.

  • Special functions “ECU”
Special functions with “ECU”:
- Reading -
- Read - write flash counters
- Read - Write EEPROM
- Odometer correction (EDC15)
- Extract PIN code
- Enable/disable immo (EDC15/ME7x)
Functions become available after pressing the "ECU" button in the main window:

Before any action, you must specify the type of ECU!
The following ECU types can be selected - VAG-EDC15x, VAG - ME7.1.1/7.5/7.8, Porsche 5.2/7.8
BOSCH VAG-EDC15x, VAG-ME7.1.1, VAG-ME7.1, VAG-ME7.5, VAG-Cartronic ME7.8,
EDC16U1, EDC16U3x/CP, etc. (PIN code extraction, odometer correction, immo on/off, etc.)
For example: 1.9 TDI - EDC15

When reading/writing flash ECU memory (or changing flash counters):
1. In the case of EDC15, it is better to remove fuse 11 to prevent communication with the instrument cluster.
2. In case of ME7.x or Porsche ECU it is possible to read flash memory similar to reading EEPROM, only
you must uncheck the auto-detect EEPROM box and specify the starting address and length of the dump.
3. When reading, always keep the original firmware!
4. Using EDC16 please note the flash that has been read is saved automatically to a subfolder
"Flash" and can be used to recover flash.
ATTENTION: The file is encrypted!!! Do not use it directly for recording! In the event of a malfunction
during firmware, the device must be put into boot-mode, which allows you to reprogram
device. After that, you can restore the flash using the “Custom Read/Write” function.
5. Disable splash screens, power saving modes and third-party applications during flash overwriting.
6. Reading/writing flash can take a long time (especially when CAN protocol is used) - weak
batteries may be discharged.
  • Special function “adapting Kessy”
“Adapt Kessy” can be used to adapt a new kessy. Adaptation can be carried out
protocols CAN-TP2.0, K-KWP2000 and can also be used with Porsche Cayenne.
To perform adaptation, you must know the security access code of the old car immo (Code
WFS Security access) and also Component code of the new kessy.
  • Special function “MMI TV activation”
Using this special function you can change the speed limit of MMI compatible
cars, or changing the speed of turning off the TV on cars:
Covered vehicles:
Audi A3/S3
Audi A6/S6 (MMI until July 2006)
Audi A8/S8 (MMI until July 2006)
Audi Allroad (MMI until July 2006)
Audi A6/S6 (MMI starting from August 2006)
Audi A8/S8 (MMI starting from August 2006)
Audi Allroad (MMI starting August 2006)
Use the following TV off setting rule
- if the car is before 2007, try in edition 1 mode. If the attempt is unsuccessful, you need to wait with
ignition on for 30 minutes and then try edition 2.
If the car is after 2007, try edition 2 first.
  • Special function “ “Custom memory access Download/Upload/ReadMemory”
The function is available from the list of special functions and from the main program window. The possibilities are the same
with the difference that in the standard diagnostic dialog the user must open the diagnostic
communication, perform access, enter diagnostic session, select start read-write. When these
functionality is opened from “Special Functions” these actions are automated.
With this function, you can read / program the memory in any device. Requests can be
sent from the function window, in some devices - from the windows of these devices. The function is used for
research, reading / programming flash memory (for example, you can program the internal memory
flash EDC16). As an example, reading part of the EDC16CP flash memory.

Before reading/programming, it is necessary to clarify the diagnostic session.
In the example, the session used is “86”.
If you want to keep the current diagnostic session, simply set the session to “0”.
  • Special functions with "Airbag"
This special function is dedicated to clear the collision data of the “Airbag” module. For some
Airbag models also need to clear stored DTCs. Normal reset request
pillow errors will not be erased, only by editing the EEPROM dump.

In some airbag models, DTCs in the EEPROM are automatically erased, in others they are deleted
Supported block types:
1C0 909 605 C, 8L0 959 655 A, 1J0 909 609, 6Q0 909 605 C, 6Q0 909 605 A,
3B0 959 655 B 1C0 909 605 F 1C0 909 605 H 1J0 909 607 1J0 909 603 4B0 959 655 C 4B0
959 655J
4D0 959 655 C, 8L0 959 655 F, 8A0 959 655 C, 8A0 959 655 K, 8A0 959 655 K,
8D0 959 655 C, 8D0 959 655 L
  • Special function “Key learning”
In this dialog box, you need to enter the passcode of the immo extracted by some of the special functions,
described above. You must specify the number of keys to be trained.

General key learning procedure:
1. Enter the passcode and the number of keys
2. Turn on the ignition (new or existing key)
3. Click learn button
4. Wait until adaptation finished appears
5. Remove the key and turn on the ignition with the rest of the keys.
Some newer vehicles require you to wait five minutes before learning the keys with the key turned on.
ignition (Skoda Fabia 2006+, Skoda Roomster 2006+, Scoda Superb 2007+, VW Polo 2006+, Seat Ibiz a 2006+)
If there are special actions (requirements) in the training procedure, you will be notified during the training process.
For example, for some models it is possible to learn a key that is not purchased from a dealer. Also for some
models, you can train a key, and all previously trained keys will remain active.
  • Special function “Dump Tool”
Using this function, you can calculate access codes, correct the odometer, etc.
The EEPROM from the corresponding device is used. After the read dump contains
necessary changes, it is saved to a new file and can be written to the EEPROM of the device.
Dongle and USB interface self-diagnosis function.
There are two sections:
- Checking the dongle
- USB interface check
By pressing the “Detect” button in the dongle check section, if the key is correct, a dump is read
dongla. If the key is inconsistent, the reading will not be performed. If you define a dump file in
“dongle verification section” and click “Generate dump”, the dongle data will be read and saved. If you
get error message “0x10001” when doing VAG K+CAN CHECK, or other
problems connecting the dongle with the computer, send the hardware key dump to “ [email protected]
In the “interface check section” there is an option to perform interface discovery. "Detect" button
Interface“ checks the suitability of the interface, the firmware version and the identifier
interface. You can also do the K-Line test, the interface must be connected to OBDII and 12V.
If the interface is detected and the K-Line is connected, the test can be saved to a file (the "Generate" button
dump") This file is sent to the manufacturer if there are problems recognizing the interface.
The VAG K+CAN software update function allows you to update the software for
interface and to solve the problems indicated in the "Troubleshooting" section.

How much does computer diagnostics cost on average in your city? In Novosibirsk, the price tag is from 800 to 1500 rubles. Objective reasons why you should buy a cable for diagnostics:

  • You can read and delete errors yourself.
  • If you are not lazy, then you can fix the problem yourself.
  • You can always check the performance of the sensors.
  • Using a cable costing on aliexpress from 1000 rubles. I bought in Novosibirsk for 1500 rubles. By doing diagnostics 10 times you will save 9000.
  • You will constantly be asked to help) I don’t even know if this is a plus or not.

Vag k is an excellent device that allows you to do your own car diagnostics, as well as save your money.

Overview of the cable for self-diagnosis Vag commander.

VAG K + CAN Commander 1.4, like ELM, are the simplest adapters with a microcontroller on board. The main difference from ELM in this adapter is that work is carried out with K, L - lines directly, in addition to the microcontroller, similarly to a simple K-Line adapter. It follows from all this that the adapter at the iron level supports not only the standard ISO-9141 and ISO-14230 protocols like ELM, but also many other protocols that work on KL lines.

When buying a Vag commander cable, pay special attention.

If you have a blue cable in front of you, be careful, the Chinese installed the PIC18 F248 chip in the blue cables. In which there is 2 times less RAM than in the PIC18 F258, it is precisely due to this that the cable is buggy or sometimes does not work at all, you can check this by disassembling the cable and checking the number on the chip as in the photo below if you make a purchase via the Internet then buy a black cable.

If you have a black cable in front of you, there will be no trouble with it. If it is of course the same as in the photo on the left. On the right, the most stable PIC18 F258 chip, having bought it, immediately disassembled and checked it.

Programs for vag k + can commander 1.4

I use the following programs for auto diagnostics:

  1. TECU-3 is suitable for Nissan, Toyota, Daihatsu
  2. CASCADE 0.9.4 is universal and suitable for many brands
  3. Toyota TIS everything is clear from the name here, which is suitable for toyota diagnostics
  4. VCDS for VAG cars of Wolksvagen, Audi, Skoda, Seat
  5. And of course VAG K+CAN Commander 1.4 for VAG cars of Wolksvagen, Audi, Skoda, Seat

If the lace does not fit your OBD diagnostic connector, then you can always try to crucify the cable connector, I use dad-mom wires so as not to solder the lace,.

Download properly working versions of programs for auto diagnostics on vag k + can commander

If you download the CASCADE 0.9.4 program, you will need a crack that you can download or read in the article

Installing drivers and programs for vag k + can commander

The cable always comes with an installation disk with drivers and installing them is quite easy.

Before installing drivers, make sure your antivirus is disabled! On windows 8, you will need to disable driver signing. After the driver installation is complete, download TECU-3, if you are a Nissan or Toyota owner, you will need to specify the COM PORT in the settings, you can find out which COM PORT the driver is saved on in the device manager.

We select the adapter vag k + can commander in the window, the picture shows the Rx Tx adapter, we do not need it.

After that, in the car tab, select the brand and click on the document with the question, information about the ECU, highlighted in red.

Diagnostic lines, in the car tab, you can choose yourself or you can set an automatic search, engine diagnostics is the EFI Gasoline item.

The program has additional learning functions, such as learning to supply air at the idle, you can experiment.

You can view real-time parameters, erase errors and record graphs which are very helpful in diagnosing an oxygen sensor. The readings of the oxygen sensor should be between 0.1 and 0.9, if below 0.1 or above 0.9 then the oxygen sensor is for emissions. It is convenient to check the readings of the MAF and the MAF "Mass Air Flow Sensor".

Video review of the device

Video ELM 327 - cheaper analogue

I also have elm327 bluetooth, this device does not take Nissan cars, but it perfectly reads and removes errors on Suzuki SX4 and Honda CR-V RD9, and also shows the operation of sensors and fuel consumption.

You can always ask questions in our group

  • Compatible Hardware: SKU: VAG-1.4
  • Download the software from the (search for the matching SKU)
  • You will need 7zip or Winzip to extract the compressed folders. We recommend 7zip from or from our downloads page
  • There will be 2 software folders called "VAG-K_CAN_Commander" and "VWTOOL". There will be a separate guide for each software.

Software 1: VAG-K+CAN Commander 1.4

1. Locate the downloaded folder "VAG-1.4" to your desktop. Use 7zip or your file extraction software and unzip the compressed folder. Run the setup to install the drivers.

2. After extracting the folder, navigate into the folder and find the main application icon called "FTDI_Drivers_Win32_64".

3. Plug the VAG 1.4 interface's USB cable into your USB port. Windows will automatically detect the USB device and detect the drivers that were installed prior.

4. From your Device Manager, we'll set up the port settings:

Go to Control Panel> System > Hardware > Device Manager > Ports (COM & LPT), find the "USB Serial Port" go to the "Port Settings" tab, then click "Advanced" and set the Latency Timer (msec) to 1 .Press OK and OK to exit.

5. Now start the VAG+K+CAN Commander software from your Desktop shortcut. The software will identify your Interface"s Port Number. It should match the Port number found from the "USB Serial Port" in your Device Manager.

If Windows does not find the correct drivers:

  1. Go to Control Panel > System > Hardware > Device Manager > Ports (COM & LPT)
  2. Look for the USB Serial Port with the Yellow ! mark. This is the VAG 1.4 interface and indicating the driver was not installed properly. Double click "USB Serial Port" and click "Reinstall Driver"
  3. This will open the Hardware Update Wizard. Select "Install from a list or specific location"
  4. Click the browse button and point it to the "FTDI_Drivers_Win32_64" folder within the "VAG-1.4" folder from your desktop. This folder contains the drivers in case Windows can"t install them automatically.

Important notes:

  • If you connect the interface to another USB port, you will need to set up the port settings again (step 4)
  • Usage: Select type of connection to vehicle (CAN/K-line) > Choose some of the available functions for the current connection
  • For some actions, you need to establish a diagnostic session with the selected control unit

Software 2: VWTOOL (Requirements: Compatible with Windows XP only!)

1. From the disc, copy the folder "VWTOOL" onto your desktop. Use 7zip or your file extraction software and unzip the compressed folder.

2. After extracting the folder, navigate into the folder and find the setup file called "Setup"

3. The setup window will prompt you to install the software to C:\VWTOOL. Press Continue and finish the installation.

4. After the installation is finished, find the "VWTOOL" folder from your C:\ drive. From here, you can make a Shortcut to your VWTOOL software to your desktop. Before you can start the software, you"ll need to plug-in your VAG 1.4 interface

5. Plug the VAG 1.4 interface's USB cable into your USB port. Windows will automatically detect the USB device and automatically install the correct drivers. This may take a few minutes.

6. From your device manager, we'll setup the port settings. The VWTOOL software only allows you to use Port 1-4, so we're going to make sure the interface is configured to one of those ports.

Go to Control Panel > System > Hardware > Device Manager > Ports (COM & LPT), find the "USB Serial Port" go to the Port Settings tab, then click "Advanced". Change the Port to any port from 1 -4. We"ll use Port 1 for this guide. Set the Latency Timer (msec) to 1.Press OK and OK to exit.

7. Go to you C:\VWTOOL folder, then click on "CONFIGVW", select the Serial Port you selected from the device manager, select your preference for Display Units and click Accept.

8. Now you can start VWTOOL and begin using the application

Hello! I decided to write a review of a service and diagnostic adapter for a car that I recently bought on eBay, in particular a vag group.

A little background: the reason for the purchase was the loss of the key, the only one for my car (. For a very long time I was looking for where to buy and flash a new key: the officials are too expensive, and the delivery and key production times are the same as waiting for this adapter, in the garage services they shrugged or they asked for an amount comparable to the original key, and the terms were almost the same.Having smoked forums on the topic of self-binding the key, I realized that I needed to find out the immobilizer code and I couldn’t do without a cable (I first examined all the tidy and documents for the car for this code - some he might be right there.)

Now some materiel: the thing is that in all modern cars there is little coincidence of the key and the larva in the ignition lock, there is an additional protection called an immobilizer. Inside the key there is a so-called transponder, it serves to make the car's immobilizer understand that the key is "own". In order to bind this transponder to the immo, the above code is needed, damn it! Officials either have it in stock (due to the fault of the car) or read it with their super-duper diagnostic equipment. For us mortals, the Chinese offer a cheaper deal: buy an adapter from them and do everything yourself (at your own peril and risk), which I did.
Attention!!! I recommend connecting such things and pressing the buttons there only knowing for sure what you are doing, otherwise the consequences can be sad, if you are not confident in your abilities, I advise you to give the car to specialists!

So, the search began with specialized online stores on this topic, and sellers on ebay. As a result, an inexpensive functional adapter from the well-known tomtop store was chosen, only on ebay: at the time of purchase it cost $8.99+$7.99 shipping .

Here's what they promise for the money:

  • Performing all basic diagnostic functions: identification, coding, reading / erasing errors, adaptation, etc.
  • Odometer correction (CAN/K line)
  • Read Security Access Code/Login WFS.
  • Read/Write immobilizer data.
  • Read/Write Dashboard/Immobilizer EEPROM
  • Enable/disable TV/Video on the go
  • Read/Write EEPROM control units BOSCH VAG-EDC15x, VAG-ME7.1.1, VAG-Cartronic ME7.8, Porsche.
  • Prescribing keys (security code is not required).
  • Prescribing Porsche CAYENNE keys (security code is not required) K+CAN.
  • Read flash memory EDC16x, EDC15x, ME7x, MED951, MED751
  • Clearing "crash data memory" errors in AirBag
But in real life, everything is much more complicated: programs with an English interface, in addition, all actions need to be checked against codes with Elza (there are various codes for working with the diagnostic program). In addition, the adapter is rather highly specialized: for diagnostics, it is better to purchase another one, and for car models, even the vag group does not swing much ..

In general, I successfully ordered it on June 28, judging by the mark in eBay, it was sent the next day, it came exactly three weeks later. Packed well, but no pimply bags, I was upset - there is nothing to clap (.

Actually in the kit, as the Chinese promised:
one adapter
one sd driver

The cable is made soundly, there are no hanging ends, the soldering is neat, the wire itself is thick and durable, it won’t break if you accidentally pull it (it’s more likely that the USB will pull out of the computer), it connects to the diagnostic connector of the car as a native one. There are no pictures from the car, at this point everything was ready with the keys.

When installing everything went smoothly: the driver of the mikruhi cable was installed, a couple of programs that were included (commander and vagtul) started working right away. Both machines were identified, I only needed a commander, having prepared a manual, found on the forum, sent with a cable and a computer to the car .. I fiddled for a long time, besides this manual there were many nuances, either depending on the model, or on the memory of the assistants who wrote to me (one way or another after a couple of hours everything was ready, the machine did not stall after starting with a new key!
I remind you once again: to do in programs only what I am sure of, otherwise I read various reviews on the forums: for example, the pillows worked while working with the machine at the computer for one researcher, as a result, his own laptop slammed into his teeth, so more careful!!!

Well, as it should be on the forum:

There are a lot of programs and adapters for car diagnostics. This one is one of many. Its main purpose is not exactly diagnostics. It is generally more likely to work with immo and odometers. But one of the applications of this adapter is to work with the CASCADE program - the CarmanScan emulator. Actually, for the sake of this adapter was bought. Well, I decided to write a review after I slammed the non-original FTDI in it

So. The adapter is assembled rather carelessly, the flux is not washed off, FT232 is not the original and is being killed by new original drivers, the PIC seems to be correct, but there is no certainty, to be honest. Thus, the adapter is a ram, I do not recommend buying it, the review is over! ;)

Not a bad start, right? Now more

Exterior (after alteration) and guts:

As you can see, there is even a marriage of soldering.

We solder the rezuk into place, and get rid of the lace by installing a “printer” socket (this is when in large numbers adapters saves space just on an industrial scale):


Please note that I actually took this adapter only in order to check how it works with the cascade. Most likely I will not use it at all, even with native software, even with a cascade. ;)

Native software and some third-party utilities put here:
I have not tried the software yet and most likely I will not try it soon. For I don’t twist odometers, but other tools exist with immo, and it’s usually easier to install an emulator on old people.

Now for working with . It works stably, sometimes it doesn’t, but in general it works. You most likely need to play with the port settings (latency time, for example - 1 helps someone, 10 helps someone, default 16 someone, or better, install the original FTDI, because no one knows what kind of problems the Chinese copy will have on non-standard speeds like 10400), plus depends on the connection type and connection speed. In general, of course, it has no equal in terms of price-performance ratio, but I would not recommend doing something serious with it. Errors to read, parameters to look at - you can. Well, it’s clear that this is an emulator of an old device, support for which has long been discontinued and the machines are also only old and there are no updates and most likely there will not be.

Today I tried on Fiat Ulysses and Omega-B with a rare 8-valve engine. I didn’t take the Omega at all, Fiat doesn’t know this, but it knows the Peugeot 806, through which it works without problems.

The interface is simple and unpretentious

Let's look at identification:

Let's read the errors:

Now the options are:

Parameters in two columns:

Parameters in the form of graphs:

Parameters with errors:

For this machine and this engine, this is basically everything. Well, there is also a recorder and some presumably built-in multimeter, which does not work for us in principle and only hangs software. For others, there will certainly be adaptations and tests of actuators.

Now for the jokes. FTDI is non-original here, and I found this out right away by running the appropriate program. And this is the only non-original FTDI in my menagerie, or other better clones. The same one at one fine moment received Pid=0000 and became invisible to drivers.

How is it treated? And quite simply.
Well, first of all, let's download it. There is a utility for testing FTDI for originality and changing the PID if it is reset (but for this you still need the drivers to start working), the old drivers themselves, and software for removing drivers.

First, install the old drivers. I slightly modified the inf files so that they understand both pid_0000 and pid_6001 which was originally. Now even ftdi with zero pid will work fine for us. To do this, it will be clear for undecided devices with FTDI to specify the path to these old “universal” firewood. Further it is already possible to return pid by the utility for testing. But there is a nuance here - after the return, the adapter is picked up by a newer version of the drivers, which crashed it once already, and I'm sure it will crash more than once. And slipping new drivers - will not work, because Windows believes that those that are - they are already good, and even better than those that we slip to it. And for this we need a third archive. It has a software that allows you to remove the connection between the driver and FTDI with a specific vid and pid. I think you will figure it out - first we press the ADD button, then - remove devices. Now we have an unidentified device, more precisely, a device without drivers, but with the correct vid and pid. And now we point Windows to our old drivers, which are for both pid_0000 and pid_6001. Perhaps Windows will not immediately allow you to do this, it will think for a long time - but in the end everything will work out.

Ideally, of course, you need to demolish all new drivers from FTDI to hell, and then roll these old ones or some other old proven version onto all your devices. but IMHO it should work. In any case, it still works for me, and I experimented for quite some time.

Summing up: in general, a bunch of vag k + can and cascade is quite a powerful thing - for relatively old cars. But I can't recommend this adapter. It is both defective and non-original ftdi, and the flux is not washed off, and who knows what else is there. As for disconnects, I'm not sure. Either ftdi is to blame, or settings, or it's just a feature of this software. But it either flies, then loses contact with each bunch in seemingly identical conditions and on the same machine. That is, if you need experiments for your 13-15 bucks - no question. If you are a pro and you need a normal tool - well, this is not it. Although, again, you can buy "to be" for all sorts of strange and wild cases. Let's say I remembered it today, when multiscan couldn't decipher a couple of errors on this Ulysses. Or sometimes it happens that one scanner shows one set of parameters, the second - another, they partially intersect, but it would be necessary to observe this, this and something else at the same time. You can't connect two scanners at the same time. So if you, like me, do all sorts of junk, you have 15 bucks that you don’t mind spending on experiments and time for these experiments - well, go for it, cho. But - somewhere else. because this adapter is trash.

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